J1 I'lfnbct I.ntut Ail June i, x;H NOTICE I'OR PUBLICATION. I' 8 Mini twice , l.nkcvlrw, Otrgiiii, Kililiiltcf 4, 191 , Nllc It lieratiy given lliatjii miiiplUiie wllli lheriirlltiiio III Aft of Ctiiigrei of June 3, iRfk. ehlHUal, "An act for Ihr aalcriftiiiitit'r UiiiT fil Ifit ll uT C'Hliruf iiU, Otrunu, Nevada, ami NN;illlbloii .tiltty," rtUiulnl In nil the pillitn Uinl atalea hy Act of Auguit 4, i;i, t lie f&UowIiiB.iiAuinl iwiaoa ha I hi day Med In lliUiilIkr Unit ofii Utiutiila, lo-wlli CharU K. Wvehlmiil, iiTAUr-hm. county or Marshall Mite f Mimic auu, awmii atalvuicttt No 1711, fur thr jnittliiM of lhw ,. awkj unduwif iH ' Ip )l , r 19 r, Mr ih II..LII I. MlkkitH. HI Millf II, goHHty itfytaraMuH, tNta of IIIIt aata, awofti u.fHl No 174 for tiir pHtehaa HI the hK H arc 1, it hc M otHl iirW ntK e Id li, r , w 111. Kthi M list Haiti, uf IHgUmi. count of folk, tal uf Minnesota, sworn aamHl 174;. Aw th Mtiehaa of III kf K ti H ll!( HHd IW( Mwh, HC JB, ll II , t IO. W w, Hoattdl A. Whitney, Hf HIphH, ewiity nf Marshall, alat iifMlHIr MM, awoto etal-atml No 174 lor the imrt'li 6f Hie itK CM J, Ip l , r 10 r, w im IlKWh Mover, tgflrraail t'oeks. county uf (.taad 1'itrba, atalcuf jnrth. Dakota, wtH alaumttiil No 1741, for Ihr parch- of lb V hH, mH ewtf owl bwk K ri ) tp 11 . r 10 , w hi itcucgr llHttiifry, f lphH, aunty o4 Martha!!, atale ttt MlHHa alii, awotn staltuitut Nu 1,30 fur the purchase f th hm K a. ift m , 1 10 r w m Joseph tl ftrtakcthoff, TMcasitM. stMMiyol Marshall, oat ofMlmir , sou. ruf H UWMCtit No 173. far Ihr putaha aft he ihm w 7, ip it , r u r, w m ifcrfM-o. Mlckclsoa, f HtctHirU, cawnty af HaroMU, atala uf lllniir JM, awaatN MalvaMHI Nu 17H. Rar tkr iirKM IH MX K are 7, Ip f 1 a, I l v. w HI JaNtt II MmllNk, n-rMntrH,cMm() o Marahall, atat uf Mliinr ata, aworu ataUlarHt No 17M. (uf lit wlclia llf lh MK l aac 7. I M a f i . . W M, Thai lhay lll ullri ltruuf lnakm I llw ktml nfdM U wufr rahtabk fur lu IIHilwr lit Umr Ihaii (ur aaranOlaral rHun, ami tw MWtli IHair tl,W4 u aniH taait Ixfuft lr Muitr ami HCHrt at UaWvvlrw, llrtuwH. atl 1'IHWy, Ike llth aViy ul Ikvnnibai iui Ttwy uam at Ura Ckatlra K Mil kM, Mall I. XlkkriMHi, knawrll A Ultlliiry. flawy Haatatt, Ji KtlMUrbxIT, UaltW I), MwkalaaM. JiitiH II. MafdlHk, all of Mphu, Mlaanuta. Hat Her Jl JMruatd, uf IHutaii!, MlHnravta, llaHNak Mwyc, ( (lii4 Prka, NtHtli Ikakuta . Any aad all iimam atatwlttii 4r1y Ik lwrw4aaTHin lawta at tauaaitnl tu tilt lltdr atalMaiH tk ae 01 ih UNH Ih wW iitlntay af Itotvaaaar, n M. HH ATTAIN. H)rtitf. rswr Un4. Art Juit J, 17. NOITCIt FOR l'UIIIalCATION. U H. Uim4 UNkr, lkTrw, tH(H), Naraw M ktitr tkf t In MtaaJHt with Ik tuaatiluin of la Act at CitM wf Jaa J, la, tatltkiat "Am art far tkt mI uTitmtxf taaoalN llw ta4aufialllaMta,Na;vi. Nara'la h4 WaaklactoM Tfttitorr,' aa rtlradctt U all lb BaMtc land ataua Inr Act of Auwt 4. !. Uk MtowIHa aww4 wnaw hava Mil in Hit nH ibair UhhM. Im-wiI AwaaattM II l.arf, af NtalnrtU, tattHtjr ufCtow Wmf, ttatraf Ml Mb' atatauMaa Na iai. far Ik vhi If lHr- tkMaf ito K nK '" " ' 'P a, f 14 r. w hi Mary t rUHit. ta. enHal af lira l Mtaaaalta, cHftlr 7 McaMrain. atatr af MlHHat. awatM alalrii rat N lata, far III Mfl M a, li i a, r 14 , m Thai lby w4ll oJr utaof (a abow tltat Ihr Uwl anaht I morv valuabt (ur ita limbtr or abHir IImm (or act 'ittarat imimm w Hi unttak laxii tlaiana l ,a4 latat brtorc J M Uarnw, t H CuwaitaatuM at Mni. iikhi. m itelaHtay Ik iMh 4ay af l)aeiakr. ivaj Tlaty nam a MitH I. II AHInilum, Or Miaaaal. lrtaMla. UrafOn. Aaemtiui II. Cafvaf. uf HratMtra. Mlaaat. laty it. Ittllt Im, MtHBvaaoati, Mtanraata Any aaal ail iianom rtelmlHS a4rtaiy llw Wt da atrlbxi UaaW ai raiaalt to WW tk Uia ih ta olM aa or bWc Ik M mil lay of ItacaHHkwr, IOMI a-; till U. U HHATTAIN, Hralilrr. Ttwaaf Uaml, Art Janr j, itfi. NOTIClt I'OR PUHI.ICATIOK. aa-A taVMK fta mm dm r . U & Uom tMksc. Ulnt, CH. man altar at, iaj Xotle t brrrby gM that la vomibIMmc with tk arnvtatuo oTta Art m t'ooar uf Jam , liya, vatlllxl. 'AM art (orth. aatroflluiWrVaNaU k IB atatrauf valllutata, itrriua, Nojhu. m4 H'aatiaatua Tvrrttory.' a; iomI la aft 11k (MM kfaal alalaa by Art of Aoa.Mt 4, IS. tidxlM I' Krttrjr. rCruuVatrm. aaaaty of tMk, Mat of MlHtir Hala, VaM.aWlHlhlaofaer hla moh atatrmcHt NaiaiM.BM lhMtrcBaflk h arf)r, wtr m Ht , at or a ajr a 6, ip 11 . 