" " Tlmlier Land. Art June y 187. NOTICB FOK PUBLICATION. V. 8. Und Olte, The Dalle. Oregon. (Wlrii. ifui Notice la hereby Riven HkiI l complainex; with the proiltlouaofth Art of Cunm of J 1. r, entitled, " An act ft the le ot timber Umfj in the Mate of California. Oregon. Nevada, and Waihlugtmi Territory." a extenneii to an in K himic itm watet ny xci . i-tw. '.llowtiiff-BHicd neraont have filed luttmoWce llictr awotn Materneuta, to-wu Lowlv C. V llltama. or Ilnck.y . county of lletce. atale in Waxhlngltm. aworn atateiuetil No t7i, filed March l. 191. f.-r the purchate oflhe awtf a,,, tp 17 f ' e wm. Andtew II. (.rodaee, of Hannah, county of Cavalier, talc of N. IM Lota, anorn aUlcment No 171?. riled March 19, i. foe the purchate of the aw Jf m . H' U r 111, wh. Kate npttman, ofMackduck. county of Hettraml. ttec-f Mlunc MHa aworn atatement No toot, Med March it. 1901, ror the purennae ot we awn aec ;. ip 17 . r llM Itttaa Murphy, of Newberry, county of I.HCt. xteleof Michigan; tworti Utmeiit No lata, filed Feby . oj lor the purchaK of the neff tec M, ip 17 . r 11 e.wtn Nellie O. Loaty. of llcmbtji. county of llellraint. Mate of Minne sota aworn atatement No lt. Med Feby i. 190J. (or the purchate of the net; arc 8, tp 17 . r 11c, win. William T. Murphy, of Newberry, couiity f Luce, Male of Michigan, nornautement No ife?. filed Feby n. I9J. (or the purchate oflhe nwSJ aec 11. tp 17 r 11 e. w m That they will offer proof to ahow that the lam! ought la mote valuable for lla timber or atone than for agricultural purpose, and to eatabtlah ihctr clalnis lo uM land beftne the Ker,iter aad Receiver at The Ditlea, Oregon, oil tlimUy. January th. ia. They name at witnextea: Mark Mayaard. 1'rrd ilaaxe and KM llaae. of bumncr. wh Injlon. Andrew II (irodaea, of Hannah, N Da kota. NlohoUa Smith, of The Iatie. Oregon, Lowly C William, of Hackly. Wathinglou, Peter Hpiltnan ami Thomaa Tweet, of The Daltra, Orx- f;on John Dokken, of Dochate. Opreou, Will am f Murphy ami Hlla Matphy. of Newberry. Michigan. Nellie O Leory.of HrmnHi. Minnesota. William N Howtcr. of Hemtdjl, MltiHeioU Any ami alt iwrton cUimlng adeeraely the abore-deacribed Udi are noealed to file tt.Hr claim in ihUoMe on or before the aaidflhday of January, iM ojjhIjj MICIIAKL. T. NOLAN, Rerftr. Timber Ijnd. Art Jtme J. 7. NOTICB FOR 1'UniiICATIOX. MtUHVHMTtlMIMKieT. V. S. Land Office, The I)U. OrejrMi. Septembers, taot. Notice la hereby tirm that in coMpwane irtih the pruviotM of the Act of Coorr of Jmm 1. I'-x entitled, "Ah t foe the wile of timlr land in the Matea of California, Oreawi. Nemaiaa, and Waahingtoa Territory. " aa eatetnted to alt the puMK land awtea by Act of ANfWtt 4, , Ibe loMowingwamea penona Mare died in law tlieir ai urn atalemettta, to-wrH loaetjh N. Ilimter of Albany, coonlv of Unn. aeate of Oraa atrorii MaieaiH ao 470, men jaoe 4, ijj, wr taa purchax of the oeK aec M, tp 19 a, r i e, r m. Jamea HuHter of Albany, county of Linn, aute of Oregon, worn atatement No 46. Med June 5. taoa, tor the purcbate of the H ec i$.tp 19 , r lor. w m. That they IU offer itrooflo ahow that the land aought la more valuable for Ha Hmtier or atone than for agricultural poriwea, and to eatabtUh their claima to aakl land before J. M. Lawrence. I S Cooambvafoiier, at Deacmtte. Oregon, 00 Saturday, the tth day of November, iooj. They name aa witea J N Hunter, Jamea Hunter. J I Weil, Chaa HrocK, H Kinj, of llend. tr Any and all tieraona ctolmbiR adreraely the atxve-dertbed laada aic rametied to Me their claima in thl office on or before the Mid 14th day of November, t? aunit MICIIAHL T. NOLAN, kcgWtrr. .m ... -..' Timber Land, Art June j, 7. XOTICK FOIt PUBLICATION. T- OV HMTtaRM KKT. V S. Land OflVee. The mite.' Oregon, September S. taa. Notice la hereby given that In complhiHce with the peovMofM of the Act of Conere of June 1. i rnUtleu "ABactfortheuleoftlmberUmU in the Kate of California . Oregon, Nevada, and M aahington Territory," aa eaUnded to all the public land U4 by Act of Aowt 4. 19. the rollooing-Bamed anmn have Med in Ihla oatc their awom aUlementa, te-wtt Mary McTaart of The IMIUa, coaurty of Waaoo, tat of Ore gun; awura atolcwrnt No IM7. Med Sept J. 19M, for the purchase of the mK ec aa. tp m a, r 10 c,w m. John Hutchlna of Albany, county of tJan, atatc of Oregon; worn aUUBteat No 4M, filed Jnne 4. iyt. for the purchaaeof thaH)f J4, iprna, rue, wm. aLcwlt I'. 