RENEW DEMANDS RUSSIA ASKS FOR MORE CONCES SIONS FROM CHINA. question of Evacuating Manchuria Ap pear to Be Ntarlng Crists-Jspan Tol4 That evacuation Docs Not Con. ccrn Iler-Unltej States I Not Surprised. Yokohama, Oet. 9. Aerordlmf, to Informatkm reaching here, the ItiwUn minister at Pekin, M. 1mt, ha in- the Chioeee foretew otttee that Bunda will never evacuate Manchuria unlet hor latest demands arts granted. China, It li added, 1ks appealed to the Japamve minister, M. Uchida, for Jap anew? assistance. United Statei hot Surprised. Washington, Oet. 0. Tin? state de Iartmont lwi not received direct con xlrmatkm of tlie Awortatml Prws infor HMtlM from Yokolsama, but otHcial my they would Hot v surprised to rv ttHvu such confirmation at any time from Minister Conger. They my they aro fully prepared to believe the new that Russia lias eorved notice on China that sho will not evacuate Mnnehuriu until hur latr-t demands are granted. Kzaotly what tho demand are, no officials of the state department if pre pared to Kay, but the l-jlief ii strong that they art practically tlte came a thow reported by the As.ociatl Prw from Pekin la!t spring and disavowed by the Ras-dan foreign office. It wax said tonight on the ldgliest authority that thli government Iwd n-asoft to beltew tliat Rnsa wa in i4etlt; on the very demand which Coast 1-ainnlorf afmrd Ambaef.lor Me Cormlek had never Uiit presented, and wkich Count CoMni. the ltuwian aMbmdor, told Secretary Hay were Hwwly pretexted as barf of tejotia tbw. It wai stated by the mhw authority that tblti mwrwnmetit will not feel railed hjxhi to enter protect acainst Itm-sta's action, so lonp an or com murcial treaty, whlcli in to lm abated tomorrow, i olMrved and the two I-ort in Manchuria protwieed by ltuwia rumaln open to the workl'e commerce. Tells Japan She Can't Step In. London, Oct. 0. The correfjiondent of the Dally Mail at Kobe, Japan, tele graphs that Karon Von Ito-vii, on Oc tober , presented n note to the Japan uk? government contending tliat Japan had no right to interforo in the ques tion of the evacuation of Manchuria, which Kolely concerned Ruwda ami China. Tlie note furthor propo.! the .partition of Corea. and suggested that Japan should take the southern half and Ruseta the nortnern province. , The note was iHkhki1 by a roHiH'il of j ministers Octolwr 5 ami Manniix Yam-1 acuta, eommander-in-chief. of the army, J Itad eonraltattonH witn uie mims tore of war and marine. The JaiMUtm government, add the correeiHHMleiit, Uhm sunt a reply to Baron Vo Koeti rejecting Use Russian projioMl. A rri sltj to probable at any moment. RATS CUT TUB DAM. Great Crevasse In Government Canal at Seattle. 9 Seattle, Oct. 0. The dam at the head of tho K"vcrnmnt canal, extond ni from I-ak Union to the watorn of the Sound, went out thix morning and all day ami tonight a rivor 75 to 100 feet wide ami 10 or VI feet deep has been racliiK through tho ditch. The water flrft IxratiK-oplnjj through taut tho wjuth wins of tho dam yoxtor day nionilii? about 7 o'clock. What at jjret wan a mhoU crevice grew to alarjre erova(o. Tito ditch In eut through rand ami loo! earth and the niching wntor rap Idly ate ItH way Into thin. Groat na tions of tho bank from timo to time fell Into tlw water ami wero curried away. While tin caUntroplm wan fpectarii lar In tho extreme, the damage in Hiiall. No private property inaffecUsd, oxuept tliat the oarth in wutdicd away from boneuth the fliore oihIh of three l)rldgtwf two lHloiH?lnu to the city and oho to tite Feattle Klectric coni'tany. The brklgao were not weakened. al UtOHgh m h precautionary meawire UaflW over them wa fctopiied. A tui porary dam will bo thrown arrow the UHiml tomorrow and the wim; dum will 1o tlien rebuilt. The damage, including the coat of re building the wins dam nrul tho tempor ary dam, will amount to I em than 1, (100 to tho govormnont. Tho city will uhoaiH) with aliout 1 300 and tho elm'tric ompaiiy witli but little more, ItatH, who honeycomlK-l tho dam with tholr holox, aro tliought to bo ro Hjoiihlliltf for tho going out of the dam, and not high water. Soo Railroad Is Mown Up. Sault Sto. Mario, Mich., Oct. 0. Foveral feat of tho Algoma railroad trauk, near tho Consolidated liko Ku jHirlor eoinjmiiy'H brick plant, wuh Idown up with dynuinito last night. Tho dyimmltoru wero ovlduntly in too areata hurry to do n comploto Job. The track wa repaired with little trouble, and traiiiH are running aa iih-uul. ATTHACTnD DV PROSPERITY. Immeose Immtsratlon of Cheap