1 m . m. An it Mill ofTrr proof la abow Ibal Ihr UihI asMtabl U Ma valaabtr fctr Ma tlathrr or atoiir lb4H tor aaTbradtatal aarMara, aaJ to eataMlak btatlaitt to mm! laad brfctr J M UiMraH. I' h. Oaaiaitato)r at NrMd. IMno. 01 Monday Ik ilh 4a y of IMKBior. laai II Ham a tltna Maaiw I.l'nr, 1,001a NkauM. Jolui hlatwur It Itoyil. uf lira lilHt, iHrgwH. aakrat )UnH. of Cteokatoti, SThlMAoM. Alt) aMl all iwtfooa rUlmtHB ttarly Ih atwilarrtaallaidair rro,urTl to HI thrlr rtelma In thiaoutc -iu ur Ulur Ik aahlMlh itay nf tHrctaUr iii oadll IC. M HKATTAIN Klitr. Columbia Southern RAILWAY. , rA&aUtNOMK TKAIK TIMK CAUII. Ibraajr Mtftttry i. mm, IMMIn4MtHWHI'lH N'atlli tiOHHd NO. I IMIM tm AHHIVH A.M II J II O leji ... I 4) ... 10 to IS . iu IJ 10 it , ... to (a) o jo i li .... 8 JJ . ... a 40 ., 8jo 8 lJ LIMVK Lauud 1 bat H4ILV kMAVM , P.M. STATIONS. ..u ..(Ita SSSrrrr.. ..lUllUa , ..".'.. KlawSytir'. . .. aaalallHIifi it ' " , llay'Wttye JuMCtlim. ', .". ..lMo Mora. . -Utafeluifll (Iras Villry ... . fhHitWii :::::;::: to2L-rr. HIIANIKO imlly bIiim cuiiiicttltajia tt HltaiilV.u fur AuUl oiwi. rfliitrflUf. Uta3.nMri, BlWer Ulr. Ukc Wew.Mtf4i.lT, Dayffll. Anion. AaliuolCttii ywi illy. John my City. wTl'oil. M. I), WOODIJItHKY, HiiiivrintauiUut SluiiTko, Or. l,".,,'VT.,., n auJ P A. bImiiIUu. Ur. II H 4 13 aHhivii Tlmlirr t.Niiil, Art June; J, 1N7K, NOTICU IOR 1IJWCATI0N. (' ft f.iitnl OIHcr nt l.nkrrleir, tlrrgnn. Hilriulir Hi I 'I J Nntliw I licrrliy iilvr 11 Hint In uiiiillanec wllh III iriivlaliiiia uflli Att of OmiirrM ur Jim 1, 107H. eillltlm, "All act ftr llit-aoleor IIiiiIhtt iHiHta ill llir lalrauCiillforiil,.t)lUuiii Nrvuiln. ami U'aaliiiiifluiiTtMHury," ita eiirililnl to all Ike tmhtlrkilHl atatrtliy Art of AHeuat 4, itai, (ir fMluwiiilfiMiiinl iwraoiialiav lllnl In tlilaulfiix llitlr awoni aUlnnellH, to-wll: Kmiiia J OtiHiml. f liiiliiii!rn, iiiuiily of I'nlk, atalc of Of Kim, tHOrn ataleniriit Mo iiN for III Hirska of ill nH ate 11, li 11 a, r 11 , w hi. William A HetHI, of lnililiilrii, ooNiity f ViAk. ataU ol (liawiti awoni atalrHiriil No iaiv fur the mrclm Af th M nwU Hint 11H ")( ac li l ai a, r 11 r, w m Jnilikp M Wrlla, of lHtrrHiia! , whihI)- uf Potw.italr o(()(niti. awotn atattmetit No ik for llu wrcha or Ih aw( h( are II, H lltK '"' ,IWK " M tpi a, r 11 a. win llMHur A. Wrtl, flHlrifiiitiie, roMiity vX Polk, atat of t)i. noil, attorn atalntKai Nu i6ti fnr the parcNaH uf Ih HtK aeiaHltaj af( arcrylp i a, r 11 e. w mi Hamh I' Walla nf lliJfinlner. aMntynf Polk, atatr of Dte mm, awofH aMtamrNI No 1011 for Ih puiThaa of iweaMNK ami wHr 7 If 11 a, r 11 r.tr m. Ilfiitlflaun W Maruhy. af lailtHilHe, comity i.f Pofk. "tale uf Or uoti, awofH atalrotrat ,No iij for Ik HirHaa of til 'H vK ami w4 aK e 7, Ip II a, r 11 r, w in. CoftmnHlrtir V WttU, riin1rmteHr. eoHMty of Polk, atale f t)te KtM. ator atelHint No im tor the milwvr of th IIK ar t tp in,fii, III 1'iank P i.tohhJ, oflMMH Vtala, coooty of Polk, alalr af Orivoii, awot 11 aUtrwanl No tat for (he HirtlMa olthr ntH Uc 1 tp 11 , r 11 . w hi That they Mill ifr proof to ahw that th Uwl atMiglit la mow vrtlmlitr for II tlwUr or atoHr Hum im jt1ellwral ihhimm, awl to oaUMIdi lhtrUlmalo aald taint l.rffK J. J. hHtltti. Con illy tleiU, al Prliirlllc, urirvn. on halm Hay Hie Mh (lay of l)niUr, i'S Thry uaot aa wliira I'rmiV. P. (itmniil. uf lliirn VUlu, ()rgm, lorge A. Wllar William A tacartt, llriHlHuin W Murphy, CownHator P WrtWiif lliHriwtKlfiHr, OrmOHl I' C. Whlttrn of Poiltaml, liirnmi. Any awl all ifaoiia cialmliiK ailrrraHy the alr-lacrlk4atHtair rmuratid to file llieir rtaliH In Iht ulliee on ur Ufort the aakl flail tlay uf IHvrmlrr. ij oiIi II M HKATTAIN. KrgUtrr. Timber I.an4, Act Jung i. 17 NOTICU I'OR 1'UDUCATiON. V K 144 Offtc at lbtrw, Utn, Kit 11, loaj. Motla la kvrtbr gtM that Im coraplUMor wllh lb proWaloaa oTtb Act of Cimai of Jaa J. Itj. rotllled "Am art for Ike aal of iltnb laaila la lb tala of California. iKfgoa. Nevada aad WaatuafloN Temlury." aa aiml1 tor all lb poWte load Mali by Art of Aoaaat 4, iw. lb Ndlam la Hamad prtaon bar Hied In IhU orko lbtr wuh atalrawnl to-wM Chart II hradahaw. of Thr iMllra.ruooty uf Waaew, atat of tlrreon, awora atalratral No iTotlor lb porcbaa of the Hw(, arK t'ki. and arK arK. aellpii a, r II , w m. Ilaoaah A Mradabatr, of Th IhiIIm, eooaty