The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, October 23, 1903, Image 5

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Jlititnlo, on llii) drop Neat of tlm
ljrotijjliniii, li'imcil fonvnnl mid iwknl
IiIh mint where tliey were kuIiik. Him
imiiit'il n IiIk ilr-puritix-iit nlur mid hla
fncci IlKlitfil iii, "Tliey Imvii Ico cream
imxIii In tlm Imnoiiicn!," mild lie.
"Oil, I'm mint It ciin't lm jjooill"
"Ncmmmi." Jliiiuilit nhvnjH iiKrT
wllh it Inily. "It IniiH mi bail, llioujtli,
"VIien wo lioiiKlit tlm kitchen coul-liml
Courtney trtsih-d imi. W had vlmc'lnto
mid MniwlM'iTy mUnl-oh, ilnol Don't
you think 1 illicit (rent him tolny7
I could carry a kIiim out lo tlm car
rlitKo without kjiIIIIiik n drop." Ilu
audilt-nly thrimt lila hiiitl out of the
cnrTkiRP. "Courtney, what kind"
1 1 In aunt draped Itttti Inalile. "Komo
other time," who mild,
"What can I do)" lm ankcd, after
gloomy limine.
"We're koIiik lo buy n tint, dear."
"I don't want any old hat."
"A nlco now hat."
Till fifthly Joroae correction fell Hat.
Jlinmlo Krimpl (In, hat on hi lieml
with both ialiiftilly jdove-il hand and
ilrucKiil It down to lit cam. "It Jvut
tot couifor'lilit!" lm moniirtl. "Hlm"
lio meant no tllarrapect to liU mother
"want to urnd thin one to tlm In
dlaiia or the 1'lorlda children, I a'twae."
A gleam of hope, llliiinluatcd hht fare.
"I tIIi they mlkiit have tlm now one.
I wouldn't iiilud harltiR It llltel on inc.
Don't you think they'd l '(leaned?"
Jliuiiile'a aunt licnorcd thin artful np.
Ileal. "You know your mother win lien
you to Imi .pick and npau when crand
ma comes Thunulny."
"Oh, my xrnnduia won't mind," con
fidently. "And I'd briiuli up icrcat!"
Ilia atintnhook her head.
"l'lvliapn boot would do? They'd
bo all rlKht. Nate ohm kick flue."
Thl cany aarrlflco to tlm home god
dea wt promptly rejects), and Jim
inlo know then that It wai to lm a
"When I buy them mynelf they'll bo
old and hlir, and everything new will
KO Into tho barrel-anil iimybo there
won't bo any Iwrrul," ho threatened,
Jlmmle helped hl aunt to alight at
Cut & Canh'a store, and followed her
to the bat counter, the milieu trend of
hi feet npeakliiK rnlume of dlKUt.
'i'ho counter waa ntirrotindcd by wo
uien, inontly mother, but Jlminlu'a
turn cam 0 at lant.
"Well, lady," nald the pemplrlnc
clerk, "what can I aliow you for your
llttlo Iwyr
vmSJHUa'n not my metherl" aald Jlmiiiln.
"HIio'h my aunt. Hho Imft even mar
rleil. Sly father My"
"Khow imi miuiethtiiK III a whits
alruw, pleane," Jliiiiiile'a mint nll,
iKintlly. "KoiiiulhliiK aultablu for a
Iniy of nine."
"Nearly ten." corroded Jluuulo. ".My
fathor rniyn "
"HoiiK'thliiK a little wklor In tho
brim, mid I prefer a uavy-hlfm Uuid,"
wthl JIihiiiIv'n aunt.
".My fttllir " brcan Jliiimltt. Hut
hi aunt promptly clappe-il n hat on
III bond, and bin tune etititsl. "It
don't feel K'hhI! I I'm ton mhiiII! And
I don't want an ehiatle under my chin;
only aiimll klda wtnir thorn. Oh, It
hurt my hMd!"
When tlm clerk wim on IiIh knee
opeiilnie Imam, tryliiK to 11 ml another
lmt, .lliumlq until it bowinio nmhilily
'Tho hint Hum tho Now Loudon man
wai ilium, lm mid"
"HomothliiK nlmllar to bin old hat
will bo rtRht." mild JIiiiiiiIh'h mint, In
nu agitated falfctto.