Labor Front Southern Europe. Albany, K. Y Oct. 7. The statu department of labor, in Its quarterly bulletin, attributes the diminution in an unprecedented degiee of employ ment and wRa reported In Juno as al most wholly to labor disputes. !'The lockout In the building trades of Manhattan and llronx boroughs of New York City," it nays, "oTershad oired all other disputed of the summer and threw teveial thousand raKeearn. era out of work." In general the bul letin holds that, exclusive of the build lnjt trades, Now York lndustf les were generally as active as In the summer of 1902, which was a banner year. According to tlft bulletin, immigra tion this summer baa exceeded even the record-breaking current of lastyeai, and Indicates the eagerness of the low paid laborers of central and eouthraat era Europe to enjoy the prosperity which, on the whole, still reigns In the Unltod States. The largest continents aro still the Italians, Polea and other races of south ern and ccatral Europe, with a low standard of education. Notwithstand ing the great tide of immigration, the superintendent of the State rice Em ployment Bureau In New Yoik City states that at no time during the qusr- tor wa he able to meet the demands for domestic help. "Prosperity is so widely diffused," raya the bulletin, "that the eervant keeping class ia larger than ever before, and has thus created a demand that ox ceeds the supply." EASY ON RUSSIA. Japan Will Not Force Maochurtan Issue at , Present. London, Oct. 7. No apprehension exists in the minda of the British gov eminent or the diplomatists In London that the far Eastern situation will bring forth any immediate serious de velopments. Tble feeling of tempor ary recurity on the eve of the day that Rural ahould, but admittedly, will not evacuate Manchuria, ia duo to as surance on the part of Japan that aa long aa the negotiations now proceed. Ing between herself and lined present a reasonable prospect that a settlement will be reached, Japan will take no bos tile action to Russia in the matter of Manchuria. It Is further learned that these ne gotiations, looking to a final settle ment of the Ruato-Japanoce spheres of influence in the far East and eseclally dealing vittl the situation In Corea, are progressing satisfactorily at Tokio. So treaty, nowover, has yet been signed and it ia unlikely that the nego tiations will be concluded by October 8, the date on which .Russia was to evac uate Manchuria. Russia's failure to evacuate Maachuria on that day, how ever, will not precipitate a diplomatic criaio, aa Japan rather than break ofl the negotiations covering broadly all the itiuea between herself and Russia ia willing to atrain a point regarding -Manchuria in the hope of arriving at a aatiafactory settlement. In all of this the British government acquiesces. OERMAN DILLS ALLOWED. Vcaexucla Will Par In Oold Coin the War Indemnity. Caracas, Oct. 7. -The Venezuelan German mixed tribunal has officially closed 73 claims presented against the government, involving a total of 1, 317,817. Two claims, amounting to $110,250, were withdrawn, and one of $55,000, for the closing of navigation of the river Catatumbo, the Colom bian boundary, and the causing thereby of losses to German traders, was dlsai lowed by the umpire, General G. Duffield, of Detroit. The other claims, which aggregate $043,800, were discussed and recog nized and the claimants wero awarded 1380,005. According to tho protocol the awards are payable in gold. The German railroad obtains pay ment In full of ita claims, and in ad dition a sum of $800 a da) aa indem nity for the interruption of traffic dur ing a period of 17 days. The Germans here are much pleaeed with the awards and compliment Umpire Duffield upon hia decision. Archblthop Kaln's Case Serious. Baltimore, Oct. 7. The physicians who have for several weeka been in at tendance upon Archbishop Fain, of St. Louis, a patient at St. Agnes sanitar ium, in this city, held two consulta tions today. At the cloeo of the last one, late In the day, they reported that, while Monslgnor Kaln waa much Improved, his condition does not war rant the hope that ho will entirely re cover from the ailment from which ho is suffering. Consultations of the five specialists and physicians will be held tomorrow. Cotton Mllla Resume Operatlona, Augusta, Ga,, Oct. 7. -After being idle more than two months tho cotton mllla of tho Edwards manufacturing company resumed operatlona today on tun time, ino miiia which employ 800 operatives shut