The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, October 09, 1903, Image 5

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In llio lolna,
Nrrrouaiicaa, unrefreihlng sleep, dcapon
It li limn you were dolnit something,
Tho kliliiry were anciently cnllril tlio
reins In your enao llir-y nro holding the
ruins uml driving you Into tcrloui trouble.
Hood's Sarsaparllla
Ante with ilia niott direct, tonrllcliil enYcl
nn tlio kldnuyi, It contnlns Ilia brat and
uifMt miti-Unicafor corrcctliiK and toiling
tlHMM OlgUlia,
A (lood Wesson.
Mr. Greene What do you liavo an
alarm clock In your chamber for If you
don't have llm nla-m wound up?
Mm. Gray If you could liavo hoard
llm awful things my husband paid
whan ihu alarm went off, you wouldn't
aek mo,
TITQ "'""ananllfCurM, WoeuorntrToniiMM
flio nnifiiiir'u..ufi)i.Kiiu'nUi.iKwT
Jt. M. II, Kiln, Lid all Art M , rkllt4l-.hla,7a.
Nlni I'm In a Pod,
When a maldon It shelling peas, ac
cording to nn old superstition, she
should If Mho And n pod with nine poaa
In It put It over tlio house door. Then
tlm lint young man to enter tlm houto
through tlio door will tnnrry her.
Hit Narrow Logic.
"If I had my war." raid tlio man of
high principles, "thoia would be no
innnny In polltlci,"
"Unt,"ild Henator Korahum. "If
you didn't put any money in politic It
Isn't likely you could have your way."
To Chicago, Dubuouo and the
hait; to Das Moines, Kansas City and
tlm b'outbeaii, via Chicago Great West
ern railway. Klectrlo lighted tralne.
Unequalled lervlce. Write to J. I'.
Kliner, (1. I. A., Chicago, for Inform,
Von i'orknr Arun't you satisfied
with Hint antenuptial agreement?
Iord Uiaftor 1 don't want to loeo
my aolf rtojujct nftur mnrrlaKo by hsv
Iiik to run to my wlfo for overy thous
and. Mfo,
Wvnli In Mlafortune.
I'ooplo nro oftun proud ot tlio proper
tlos to which llioy nro helm, but surely
fow Inndod nttatow era no vaunted, few
castle aro no boasted ubout, aa are the
11 Its to which the flesh la liolr. Unman
natiirn fairly rovoln In ltd misfortunes,
and till a rovolry lends to rivalry and to
many complication, JNono It eo proud,
iiono U ao Joalotts, nn your traveling
Invalid, London Queen.
Mothiira wilt rind Mra, Wlmlow' SooIMb
Hriup ib tmit lamady to um (or Ihelr chlldrtu
111 IMlblDf MOU.
The Cheerful alter.
"Ya, brer'en," pale llre'r Jasper,
ai lie closed the book, "Do Lawd lub
In cheerful giver. Los' Hun'y Jlre'r
Jonklm dun gib fifty conti to pay fo
wblUmaehlu' do pastor's fence, an' do
I.awd lub hi in no ho dun took 111 in
home to Klory today."
Pino' Cure U
It lias cured and co
yeara. At druga:Ule,23ctula.
a rood courb
for forty
An Odd Contrast.
It it a curlout fact that, whereat In
Italy the eduattd claaee are phytlrally
greatly Inferior to the peaaants, In Kog
land member of the learned eocletlet
aro phytlcally tuptrior to the laboring
Praia o ' Oslo, err? ef tolido, i .,
Fiimr. J. Caesar makra oath that he la lb
aanlor pantr ol lb nrm ol r t. caesiT A Co.,
UiilnybualUMiln Ihe l.'llr ol ToUdo, Coonlf
nd Hisle afeitiald, aed Uial attd arm will rar
the aumolO.NKIIUNUKtDltOLLAIUi tor rich
nd era? ot ot Ctttrrh tht cnnol t cut4
Vylh utaot llatfaCaTameOcia.
nworn la txlr mt nJ uhu'rlbd in
jirttic, ibl iti dr ot Dtctutxr, A. D. Iwi.
