'VJT & 0 T s The Beid Bulletin liiittmt Mandi . !. al IIihI. Orrpm. n Mwwl-cl mivttrr. I'l'MUMIHIt KVBHV MV AT HNKm'TKHIM. U awmtto . ThW I jjUWWKIITIO HATHA: IW yaar.. 1 MMHtth... (Imrartablv la aHC.) - S AilMtlM whe n-Mi Hi chaac thtr ktMMkUn'W an lawr tbaa Taaadaj lccdlac tb lain Ih whlrh ctat I A wvt oJra FRIDAY NOV. 6, 1908 Who says religion in Bend isn't lookin' up? owe their life to spoils nml graft. 1 When an attempt is uuule to demise ' the public service they regard it us j it personal affront. To have their pntroiittgc pull interfered with is rank treason. The whole iiim is to purposes." The whole ttiui is to breitk Moody's power in Oregon unci at Washington. Whether his (tower is too gpwt or too little, this form ofattack is entirely reprehensi ble ami is sure to bring trouble for j its sponsors. There was a tinte when tb coun- v try would have more greatly re- jofced to learn that McCMlan had won a dwasive victory. News of greater activity along the line of the Pilot lltttte canal is ' good news for Mend. This, is an ' enterprise that is of the greatest importance to the D.chMe vnltay , nml everybody should lteljt it tilong in crerj' practicable way. f ij. a. i ' Help everything along that Mugs J local development ami progress, VTo buijd up and support home in dustry is the thing. That spirit " Will force any comnmuity ahead. J' Do your trading at home, prefer home people in all your dealiugs. .v Any outsider will lake your mottey if you let him, but that doesn't help the home community. , V v, Tammany carried New York V City by a plurality of wore than Y 60,000 last Tuesday, sleeting to k succeed Mayor Feth Low, George A, It. McCleiian, a son of the civil war ( general. Ohio went republican by f tr mm tv1irAlt. t.kdi.rj.iiv tlij ra. election of Hunna to the senate. Pennsylvania went heavily republi can as did also Iowa, where Cum mins, the tariff reformer was re ektcusd governor. Republicans al srwon in Massachusetts atid New Jersey. Rhode Islaml and Ken tucky went democratic. Mayor Schmitz, labor, was re-elected in Sin Francisco. Commi&siouer Richards, of the geuerat laud office at Washington, in his annual re(ort, lecom mewls that forest reserve scrip be made apitlicabk only to non-tiuibered laud. There is much justice in this and it 'would afford a very simple rewtely to a very great abu.Mt Much of the base ued for scrip it.strip)ed of its timber before it is surrendered to the govern ment. Then the stripped laud is exchanged for other laud that still has valuable timber. If congress shall adopt the suggestion of Com missioner Richards this double realizing on timber would be stop ped. An eutrymett could strip his original tract if he chose, but he coukl only take non-timbered laud iu lieu thereof. A very simple remedy indeed, but also one that would be imHtrtaut ami far reach ing. It is to be hoped that con gress will adopt the suggestion. 3 ? Oregon property owners have Iteeu enduring with true Christian fortitude these many years the calumny that they don't like to pay taxes. The legialattwe failed to provide for a tax levy uext January, though the assessors have prepared for it by setting up values enor raously.' Now (he taxpayers, in order not to be robbed of the joy of paying next year, want to have an extra session of the legislature to authorize a tax levy, and they are willing to pay the extra coat of $1 5,000 for the privilege. Here after it cannot be said that Oregon ians don't like to pay taxes. ' A man applied, to The Bulletin this week for a copy of the game laws of the state, lie