The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, October 09, 1903, Image 6

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    I '
Timber Land, Art June J. r9.
I'. 8. Land omce, The Dalle, Oregon,
June 8. lyjj.
Notice It hereby given that In compliance villi
the, provisbHis ofthe Aft of CougrcM r June t.
iS8, entitled, "An art for the sate ol Umber land
Hi the talt of California, Oregon, Nctnda, nud
as extended tu all the
Iwhllc Mm! rtate by Act or AiihhI 4, INI. the
trtloitluf-named i-jr-on have Bled In thlt ofne
their sworn statements, to-ttlt
Ole H Jevnlnis
MCtlmax, count) of l'ulk, lntc or MiniifraU;
WBriitiittwnlNaiM4'fltnl Dec IJ, tow. Iter
the purchase of the w)i and eK !( c
tpM,r li e. w m.
John K Inning
afUrlmax, county of 1MV. mate of Minnesota;
wrn rwtenient No lju, fllnl Dee l.b I9. for
the imreha.e of Ud 4 see j atnl lot 1 ami e ne
mlliNi, r lie. amir!' K M,lpi9 r
tic, wm.
Oumler Swenson
ufCUmax, county of Poll, statr of Minnesota)
awemi statement No lut, Meil Dec IJ, It. UK
the purchase oflhe eM wf mxl kM hw sec I
and nej nw J sec 11. tp to , r 11 e, tv m.
llelmrr Itstenscn
nf Climax, count of Polk, stale sf Minnesota;
nvvwii statement No 1147, filed Dec IJ, iom, for
the purchase of the imVf ec,r 11
John a Mlxt
nf Ilend, county of Crook, tte of Oregon; sworn
statement No im., fltcil Dec 4. 191, for the pur
chase of the M ne "d '' nwK 1JU P
a, r 11 e, w in.
That they will offer proof to how that the land
Sought I More valuable foe it limber or itonc
than ito agricultural purposes, ami to rlWWi
their claim to uM lamt before the Register awl
Receiver at The Dalle. Oregon, on Wednesday,
IhelMhilay ofoctuher leo.v
, They name a witnesses lletmer K.lcnscti
Jehu R Jcvnlng, (lie liricksoti, Die It Jcvnlng
(under swenson, of Climax, Minn' Louis Nel
miii, John IlloM, Donald V Steffi, of Ilend, Or,
John K KMiuuimi of Phillip. Win. II Hrwsoti.
of Seattle, Wash, John McTaggnrt. of The
Dallea. dr.
Any and att person claiming adversely the
above-described lamia arc requested to file their
etalmi in Ihlt office on or before the mkl ith day
hi ucieeer, 1041.
tlCHAHI. T. NOLAN, HegMer.
Timber Land. Act June J, lS.
U. 8. Land Office. The Dalle, Oregon,
September 3. iqj.
Notice ia hcretty given that III com pits nee with
lhepr) 01 cottgmt or June ).
t7&, entitled, "An act for the aalcof timber Uiid
in thcatatee r CaltlbraM. Orciton, Nevada, ami
Watnlflgton Territory," aa cxlended to all the
ptthMe Wml uie by Act of Awhi 4. it. the
Mtewlng-naMctl peraon hare filed la thta office
their iworn ttatement. lo-vtit.
Joseph N tlonter
of Albany, county of Linn, atatc of Oregon,
tworn atatewent No 4, filed JuHe 4. l. for the
porclMte of the He aec . tp la a. r e. w m
Jamea Hunter
f Albany, county uf Linn, Mate of Orccom
tnorn ataiencNt .No 401. filed June 5 iM. for the
porchatc of the nw4 KC13. tpi, r lor w m.
That they will orfrr ttroof to ahow that the land
taught I more valuable for ita timber or atone
than for agricultural pirttoea, and to ratabHth
their caaima to uU land iMferc J M. Lawrence,
U. 8. Cemmkitoner. at DeKhutra. Oregon, on
Saturday, the 14th day of November. I wj.
Tty name aa wltuer J N Hunter. Jamra
Hunter, J t West, Cbaa llrock, K King, of Bend,
Any and all peraonf claiming adversely the
alwve-deacribed lamia are requeued to file their
ttalma ia this office on or before the uid 14th day
"I iuivuuct, UNI.
Timber Land, Act June 3, ISjS.
V. ft. Land Office. The Dalle. Oregon,
Notice ia hereby given that In compliance with
he nroriticms ofthe Act of (.'onnvu nf limp
pitmuer 5, iooj
the provitiona ofthe Act of CoogTca of June
ilfj, entitled, ''Anactforthe aalc of timber landii
In the atatea of California. Oregon, Nevada,
Waahincton TerTilorv." aa rxtrndnl in all ihr
imbllc land aUtea tiy Act of Auruit 4, i9, the
following-named pcraona have filed in this office
their tworn atatcmcnlt, lo-wll
Mary AlcTaggart
BfThe Dalle, county of Watco, alate of Oregon,
worn statement No im filed Kept a$, ioj, for
the purchase ofthe acacdo, tp 19 a, r toe.wm.
John Hutchina
f Albany, county of Linn, atate of Oregon,
warn autament No . SleU June 4, HJ, for the
purehatcof the sw! sec 4, Ipsa a, r lac. wm.
Iwii I1. Terhune
TAUany, cmMty of Una. state of Oregon;
"Warn sUIcssmm No 47, fiWd June 4, ww.fer the
IHirahaae ofthe aK aec tj, tp as a, r 10 c, w m.
fncfisen, county of hwlft. state of Minnesota:
sweruMaleraent Notot,filad June le. tost, for the
purchase ofthe swtf aec II, tp (9 s, r is c, w ni.
Don Taylor
ef Anita, county of Can. state of Iowa; sworn
statement No 7. filed July t, km, for the pur
hate 6f the 11 h sw) and nft H sec 1, tp it ,
r n e, w m.
Mary Tailor
af Harrington, county of r.lncoln. tUte of Wath
lugteni aworu statement No H, filed July j.iyoa,
Tor the purchase ofthe 11 H nw and wt utji
mx , tp ia a, r 10 e, w m.