"Tho New London man nald, 'A kins
la an good an a ninllo.'" ctiulliiiiod .llm
mlo. "I wiia uudtH' tho Dofu, mid I
"Thin will do. You need not look
any furtlmr," mild .Mmuilo'a aunt, nelx
liiK a hat mid placlm; It on .IIiiiiiiIo'n
liend with n determined hand. The
ulork rone, but not before he wan iiiant
ur of IiIh eoiiuteuauuo, mid bewail to
turn over tlm nllpn In IiIh Imok.
"You must Imi awfully rattled,
nunty," nald Jlmmle. "ThU In my old
bat." Youth' Comimnloii.
Tlio Canal of I'Vamm
Vnvr who have nut traveled In
Kouthern mid central Krmice know of
her viint MMtuuiH of ciiiiiiIh mid caual
Ued rlvcrn. Many ihtnoiih spend
inontliN or yoarn In Pari mid know
iiothliiK of the Kieut hunliiH In that
city from which ciiiiiiIh radiate, bind
Iiir nil parta of I'runce to tlm Krcat
lienrt of tlm capital, TIicho canal run
Into .rlvur couuectliiK thoao of tho
water ahed llorth, noutb mid went.
ThroitRli many of thcue mitnll utream
wo ut homo would call them creeks
you will bco llttlo towboat puMiiK,
KruntliiK mid lifting up a heavy chain
from, tho cnnnllml river bed, wlndliiK
It round a drum and Mum tnwlui; Ioiir
Hues of ImrfiOH with u most economic
expenditure of power.
Oroonlauit' toy Mountain.
Tho Ico In Greenland Ih meltlnt,' more
rapidly than It I formed. CoiiipmiNiiu
of tho description of tho Jiicnbhaven
Binder bIiowh that Ha wIro lin receded
olRht miles alnco 1HM), and It hits lost
tweuty to tlilrty feot In depth,
Pe-ru-na, Drug- Co., Columbus, Ohio:
Gentlemen : "I can cheerfully say that Mrs. Schley has taken Pe-ru-na
and I believe with good effect." W. S. SCHLEYwashington, d. c.
Amlral Hclilcy, nno of tlio foromont,
notable heroo of tlm Mueteunth ('
tury, A naiiio that ntart terror In tlm
heart of vvvry Kpaulanl. A man of
nlendy nerve, clear tii-iul, undaunted
couraKO and prompt declnlou.
Apiroiielied by a friend recently,
III opinion wan nuked a to tlm elllracy
of I'oriiiia, tlm national catarrh mill
ed'. Without tlm Plliriitent benltatloii
lm riivo till remedy IiIh emlor'ineiit.
It appeared nu later coiivurratlou that
I'eruna lia li-en uwn! in III family,
wlioru It I a favorlto remedy.
Kuril endorn-Jiimiita ocrvo to ludlcato
tin) wonderful hold that I'eruna lum
iiimjii tho mind of tho American eo
pic. It I out of tho qiiontiou that m
Rreat and faiiiou a man a Admiral
Hohloy con Id luvo any other rcnwjii for
KlvIriK hi cndommiont to 1'reiina than
hi jionltivo conviction that tho remedy
in all that ho miy It I.
Tho fact I i'crtnui ha ovcrcomo all
npHnitioii and ha won it way to tlm
hearts of tho people, Tho natural tim
idity which ko many K'0ilo havo felt
aliout rIvIiir cndorMjinenta to any rem
edy I RiviiiR way. Gratitude and a
denim to holpothcr linn hinplrol thou
and of people to rIvo public testimon
ial for l'onina who heretofore would
not have conxontcd to mich publicity.
Never Inioro in tho nniinl of meII
duo ha it lmpjM-iied that hi many men
of national mid international reputation
havo Wen willing to rIvo tinquatlflcd
and public cndorncinentit to n jiroprlc
tary remedy. No amount of advertts
inR could havo ncroiiiplinhcd mich a. re
milt, l'uniim ha won on it own
merit. I'entna cure catarrh of what
ever phaws or loratiou in the human
body. Till i wliy it rcceivo o many
uotabto and miiiio emhirroment.
