The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, October 30, 1903, Image 5

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Jifter Eating
KniiRuu bohvoen inonl, liolchliifr, vom
lUiir, llntiilonuo, 11 1 4 or ncrvou lioad
rxliu, mlii In (ho atoinncli, are nil
yiiiiloins of dyHpppiln, and tho longer
It I inflected tho harder It li to euro It.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
and Pills
Itadlcolly and permanently euro It
.truiifrlhon nml tono tho atonmch mid
other illKOntlvn oran for tho natural
iwrfonnanco of their function!.
Acorpt no iiihttltuto for Hood'.
I "I hid dyiprpiu twenty-firs years and
look illlTtrrnt medtrlnei but tot no holp
nnUl I brian taklnf Hood's RarMparllla.
llaire taken four botttti of thla inedicln
nd can now rat almost anything ilnp
well, hire no crampi in ray itomach, no
bunilnc and no dlilreii.T Mae. William
0. II. asm. X Oloey fit., Prorldsnce, It. I.
Hood's Snrsaparllln promises t
ur and kooco tho promise).
A Discriminating Doit.
"Vwi tho iicllibor complain about
my dtK."
"IW he hltr?"
"No; Iiii'h Iixi aflrrtlonatr. Hn linn
tlm reputation of ImiIiik u JikIkk of bran
ty, uud ovrry tlmo u pretty moiiiiiii
pmuiw along tho itrrvt ho frUlcs about
"I should think tho women would
"Vm, but lhfr ro only two pretty
wotmrn on tho street the other coin
plained." Cleveland I'laln Dialer.
lis Would Know In Due Time.
Kdytli Ih It true that you nro en
Bn((ed to Jnck7
Mnyiuc Yen; but you nro not to
mention It, I'm not qtilto miro that
Jack kilobit It iih yet. Htruy Htorlos.
One I'rom the Orowltr.
llumlcy How did "Tho Drunkard'
Dream" fttrlko you?
Kreezer An tho work of bad whiskey
and a worao artist.
One Pleasure (lone.
"I mippoio, Mien Itambo," mid tho
caller, "that your fatlior fools much
happier now that ho hai been cured ol
hi rliuinatlsm7"
"Well," explained tlm young lady,
"ho feeli better when ho realitee that
he dooi not hare to eufler any more)
but he fool pretty bad when he remem
bers how exactly he used (o bo able to
foretell the weather," Judgo.
Gray ? I
"And now,
ry Op.
young man,
l.t i in . in..
uiu (isreun, eoiomniy, "lei your uauy ivbat to Bat
IUIUh Haled.
flutter an oral mould slightly, then
nrninKo cookM mncaron! and trufllcs
around tho aldei. Orate six cucumber,
ndd to half pint of water, with allco
of onion; simmer Are minutes; rcmoro
union and add one toanpoonful salt.
one-fourth teaapoonful white pepper,
one tablospoonful gelatine, softened,
two tablespoonful white wlno ylne-
irar; line the mould with this, alao;
then add any preferred meat, fliu or
fowl, cut flno with celery, green pep
pern, moisten with aeaaoned and atew-
Ind tfttnaimi. Hnt on tp until firm.
tholnarnlah wild tnavonnala nt naratov.
"My lulr wis railing out and
turning gray very fan. But your
Hair Vigor slopped the falling and
restored the natural color." Mrs.
E. Z. Benomme. Cohoet, N. Y.
It's Impossible for you
not to look old, with the
color of seventy years In
your hair ! Perhaps you
arc seventy, and you like
your gray nalrl If not,
use Aycr's Hair Vigor.
In less than a month your
gray hair will have all the
dark, rich color of youth.
11.89 a UMt. Mtnttim.
Stlclcnoy OcihoIIiio Engines
Fifty dollar can bo (tared by buying
tho above. Will run cheaper, chopping
16 to 20 bmheli! per hour, wood eaw, well
drilling machinery, pumps, etc. Wrlto
for cntaloguo. RftERSOH MACHINERY CO.
