xx I THE BEND BULLETIN. VOL, I. JJKN1), OHEGON, FRIDAY, OCTOBElt 23, 1003. NO. 32. tfU- titXt- ftu EVENTS OF THE DAY OATIinRED FROM ALL PARTS OP TUB TWO HEMISPHERES. Comprthenalro Kovlsw of the Import ant llapfxnlBit of the) Vnt Week, Presented In Condensed form, Mott Likely to Pror Interesting to Our Many Rcsdera. HJlt!bXiJftf(tfa$n)Si&$i&4$i!!i!StJtiJhi Adrntulnf, lilt Irrlr.tlon, must U krpt up. Oik .pp llatlon may do umt roJ, ( II likes MTWil lo nututt lb nop. ii,i',,,i"i"fl,4"i,4,'4Sk,Si"4'Wi,i0i,S After Ih'Iii out 20 hour tho jury In the Tllliimu ciiihi returned it vordlut of nut utility. Mttrrooiin rnlmlN have won another victory, and Urn Mndtlnii of the miltnn Ih IhkhiiiiIuk Unnirltf . Tint hilnndMlo iMiiuimtrw tHiiiiniliHilnti lain untitled Hvntl railroad more time for ooinplhineti with lli- iwiftyill ftiire law. Tin nultMii of Turkey Ih witnddiiriiiK . tlm rcfomimniilitllim nf Hih imiMm for Turklidi prtleltloii ill tho St. IMilit XHtltloll. TlirotiKli fliN'pltiK ear Mrvk' hotHeoii t'liltWHo uiul Ih AiiwIim uiiil Han I'niii lwt Httil Iwlweeii Cliinw and (IhIvi (on In to Im wdHhllidied liy tlio Walmtdi. Tin Htnndard plant of tho, United Ptnttw Itediietlmi .V HclluliiK twitniKiiiy itt Colorado City roMiinod njorotloii, Mftur mi lilk'iitxH of hU week on lit vomit of u Mriko. ltoe.ltnitln fraud in connection with tlm uoiulntr New York olectliui are already appearing. Fifty Itnllaniuwrt' ' kIvhii iiatiimllwirtlnn tHin on roach Iiik thee Ity. fiurulmil InMrtiiiiont denier, iiinnii fnctururM nnd iiiiiKirton of tlm United HntH mul Canada nrsnlHjulto orpinlm mi iiKnoolntlnu to Im known tin tlio American Hunslcitl Trade iiMoclatlon. While iliinthiK for immI In nu nUnd oned uiliui iitHtr Druviwhiirv. I'-i Daniel HurK mxl two brother illmiivuivd mImmiI f ft ,000 worth of rlitthinit, ilrypn-lH, hardware, etc., wrotwl In it diverted portion of tlm initio. Tlio cwr ImH nlMindoncd liU vlidt to Home. Uml Uimobury linn como out ntroii;ly ftr freo trade. Tho fear of war iHitweon lluwda ami Juian In waning. Chluf Newell declare that OreoKii in ulncep um rt'Ktrilit Intercut In Irrigation. At tlio InillnmtpollH, Inil., city elec tion, tlio Democratic nominee for mayor WUH elected. MonnMtlr Ih IwoiiiIiik ixaceful, Turk lull itoltllorit liavltiK lintctlcolly annihi lated tho InmirKontH. ti... irlnl f iir.I.ti-iitinnnt flnvornnr A till " -.. --- Tlllnmn, of Boulli CitroHna, Ih IIiiIhIhhI uml Iiuh K0,,u ,0 l" J"y, It In not llkoly that tho Kvorninont will iuroliiiM jumrt of tho towiiHlto of Itruinorton for uo ih n nitvul Htittlon iih tho irlco suntwl Ih too IiIkIi. Tho Witnior vitlloy htwk Foiiiutuy Iirn r-colvel Um uttout, tho ilooumont noinliiK illreot from tho neorunry of tho Interior. Tho only ooiiritu now onou to uttlurH In tlutt Koctlon l tho oourtn. War iMstweon UukbIii uml Janim up penm v jirolmhlo. Yellow fuvur In Texan Ih roadlnir. Doctorn, howovur, IkiIIuvo thoy will oou huvo It nmlor control. Threo inun woro kllltxl mul an many othorn Injulretl In u frelKht wreck in tho KmiHiiH City Hwltoh yanln. tiltlna Ih mtltl to huvo lU'Kotlntwl 11 corot tn-itty which will allow KiihhIk to romiiln In pohhohhIoii of Mauuhuriit lor 15 ywirn. Colorutlo ImH Wgun Hh niiHwor to tho nit of KnmuiH to i-njoln tho fornii'it from furthor iipproprlntion of tho witt ers of tho ArkmiBUB rlvor for irriagtlon j)uriocH. Tho