Addren Tlio IVrtinu Dmir JI'f'R Co.,
ColumbuH, Ohio, for freo lltcraturo on
Illtlory 5cl Rliht.
William Toll had Juit ahot tho appla
from hi non'a head.
"It wa gr"en," ho explained
nnrvoumy, "and I had to do miinotlilnii
quirk Iwfuro tho boy ato It.''
Miibm-ipmutly moro nrtlntlc vornlon
wn uiven to tlm nuwnpaner. but
truth, crunhod to earth, will rlno again.
HlglJ miquclte for Women.
In northern India It la (till conild
fl not Konteol for a woman, even
when veiled from bond to foot, to walk
on a railway platform to trot Into tho
car. Hho lint to bo carried In a clonal
palanquin rleht up to tho window of
her compartment.
Korcourhiaiiil eolili thero If no better
fundlclno tlmn I'Imi'i Curt) for Coutunip
tlou, l'rleoaoeent.
The Nclort Courtcoui.
Hnapp Ila'a not a fchotno for mnk
lug money that neeiiia to bo all right
In thaory.
Bkrapp Mull! all men with theorle
aro fool.
Hnapp Indrod. That' your theory,
I ItT I'hlladelphla 1'ubllc ledger.
Sotnethlnc Amuitnf.
"You muitii't cough ao much, Wll
Mo," hla mother Mid.
"I can't help It, mamma," replltd
tho lilt, o boy with tho long, golden
curia "Something amu'ot me in my
throat." Chicago Tribune.
Where We All Quill.
"Colonel," naked the beautiful grae
widow, "hare you ever really known
what it waa to bo frlghtonod?" "I
nhould aay I have," replied the gal
lant warrior. "At tho dentlal'a ollico
tho other day 1 could actually feel tho
blood congealing In my relna when he
came at mo with hla butx naw."
Origin of Ox-Tall Soup.
Ox-tall aotip, now regarded aa a na
tional Kngllfth dlnli, waa flrat made by
tho rrry poor of Huguenot refugtco
from Franco, after the revocation ol
the edict of Nantea, becauae ox tails
then had no market value.
tin Normal Klmltrrnritn Tf.lnlinc
i lm In cuniirclliio with lia Acnlcmlc
r.rnle rrtliloliw Two
yrnr cnurM
ilea jpfurtice work
trxiTtbrOiito.ciTT orTotato,!,,
JHK J. vutntr mkMolh tint he Is the
Molor t-arter of Hi. nnu ol r 1. 1'HEKir it Co .
duliijcbuiltirM In Hie rlir ol Toledo, Counlr
nd filtie lorrld, and llm Hid firm will
nd Ttrr rw of Ualtrrb tliat rantiot bo cured
by Ilia UK of IliU'l CATaNRH CcnK.
flworn to tfore me and lutMcrlued in mi
jirraonce, lblitbdar ol December, A. U. ivi.
I titlary FuUlt
Ilall'n Calarrb Cure la Uien Internallr and acta
directly on tli blood and motoui turlacea of
U jrtiera. Hend for tritlnonlalf, free.
r. 1. Cll KNKV A CU., Toledo, O.
Bold brdrui(UU,7te.
llall'i Family I'llls u the beat.
Status of the Club.
Tomaon Do you think the saloon la
the poor man'a club?
Jonson I don't know about that, but
the club la the rich man'a saloon all
Mother, will rind Mr. Wliulow'. Footl.lne
rrrup tne uett remeoy ut um lor tbeir cuildren
Kltiderearleu Jlorl
Kor delaili addreia
icitis hut ii tin nut..
Uort Cooab arcp. Tuim Good. U.
In ttfnA. old hr
i. bed r
i It. lb
A Victim.
"I aee that the luperlntendent of a
cooking acliool haa had to retire ou ac
count of her health."
"What la the matter with her?"
VDyspepala." Judge.
IN A WET Tiff.
Remember thb whtnoubirWet
Weetther Clothinj end look for the
name TOWIR en the buttons.
Thb iijn and thb name hove stood
for the 5E5T dunnf sixty-seven
.yews of lncreotlrm sales.
