The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, October 23, 1903, Image 8

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    ,... .,,,... n,. .,. -j,. i i .. .in .11 ,. i i i I -' i . .. ,. i SP- i ! il.. -. i. ' '. J ."1. ... ilLUl,. J-"eMBwai asssssaatss.sM i ii .-.. ' f
THE story of Chicago, from the day of her original settlement by trap
pexs and pioneers to tho present, when she stands tho secoud city
of tho new world, roads llko a romance, thrilling wlUi dotnlts of
disaster and triumph embraced In tho progress from a frail frontier
post to n great community. holding within Ita limits nearly 3,000,000 houIs.
Passing from tho destruction and rebuilding of Kort Dearborn to the station
ing of a mow garrison there after tho evacuation In 182.1, settlement wna
again resumed in tho Tlclnlty of tho post. Interrupted at Intervals by tho
Hlack Hawk War. On tho termination of hostilities, toward 1830, tho troops
were withdrawn permanently and tho village of Chicago began to grow.
In 1837 a charter for tho city of Chicago was granted by tho General
Assembly of Illinois. Tho first municipal election was held aud William II.
Ogdcn wna elected Mayor. Two years before that a school census showed
a population of 3,270 In the town. Llttlo enterprise, such as Is so common In
these days, was then kuown. but the next decade developed great progress.
In 1841 tho Hrst water works were built; the next year tho llrat propeller
was launched, the city's trado made giant strides, and In that year tho
exports exceeded tho Imports. ly 1811 tho meat packing Industry got Ita flrst
start. Progress was rapid after that; the tlrst public school, tho llrat theater
ami other public Institutions followed with tho advent of each ..year, lly
18.VJ Chicago was booming, in twenty years' time tho imputation went from
4.000 to 00,000. The Federal census of 1800 showed the city hud lOD.iHW
InluibltauU. Ity 1870 It had grown to nearly 300,000. Then ennm the llro
In 1871, when practically tho entire city was destroyed. Hut tho recovery
was phenomenal and In loss than fifteen years the population was doubled.
Tho World's Fair gnvo tho city a globo-cnclrcllng reputation.
During tho years succeeding thu exposition the most noteworthy feature
of Chicago, In addition to the expansion of her Industries, commerce, finan
cial Institutions, educational and art developments, linn been tho Improve
ment In tho architecture aud general character of tho buildings erected for
business nnd other purposes.. Hrauty or architecture, thorough utilisation
of space nnd substantial character, am tho characteristic of the modem
structure that occupy nearly all tho space In tho downtown business district
of Chicago.
Leading Events During One Hundred Years of Chicago History.
Tort Dearborn bnllt tr Cpt. John
Whistler ami Unit Jauirs S. Swear
Ingen of the United States Army, s
company of Infantry executing the
work and afterward sarrltonlug It.
Population. 73.
John Klnxle and liU family became
the Drat settlers under the govern
ment of the I'nlted Htatea. Ellen Ma
rlon Klntle wan horn, the Oral white
child of the settlement
The first lawyer came to Chicago.
Tecumsch and hi brother, the
Prophet, nought to unite all the In
dians Into a confederacy against the
The llrat doctor came to Chicago.
Massacre or the garrison of Fort
Dearborn, together with a number ot
settlers on the south shore, Aug 13:
Fort Dearborn burucd the next day
reputation, 110.
Philip Fouche appointed aa the llrat
t'nlteil Htatea Marshal.
Kort Dearborn wan rebuilt, the Indian
agency and warehouse were re-established,
and the Klnxle family returned
to Chicago to lite. Population. ICO.
Itoute between Chicago and Mackinac
established by the schooners Haiti
more and Hercules.
Illinois admitted to the Union aa s
Illinois and Michigan canal bill passed
by the Legislature.
The route of the Illinois and Michi
gan canal waa surveyed.
The nrat Protestant sermon was
preached In Chicago on Oct. 0 by the
Iter. Isaac McCoy, a llaptlit clergy
man. Population. 100.
Election for Congress and for the Gov
ernorship wss held.
First company of Htate militia waa
orjranlinl. Forerunner of the tacking
Industry of the city waa the slaughter
house built by Archibald Clybourn on
the north branch of the river.