1Cf tlWHC of Ablauy. coonty of Linn, atatc of Oregtw worn kUtetaent Ko 447, (iVn June 4. i.for the (Mircluucof the tH aec ij, tp u a. r 10 c, w in. John H Lcc of Henaon. CAuntyof tiwlft, Mate of MlnneaoU worn auteaent Nooos.Med June 19, lyo. for the purchase of the ni aec 11, tpma, riae.vr m. Hon Taylor of Aniu, county of Can, atatc of Iowa, aworn Mateutcnt No 7. Wd July j, yu. for the pur chaae of the 11 H w) and UN cK aec t, tp 11 a, r ive, w m. Alary Taylor of Harrington, county of IJucoUi, tte of Wntti nigtou, awurn atatesMnt Xoyj.Med July j.iyt, for the purcbaac of the H nw and wl neK ec au. tp ia a, r 10 e, w m. Tlut they w ill offer proof to ahow that the land ought ta more vauublt for ita timber or atone Dun for agricultural pnrpoM, and to caUbHth their claima to aald laud before the Regtaer and Kcceiver at The Halura. Oregon, on Tuesday, the iK day of December, 1901 They name aa witneaica Oeo Hatea, Allen K Nenner of Hand, Or. John McTagaart. Chartea Jlye, of The Dallea. Or. Kyal iTutchlna, I II ifuuhina, Lewie 1' Terhuuc, John Hutchma, of AlUnv Or A L I'etrie. J ! McMahou, of l-ort-land Or, W H Manger. I II I'ralher, of hpoUitie, Wah C A Johntoo. of Neeord, Jlliiu. C A Cart on of Munlock, Minn, Mary Taylor, of Har rlngton. W'ath, II L Kichardwin, W II Taylor, li A Ta)lor. of Wlote, Iowa. Hon Taylor, of Anita, Iowa. Any and all eraona cUimlng adreraely the abovc-deacrlbed lauda arc requeued to die their' claima iuthla office on or before the aald ut day of Dccemlwr, 19a. ail-uij MICIIAKL T. NOLAN, Kegl.ter. Timber Land, Act June j, ill?. NOTICB FOIt PUBLICATION. XHAUVKKTIHUMIIXT. V. S. Iind Office, The Dallea, Oregon, ...,,,,, . hPttmler 5, iy$. Notice U hereby given that in coinplfance with the proruloua of the Act of Cougrcaa of June 3. 1878. entitled, "Au act for the aaleof tlmUrlaniU In the atatea of California, Oregon. Nevada, uric Waihiiigton Territory," aa extended to all the public land atatea by Act of Augiikt 4, ityj, laoni Cleek ofl'rlnctillc, county of Crook, atatc of Oregon, hat 011 June 7, ij. filed In thla ofticc hi awom atatcmcut No 49, for the purcliate of the nwM aec 13, tp 19 a, r loe, w 111, And will offer proof to ahow that the land aouglit liiuorealuable for Ita timber or atone than for agricultural nurpoaea, and to eauiblUh Ilia claim to aald laud before W. A. Ilell, I'. H. Coinmiaaiunrr, at l'rliicville, Oregou, oil Mon day, the I6th day of Novcinlier, 190J,. He uamea aa wlttieawa. Jamea bliarp, Champ Knilth, Thomaa II. Lafollctt, Iwm ClecL.Charlea hmlth, ofl'rinevillc, Or. Any and alt pcraoiia claiming adreraely the abovc-dcacribed landa are requeated to file their claima in thla office on or before the aald 16th day of Novcmlicr, 1903. ail-uij MICIIAKI L T. NOLAN, Krglatar, Timber tjimt, Act June J. i&T. NOTICB FOK PUBLICATION. W. S limt Ofl'ice. IjiVevlew, Oteuim, epteitr t. ibj. NbIIct U heiebjr given that In ciimpltancv with thrprovi'UMMorthc Art ufCnntrM of June 1, it, entitled. "An act for the aaleof limber Uinta tu IheMateaofCnUloriiU (Hektui. Nevada, and Vahlnptn Terrltoey," aa extended t all the public Uitd atatea by Act nf ARiit 4. Iftoa, the fullowtng-iMmrd iih Iwve llil day filed In thlaoAcc their orn tatenteut. to-nit tile Larwu, of nelmHt, eoniity of Traill, ttateof Notth Da kota, unotu Matemeiit No i7j, foe the (HiKhaae ifth nwK w, aec 10 nS k and awJi H aec to, tp n a, r 1 1 e, w In. l'wler It ItatriKCii. of Climax, couHty of PolW, tnle of Mlmetn; mwm atatrnMtil No i7, for the tHirvtMnr of the nH w), hj WK ae ataml ttelf aeH aec ti, tp 41 a, r Me. in. Itateti O. llatenwm of Climax, rouH' of Polk, Mate nf Minnesota, auoen aMttHtent No 174. for the hhwc of the nelf aec to, tp a. r 14 e w m. That they "ill olfer rnuofto ahow that theUnd ought la more valuable for ita timber or atone than for aartctthural Mtruoac. and to rMaWIh their clnlm to attld Und befote J M Lawrence. I' s CuniMbtdoner at Mend, oiegon, on Titen day the itfh day of December ij They name a wltnewte. tle Laraou olnel uiunl Notlh Dakota. Pviter It lialrnlen uf Cli max. MlnnewKa. IWen ti KotenWii, of Climax, MiHuewatu. Lonla NeiMm. or Hcmt. uteim. Any and alt ticraon dalmlng advvtaety Hie above rtrwea wnare reneNea 10 nie ineir claim in inta oaaee on or ihmtv tnc aam ijtn oay of December. ml. Mil K. M. HKATTAIN HegiMer. Timber Land, Art Jnne j. 1711. NOTICB FOIt PUBLICATION. V. S. Land Office, Lnkcvlew, Oregon, Septeinber aa. raoj Notke la herrfay given that