Ifourdealcrwillnotsuprtytu write for
free catalogue of Mack or .yellow water
proof oiled cobis. stickers, suits, hats, and
norse poocs lor an tunas oi wei vvorru
.4ICKI - , -
The Uaual Thins.
Tom Waa the marriago of Count D
Broqoo and Mis Gotrox a tote matcbl
Jack Bare. Hho waa in love with
hi titlo and he waa in love with hei
I FITC rrrmanentiriuren. Tiatlttotn'rroxitn
I (MO nf lntdr'iu..ntr.KIii'lfNr-
HMIorrr. Hrnd t l'r Ml trtalljrrttl.arul IrMtlw
Ut. HL. U. Kllu. Uil-tU tibBI-, l'bllJf IpbU. J-
What tic Required.
Mifkint I understand McGuffy hai
applied for neutralization papers.
Iilfkina JInh' What ilcGuffj
needs la civilization papers.
"leufftred Ilia carfare, of (lie damned
with protruding pile. brouKUt on by cotttlpa
tlnn with wblcli I waa aSllctrd for twenty
year. I ran aerota your ("ASCARKTS In the, la., and nefer lound anytblnr
to equal tbem. To-dy I am entirely tree from
ptlr. and feel Ilk a new roan."
a 11. Kim, ltii Joces St, Stonz City, la.
Stlcknoy OtiHolIno Engine
Fifty dollars can Im saved by buying
tho almve. Will run cheaper, chopptnit
15 to HO bushel kt hour, wood raw, well
drilling machinery, pmii!, etc Write
for catalogue. RHER50N MAQIINERy CO.
Foot of Morrboa Street. rottUaJ. Ortron.
Not a (lame of Chance.
Itov. Dr. Thirdly Young man, don't
you know thuro ia no such thing aa a
Tho Gambler Hay, partner, I reck
on you never ran a shell game. Iloaton
Poor man! He can't help it.1
He gets bilious. He needs a,
Rood liver pill -Avcr's Pills.
,Thcy act directly on the liver,
cure biliousness. Lw'Li:
i For Sate or Exchange.
' To 100 Aero Tracts and two 120 Aero
' Tracta of unitn proved prairie land in
j Nebraska, clear title ; will crow corn,
oata, wheat, ryc.alfalfa. Will exchange
' any or all for email saw mill, vhingla
mill, limber or ranch property in Wash
ington or OrcROn. A. It. KEWELL,
llox 818, Seattle, Wash.
Want your moustache or beard
a beautiful brown or rich black? Use
nmmintn w . r mm to.nmrt,
rv iLV"vr-r - v,au. m
i v- iLingiaY'
. or? ri nawi
S KlWEfa&K ii .
The mirror ticver flnttcrs; it tells the'
truth, no mutter how much it may hurt thb
pride or how liumtliatinir nml dtani'recablc
Uic reflections. A red,. rough nkiu ia fatal to
beauty, and blackheads, blotches and pimples
nro ruinous to the complexion, and no wonder such
despcrnte clTort.s arc made to hide these blemishes, nnd
cover over the defects, nnd some never utop to consider
the dauber in nkm foods, face lotions, soaps, calves
and powders, but apply them vigorously ami often with
out regard to consequences, and many complexions
aro ruined by the chemicals and jwisons contained In these cosmetics.
Skin diseases nrc due to internal causes, to humors and poisons in the
moon, ami to attempt a cure ny exter
nal treatment is an endless, hopeless
tusk. Some dimple wash or ointment
is often beneficial when the skin is
much inflamed or itches, hut you can't
denend tinon local Tcmcdics for perma
nent relief, for the blood is continually
throwing off impurities which irritate
and clog the glands and pores of
tho skin, and as long as the blond re
main unhealthy, just so long will the
eruptions lust. To effectually and per
manently cure skin troubles the blood
must be purified and the system
thoroughly cleansed and built up, and
S. S. iS.. the well known blood purifier
and tonic, is acknowledged superior to
all other remedies for this purpose. It
is the only guaranteed strictly vegeta
ble blood remedy. It never deranges
the svstcm or impairs the ditrestion
like Potash and Arsenic and drugs of this character, but aids in the digestion
and assimilation of food and improves the appetite. Being a blood purifier
ana tonic combinett, uie uutnors ana poi
sons are counteracted and the blood made
rich and pure, aud at the same time the
general health and system is rapidly built
up aud good health is established, and
this, nftcr all. is the secret of a smooth.
nnft' lll-ltf find lfn,r f,ll pnmnT Avlnn (
w WM.. 4M W ...-- w-,.w.W
If you have any skin trouble send for our free book, The Skin and Id
Statues. ". No charge for medical advice. Write ua about your case.