flood In Now Jersey Ih falling, but tllntrobH in l'attorHon Ih groat, l'lvo huutlroil aroliomolosaiintl without fowl. j'l,0 iiroiwrty Iohh In that town nlono will roach 12,000,000. In caso of hoHtllltlea between Japan and ltiiHHla, Great Britain would liavo to lend hor Biipport to Janan. Tho United BUttca. would not bo involved ua ltaintereaU aro protected by treaty with Ohlni). SACKlit) IIY MOU, Strlklnx Prcnch Wcavtra Wreck Hornet of linemlei. Anni'iitlurH, North Kriiuro, Oct. in, Thin ton 11 wan today given up to riot, plllngo uml liK'tiiiillarlHin, iih it coiini (iiomii of tlio wcavern' Mtrike, Kothing thin niorulng foretold tho noriotiH iIIh tiirhiinceH about to occur, but at noon tho Ntrlkorn, not receiving aiiNwurii to their ilemamlH from tlio employern, hroko out Into tho wildcat oxtviiiH'M. A mob of (1,000 gathered In tho great wpiarit and urged the trtKipH tatlonel (hero to throw down their aruiH, uliout Ing: "Douu with patriotism," Tho rlotern then xpread through tlio principal HtreotH, breaking tho window h of tho titoroH, ilragglng out tho lingo dlNplay rolln of Ilium, which Jtliuy HtruU'hel iturimd the HtreotH w itli the object of Impeding tlio advance of tho citvalry. They wrecked nhopH, Kicked tilt) llOUlH'H Of IKWOIIH obllOXloUH td till) rlngleaderH, mid attucketl the bankn, In two of which they micm-dcd in Mealing 11 few hundred dellam from tho tf 11m. Olio gang n't flro to a largo miantlty of(llueu In tlio cellar of McrH. llec tmart'H factory, Othern broke tho win down of hoiiHUH and threw IiihMo burn lug Htraw, Tho troop, hauiorcd by thoolxttruc tlotiH thrown in their way by tho riot urn, were for a long time unable to din IHTco tlm mob. Finally it tletermliietl charge by lancorn riHitoretl temporary quiet. After dark the rioter tore tipMinur gratlugn mid MivluMt(iueH ami Mretch itl wlroH acriH tho Hln-el. Womtui liMiught piled of empty bottle for iido iih mlllcx, while lxtyn nwiirmnl up the lamp iotH mid extinguished the gan join. In Hpito of the effortH of the not tliern tho riotera then procefled to ack tho bonne, dragging out tho furniture, saturating it with H'troleum mid sot ting lint to it in tho Direct. Flro was put to two housen In-longing to tho strikers' einjdoyarn anil one big factory. The bnal brlgailo, Ixilng inadequate to pope with the conflagrations, an urgent aiH'nl wan eit to tho neighboring town of I.lllc, whence a steam pump and relnforcemeutH of flretiicn were sent. Ity midnight, however, tho troop ami police had gained the upper hand and dicrsed tho mob. Thcatrti'tNarv now deserted except for tho armed pu trols. The autliorltlcH are taking meas nreH to ast'rtaln tho namcH of tho ring leaders in the rioU. Russia ni.AMns pownRS. China. Japan nnd Mritaln tlell to Have. Cautrd the. Prcacnt DUput. Rt. l'eteritburg, Oct. 15. Tho foreign n 111 re snva it baa no olllcial contlrma tlon of the reported disembarkation of Japanese troopa at Mnsampho. lie gurdlng Manchuria, tho foreign nfllco slaten the question Ih at present clon-d. The existing situation ia tho fault of tho Chinese, Japanco nnd Itrltlsh. If China tlesiretl to reoMn tho ncgotin tloiiH and accept certain conditions, the situation could ho still chaninsl, an Itiissin Ih not rootinl to tlio hoII, nnd could leave if slio likcl. Itussla Ih now transiiorllng 50,000 tronpH, uurscrt nnd hospital