In compliance with the provMona ofthc Act of Congfe of June y it;, entitled. "An act for the Mlcof timber UmH in tbotntesttf Cattfornht, Uregon. Nevoela. and Wathlngton TcttMory," a extended tn all the puMic Unit atatea by Act of Auattet 4. i8ft the folbMrtng-nanaed peTMHM have fcwd In I hi ogtie their aworn latmenta, to-wit: A me Amnndaovi. of White Itarth. cunnty of Ward. Hale of Notth IMkota, worn statement No iter, far the pwr chate of Ibe 1 wk nwK ve J. MH nK on )t nh ec 1. tp it . r 14 c. w m. Peter Ncrneth. of Whvte KaMh.coni.iy of Ward, Mate of Notth Dakota: m alcntent No , for the amr cba.eof the u)a hwH,w)- nwjt, HCAaial neff neK aec 7. tp f 1 a, r 14 e. w M. of White Harth.connty of Want, 'atatc of North Dakota; aworn Utemenl No try, for the pur chase of tbenS net, awj, mrK. H HK c J4, tp 11 a, r 14 c. w aa. John A. Carbon, of White Karth, county of Ward. tale of North Dakota, awoew univalent No 141. for Ibe pat chaaeof the WH,"X k IV tp a. aec 14 c, anas mw), hwk arc 1, ip at a, r 14 e. w a lletga M Mao, f White Karth. coamt) of Ward. Mate of North Dakota, atvum atatemeHt No iJ. for the pnr nwH of the aeK mtc J4. tp H a, r 14 e, w m. That they will ut1w nrouf b abow that theUnd aotlf bt ia more valuable for it limber or to than for agrlenltural parnotea. and 10 eMaMlah their cUtau to said Uad before J M Lawrence. I' CncnmlnlontT at Head, Oregun. on Prtday the nth day of Drcariabrr 19a. They name at wttne Iawhi Netwm, 04e KHckaon. of Hend, tMegon; Arae Awamlion. Peter Keraetk. iMrtrnde iMnctnd, Jaorn A Cart aon and llelga M Mum, alt or White Itarth. North Dakota Any and all person (Minting vtveeaely the above-deacrnVeil bnda are reipteMa! to Me I heir dalma In lhr elhec on or before the aald nth day of December, tyu. or-dii li- M. HKATTAIK KegMer Timber Ijnd, Act June y 17. NOTICB FOB PUBLICATION. V. S. IJtid Ofllee. The Dalaea, Oregon, Augutt aa, tyaj. Notice b'hereby given that in compliance with the ptuvlitatu of the Art of Congre of Jnne J. lay, entitled, "An act for the aalc of Umber tamh fa the Male of California. iHegon. NevaiU, and Waahiuiton Territory.'' aa extended to all the uuMlc Uad atatea by Art of AawnH H. !. Ibe Mfowing-named peraona have Med In iMa eat.ee their aworn Utemcnla to-nit John b nchultae of lllbbtng. coontyolnt Loam, atote of Mlaao tota. aworn utement No 1744. Med April 1, iwx for Ibe ntrcbaacof the dSh), aehf aw( ac S and aefc nwK ec tp tu a. r ij e, w m Minnie lrohaon of Cevolock, coaaty of haron, ttate of Wlaoon 4n. awom aUtemmt No i:u. Med Mar iwjj. for the pnrckuwe of the nw , Mac a, tp 19 a, r 11 e, Jamea A. laaminaa of 4a Kanka aee, Went Hopertor. eonnty of Doaxr- aa. Mate ot n lawntin. aworn atateme-ai 01711, Mod Mar i, iJ. for the purcltaae of the ne re 4, tp a a. r 11 e. w m. That tbrv will offer nroofto ahow that the land aatgbt I more valuable for ita Umber or atone than for agricultural purpose, and to eatablth their dalma to aakl Uad before W. A. hell. f. a. CoMMttwioner, at rrlnevtlbr. Oregon, on Thnra day the 1 ith day of November, l.l They name a wltueanea John S (tchultae. of HlbMng. Minn. Ortn J Oray. John A Tracy. Olruui Marah. of Mend. Or lieorge W Gardner, of Dutntb. Minn, Iw It Alllngnam. Ora Po4h dexter, II J lalmer. of frlttevitle. Or, Cart Jocotv aon. WllUrd I, Coppernotl. of Kagene, or. kkh ard King, Wm II Hrock, John tttovt. of llend. Or. John McToggart, of The Dallea, Or; DeHjamln I' Campbell, Araya, Waah Any and all prrxma claiming odeeraety ttta abov-decrtbd Jamta arc rewuixdad hw Me their claima In thla ofnee on or before the aafcl lath euy 01 evemoer, lava. aa-na MIC! IIIAKL T. NOLAN, KegWer. Timber IjiwI. Act June y NOTICB FOIt PUBLICATION. V K. Ijnd Office, !.akevlew, Oregon, ncptember , 1901. Notice la hereby given that In compliance with , ic orovtawwia oflhe Act of Conureat of June 1. 