Foot of Kottlton Sired. Fotllind, Orrrtm.
Hnestintbeworld Hit
right down and wrlto
for beautiful Illustrated
special catalogue on rono
itiialie. Koiimia Brot.,7
GUmo St., FcrttinJ. Ortraa.
motto bo 'On hlghl
"No, that'e my nightly motto,"
chuckled tho txrty youth In Ih) Pana
ma, "I apend my erenlngi ou tho roof
garden." Chicago Dally tfewe.
Illi Iluilncii.
your proiecllTo
Lait Touch of Rcallim.
Tlio photograph and moving picture
hao Wen combined, aay the Chicago
Tribune, thua making It oanlhle to
givo tho Inat touch of iraliiui to prize
light vien.
Sure or Ohio, im vr tolilo, i .,
Lvci count r "'
KaixtJ Imikit makitotlh that ha It tba
Blor iiitrolibt ntmol r i Caixar 4 Co.
doliif builnr.i In lh Cllr ol TultMo, Pounlr
nil nui alot.jtld, ami ll.i t.ld firm will tj
IbaiutnolUNK IIUNDMKD iHILIalUllor tieb
ami Trr e ol CtUrth thai r.onol U cuttd
br IbauMol lliu'i t'lTmta Ccaa.
rKANK j ritesicr
flworn lo Miora n and tibtfrlL.d lu n.
prMB, Iblttikdtot tJtctinUr, A. H. lui
Ilalra Catarrh Curt It tann InUrnall and ui.
dlracUr on lb blood aod muroui turUcct ol
UtajUa. iWoil lorlntlmooUt, lre.
. . . f.J. Clir.NKV ACO.,Taldo,0.
UiU'i raiBlljr lllla at the UC .
Cream Cuitard Pie.
Beat ono egg, add tothlrd cupful
ol augar and trim In one and one-hall
cikpfula of good cream. Mil well,
add n pinch ol aalt. I.lue it pie plate
with paato, tour in tho cream mixture
and grate a little nutmeg over the top.
Bake elonly and ere Juat cooled. De
troit Free l'rrai.
Wild Anlraala In Captivity.
Captivity change animate' nature.
A Hon raptured when it I full grown
will alway bo trracheroui, but Bonn,
tlgcre, leopjird and other rarnlvorou
animal that have been born In ciiptlv
Ity can bo Utiivd till they are quite a
gentle and alfectlonato a poodle dogi.
law'a bualneia?" aikenl the old friend.
"Lorn-making, principally," growled
the old man. "At leait, I don't eeo
how he find tlmo for much of anything
elee." Chicago Poit.
Pr;ept aid Practice.
Oebwlgger Kereral millionaire
hare written their opinion a to how
lo make a fortune.
Merltl I read that article. The
funny thing I that not one of them ad
rlaed following tho plan by which he
got rich hlmaall. Judge.
A tenon 'n Gravity.
"Archlmede," read the pupil,
leaped from hi bath thoutlng 'hurekal
Kurekal' "
"One moment, Jaraei," laid the
teacher, "what I the meaning of Eu
rea7" "Kureka mean I hare found It."
"Very well. What had Archlmede
Jamei heiltale for a moment, then
renturei hoe(ullyt "The oap,
mam." Judge.
No Widowhood Yet.
"Ah!" ilghed the oeteaio( paialon,
in a tenae tone, "hare you nerer
prayed and hoped for death?"
"Many and many a tlmo," replied
the petulant young beauty, "but It
doetn't eeetn to be any ue. My hus
band I eeventy.flre now and he looki
to be good for ten year moro at leait."
Philadelphia 1'ren.
Young Wife (rather nerrouily) Ob,
cook, I muit really apeak to you. Your
mailer I alway complaining. One
day it It the toup, the second day it I
the flih, the third day It li the joint-
In fact, It'a alwaya tomething or other.
Cook (with feeling) Well, mum
I'm truly aorry for you. It moit be
quite awful to lire with a gentleman ol
that ort. Punch.