was going up on lite homestead to spend the winter and his nearest neighbor much of the time would be more than a dozen miles away. Still he! wished to abide by the game laws of the state, though he should be far away from possible detection iu their violation. This is a most in structive example of conscientious citizenship. He wanted to do right for right's sake, not from fear that the officers of the law would get on his track. This spirit will reform ,the world) if it is ever reformed. The name of this man Is Nels C. RaSmussen. hb indictment of ex-Congress, man Moody by the federal grand jury at Portland, on the charge of interfering with the course of the mail in a stated case, is chiefly fcignifidaift because it reveals the desperate straits of certain political interests in Oregon'. Tlfese forces The world doesn't need more "religion" or churches. It his too muck and too 'many now. It does need men and women of character of hottest purposes, industry and clean living. Too often "religion" and the church are a refuge for people without character.. The cliarity that was first named Christ ian was broad and wholesome but it has wofully degenerated in these orthodox ' times. The cardinal virtuosof ood dtJaeuship are not multiplied by increasing' the num ber of churches. The modern church is a very worldly institution and the tendency of the time is not toward greater spirituality. Men and women of character are the great need of the time. We can tiot have too many of these. Colony of Wild Dogs. Down iu the hills ami sand coun try north of lone, iu Morrow county is a eolqiiy of wild dogs," hounds, shepherds and collies, that rustle for themselves, and are as afraid of man as the coyote or any other wild animal, says the Heppuer Oaactte I'or years a few of these wild dogs have been known to exist, but uothitig was thought of it until lately when 10 of these descendants of the best friend of man were counted iu one band. , A short time ago a farmer who residue in the salid country was out on the prairie with a water wagon to get a load of water. He was startled by the furious barking of dogs and when he saw 15 ugly, growling dogs coming toward him, he lost no time in getting onto his wagon. The dogs are getting to be a post and arc said to be dangerous. A party will be organized to hunt them down. (lone to Their Homesteads, C. W. Sweet and the Rolxjrts boys left .Monday for their home steads up the river. Sweet went up by stage his outfit having pre viously been freighted to his claim, butthe Roberts b&ys and their goods and chattels were taken up by J, N. Hunter. After a Week or two all will return to Bond foj- 'Juyjiilc before finally going in hud holing up for the winter. Nels C. Ras musseii left today to go to his homestead and he does not. expect to come 'duVtill spring. Deceit t.niut. I'IiiaI I'twf NOT1CK KOU I'UIHiirATlON. U. S. Uml uffle. The ltoll, Ormn, , NnvtuiWr I, law. Nallaa It IimkI.v .twit Dial Uaura 1' l5rj. f IftutHUt, Vltrgnn. tlM Wt MU flHtMinHI on In ilrMR-wtHi ewmi ro im . 