That they will offer woof In show Hut lhe Unit
sought la more valuable for its timber or stone
Uwu for agricultural purposes, and to establish
tfceir Claims to said land before the Register and
Receiver at The Dallea. Orrgou, on Tuesday,
tbf 1st day of December, loy
They name a wilneste. Ceo Jtatea, Allen N
ftcuuer.ofUend, Or. John McTaggart, Charles
Ilf. of The Italtaa. On Rial Hutehlnt. I II
lluUhins, Lewis PTerhuac. J oil 11 Hutehlnt, of
AlNany.or; A I. I'etrle. J V McMahon, of Port
land. Or; W K Atanger, I II leather, of Kpokane,
Wathj C A Johnson, of Negord. Mlnni C A Carl
sen, ofMunlocW, Minn, Mary Taylor, of liar
rlnstsjn. Mtth' II f . Uvh.Huui U' 11 tSiul...
I A Taylor, of Wlote, Iowa, Don Ta)Ior. of
Anifa, lowa.
An and all person claiming adversely the
abovcrdescribed land arc requested to tic their
latin In thlt office ou or before the said l.t day
of December, la
arwilj MICHAKL T. NOLAN. Register.
Tlmlxr Land, Act June 3, lj9-
U. S. Land Office, The Dalle, Oregon,
June 8, 1901.
Notice la hereby given that in compliant with
the provliioul of the Act of Congress of June ,
lBtL.ciititlcd, "An act for the saleoftlmUr Isn't
In the itatca of California, Oregon, Nevada, and
Washington Territory," at extended to all the
public land atate by Act of August 4, idyl, the
following-named iktsoii hate on Jan 13, ipi,
tiled In thlt office their sworn statements, to-wft
John I' Johnson
uf The Dalle, county of Wasco, state of Oregon,
sworn statement No i6oj, for the purchase ofthe
M nwjf , util nwj aud nwtf netf sec n. tp 19 a,
r ij e, w ra.
John I'ranaen
of The Dalle, county of Wasco, ttate of Oregon;
attorn statement No iCoj, for the purchase ofthe
sJf aec m, tp 19 a, r ij e, w in.
Olaf hkuggen
uf The Dallea, county of Wutco, state of Oregon:
aworu statement No 1604, for the purchase ofthe
iietf iiejf and ueJi sec ij and awK iiwK cc
36, tp 19 a, r IJ r. w ni
That they will oner proof to show that the land
sought is more taluablc for lit timber or stone
lhau for agricultural purposes, and to establish
their claim to said laud before the Register and
Receiver at The Dalles, Oregon, oil Monday, the
Jill day ofNotcmber, IWJ
They name a witnesses Thomas Tweetjohn
l'ranicii, Olaf rikuggcii, John 1 Johnson, of The
Dallea, Or! John htcidl, of licud, Or. '
ny and all jiersoua claiming adversely the
abotc-dcscribcd landaarc rrcjursted to file their
'flalms in this olhcc ou or lieforc the aald 9th day
ol"'ovcuilicr, 1903
atl-Otj 1 MICHAIM, T. NOLAN, Register.
Timber Land, Act June j, 18;"-.
V. 8. Land Office, LaVcvlew, Oregon,
scplcmber t, ivaj.
N, leli hetcby given that In compliance with
lh. tittfvlnloiitof the Act ofCoiigtct of June J,
la,enlillrd. "All act for the sale of limber lamt
In the Utc of Catilornla Orrgou. Nevada, and
Washington Territory," a extended to all the
tvihlic land stalea by Act of Aiiiiust 4. IS. the
following. 11.111ml iwtsont hate thu day Hied In
Ihlt oJHcc their txotn statement, to-wU'
Ole Larsou.
of llelmont, county of Traill, state of North Da
kota, snout statement No IS73, for the purchase
ofthe nwU y tec to nH el( and tH teU
aec 19, tp it a, r 14 c, rr nt.
Pedcr l Ktlenseu,
of Climax, cuuuty of Polk, tlste of Mlniietwta.
worn statement No 19, fur the purchase ofthe
H sM, awH swX sec it and neK U ec ti,
tp 11 a, r Ur, w in
Ktten O, Kstensou
of Climax, county uf Polk, ttate of Minnesota,
worn aiaiemctii no 1174, lor me putcnaac 01
the neK ' tp 11 t, r u e w in
That they wilt olfer proof to show that the laud
ought I more valuable for IK timber ur stone
man tor agricultural purpose, am to tstabllth
their claim to said laud before J. M. Lawrauco,
V . CommlMtoner at licnd, Oiegon, 011 Tues
day the Ijth day of DecemlKr i
They name at witnesses Ole Larwn oftlrl
niout, North Dakota; Pcdcr K lUttutrn of Cli
max, Minnesota. Ktten O ltttenson, of Climax.
Minnesota, I.oult Nelson, of Ilend, Oregon.
Any and all person claiming adteraely the
above dctcrlbed land are requested to Ale their
claim In thlt orticc on or before the said 15th day
of December, 190J
09-dn K M URATTAIN Register.
Timber Land, Act June J, !?
V. 1. Land Office, Lakcvicw, Oicgou,
Kcplcmber v, tpaj
Notice It hereby given that In couipluucc with
Hie provision of the Act of Cwugrcst of June 1,
IS;9, entitled. "An act fur the sale of Umber land
lu the stalca of California, Oregon, Nevada, and
Wathlncton Territory." a cairnded lu all the
public land atates by Act of August 4, S, the
toiiowing-naiaeu persons rate nled to Ihuolhcc
their aworu tlalemeiitt, to-wlti
Arne Aiaundion,
of While liarth, county of Hard, tlateof North
Dakutai sworn stattmeut No la-ay, for the pur
chate of the uwx nwj sec 13, iih " W and twj
ncU sec 4, tp ti a, r 14 e. w m.
Peter Nerseth,
of White Karlh, county of Ward, state of Noith
Dakota, sworn atatrracnt No iM, for the pur
chase of the uH H"S. iwK nwtf sec j6, anducK
ac)( sec 17, tp 11 1, r 14 e. w m.