Muhiil I'oUtoaa, MllanaUa.
Boll the required number of potatoes
till done, drain till tbey are perfectly
dry; then uiaah wltli a fork tlU amooth
and creamy, mohitenlng during the
maahlng procee with chicken atock.
Heoaou with solt and white pepper and
add conilderabU whipped cream
enough to enable you to beat the pota
to with an egg beater. Put Into a dlah.
tmooth lightly, sprinkle grated parme
ann orer the top and brown In a rather
hot orcn. The Bplcure.
If your drnrgut tannot lapplr
Mod m on dollar and win eiprtM
too a bottla. nature and rlta tba nun
1 your oeareii eiprtM omn.
. rn . -" ... i T'
i v. aii,ii aj tAwaii, joaaa.
Hhred fine white cabbage Into bits.
Tut a layer of the cabbage In the bot
tom of tho keg and cover with a layer
of Jt eprlnklnd on generously, then
add more cabbage and more salt and
proceed In ttda way until the keg I
full, preoalng down each layer hard.
Tut a weighted board on the surface
of the cabbage and stand away to
ripen. The liquid will exude from the
cabbage and salt and the ecu in must
be removed. Htood for some weks
bofor usmr.
Frld Carrot.
Hare very young, small carrot,
scrap and clean well and split In two
lengthwise. Drop Into boiling fat and
let cook till tender and brawn. If pre
ferred, they may be dipped In egg and
crumb before frying. In arranging
for the tahle scatter chopped chlrea
and chopped parsley orer them. If
liked, a sauce of melted butter and
lemon Jute seasoned with paprika
may be passed with the carroU.
"Ah," he said to her over their Ice
cream, "It is very sweet, but not ao
iwceioiiyou." "It is eoft," she re
turned promptly, "but not so soft as
you." "And It la cold," he conclud
rd, "but not so cold a you." Phlla
dclphia rrcos.
For forty year'a riao'a Cur for Con
sumption hae cured cougba and oold. Jit
druggists. I'rloo ia cents.
Birds tod Floods.
Many birds have an instinctive pre
ecienco of floods, and will change the
positions of their nests or make other
provisions for safety just before a heavy
rainfall results in a flood which sleeps
away their former home.
TM tot TtXiJtix AM toiren tM
kraa tttoHi tNtt Tirj tit rale n
UcA or jBa for tA to ct art wort.
hfuXxn All txltik deaVo xl Uv
AJ.WfH CajCTODttiittlA.
ehronic Sores
EStltltlS UlCCrS, Upon"thf Systm
Nothing. la a source of so much trouble as an old core or ulcer, particu
larly when located upon the lower cxtrernitiea where the circulation 13 weak
and oluxcbh. A gangrcnoun eatlnr; ulcer upon the ler la a frightful sight,
and as the polion burrows deeper and deeper into the tissue beneath and the
sore continues to spread, one can almost sec the flesh mcltluf; away and feel
the strength going out with the sickening discharges. Great running sores
and deep offensive ulcers often develop from a simple boil, swollen gland,
bruise r pimple, and are a threatening danger always, because, while all
audi sorts arc not cancerous, a great many are, and this should make you
suspicious of all chronic, slow-healing ulcers and sores, particularly if can
cer iums ia your family. Face sores are common and cause the greatest
annoyance occanse mcy arc so per
sisteut and unsightly and detract so
Much from one's personal appearance.
Middle aged and old people and
those whose hjood Is contaminated and
tainted with the germs and poison of
malaria or some previous sickness, are
the chief sufferers from chronic soren
and ulcers. While the blood remains in
an unhealthy, polluted condition heal
iag is impossible, and the sore will
continue to grow aod spread in spite of
washes and salves or any superficial or
surface treatment, for the sore Is but
the outward sign of some constitu
tional disorder, a bad condition of
the blood and system which local
remedies cannot cure. A blood purifier
aft lna(r Ja what vnil Mr-ttL Some-
thing to cleause the blood, restore its lost properties, quicken the circula
tion and Invigorate the constitution, and S. S. S. is just such a remedy.