1.. .. v ,i . w la. tdfnra I. I LHIV drtt.. t I'llMtrtll. OreiUHI, M umUy. Ini () r Dwiwwti ! Up i4Amh lli Aili.iwInM uiluriHK III liter tilt mniiKrte Tmin hT iimmhmi r mm MM: J V WtHttr, llrrlwet Otmkr J AhJww 1 hNhtv.ttf SMcn. tirrin, WuHtr H RhM. of CbIvtt, OrKM HXllI Mlv'IIAKt. T !it.A!. KeMtr. tMMTt l.nrnl. MmI ITwrf. N'OTICR I!H)U pritLK'ATlOX. I'. S. Unl iM, Tht Pall. Orrfm. NovtMitirr 1. iff Kotk la twrrhv ivi that )rny Cntncr, WMttMrJta lUrcrew, of HMrn, Orm, hi SMOiMitfc! uf imI. iitl.m In wakr jmiof on hit 1errt-taMctalni i"V lorlhvwlt w( w M HrK K ji li ii . r II r, w m. twbr W A Rtlt, U.CaiiiiMiiMr, al lftMrU, Orqpm, mm Satantay, ill- mi ty r Imm-iuMt, i4j, lit MaMMi Ikr rainwiaa wilnaiun U iran tit camptt IrlaMliun ana tTctaamlltgi of aM taadt JvaK ItarMVK ami Walltr II IHnlgt. ot (Ma rkatr, OfaaMi Hohtrt McftowaM iM .Mawk McOowan, qTr?lhtill, imaoa. mS-Mh MKHAKL T. KotAN, HaWar. xofTci, for 1 mlt 1V1 1 catTox7 tMfMttmrnl ath tMtvttmp, iMt OVbt l Tnt Daltva. Urafw. Mowmhrr t, ,. NattK h twtthr thai I Ik dltawlnii itaaMd M4(lar Ha. hir 1 aullcc af hi' Inlraltaii to atkt SHal Br.f in wafnrl of hki rtalw. auti Umi Mid un f Mill b made lMr J. J Amlla, Cntaiyl'lrrl.. at frliwjrlll, Omraa, un Ttmrwtajr. Itfccatlirr i-tb, iw HuWH II. Krug. f HM, Oiaerni. II K W H. bf Umi ! . lf HWKMMiSmK i. la M ,riaa, wm Hmiiii la fillwt nliMun to ftt bta coMImmmm rniv apau mat rwMtaUH af ant tAttd. viai K A OrakaM. W T Wttaaa. UarV Wtttaa4 Ckariva TltMMaa. aU afsMtft. Ortta. I 3I1CHAKI. T. Fil.... atMr. Ttater Uh. Art Jmm j, llj. N0TIC15 FOR lM?niiICATION. Kotlaa to katatr ta that la cawpMaam wtla thr pratataaurihc Art at cnajrial of )aar t, ira, tatttM. "Aa act tor ta atl of ttaiba laad la tat uttAufCallfcarala. Orvgaa. Navada, aad Waalatoa Ttrrttorjr." aa raWaaM u alt taa tNrtdlr laad Malt br Art uf Aa 4. ia. Jilbrrt K laruaa. of SartiWv, eoanly f t-irrtv. ut of H'aahla ton; baa Itad ta lhl ufae bl awora Malrwmi Xo itai, lor tbr purvaaaraf la aw air arc ji. In a, r it , w at. Aad'wtH ar iuf la abaw Ibal IK taatl aaagbl aaarc traliwtac S U Uaibtr or Mime lhaa for asrtcaliarl unrpuara, aad U aatabluh hit claim to ,i Uat h-for J J Maiiih Canal CWfk. al lfiaittr, ttrvgaa aa Wtdawa bay. llw rath d. y uf IkcrtaWr. law ll aaay aa wliaraan ftabtTl I. McMatttry . atrroa eaay. 1, r. Ainacnam aaa ura ratanraiar, all or Z. F. MOODY, General Coiiimissioii S Forwarding Merchant SIIANIKO, ORI-OON. I.MIGli AND COMMODIOUS WAKIiilOUSE CONSIGNMENTS SOLICITED. Prompt attention paid to thote who fnvor me with their (tHtruiiiiKC. Uniler New iMnitngeiuetit, llunrd by the Dny or Week. THE PILOT BUTTE INN, A. C. LUCAS, Proprietor. llootlt & Coruett Stages stop at the door. Only Livery Ham on the DexhuteH, run In connection with the Hotel. Tabic supplied with all the Delicacies of the Season. IMrsl-claM equipment. lfine RiMMim and lleds. IJIHND, OREGON. u 1 CIIAMI' H.MITII IW'M Vl.KfK rrriatvtltt. oria. Aay aad alt tr..u ctalMlaa atlrtrarly ihr abur-dcrlbrt UnU r Maraud la il Ibalr ctaliaa ta lata oaVr on or brbra lb aald 1Mb day of Omaibai. iuv oydii K. M. NRATTAIN KMr Ttataar Uaad. Act Jaar , !? XOTICU Ft)R PUBLICATION. V. a. Laad OaV. Taa Italia, Ofaajo. OatnWr la. ra. Kotkr It brralnr aivaa tbat ta rajaaaUaac wHh Ibr pivrlatuaa of ibr Act of CafMriai af Jaaa y, iirAnrtiOM. "AaafTryta;atfofUaUarj MB UM tAMtal 41 CaMHaMHaV OWpHa aHVM MM "TVvapalHal jf ""VJHJfpTl. 99-araWHalSSSa ! ssW pflaaj 1Cnaa7awrfafcaMlMraTcr la'lbk aMtv tbatraaiaa-a WilaiaiaU. UMrtl. Ktcaard 1. itarmaH. of Tb llallaa, couaty aT Waaau. atat af Oragm vtora MirtaaMt no aim aim rty ta, for tb panrbaa af the mh k aad tit mc 11, t it , r . w m. Ida M. lltawlraat, of Milliard coaaurof Saatiaat. laU of Wab- laitua awora ulalaaaral Na 17M. Sld Marab ). ariaaaK. awK aH a, r id, w m. out. h awfc taut, tut tbr uurcb af 1 aadnrii m-mtm. lrM Oanraa W Martta. of t Kaat Krtl atraat, Pontaad. oaaM af Viutmaah atate of Orvgoa, awora Watrairal No iru a kd March 17, iv"l. for tbr aarrbaai af imm at n pre , iff 1 a. r vm a. w m. of Ta Datlr caaalj arora atal mrat Mo I tMyi, li i( , llaah l'l