The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, October 02, 1903, Image 6

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- I B,t 1 III A. I Vlll. l"l -
! s wananaw- i i . - a "- ' k JKALA. " JV " vWXSrVv I t .li I ' '
H1 if
jaucs wio:r.
Br James irfiion. 3ccrfrr of Agriculture.
Perhaps In ho othor ine lino or worn
has there been such a lack of ayate
matte study among farmers tu Amer
lea, ninl In the practical application of
known principle, as In home Dreciiuig.
ranuers throughout the entire country
have practiced haphazard methods of
breeding for many years. They siiupiy
bred ami reared horses without any re
gurd to the demands of the consumer.
In any business which Is carried on
without any definite purpose or object
lu view soouer or later n crisis will
come. Horse breeding, wheu Judic
iously carried on. lias always been and
Is likely to Iks a reasonably profitable
business for the. American farmer. If horses are bred with
a detlnlte object In view tho breeder will not be seriously
affected by overproduction. There has always been and
there always will be n fair demand for any of the recog
ntzed market types of horVes.
. Under existing conditions there are at least four distinct
classes of horses which most farmers can protltablo pro
duce. Tho tlrst and most Important Is the heavy urnri
horse, next the carriage or coach horse, then the roadster
borne, and the saddle horse. There Is a market for other
classes of horses at the present time, but none of them
commands high prices and most of them are the mlstlta
which are bound to appear from time to time In the effort
to produce horses of the first four classes mentioned.
The heavy draft horse Is one of the most protltable
classes of berses that the farmer can breed. The draft
colt can be bred wlta less risk and liability to accident
than those of the lighter classes. Some of the essential
points to be considered In selecting a draft home are: flood
feet and logs, plenty of weight, n well developed body,
and good style and action. A draft horse should weight
from 1,!00 upward, the more the better, provided It Is com
blned with quality and good feet and legs.
Next lu Importance to the draft horse Is the carriage
horse. Some men vvIhj are naturally adapted to educating
and training horses can produce carriage horses much more
profitably than draft horses. The Ideal carriage or conch
horse Is an animal of high excellence of form, style, action,
speed and education. He must be of good size, standing
from 15.3 to UV2 hands high and weighing In the nelghtor
hood of l.lIOO pounds and upward. Another class of horses
In good demand at the present time Ih the gentleman's
driving horse, or more commonly known as the roadster
A good and valuable roadster should not be considered as
necessarily a racehorse. Few racehorses ever make satis
factory roadsters. The saddle horse Is always lu good de
mand. The real, high class thoroughbred possesses more
quality than any other breed of horses. Horses of this
class are often wiled combination animals, being useful ns
a saddle or harness horse.
successfully developed lu those countries and our own aclca
tlsta outdone In this Important field Already they success
fully treat certain skin disease and other disorders with
the electrical bath ami the ItoeutKcu ray. France Is In the
lead, and at the universities of that country much experi
menting Is done with the now method.
Much Is expected to result from an exnerlment oer.
formed by Professor Stephen I.educ, of Nantes, a meni- I
her of the French Academy of Hi'Ieme. which proves with i
certainty that a small alternating current acting on tho
body will Induce steep and put the tody lu a state of abso
lute freedom from pain. That Is. tho aetlvlly of tho brain
can be stopped by means of such a current without the
least palti being experienced or the Impairing of the func
tions of the respiratory organs or the circulation.
Ho far the experiments have been conducted upon anl '
mats only, but the "result ntjn nevertheless conclusive. The
successful experimenter used a small electrical machine i
with a small current at first, but which could be grad- '
ually lucrc.ucd lu strength. A rabbit was llrst used to j
experiment upon and later a shepherd dog. Neither animal
seemed lo experience any unpleaautncs from the expert
meut. Pinching, cutting, pricking, or burning did not seem '
to cause the least pain. As soon as the current was shut
off the animal awoke. Jumped up, and ran about contented.
apparently suffering no tnjtirlom effect either as to bis Health and liefiuty nro tho glories of perfect womanhood. Women
physical or mental condition. Indeed, the duration of this wtto autfor ooimtiuitly with wrakurua iweuliar to their hex cannot ru.
electrically Induced sleep could be protracted for hours tn tholr hfiuuty. l'roaorvutlon of pretty features and rounded form u
a uiuy woiium own to tnumsuivcs.