A. W.aiJUHO.V,
l'Jr Calarrk Cura la laaan Intrmatlr and acta
dlreetlr en thebloo4and nucena aurlacaa !
Uieartlara. M4 lar ixlltaoDltlt, lrr.
... . r.l. CIIRMXY 4CO.,Toldo.O.
Uail'a Wntl rilia axe the UaL .
Caua for Jay.
Mamma Ytti, the eloper have been
dlacovered at Niagara Fall. They are
Kolng to telegraph home for forgive
neat. I'apa Thank goodneail I thought
they were going to tlr-gr&h home for
Putting tlrr (tight.
"That mail with tlio bird cage on hit
faco," romarkod the beautiful girl In
the grand eUnd to hor eacort, "jtiit
yulled 'foul,' but i can't eoo even a
"Of courte not," replied tlio wine guy
who had iteored her up agalnat the
game, "both of tho nlnet are picked,
BeeT" Chicago Newt.
Ilia Conaclcnce Troubled Him.
"Look here, are you the man I pave
a enuar meal to one cold, bleak Feb
ruary morning?" "I'm (ho man,
mum." "Well, do you remember you
promlied to abovol all the enow out of
my back yard and then anoakod off
without doing it?" "Yea, mum, an'
me contclence itnote me. Dat'e do
reaton I tramped all de way here
t'rougb de blailng in to finlih d
Long I'aata.
A phyalclan In Georgia la aald to
bare completed a lift jr daya' faat, un
dertaken to cure a eovere caea of dye
pepila, During tho fait tho doctcr at
Undrd to hit profeailonal dulle and
took dally walk. The longoit fait on
record It tald to have boon one of ilz
tytbroe day.
What Did She Mean.
Bho And aro you really to much
better alnce you returned from your
trip abroad?
He Yei, indeod; I'm quite another
roan, I aaeuru you.
She Well, I'm ture all your friend
wilt bo delighted to bear It. Chicago
Sboea and the Peet.
"Maudle, dear, thoto ahoe
tight. How do thoy fcol on
"Perfectly comfortable, mamma."
(To bereolf) "If the bad naked me how
my feet felt in tb tboea the would
liavo had me.
An All the Year Round Disease.
Rheumatism doea not come and go vrith winter
time alvravi; in fact Home Buffer more during the
Sprinc ami Summer than at any other season. When
the blood is charged with Uric Acid, Alkali and other
irriUting; poisons, then the system is in the right
condition for Rheumatism to develop, and an attack
la liable to come at any time, Winter or Summer.
Rheumatism, because it attacks different parta of
the body, and is sudden or alow in iU action, is given
various names such as acute and chronic, muscular,
articular, faflamniatory.niercurial and sciatic, but it ii
the aame old acid blood that causes all. Some an
constant sufferers, while others nave only occasional spells of Rheumatism,
but either kind is wearing upon the constitution, and in time produce!
stiffness in the muscles and joints, and sometimes the adds thrown off b
V.. ,lw1 aH1 nniM Ihf vl n tho
heart and ends suddenly and fatally.
It won't do to let Rheumatism
run on. It la a dangerous disease, and
you can never tell where it is going to
atrikc. Home remedies, piasters, lini.
tuentu and nuch things as produce
counter-irritation, arc soothing and
may relieve the pain temporarily, but
the polluted, acid blood cannot be
reached by external applications.
Rheumatism must be treated
through the blood, and no remedy
brings ouch prompt and lasting relief
as S. S. S. It attacks the disease in
tt Ii1nn1. the acids, and
rcmoveu all irritating poisons and effete matter from tho system. '
S. S. S. strengthens and enriches the thin acid blood, and, as it circtu
latea through the body, the corroding, gnawing poisons and acid deposit
are dislodged and washed out of the muscles and joints, and the sufferer
is nappiiy icucvcu iiuiuiuc uigcouuons
and misery of Rheumatism.