of Waicu. atatr of Orrroii, Mian atateMMTMl No I7at for lb porcbaar of Ik HK "(. Mb) aK. IHd iiH aK aC I tp M a, r 11 , wm Marry W MlhaaU. ofClalakaatr. eooaty of CoUatMa. atateol t)ir fcon. awora ataletorat No 170; for lb purcbaae af Ik HH ac ii Ip 11 a, r 11 . w at. Tballbry wtU orfrr proof lo abow thatlkrbiMd aaia.kl la wore raloablr fur Ua tlNibrr or atoar laN for aartcallaral parpuara, and to oatabliab Ibrtrctalaia lo aald Uad Iwrfor J J (rtolth eooaty Ctik. al rnoratll. ihoiioh, am Monday lb rta day of Iracawlwr, tfty Thry aaw a Miioraaaa Cbatloa II. Mratl abaw. llaHHah A Mradabaw. ofTb ItaUaa. (Ho Mm. ilarry W MclbMtabt, of CLauLairt. t too. Aatoa ttradabaw. I'.C WhHIa,uf PottlaHd. OroaOM Aay aaal all iaatM etHMlK advoraely tlte aaanra dvxT.Wol laMta al roaniaaad H flkt thalr atalMtllti IhtooMMoaor kAarlhMtd 7th day i.f l)omibr. MML II. M IIHAI liMfl, KBWrr ThMWvr Land. Act J no J. i7 N'OTICU I'OR 101!WCATION. U. a. Mnd Offie, The thill, maaon, jHHra, iyj. Jre-tke la hrratw Ml4i that In emptUte wHb lb taoarudeaia ofla Act of Cooar of Juo 1 7a, aatltbNi, "AM act (ur lb aal of liatb lMd lataarUttraofCalllorala. itregoN, Nevada, aod WoafctMfMMi Tair1l.tr)." a ratefadrd lo all th aoMtc Uwd atalaa by act of Aot 4. IBB, tb MtowlHC Hamd prnuH have oa J. at, loni. bid lb INl oaV tblr awora atatrnwHla, to-Mit Hriijamlo P Klfr of PaHdM, coaiiiy of WHIa, atalr of Noilh llakota, aor a4alawal No 114 Par Ih tor chaar of lk lvH J, Ip Mt a, r 1 , w m. Ckriat rttwr of t'aMd, CamMty or Wrlla. atatr of .North IMkota, aworn atatiMMMt No 161J, far thr por ebaaeoflltae( at is.lp U. r , m. Cecil A Acker M4H of IHrnilcti, liunty of Welta, atate of North IHkiita, iwmii atalemrnl No ln. for the par rbaac of Hie HK mc e. Ip I a. r 10 , w 111. That thry Hill ulTrr imiof lo ahow that the UihI auH(ht la more valuabt for Ha tlwlr or atoor IMH far aifteiiHoral porputra, and 10 ratabllah thrlr t'UlHMlo Mid Umtbtfof M IMreH. V 8 CoHiiniaatonrr at tHjachMtra. Oreiptn, on WrdoeiaUy, the ami day of Ittrmtr. 1043. Thry nam aa wilarawa Janara Hmw John mlill. ofliruil, ittcuoii. Chrlat dlmtr. Ceell A ,ckrMMn, ItcMjaatlH I'. KIT, of Pvaaaudan, North Ihikota Any ami all pernoda dalmliiB ailrraly the akoo-daTlbd Uitda arc rauuealrd to (tie tlwlr daima Ih Ibl oMec oil or Ixftre Ihr aatd JtHl day of Drcamlxr, 101 aia-UM MICIIAItl. T NOI.AN. Kclilr. Tlmhrr l.au.l, Act Junr J. Hr- NOTICU I'OR I'UIJMCATION. U. R Laud OfAee, Lakrvlew, Oirnun, Hrptrintter H, lyoj Notlre U hrtrliy ulrrn that In compliance with Ihrprorlalanaof the Act ufConnrcaa of June J, lo, rntlllrl "An act for the aale of tlmhrr lamia In the atalea nfCatlmrnla, Otruoii, NrraiU ami Waililnuten Trmtory," aa rilnnlnt tu all the puhllctaml atate by Act of Auytul 4, H, Ihr tiolowtur. naiurd rrauiia have hied III till otucc their i wot 11 ttatcmrnta, to-wlti Henry Wolalegcl iifllurktey, county of litre, atate of Vahlnir Ion. awotn atalciiicut No 189, for the putchaac of the iiwK aee 1, tp 11 , r IJ e, w in. WaahliiKton Morria of lUicklty, enmity ol litre, itate nf Wainlng- Iqiii awotn atateiuent No 1870, fur the purclmae ofthc ticJC ace 1. tpua, r is, w m. Haimirl 1. I. a lull of llucklcy, coituty nflicrce, atate of WmMiikU lOiljawitni aiaicmriii no 171, tor 111c iHiicaaac oftlieiieU ac II, tpua. r Ije win. Joaciih 1' Maaoii of lluckley, county of Pierce, atate of Walking ton.aworiiatatcmcnt No 1H71, for the purchie uf the aw arc 11. tp 11 a, r 15 c. w 111. That they will olftr proof to ahow that the lamlaought la more valuMile for III limber or atone than fur agricultural purrtoici, and to r lalillih thrlr rlnlma to aaM lainl before J. J. Hmlth, County Clerk al Prlnevllle, Oregon, on Wruiicailay, lite 16th tlay of December, ivoj. They name witueaaea Henry WotttcEel, Waahfiigtuii Mitrtla, Samuel I, Lamb. Jotcpti 1 Maaou.ofllucUey, Waahlnutou, Chna. II. ltrtck ton, II A I'uatcr, Prlnevllle, Oregon. Auy and alt (Krauua clalmlug acWcritly the above ttrtcrlbed lamia ate rrnueatetl 10 file their clnlmi In thla omcc uu or beturc 111c aata ibttt nay I of December, tsj. 09-tlll It. M. HKATTAIN Rcalalcr. 