The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, October 16, 1903, Image 6

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    Tlmtier Lniul, Act June j. iSt-
U.S. UiulOff.ct.The "'J-,0"'
Nolkc U hereby given lhl lu ""UP,f.,MUI1
riSrfolfl8&l5. Oregmu SWjdj ."
Miiluo Territory . a extend la all it
follrtn-uHird u-ron haw 11 l "lis
their sworn statement, lo-wll
Ole 15 Jevnln
nfcttiwax.cuanii or Wk. Mt jt Ml"";
nmm atatement No iM4. Blew txc ,"
the iwachaaeof the wfi aek and ct !
tptoa, r iic, wm.
John K levnlnr , .
of CUmlx, ctrnmir of I. f Mlnn4a.
the -eate! of M 4 f J and Jj J ' JfKJar
!w4ytpeo,ric,HJaH,eK see jj. tp r . r
It e, w .
nun-Jet- Swenaon
.u. . .. Hr iji. ,t mT MlMueaotA.
SmmS7n?i M9TTw is. to or
UISbSroflhr.jr!vK nodae HX aec 1
Rmi nK X . U " w m-
f Cstiimix. county of Polk. r """;
1 Maiait No ij.
the MmMHHi
thenwK ci.tpse,r ue.wr-
lka It Hllll
f Pond, con)- of Crunk. state of Oreeon, vot
atetrtanml So 15JR. filed Dec 4, . .y- "
ChUOf the MH X H.tHC "X lP
, r II r, r m.
That tky wl or proof to show that the tend
mftt Swore valaarde lor It limber orMooe
thsH for sartcnltiu-al pwrpoje. " JfJSSl-""
I hrtr claims lo Mid Uad before the Hatstcr sad
Hccttrcr at The Dalle. Oregon, on Wdnb-.
tnashdB)oftrtoler. loaj, .
TfcTynamc a wltne Itetmer listen,
John R Jewing, oh- KrkkMi. Ole K JIh.
fHkTSnw.,of Cmx. Minn; Umte N
mm. John Mom. hoithl I' Malta, of Iiend. Uri
Jobi R Kawuu.of Phillip, WK O 1Iwjh,
of Seattle. Wash. John Ms'TagxarU of The
Antand alt irw alarming f'!,,2J.K
claim In the odkc o or before the uM iUi dy
Sl43or' "ftoiIAHI. T. NOLAN. Kr4tr.
Tfmbtr Laud. Act June J. rT.
U. 8. LiJ Office. The IKi, Oreiron.
Mitltmberv iojj.
NMitc U Jmebi- ie tint in eomnliaitcr with
lkrWeorth Act of Conrr4 of Jhhc
iSceiiiW. "Ab oct for the le of timber lo
lathe oH of CUtomt.. OrerMt. Ncrwta. iihI
WitStaaUM TertHorv,' extended to all the
naMkHfMi ttoln by Act of Avjmrt 4. l-
ridlji'MiliH mmcit pnriTi- ln-r "-' '- tkMomec
tMr wra Uilemeaa. lo-wii
Jotenh N. Itnetee
of AJMrtf. ONWtjr of UB. Mole of Orejwm:
vtmm Mitmnl o 470. fired June 4. . for the
IMftkM oflh mcK m 10. tp if . r 10 c. w m.
of AltaiBT, oKotr of U"" ', of OJW"'
.n MiBmit No . Med June $. ry. for the
iMfiiit of tire bwH ecj. tpMj. rw e. w w.
That hy rem offer proof to fow tJwtthe Uad
MMfat U atore ealaablc for h llftiWr or toa
UmS for acriailtanil pvrpoMM. and to etublUh
tkeu-ctatawtoMtld land before J. M. LarK.
V. S. ComaitM4oer. at Dewbatc. Oeeaoa, on
hatardajr. the 14th day or Norember. ton
ThMUMMtrrlimm J N llanter. Jamea
lltmar. J I We. Chat Itrocl. K Kinic, of Head.
Aar and U pervmt daimini: adeenely the
abat4Ktile4 UmN arc reaeteI to file their
chjtaM la th) oAoe oh or before the Mid 14th day
oTHereraher. I'
MIL T. NOLAN. Kegiter.
Timber Land. Act Juur j. 4.
U.8. Land OHice,Tlj? DaUca. OrtRsn.
r SeptemUr i. H.
Nmlte U hereby rin that in caaiplbne with
the praffcHMM orthe Act of CefHt'n of Jiwe J.
lt" aoiUltd. ABaetfortheaaieoftimbertand;
to the t4a of California. Oregott. Nevada, and
WMHM TerrHory," a exicnueu 10 m ih
paMretandinatMby Act of Aujru.t 4
Mawtaaaawl pcromf have filed is
19. the
their worn atatrnMaK. to-wR-
Mory MeTainart
of The INdle. eooBly of Waoco, ute of Orteoa.
wata ktateaoeat No 1107. filed Kept $. ipvi. for
IheparaltatcoftlMMtK ec , tpia.r Me,wm.
toha HtttchiM
of M!ny coaatv of Uaa, Mate of
tm -n Mutrmrat Ho 4M. filed Jaae 4. "
ptmbuar of the ili ace 14. tplf. t
Lewi P Terbaae
of M.liiny cuunly of Lisa. U4e of
w rn Mulrmeat No 47. tied Jaa 4.
jir(h4t ufthcacK ate n. P t a. r ioe.
hdui K. Lac
.J IUmum muntw nt OMillt Maim at
n .rn ulrincul NooaaJUad Jaae i. low. for the
porcliaK i)llfiKWII,ii,ia,
Mm Tartar
unty of Cava, .atate of lama, awoen
o7M. filed Jalys. tf. for lac paw
t ui vtt and nn K aec j. tp n a.
Doa Taylor
of mta conn
iai. mrut Nu
ct.-ix- uf I he
r g . w n
Mary Tarter
aty of Liaoota. atate of Waeiv
raacart No 7U, Meat iaty 1.HM.