Death of John Ktnxle. Fort Dear
born waa regarrlsoned by troops.
The flrst ferry waa established near
the present site of the Lake street
waa surveyed and platted,
snd the first bridge waa built orer
the rlrer at Itaudulpb street. Papu
lation, cu).
Cook County waa formed and Chicago
designated aa Its seat of government.
First store built of boards waa Dut no
by llobert Klnxle on the west side of
the river First sawmill estab
lished and tho drat meat packed snd
Town of Chicago Incorporated and
the Democrat established by John Cal
houn aa the tint newspaper
The schooner Napoleon took the flrst
shipment of merchandise from the
port of Chicago. Population, u).
The first mill roach route waa es
tablished between Chicago and De
troit. The flrst drawbridge was built
over the river The flrst piano waa
brought to the city. Population,
United States land office was opened
with s rush. Urgsulxatlon of the
volunteer Are department and of the
Hoard of Health. First courthouse
ami the flrst echoolchuse built.
0 round broken for the Illinois and
Michigan canal on July 4. Oalena
nnd Chicago Union railroad waa char
tered. The city of Chicago was Incorporated
and Its flrst city election held. The
first census of the city showed a pop.
ulatlon of 4,170. First theater waa
opened. Financial panic.
First steam fire engine waa pur
chased, and the flrst lake steamer
was built The first exportation of
grain from the post was 78 bushels
of wheat.
Fire cost the city a lota of 76.0nO.
The public free schools were rrergan
lied aud made permanent. Popula
tion, 4,470.
Lowest price at which com and
wheat ever sold freely waa reached In
February, when corn sold for IN
cents, aud white winter wheat st M
cents a bushel.
Tornado swept over the city and Into
the lake, doing damage to city and to
The flrst permanent school building,
railed tke Dearborn, was built, and
County Court waa established.
ISM. Itecrultlng far the Mexican war lent
to the eicltetnent of the year.
1847. Celebration of the victory or Iluena
Ylita. In which a cltlxeu had an arm
blown en? by a cannon.
1818, The lint telegram by the Morse rode
waa received In Cblragn from Mil
waukee The Illinois and Michigan
ranal waa opened The first session
of the new Dulled Stales Court waa
held. On Oct. 23 the first railway
locomotive was rouplcd to two ear,
and the train was run nut about five
miles over the track of the Oalena
1810. Htorui a Ad flood damaged shipping In
the extent of 1J0.SM The old Tre
uiont House waa again burned, lit
gether with twenty other buildings
There waa another epldemlr of chol
era. A panic among the banks.
IS50. The I'nlted Htatea census showed a
population of 20,10, First gas waa
turned sn the mains.
IVnI. First labor strike
1834. Illinois Central railroad, first railroad
completed Into Chicago,
,U3, ;virid,l.T.i!.,!i!,) drvh" rT"1
ta-w ri"Ur,lc of cholera.
b. '.-" l,! "'t"i en the court
h? ?J"u?r" u'writied $13,000 for
Sit-. JU rl"r vtn Mburban
brhle. n.T .?" .'"I ,h" flr" ,ro"
opened tnt Mt h ,chm)'
'mcago banns were In Panic" . V "" r"' 'hlran waa
acknowledge.! as the mctroKia of
(O 'l,",l0". t US,-
1838. The first street car was run In Htate
street Mr department was orgsn
1Mrt J"d "" a paid basis.
-?, ,of 'ho eainer Udy Klgln wllh
JM ileal lis was ttie catastrophe of
,. " 'sr I'oiHiiatiM... lui.wn
uA '.m"'1' .""'lelaa rslaWl.tinl
l(W3 I Irsl Internal revenue rllerlr waa
1813. four hundred mile nf alreeta hnd
been Improved In varlim ways, and
.... S"!r lw". m,lM b'1 graveled
ISOI. tork waa begun mi in, first water
1803. The flrst water crib waa opened The
Union stnrkyarda were opened for
business, and the first fire alarm tele
.. f.raph service was established
18rtl. Maahlngtoa street Innuel. the first
under the river, waa opened. The
park set was passed.