Rertrude Smerud,
of White Kailh, county of Ward, state of North
Dakota, sworn statemeut No 1899, for the pur
chase ofthe uK '!'. K !, "K ), sec
i4, tp ti i, r 14 e, w m.
John A. Catlwn,
of White Karth, county of Ward, sute of North
Dakota, tworn statement No I vol. for the uur
chase of the w.S iwK.scU awU sec VI, In lis.
se 14 1, tun bwh nH "ev ip . r 14 c, w lu.
llrlza It Mum.
of White Harth, county of Ward, state of North
Dakota, sworn statement No iw, for the pur
chase of the cK sec 14, tpJt t, r 14 e, w tn.
That Iher will uflrr urouf lutbow that the land
sought it more valuable fur Ita timber or atoue
than for agricultural purposes, and to ttUUU.h
theirdalm to tuki laud before J M Lawrence.
V S. Commitilouer at Dend, Oregon, on I'rutay
the ltth day of December loj
They uame a witnettes. Loult Nelaon. Ole
Krtcksou, of Vend, Oregsni Arue AniuudsiMi,
I"eter Nerseth. Gertrude MutruJ. I0I111 A Carl.
sou and Helga M. Muut, all of White Karth,
North Dakota.
Anr and all nersons alaimlna adtrrwlv the
above-described land are requested la hie their
claim In thlt office on or before Ihc aald llth
day of December, laot.
09-dll i:. M. SKATTAIN Krglstrr.
Timber Land, Act June J, lay.
V. 8. Land Office. The Dalle, Oregon,
August so. lutt.
Notice I hereby given that lu compliance with
the provisions tifllie Art of Congress of June j.
17, entitled. "An art for the autcortinihcrlaiidt
In the stales of California. Oregon. Nevada, ami
Washington Territor). ' a extended' le all the
public laud states by Act of August 4, laoe, the
following-named person have bled lu thlt otnee
their sworn statements, to-wit ,
John s. hchullic
ofllibUag, county of St Lout, stale of Minne
sota, sworn statcuieat No 1744, filed Aprtl 1, IVJ
for the purchase of ihenHswK, se), tw) sec
j and ncf nwM aec I, Ip to a, r ij c, w m,
Minnie lacobwn
of Cointtocli, county of Ikiron, stale of Wisasn
tin. sworn statemeut No 1711. Mtst Mar at. 104,
for Ihc purchase of Ihc uwsec j. tp if , r It
w m.
James A Jennings
of 4e Bank ave. West huwrior. county of Ikmg
tat, stale of Wisconsin, sworn statement N017U,
fill Mar 18. loaj. for the purchase of the iich
sec, tp ws, r lie, win.
That they wilt offer proof ta show thai the land
sought I more valuable for Its timber ur stone
tnau for agricultural purpMikt, aud la establish
their ctalmt to said land Ik fore W. A Hell, V ri.
Commlstioneri at PflnaVlllr. llrrron un Thur
day the irth day of November, ioj
Tney name aa witncswsi John S Sclmltie. nf
HiMWnir Minn. Ilrln I r.nv lolin A Tuw.
Cleuni Marsh, of Ilend, Or. Ksoritc W Gardner,
oflmluth Minn. Iw ) Altingriam. Ora Potu
dexter, II J Palmer, of Prinevitle, ir. Carl Joeon
son, Witlard L Coppernell, of Kugcnt, On Rih
ard King, Wm II llrock, John Illost, of Ilend, On
John McTaggart. of The Dalle, Or, lleajamlu 1'
.miiiivi,, ,MHT, nssii.
Any and all person claiming adversely the
above-described lands arc requeued to file their
claim in this office on or before the said iMhuay
of November, iwn
4-n6 MICHAHL T. NOLAN, Register.
Timlier Land, Act June 3, 17..
V S I J ml Office, Lakcvicw, Oregon,
Kcpteniber 9, Wj.
Notice I hereby given that In compliance with
the provision ofthe Act or Congres or June j,
1878, entitled, "An art for thesaleof timber UmU
in the atatea of California, Oregon, Nevada and
Washington Territory," aa cxlcndrd to alt the
public land statt by Act of Augutl 4, 1&W, the
following-named person have filed in thia office
ineir tworn aiatenienia, 10-wlt.
Of Climax. COUIltV f l'nlk Stat nf flnnnla
Horn statement No 1B38, for the purchase of
111c ueqr sec a, ip J I s, r 14 e, tr la.
John lidward Johnson,
of Clltnat, county of Polk, stale of Minnesota;
worn statement No 1SJ9, for the purchase ofthe
nw qr ace 4, tp tl I, r 14 e, w m.
Albert Hpokety,
of Climax, county ol Polk, slate of Minnesota:
tworn statement No 1&40 for the purchase of
the nK mv qr,tqr nw qr,nw qr 11c qr sec 1, Ip 11
s, r ij c, tv ni,
llerdln himt-rlv.
ofaimax, county of Polk, state of Minnesota;
mwwvt n ,1.1011011 ,,u i-ti, ior ine purcuase 01 me
h seqr, tft awqr sec 1, tp 31 a, r ij ej tv m.
Alexander Bpokely,
of Climax, county of Polk, date of Minnesota;
worn statement No 1841, for the purchase ofthe
sw qr lie qr.wJ-J qr aw qr aec l, tp 11 a, r
14 e, w ra, '
That they will offer proof to ihow that Ihc land
sought I more valuable for it timber or atone
than for agricultural purpose, aud to establish
their clalma to aald land Wore J. M Lawrence,
U K, Commissioner at Ilend, Oregou.oii Wednes
day, the ltth dy of December, 190J
They name at wltucitc; Ouslaf Tarnquest,
John JMwsrd Johnson, Albert npokclv, lierdlu
bpokely, Alexander Sjiokely, all of Climax,
Any aud all persons claiming adversely the
above-described lands arc requested to file their
Claims 111 this office Oil or before th sslil iftlt,
day of December, iwj.
9-dH , it. URATTAIN Register.