Ih H n-K and wM aK
iainn imora iUWM
for the tMucbaacof lae
m a, lu it 1, r 10 e. war
Thai they wMt offer proof la afcow tkot Uar laad
wulu more ealaablc for M Mwlier or aaoac
than f'" acrirallafsl pvrpa, aad to c4aoUa
thiirii.aioia4diaad before the itaaiatararM
Heirn.r m The IMllea, oragoa. ea iTaaaday.
tbr . j oflJccaaiber, lyai.
'iliry nu nc aa wrteca Ceo Hate, Attan K
Htanrr l eud, Oe, Joaa XeTaMart. Caarlaa
Ra, v( ihc IMka. or. Kyal iTatcblaa, I H
IIihsIiiik LcwMi'Tcrhaae, Joan liouhia. of
Aliwn n A L Petrte, 1 1' McMaaaa, of Port
UhJ r. W K ntaagar. I H Ifathor . of spotiaH.
ttuo 1 A Johnaoa, .rfWejjord. Mian. C A Cart
Mti . f Muni-k Mlaa, Mary Taylor, of Har-
TtllKlll watn II i. nicMira.Mi . .
K 1 ItyW.r of WtoU Iowa; thm Taylor, of
Alii' Iowa . ,
A..v and ail terMM datatinr m4rtt
al c-dearnbed laiida are raaitealeal lo. Ma natr
aja,iiM 111 thia aflat aa
a or oeairv
the aabt Ht day
H IHoaulr, taai.
Ttwbor Land, Ant June j, iya-
U. 8. Land Oflkc. The Dallea, Orecon,
lane t. uroi
Xatkv it berebj given that iMcompliance with
the prorWon of tit Act of Coiigreaaof June 1,
itji. .Htllleal. 'An act for in aaleoflimberUnd;
In the atate or California. Oregon, Nevada, and
WaaMnatou Territory," aa extended to all the
iHtbUe UTikI at a la by Act of Auguat 4. iy. the
follawlng-HaMitai peraana l oh Jan H. vn
Iliad lu ill la sj?iec tlielr aworn aUtcmeuU, to-wll.
loha I1 lohnaou
oTThe IHea, aouuty of Waacu, atate of Oregon;
aworn aUlMjicut Vq nfoi, for the purchaae af the
M uk. I'OJt unrjf ami nwM ncX ac rf, tp 19 a,
r ij , w ih.
Tnhn 1'rallien
,.rTt,r Iialla auiufv of Waaoo. atate of Orciroil!
aworn atattmciit No itoj, lot Ihc purthaac oftlie
a4!! hoc it, tp 19 . r e, w in.
olaf hkiitfiftii'
uf The Dallea, county of Waaoo, atate of Oregon;
aworn atAtemtut No 1604, for Ihc purchaae of the
nK tief and H neK ac tj and awjf nii aec
3, tp 19 i r ij c, w 11).
Tlt tiiey will offer proof to ahow that the land
ought U more valuable for Ita timber or atone
than fur agricultural purpoac, and to eaUbtlal;
their cUliiii to aald Und Uforc the Kcglatcr and
Keceiver at 'Die Dallea, Oregon, on Muuduy, the
ythduy of Novemler, il .
They name aa wltnraao Tliomaa Tweet John
PrsiiMli, OUfrikuggen, John P johiiaou, of The
Dallaa, Or: Jplin r!tidl, of lleud, Or.
Any and all jwraont daliulug adveraely the
ahavodcacribnl landaarc rciucatcd to file thair
claluu in thla oificc on or before the aald vth day
r Nqvembcr, wo.
aj.-oj) jnCJIAJIL T. NOLAN, Kcglatcr.
Tlmlier Land. Act June 3. S.
IT, S. Land Office. LaUcvlaw, Oivm,
Scplembr , lirAJ.
Notice 1 1 hereby Riven that In omtpllanre with
lhelurtloiif the Act ofConisre. of June j,
l' entUled, "An act Or UicMlcff UipVet lamt
In the Hlatet of Catllwrnut uresmi. Nevada, iind
Mhlftoi Territory," a 1 extended to nil the Mwl utald by Act vt .VtiKUft 4. iSm. the
luttowtnenamoil 1kwiii hc till day Qletl in
thta lcc their awvtn MateHieim, to-wll
ole tron,
f Delmimt, county of Tiwdl, utateof NiMtk, IM
kola; awwrn taveient N iT4. fr the pmehaw
nf UieiiwU w e n) aCi and afc cH
mc m, tp it a, r 14 e, r in
Prder K ltatfimcn.
ofCtlmax.coMBlyof Polk. lU of Minnesota.
wM llemel No t7. tor '" r"ac ( the
nH mK. wH M "ll " K aec l.
tp tl a, r 14 e. w hi
JWen O MtnHi
MfCHawx.cwmtyof IMtk. tate f Mlntiewtai
anurn Matewenl No iT4. for li HiKhe of
the neK . P a. r 14 v m
That they will olTVr proof to afouw laat tle Wind
iHWht U wore finable for il tlwhrr or
than for aarNultural mrioM, and 10 c-aaWlah
,w..i.i., ui.1 U14.I Utitr I M tjwtewce.
V.S COHiilloner at lend. Oieaoii. on Ta-
2 ... .!. .lu. .tf !VMiut.r lartl
They name a wllneaoe Ole ltt. u ot V)'
W1IUI, .-.Will ll 1." ..- jr.
Mai Mlnnewta. Hten tl linen!. e CM max,
MiBHeMta, Lonta Nelon, of Wend, ute m
Any and all petaoni cUIhiIhit advt. wir the
aburderibelUid4are ies-Sol ttJ 1 "Jbelt
ctmlnthiolrheonorHeMelieid ithday
Timber I-and, Act June j. i9.
V 8- Land 0ce. Lakevtew. Ore. ob,
hepUtnber ay. laojr
Notice l liereW utveu llwl Ih mmplaiHa. wltU
the provthHi uflhe Act uC Coiiairwi of J J
lT, CHlltlol, "All act for the k.iel tlmbit .In
la the MatM of Caltfornta. Oiegou. Nva4a, om4
Wahliitl" Territory," extended lu U the
iHltJrC h.wl Ute b Act of AwW t, lM, Ijt
folluwiUK-HaiHcd ero ltavc bird lu lhta.oKK
their awoiU aUleuienta. lo-wil.