S. S. 8. reaches these old chronic sores through the blood. It goes to
tha very root of the trouble and counteracts and removes from the blood all
the impurities and poisons, and gradually builds up the entire system and
strengthens the sluggish circulation, and when the blood has been purified
anu mc oyoicm jjmi;cu ui on jyuiuiu,
unhealthy matter the healing process
begins, and the ulcer or sore is soou
entirely gone.
S. S. S. contains no mineral or poison
ous drugs of any description, but is guar
anteed a purely vegetable remedy, a blood
purifier and tonic combined and a safe aud permaueut cure for chronic sores
and ulcers. If you have a slow-hcalln sore of any kind, external or internal,
write us about it, and our physicians will advise you without charge BooV
on "Tho Dlood and Its Diseases " free.
Rpanlsh CraaM.
Tut the yolk of eight eggs, four
ounces of sugar and a quart of milk
Into a double boiler aud cook slowly till
It thickens. Add to It two ouncea of
powdered gelatine dlaaolred lu a very
little water. When this Is quite cool
add a pint of freshly made strawlierry
marmalade, and a pint of whipped
cream, rut Into a mould and net ou
Ice till the cream Is quite stiff and
firm, whleh will take probnbly from
two to four hours.
SaatUmtn I About Un yaara ajro a
small aora oame on aacU ot aay anklea.
Saw (at into the plaoa and tbay be.
oasaa Ur, eattns; ulcere, and, Z auf
fared latanealr for nearly tan yeara.
Z had spent nor thau B4S0O.0O try
ing to ret weil whan X obanead to
R. B. 0. SdverUead In a Xemphla
paper. Z baaan to take It and
cored. My llmbe have never been
ore or aiven mo any pain at all
alnoa. I have recommended II. B, 8.
to a err at wany people, and am now
Ktvlng it to tar nine-year-old son for
Xoaema. Durlns- my lour alekneae X
was llvlnr near Xemphla, Tenn., but
nave oinoo romovea to Jtaneaa uny,
and am now residing at Si. 014
Vast BtsUeath Btraet.
Xre, B. A. XAKKI3.
Xanaaa City, Xo.
Curumbtr Cataap.
Three doren cucumbers and eighteen
iiiedluni-Klzcd onions peeled and chop
ped very fine. Mix thoroughly with
three-fourths of a pint of salt, place
lu devr, and let drain over night. Add
ono half pint cup of whole mustard
seed, ground black popper to taste
(aUiiit one-fourth of a cup). Mix all
thoroughly and rover with tho brut
malt lnegar. llotlle. A fine relish
with IInIi dishes.
Knit In water Is tho bent thing to
clean haski-t-ware and matting.
Caiillllnwer used for pickle should
be prepared by first boiling the vegeta
Quinces and pears should be boiled
In clear water until tender before be-
lug put In the syrup.
Kgg shells crushed and shaken in
gloss bottlm half filled with water will
cleanse them quickly.
When Juice I left from canning it
may be boiled low, made Into Jelly or
syrup for flavoring purposes.
Coffee roaatcd on a hot shovel, sugar
burned on hot ronls, or vinegar boiled
with myrrh nml sprlnklrd on the floor,
are cxcelelnt dcodorlzem.
If any foreign substance Is swallow
ed which Is sharp, n needlo for In
stance, do not give an emetic, but con
lino tho dlot to mashed potatoes for
two day.
Many good housekeepers rely alto
gether on keroiK-iio for poltihlng furni
ture, removing scratches and uiudghtly
mark In general.
Hooks kept In ordinary bookshelves,
and thus oxposed to the air, will keep
much better than thoso In bookcases
with closed doom.
To remove walnut and fruit stains
from tho lingers, dip them in strong
tea, rubbing tho nulla with It with a
mill brush; wimh In vnrm water; the
stains co mo out Instantly.