1 1078, CHlltled, "An act for the talc of timber Unite 1 In the atatea of CallfornU. Oregon, Nevada and Wathlngton Territory, ' aa extended to nil the public tend atatea by Act ol Auguat 4. ". the lollowtng-named pcraona Imve ffUxl In thla office tlieir aworn autcnienta. lo-wlt. (luaUf Tarniuett, of Climax, county of Polk, ttate of Minnetota: aworn atatenieut No 1S3. fur the purclmx of the nr qr aec 8, tp ji a,r 14 e, w m John Kdward Johuton, of Climax, county of I'olk, atatc of Mluueaota; aworn atatement No liy, fur the purchaac of the 11 w qr aec 4, tp a, r 14 c, w 111. Allien Hpokely, of Climax, county ol I'olk, ttate of Mlnnraota: worn atatement No 1B40 for the purchaac of the nH 11 w qr.ac qr nw qr.nw qr nc ijr aec i,tp 11 a, r Ije, w in. Herd In Kokelya uf Climax, county of I'olk, talc of Miiineaota; aworn atatenieut No I'M 1- for the purchaac oflhe wM ac ifr. c!? aw qr aec 1 tp n a, r 13 c, w 111. Alexander Hpokely, of Climax, county of I'olk, atatc of Minnesota; aworn atatement No 1X41, fur the purchaac uf the aw qr 11c qr,w)j ac qr.uc qr aw qr ace 11, tp i a, r 14 c, w 111. That they will offer proof to ahow that the laud ought la more valuable fur ita timber or atone than for agricultural purpotea, and to ettabllali their claima to aald laud before J M Lawrence, V. ri. Commlt.loncr ut He lid, Oregon ,011 Wednet ilay, the 16H1 day of Decciuber, 190J. They name aa witucanea. Outtaf Tariiqueat, John Kdward Julitiaon, Alliert Hokely, litrilln htiukely, Atcxander Hpokely, all of Climax, Mluncoota. Any and all pcraona claiming adreraely the ahoc-dcacrihcd lumlt arc rrqueatcd to file their claima In Ihla ofTicc on or Ixrfore the aald 1 6th day of December, i'j. oo4ll 1. M. HKATTAIN Kegl.ter. Timber Luiul, Act June j. l78. NOTICB FOIt PUBLICATION. MIIMIlVIIHliat.MH.ir. V. S. Lull. I Offtee, l.akevlew, Otofon, Arptcmlwr a, taa), Nullce I hereby given that liivMiHplmiiat with the irovlnm4 oflhe Act ef voiigtf til June y iT, entitled, "An act for Die anltof llnilMrlil In the tatea of CnllfornU, ti,rK,n, NrvuiHi, mid Wnthlngloii Territory," aa exirndetl In ll the public land atatea by net f A,ikii1 4, ina. the follow 1 11 k twined iiHi. m fltetl III Ihla oHvre their awotn aliilemeiibi to will lldward ll. lKitnaii. iuli alatr uf Wlaeun- uf llntage ruiiul) nflMlinuln In. tHoru atalenu-ut No idx., ir the pttrchnae of lhee aeb, aec 7, and wja c , tp Ma, re, w m. llrlekj. Mjrinaii, ofChliieun fall, eotitilv ul i.ltlpie. alatcaf Utaexmalu. atvurii taiataiiit Na iiotjvr the. nor chaae nf the w4 au-f ae 1, ami ubj HW)f nN It, tp , r v e, w in. TheotUf Hnvlawl. of Mourner, ewiiity of 01ilnp.ua. atnle of WV ruHrta.tMueH xtalenwnl Nu ia, for the pur ;haeuf tnea)t nw),, wtiawU mii, tp H , r 9 e, w m Ual.ftt;titd. of HleeLake. cxHiHty afllartuii ttateof Wltetm- am, iw atatemrHt !o 1M5 for the ptieha of theat e)f, S awK aec i ami HeK H)f aee i.x. ip at a. r V . w m, That they wilt oiler Muof to thor thai the UndMjuhli more vallwblr Am- ita timber or Mune than for arrcu)tuHit trntpiMea. and to e tabllah their claima to aahl tana before J J, smith. CwKul) Uelk.t lt.tM,lr, llfegon, uH Taeana) the ijlhdai of Den'b.r iuu The) name aa witneatmai lnai R Dnnlgan, of Purtagr, UiwvivxMi Ipick J Myrmaa, uf Iblupewe I'alla, Wicon,H, 1 hnalur HovUmi. of Woomer. W iavmiu, Ot It Mgrtad, of Mice Lake. Wmvhmm D n WUbelnt. ! Lava, Oregon, Prrry I' Pulndrxtrr, rn lolmlrxtr. Wm K Mc Hartand ut ITIiwulle, Otvomn. Duuald I' Maria. WltlUm trrock uf Dcachalea, ornn Any and all ueii teahMlng adveraely the above ilrcribed Uudt are tamteed to tile their Uinta In thbt urhcr on ur before the aanl 15th nay ot ieeemner, iwv III 11 .i , HKATTAIN Hegtoter. I imber Mwl, Art June y lP. NOTICB FOIt PUBLICATION. V S. Land Oltic, Ukevlew. tliagaii, nonacmDer aa. maj. Notice la hereby given that In oiiapUanee with ht proviaHHw otthe Act nf Caaurrat of Jnne X lira, entitled. "An act for lb aahr of limber Wneia la lav rtatea of California, Oreaon e vada, and WaallnloTertituey,"a exlemtd all Ibe pnenrc am atatea oy ,at at .ingut 4. unxt. utc Jedia lameUoft. of trinevllbr. eonnty ofCraok. atale of uteatm. ha Med In lata unbar Ma awoeu aMtement No 1911, for the pnrcluae of Ike twK awtt tec ten text arc J,nwH awiwii, ne r n ajr tec 11 a. r 1 e. w m, and will alatr proof to ahow it i the Und tooght la aaaee valuable foe Ma tlm wr or ttoav than for aavhauiant our and to r4abliah bit claim lo aald Uad before 1 I natlta. County Ckik. at I'rlnevillr Oregon, on Monoay the 14th day of Daceatber. lynx. He namet aa wttaettn. II A footer, C. It Krtckaun. niUa Hodge. Ralph Jordan, all of rnoeviiiv. xvrvgwn An and all twrtona aVxlaain- advattatv the above detenbrd Uada are taamated lo 11 their cUlnat ta lata office on or before ibenxM ttth day of Ixcomber. ivJ. I H Jl. MKATTAIN KegMteT limber Mnd, Art June j. ira. NOTICB FOB PUBLICATION. I' H. Land tNVtat, The Dallea, Uregon. Jaly i). 19m. Notice ta hereby aroen lhat he etmiiihaniai with the pfuxlwoaii of the ,ct of Ooagrew of jane 1. 