down on account of the high price'of raw cotton. HAPPENINGS HERE IN OREGON WILL. PUSH IMJIAN CLAIMS. Klamath Tribe Council Appoint a Commit tee of Three. Iter. Jeeie Klrke, who is a leader among the Klamath Indians, at In Ashland-recenlly and brought the first news that has been given out in regaru to the recent council of the Klamath Indians to take action In nard to the pushing of the claims of these Indians for reimbursement by congress In the sum of a little over 1500,000 fcr lands lost to the Indians by reason of error In reservation boundaries. Tho council was attended by 100 heads o( Indian famlllea and Klrke, Henry Jackson aud William Crawford, all well. to-do members of the tribe, were elected to represent the Indians at the National capitol and were empow ered to employ counsel to further tho claim from the government during the coming fcsslon ol congress and one, or possibly all three of them, will go on to Washington In December. Resolutions were also paMd against the state's claim to swamp landa with In the reservation, which, It ia said, if irantod, would throw 400 Indiana out of allotments. MAILS ARIJ TOO SLOW. Governor Chamberlain Cootemptatca a Trip to Waihlngtoa. If his official business will permit, Governor Chamberlain will leave Ore gon In a lew days for Washington; D. C. The purpose of his proposed trip is to talk with the president, the pecre Ury of the Interior and officials of the general land office concerning land mat ters in Oregon, lie desires to secure what information he ran at W ashing, ton regarding pa it and present land transactions so far as Oregon Is inter ested. Ho finds that correspondence W a very slow and unsatisfactory way of gutting Information, and by a brief trip to Washington ho expects to get a pret ty thorough general understanding of the principal features of public land matters. It Is not certain that ho will make the trip, but that is hia Intention if he can get away. STRAWBERRIES IN CLACKAMAS. Two-Acre Tract Thit Mas Uccn Yielding Sines June. R. K. UartneR, a farmer residing near Clackamas station, Clackamas county, is now supplying the Portland market with fresh ilpe strawberries. The fruit Is of average slie, plump, ful ly matured and delicious. Prom two acres of ground Mr. Hartnell haa al ready marketed this summer 850 worth of berries. Ho la still picking berries from the same field, and ex pects to harvest at least 160 boxes le fore the season closes. Mr. Hartnell has been marketing berries from this field since, the straw berry season opened last June, and ho now has In his field berries in all stages of growth, from the bloom to the ma tured fruit. Free Ferry at llarrisburg. Tlia rnnntv mnrt nf T.lnn mtintv tim decided to opreate a free ferry at liar risourg. inerenaa lor yeara oeen a fftrrv iprnil (fin WlllatnftMA at fliat place, but It has been maintained and operated by private capital. A jw tuion asking trie county court to taxo tho ferrv nnd nnerate it on a freo hauls was lagoly slgnod by the cithens of every section aflected. Last week the mAmtw.rn nf ilin rrtiirft. vIhII,mI ttm itfHiiit of the ferry and offered tho operators of the private ferry $700 for their outfit. Lucky Doy Mine Not For Sale. L. Zimmerman, president of the Lurky Boy mining company, came down to Eugeae from Blue river a few days ago, bringing tho regular monthly clean-up of the mine. The brick were smaller than usual, valued at only $7, 600, which Is due to the fact that the mllla were not running all tho month. Ho says they are not considering a sale of tho proprety, but have gone so far and are reaping such sanlts that they could not think of soiling, aa was recently reported. Union Oets Good Prices for Fruit. The Medford fruitgrowers' union shipped two cars of Winter Nolls poara and Jonathan apples, besides Bovoral smaller shipments, this week to San Francisco. The last shipment sold for $1.26 per box, which la n good price for these apples. Throughout tho Mason the union has been getting bet ter prices for tho small grower than they could have otherwlso secured. Small Delinquent List. Unpaid taxes on the 1002 roll for Clackamas county have become delin quent. On a roll aggregating $177,000, Sheriff Shaver has collected approxi mately $108,000, leaving delinquent less than $10,000. Delinquent taxpay ers will now bo obliged to pay 10 per cent penalty, and 12 per cent per an num Interest in liquidating with tho county. THNUINa TOWAHO 1II1NO. Corvallls A Hasten. Alaklnr llxtrnslre Preparations