Whim women nro troubled with Irregular, aitppresKed or painful
men.struntlon, weakneaa, loucorrhw.., displacement or ulceration of tho
womb, that (murine; down feeling, InimmnmUoii of the ovnrlcn, hnck
nchc, bloating (or iliitulonce), gunernl duhlllty, indication, nnd norvotu
proMtrntlou, or nro lionet with Htich aymptonw tut dizziness, fnlutucna,
latitude, excitability, Irritability, nervousness, Mpenleaanpsa, melan
choly, "ull koiio" nnd " wnnUto-lw-left-nlono" foolltiga, hluca, tutil hopo.
lesunosri, they xhould rumomlmr thoro ia ono tried mul truo romedjr.
lijilla V lMiikhum'a Vejfotublo Compound removed Htteh troubles.
with the same result. Furthermore, It hai been proved
that the human IkkI.v when under the Influence of the I.educ i
electrical current Is totally Insensible to pain as when ,
cocalue Is Injected. Imminent specialists declnre that this
harmless method will supersede the use of chloroform and
erher In performing those operations upon persons with a
weak heart which so often prove fatal when these anes-j
thetlcs are used. t
Br SlegtnunJ StubermMnn. electrical engineer. Berlin.
A noteworthy fact and one much debated In
professional circles Is the little Importance at
tached to the numerous electrical phenomena
with which the human organism comes In con
tact, and that the application of electricity for
medical purposes should be restricted to only a
few cases. The French and Italian men of tho.
medical profession are n laudable exception in
this respect.for they ilonot hinder progress In thin
direction by refraining from the use of electricity In their
practice. On the contrary, they not only favor Investigation
tice. On tlie contrary, the not only favor Investigation
along that line, but themselves use this natural force In
their practice whenever possible.
With these facts before us It Is to be expected that
ejectro-thera petit Ics. as the now selencejs called, should be
Br Helen OldlltlJ. '
Iovc affairs, to nil nppenrances, possess an Ir
resistible attraction for outsiders. "All the world
low a lover." l.ove stories nre the most popular
class of literature with the masses, and gossip
about other (tropic's lore affairs, real or sus
pected. Is sure to !h afloat whenever men or
women engage In social chat. The "love pie" Is
one Into which, more than any other, people who
have no visible connection therewith nre sure
to attempt to Introduce a finger, and with which
curiosity, meddlesomeness, and uiNchlef making frequently
busy themselves under the cloak of good nature, friendly
Interest, nnd general kind hcartcdness
Of all III advised meddlers the most Idiotic are those
who take mrt lu lovers' quarrels, Kven the part of the
peacemaker Is not always blessed In such case, while those
who fau the flames of discord cannot be too severely cen.
sti red. Wheu lovers quarrel It U (he part of vvlidom to
stand aside and let them settle the matter between them
selves. If they cannot agree together It Is far bettor that i
they should agree to disagree, while If the quarrel be
merely a lovers' tiff It may act as a thunder storm to clear '
the air or as a summer shower which sweeps away doubts
and misunderstandings which have clouded the sky. '
It Is not well to try too hard tu persuade dissenting!
lovers to kiss and be friends. The wounds of ove do best
without n surgeon: If they do not heal by tho first Inten
tlon they rarely or never hesl at all. There are a few
tactful people who can "stand by," In the naval sense, and '
see fair play without Intermeddling. Much people know by
Case of (his Prominent Chicago Womun Should (live Evcryono
Confidence in Lydia II. PinklinnVs Vegetable Compound.
" Dr. n Mas ,1'j.ikiiam: It (fords me great pleasure, Indeed, to add my
testimonial to tho great number who are today praising I.yillli K. IMlik
huiu's Ytigotublo Compound. Three years ago 1 broke down from nx-
ccusiva physical ami mental strain, l was uuame to
snciirn proper rest, also lost my appottte, and I broumn so
nervous unit Irr I tublo too that my friends trnnblrd.atid
1 was unabla to attend to my work. Our physician pee
scribed for ma, but as 1 did not rin to Imiirnre, I was
advised to go away. I could nolthrr spare the time nor
money, and was very much worried when, fortunately,
one of my club frlrnil called She told mn how she had
been cured of ovarian troubles, and how like my symp
toms nroro to hrrs, seven Ixittlus of your medicine cured
her, and she Insisted that I take some
" I did no, and am glad that I followed hrr
advlre. Within six weeks I was a different
woman, strong and robust In health, ud have
been so over since.
" A number of my friends who have leen
troubled with ailments peculiar to our sex
have taken your compound, and have also Ihtii
irreatly benefited." Miss Kmzaiiktii IUt.av.
70 Loointi St., Chicago, III. Prosldent of the HU Kuth'a Court, Order of Vor
rcaters, Catholic
What Is loft for tho women of America, nftor reading; huqIi letters
m wo publiah. hut to lxdlovo. Don't hoiiio of you who nro aiuk nnd mlsur
able fcol how wicked you nro to remain ho, milking; life, u burden for
yourself and your friends, when n euro in euxily and inoxpumtlvoly
obtained ? Don't you think it would pay to drop aomo of your old
preltidicos nnd "Try Lydln K. l'lnkhnm'a Veurlnliln Compound,
which Is bettor tlian nil tho doctow for enrea?" hutwly tho oxjwrienco
rf litln,lra,ta r9 llimlun viflu rtt Wfilllilll U'llkltl tlm fVllll,inllflfl lima tfirlt
liitilltlnfi lllt tl-llttlt in Mintttn M-lttm,,, ,A .1. u. !...... ' '
""V " ,,'" ""w """" "-.". to ,. or, Miiouiti oonvinco all wemen.