Atne AmmlHi,
of White Harth. connty of Ward. Mate of tlk
Dakota: iworn HateweBt No iJ. r tit war
chavufthenwu nwH- " "HH aiatah
hcK ec 3. t t m r 14 c, w m.
of White Karth.rooBty'ofWiiM, ataloof North
lMkota. awoea atautacal No iM, for lb pmr
clMvwof the mS nwK- "i "WH K
ne MCH.taiiMUr.wa
Oertrwde haaerad.
of White l(arth.coanly vf Ward. Male of a4al
iuLmi: inurM Mateateut No iraa. (ur the t-
. 'k. ... .. k . ., lm it U.I.IU1 . ..I I'll.
cttaac oftbcHSiMH. wU ael. acK at'
H, tpai a, r 14 e, w m
IaIiu A Cariwa.
ofWWUKatth.coaatyofWard. atate of North
IlaVota: M.MM MaieiMCHi .-o vu, ai i-'
chaacwTthevrhi.wH.-wK w(i e . tp 44 a.
ec 14 c. and awh aw a, tp w a. r 14 e. a.
llrtga M Maaa.
ofWhUcMarth.coautyof Ward. Mate of North
IMkota, awora ataleatcat No lauo, foe the par
cbaae of the ae ec J4. tp l a. r 14 e. w aa.
That they will oflcr proof to thaw that Ute land
Meat la laore voluahle for rta tinner or tHM
than for aigrtculturat Htfpvea. aad to ealahlk
their cUtma lo aakl UmJ before J M Uwreac.
V. 1 Comnifc-toHer at Heud Orefoa. on Prtday
the I ithday of lrcember Mjol
They name aa wllKeatr IjhU Nctaoa. Ole
Krickion. of Head. OfcgoH. Arae AamtoVw.
l-eter Neraeth. Orttrudc lHacrwt. Joha A CaiV
wn and lletaa M. Man, aU o( White tUrth.
North Dakota
Anv and all twraona eUlmlBK odrcrwly Ihc
alwee-deaciibed (awU are roiptaatcd to file thek
dalBM la thla oAce en or before the aula llth
day at December,
. laal.
ft. M. HRATTAIN KcgUter.
Timber Uud. Act Jane J. iK.
V. ft. Und Office. The laaltea, re(ou.
Augtwt aa, vky.
Notice ia hereby Riven that In coannlUuce with
Ihe proviaaoaa oflbe At of CongroM of Jam 1,
iM. cut Wed. "An act for the uleofttmberlanrb
bilbc atatea of California, tircgoa. Nevada, and
Wabuaf,to Terrttory." a caleaded to all the
CbtK Uad atatea by Act of Aaaawt 4. ia. the
loartacnaaied (icraana have RUd III thiaoflMC
their awata aUteateata, lo-wR.
John h hchnMac
of Hlbbiaar. coauity of M Loot, atate of Mhwt
aata aan. ra atateaaenl No 1744. Mad April 1, inj.
for the porcaaaeoflhcaWawK. H awl aec
jaadaefc- nw aec I. tp a.r ij. w m.
Minnie lacobaon
rroaiiiKl. cutuatv of Baron, atat
of Waacow-
t ' . r. i- 1 , ..
fof the paicbair of the awhTaac . lp l a.
o iT, aaaai aava .
. .
t Ba,-V .a.. U'nl 8oufwr. GBtUaty Of I NMM-
im m mf wucuaa. awwa aajaavauaiBvi rsoi7ia
Mad Mar 1. 104. for lb purduaae af the net,
aac 1, tp aa a, r 11 r. w m.
Tlaat they wMI offer pr
mi f t ahow that t he la nd
aoaurbt aa aaor valuable for lu limber or atone
Uaa for aarteaHural purpoac. and to catablaati
tbsar cUtaa to aaid Uad before W A .Hell. f. H
OseaaiiailoiieT. at Prineville, Ofcnon, on Thuea
day. ih 1 h day of November, ipt.
Taey name aa wiineaaea joain n -waHiu. in
Hmbaae. linn Orin J Oray. John A Tracy,
(Meant Marah.of Head, Or; Uaorae W Oardner,
ftaMlaik. Mian ljott V. Allinvbam. Ora Poin
deater. II J Palmer, of ITUevUle, Or. Carl Jacob,
aoa, wuiars I. koppernou, 01 nacm, . .t; hw
ard King, Wm II Hrocfc. John DUM, of Mend, Or.
toba McTaoart, of Tb Itallea. Or; Ikqfantlii V
C..W-7-? ...--.
ABV aw aa iievaoaia remiinn .-.. ..
bowaMrlbad Luda are rsiinsalsit lo file their
daiaaa ia thla oflhn? on or before Ihe aald uth day
af November, iat.
M-n Micl
!i!AKL T. MOWN, Keetater.
Timber Ijand. Act June J, 117
V 8. Und Office, Lakcvicwr, Oregon,
aeptambar at, ioj
Notice b hereby atven that In compliance with
lb prortaauta oTIll Act of lUmgraa of June 1,
ifiCsMtWed, "AH aat for Ihc aaTc of tlmUr Uuda
(ulrwalalaw of California. Orrcon, Nevada n ml
tVaahlnijton Tafrtaory," a exUudad lu all the
EkUndatattaVyAct of Ampat 4. iM. the
wing-aaBMd peraona have 014al lu till offiee
aworn atalement. to-wlt
of Climax, county of Polk, autc of MlnucaoU:
aworn atalemut No i. far the purclwae of
Ihc ur ur aec a, lp ai .r 14 . w in.
John IMward Jehuaun,
of airaax. county of Polk, atate of Sllnueapta;
awnru aUleitidit No it), for lb jm rebate of the
nw (jr aec 4, tp 1 , r 14 e, w m.
Albert HjMiUly,
of Climax, ouunly ol Polk, atate of Mlnneaola,
aworn atatement No i4 f'r the imreltaac of
til 11 K uw ir.e qr nw qr.nw jr nc qr t 11
a, r ije, w lu.
of Climax, county of folk, atate of Mlnutaota;
aworn atatcincnl No 141. lor tht purchaae of the
wMcqr, cMawqracci.tpai a, njc, w m.