supplloH to tho far east. Tho present Htrenuth of the lluHslnn army there Ih rellublv n lirlnl to Iw 2HH.000 men. OlllrerH tie talletl for duty In the Orient havo been forbidden to take their when. PRHPARH TO nnCLARR WAR. Nlcnrfua Nnd Outem1n Will right Salvador and llondurn. Panama, Oct. 15. According to newa received hero from Central America, President Zelaya, of N'lcaragua. and President Katnuln Cabrera, of Guato mala, are preparing to declare" war aitalnst Salvador ami HnndqraH. - Ten thousand Giuitomahin soldiorn aro re liorttxl to bo marching toward the PnU vadorlau frontier with a powerful force of artillery, At Pnnta Ana, !)5 miles northwest of Pan Salvador, it Fnlvadorl an army Ih Itolng organlretl under Gen oral llegalodn. Many war oloinoiita havo been trnnsnortod from the port of Acajutla to m Union, which ia near tho NMcaraguan frontier. America fhowt Inttneat. Washington, Oct. 15, Recauso of necessarv ropnirn, tho cruiser Now OrleaiiH Iuih arrived at Yokohama for overhauling. Tho work will bo done bv it .TapaneHo firm, and in viow of tbo situation in tho far Kant, every effort will bo nintlu to repair tho veosel with out docking her. Tho American (loot, In tho event of war botween Japan and Ilumda, will be a closo observer of tho conflict AMERICA HAS WON ALASKA BOUNDARY CASI2 HAS H0EN DECIDED. Mapi PublUhsd Indicating the True Line All Point Carry Dominion li Cer tain to lie Shocked Oreatly, but All Agree Her Lawyer Well Performed ItU Trutt. Iomlon, Oct. 17. Tho Morning Ad vertiser iinnouuceH that It regrets to learn from it source which It regard Ixiyond ipiestlon that tho decision In tho Alaska boundary tribunal virtually concedes, tho American cah-. Tho Morning Advertiser, which up-IK-arn to l) thorodghly iuitiMlleI with the reliability of Hh Htatenieiit, says the news will lo received in Canada with consternation. It given a map and a detailed explanation showing how the decision will uffect Canada, mid adds that those who have follow til the arguments have been thoroughly satisfied with Clifford Hilton's prepara tion and presentation of the caw. PORUIQNfiRS HOLD PUW UONDS. Trcaiury Show That National Credit In Upheld by Domestic Meney. Washington, Oct. 17. The annual report of the register of the treasury shown that mi aggregate of f 15,005,750 of the registered ImiiiiIh are held by for eigners. Of thin amount f 3,'.M 1 .'.'.lO are credited to individuals uml f 11,151,500 to foreign Insurance comanien. The latter amount in all on deposit in thin country under the law which requires nit foreign Insurance companies to de posit with the insurance commissioner of the particular state in which it doe business u certain amount of bonds a iwirtlonetl to, tho ltnslncr ilonu, to m cun? Ilnliollcy holdeWT" "TJio amount of United Stated bonds thus held by foreign Individuals," says tlie register, "in so Insignificant that It may 1k said that the National credit Ih entirely upheld by domestic mon ey." "An annual rejort of the domestic holdings shows that the consols of 1003 in the popular one with the national Inuikn. Out of a total of f 500,4li:t.:tr0, tho lstukn have on deposit with the tretiMirer of tlie United States nsreeuri tv for circulating notes and for doitosits the sum of f t58,44H,100, leaving to lie accounted for f 4R.0'.5,S50. Of the lat ter amount f'.,tl,",-,3,8f)0 aro held by in dividuals, tbo remainder being in the Itossesslou of tbo banks, instirunce nnd trust companies, lodges and societies. The Imnds of the various loans on Juno 30, 1003, were held in this country as follows: Ixlges, (1,760,410; sotdutles, '.', lail.atO; individuals, (308,84(1,810; with tho treasury of the United States in trust, HH.H77,140; in banks, f(13. 