107a, enwtara, --An act me meaaiem uatnermaoa la the atatea of Catlfombx, Orcaun. Nevada, ami Waahlngton Terrttory." at extended lo all the nnbUe Uad ttate by .bit of Aagutt 4, itaj. Ike Meowing aamod pet""' Have float hi lh4t oWor their aworn ttatemeata, Uwk. ItanaM maffw offaeeat Orove, eonnty of WaakiaiEtkn. tlMr of Oregon! awom ttaUnnrat N Mag, rdvil Joa It. ixjbj, awr .ftv praww m inv pw aoa 10, ip nf a. r ta e, w m. Pater Valtnllb of Hannah, eonnty of Cavafhrr, ttajUr of Ntwth imuu. awom taatemeat ) ijgt, nattl lan 11 too, gar Ibe parchateatlheaS ae( aade jmn ,., W aor 4. P i a, r 10 e, w m. Moat of Poeert Grove, county of WaaMngton, Oreaoa. awom atatenural Na lOaa. Med ttate ol Peb 17, iot, for the parch- of Ike eto m aad ae ate la aad net, aeK are it. Ip nf a. r V e Will Lam Hav of Hannah, eonnty of Caalur, Mate of North Dakota awom ataleaMut Ma igaj. Mod Jan 11. aax. Pur tae parciHweoriMe as wK "K nwK and aw k nek tec i),lp ia, r mo, w m That Ihev wilt ofler urouf to mw that the Uad ought u moexr alaabte for lie line bar or atone than for agttcattaral paeiamn and U catabtiah ttaeir rtalma to takt land before lh Hagtattr and Kecetvrr ai The IMUca, OvegaM. on Tua-day. the loth day of NovxrmUr. ma. They name a wHnea.i Pttar NabHullh . WnV Item flay Nevin Mclntrre. at Mannah. N Dak: Mike Counor, of The Dalle Or; Diibt latw, Mary nbaw, of Poreat Orove. ttr. Any and alt peraona rtalatntai adversely Ibe abevv-ttrcribd Unda are rrueaaTml in U tberr cUbat In ihU oMca on or Iwfore Uw M luth day of Jfovemher, loxx. an-ott MfcTlAKI. T H11LAK, Hegtoter. Timber Und. Act Jan i. nrak NOTICB FOIt PI'liLICATION. I' ri. Undo t at l.tkqrlaw, Oreyon, M-pteWl twptetaaar at, 1904. Mulce U hereby green Ibal ta oawidmac with the Koviaioo. oflhe Act of tattaroM of June 1, la, entitled, "An act for the wJotd Umber Unda In the atatea of CallfornU. tegnti. Nevada, and Wathlngton Terrltery." aa ettatnlcd tn all lb public tand atnlot by Act of Angnat 4. '. William Parker, of Delhi, coMiity of Kedwuud ttate nf Minnetota, not filed In thla ofnee hla awara atalenMnl No ib for the pMrchate oflhe wt, nwK aee , afc iieKtecn.lp n t, r 11 r. w in, and will offer t,riMlto tlMHv that tlie lau.1 k,Miulil 1m u h.Iu. aide for lit timber or atone than for agricultural I iwniinn, ami i etiamitn nit claim to oanl umi before J J. Kmllli. county ilrrk at I'rliievlllc, Oregon, 011 Tueaday, the ixlliday of Decemlirr, mi llenatnraaawllneet Kalph Jordan. Perry II. Polndrxter, Ora Poindealor, Chaiua if. Kritkauii, all of I'rluevillc. Oregon. Any and all tierwrnt rUimlng adeertely Hie olirive-i leacr iled lUndt are requetuat t AU tlieir ckilmt In thla ofTice on or before the aald Igth !Uy ofDecemlier, pj K. M. IIKArfAIN Keglater. Timber Unit, Art June 3, S. NOTICB FOB ITULICATION. V. H. Laud Office. Lakevlew, Oregon, Heplerubcr , l'y Notice It lierely glen that hi coniiillauce Willi the : pruvWouaoftlie Act of 1 uugrett of June 3, IB7. entitled, "An act fur the ulcof timber lamia In the alalia of Callfurnla. orrguii, Nevada, and Watliiiigtoii Territory,' at extruded lo all Hie public laud atatea by Act of Aujju.t'4, ikyi, William A Taylor, of Chicago, county uf CrooC ttate of Illinota; hut filtil in Ihla oflice lilt awern atatement No 16JJ. rorlliepurchuteoflliectxacqr, arc ),cH lie qr aec jj, tp II a, r 9 e.w 111, And will .itrer proof to thuw that the land aouglit la more valuable for 11. Umlier or atone than fur agricultural iurixra. and to tttablith till claim to aald laud before J. M. Uwrcnce, I'.H Commlttloiier at llend, Oregon, nu I'rlday the nth day of December iit Henameaaawltiiet William J Ht. Thomaa of I'ortlauil, orcgou. II W Kred, John Hteldl, W Vaudcvcrl, of Deacliutea, Oregon. Any and all Pertom claiming ailvcracly the aboveileacrilied landa arc reiu,tcd to file their claima in thla office 011 or before the aald nth day ofllccCmbcr imt, wdfl ' K. M. HKATTAIN KcgUtcr. Tluiler l.ninl, Art June y lajd. NOTICB FOIt PUBLICATION. V. M. U1111I unite. The IMllva, Oleintn, June I, tgai Nullce It htteliy Nln that III ntiuplMiie Willi Hie puiiWotititfllie Act nf Vimgiana uf June j, iK7 riilltlnl, "An act fur the aale nfllniberUlM In the ttaleauf California, Oiegon, Nevada, ami Waahliiglan Trrtttory, ' nt 1 xlctldeil to all the public laiitl Matet lij Aet of Aimiirt 4. . the fulliiwiiig-uaMi.d Hinlmr lllv, In llif ulflce th.iraworii ataleinri it, tn-wll Itunk J. Ullle . riHilliiiraii, riHiiily