Just how- at the right moment to turn the tiff into a Jest. , Follow tho record of thia medicine, nnd nimambor thnt theso cures
persuading the lovers, each, that the other was ouly in fun of Uiouatuid of women whoso lotters nro constantly printed In thia
ami incaiu uo mirni. usuauy u is wise not to take lovers' i pnpor wore not brought about by "iiomoUilnK elae," but by Lydln K,
tiffs too seriously; It Is far better to treat them tenderly, . IMnklium's Venotnblo Compound, tho Jfrcnt Woman'H Jtomedy foi
but lightly. In most cases the iuarrel Is more of a comedy
than a tragedy, and probably will do good In the end by
showing some tender spot which affection will avoid
wounding in future.
Had HarJ Blrnusle as a Carpenter
Neur Knclirstcr.
About the year 1630, Itrlgham Young
and family set I lei 1 In Port Iljron, hhjm
the ItocliCHter I'ost-HxpreHH. It whs
then known ns Itucksvlllo. nud bmst.d
of 100 InliHliltniits. There wns uo ca
nal or railroad In those days, nnd the
settlers had to hew down trees In or
der to make a clearing lu which to
build n bouse. During the first few
years of Youiik'h stny be made hi
home with 'Squire Pine, who lived lu
the comer of Pine and South strretx.
The Pino house la now about 100 years
old. It Is now owned and occupied by
Mr. and Mrs, James D. Dixon,
Itrlgham Young was a carpwiter. nnd
. old residents of Port Ilryon say that
ho was an expert at his trade, but
work iv as scarce and he was always
hard up. It was a long time before
he saved money enough to buy lumber
to build his own house. It was his
Intention to build hlmsilf a nnehouso,
but It turned out to bo a very ordinary
frame structure. It was built soon
after the Krle canal was put through,
nnd wan located near the heel path
sldo of the canal. Tiie Young house
has long since been moved. A part of
the original structure now stands back
of the NewUIrk livery stables, and Is
Iiiiglmm Young's family comprised
his wife nnd ono son, Ilrlgham, Jr.,
-who died recently at Bait Lake City,
Young at that tlmo was a firm be
liever In Mormonlsm. Ho left Port
IJyron, or Huckvllle, in 18C0, and went
to Utah, nnd subsequently became fa
mous as the leader of the Mormons,
lu after years, when ho was famous,
one of his old acquaintances wrote to
him and asked him If ho was tho
Krlgbam Young of Port Ilryon, nnd If
he were could no pay 'Squire Pine for
a large board bill. 'Squire Pino was
then nu old man nnd In poor circum
stances. In a short time 'Squire Pine
noelved n letter from Young, and In
elf hi (I was the money In full for his
hoard with Interest. Young wns then
a rich man and said he was very glad
to pay up his old debts.
Countca Von Wulilersee, Who Ha
Item a I'owcr In German Politic,
Ono of the most Influential Ameri
can women In Kurope Is the Countess
Von Wnldersec, who In now on n visit
to her early home In this country. Tor
enrs alio has been n power at tho
gave up his titles and Hindu her bis
bride. .Six months later be died of
njioplexy, leaving bin girl wife f 1,000,
000. The princess, who held tho lion
orary title of Princess Do Noer, was
it Welsbadcu In 18TH, when she met
Count Alfred Von Wnldersec, whom
she married two years Inter
W'nmati'u Tllu
Thoao women who rofujio to ncoopt nn, .hint? olo aro rownrded a
kundred Uioiuand tlmea, for thoy got what thoy want n cure. Moral
stick to the medlclnu Unit you know U tho Beat. Wrlto to lira.
Plnkham for advice.
FORFEIT " "((Miml forthwith prn-la lb ottln! UtU 4 ltr at
aaw iiuiuoil, wlikiU will lrur II" xiltila f nuln.n,
Lt4U K. I'litkbaM UmIIUh Oh, L. Mm.
Your Liver
Roloreioii IMncliInu Co.
SL'Cl KsSOKS 11) JOHN 1'OOl.K,
'nl at Morrlton !tt Portland, Or(on.
I... ... Ill... ........1a .1. W- .
. . . ,. m f . f , (r.m. n.i,.if, J1UIUIII.MV rvn rvviar.
is u aciing wcnr isowe r;,r,ri:Tupc.,.