Atexandtr Hpoktly,
of Climax, county dT I'olk, atate of Miuucota;
aworn alatcinrnt No 1I41, for the purchaae of Hi
aw qr nc qr.wM c qr.uc qr aw qr ate 11 a, r
14 e, w 111
That they will offer proof to ahow that the laud
aouglit U more aluablc fur it Umber or atone
than fur agricultural purpoaea, and to cataldlah
their claim to aald Uud Wore J. M. Lawrence,
V. H. Coinmiaaloncr at Ikud, Orcgou,ou Wrduea
day, the 16th day of December. ir'J
J hey name aa wltucaar. Oiutnf Taruqueal,
John lward Johuaoii, Albert Kokely, licrdiu
hiiokcly, Alexander Hpokcly, all of Climax.
Any and all pcraoua claiming adveraely the
abovtxleacrilied land are rrqueated to file their
claim lu lliia office oil or before the aald 1 6th
day of December, y
ooili V.. M. J1KATTAIN Kcglatcr.
Timber Land. Ait J i tr
V. 8. UiulOlnc Ukltr, OtejttHi,
atliteniUtr , taaj
Notice U luteli' liticn. lnMiipUiica wild
the piovUtona iiTlho AM '! Conaiewt of Jljli J.
ikiI, ciitltletl, "All ail fbr ilir wleuf tliiilierlamh
In Hi alaleaofCnlllotula. iireaun. Nevada, ami
WaaliliiKtOii Territory," a rxtewletl tn all llie
uolilttf land atatM lir at a AiiMt 4. . th
Mtowlna nameil ieaona have file! lu till
gihve their awixti atataHit nt lo-lti
lhhvaid H liilaH.
of IHirtaae, coiiHty aXCnlumlua, Male of W Iob
aiH.aniHn alaleHitnt No i- ' foe the iMiixhaae
flVeSHcT. aiMlw'nwK " , tp l.
r t, w ra
llatjii. 1 l. it,M.
ofLMillitavvBt'1b.ilt ..fChlBMwtl. ataleof
Wtacuntln, awru itMleHi No na, for Ihe pne
chaae otvhe wH aw ate j and uhj nwK a II,
tp m . r c, w m.
Tnawrtor llovlaml.
ofMloHer,cot of Chn-iawa, ateK? of M
clu.anotii ataltHitnt o i"4. lor Ihe ptr
.(MWuriheaVtmrX. vrt,awiecil, lp H a. r
C, W IM.
oitii. m-ti. . 1M
vvf Wee Uke, cMl of lam.-u atate of Ucom
aiM.awuTHatatetacM Nn is. for the parbe
ofUca, !, ,K nK a,v 10, HMd HeK nwK
KCis.ia. rtii wm.
That th will otter prullo ow taai ine
tMd aouhi w atweo valHii for tt llwbet or
alone lhau for aancaiMral I'Uipuaea, an4 W
tNUh thrtr clalnxt to a.Hl land before J J,
httitlh, Count) Clerk, at Pi.ueville, oreaoB. oh
TikrMi) the 15th. da of D loal.
lley ttatoraawitNajstea h.iwaro II Ihiaiaan.
..t ivi iniariii link J Mtrman. of
Lhlitwewa I'alk. Wfccotaai.i. ihtodor lluvlaml,
of llloonirr, Wlacoaaln. liu II Mat
atad. of Kate
I4H.C WiioalH II S Wllh-lm i.f Lava, tnw
rn, t-vpiwn,
ISrry P Potadeur. Ofw ixnnoeaUr, Wat H K-
I'arMndof lrtevtlhj, tne"n, IKiaatB r wena,
,aaa .. a, .a .n .,-.- -- J. .. . ,r .
Wilbam llrock uf IHaathati nicfon
Al aul all peraott daitalaa advetoely the
buW daritied hinda are i.Mucated to hie their
cUlma in thia oOhM on or belore the Mtd 15th
day ( December
M. MKATT.MN Keittater.
TlOtbvf Ultd, Act June J. ).
IJ. 8. Land Glut, Ukevhrw. Oirmi,
hculrMber it, inaj
Notiev W betet- atven that i cuatallaraje with
llaepruvMotwofllHActol CuaaRM of Jnaa j.
i7. ealliled. "An for the aaieof UatWr lantb
la Ihe atate ofCntiftriua. nreua. Naiada, and
Uaahlaottlmloy."a. ea.raded to alt ln
trnbllc land a4ate mf Act uf Aaaaatt 4. .
tH Jethia laiitrtaun
I of PrteUle.coatjrofCn..k. atate of iHefun.
F kaa lied la thU oMhM ate .mm ataleanat No
ii), fortacparclMataf lb .V H
H aec Hk
ajr ae ajr aec
acK aat, M,fll c jj nr
11 a. r e, w aa. aa win .w . p..
ihal the laad aooabt It ator c t aluaW
bar or atoac lha a for aattcillural w
t eatahUaH bia datai lo aai I land I
aaKiih. (.aante Ctaek. at Prian .lie.
T 7' :. .r . .. .
Monday, the 14m oar or larcrmner. iwaj
He name wttaea-oa II A Poater. C. M.
ttrtrkaua. nitoa tl4v. Kalph Jordan, all of
prlnevtiir. ifteaoa.
Am and all Mtaawa cUlmtac advotaetv the
above-deacrtbed laaaVi arc rniurated lo file tberr
daiaaa ia tauaotaca an or before Ihe Mid 141b day
of tacceaabee. loai.
rdii K.M.
Timber Land. Act Juae . .
17 S. Load Ofltae. The Dsler. trretton,
July IJ, taw.
Nolle I hereby adaajai that ia compUaac with
the piovtaaoo of the .Vat of timgtewi of Jam .
107s. entillrd. "An act for lb & of limber laaab
to lie mat of California, inrguo. Nevada, aad
WaaMaa ton TenHory," a eaieaded lu all tb
naldac UafO atatea by Act of tnnat 4. if. Uw
foUowtac-aamed petaona bare fiM In Mrta ahoM
thrtr awom atelawante. to-taHi
aflertOiwvV.coaaHyarWaAtagjan. atetc af
Dreoon, aworn atatemrnt No imb, Mai Jan 1.
iy.l. fUlh ircaefraawK a,tp isa, r
ue, w m
Pater NatanjMh
of Hannah, eoanly of CaaWr. atate of North
Dakota, aworn atatement No IMI. Mid Jan II.
laoj. for lb parch of the nbj aK and cM awtf
a4.lp i)a. r va. wm
Mary nbaw
of Port Orove. coaaly of WaMhInBtoM. atate ol
orcaou. aworn alalenwat No laaa, filed Pb 17.
ioji, for lb parchaae of if H aeK aad neb;
aelf aec ia sad neW aeh aac ij, lp I . r 10 .