'I Imlier l.aml, Act June t R?H NOTICU I'OR I'UIJMCATION. t. H, Lainl Of(it,'lk"lew, Orrguii, rtept- mltrr , 104. Notice la hetchy given thai In omiiliaiier wllh Ihr provltluiia uf the Act of Cr'tigrraa of June J, tftjH, riitltletl, "An Mt for thtfM urtlinlMrlanir III llir auieaoi uniiiot'iHi. wi'"n, .trvaaa. aim Waililiikl(iMTrrrlli)ry,"il;,ltrHill lo nil the piiirtk land atat hy Atl (if A u Hat 4, i, tlte lollHwItiK-miiflM! traolia liar Rleil In thi office thtlr awuni aiHteinenta, t'fwlt llrneat II. rWltliorn of llrlcktmii rtiuniy of Mill !, atate ufMlnne aula, awotn auteini-iit No to4. !r th turchae oflliMrbjac)a. tpaja.r 11 r.w m. Wallace II. Cm of Port llriitiiii, eamnir of Cliotti i atate of Mini Una, awotll altriiini 0 j for Ih (mrchaae oflhHiie,w llWllfK M'i arc, Iplja, r Mr, w m Pldrrtl. IC Tmnarttd, of PrltHMton, owinty of MRI11 l.aia, atate nfMlii iila, awoni ataunient Kb it, for the pur cImm ofthc tiejf aee jl, tp )J . r i e, w m. rtter lia. hf Princeton, (MiiHly ofMnlr Uea, alalr pfMlii iwaola, awotn alatemviit Jfa '71. for the mr altaj,f ll nwK a , ti J . r 11 e, w m. WUItcitl lkP""' of I'fluoatoii, nullity ofMrlle li , atale ofMlii lieaota, awoni ataleiHent No i"7. for the r ehaaroflhe wb) owf,KnwH nwawif are J, tpija, r 11 e, wm. Ilarry II. Parnham. of Pitiieti.ii. cmtutyof Mllhll.a't. atale of Mill nVta,aitorii autlioclil ftnibv lorlhepHrclwae of lh hK ac i;, Ip ij , r 11 w m, KllirKIke M. I'atnham. of Pillictli.il, cvuHly of Jlllle Mr, aute of Mill tieata' awuni aMlcMrnl No iw. for th pur ehaaHftha aaji, arc II, as ixfj, w aJ are U. tp Ij i. r it c. w ttt. I'rtdeiMk I'. Krw. of Prliirelon, euHHty of Mlllr I, atat of Mill iwaoto, awern alafriiitiit ,"o 171, for the ) chaae ofthc 11 H aJ, aejf cf ami nr)( aw( aee 7. Itlja, r 11 e, w 111. Michael Mahonry, of Prlncetnn, county ofMHIe Lata, atate of Mill liraota, worn aUlrinent u it, fur the pur chaaeof the nw)f t 17, Iptja r II e, win. Marry J. Wooilcoek, of Prlntttmi. couiily of Mltte lica, atate of Mln nraota, aonrn atateiuent No jj, for the pur eliaw ofthc nwif avji, ipija r 11 e, w tu. Itdle C- Thoma, of Princeton, county of Mill Lac, atate of Mln llraola, aworil ataUnielil No 1016, for the pur chaw of the nH atf , 11H aw( an Jl. tp ij a, r 11 r, w in. Charlra A. Oaka, of Princeton, eouaty of MlUe lca, atate of Mln nqwta. aworil atatement No 175. for the pur rbaae ofthc f.ot 1, 1 and jw w Ip tj a, r 11 . w Hi.aiiil tj( nc)( aeo,lpija, r II e. win Arthur W. Woodoiek, of PrmtMii. oooty of Xlttl. Lae. atale of Mln nMla, aworH atatint No 1 iy, far the mr cliaae of the kw( nw!f, wH )( and aK )( ae w. ip i, r it, w m. William U. ka. of PflHton. eooiity of Mlllc lca, atatr of Mln Hvauta, awotn atalament o i6j, fnr th pHr tbaa of the H)i ac jc, Ip 14 a. r 11 e, w Hi. That lby will offer ttroef tu abow that the taad aotaghl la more valuaMe for Ua limber ur atou lhH fur agrtraltural purpoara. ami to ratatdtali Ib.lr tUima lo aald land iMrforr J J Mmlth. CooHty Ctrrk. Crook Ctmntr. at lifiitvtllr. ore icoo. oh UedHeaday, the VI h day of llewreber ft- Tkry name a wttneaaea: William II. Oaka, Arthur Woodcock. Predvrlck lownaeMd, Ptr i-er-to. William P. Chaa. Ilarry II I'arHham, ICIbrtdge M HarNltam, I'rrderlck I'. Kecm. Mtcbael Mahoney. Mary J. Vtouneuck. Itdle l. Tbowa. Chaihra a. 04k atl of PrtuCctoH. Mln iHmtta. hroeal II. allliorn of brtckton. Mlnnc aota. Wallaec li Chaac af Port Hentoil, Muulaiu. Any aad alt peraoiia ctatmiHg adveraely tit alto iltacrl Wd bwda arc reajoratad lo fit their ctatHt ih thla oll.ee on or baror the aald yth da et December loai ot-dt II- M. HKATTAIN kegtater Tlmtter Land, Act June j, 1(78. NOTICIv I'OR PUBLICATION. V. K. Liilnmce$)ktvlew. Otegou. ttepletHbcr it, iojj Notice la hereby given that In compliance with the ttteHatamt ofibr Act of Coticroaa uf June 1. 1&7, cMUhal, "Auaet for lhe4leoftliiibrUiwa in tne aiaiea 01 taiuot 111a. iircgon, .-tcvaaa, aiw WaihlMgtou Tctriua-," aa exuuded to all the taibitc Uad atatr by Art of Auauit 4. lM. the lollowiiig-iiained twraoiia hare thla day nled in thiaeitice thrlr aaorn atateaieula, lo-wit Mctvln M rrealon. ot Moacow, county of Latah, atale of Idaho, aworil atatrriicul No ija, for the purcbaae of the wy uwU. nclf nwJf.nwK ne)4 arc Ij.tpil r li , w iu. KolUC Wene. of Moacow, coooty of Latah, atate of Idaho, worn aUUmcMl No tftl, for the purcbaae oftb wH HU aca. ah ae( ac 17, 1 p 11 a, 1 14 r. w m. Mae II 1-mton. of Moaeotr, county of Lalan, atate of Iilaho, awuru alatrmcHl No ija,. far the purchaac of in e nw(, wm Hex t ii,ip 11 a, r 14 c. w ni