1870. Population. '.vi.t7T
1871. The great Ore en Oct 7, 8, and P.
with a lis of trsU.U City re
incorporate.! under the new general
law. Ij Halle street tunnel opened
1873. Hertous financial panic, which adeet
ed the whole country
180. Population, fiia,lrl3. v"
1SN3. Cable train first oivene.1 by the Chi
cago City Hallway Company
1883. Present City Hall aud Ceuuly llullj
Ing were rompleted
IfVM. Ausrchlst riots broke out In Haymar
ket square.
1800. Population. tfCKUin, -uaklhg Chicago
, the second city In the United Htatea
1893. First elevated railroad put Into om
ration. (Iround broken for the great
drainage canal.
lfiO.1. Holding of the World's Fair
1MH. Failure of Moore llrothrra' Diamond
Malrb and New York lllseult Cmp
lie, with liabilities of lA.usi.lasi I'l
nanclal flurry ami temporary closing
of Chicago lloanl of Trade htrlke
at Pullaian, III , br Amerlean Hall
road Union, led by lta President, Hit
gene V. Debs: many riots In Chicago
iHelrd by pollre. Htate mllllla. and
I'nlteil Htatea rvo sent by Pre!
dent Cleieland
1804 Hhkh1 itivuey parade of IDO.lsa) wrH.
greatest pnlltleal parade that ever
took tilare on the euNtluent
1807. Joseph Letter forrea a corn' In
wheat, the piire going tu i S7 a
1800. Opening of the drainage ranal
through lb gatr st l.oekpirt t,Vc
nerstoue of the Feilersl building Isld
by President MeKlnley on Out. p.
WX). Population, t.nH,373.
I'jol. The celebration of the centennial anniversary.
Lire, Cheerful, Optimistic Qualities
Needed to Hind Tlism.
Those who would mnko friends must
cultivate the qualities which are ad
mired and which attract. If you are
mean, stingy and selfish nobody will
admire you. You must cultivate gener
osity and large hearteduesi; you must
bo magnanimous and tolerant; you
must have positive qualities; for a neg
ative, shrinking, aiwloglzlug, round
about man Ik despised. You must cul
tivate courage and boldness, for a
coward has few friends. You must
believe In yourself. If you do not, oth
ers will not bellevo In you. You must
look upward, aud be hopeful, cheery
and optimistic. No one will be at
tracted to a gloomy pessimist.
The moment a man feels that you
have a real, Hvo Interest In his welfare,
and that you do not ask about Ills busi
ness, profession, book or article merely
out of courtesy, you will get his atten
tlou and will Interost him. You will
tie him to you Just In proportion to the
Intensity and unselfishness of your In
terest in him. Hut if you are selllsh
and think of nothing but your own
advancement; If you nro wondering
bow you can uso everybody to help
you along; If you look upon overy man
or woman you arc Introduced to as bo
much mora possible success capital; If
you measure pcoplo by the amount of
business they can send you, or tho
number of now client, patients or
readers .of your book they can securo
for you, they will look upon you In tho
same way. Success.
Uncle llemuu Says!
De difference between beta' a wise
man and a fool am not so great, but
what de ptckln up of a hot boss-shoe
may decide do question one way or de
odder. Detroit Free Press.
Cincinnati Post
Novel Oauso for DamaKOs.
An Ohio health food company has
Just lost a suit brought against It by
a rotalter In Germany, who demanded
500 damages because In the pictures
which tho company put on cartons
of Its goods sent to tho plaintiff tho
noso of the Empress of Germany was
so blurred that It appeared to be miss
ing. The retailer alleged that tbo dam-
ago to tho Uinprcss' noso made It Im
possible for him to sell tho goods.
Tlio War It floes.
"I heard Kronnlck remark that lie
never hail such luck In his business as
he's having now, but I didn't cdtch
whother It was good luck or bad."
"Oh, he meant bad luck, of course.
If It were good luck bo wouldn't speak
of It as luck at all." Philadelphia
A II envy Tribute.
In tho lust year tho United States
paid In ocean freight to foreign ships
IlnlfTlio World's Ilubber Crop.