Willtam Hay
of Hannah, eoanly of cavalter, atate of North
Dakota aworn atatrmnrt No IjaJ, tied Ian 14.
laai, for the purcbaar ..fill, at nV. nebj
andnwH m arcii i, we. nr m
That they will ufl-r uoof tn ahow that Ihr laad
aoua-ht U m.T aaloaliir aar Ma timber or atone
thaa for agricultural pumatta. and to eatabltah
Ibrtr clatme to bt Uad Ufore lb foratater and
Keceiver at The Dall" oiegoN, on Twiaday. the
loth day of November iw. , ,
Tanaaav aa wlinraa. later NalamHb. Wil
liam flay. Nevin Mclnlyre, af HaHHb, N .Dak.
Mike Connor, of The Dallaa, Or. IHnaM MHW.
Mary lakaw, of Pari at i.ruvc. Or
Aay aad all ptr-m. claiming adveraely the
abovi-deacrtbed Unda ara reameaUd to file their
slaim in thla omcc on ur twfor tb aaM 10th day
of November, ign.v
ail-oat MICIIAP.I. T. NOLAN. Keaw4r.
Timber lnd. Aat June J. MT.
V tl. Und OaVa at UUvbw, (rcan,
neptember t, teo.
Malic u haaelnr aina ikal lu aoaunlianot with
tb rarovbnon oflhe Art of lanar f J"
aavy. entitlad, "An art U ih aaieof timberhiHd
in Uaa atatea Of Caltfuruia, Oiaaon. wevaoa. ami
WaabiHBUm Teirllory. aa sxteinM U all the
public land atatea by Aat of Augwat 4. i
William Purfear,
if Ib-ILI rtaiutv of Hrrfo.xail- a4ate of MiUIIWUt
ha filed in thla office lu aworn atatement Nu
iM ttf llv uiriaaw .,rih wll uaa aec a). IH
neK ac 7, tp r 11 a, w a, ami will oiler
proof lo ahow lhat the l-wj aonght U more vala-
abb) for Ite limber or alun tbaH for agrleltnral
LCn 1 1 UhiIH. 1..U..IV r-luV at ITiuevllle
rpuiaca, aaa w r.,,.,aii na hwiit, .w mr 9Ty
Oregon, on Tueaday Ihr ilh day of Decamber.
lie name aa wltHrav-a Kalph JerdaH, I'arry
H ItoatHlrxlcr. Ora I'uliidextM, Cluirle II
XrlctMOu.ailof 1'iineti r, Ofeaaw.
Any and all pcraoua oaatwlng ndaajaely the
abavs-deaerilwd Uiula are ragusatsd l file their
Claim Ih thla oVc on or bufirc llieaakl lth day
of lujaoiultr, lift
ochIm U II IIKATTA1N Ktttr.
Tiinbar Land Act June J, isyl.
V. H. Land Office. Ukctlew, Oregon,
riciliuiir y, ivj.
Notice la hereby giten that In coinpllanoc with
if iiroeialuiia oilhr An nf Canitreaa of J 11 11 1.
ii. entitled. "An ait for the aula of timber laud
lu the atatea of Califcrnu, Oregon. Nevada, and
Waalilngttiii Tcrrilor a extended lu all the
public land atatea by Art of Auguat 4. !'
William A Taylor,
of Chicago, county
tro. UMllllv ,.r ( r,uil.. al,
"f Crook, atate of Illinois,
has filcrtin till urtkt Im aworn atutcincut No
iaJ, for the purcha
oftlie eUjacqr, arc .chj
nc ur ate w, tn j a, r i e.w 111
Ami will offer proof lo ahow Hint the land
sought U more valuable for It tlmlwr or atone
than fur agricultural puriioaa, and lo eatabltah
hi claim tn aald Unit Uforc J- M. Lawrence,
V. h. Commlaaloiitrel liend, Oregon, 011 l'riday
the nth day orDeccmber itni
lie name a witiicaw William J HI. Thorny.
or Portland, Oregon, II W Kced, John bteldl, W
Vaudcvcrt, or Deathute, Orrgon.
Any and all pcraom claiming adveraely the
abovc-dcacrlhcd lamia are requcatcd to file llielr
claim ill tills office 011 ur before Ihc auld llth
day or December 101.
09-illl it . 11KATTAIN Kcglatcr.
. TlmNr linil, Act Jiiiicj, lltt.
U. , Ulld Office,
I'he IWltea, Oiemm,
limit I. 101,
N'ellctUliertUy 1
ulven Dial lu nniilvlUilK with
the litwiUloiia nflhe rt r Cittiiirewi nr June i,
NT, eulilleil. VA11 act for the an Hrtlmbarlauda
(rt the atatea oftatlluriiia. Ortauit,, NavatUi, and
WaahlngloM TrtiHut) ," aa eitemled to alt lha
imUk' lawl atatea by Act of Aiiaii.t 4. lW, lb
Mlowlnt-iiaiiml iHrauna Imve died Ih Inw ofllce
llulr a worn alateincula. to wit
Prank J l.lllle
of Hotllneau, county of lUullneaii, atate of North
IMWirta, aworn atatciiirnt No ii, flleil I He aa,
iw for Ihc porchaae uflhe awl( arc 4, lp 17 a. 1
10 e, vr m.
Isabel! Ptaaer
of IMllHftm, count) of Hotllneau atate .of North
Iwhma: amifH atateMMMt No IMt. (lied 1"
pii, for the pmchaae ofllie awK ar tp 1 .
awU af ia.lp II. t
ia a. w m.
Maale I'rataer
or rtottluean. eoanly of Hottlnean atati of Nnth
Dakota: N.i iir 1. filed Ian a,
iwm, forlhepaechaaeoflhehita jaud 1 aec and
Iota I and 1 aec 3. tp 17 . r 10 , w w.