Amanda M Atone. of Moacow, county of Latah, atate of Idaho, awurn atalmcul No ijaa, for the purcbaae of the wvt nwj( av 11, CH hck arc o, ipii a, rit a, m Hi. Jeaae A Stone, efMoaeow, county of Latah, atate of Idaho, aworn atatement No ijIm, for the purchaac of the lib nK. "S k' arc 7. tp it a, r 14 e, w m llatlie It Hradley, of Kpolane, couuty uf Spokane, atate of Waah iHgten. aworn atatement No ijt. far the pur cbaicoflheeHawU. aeX H, ewf uc ae 7, tp 11 a, r 14 e. ih. lillaC Nile., of Moacow, county of Mian, atate of Idaho aworn atatement No iy. for th purchaac of the aebaiM.awM aeU. act; lutf arc 7. tp 11 a, r 14 e w IH. That they will offer woof lo ahow that tbeUml aought ia more vatuable for ita limlter or atone lhau for agricultural puiitoae. ami to catabttah their daima lo aahl kind infer J. M Lawrence, 0. 8. CowmlKMincr al Ihud, Oregon, on Mon day the 14th day of Decemttar, 101 They name aa wilneaaea "altle K llradley, of Hitokaue, uaaniiigton, nwu 1. otonc, at ti Prvaluu, Anwitda M atone. Jeaaa A Stone, tttta C Nil, Mclvtti M PrMtoii, WTIIIaui W Collin. of Moacow, Idaho, Low Altlugham, lira luludetrr. of Piiuetltle, Oregon. Any nml alt peraona claiming adveraely the alwreilaacribcd and arc riielrtl to rite their elatmaln Ihtaomcc on or Nfote the aald 14th day or December, lyu oyHtti IV At 1IRA1TAIN. Kvgiiter Ttmtter Mud. Act June 3, litis NOTICU FOR PUBLICATION. V 8- Land Ofltce, Lakcriew, Oregon, ttcptciubcr is, igiy Notice l hereby given that iu compliance with the piorltloue unite Act of Cungrott of June j. i7, cutiUnl, "Am act forthoaaaaftiHibrr Umta In the alutca Of Callfurula. Oregon, Nevada, and waaliliiMtou Territory , aa caicihim to an me public land atalea by Act of Augim 4, 1841, Allwtt S Pnritom, of lluckley, count) of Inerce. elate of Welling ton, hat tiled iuthta office lita aworn atalriiieul No 1M1, for the purchaac ofthc aw qr arc 31, tp l a, r ia c, w iu, And will offer proof lo ahow that the land aought ia mort vuluable fur tit limber or atone than for agricultural imrp.ura, and to catahtiah hi Cl.llni to a-thl U.il hlforc J. J. huiith, County Clerk, ut Prlneville. Oregon on W'ednca buy, the 16th liny of Dect mlwr, 1503, llctutmceaitueaiea Hubert 1. McMurlrey llyroti Cutty, 1. li Albugham and Ora 1'olmlcUcr. ait 01 rriuevuie, uregun Any and alt prou tinlinlng adveraely the aiiovc-tieacriiicti innuaaic icMoesieu 10 111c incir claim In Hill office 011 or before the said 16IH day of December, ibjj. . oyltt M. M HKATTAIN llcUter. Art June 1 i'; PUUUCATION. I.'. H. Land Office The Dallaa. Oregon, ' Auglitt tt, lunj. Notice la hereby Klrcii lhat In emnplianre with th provWoii nflhe Act uf emigre of June 1, 17. riilllleil, "An art for Iheanleof lltiilterUnd In thr atatr a of California, Orrgon, Nrrada. and Waaliliigluii Territory," aa eatended lo all the public lMl atate by Act of Augnat 4, iftol, John T Oardner ofCaa Mkr. coutily of Caaa, atate cf Miiiiieaf.t. ha oil March 6, loot, filed in Ihla ofltce hi aworn ataleinenl No 1M1, for Hie purrhaae of lot 1 and 4 nml aH iiw); arc 4. tp I'V a, r u r. w m Awl will eJTtr tiriMif to ahow that Ih IhihI aowghl la more aalaalil for Ha timber or atone than 0r agricultural purpoaea, and to ctUWWi hi claim lo aald land ittmt Hie Keglatrr and Heeetver at The Dalle. Otrgon, on Ralurday.llve 7t.l1 day of Novemtwr, loaj. Mr Bain a wit hi cat Michael Conner, Thonioa Twtt, J W Koutite, John McTaggart, of Th Dallca, Or Any and all peraone claiming' adveraely Ihr aliovC'dcaeftlieil Und are rcriaoaUd lo filar their rtatfti In Iht ittAtt on or before the aaM rlh ilav 01 iauviHUr, iya a4-H MICI IIAIH, T NOLAN, Kaglater. Tlmtier Land. Act June 1, 178. NOTICU I'OR PUBLICATION. If H Mud orr.ee. The Dallea, Oregon, Notice ia hereby given thai In eempluinoe with the provlatonaofihr Act of Coin ret of June tWV, SIIIIIHM, MH K IU, i.r-T MK Wl IIITMFEI flM..U- I.. It.. B. mj t-llt..a..lA '-... Im,A a.ul ,r. .taw inw. m. aiiiwiitn., ,.nu... ..tw.m. a,n WaahlHglon Territory," aa ealended to all the public land atatei by Act of Auguat 4. ifi, the fottowliig-Hanicd (teraooa have filed in Ihta office Ihrir awurn atatement, to-wlt NtlK.11 lirldr ofHonria, county of llottliieaii, atate of North Da- mjii. aworn autienieni to IU7, meo. iec 4, ivi, for llie imrehaae of the th iiwjf and cH )( aee 18, liMi,r 14 e, w m. Arthur W. floating ofLeMare county of Plymouth, atate of Iowa; aworn aUlcmenl No 1339. filed Dec 4. 