aalvuTWaaca. OalaofOmaa: al met Hu laia. SUd rrby . laal. for Ih nrrrbaar uf tltr M a . aw aK aad aaf lH arc ji. ip l), r 10. w m, flaatDe Waba. of Carllatr. coaaty af rraitaaM, Mala af MaHh uakca. laura intianat io Mia, aiari p), ibr tbr parch of tb mK J. r iv r. w m Mtc Wbb, afCartlal. coaat af l-awbtaa. tat af Nattb ttaanta. awura UltrHat Ma Mil. Mad IMrjr a. ivj, hit thr paitbau af lb U im, li , r 1 . w m 'Tkatihcy wlttonr jvroofuntiow ihat lb laad Might i hm ralot4 for Iu timber or tUMw lhaa in atnotMarat turHai, aad to MabM4i Ibrlr claim, tu aald laad Utfor la Mgfcfcrr aad arlrrr al Tb (Mil. OraboM, oa ThMrMaty, Janaary il 1004. Tbry iiaiur a wrKacaarai lldnla II Orabaai aad Ju a orabaai. of Maura. Otaaoa; Itartd Mannn ml lulby War, of U'braton, MtaaaaMa. I'Hgt H M.rtlo. of forUaad. Orraou, Nlchaal Coaaor M nlH OraandwataraMd llHh I'matrr, of Tba lijik. Ofatoa; 1 U IlidlU aad Ida M UtawarTTi -,1 llBtyaru, Waahta(im. Oaora Wrooa .j(t llrc Webb, of CarltaU. N IbiKaaa. abownlc ntd Uad ar claim la ilmaf of Jaauary iih AM) aiiU all MTaaM ataiwlag ulratarly tba luvclm iild Luida ara raniMMcd to At lhr ctatmiB ihif&imorUHHllKiiW natrfay MICHAKt T. NOLAK, KfMar. Columbia Southern RAILWAY. I'AaUKMOItK TKAIK TIMH CAKI. MfTbjadlvr l'duary I. IJ , ijm ) laMttMrnwl ' Saalb r IMH.V MM. t4V r.M. STATIONS. i 1 1 I 1 l ' 7 ' JJ 1 i ou ' 3 ! I 111 4 i 4 I A . -J IM I AbHir .H(HlttM'"",",'"M" ..M....MM1U('0B.I...M..' MM. .. ,OttU y, ,..,-flllll...M,...l wo.ea. ....w..KoiKly1(vf ........J?iiihiiiII , . Hay Oinyoir Jiuirtlnii ....... ...Mitftoiiakl.., ,..r.. .....Irl(H 1., .iiuru. .......lrki.iIH.-. flrotn Viilloy . .llllllllOII..., ...,.,.,.." .HUM. .;;;'.;!-'rTiiA.siKo-".'.;!!; H. I. IMII.V I'ASa. ARRI1I A.M. II a 11 a ia la ji 10 Iff IJ 10 it i m OSft 8 0 oo .iAHUy ataae coiiileelloii" Pt fttjpnlko .fur Alltel" VM. Kriiirvllla. licinl, lluriii, fillrcr j.ake, Ike- vlt Miuiitir,i)yvll A,f',i A'nwoo.1, can- you City, John DaCltyi and I'.ill, il L I 1 r JA S i jSLy & SAIITII tS: CLRKK'S W ITTT ,( PJ VM EL a i U 11 - V R ii r aSaF' P. I ON Wholesale and Retail Liquor House PHINEVILLE. ORISGON. Plne.it Umnilfi of l.lniiors nml Cigar. Two dmirs iilli of Itank. A. H. LI PPM AN &, CO. itaAl aaa la a It r.vrr.u, u. iv "nil 1'... Sliauiko, Or, ). D. wortinnntav, HupCtluUilJtllt. ttluulko, Or Furniture and Undertaking Stoves, Wall I'Jpir, Il.lWtof ihttrisb, Lie. MAIL OKDIillS PROMPTLY AHLNDED TO. PRINEVILL.3, OR. SS PHINtnUUi, OKCGON. iainilton Stables & Redby Feed Barn BOOTH & CORNUTT, Proprietors. Stock boarded by the duy, week or month. Fine Teams and Rigs, and Reasonable Rales. Wrst-clasH Kacilitieit for Hnudling locators and Commercial Trawler-, fjtikk Service and Satisfaction Cluaraiitecd. Ifyou want a dntl or niwtlfi dmwm ' or ttaknowliMlgiKl or any buatnaai ma . projmriMl Jrte J. M. Lawrence fttwift it. ' Ifyoiiwisli to know what tint public, laud lnws, iustructioiis ami riitliifs Brit, or what the .stntu or Unitod AtattM stat. utod my you can Hud out al his oHlca. l,l,i has full nuts of nil tUnw'Uookri, LUMBER . S"- w. FOR SALE- ROUGH AND DRESSED .., a.- ALL KINDS AT PILOT BUTTE DEVELOPMENT GO'S. MUX Columbia Southern Hotel SIIANIKO, 0RIK10N, HATKS FROM 1.50 Ul l'UR'DAY. Itot and Cold water on both floors, Hnths for the uBc of guests, Uvofy modt'rn convcnicnca nt hand. The dining room, under the direct supervision p Mr. Kcqiicy, is a Very model of tastcAil, Uitless elegance, and the service, is equal to any in the state. ' All Ktages'arrive at and leave the Columbia Southern, J. AL KUUNllV Proprietor, ,llia, viMtfl ibvu tUJVSSBt