of IMtlneait, ile nf Mm III Dakota, aworn atalemeiil No IJ71. bled Dec M, iyt. for the purchavr of the H .t 4, Ip 17 a. r 10 e, w m. taahelle Crater nf ItottlHean, emiiity uf ItottmedH tate f Mm Hi tktkuu; awotn atatemetal No iwt. Mad Dec tx, 14, for Ibe pwtehat uf the It at la, tp 17 a r to t, w m. Maggie Praaer of Hottluenn. cemnty in ttotlluvau, atale of North Dakota, aworn atatement No W. Med Dee ak m,, for the purrhaec of the hda .1 and 4 toe and tott 1 and 1 ec j. Ip 17 . r tue, w m. Daniel Crater of Hotttuean, connl of notHneau, Mate of Motlh Dakota, awotn atatement No 1.177. nhtd Jan I, ia Aar the (inrehate of lb aeK ee , ip 17 t, r lo a, w m Andrew Jon natam of HattlHean, ennmy of mntluean, mm of Notth nakota. awom eaatement no lain, mvo jan , i.l. for the twrthaw of the awlf er a, Ip 17 t. r 10 e. w at Joteph I' I'raaar of nottineau, ctmoly ut Huttlnrau. Hate nf Notth IhttMita. awaen ttarVenl Na !;. Med Jan I. IM, foe the pnrchSar uf the neH aec 4. tp 17 . l.ie. WM lhat Ihry will. IUt Itval to ahow IhatlheUnd txmghl It miare valnablr for Ha timber or atoxic than for agrleultutal pneiawai. and t eatabbxh IhtirxUlmt to aald land kfote the Urate) I and Hreetvvr at Th Dallet, in-vgon, on Aalntelay. the 7th Uy M Nnwember, ivat They name at wllaeattn NtehoUt Mtnlth, Mike Lel-age. of The DeHa, or Maggie IToaet. laabelle I raarr Prank J l.lllle. JcHeph I' Prater. John C Mawr, Andrew lobnttan. Donald M lilt Icaptc. Imulel Prater, ofttottlneaii. N Dak. Any and all pet .an. ctatmlng adetely the abux-traerlbedbndate rvooetted lo Me their talma la thia owe on or Watte the tatd 7th day or NovemWr, ivn an-ott MICIIAKL T. NOLAN. HetrMer. Timber Land. Art Jnne y mm. NOTICB llllt PUBLICATION. I' n Und iHtxee. The Daltet. Oregon, itrtoaer K. lau. NoUce t hereby given that in cuutpUaae trtth tat peuvuuuna of the Act uf luaxr n7, tntnteil. "An art for the tnlei In th atairt ,if CalitotaU. tvregoti trvaa ot jnne y of limber Unue lenmn. Nevada, and Waaalltgloa Territory, ' at exfeodad hi all the aawllc Und Matea by Act of Angnat 4, ran, the fothfwlag-named peraona hat tea tn that tnetr twirfn atatemaaa. tuw 11 Loot Johntoa. Mlanenpoll, eonaly af Henaepta, tat nf Minnetota. aworn ttalrmeat No Ijai; Mad Oct. I. taut, foe the pnteaaar of the Lot j and 4 and eta tittt m. Ip at t. r 14 . w m. Andrew Andeeoan, of Mlanrapolit. axmaty of Hennepin, ttate of MhaneitaU aarora atateanenl No ijat. Mad CM. 14. ). foe the narchoweof the nwK aV tp a a. r ij c. w m V Adotpb rxHerton. af Mtneapue4t. cxmnxy of Hennepin, ttate of MtHHcauta. awura atatement No ijae. tied (let H, rasa, for the purvaate of the BH nK. awK nK and neK no K tee H. tp a t, r ij e. w m Andrew Jbbnia of Mlnneapolbi, manly of lleaneain. ttate af Mlnaetota. twxarn atatetmml No M, Med net a. ix;. for the imtchate of the nH tee l. Ip a t, r IJ . w m And tew Cartaon. of Mlnneapotte. cunnty of llennaptn ttate ol Minnetota awuen ttaletaenl Mo Ijaj. tkdlart. 1. ivn), for Ibe pwrvha.e of the el aK tee at, ytd eH neK mw 7. tp a, r 11 . w m. That Utrv will mtar natmf na tnow Unxt the land their cUmet 10 tkd Und betel Ibe Kegljeter and Heartver at Tb laaiwt, Deceatber. . ixau iNegon. on ieeaday. They nam aa wtlnewace Andrew Catttoa. I' .Wtadata Peteraon, Andrew Johawm. Loni Jama ton and Andrew Anderaun of Mlaaeapolta, Mlnne.ata Any and alt tutaont claiming advertely Ike landa are reaaaated lo at their abme-deacribad landa are r claima In thi office no or btdor Ike ant aaad day of IkKa-mUrt. I Xti uia-4it HAUL T. NOLAN. Maatotet. Timber Uod. Art Jane j, r7 NOTICB FOIt PUBLICATION. I' Uad office. The Dallea, Oregon, nrtoher n. 19UJ Notice U hereby given thai In compliance with the provietuon af the Art of l'uarrt uf Jnne 1. .7. eatltted, "Anact lur the aleof limlter Ub la the atatea of California, iHegon. Nevada, and Waahingtoa Territory.'' aa ealendad to ail lb Kbllc Und tUtea by Act of Ana not 4. . Ibe fowiag-immad prroaaw have nted In thla agtee their twotn 4cte menu, lu-wll. Abbie L WhUten of Portland, eonnty of Multnomah, atale of I Me-fe-on, awora ttatemeat Nu 1J99, hied fart a. lot, fbr Ihepxtrchaaeof the aeK are ft,iaai. r Ij e. w m. Mary K Ttcbnor of Poraat Orove, eonaly of Waahlngton, ate'te of Oregon, aworn atatenxent No 1 tat. far the oat chaa of the H nwK and NHwIint M, tp We. r lie. w m. Nellte A. Mjatet. of job V neon wr Ave., torUand, coaaly nf Matt nonwh, ttate of iievgon. aworn tiatetnrat No ija. for