Oorinun court and In tlmea piiHt was
pitted iignlust the great itismurck.
The countess was Miss Esther Lee,
daughter of David 11, Lee, a pioneer
wholesale grocer on South street, Now
York, When her father died her moth
er took her and her sisters to Paris.
Tbero Esther was educated.
In 1857 she married Prince Freder
ick Von ScbleswIg-IIolBtclii. She wns
very young then, while the German
prince was an old man, The orlnco
The .ountess became n confidant of fCgUlar? UigCStlOn gOOCl? If ,',", na 'wVitVlia wL'.'im
e KmiMTor and was anhl to have not. fCmcmbcr Avcr's Pills, la wscMiurr Una.
Uhi-d lllsinnrck's overthrow, Hho wns TUn Vtnrl ,,,. t,.,A ,... il
nmblllotis as well ns brilliant and she ,,. ' ,,avl' A,,uw" ""
luu hoioiuiwar with
Sawmill MaoMiiurr, Kn
Makliiff Mothor Happy,
Tommy remembered his mother's
birthday, saya the Philadelphia Press,
and told her that ho wished he had n
dollar to bby her a present,
"That Is very thoughtful of you, my
dear," stic aald, "but why do you need
a dollar?"
'"CaiiHo that's tho prlco of It. It's
the dandiest catcher's mask you over
Wo Imaglno that running a Iwardlng
house Is u good deal like running n
newspaper, with three editions very
day In tho year.
If you propose to do as you please
why atk adflco?
the KtiiMTor a tin wn
cauhi'd Illsmnrck'M overthrow. She wns I
wished that her husband should sue yOUr lllC.
ceeii tho "Iron chancellor" During thu
closing ears of Illsmnrck'a llfo sho)
was Identified with every movement I
that seemed to weaken bin hold on!
Imperial favor. Dr. Stoker, the court'
chaplain whom Illsmnrck dismissed,
wns her coadjutor and ndvlser, Her
salon was a hotbed of nntl-Illsmarck
Count on Wnldersec wns raised to
practical command of tho iirmy nnd
In 1000 was appointed to the command
of tno allied forces In China, succeed
ing Von Moltko ns a field marshal, a
position ho now holds.
Tho mnrrlnge to the count was one
of tho foreign nlllancpH that proved
happy, the count nnd countess hnvJng
been devoted to each other.
waul of anjtbluf
J, O. ay tr Co., Law-all, Mua,
Want your moustache or beard
a beautiful brown or rich black? Use
Uirrr ffi DrMifTaa r ant tu,, m J
"I baft lona 14 dara at a Una wllbaat m
riaMi mt tka aawala, not Ixlni abla to
aiuTt (Sam aieaiii tif ulf ht waiar lBllon.
Chfonlo roDitlnlloa for aai u jtn ilaca4 ni la
lbliiarrllilaeoii4UIa dutlustliat tlaia I II4 ar
at rlblns I liaard "I butnatar (oiiimI any rallafi tuob
aaiwraaia unlit I bai an u,lo CiSUAIiriU I
auw Data from una lotbraa iatMaadar a4 If
aaartebl woulJ itialWUUifor aacli niutauauli II
Uauaha rallaf AVI mill,, jiukt.
low HuMfll Si-, ixuoli, Ulaa.
s . y uAinnnnu
Plaaianl. I'alatabla. I'oiaul. Yaala flood . Pa
Ooo4, Marar Sloiao, waakau, or url, Ida, tvo.
iwU w.4y Uu,, Cklu, ax!..!, I Iwm. Mt
Baal Oouf b Brrup. TuiaaUooa. baa
In lima, oldbrdrnaattU.
aaaaaaaaafeSSrvaMaaaal '
$25 n DAY
tan m mail with ar.
Well Machine
Mails In all ilin and
ityln lorotlor wauranr
0n, A-tt.
clal HiocK
Ytt eaa savt from US to 91 yearly by
waartn,- W. L. DoujLm $3.00 or $J sums,
lliey uiual llic
that hsva baen coU
lug you froai 81 00
to 80 00, Tho lm
uiaiias sal of W, U.
Doiiulm iliott prove
tliolr upsrlorlty oyer
all other tnskai.
Hold by retail shot
dealers ovorywliero,
Look for iisma nud
prlco on bottom.
Thai liuailaa m Cor.
onaloll protti Ib.ra li
talna In lloaslai.hoti.
torosa la tba hlghtil
rlt Vahrhytliltuui.
UJr J U t Hat llnllmmul,:
Hho.a bv mall. VS !. ,.
CaUloffm. W, L. DOUOUS, HrotkUn, Mua.
P.N. U. rla 3DP0J.
afr Mk
it any frivm,
WHJCW wrltlnar to advHtar ilaaaa I
manllon thia papor. I