S. S. S. is a purely vegetable renedy,
does uot contain any Potash or mineral
of any kind, and can bo token with
eafety by old and young.
Rheumatic sufferers who write us
about their case will receivo valuable aid and helpful advice from our
physlclauu, for which no charge ia made. We will mail free our special
book on Rheumatism, which ia the result of yeara of practical experience ia
treating this disease, It contains much interesting information about all
Wnda of Rhcuaatiiw. j tWjfT JTf C7C C0 ATIAXTA UL
Portland, Ind., Jan. 10, 1003,
Aftar balotr tn-lbly crippled. Xol
three yeara with Sbaamaflam, am
having triad wU known. rmdla Z
could tret no relief. And haying
read, of the wonderful effeta of
0. 0. B., Z eonoludad to try It, and
am happjr to a ay that Z waa entirely
cured, and am able to work as well
a Z ever did.
Z ohaarfully recommend 0. S. 8. to
11 aufferere of thle Urrlblo dtieait,
nd will eajr that If they will con
tlnue the treatment, par dlrao
tlona, they will find permanent
care. H.W.B-CK8.
Hho Jfnimiia anys I mustn't encour
ago you at all. Ho Thnt'e nil right. I
don't iirod any encouragement. Phil
adelphia 1'rcnH.
Amplo: Ada Do you act much ox
itcIso? .May Why, J'1. I hnvo no
mold, nnd I hnvo n wulat that buttons
In tho buck. Judge.
Kqulvocnl: Hhe Do you rrmombcr
boforo wu were wnrrled, denr
He Why, ll'n ninotiK my hnpplost rec
ollections. Tonkers Htutcetnnn.
IIobHon'n Cholca: fluent (in cheap
restaurant) Well, wulter, what Iwvo
you got? Wulter Ueefalenk nnd flail
but the flah In nil out Whlch'll you
havo? Chlcngo Now.
Htrnngcr I would llko to horo a
tooth pulled. Dentist A lusti who
would llko to have n tooth pulled must
bo n lunatic Guesa you'd better go
lo tho nejirest asylum. Ilostou Trail
"Ho they nnmed n clKnr nflcr youV
"Yes," answered ihu HjRirtliiK mnn In n
dubious lone. "Quito n compliment."
"I thought ho till I Hiudked one of tho
cigars, then I concluded that It was u
libel." Washington Ktnr.
I.lko n Woinnn: "If you'll notice."
anld Kliinlck, "the poets Invariably say
'alio' when referring to ihe earth. Why
should the enrth lm considered femi
nine?" "Why not. Nobody knows Jurat
how old tho enrth Is." Philadelphia
Public Ledger.
Wife I wish we had n nice large
country place, where I could give n
lawn party. HusbandJust for 'the
pleasure of Inviting home of your
friends, eh? Wife Well, yos; and the
pleasure of not Inviting some. Phila
delphia ledger.
Kthel (ecHtntlcnlly) Oh, Charlie,
would you Just ns leave propose nil
over ngnlu, nnd do It Into this phono
graph? Cholly Why? "Why, I want
to hnvo something to remember you
by after you hnvo gone In and spoken
to Hipa nbout It." Life.
Kollowrtl Directions: Mnhoolc Alnt
yez th wan that towM mo utver to
djirluk wather wldout lollln'? 1'livnl
enin Yes, sir. Mnhoole Thin Ol hov
a mntnd to murther ye. 01 dhrank
boiled wnther awn awlmost burned me
mouth off. Chicago Times.
"I heard to-dny tlial jour son wn
an undertaker. I thought you told me
ho was a phyelclnn." "Not at all." "I
don't like to contradict, but I'm jxal
tvo you did sny so." "You misunder
stood mo. I snld he followed the med
ical profession." Philadelphia Press.