lb uurxhat of tn awK HK aec 1, l neK ad nK K tor 1, Ip . r. 11 e. w m Anna L. Itngllah. of I'otert Orove, coaaty im WaablHgtun, atele of Oiegon. awtirn atalemenl No 1197, Ated Oct J. yo. for lb pnrchate of the aK wK WK H tec 10, neK NWK and HwK neb; ae aa, tp mt, r ue, w m. I'anuie If MeDoHakl. ufCUUkanlc. county ofCotumbU. atale r Ore gon, aworn atatement No 1491. filed No.embtr ij. lyui. for the wrchoe uf the et neK. H iwk and nwK cK aec , Ip jo a, r 11 e, w m. That they will offer proofto ahow thai the Und tough! It more valuable for Ita timber ur atou than for agricultural ntrpo, awl to e-tMith tbc-trilalm luwld UmllMfiwe tie Kcgltter and Keoeiverat The latltea, Oregon, nil VedH4y, Ihrcemlnrr J, iyJ They name at wttueatca , AbMe L. Wliltlen, Nellie Mhaver. uf PwttUuil. Oiegon, Harry W McDonald and I'auulr IIMeDouahlnrCUltkHiilr, Oregon, Mary K Ttchunr and Auiia I, lluglltli of I'orett Orove, Oregon; and I' C Wliitleu. Ilea clililet, Orrgou Any and all peraout cUlmlug adreraely the ahove-deacrllied Umlt are reqiirttrd In flic their cUlma In thla office nu or before the aald ijrd day nf December, lyvj iiiohIik MICIIAKL T NOLAN. Krgltlcr. Ilumettrail Coiitollddltil NOTICB FOR PUBLICATION. V H. Laud Office, The Dullea, Oregon, Octolicr II, 1904. Notice la hereby given Dial the following named icrtoua have filc.1 nullce of tlulr Inleu llouitoiuakccommulutiuii proof In aiiiiurt of their claima, ami that wild proof will be made Itefora J. M. Lawrence, I', h. Coniiiiltolnutr, nt l)eliute, Oregon, oil ruilurday, Nuvcmber it, lyoj, via. Carlyle C. Trllilelt. m of Deacliutea, Oregon, II H Nu Mj7 fur the ar)f ace ij, tp Id a, r 1 1 e, w 111. Tliomat W. Tripled, of Deacliutea, Oregun, 11 K No l?'i for Hie k)( awjf aecij, 11M ne'f und ne nw)f ac jo, tp ih a, r II e, w m. They name the following pcraona lu prove thclrcoutluuouarrildciiccupoii and cutllvntiuii of aald land, via; 1, 0 Whllted. J L Kevcr, Caaaandcr A Ilrock, Thomaa W Triplet!, Cailylc CTriplctl and J K Ilrock, all of Deacliutea, Oregon. 013-1117 MICIIAKL T. NOLAN Kcgltter Yliulwr Land, Act June , ll. NOTICB FOIt PUBLICATION. MIAIVtlH.rlMMtlMT. I'. H, Uul Offlce, Til IMllot. (ttaamil, , aeliteHiuar I. Ifxxj. lit Nnllra It hplrlu- ulvtll that ll th Hvlniaa ufltte Art of Cum Ill CXHHM UNBtxtat 107 eulltled, "Ah art for the toleoftliHl- In the atatea of CallfornU, Oregon, Na .ami MaalilHglon Tttlllnry,' aa ealvunti lu H llie iitiDK mini aeaiit 111 let uf Annua! lnrJai. folUwlHK-namrd im ramia have Hied lilfir twtnii MHivinvnxa. iirwir Kbenerer A. ilraham of Mater. CMMHly of I'ruuk, atale of flraMMl awuen atatement No t7j. hlrei Jnne B, ao,lbrtlm pnrchat oflhe h4i 1 and j and H nK ,IH 14 a, r iu, w m IWIh H. tliaham hf Mter, coHMty of Crook, atete of llaMi tuurn aialement No 474, Rlrd Jan n, iM.lof lit inththaae oflhe lota tand 7 and k) w , Ip 14 t, r in, w m laakle Menek of Hetd. cemnlyafCroob. atale u , ttalt- Of tHWMBM; 4W04H alalrhienl holai, hl.d Joa i, an, lUttteMft ch oftbe K uwK ami ti, nelf art a), Ip gfa, r m , and lot t jj j. Ip l . r 11 , w M. Wlllnim Malball nf nonlx City, county af WtntdbarT, aoMoof lawni twotn vUHmenl No aa, Med Jninr li re fat tawmtrxhaacof lhahK aad Hit ( agt ML Ip ila, r 11 , w in IMvtd H llaner af Uwt4on, eemnt) at Nee I've, ouri af bjnhtl Ne I've, itojeaf hlnlYat i.j4ftaniS awxarn ttuieaieni nu aai. the mrrrhaar uf the lota 1 and 4 tn-1. Ipiaa, r 11 r, w m Thai Hit) wllwri.rptuurio ahow thai Utelaitd ought t ui. re valuable for lla limb, r or rtaan than An- agiieallurkl unrauae. and Ik 11 rUlma In tab! land befoe J ami lu IhWh xunnxv vierk. at i-riueviii. .trvaxm. a day. III 17th day uf November iju. They name aa ntlnraaca h.win M John n Vllt, Hubert nmllh, K A lira Matttt, u. Wairen MrowH. I. II AlK or iMtndealrr. LaevM Alltagkam.af Prtatvl or. D I' NtelM. W II HroekrV II ataata. Ckai L nroci. Joaetm ll llaaar, Praak HeabwW, Nad or. WIlTum II I lolling, ad. J KMoaat nowtami. xrr. Any and all Mewo ataimlna advfiatly tint abovt atearilkrd Uad err rvamaT'd lo tU IMRr chttm la ibte otaca aa ot before the catd ijtkaay of Nut-ember- iiaxa unij rX.JX ... JtltIIAItl, T NOLAN, Hrgtelot. Timber (.and, Act rna y tar. aVOTK'IC 11)11 PCI.LICATION. I' a Uad tMke. Tae Hall. nfaatel. Notkvte hereby given thai la raantdUaai wKk Ik provid.maof llfc Aft of x.uela.ttai of Jug a, i7, mtUWd. "An an for Ike naff of UmtnTrlaaa talkeaUleaofkaltfjinU. Orxgua. Ntmaa.gM Waaklagtua