Tlfnber Lnd, Act June , W-
I'. K. Land Olllce. Lakcvicw, Orvgiitt,
ricptember 19, lvJ
Notice I lietcby given Hint liicimipttamsc with
the pioviittiiti ofthe Ail or Coiigtett of June j,
l7. enlltleil, "An act for the tef llmbir laiuU
"I the slate of Callfornlai Olcgon, Nviaila. and
iitbltigtoit Tcrrilory. as etlelidtd lu all the
public land stale by ait of Aui;iiti 4 irVt. the
office the
iK'iiniiKi ncituiis nave men 111 1111
,. IMward II Dunlgaii,
of IXutage, county ufColumbia, tat of Wltcun
slu.tivorit statement No IM. for the purvhate
ortheeli srUatcTaiid w irU sec a, tp us,
r 9 e, w in,
,. , IttlckJ Myrmaii.
orchlpiwwa I'I14, rouut) urChippcwa, tUlruf
Iscuiitlu; sworn statement Nu lisxj, for the pur
ehate ofthe wM iww t, and 11H nwU sec 11,
IP ti a, r 9 C w 111.
YliM.lnr HiiwLliil
of llloomcr, comity ul Chlliixwa, ttate of Wls
cvHtiii.aworn stattment No l4, for the lut
jlisteoflliesH nwij, )i iK kc 11, tp i , r
9 e. w 111.
Ill II klutlait.
of Rice Ijike. count vuftMrroii. ttate uf Wiscon
sin, iworu statement No itn. for the purchase
urine sheK, e)( swlj ire lu, and nrH wK
sec 1 J, tp i t, r v v, w in
That they wilt oir.r piooflo tww that the
laud sought It tiioie aUlile for lit Umber or
stone than for aLrltfiiliuial iuiiH,s. and lu
tabllth their claims lu sukI kind t-efolf J. J,
hiullh, Cuuuty Cleik, at I'linetllle, Oie,ou, uu
Tuesday the IJtlnta) uf IKcrmlwr lyoj
They uaineal wltnvMe liawaiu li Duiilgtu
or I'ortagt. Wlscutitlu. 1(1 Kk J M)iuau. ul
ChlpiKwa l'allt, w iwoiitiii, Thtudor lluvuml
of llloomcr, WlKxiiitin, Ole II hlgtlad, of Rlee
Lake Wivcuiitiu, D h V ilhelm. ul l,avu,Orrgwu.
I"erry P puludexter, Ora Poiudrxttr. Wm R Mc
I'arlaiiduri'rlucvllle. Oiegon, lloiuld V Mctfa,
William liruckorDeKhultt. Oregon
Any and all person ctaimtiu adversely the
aliovt described Units arr frour.lnl tu tile ikru
claim in Hut oince 011 or brfoie the said 151I1
day of December, ioi
ool 1 1 1 M URATTAIN Regltlrr
Timber Land, Act June j, it;.
U. ft. Land Office, Lakcvicw, Oregon,
hepleuilicr '. VyJ
Notice It hereby given that lu OHupHatue with
Iheprovitlouturthc Ait of Congress af June J.
isrS, eiitltletl, "An art for the talc m umber ramli
In the slate ur California. lrrgmi, Nevada, and
Uathiiigtou Tertttuiy at extended lu all the
public laud stales by Act of August 4, ISyl.
Ole John Wrarlsou,
of ITInrtllle, cuuuty of CiiMk. ttate of Otegan,
ha filed In thtt ufhee hit txooi ttatemtnt No
lIJ, for tnc purchase of the i swt sec ,,
U ! e t: nwj hwH sec 11. hc qr ae qr sec
ji s, rie. w ui, sud wtlluif.r proof lu show
thut the lamt aeught is mere valuable for Ms lim
ber or stone titan for agricultural twiposas. awl
to establish hi Wain lu said Iw4 Iwforr J J
smith. Cuduty Clerk at Prlaevttr. iirtgow. cm
Momtay. the Mill day of December, loaj
He name at witnesses II A KhHter, C II
Hrkkton, MMa Hodge. Ralph Jotdan, an of
ITInevtlte, Oregon
Any and all tiersont claiming adveisely the
abuve-desatlbeit landt arc renuettrw ta Al tketr
ctalHit ta this ffle on or beftiee the tabl 14th Bay
af December, I wj
09-dll l M URATTAIN Krgi.ler
Tlmbar Land
et June j. liyc.
I' rt. Uwl iMBCe, The IKttle. Orefliit.
July ij. ivv'
Notice Is hereby given IImI In compliance with
ine muvswons 01 trie
' Act of t.'auirrea of Iiiih
lata, entitled. "An art for llie uUuriliulr u,ul.
liilhesUlcaafCnllfoiBU. Orvawu, Nevada, aud
WasilngtoTerrMry," a rxteM4r tu aH the
pubUa land state by Art of August 4, lfr, the
f,-Howiiicnainrd t-eisniis
nave nieu in inisbiMe
their tworn stalemenli, to-wit
Donald hhaw
of Pvrrst Orovr. county of Wa.hlngton. stale uf
urrgum wnrn nsliment jiu 1101, nlctl Jan u,
IVO. for Hie iurctiase ofthe !( sec 10, tp ia s, r
Peter Naltmllli
of Hannah, county of Cavalier, slate of North
Dakota, sworn statement Nu ijai. MM Jan it,
fi. for the purcuase ofthe nt sch; and eH m
ec 14. tp IJ s. r is e. w m.
Mary nttaw
sf I'orast Orovr. owstMly uf Washlngtan. stair l
OregsNt. sauru sUtameMl No 104. ntest Paw 17,
lyaj. for the purrluye af the sM seK and hK
sK aec ia aud H neK sec Ij. tp M t. r m ,
w m.
Wlllkt m Hay
of Hannah, county of CavaHer, state of Noith
Dakta: sworn uumrsl N ISM. filed Jsh 11,
im. for the purchase ofthe H mwH. m HwX
and riwK HK see 15, tp ia a, r la r. w m.
That they will otjrr pesmf lu ihiw that the laud
sougni t more .iitaWe lur It limber or
than for agricultural pwrpmie. and lu e.tsbtM,
their claims tu said land before tlte Register aud
Receiver at The Italle. Oregon, m Tuewlay, the
lath day of Not ember, lyoj.