A wooden rolling pin, without linn-
dhtt and covered with flannel, Is used
by one woman when pressing sleeves
nnd wrlstbnndH. Tho pin la Inserted
Into tho sleeve, which, she snys, will
then prctw a readily ns It It were
Hat surface.
Motban will end ltn. Wlailow'a ftoelMn
rrnp tba bed remedy to nu tor tbelr ehlldran
Ute laatblof nuoo.
One of Many.
Meyer Did you eer see a man-eating
Gyer No; but I once saw a man eat
ing cattish.
Meyer Indeed 1 Where?
Gyer In a restaurant. Chicago
Dally News.
Little Liver Pills.
Must r Signature ef
U Fac-Slmlle Wrapper Bilew.
"A tap worn Icbteen feat loer a
I?JiVe.5?J52 "JJvfy "r r taklaa-two
OASCA IET3. Ttl I am sure baa eauaad my
bad health for the past three rears I am itlll
takloeCaacarau. the only cathartic worthy of
SMUee by aaaalbla people.-
, . aiowLae, uairo, hiss.
tmaoi uaa afaianato
5iS"- ,t," I'oual. Tail flood. Bo
SUHUt W Cmft, nir.,.. (nrf, tm Vh. M
Tory eaaall m& aa a aay
taka aa aaga.
Iuanvraa twm lun ,itv c 1
1 jaMaarseswernser- '
PI Ufa
NB.TQ.11R 8I4 an jranua bj alldrof
n)IHalKU aiiutaCtUCKToaaaraliaaiir
3.22 &3 SHOES lags
Tea can aava f roa $3 to S3 yearly by
wearing W L-Deaglai $3.40 er 33 shoe.
They iiqual those
that have bn eoau
log you from 94.00
to SS.CO. The im
mente sate ef W I..
Uoog lai ilioei ptovca
their auperiotity over
all other makaa.
Sold by retail shoe
dtaiers everywhere
Look for name aod
price on bottom
Tkat Daif lu am far
eaalelt truu Ik.r. li
tali la PeiUa !. i
teraaa It Ik hlhtt
iraot rai.Maiatr aui,
(hr $4 Out tf lint, amiti
Kko a; mill, 14 ral tilra. IlltilriUd
CatalarfrM. IT. L. DOtGHS. Drerktea, Hau.
tiualtamt any pttt.
Ka 4J ISO).
WHEN wrlttns; to advertisers pleaaa
nantlnn tbla paper.
C. Gee Wo
This wond.rtul fbh
im doctor Is csJIM
I rt Iwraata bs cum
peopls wtihsai Optra
ilso ibst arsslTsii ur
lo dls. lis cures wUh
tbfts onOtrful I hi
m hrrls, roots, hwti.
bull aad rclablM
Ibil are nuraljr un
kaswo to msdlral set-
sacs In this counlrr Tbroufh lbs w ol
inc.. airmins ttmMIn this raneus doctor
knows lbs action of over too dlffrrtnt rm
edit, which b surcssstally ntss In dIBtrsot
distuss. UssuaraottTstocurs cattarb. astb
rut, tunc, throat, rbtumatlam. otrrooioMi,
stomach, llTtr, ktdntjri, tie. , iu buodrsji of
KtUruoalala. fbum modtrsts. Call aod
s him. I'allsats eul of tbs cllr writs for
blsnkisrtdrlrcutiri. H.nit itinn fHiKMtli-
iiiw nm.c AUUltrvttS
TBc C Gcc Wo Chinese Medicine
PortlaaJ, Orsfsi
Z3J Aldtr St..
Sw-MisUsm yasr.
ie Co. I
Promptly cures all
Ti. h BaK
Teeth Extracted Absolutely
Without Pain and all kinds ot
Dental Work Dono by Wise
Urothern, the Painless Dentists.
Optn evenings till I.
Sundays (torn 0 to 12.
WISE PROS., Dentists
UK. t
Or. Mala 2020.
20B.ZI1 railing Bids, Cor. 3rd & Wash. Sis.