Teetrtory. aa tatrudtd lo att Ute Bimm haa ttate ny Art or Aaaaat 4. taa. I IWwlag mxatvd iwraun have Ud la ikUoat a. lm thtdr eavpra itat tax rate, totN Kdward nhey of Uavenwent. mmaly of Chtlaa.nwW of WamV lagteo. win ttaument No ight. Me) Dec aa, IOU, foe Ik aarvhaaa oftbe aK . I 17 , f flexwa , neatlw. A Walbla law f 14a atrt at, tteatU. cunnty uf Rbag, tMM tM Waaalagtaa. awuen rtateatrnt Na it, alaafj HM at. i.for Ik aorchaat of tk af tog y, t if t, I 11 r, wm. Malkfot Kteta of AteaaoMrte. etaaat nt DutxaU. ttat af Mlnm eaula awtwn ataUatenl No . Meat lad a, xaag, for Ike pxxeekaat of Ike S K anal al K tag it, Ip 17 a r 11 e. m That they Mill nttVr aruof toarttvwtkal Ike Ugd mgkt ta tanee valnalde for Ha Uaaktr ot ttaav lima for agrtenllarat purnuaea. and lo aatekMah their xlalaa to told Uad trfoee Ike Mtalater ad Heextveral Tk Ualtet, twiaaia. on irfMoy. ma any m novemovt. lv. The nam a xvitaea. NlekoUa MnMb, Tkotnat Twt. M J Klela, Mlb Connor. rn'Tkr in;, uora A WMMltMk ot ijpaj, wbjmij a jajaw. or mbbw' .tatkUai rember, 11 Of November, ifui. tlitxtt MICIIAKL T. NOL.XN. RtnrlMor. Tunbtr Und. Art Jnn y itm NOTICB FOB PUBLICATION. t. k Und office, Laluvbm. Origan, depl akraaT Notte k kreby givea that la ctamaUi Ike provlHua a Ike Art nf I'atxarM' ol mta. anllllad. "Aa atUbe lb aawtaTllml In Ih atatea af California. INvaoa. Mtvada. Waahiagiun Territory." aa eaientted fat all lit public Uad atatea by act of Aagnat 4. ga. nraaxxt w vrana, of Prlneville. eonnty uf Croak, atate of thmaam, ha Med in ibta oaTYce kte aayuea atetemeai Mo 171. for tk aoirkao of Ik Lot . ' 4, nK nrk of c 11, IBM a, t it, w at , ao nltlaKit piuof to akotv ikal Ik Uad attagkl U gM valnalde for n tlmbtrr or atoae Ikaa for aMBrat laral tmrpowt, and to aUbtlefc Ma rtalm to JrM Uad btfor J J health, Cnanly clert.. at Pffn vxfie. oreoon. oa TuaaaUy. Ik talk day Ot Deceatlhrr iui He name a wltaatnai Hmtry A. foMot, Ckarte II. llrlckaue kalpk Jordna, AnBH ItevM. all of PrlBevllle. Oregon. Aay Md all artwvt rtakalnfl atlexw,' tbr aUrvMMrtbad Uad r rexwaateaflo U tajlrf talataln Ibra office oa or bafot Ik takf lthay of tweember. vy ov-dn K. M HKATTAIN. Hfl4t. Timber Uad, Art Jnn y itpk NOTICB .'cm PUBLICATION. v t. Und IMJU. UWvtew, mexMvH, nepiemuer at, amg. Nolle U hrtiy given thai ta lomplnuaa wHk the iovnnona of the Art of Coagr of Jnfte J. 17, ealllUd. Aaact rWitwtaleof tuaberUa Ih tk atatea of California, oreaoa. Jav4M, awl WatklHgtam Territory," a eateaded W all Hrf public land ttate by Act of Anna. 4, itaf, the HtUowlag-Homcd (wraona have HUd hi III" Hfftgf tbeif awltl atetirBteate. lo-wlt; WalUee M haalt. of VmImhi, eonnty of King, rtat of Wfudngtati awnt 11 tUtetueiil Mo 1714. Fur th pHtrhaagdf III 11 H hH tea 17. If li . r 11 . w m. Chart W jucvkt. of VathtHi. eonnty uf King, atale of WMiiuu, anoru ilrniHt No 171S. for th mthna flf (lie S uwK HWt tlSawl, arc 17, Iprta, ri. w HI, HIUm HaiiingtOH, of Vutlwn, fouul) oflllHg.aUle ofWathJjigli 1 awom aiatcmenl Nu 171. for llie ttttrcmw f th aM awK, H aK e l. awjf awK at 17, tp II a r 11 e, w 11 That they will offer proof to ahow tliattlieland auughj It more valuable for lla limber or lil,r than for uttrUHiltural puriMM, and In tabljt)i their claima to aald Und hefure J M. Uwirilfc. V H CoiiiinUdoiier at llend, Oiegon, oil tUtlll day the olli ikiy of Iterenilmr. lv.41 They name at wltnei.t Walfiwr M. Ileall, Charlet W Jacob, lllleil lUtrliiglun, of Vailiun, Wuahingimi. Itjuc W Wllllamt, Anma llrai . haw, I'oitlauil, Oregun, I' C Wlittlrii, llend Orrguu. Any und all pcrtnna claiming ailtwrecly the abovexleacrllKMl laiiila nc iniuclt(l tu fits tlieir cluima In thla olftrc 011 or b (him the aald lit h day onicceuiNr. Wl(i M ,mATTAN MWcr Tlnihcr Cutliire, I'lnal Tronf. NOTICB FOIt PUBLICATION. U. H. L1111J Office, The Dullea, Oregon. Hctuiler i", i(uj, Notice I hereby given that, tleorue MIIIImii. nf Prlneville. Oregon, liaa llltil iiullre of Inleii. lion lu iiuikc IliiaV Proof lforc W. A. Hell. W. H. Co ilt.loucr at hla office lu I'lliievllle, Orejou, 1111 Monday Hie flth day of November, Wi, mi tlmlwrcullurcniMillcullniiNo oil, fur the w)j ueK. W " 1 "W wK and iiwjf acjf are Jf ' 'ftll'inimc Ta w'lliitatca; , Clmtlea II. IK-ly, joint Killntt. l'crry H. roliulcxter, Henry tJrfmtt, ulluf I'flncvllle, Oregon, ..... , . i-!i6 MICIIAI.I. T. NOLAN, Krglatcr joohi aajan. ta axraaj, xrr a. -T . aaT a l.du -. ,. Wlat IM Ol aattnVfV