Daniel Praaer
of Hottlnean, county or Hottlnean, atate of Narth
Dakota; aworn atalement No isn. KM Jan ,
,y for the unrebaa oflbe aeH . lp 1 a, r
10 e, m
Andrew JuhiMou
of Hottlnean. ctnaaty of "otllnean Hate of North
Daaota, wotuiaientet.i no isj". nww jmm ,
i9,, for lha purchaae of Ihe at( aece, tp IT a. 1
10 e, w m.
Imetili V lraaer
of aottHieau, couutj of Hottlnean, atate of North
Danota, aworu eraicaacm no nn, " 4" '
IV...I forhaarchaaea(thUrH ore 1, lp t a. r
'"That the) will urftt ueuof lo ahuw that lb land
rnabt la wore aaluable for lla Umber or etoot
than for airVrullural unttmac,
their ctaiwa 1.1 aanl land before.
and lo eatabltah
the Reatater aad
nenlrer at The Ualtca. ItreaMM. on Hatufdaf, the
Tth day of Notrembrr, loij
Tbef name aa wkaiaWa. Nkhota. HjaWi.
Mtka LePaae, of The IhiU. l aario Pr--r.
laabelle Praarr. Prank. J MllW. JffJtJJ.
John C atavr. Andrew Johnatoa, IkMaald M (Ml
leapar. laaonri rraaer, 01 nwiiiKaa, . uwi..
Any aad all ucraoaH cUlmlaa fdverwly the
abaaaVdearrilwtl UaMM are rraaealed to Mr their
claim la tbt oOlce on or twtur
lha aabtnhafay
an-o MICIIAlll. T. miUA.-x. "epaer
Timber Land. Act June J. tank
V H Laad tnfar. Tb Uatta. Oeeaou.
iktober ia. navb
Notice t her.t.y gtvaa taai la cuwiitlaav with
Ihc pnniawaa of la Act of Cuoarvaa of Jaaa t.
iom, entliled. a a art for Ihe wU of timber Unda
In lb atnlea of l.alluma. rra, Nvada, and
Waablagtoo Territory " a ralaaded la aU tb
Kblk toad atalca by Art of Aago-I t t g
towlaoHmmad perarna. have filed In lew
ofiarc tbrtr awora stalemenla. m-wtt
af MlmaMBulla. cunnly of llaaaentn, atate af
Mlnnmute, ,a auument Na ijfTi, Mad Oat.
ia, rant, for ibe purths otbeLaW J awl
4 ami W wit aac m, lp ma, r m . w m.
af Mlmaeaaalia. county of Hraaeala. atalr af
ulannMa aaiiarn atateaaeal No IJM. filed tart.
.. M , . .. .llu. U(ttt.T mjam M
VI. ivav. avr aw wwitw . mw w v -. r
a,r 11, m
a, .rfnlii r. linen
of MinaeapolM. omaaly of lleaneylu, .atate al
Mlaneaota. awawn atawatcat Tio im, nieo. ian
i. ism. for the purchaae of tb alt aW i"K
neK and aeK nwli an ,. lp a a, r U e. w m.
AsVttff W JtjMaM
af Mianeapotu. coaaty of laapln. atala of
Minora-a. awora atalement No let, filed Oct
i nai for tb tmrcbaa oflbe aefc aac n, lp
Aadrew Carlaon.
of Minaapoll. coaaty of Hranapaa. atele al
Mlaaemda. awoen atawmrpt No ijlai. fibnl Oct.
is, iaa. for lb pnrcbaa of tb H aK .
andHaeW7.tpm.r il, m m.
ntH utT wa amm
r h iman or
di. aaai aai
Keorlver at Tba IMttta, Otoajw. on Tinnatay
rwetmber. n. to-
ftiav aauaa aa wttanaat
Androw Carbon. P
Adanph PrtermHi. Andrew Jobnan.
on aad Andrew Andtraon of
MHaaeapalK Miaaeaota
Any and all rwewna dalmlnc adveraely Ihe
baWdinmjataoe are roaanfsd to Alt Uteir
lalatala thla otice oa or brs the matt sod day
at Iktaafcal. Iax.
Timber Uad. Ad June j. i7.
f a i-ad 1 laser. The lkatles. Ormnm.
. -- - . -.
Mir. 1. t.., rte,.i thai auaadliaraUN
ik. rnim..L,ttmm Art uf Luaarrem uf luue 1.
J. An act for the aat of Umbat U.kU
ii2mrs -s
r7, cauiara
In thv atat
l'kiBi,lfrfi TerrUjaaTV
public Und atatea by Aat of Anawat 4.
lam Cleek
of Ittaevllle.crnaBtyof Crook, atate of Ol
of onrmwi,
has on Jan 7 no. ia . "
atatement No aay. for the parcbawe
u aau, nw an pvMaipan. w. m
arc u, tp lu a, r ioe, w m.
Am. Wl offer proof lo abonr that Ibe tend
eoagbt ia mure valuable for lis lloiher or aton
thaa l eurarullural porpoae. and to aubllab
bw claim Co aald tondbetote W. A Hell. 1 n.
Cmnmiinaaner, M Prinrvllle, ttragon. no Mon
day, lb lath day of November, .fax.
Ae nama aa wrtneaae lata MMru, Champ
mntth. Thorn II UMletf. teum Ctaek. Chaile
ftmlth, ofPriaevllW, or
Aay and alt iwn-ma cUlmlaw daMty the
auo-oitbedUr4nnranamnMlt file Ibdr
ctetattlntbisutao on or taraaM tH aaM tsth
SZmW&nttl. T- KIUX. -leter.
Timber Und. Art June J, 11.
11 Und rifbc. The iMllva, Oregon,
luue 1. loai
Notice la hereby given thai In comptlauc with
th. .teUma oTIbe Act of Couareta uf Jane 1.