to llullj. W, A. Ilrandebury, the Albany luin tmr dealer, who has oumo across the mountains to look after Interests In thn region of Bend, says there Is every evi dence along the line of the Corvallls A Eastern of preparations lor extending the rovl to Bend. Pour sawmills aro engaged In turning out railroad ties, which are purchased by the Corvallls A Eastern and plied along tho track for miles. Tho mills report that they have sawed more of these ties In tho past six months than lu six years be fore and but fow have been shipped out tp market. The roadbed cf the Corvallls A East' em haa long been graded for a distance of 14 miles east of the crest of thn Cas cades and the short tunnel necessary haa been bored hall way through the backbone. The Corvallls A Eastern was mortgaged five years ago for some thing like $2,000,000. but the bonds were never Issued. It Is said that ev erything la ready (or an advance on short notice. Some of the officials of tho company havo 1-cen making Investments in the vicinity of the survey on this aide of tho mountains, which la regarded aa significant. SALI1 OF LINN COUNTY FARM. Presage of Inrush ol tlastern People This TalL One of tho largest real estate deals of the season for Linn county was con summated in Albany by fi. N. Steele A Co , real estate dealers. The sale con slsted of the large Jacob Roth farm of 230 acres'near Albany, and the conilil nratlon waa $10,000. Carl Salimann. from Minnesota, purchased tho land and will farm It in the most up-to-date aud approved manner. This is considered by real estato men as the beginning of tho fall sales, which are expected to bo the best in years. The Indications aro that the Immigra tion this fall will exceed that of last spring. Many communications havo been received from tho eastern and middle states during thn summer Iwth by real estate men and thoso who have recently come to the Coast, and tho let ters all contain Inquiries as to the pros pects of gutting good farms, what the prices (or land are, and a goner I re quest ia mado for a teneral description of conditions. Salmon Running In the Nrcanlcum. Pall fishing haa commenced on the Necanlrum river, and a good run of all versldea la said to bo coming in. Ac cording to reports, someone has stretched a not acroia the stream near the lower bridge. This ia contrary to the state law, which provides that no net shall extend more than one-third the way across any stream. David Hansen, one of the ownera of the Ne canlcum salmon cannery, la at Seaside, making preparations to begla operating the cannery next weak, lie expects to put up between 1,000 and 1,600 cases. Fewer Insane Patients. Tho monthly reiwrt of Superintend. cnt J. P. Caibreath, of tho state Insane asvlum. shows that dlirlnir (tin tnnntli o( September tho enrollment at the asylum uocreaseu Irom 1,307 to 1,332. The average coat of maintenance, per capita was $0,68, or 32 cents per day. PORTLAND MARKETS. Wheat vTalla Walla, 73c; blue stem, 77c; valley, 77c. Plour Valley, $3.7603.86 per bar. red; hard wheat straights, $3.76(B4,10; hard wheat, patents, $4.2004. 60; graham, $3,383.75; whole wheat, $3.664.00; rye wheat, $4.60. Barley Feed, $10.00(820.00 pr ton; brewing, $21; rolled, $21921.60. Oats No. 1 white, $1.10; gray, $1.00(81.05 per cental. Mlllstulfs Bran, $20 per ton; mid dlings, $24; shorts, $20; chop, 18; linseed dairy food, $lt. Hay Timothy, $16.00 per ton; clover, nominal; grain, $10; cheat, nominal. Butter Fancy creamery, 25Q27c per pound; dairy, 18Q20o; store, 16 910c Poultry Chickens, mixed, 11 HKc pei" pound; spring, OaiOcj bens, llOUJic; broilers, $1,76 per dozen; turkeys, llvo, 14315o per pound ;dresied,ia18oj ducks, $5(38.00 per dozen; geese, $708,00. Eggs Oregon ranch, 26o. Potatoes Oregon, 66S76c par sack; sweet potatoes, 2c par pound. Beef Gross ateera, $3,7694.26; dressed, 097c per pound. Veal 8o per pound. Mutton Gross, $3; dressed, 6 6Kc; lambs, gross, $3.60; dressed, flc, Hogo Gross, $6.6096,76; dressed, 8 c. Tallow Prime, per pound, 46c; No. 2 and grease, 2tt93o. Hops 1003 crop, 24920o per pound. 1002 crop 2021c. Wool Valley, 17918c; Eastern Oregon, 12915c; mohair, 8637);c. STHIKIIIS COSTLY. Colorado Troops Cost Slate $5(1,000 Per Month. Denver, Oct. 0. Strikes nud lockouts at the mines In GrlpphiOrcoknml other gold mining districts In Colorado have already reduced tho mineral production ol the stato this year at least $2,600,. 