They wane at Mttiiet Peter Naltmith. Wll
tiam Hay, Nrvin Meliityre, uf llanuah. N Dk.
MlkeCenaor. of The Dallra. On D-matd rwiaw
Mary tiltaw, of Pores! (Iiihi, Or
Any ami all bertont etalwlng adversely ihc
aliuv-iecrlb-d lauilt are rwiwettett tu fJr their
claim lu this oce on or before the sakl will day
of November. imu
an-twj MICHAHL T. NOI.AX. fteglster
Tlmlwr Land, Act June j, 17.
V. H. Land Office at Lakcvicw, Oregon,
Sajrfemtwr ti, lyaj
Notice It hereby given that In compliance with
the provltlontofihe AfVof Congress of June 1,
thfi, entitled, ' An act for the talent limber lauds
In Ihe ttatet or California, Oregon. Nevada, and
Wa.hlngton Ttrrltory," as extended to all the
public land itatea by Act or August 4, 191,
William Parker,
of Delhi, county of Redwood, state of Minnesota,
hat filed In thti office hi tworn statement No
iy, for the purchase ofthe wK nw1,' sec , H
ne) sec tr, tp i s, r 11 e, w m, and will elfer
proor 10 show that the land sought I more raid
able for It limber or ttonc than for agricultural
purpoeta, and to establish hit claim lu aald land
before J J smith, County Ctrrk al Prlnevllle,
Oregon, on Tuesday, the ijth day of December,
lie names at Ralph Jordan, Perry
II. Poliidextrr. Ora I'olndexter, Charlct II
Urickton, all of Prlnevllle, Oregon
Any and all rxTtuni cltlinlnif adversely the
abovc-drscribed laudt arc requested to file their
claim In Dili oSice on or before the tald ijth day
of December, )9J.
09-dll 1. M. URATTAIN Rrgitlcr.
Timber Mud, Act June J, U7J.
U. S, Land Office, Lakcvicw, Oregon,
tteptcinbcr jo, 190J
Notice It hereby given that In compliance with
the provision! ofthe Act of Congress of June 1,
1B78, entitled, "An act fur the salcoflimtwr lands
in Ihe ttatet of California, Oregon, Nevada, and
Washington Territory," a extended to all Ihe
public land ttate by Act ef August 4, Ity J,
William A Taylor,
of Chicago, county of Crook, state of Illinois,
ha hied in Ihlt office hit tworn statement Nu
165J, for the purchase of the elf tcqr, sec 19, tH
ne qr stc j?, tp it ti r v cw in,
And will offer proof to ahow that the laud
ought I more valuable for II Umber or ttoue
thtu for agilcultural purpose, and to cittbllih
hit claim to tald laud before J M Lawrence,
V H. Commli.ioucr at ilend, Oregon, 011 Friday
tot inn usy 01 IJcCCIIIUCr l'J
lie mint, a
Illluiil I Kl. Thomas
01 1'ortland, Oregon) !1W liced, Joh
111 Htcidl, W
tunucvcri, 01 Dcscliutea, Oregon.
Any and all persona claiming adversely Ihe
above-described land are requested to file their
Clalnit in this offir nu nr h-fore Ihe ssfrl Mill
day of Dtcemlier 1001.
"y-ui. i(, i. iihai 1 am jtegitter.
Timber Mini, Act June J, iJ.
I' r. Unit onica, The IMIIm. Orcgwi,
Nellc It liereliy given Dial lit cuHiillaur- wllli
the prot Wlontiif llie Aclol Cmigip uf June j,
i7". eutllUd, "An act Ax the Mir iiftliiiWr lauilt
In lh stalta ufCalinirula, Oiegan, Nevada, mid
Wiiahlngluu rerrltury," as extended lu all llie
tmbtlv land staita by Act of Aiigiitt 4, iat, the
following tiaimd ihpisuii lmv filed In IhUaftlr
their kwihii staltMieiits, liv-tvlt
1'isuk 1. 1.IIIU
uf lloltliintu, oomiHj of Ikitlluaaii, state uf Nor til
immhr; wwn stairmciu nb ijji, nieil Dec m,
tyt. for the pnrtlime uflhv w 4, Ip 17 a, r
ia r, v 111
of IMtlueaM, rtMitity of IMIIneaii, stair nf Ninth
MMiui, swviii stRiemeHt no 1171, dish Dec ta,
leaf, for the putclMte ofthe aiv( arc la, Ip t s, r
ia e, w tu
MiiHIll I'lMstr
ef IkillliiMiu. ttHiiily of IMtlHenil. slalr uf NrHtli
Dakota, smikh "UfeiHejlt Nu IJfft, matt ni,
i". for llie pureliaee uf the fols 1 ami 4 se 1 ami
iwts arm t sve 4, ip 17 a, r ia , w m,
Daniel I'mser
of mmiHraii, evtihly of Huillrteau, stale af Ninth
IMkola. swtHH stafrnivnl Nu IJ77, ftltit Jan t.
ivl. for the rttiliase uf the sH tt a. Ip 17 s, r
10 c, tv in
AlhlttfW luillMAHl
of Hetllnrau. cmiHly of HuttlnmH. state rtf Nttrth
imKots. swucii siaiamem no 170, ntett jan ,
lu"l. lor llie imttliaw uf Itiaswf secy, Iti 17 a, r
10 r, tv hi,
Insvtdi I' .I'rtur
nf Ihdtlneaii ttmnly if IMllneaw. slate af Nwth
Dakota sworn statement Na IJTV, tiled Jan t.
lesit forth ntrchaaflhe neK sect 1 1' 17 . r
la e, w m
That Ihey will afTer twauf tu show that the laud
UHghl Is mtiir vIhs4 for Hi llmbvr ur sUsne
iimii nK tiMCHniiiai niitosea, au4 lu swlaMtth
their cbtlmtu said land Ufoer he Kelter ami
Hecalver at The Dalles, Oregon. l rtalunlay, the
7th day uf November, iwtj
Thrt uame a wlli,ecs NtclmUt Mnillh.
Mike LePage. of The Dallra, ilf. xtagglc Praarr,
ImIvIIc I'tascr, Prank J l.llli. Jowidt P Prater.