I yi' tHmed "An art for Ibe wleof tlwberUnda
in the slstea of CallforuU,
Diegofi, Nevada, ami
U'aahiuaujn Tefrilory." u ex
Lleudad tu all Ibe
fmldk land atates by Act of AugnM
4, line, lb
quanta iwraon nave on laira ao, ivav.
filed In Ihl office llwir aworn statement, lo-wil,
JohHP WlUlama
of (lliiml Potfcs, counly ur tiraud Polka, atete r
North Dakota; sworn atalement N ijit, for tb
puieiiaac or the 111 K e 19, tp ma, r 14 . w m.
Kkhar.i M Howler
or an Cnnunrtctiit blk, Mlnntaimlh). counly r
NleoJUt, atate or Mliitiasuu. awurn Hslemeiil Nu
III, for lit piirclmae or the 11M aeM and ae
e)( acaiandueH nK ae u, lp ,r i)c, w m.
Illl () IMiwIer
ofyM Commercial blk, .Mlnneapolhi, counly of
Ntcotk't. state of Mlnueaota. sworn atatctacal Mo
Itt9, for the tMirehaac or Ihc nwK jj, lp to a,
r lie, win.
Jamea C11II0111
orilrand Pork, county of Oraud I'orks, stal r
North Dukolai sworn tatemut Nu liw. lor the
imicluse oftlie tH uw)f mid lot 1 aud 1 ae ;,tp
job, r 14 c, w III.
f u.til lllffril
r I arlinnre. counly of f.raild Pork, atate of
North Dakota, aworn statement No iai7. Hr the
,,urchae oflhe !( sec 18, tp . r 14 c, w in.
ThatthcV will offer proof tu ahow that the land
saujit I inur valuable for tt limiicr or alone
than for agricultural purpowi, and lo cstiihllali
their dalina to aald Uud before the KrgUtcr ami
Itcccivcr at The Dalle, Oregon, 011 rialurday, the
jJthdayoroctolrtrr, lJ.
They name a wltlieeae. Jamc Cullpin, John
P William, of tlraiidl'orka, N Dak; Klcharil M
!, , 1,11. 11 iiu.iar. M Mtiiiiranolia. Minn:
UtVpoliiHUrii.tirUrliiiore. N Dak, John Hleldl,
Aiiy" aiuf' all person claiming adversely Ihe
aboc-tleacrlbcd land are requested to file llielr
dalnt in this office on or before the aald attliday
tf$.6 ' "ffiCHAMI. T. NOLAN, Kcglatcr.
Tliulicr UihI, Act June ), mj,
II. 8, UihI OlAe, Til Kill. Offfau,
llenloHtlanj , lajj
Nullee la htby liven Irwl lu HMpi!Htv wilk
tht piovltteH of I he Act of I'oii,
ct or uonireaa ur
of Jan 1
itja eutltlrtl, "AH act H the n
lu the atatea of California, "rei
itffi, (iitlttrii, "Ah act Art Ihr aareortliarwr Ut.da
Nf taint!
Waalilnaloii Tarritory." a eMtndrd to all
BO1I1 nr.awi
ouultv tana atatt ny An
...-. .. -. - , .....
f Auaaat
. .'
folio n 1 1 i-iimil HttSlMt
lllaat lu lllla utnvt
ihrir awoen iMliia, to-wlt
KheHearr A
ml al4lM aaiuiitv or Lrooh. alat
., v .. .--
or trunn, ataie m iireButi,
aworn aUltMul No 4IJ. ld iiine , Mpi.fot Ih
trchiM oflhe Iota I and 1 and M nK arc a, lp
14 a, 1 10 a, w m
Mdvrla M llrahaw
of Mtra, counly of Crook, atate f Orearni,
aworn atatemvtit No 471, filed Jon tki!, for the
nurcMae af Kw lota aad J aritf M aWn taw , lp.
14 a, r me, w w.
chl Hrosk
of Hnd, county ofCrooh. Mat af tHeaiMi aw.itti
Utament Mo 601. filrd Jan 1. tM, for Iht pui
chat ofth M na-K mt ajt neK are tft, tu Id a,
r 1 . aad 1st 1 are ja. lp ia t, r 11 , w at.
Wtlliaia MulhaH
of hnlA City, county aWbnry.atattof lowii
awnrn atalemeal No ana, fired Jaaa A. ispi. for
Ihe imirhaae oflhe nHK and nHawK aw .
tp ia i.nit.wa
David II. Haatr
of UwMrn. eoanly of Nat rVree. atats nf Idaho
aworn atalenavnl No fai, tltal Jnly l, laut, bar
lb pnntlnuwr of the lla 1 and w 1 aad Mt 1
aad t aec j. lp un. r 11 . m
Thallbty wttUi pnrioabaw llaalllttUnd
aoiiaht la mure valnaMc for It UiubrT or atun
titan for aaricallnrat urn poor, awl h eatatdiab,
Ibrtr itsltn to aabt VainTwaar. J j nn.tth.
County fletk. at Priaevllla. uisfon. 1 Taa
dav. tne ih day of Nowathcr. loai
tury nanw a wtlneaasa K.iwiu II t.iahan
Jnnu W Wilt, Haeirrt lailth, K A (Irabam. of
nialert. Or; Werrsa Mrowa. I, H AUinhaai.
lira Poindeater, Loeen Allloahaat, uf PrinavUlv.
h. d p mif; w 11 nru.h, ye 11
ntaaia, rharla
L keurk. laarem II llaaet. Praak llmlana. of
Html Or. William II llolllnirahead J Hugo. .of
MalwaoavMaa ttt
Aay and tt peraua etaimtaa .advtal Uw
bnvelearaibad tanda arc r.auaaed la fib, I bell
cUlnm In ltd ofiW oainb. for Ihe Said I Jlh da)
of Novoatbar. IVAl. ,
ait-ai. VllCllAKL T NOLAN, gttef .
ThnUrr Und. at aa j, .