Jack I hear you are going to marry
Attn Prettytiu. Penult me to congrat
ulate you on your excellent taste. Tom
Hut the eugHgemeut Is on. I'm not
going to marry her or any one else.
Jack Indeed! Then allow me to con
grntulnvo you on your good sense.
Chicago Krenlng Post.
Just I.Ike Ileal Luvera: Miss lto
mnuz Of course, you've rend that
new love-story of his? Mr. Crabbo (re
viewer) Yes; I bnd to. Very realistic,
wusu't It? Miss Itomnnr Oh, tho Ideal
Wli'. tho dlnlogue between the lovers
was jierfectly silly. Mr. CrnblK'
Well? Philadelphia Press.
Ouest (angrily) Iook here, land
lord, Pin heartily tired of tho way you
do liuslness Here, liliin't you ever
hnvo u gentleman stop with you be
foro? Landlord (guxtng at him search
Ingly) Huml Are you u gentleman?
Ouest (more angrily Of course!
Landlord (decidedly) Thou I never
A Peeling of Security: "I'm so sur
prised to hear your wlfo likes tho
lioiiHO so much It's so small." "Yes,
but there uro lots of closets In It."
"True, but they're extremely small,
too." "ThafH Just It. My wlfo Is sat
isfied thnt not ouo of them Ir big
enough to hold a burglar." Phllndol
phln Ledger.
Happy In tho Assurnnco: She wns
going away. "Oh, John!" she sobbed,
"J-Johii, are y-you nulto sure you'll
m-mlss mo?" "Darling," replied hor
big husband, "I'll miss you as much us
I do tho morning tnilu." Thus assured
slio picked up hor grip niul, with a
sweet smile, started for tho seashore.
Chicago News.
Mrs. Hubbubs Henry, llrldget broke
threo of our very best plates to-day. Mr.
tiubbubB Heavens! CouliJ nnythlug
posslblo bo worse! Mrs. Hubbubs Sh!
It Isn't b bad iih It might be. Kho Im
mediately hid tho pieces, nnd If wo
can only look pleasant nnd pretend wo
know nothing about It, I think shu'll
stay. Philadelphia Press.
For her farewell tour of Ainerlcn tho
Chicago Tribune suggests tho follow
lug piogrum for Adellun Pattl: "Pure
well Forever," "Hay Au Hovolr, but
Not aood-ly," "How Can 1 Lenvo
Thoo," "8ho Snld Uood-Ily," "itui m0
Qood-Hy nnd Co," "I Don't Cure If
You" Never Como Hack." "Tos,U'u Good
Uy," "Faro Thoo Well, for I Must
Leavo Thee," "Take Your Clothes and
Co." "I Will Iteturn Again."
Free Medical
Advice to Women.
.ssBEFw eW BSov BSaBlsBSIsr3 rtte atUBSHisBsaBaK
SsasasalSSJ WgLNfutHf M jm flVsoBSY
Every sick and all's; woman,
Every yonac jlrl who sstftrs noalbly,
Every woman wbo is spprotchloj matersl.r.
Every woman wbo fctls that life it a burden,
Every woman wbo bat tried all other means to rejata beallh without success.
Every woman wbo is folnr. fhrouih that critics! lime the cbante of life
Is Invited to write te Mrs. Pinkbam, Lynn, Mais., la retard lo her trouble, aa4
the moit expert advice telllnr; exactly bow lo obtain a CURE will be seat abso
lutely free of cost.
The ono thing that qualifies a person to givo advico on any subject
Is experionco experience creates knowledge.
Ko other person has so wldo nn cxperienco with female ills nor such
a record of success as Mrs. Pinkham has had.
Over a hundred thousand cases come before her each year. Soma
personally, others by malL And this has been going on for twenty years,
day after day, and day after day.
Twonty years of constant success think of the knowledge thus
gained I Surely women are wise in seeking advico from a woman with
such an experience, especially when it is free.