IntiH C HUtvr. Audn w loltitsttm. iNmald M (III
Irstrfe. iMlllsl Piasrt, ufHultiMvau. N IMk
Any ami all im-mum ctalmliig advr4ty lh
aWwe-drtcribrd land ate retiufstiwt la rile IkHr
claims In this aMcr uh ur befof Ihc sahl Jth day
of November, lyy '
Timlier MihI, Act June J, 17.
tl. H. Land tHtic. Ttst IMtt-., Oegtm,
May 1,, laaj.
Nailor U Iwratty sjvm that In rstmaiitaev with
lb pvvfstoa oft he Act of VoturnH uf Jhh J.
i7". etttiUetl. "AH art for lb -Mle of timber tamtt
ta the state efCallfotnsa. Hb, Nevaoa. and
WasMttaloH Teirttuey ' a e-xtHttett U alt the
public laud stair by Art ef AaHt 4. iu lb
MlWwtHit-HamesI Hrvausi have an Oat it. ta.
lilett IH IhU mftev their tm-tn stataemiNls.l
laM,e t llasala'-.
cw 1 ne issisra. ess
warn statement
. eaunly of Watcu, state af Oragbui
eat Nu 1 ul, for Irs sw l( ts) it, Ip
1 s, r ij . w m
Charles 11 WlaaV
ef r-swtUmi, etmuiy of MnltHusaah. stale uf iHv
met, twutn (aatemeul No i47, for Use purchase
-si irre rvvsj svt: tt, ip ia s, r 1 j e, w
ItftuMt V '-"-
af PaetWit-4. OMHly of Mullaumah, Hate af life
acm, swor h statemeBI No ij, for Ihe pti rebate
aj SNr is-, ss-c u,ipii r ij v. w M.
AuuW l M-MBlas
of ItMtUwt, ruuuly of MallmMsoih. state af Ore
gyu swoH stalemrut Nu ijaa. foe the Mtrohase
- ,i-r tti ss-c j.t. tv, ia s. r ij e. w m
Thai Ihey will offer wW In s)mw that thr land
swughl 1 mure valuable for Us Umber or stem
than for agricultural pnwm, and lu establish
their rtatm lu sakl land la fore Ihe RvatUter ami
Receiver at The Dalles. Oregsm, an Pi Ida y, Ihc
tjd day uf Octuber, it-aj.
They name at nltasss Cbailaa II Kindt, Itr
Mtt fMs-bbx, Annie C la44at, e( IVrlUtiO,
tJrt Ifmma A I'lcn-Hug, jamaa M inmliigifT)ir
Ahy and alt iwrsmis etaHHlng advarsety Ihe
abtfva-deserlbed jamlt are iMiuid tu Ola their
ctolm. tu this arfKr uu ur before Ihc said l day
af Ottat-er, lytj
aT-v; MICHAIII. T. NOLAN. Register.
V H. Mml (He, The Dallea, (Hegun,
Augtest a, tuij.
A sufficleut esHits.t aMdavIt having baau Ated
In thl. ae by
ltmmeH C. Wefcdford, CsHitrtMnt,
against hjowmltrad entry No 10346, made Marah
si. ivm. for sK sec jj, tp v . r 11 . w m. by
K4ur4 II Thomas, conteatae. in which it Ml
Wg4 that said Mward II rhumas has mass ru,
lawamawau uutm IhasaM laud siuea makius-
mid entry that he ha not established hi rest-
lenc upuei the said land stuc maklHi sakl entry
tlaa, St Lu lAiatlu .LuJabwI .1. C 1..1 .. ..A '
has Hot mad hi rt-tdtser Ihetrott tiurv makius-
W9wr m . .-VM.. w .....-. ,VTV P.N ,N W-, a BN,
said eulry awl lhal he ha been sbseul from thr
said lamt for mure than sta mtmlhssliK mahlug
Mtrv ami that aahl slstven abseue IVum
Ihe sakl (and was Hut due tu hit rmpwymeul lit
the army, navy or inarln eurps of the I'iiIIhI
tttate at a Hlvat soldier. oHH-er, sea man or
issarlsre durtnc Ihe war with Htsalii. ur duriua auv
ether war In whlcii the t'Hlietl male may be en
garel. said IMrtiesare heieby HtlArd tuapeear.
resafud swd offer evtdrisr tmecltiHg said allrjra
tluH al lau'cfoca a HI on iMuber y iyj, Iwfofe
Chat. II. Kietl, I' H Commisatuiier at Dufor,
ilreaoH. aiut lhal final hvariHg will la- held at
M o'clock a Hi oh October 11. iom, before the
Register ami Receiver at ihe lulled Wole fjind
Oltift) In The Dallee, oreguH
The said euiilestaHt having, III a jHuper affo
davit, file! Ante IJ, tytj, set forth (sets which
shew that after due diligence, pet-Hial service ur
Iht notice can not be made, It Is hereby older rd
ami dlietel that such swtlcc be given by due ami
peetntr publiesilsiNi
sii-oii MICHAHL T. NOLAN. Hrgttler.
Tlinlwr Tantl. Act June j, 144.
V H. Mud Offit, The Dalle. Orrgou,
Junta, iyj.
Notice I hereby given that Ih cutHidlatrCc with
the pruvlttou of Ihe Act uf Cungreat of June 1.
iti. cnllllail.
All act ior uie saicoi timrieriaiiii
In Hie stale of California
Washlnittiiti Territory " 1
Oregon. Nctada.aud
cxieiHteii 10 ail the
public laud state by Act of August 4, 1891, Ihc
loiHiwiiig-iiauiMi iicrsou nave oil rtov , iyi
filnl In tl Ja office thei sworn slalcmeiila, to-wit
lolin I' Willi. in.
ororand I'orkt, eoonty of (irand forks, state df
Norm Dakota, sworn tiaiciiicui no ijie, ior trie
purchase uf Ihc lie! J sic 19, tptos, r 14 e, w ill
Hkhard t lluwler
of jot Commercial blk, .MInuedKj, couuly of
nicoiici, siaieui aiiuiiesoia, awnrusiaiciueiitrtu
ijiH, for Ihe purchase or Ihe u)i arj; and self
nlfwi and neJt mW "c ". Ip taa, r Ije, tv in.