1711, for the purchaae of the aejt" nwK. H awf arc 17 and ne( uw$4 arc 34. Ip a, r ie, w 111. William O. Uafler ofrWjtirla, county of IJottlntan, atate of North Da kota, aworn aiaicinem jo 134a. niea itc 4, ". for the purchaac of the ejt ne! and eH aeK arc 14, tp i a, r 11 e, wm. MaryC Ilriabin of The Dalle, county of Waaco, atate of Orrgon. aworil aUtrmrul No 1630, filed I'cb &, 1903, for the purchaac of the ne Jf aee , tp a a, r 13 e.w m That they will offer proof to ahow that Ihc Und aought ia more valuable for ita timber or atonr than for agricultural purpoaea, and to ealaUlah their claim lo said land before the Kegiilcr and Kecrlver at The Dalle. Oregon, on Tucaday, the 7lh day of October. 10.3 They name aa wituraaea John McTaggart, C II Ilriabin, of The Dalle. Or, William 1 Rafter. Nelaon llrhlc, ofhouria. N Dak. John Iltoaa, of llend, Or, Kan Hmlth. off '.rand I'orka. N Dak Any ami all peraona claiming adveraely the aliove-deaeribed lamia are requeued to file thetr daima In thla omcc on or Iteforc the aald 17H: day of October, ivil au-016 JtlCIIAHl, T NOLAN, Kegiatcr. CONTEST NOTICE. Department ofthc Interior, V. 8. Land Omcc, The Datlea, Oregon, September o, 103. A aufudent contcat affidavit having Ucu filed In tin office by Chauurey P Ileeker, ConteaUnl, againat homeatcad entry No 865, made Oct. J. iojm. for rta iiel( . awtf nc!4 nd ae). nwlf aee (. Ip 16 a, r 11 It. by William M Herry, Conteatec.in which it la allege.! that aald William 31 Herry hat wholly abandoned aahl trart that he baa changed hie rraldencc therefrom for more than all tnontha Ul at. that aald tract la not aettled upon and cultivated by said party aa required by Uw. and that uM alleged abaence waa not due to hi employment In the military or naval ser vice ofthc I'lilte-l Male during time of war. said partieaare hereby notified lo appear, rcapoud and off -r evnltnce touching aald allegation al 10 o'clock a in on October 13, 1003. before J M. Lawrence. I' 8 Comtntattoncr. at hit other at Dcachutee Oregon, and that final hearing will be hekl at 10 o'clock a nt on October 3. 103. Iwfore the Kcsl-tcr and Receiver at the I'nitcd State Land Olficc la The iMlte. Orrgon. The MI couteslant having. In a proper affi davit. filr.1 Hftit a. mat. art forth facta which ahow that after due diligence personal service of tbtauotlccainnotiMtHiaoe.il lanereuyoruerra ami (Hrrctrd that aoch notice be given by due and pruiwr pub!ieattn, ai83 MICIIAItl. T. NOLAN. Kegiatcr. Timber Land, Act June 3, lly&- NOTICU I'OR PUBLICATION. V. S. Land OfTtce, The IXaltc. Oregon, Aunu.t . teal. Notice U hereby given thai tu compUaucc wttb the iwortskma ofthc Act of Coogrcat of June 3. lava, cMtttbKl. "An act (or the HleoftlmberUHib in Ibe atat ol CaltfornU. Orenon. Nevada, and WaablHgtim Territory . ' a extended to an the uubUc Und atalea by Act of AHjtuat 4. ' Hte followiHg-nameil peraona have filvd in thi omcc thrlr aworil alatrmciita, to-wit David Hill of Deachutca. county of Crook, slate of Orrgon, aorn statement No 173a, filed A pi II 6, 1033. for the purchase ofthc k self, and se)f se)( 11 and aw U awU ace 13, tp i a. r uc, w m. Winiam itarah of hend, county ot Crook, atate of Oregon; awern statement No ITM, filed March , 43, for the purchaac ofthc nk) nwU. awtf nwt and owK aw)f aee l. tp ia. r 11 e.w m. Joseph Sttlttl of Hemkli, county of Hcltraml, state of Minne sota, aworn statement No 1719. riled March 10, louj, for Hie purchase of the awjf aee 31, tp 18 a. r 11 e. w m John A Dccmrr of Hend, county of Crook, atate of Oregon; aworn atatement No 1700, filed March 17, 10m. for the imrcbasrofthe wJe ne5 and wbj sei sec al, tp i a, r it e. w m. Thai they will offer proof to ahow that the UihI aought la Hiore valuatc for ita timlxr or atone than for aurtcuHurat mr)H, and to atabtiah thtlr claims to aakl land twfoic J M Lawrotice, V 8 ContibUsioiur al Deaehule, Orson, oil Saturday, Hi nth day of November, 1941 They name aa wilncawa Kiduird King. J Overton, lame Hunter. J N Hunter, John SteUlt, 1 I M'MtC I Cutlor. tieocc Hat. II MarahJohn AtklHaoo, David Hill. John A Dccraer, oriea thutra. Or. ... Any ami alt peraona claiming adversely the alf-dciMil)tl lamia arc requested to tile their claims in Hit ollice on ur before Hicaaiu 14m tiny of November, iu. au-ni3 MIC1IAHL T. KOIAS, Krgtster. Ttmtter Land, Act June 3, 1S78. NOTICU FOR PUBLICATION. U. 8. Laud Omcc, The Dalle, Oregon, September a. 1903. Notice ia hereby gixctl that In compliance with the provisions of the Act of Cougroaa of Juno 3. hwl -.mills,). "An act for the sale of timber lauds 1 tu the stote of Callfbruia, Orrgon. Nevada, and Waahiiigtun Territory." a extended to ail tnc puldic laud atalea tiy Act ur August 4. 