Mrs. Hnyea, of Boa ton, wrote to Mrs. IMnkhnm when alio wns
In (Treat trouble. Her letter shows the result. There are actually
thousands of suok letters in Mrs. Plnkham's possession.
" Dsax Mrs. Piitkh J.i ; I bare been under doctors' treatment for f envalo
tronbles for tome time, but without any relief. They now tell me I liaro aa
fibroid tumor. I eannot alt down without greet pain, and the eorenes extends
op my aplne. I have bearing- down pains both back and front. My abdomen
Is swollen, I cannot wear nay clothes with any comfort. Womb Is dreadfully
swollen, and I have had flowing spella for three years. My appetite ia not
rood. I cannot walk or be on my feet for any length of time.
"The symptoms of Fibroid Tumor. gWea in your little book, accurately
describe mr oaee, ao I write to yon for adrice. Mm, E. F. Hayes, 2i
Dudley St. (Iloaton), Rozbury, Maes.
" Dsaa Mas, Pi-ocuam: I wrote to von deacribtn my symptoms, and
tuked your ad-dee. Yo replied, and I followed all your directions carefully
for sereral months, and to-dr.r I am a well woman.
"The use of Lydla E. IMnkhnm' Vegetable Conipoiriid, together
with your odTlee, carefully followed, entirely expelled the tumor, and strength
ened the whole eyatem. I can walk miles now.
"Your Vegetable Compound is worth flto dollars a drop. I adTlse all
womon whe are afflicted with tumors, or any female trouble, to write you for
driee, and give It a faithful trial." Mm. E. F. IUtks, 2S3 Dudley ot.
(Iloaton), Roxbury, Maun.
Mrs. Hayes trill Rladly answer nny and all letters that may be
addressed to her asking nbout her Illness, and how Mrs. Plnkhan
helped her.
CnnnflFORFEIT Uutl roilhwltk prMi Hi erlcUal Hllf ml alfnatore t
Jknllllll abate iMllnooUU vblah will vrur, IU abtolaU uIbhm.
K9UUUU Ijrdlr. X. rUkhin K4lelu Co., Lynu, Meat,
Expressive Face.
He That bull terrier of youi has a
peaking countenance, hasn't hoT
Bhe Do you think eoT
lie Ye. It aaya to me aa plainly
as word could, "lie ware of tho dog."
Do a They Please.
Dick Theae folk next door
an awful good time.
Dora How? t
Dick Oh, they don't have to go any
where, and they don't entertain. Exchange.
Aatlclpatlng Hlra.
"Jenklnc, I believe you have eome of
the elomonts of succoss about you."
".Sot a dollar, old man. Honor
bright. You'd bo welcome to it if I
had It." Stray
Not In Character,
Visitor (behind tho scenes at tbe clr
cu) What is that fearful nolee?
Attendant Oh, dat'e da human skel
eton a-beatln ot his wife.
Visitor Poor woman, how sbo cries
for roorcy. I bet she's a frail weak
Attendant Well, hardly. Bhe do
de great female Hercules act wld do 750
pound dumbbells. Now Orleans Timor,-Democrat.
Good Pills
Ayer's Pills arc good liver
pills. You know that. The best
Family laxative you can buy.
iney seep tne Dowels regular,
cure constipation.
j. a.
ll. am!
Want your moustache or beard
a beautiful brown or rich black? Use
nrti m,on r. ,u t ro,.,ur4. a.
Jiill ?wu3 FVaV
ra3J3 sB si si lJjm
Fbil ami KulcnatrrSts.. forilmntl, Or.
TJ.fho, Uxla 3)4.
Southwick Hay Press
XUBB VAN i3""SssaaiaiassaTTTrswiTaaJPfaTrVsaaiii
The Bouthwlck hu the laifeat capaeltx, la tatttat and eatlaat worker ol any Hay Ptcaa made.
Bendtorcatalogue. Mailed Iree.
Fkat mnd Tytr
Ptfrtfaaet, Qrfm