Uad tHHto. Tim ItaUra, Havn,
jaa a. tat
NaUja la ben by gleo that la atiealdaaaec wilb
lb ptoeiHnat or iai avi
li Art uf Camar of June .1.
iai. entitled. "Aa
act an tb aat acumnti
Ifornta, latpat, Nevada
la the atatea of Caltl
a..--' l.lrtluaa u alert
aleoded lo all lb
uuMWuTad atalaa In A.t of Auauat 4. Iat, Ihe
Mbaartaraaaned prrauo hve tied la Ihl ulnae
Uartr aaraen atatrmenla, lwHi
Kdvraral bHay
af Leovvnwortb. county of Cbeata Asle ofWaxaV
hagfaoi araa atalanaenl Na lata, lard la M.
aaua, for Oh para laaa id tbHt c, lp 17. r
I , w w. ' e
ttearv A Watklaa
afuiraaalat. aWattfo. omialy uTKlag, atate af
Waattaaatam; amoia ateteawat No ffm ftfant It
at. in. for lb purchaae uflte neK me 1;, lp 13
a, r 11 , w m.
Matblaa Klein
of AWaandrki, cvmaty of ttuaalna, atate of Minn-
esajadtw), county of tknaaU. atate of Minn
, aaaum atelMaicnl Nu ipV fibnl Jan ix..
nr pnnbaaa wfthr Hab. sad aH H aai
is. ip 17 a, r 11 e w m
That tfcry will vek r aruuf to era that Ibe laad
aoaabt ta aaare aataablt for it limber in atone
than for aararnUural purpoat and 10 eetabHak
Ibrtr rtelnu lu aald land kefora Ibe Healatae aad
Hecctvrr at Tb ladle ineaon. oa Prvtay. lb
Mb day at November, tarn
Tbey nam aa wltaeaae. Narbala amMb.
Tbonaa Twert. M J Kletn. Mia Coaeaar uf The
Uattoa. Ori taeora A Watklaa. of nvatlle. Waab.
lama atetdl, of Hand. tH: K A hfca. of Leaven
A wrbl t- lawam. t).fotHf mias m
zvzzazr,z mbfSbTr
rf Sir i.
am-ot! MrCMAKL T. NOLAN. Tteamter
Timber Uad. Art Jan 1. 17
U. H
Und OnV. Ukcvtew. Orvgun,
apt a, to.
Notice I brrbv alven last la oamnlUacr wilb
Ibe prortwma of the Act of Coaaraa ad Jna 1.
am. eolitlad. "An act for Ibe aak of tamb r la am
IB Uaaatalsu(CMliiurnU. iwrjrua. Naaada, aad
Wasbiaataa Tvrrlaury ' as rairanta au an aac
pnWte laad state by art in Anamat . to.
Kiueal D While.
fifprlaeville.nmiiiy of c'ruub. atalr of orrgoa.
lad la iMa isfka hi ,xa atatamcai isu
''". y Ih punhaar ol tb
!,' . L
! wl oraee 11. ip m sou wn
t louf U, thrtj be land
1 bSh.3SS
land auaagnt la aaon
taaa tor aararai
1 1,1s .ialai fo
la4d6VforJ J mlU.tjOaml khrtal ltH;
rtlle, Urenxm
m, on racssay, iaw aaaw w w.
M wltaassea lleavnr A Povbrf.
imarmarr. if
lis nan
CaavrlatU. Mtrhtoa Hslpb jornaa. Ayltaitoit
rmrt,sUofPrlarrlll. tmaua.
btv-tlratvfbrd Canlsate rsuasiasoftaTiat thrtr
Islau In IhlTofrk w or before tb sauf ijabday
of Daaembsr, H)
at M baJATTAIN, BBit
Timber Uad, Art Jans j, isyi-
U . Und iMrea. Ubevtew. ihtcoh.
aspaemnvv w. w4
Notice U berebj
ehjr givea thai la tamtplwHcc wilb
oTth Art ofCoBgr of June t,
An act for lb ssfouf limber teas).
IHe provtaaoa
in the atatea of California, iKegoo. Navsda. aad
Wshlnglun Territory." a eaieaded lo all Ihe
public land state by Act of August 4, . Ike
follow lug-named pctaua have llsd in lltwofttee
their aworn ststemrnts, lo-wlli
Wsltore M Meall.
isys. chuiwu
of Vashoa. county uf Klog. state of WMMaaltm
aaroru ateteaaent No 1714, an 1
r lav parchaae 'effba
hH bH c J, lp Ji , r 1 ,
Chart W. la
of Vnslion. oounty of King. aUI uf Wsrttnalofl,
aworn siatewent Nu 1719, for Ibe purchaa oTlkw
H and Ht sih sv 17, ip ai a. r lie, w m,
lllleH llairiaatoH, . . .
of Vashon, cwntyof King, atate of WMMhjcU i
aworn atulewem wo 171. tor the pntcbasa at Ih
aK vk, H H wl swk as 17. ip si a
r i, w m
Thai Ihey will offer tuoof to show thai the Und
sought I uioir velo-tc for Its limber or stun
IhaTi for aurn-ullural Hirwaaa and to establlih
llMtlrctalinsloimhltaHdln-foi J M Uwieiic
I'. H. Cowuilaaioiirr at lleud. Dragon, un lalui
day Ihe nth day of llecewber, iw)
Thty name wilutssw Wallscc M. Ilfnll,
ChsrlMW Jarolai lllten Harringlim, or Vaskou,
Waahlniitou; Isaac W Wllllama, Amu llrad
thaw, I'MlUnd, Oivgou, P C Whllteti. Ilid,
Any and oil peraunt elalinlng adversely Ihc
aUivtwbjuHllliii4 ate rjiialil l file tlicrlr
cisliua lu (iila nlfHtc oil or baforc tin said 1 lh illy
iliir" ,WH- . IIHAWAIKW
Timber Culliirr. I'liml I'rmif.
It. tt. Laud Office, The Dslli, Orgoti.
September y, lvi
Notice I hereby given that. Ilvoixe Mllllcaii,
ori'riiievllle, Oregon, Im I1U1I imllce r lljten
lion tu make nnurproof liror W. A Pell, U. P.
CommUiloncr at hU oirlcc In Prluevtllc, Orrgou,
unlMutiilay the tli day or Novmber, ivxai, ' on
illulicrwliiiteupplliMiiaiiNo.viii w ' "WU
lifjf. sU liw'f , licjf awlf and nw, stJJ sec A
I iXa 11 a ta III.
Ilc'tiuiiicn on wiliicsacs. CliarU II. Dfly,
John HI lott,rTry li.l'oludextir.lUiir) (!rlmei
la'Hk'T, NOLAN. KctUler.