Tho United States now takes half
the world's crop of rubber.
Hood's Sarsaparltla
lias won iitccoss far beyond tho effect
ot advertising only,
Tho secret of Its wonderful popular
Ity la explained by Its tiiiapt-onchnbU
Ilnscil upon a prescription which
oiirod pooplo considered Incurable,
Hood's Sarsaparltla
Unites tho best-known vrgotoblo rem
edlos, by molt a combination, propor
tion anil process as to liavo curntlvs
power peculiar to Itself,
Its cures of scrofula, rrzrma, psorl
ails, and every kind nf humor, ns well
as catarrh and rhuuinntlsin jirovo
Hood's Sarsaparltla
tho best blood purifier over produced.
Ita cures of tiyspepsla, lots of nppr
tlto and that tired feeling mnko It tho
l(rratct stomach tunic and strength
restorer tho world has over known.
Hood's Sarsqparltta
Is a thoroughly good ini'dlclun, lleglu
to Uko It TODAY. Oct HOOD'H.
UrowUs fVcarclly of Wood HnltaliU
far Manufactarlnsr fnrpossa.
It will be but a few yrars before
durable timber becomes very much
dearer than It Is at present. Good
chestnut aud whit oak oil are
worth now fifteen cents each, and red
cedar posts twenty cents apiece, un
dressed, aud art hard to get at that.
Ten years from now the sitpply will bn
much less. No more profitable use of
land ran be mails than to plant wal
nut, chestnut, oak, hickory, sprue,
ash, maple, poplar, willow, locust and
other tree that hav a value In tho
arts for their timber. Plant the rough
land to trees. The curalypta are now
grown In the southwestern portion of
our country more extensively than any
other exotic forest tree. '
Thes trees are originally from Aus
tralia; they are known there uuder
the nam of antlfover trees, aa by
their rapid growth and large amount
of follag they absorb the poisonous
gase of the swamps, making the air
pur and the clluint healthy. In Cal
ifornia. Kansas and Indiana tracts of
land several thousand acres In area
have been plsuted with seedlings of
the eucalyptus rostrata for fuel, rail
road ties and for windbreaks. On ac
count of their rapid growth I her tnak
desirable shade trees for tho dwolllng
and pasture lota, in many parts of
the southwest the tucalypt are util
Ise4 to advantage to furnish shad In
pastures. If set along the fencea and
along the Irrigating ditches they can
be made to protect the cattle la the
pasturo without at any time Interfer
ing with farm work. Keedllngs may
be had from the nurseryman In 100
lota at five cents each. There am
soma thirty different varieties, and all
of them are said to grow equally well
In the middle and southern Ktates.
Plant the hillsides In forest trees and
farm the low ground. Ilaltlmor
Ilattl ot Lexicon,
Jlrulrer I heard you were laying for
Hnooior to mako him fight. Did rou
Hroncubuster No. I called him
everything I could lay my tongue to,
but theia waa no light in lilm. Hoston
Didn't Pan Out.
Miss Townoy (In search of tho idyl,
lie, at last meets a real livo shepherd)
Pray, tell roe, gentln shepherd, where
Is thy pipe?
The Oontlo Blinphurd I loft It at
homo, mum, 'csusj 1 ain't got no
baccy. Tlt-Hlts.
When a man's foot gets tangled up
with a woman's under tho labia and
alio gets mad about It, you ran mako
her madder by pretondlng you thought
It was bo mo body ulse.
My Lungs
"An attsck of la grippe left me
with a bad cough. My friends said
I hsd consumption, I then tried
Aycr's Cherry Pectoral and It
cured mo promptly."
A. K. Randies, Nokomli, III,
You forgot to buy a bot
tle of Aycr's Cherry Pec
toral when your cold flrst
came on, so you let it run
along. Even now, with
all your hard coughing, it
will not disappoint you.
There's a record of sixty
years to fall back on.
Three tlseti Us., enough for an ordinary
eld Mo.. Jott right for broachltli, uosrts.
nsss, hard colds, st&i f I, most economical
for cnioois eaisa and o kssp on hand,
i, 0. Ai-KK 00.. Lowsll, Mui.