Utile (i. Howler
of 504 Commercial blk, Mliiiieapoll, county of
Nicollet, slate ul Minnesota, aworu statement NU
IJ19, for the purchase of the iiwsvcji, Ip 19 a,
r ijc, w in.
lauira Ciillom
of (lrand I'orkt, county of (Iraud I'orks, ttate of
norm nanoia; sworn siatemeiii no ijio, ior 111c
purchase of tliccli iiwjf and lots 1 and ttec7,tp
M, r 14 c wm.
Leuixild Htern
of Larlmore, county of (Iraud I'orks, ttate of
norm iwkniu; attorn aiairiiicui no IJ17, lorinc
purchase of IliescJ. tec 18, Ip jot, r 14 c tv in,
That Ihey will uljir liroof lo show Hint the land
sought I more valuable for It timlier or stone
lhau for agricultural purpose, and lu establish
Ihclr claims lu aald laud before Ihc Register and
Receiver al The P.1IU1, Oregon, 011 Haturday, the
rttli day of October, 191J
They name a wituesse Ionics Cutlom, John
I' Williams, ofOrand I'orkt, N Dak, Richard M
lluwler, llillc O Howler, of Minneapolis, MI11111
LenlHiUI Mem, of Larlmore, N D.ik; John htvldl,
of Ilend, Or.
Any mid all persons claiming adtcrtcly Ihc
Kiiotc-iiescruieii inuiitnrc rrqiirsicu tu iuc ineir
claim in this office 011 or before the Mid Jtllnlny
Lof October. 1001
411 octo
814-016 MICHAJ2L T. NOLAN, Register,
Tlml-eT Mini, Att J Hill' J, lift,
II H. I.anil Orflea, Ttlf IMltea, f)ltnil,
Notlrv Is liefeliv silvan Ilia1
nrvirmrsfra, laws.
at In tsmipililiit wll
.ia 1
lire provision ofthv Act nf L'onitirs n
1H7N, eulltlml, "An art for IheaaUaftlmWMiHts
In llie states uf California, oieunn. Navaila. aint
Wuthliigliiu Tvttilwy," as rtleiHravt to all llie
IHililic IhimI Males li) Ail uf Auimtt 4, la, fiir
rulliiivliiM named ini-wiu mtrt filtil In InUulUS'
their sworn ataUinaiil, lu-wili
llbeiiaaer A. Oraliani
of Hlilm, etmiily uf Crtwit, stale af Oleaepn
tnorn slMlemeHl N 47J. flletl luh , nM.lo7th
mtrihasv of ihc lot 1 ami t ami eh uK m M
14 a, r 1 r. III
IfilwlH II. niaham
uf Mlttara, eounlv of Ciuok, state nf Draoiiil
swutii siHlvmcHl Nu 474, filed June A, iuj, tVtlw
irrliar ofthe Inltnalul 7NrsHeH awK mc. Ip
14 a, r lu, w in
Jrtckla IHU
ftf IMrltd.atMltilt'i
lyofrrnuk, stulr ofiKeaotii awHru
siatvHitul Noaui
hleit jHtte ia, tem. rurtbeMii,
chase tf the k nw
K ami H ttH w is, Ip M s,
r la e. and lot 1 me tu, Ip M , r 11 f , w m
Witllam Malhall
uf switl Clly. tvwHly ur Wtwdlmry, stalvuf Ihwmi
HsHtlstalemeHI No , Hint JHe l, ), for
thejHtrcb4iiflheHHKawnHHaaK aa H,
Ipias, r nr,w m
David II. llaHur
Uf I.cwMhii, ct hi nty uf Net Pi ret, stall of IdalMM
surutlmvalNuti, Wad July 11, JSh (&
the IHitcbs. ofmr lot. 1 .tad t sai anTftts J
and 4 arc a. tp I a, r 11 a. tv m.
Thai lb-) will offer woof la tbow that tkataml
soutbt I in.rv valuable for Us llmhvi ur siatat
Mim IV Will MuUn nmlth. K A OlalMM, nf
------.irTrs, irr ttarivn ivruwn, 1. 11 AUIiwlNima
lira PulHdrtlrr. I.iltell Alllunhsm. u l-riiufii?
Or. It P tatvlfa V II HttwV. V II ntaau. Chart;
, iwvTk, josepa 11 iianer. I'rank lla
iwim m, ttiiiiat
lam 11 lluiliuualHwl, J MHaauaf
Mosiand. Or
AHy and all la-twrnt ctormltut awvatsrl)- the
alvd.tilvl Jams, are raaweatasl le 1W VMi
(Ulm Im Iht. aeaav cm ur eefor. Ihc aakfiTthtfoy
ef Nwvamber. i
mWiaHL T. NOIhVN. KtirMar.
si 1 hi j
Timber Mml. Act laiir j, lata.
I'. U4 rMhev. The Datta. Ofcaajn,
Netsta Is hrtrby givrB tMt la wimrtSaias- with
the prot laiuna of (hi Ait uf CusurMca of Jaw J.
ira. wtMlel Aii art for lh aC aTllmhet UmP
lath state of Callfi.rMM. tHctjtm. Navaata.amt
Washlugton T.rrlUMtr.' aa ttAettoed to all lie
Euhtte html states by Act af AafsH 4. ia, iTea
dluwrng-tmasad prMM haw Sled ht ituatrJMew
their wsHrn state ate aiU, lawil,
siatsaat aks
ol Ins vn watth. aauaty ef Chs Uu steta ef Wasbs
lHMii s-wro autanseiit Nu ijea. hc4 Hoc M.
it. fla- lb ttita uf lb s ssw at, ta 17 s, r
ur. wm.
is A. Watkttta
?.('. ,' ' suly af Kleif, state ef
Waahlttatoei stMetMut Ne It. IMDw
M. iv. foe the mireha ulhc H set if, h 17
t. rue, wm.