000, and II tho present conditions oh. tain until thn first of thn year, tho pro duction will fall moru than $0,000,000 twlow what it would have been under normal conditions. In consequence of tho strike, 1,000, soldiers of tho Colo rado national guard havn Ikmmi doing police duty In Crlppln Creek (or four weeks, and as yet neither the mint-own-era nor tho atrlkora shew any evident) of weakening. Thn cost to the state ol maintaining thn military force In tho field Is estimated at 50,000 a month Tho unsettled conditions In thn nilii Ing Industry ate duo to the failure ot the legislature to enact an eight hour law applying to mint, mills and smelt era alter the voteia of tho state had adopted a constitutional amendment authorising such an euartmrnt An eight hour day hail beea generally granted at tho mines, and the Western federation of miners determined to en force tho same condition lu mllla ami smelters Strikes were Inaugurated last June at tho smelters lu this city anil the mill lu Colorado City, and eight weeks ago 4,000 miners In the Cripple Creek district wero onlrred by the em cutlvo ollicera of tho fedoiatloir to go on strike In supiort ol tho demand for an eight hour day for mill ami smelter employes, which had ttren refused by the American smelting and refining company ami the United States red no tion and refining company. The mlu era otwyed the onler reluctantly, n they hail no grievance aa to their own hears of labor or wages, MURLIII) TO DEATH. Ihploslon In llllauls Distillery Seven'Llves, Costs Peoria, III,, Oct. 0. Seven men were killed and five otlmrs Injured by an ex plosion at Corning' distillery hre to day. One largo section of the llvo story building was thrown into the air by tli burstlng of a copper cylinder 20 fret In length and eight feel In diameter. Every man who waa In the building at the time of thn explosion Was Instantly killed, thn Injured living men who wero on the outside. The great cylinder of coper crashed through the east wall of the cooker room, and on through the mill as though the wall hail been tissue pr, shot In an ooique and downward course throogn the air, cut down a large tree In Ita (light, scattered a pile of lumbsr as If beams nd timbers had been so many straws, ami landed 200 feet ansy from tho start of Its flight. Three or four walls of the building were nlown out. Grsat gap wero rent In them from top to bottom, pulling the i oof with them, and underneath that mass of brick, mortar, haem and twisted machinery He the corpse ol one of the men, which may not be gut out for a day or two. Nobody ha a dear idea of what caused tho epxloslon. Tho damage to tho building and machinery iseatfuated at about $100,000, and It will he thrr months before tho plant la in operation again. TO l'ROTHCTWl7AK"TaTIONS. McVrague, for Venezuela, Holds This I the Spirit ol the Magus Court. Tho Jlscuo. Oct. 0. At ll... .,..!.,,. of today'a session of the Venezuelan ar bitration court, Muravleff, tho presld. nix umrer, rean telegrams from Queen Wilhelmilia and the r..r lk.n,l.,. !,- court for Ita good wishes to them at tho primary sitting. The court announced that It had de cided that biiefa fcid other documents should lie delivered hflfnra ntnl.. ic and that replies should bo handed in oy iovcmwr sz. The ccurt will hoar tho arguments of counsel November 4. Wayne MacVeagh opened today In behalf of Venezuela. Ho said that the only question of International law In volved Mas whether strong powers In extorting money by aggressive nnd ego t stlo war from u weaker owor, havo the right of preferential treatment aa a recompense for their action, or whother all creditor nations athall share equal ly Tho spirit of Tho Hnguo conven. tlon, Mr. MaoVeagh contended, waa to protect tho weak against thn strong. Railroads In a Ilox. Chicago, Oct. 0. Tho railroads of tho entire country are faco to fnco with what promises to lo tho greatest car shortage In tholr hlatory. Despite thn . fact that moat llluirat ....In.. r. .... equipment have boon given by nil tho iHiMumm utiring UIO last 12 inontlis they now find thomsolves unahlo to nc onpt all tho tralllo that la ordered. The condition ol affairs ia outlined by Vlco President W. 0, Brown, of tho Lake Shore, who saya that tho company la In urgent nood of 1,600 box cars dally. Many lurks Are Slain. Halonlca, Oct, (l.-At tho vlllogo-of Kohcharlna, Inhabited by Turks, 400 houses nro reported to havo hoen burn, od, most of tho Inhabitant nolng killed. It is reported tliat n Turkish convoy was rocontly attacked In the Fiorina re gion and that 80 of the soldiers v,er killed.