Mint t'.taubl. fount. Tait. Good. Do
OooO,.Nr Hict.o, W.ak.o or Oru IftlOt
lt1I-ff K.Jf !,;. rfcUif. V.-lrl. ) trl. in
tin Tfl RHP Hnldand riiamnKnt br aildrof
You can tare from $3 to SS yearly by
wearing W. L. Douglaa $3.50 or $3 ahoee.
1 luy iiiial IIiom
tlul luve Immsu et
iii(5 ,m from St 00
to S-lU). Tho lm
liien aale of V. I..
lon;la alio prove,
llieir fuirlitll)' oter
all oilier nmVtH.
fold b rvbtil alioe
ileuitr. etryteli(Tt
l.ooK for ii.mirt ju1
iri'-,' on Utttom
Thil Dou(li , (or-
onatolt pfOlr Ihrrr l
alar la IKikI lv. i
(oruaa U the hlelint
.( i .tJ..f aWj. aia.a I
0' S4 Out Id i I lm i nunoi m evualUd at aim rr. re.
Sb by wall, 'ii rl ira, lll.tlrat.d
CatalOKfrte. W. L. DOlllLAS, Urorktoa.llata.
I'lliert III tllOUiirld. Sit
ri:lt down and write
fur U-Hiitiful illuntrnted at il."j(oiiro(e
i-.ll tiOUOUBD.-05..7iS
G'iua St FcitlinJ. Oregon.
If 8
jawma? - - -w t
fort? fcSJi-K, Auier Is3.
hvm.tiv kjKjH.j.f ' . jmtmA
ragMteCTA'Aii i MjaSM3mmamM3 1
Flrit ini HentrotrcrrStj.. Portland, Or.
Tdrrluue. Hxm, m.
P. N. U.
No 4!-O0J.
W1IKN wrltloc to pleats
uirntlou thl. impar.
Oartrill.,aa It. Il.No. U.
I suffered tor numbflr of years
with aovere Ilettlora.b.
About twnlvo year, aeo I started
uslnir 11. 8 8., tana after taklnir thres
bottles I fait inyaelf cured and hava ,
alnco takan a bottle occa.lonallr.
nd had Itttlo or no trouble slona i
that line. My B.neral health has
uasn better atuce. X recommend
8.8. 8. as u Rood blood medicine and
It round tonlo, Yours truly,
Mrs. HI. I, rixiAHD.
Boms two year. ao X auffared
Send for Autumn Catalog Free.
Mann, the Seedman, lsai Portland, Or.
arroat deal, cauaed on socount of bad
uioou. omi
out oyer n
wotio day by
Beeluir 8. 8. 0. ndvarttssd In tho pa
lood. Uinall raih or clmplea broka
ir nv body and kent c.ttinr
day by day for ovor a year.
pars and having? heard alio It had
ourea sevorai people in, this oity,
ooneluded to glva it a fair trial.
After u.lnir tho medlolna for soma
ttme.taklnr In all alx bottles, Z waa
entirely oured.
1000 Olay Btroet, Paduoah, Xy.
Send for Special Circular
Sanders Disk Plow
Mtniileit and tnewt perfect in a Jo. Hefore yeu
Kltu your order tor a DUI. 1'low be iurt lo ex
amine the battUer.. rur alo by the old rtlt
able home of
Mitchell, Lewis & Staver Co.,
Bsssari A&arJasaaanssl
Teeth Oxtracted Absolutely
Without Pain and all kinds of
Dental Work Dono' by Wise
Brothers, tho Painless Dentists.
Open evenings till 9.
Sunday, front 0 to U.
UK. vr, A. -Jl
WISE BROS., Dentists
fit Pssa. . . SflBBJ
uu. i. v. wu..
Or. Main 2029.
208.2 U lallln-t Dtdi.Cor.
Sri & V.h. St..