Maihby Klein
ef Metamiria. iswamy olunariat. state of MrHM.
rwu. swear statement Ne I, aled Jaa a, laaj
forlbr uarrhSM ofthe its swH aad si, nV sac
Ip 17 r 11 e. tt hi
That Ibry will nffrr proof to show I hat lh html
sought lasMurr vaaal4e for Ma umbs-r a sieiir
than nr agrlrullural fmi taste, ami le r4aMssh
lh. ir claim lu sea laud bvfota the KrrrMer ami
Mecetver at Tlw Isalle. oregsm. an I'rtaUy, the
eth day a( Nuvembvr, lust
They Bam as witueasn Nh-tsola. Ismjlh,
Themat Twert. M J Klofn, Mike CeHtsar . aTrlie
Italia. Of
tabu itmti
;c a tvaikHis, niBaattl. warn;
fit) l A MMT, f Lew hi-
X Dnk
AHy and all vats
iuc advat-njjr the
Heated tu Ilk their
srethe saldelh,lay
asMMlesrrtbrd laeMss are tsstu
claims In this ueacc utt or before
HM-tMJ MKTiAIII, T. NOLAN, hrgtstrr.
Timlier Land. Att June J. It
V- It. Land Offier. Ukv tlrw. (Hrmrn,
Kept si, laaj
Natlee I lurftbs- elveti that In asHlUara wllh
the iirevtehsn ef lh Act sf 0H(ies of jaae j,
!.. cHtllieal. 'Ah art for Hie sale af limber laHalt
In llie sltlra uf Califotaia, Oregtm, Nevada, ami
WasMHgteM Territuey.'' a ealrmtaet to att the
publw laud states by act af August 4. iM.
Kruesi D Walla.
af Prlaeville, rouHty of Creak, stale af Ore gem.
. Siwl Ik bUN.t,u .JT It. I 4 a nl
aa niru ih ibi anue ni swotm staiemrHl no
" , - , " ,.w- t- w- ..t- . w , ft , HJl
swt) (ti ses ji. i, se, a, r ij e, w m., auu win ou. r
woof lu show that the laird sought is mote
valuable for it timber nr stone than n atnl
lural purtawMt, and hi establish his ciatm tat sahl
land before J J. nsuiiH, Quouly C1rk, at Prlnv
vtlle, Oiegwt, tHl Tuesday, the l4h Ay f
lleeembrr luxj.
II name a Usury A foster,
Cliarl II. ItlkksoH. Ralph JraH, Alllugtuii
Dart, all ef PliHCtllrC, Oiegon,
Any and alt prrMtat claiming adversely Ihe
buvaalaseelhed Isiuls are rsnusrsletl tu fil Isirtr
UIihi Ih tills onV oh or before the said ijlhilay
ef Deeawlwr. imJ
ovlll M IIKATTAIN. Rtgltler
Timber Mini, Att June j, 1I7I.
V H, Mad offiac, Lake view. Oregon,
Hepitmlwr iv.
Notice Is Itarrby given Hut 111 eantpltAiicc with
Ihe pmvisHHs of the Art of Congress af June j.
17. enlllUd. "Aliart fW Iheaaleuf HmlHn Uw.a
III llie stales or Csliforiila, Oregon, Nevada, ami
WaslilHgtini TenlhHy, ' aa exleudril to all Ihe
public laud slaleaby Act or August 4, iyi, llie
lullowinx-naiiied larrsons have blttl III Hill olhce
llirlr sworn .tslemeiili, tuwli
Wallace M. Heull
of Vashan. county of
at Kin
ig. sute or Washington
, Tor the purchase uf Ihc
worn statement nu 1714.
11M 11M 17. IP ti a, r it c, w 111.
Chart W Jacob,
of Vatliou, etmuty of King, stale ef Washington,
sworn sltlrinciit Nu 171s. for thr putclw.e ollli
H uw)( and nil aw sec 17, tp 11 s, r 11 e, w in,
Illicit Harrington,
of Vathon. county uf King, stale of Waihlngb 1
sworn statement Uu 171, for Ihe tHiichatc of III
"U sw)(, sH self sec l, sw)f sw(( see 17, Ip 11 a
r I c, w 111
That they will offer liroof lo thow thstllieUml
vutlit It mute - aliiablc for lla timber or Hone
than lur agrlculluiul tiurixitct, and to
their claim to said laud before J. M. Lawieiirr,
l H. Ciiinmliiloucr at Ilend, Ore.on, on bato.
day the nth day of December, I9J
They name a wlliieate Wallace M Ileal I
Charles W. Jscol.i, Illicit llarriiiglou, of Vaihon,
Wuthlugtoii; Itaac W, Wllllamt, A mot limit
sluiw, I'ortltml, Oregon, 1' C Wlilttcn, llcnd,
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
abotc-described land are requested lo file Ihrir
claims in IhU office on or lclorc the tald 11th day
of December, ivi.
Oinlll It. M IIKATTAIN. Rcglttcr.
Tiiiilwr Culture, I'liiai I'roof
I'. H. Laud Office, The Dallea, Oregon.
Hepleuilicr jo, i'ij.
Notice It hereby git en Ihut tieorge Millloiu,
of Prinevitle, ()reoii, lut lllnl uollte of Inten
tion lo make final proof Uforc W. A llcll, I' H
Commitsloni r at hit ulfice In I'rluct lite, Oregon,
un Monday thr vth day uf Novvmlwr, I90J, uu
timber culture application No 941, fur Ihc tw)
usi, sctf utvK, uM wH unci nw) sc)( sec ii,
1 19 a, r 1 c, tv 111.
lie names 111 tvllursHeti Clinlrt II. Dcnlv.
John Hllloll, Perry ll, I'uludexUr, Henry (iriiurs,
all uf Prlnevllle, Orrgou,
01-116 M.CHAKl, T. NOLAN, Krgi.ler,
'! ." rue agrinuiurai purpuBr. ami la eil
uw,i immu ia sshi latsa avrure I I. JHMlth.
tuartl. Clerk at JTlH.vllle. (HeguH, tm TmssI
lay. the i;thvlay of Novvmbrr, le-J.
TbtV ISSHSS US Mlft.M II flM.I-.
I lT,l
UL ftal HeMaaaL
Wt un J.aia1ls IIUiMsv .ja, b