008,830; Insuninct) ami trust com panlos, ll4.2tM.570; total, (780,2(12. 100. CROW TURNS ON TMBM. Philippine Punitive It Kilted, and Mil Partner Hadly Wounded. Manila. Oct. 10. Tho orvw of the bout In wlilelt Johnston and Herman, tho runaway constabulary oflleors, no companicd by one iHUistable, slartetl from GuimlNil for Cngayanos island, at tucked the outlaws on Hearing tho lat ter place, killing Jqliustnn and wound ing Herman and the countable. Her man killed four of tbo vrew, and the other two Jumped overboard. He then put back to Negros, where bo Mint guns and ammunition to the police and aban doned the boat oft Nahulvn, llaytiuau, where iio was in billing when tho last was hoard of him. Saturday night last tho .police cap tured the boat, recovering a number of constabulary guns, ammunition and some money. They also buried Johns ton, whoso body was found in tho boat. It is presumed that tho erow Intended to kill tho outlaws and secure their money and arms. Cruller Denver on Trial Trip. Philadelphia, Oct. 17 Tlio new cruiser Denver, in command of Captain Chase, with a erow of' picked men, sailed today for tho New Kngland coast on Iter trial trip. Tlio Denver is an unariuored steel protected twin screw cruiser and ouo of the smallest fighting vessels in tho United States navy. 8ho wua designed for service, in tho Philip pine islands. Tho test of speed will bo made on October 22, I DO YOUR TRADING IN BEND I SAVE SAVE Prices Same Bend Mercantile Company incorporated A, H. GRANT, Manager Carries a Complete lviercnanaise. Cmrpr'tpti. Provision c. Gents' Furnishings, Stoves, Tinware, Saddlery, 8t (a Harness Jjtjj6tj6jftjtj6j6j6' Harness ctjtjttfijtjAjtjtjijt GENERAL OUTFITING SUPPLIES. ETC. AGENT FOR RUBEROID ROOFING Cheaper Than Shingles m uoors, window $ Paints, Oils, Etc. BUTTER, EGGS AND FRUIT I Bend Mercantile Company Wall Strmat, iS((&(&(S(&&(z&G&G&(zP PRINEVILLE-SILVER LAKE STAGE LINE DICK VANDUVERT, Proprietor. CARRYING U. S. MAIL AND PASSENGERS I.eaves Prineville Mondays. Wednesdays and Frldnvg. Freicht and passer f, ra Miiybllled for llend, Jjtva, Hoslund nnd Silver Lake. Good rigs, careful rivers. C. I. WINNEK, Agent. THROUUH FROM BGND SHANIKO-PRINEVILLE PRIHEVILLE-BEND BOOTH & CORNETT SCMEDULrE . SOUTH POUND Lcavo Bhoniko flp.m Arrive Prinovillo lln.m Leave Prineville 1 p. m Arrive Bond 0:30 p.m FIRST CLASS ACCOMMODATIONS FOR THE TRAVELING PUBLIC PASSENGER AND FREIGHT RATES REASONABLE. CLAIMS ESTIMATED AND SOLD KINO & Timber Cruisers BEND X SANFORD'S cAitniES a p Qeneral Merchandise, Qrocerles, Clothing:, Furnjshlnp; Qoods ; uui on iiiiu h CIIANIKD " TIME MONEY as Prineville S 1 Stock of General jjj Drv Croon's. T .Aieji and oasnes. uiass, Band, Oragon. TO SHANIKO IN ONE DAY. QTAGF I INF O I H L L I IK L NOItTHBOUND I.eavo Bend.... 0S0a. ra Arrive prinovillo 12:00 m Leavo Prinovillo 1 p. m Arrive Shaniko 1 am ESTIMATING A SPECIALTY HUISTER ami Laml Locators OREGON TTTYTVI CASH STORE ma line op - , itkii Kigni. i OREQON