'V'. ficor-ic W. Gardner, of Duluth, county of St. Lout, itate of Minnesota, ha on March 31, 1001. filed iu thla oft.ee lit aworn statement v.. iiji for Ihc imrchise ofthc lota 1. 1 and .1 of sec 6, tp lya, r It e, w 111, and will olfcr proof to allow thai lite land sought it more valuable for ' Ua timtier or stone lhau for agricultural pur poaea, ami lo calahliah Ilia claim to tuitl land be fore the Kcgittcraud Receiver of thla office ut The Halle, Oregon, on Saturday, December J. 1 He name a itncsieai John 8 ScJiiiltae, of 1 Hlbblng, Minnesota. Oriu J Gray, of llend, Oregon, John A Tracy, tUeiin Marsh of Dcs- I chutes, Oregon. Any and all person claiming adversely the obovc-dtscrlbed land are requested tu lite their claim iu this olficc on or before the said Jth I day of Dcccinttcr, 1903. 1 01J14 MllJllAHL T. NOLAN. Rerl.ter. Tlmlter Laml NOTICU I'OR I Timber Land, Act June 3, 1878. NOTICU I'OR PUBLICATION. V. 9. Mud Office, The Dalits, Oregon, June 8, lf3. Notice I hereby given that In eemplhmcc wllh Hie provision oflhe Art of Censrea of June 3. i7., entitled, "An art for the sale of llmbrrbin.1 In the auto of California, Oregon, Nevada, ami Washington Territory," aa emended to all the public land aUle by Act of AUguat 4, l4. the? folH-wlng-Bamrtl person have on Dec 19, iy, filed in I III office their aworn statement, UVwIt Anton Anne of Ashland, county of AahUnd, atate of Wlacsjii Mil, aworn statement No IJJ7, for the purchaac oflhe netf aee , Ip a. f e, w m. ttitlla Larson of Petpiamltig, eoHHty of llarag. atate of Michi gan, sworn statement No 133A, for the purchase of the iiK see 11, tp a, r toe, w m. Petler Laraen ofPetraamlflg. county ofttaraga. atate of 3IMM gan, aworn atatement No ijm, far the purclMte of these! aee 14, tp ma, r toe, win. . I'Mtvr Nltaen of Pcioamlng, at-unly of Haraga, aUte of Michi gan; aworn ataleinenl No IJo, for the purehaae of the nekf aw't'. !i ne and nK aejf see it, Ip a, r 10 c. w m That they will offer proof to ahow that the land eouitht ia more valuable for Ita timber or stone than for agricultural purpose, and to c.taMinl. their cUltnelo said Und heaorc the Keglatrr and Kecetver at The Dallea, Oregon, en Thurnday.the lytb ilay of October, iotj. Thev name a wttiieeaee Murita Mraon. Pet ler Mraen, Petler Nilsen, Peter Nelaon, of Pe qoainlng, Mteh. Anton Aune, of Aahland, Wis, ThoHHte Tweet, of The Dattca, Oregon. Any and all persona claiming adveraely the ahavc-dracrlbcd land are requested to file their claim In this office on or before the said J-jth day of Oetotier, I7y a 14-016 3IICHAHL T. NOLAN, Register. Timber Land, Act June, 3, 1878. NOTICE I'OR PUBLICATION. U. H. Und Office, The Dalle, Oregon, Junes, km. Notice ia hereby given that In compliance with thr prorlsiona of the Act of Congrra of June 3, 178, entitled, "An act for the aale of timlerUnda I.. al. .-- . .t n.lir I. ..a.. --a aa..l III tot: states wi vsiiiwii.is. ooxui., i.c.ua, -.- Waahlngton Territory," a extended tu an tne nubile land etatra by Act of Auguat 4. 1891, the tolUiwIne-nanied peraona have on Nov , Ion, filed In thla office thetr aworn atatement, to-wlt: lohn Murtln of Tocoma (Hotel Brooklyn), county of Pierce, state of Waahlnglon, aworn atatement No 1311, lor tne purcnaac 01 inc nc;t ace it, ip 13 a, r 19 c, wm. Horace II Dickinson of Tacoma, county of Pierre, state of Washing ton, aworn statement No isii. for the purchase ofthc aeSf sec 14, tp 13 . r to c, w m. That thry will offer proof to show that the Und aought i more valuable for IU timber or atone than for agricultural purpose, and to establish their daima to said land before the Kegiatcr and Receiver at The Dalle, Oregon, on Monday, the 16th day of October. 1903. They name aa witness I) Murry. II U Dick inaon, W A Doherty and J Martin, of Taeemi, Waah. V W Smith, ofPortUnd, Or. Any and atl persona claiming- adversely the above-described land arc requested to file their claim in thi office on or before the said attti day of October, iy3 I4-oi6 MICHAKL T. NOLAN, Kegiatcr. Timber Mnd, Act June 3, 1878. NOTICU FOR PUBLICATION. 17. 8 Mnd Office. The Dalles, Oregon, June 8, H03. Notice ia hereby given that in compliance with the provision oflhe Act of Congrea of June 3. 187!, entitled. "An act for the sale of limber Und Iu the autet of California. Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Territory," a extended to all the public Und atate by Act of Auguat 4, 1S91, the hdlowi nir-naatrd person have on Dec I, 1901. filed in thi oAce tlwlr aworn autementa, to-wit. Orin J. Cray of Hend, county of Crook, atatr of Oregon: aworn atatement No ijjo, for the purchaae of, the ae nel andne(f ! 19 and aw JJnwJX and DwJi awJ sec so. tp 19 . r II e. w m. Jamc llo)le ' of Spooncr. county of Waahburn, atate of Wis conain; attorn statement No 1319. for the pur diaaeof theawli net;, uw t( and e. ae) aee 31. tp i . r 1 1 e, w m. That they will offer proof to ahow that the land aought la more valuable for iu timber or atone than for agricultural purpoac. and to eatablUh thdr ctaliaa to satdland before the Kegiatcr ami Receiver at The Dalles, Oregon, on Monday, the 36th day of October. 1903 They name aa wHtiMsea tame lloyle, of Spooncr, Wis. ttcorgc Clcnoenning, RIchhI Marah, Richard King and Orin J Gray, of Ifcmd. Or Any and all persona dalmlng adversely the above deacribed Uoda arc rtjuetrd to flte nr4r daima In Ihla txfic on or be tore the aald iMh day of Oetotier, iyu. au-oi MICIIAItl. T. NOLAN. Kegiatcr. Timber Mad, Ad June 3, 11. NOTICU FOR PUBLICATION. atUIIVHRTKKUKNT. U. 8. Mnd Oftce, The Dalles, Oregon, Sc pt ember j. rit). Notice la herein given Hut iu cotnpifiMc with the provisloH ofthc Art of Conarvs of June 3. 178, cutitrrd, "An act for thr sajeoftlmtwr lauds In the atale of California. Oregon, Ncvailu, ami Waahington Teiritory." aa extended lo atl the public laud states by ct of Augutt 4, ifyi. Isooi Click ofPrtucvill. county of Crook, atajc of Oregon, ha on June 7. loni, filed in thla omcc hia awarn statement No 40. far the purchase of the 'H sec 13, tp ly a, r ioe, w m. And will offer proof te ahow that the band sought it more valuable for It Umber or sluue than for agricultural jmrpoaa, and te eatabttah hta claim to aahl land before W. A. Hell. V. s. Commlsatouer at PrincviUc, Orcfton, u Maa day. the l4h tUy of Novcntber. 103. He names a wituowtM. Jamo iwarn. Champ Smith, Tbonuu H Mlblritt. Isom t3eI..ChartM Smith, of PriiwvilU, Or. Any and all peraout cUimlug advernly lb above-tleaeeilml Umta arc ienaNed to HI tbdr cUlm In thU office on or UfWe the said MHh day of Not ember, iya.1. aii-uij MICIIAItl. T. NOL.N. Kclter. Tfmtwr Land, Act June 3. a8. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. II. 8. Mud Office, The Dallas. Orvgen, Notice 1 hereby given thai iu roaapmijlettith the provialona nfllt Ad of Congre or June 3, it, entitled. "An act lor the salcoftlmbarUuds in Ihc atateaof California. Oregon. Nevada, ami Waahlngtou Territory," aa axlentlcd to all tbe public laud state by Ad of August 4, lSJ, tbe foUowlng-iiaiued person have eu Nov If, 101. filed in this office their sworn statements, to-uit. Carl Vrrdericksou of CUrkstou, eouuty of Asotin, state of Wash ington; aworil statement No 13". for the pur chase ofthc iivvtj sec 11. tp 19 , r it e, w tu. Uvrut Ntlseu of PequamliiB. county of Haraga, itate of Michi gan, sworn statement No 1309, tor the purchase of the iicW sec 11, tp w. r ii e. w m. IlugoW II. Kcltgreu x of Clarkaton, county of Asotin, state of Waahlng lon. atvoni statement No iwS. tor the nurchaae of the sell sec 11, tp 19. r lie. w iu. That they will olfcr proof to ahow tjial the laud sought I more valuable for It timber ur 1 alone mail lor agricultural purpo, aim 10 c tabllsh their claim to said land tiefore the Kegiv 1 tr ami Receiver at The Dalits, Oregon, oil I'll- tiuy, mc 23d tuiy 01 ucioucr, 1903. They name a itiies. Oliver Johnson, Arut Anne, Henit NiUeii, of lVciiumlnir. ,Mlch, ltuguWH Kellgrenand Carl 1'rcdcrick.son, of Clarkaton, Wuati Any and all itersqn ciulmlng advvly the aliot c-dcscribcd land arc eflUteU to flic thdr fUim in tht ollice oil or belorc the said 13d day of October. 1903. 07-09 MICHAHL T. NOLAN. RcgUtcr. -l