The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, October 02, 1903, Image 2

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Few Weeks Should See the Chance Com
pitted Operation on the Mouth ol
the Columbia Will No Doubt Uegln
Early Next Month-Engineer Show
T.t n..t- u. nt, Made.
" Washington, Sopt. 23 A telegram
was received by tho chlof of engineers
today stating that tho pumping ma -
cblnery for tho converted drodKe Grant
: , J , , . A, .
has boon received at tho navy yard,
and will at once be placed In position
on tho ship. From this it Is Inferred
that recent predictions will bo fulfilled
and tho Grant will bo ready for opera.
tione on tho Columbia river early In
October. elect to proceed under tho 8ooncr act
Today's malls brought to tho depart-! nd take up tho Nlcareguan route, or
mont notification of tho criticism that , "How tho matter to drift for the
has been passed upon tho engineers present In tho hope that n way may yet
for taking so long In quipping tho(b to"I to straighten out tho present
Grant. To show that Instead of delay 'difficulty hi tho path ollho Panama
tho Grant has really been contorted in routo.
a comparatively short time, tho acting , Contrary to his custom during tho
chief of engineers called attention to ""iimer, Acting Secretary of tho State
tho progress of work on a number of Department Odell remained in tho city
boa dredges now beings built for use on yesterday in order to bo on hand to act
tho prlnclpa harbora of tho coast, promptly on any Information which
Ho said Arrangements woio made for ; might come from Mr. Ileaupro regard
converting tho transport Grant into a ing canal matters at Bogota. Up to
dredge about February 1 and on Sep-1:30 o'clock, however, nothing had boon
tember 1 tho work was 88 per cent I received. Dr. Herran. tho Colombian
completed. , charge, also waited anxiously for news
Two na dredges to bavo pumps the; from his government, but llkewlio was
size of thoeo supplied the Grant for om I disappointed. Colombia, It la known,
In New York harbor, which were an-, l anxious to keop alive tho canal no
thorlied December 13, are not yet 10 gotlatlons.
per cent completed. There has been One Interesting feature In connection
no actual work on a dredge tor Lake with tho legislative situation in Colom
Michigan authorized March 18, while bia Is tho fact that tho terms of one
tho Southwest Pass dredge, begun Feb- third of tho member In tho wnato,
ruary V0, is only 16 por cent complet- numbering nine, will expire on tho
ed, and a dredge for the Mlssitsippl 20th of next July, when Ihe life of tho
river, contracted for September 1. 1001, present congress will end. These nine
is but 73 per nt completed. A senators, it is said, are nverse to tho
dredge for Charleston, 8. 0., will be canal treaty. The hope of the advo
ready for action next month, but it was catea of the treaty will bo to elect sen.
nthnrl-A.1 rVnnmlMr ?2. 1000. ne-rl i ators in their places who aro favorable
three years ago. In the case
of these '
dredges tho work ia all new.
a ad Oil la Abundance, and
cultural Riches AIM.
Portland, Sept. 23. After spending
the summor In Alaska surveying and I
locating coal and oil lands and a couple
of homestead on Kacbenak Bay, a rail-'
road olaht miles lonir across tho head of
this bay, and location, for fish sailer-
i ., . . T u rn i I
ies on Halibut Cove, John A. McQnlnn
has rotnrned to Portland for the win-
ter. He la favorably impressed with , darkness with horses. A posse was or
'that region, in which layers of sand-1 ganlted and la in pursuit of tho banlt.
stone and coal alternate to a consider- Not a single shot was fired.
able depth, below which it is supposed
oil will bo found. The beach is lit
tered with coal, which has alien from
veins between the layers of sandstone
on tbo blafl shores, it la considered
quite certain that oil wilt bo found by,
boring to some depth, and machinery
for this will bo on the ground next
The company of New Yerk capitalists,
In whose employ Mr. McQoinn has be brought back to the city and a new
been proposes to locate colonies of train made up which left at 1 o'clock.
Finns and Swedes on tbo lands it has , According to the meager reports re
bad surveyed, and to establish fish salt-; celved from the scene of the hold up at
eries on a large scale. Fish of many i midnight, tho Instant the train was
kinds are abundant in the waters there, stopped, ti.o of the robbers climbed in
Mr. McQuinn says that when be left to the engine, and with drawn weapons
Alaska the last of August the peninsula compelled the englneor fireman to
between Kacbenack and Cook's Inlet, obey orders. One of tbo men un
some 60 miles long and about as wide, conpled the engine and express car
was covered with wild red-top grass from the remainder of tho train. Tho
nine feet in height. Tho summer is party then climbsd into the cab and
short, but it is warmer than any other the engine and car were run up tho
place in Alaska, and vegetation grows track. Tho explosion followed. As
rapidly, radishes, lettuce, etc., being soon as the safo was dynamited, tho
ready for use in four weeks from the men dashed to the wrecked car. It Is
time the seed Is town. The company aserted that they did not get a cept as
is going about the development of this a result. The train was loaded with
region cautiously and is bound to make 'passengers for the West and tho hold
a snecess of the scheme, Mr. MiQuinn up created a panic,
thinks. When the colonies of Huns, As soon as the conductor raw tho
and Swedes are located and the fisher- robbers, lie ran back down tiie track
ies and mines fairly opened, a vast ' and secured a hand car on whloh he
amount of wealth will be developed.
Powder Magazine Burglarized.
Helena, Mont., Sept. 23. Officials
of the A. M, Hotter hardware com
pany today discovered that their pow
der house and magazine, I oca tad just
outside of the city limits, had been
broken into and 1,260 pounds of dyna
mite had been stolen. The value of
the powder amonnts to $350. Today
word was received from Blosaburg that
a quantity of dynamite was found
cached along the tracks of tho North
ern . Pacific railroad. It is not vet
known whether the powder found at
Blossbnrg is part of that stolen.
Pay tor Insult to Premier.
New York, Sept. 23. Two Italians,
PI co o and Dachlno, charged with hav
ing thrown a tomato at Premier Combs,
at Marseilles, have been sentenced,
says a World's special from Paris, to
six months' imprisonment. Although
Mr. Combs was traveling simply ss a
private Individual, the court held that
the insult was directed against his
official position.
Panama Canal Held Up by Colombia
til Time Uxplrc.
Washington, fc'opt. 23. Wlun tho
stato department closed ybstonlay nt
4 o'clock It was ngrvod that the Patiu
nm canal treaty was dead, although
eight hours yut remained wllliln
which tho Colombian congress mlht
take affirmative notion upon It. Noth-
j lug, however, hnd boon lo oived during
I ! ')'. Itl'er '" MlnlMor Bonupro
I at Bogota or fiom Mr. Herran, the Co-
I lombiau charge hero, which gave tho
BllKIitot hoo of n favorable Issue,
A report li current hero that tho Co
' lomblan congress, In secret bomIoii, ha
clotl,wj I,W" Mrroqln with full
power to negotiate a treaty. If this to-
j JH)rt Bnoua ,, out t0 ,rllP prei.
dent Marroiuln, who Is counted a
' frleud of tho treaty, could proceed tin
rammoieu oy mo ier oi luiurorecson-
, " Pro-Idont
i.. ii. i.i. .........
I m...t now i.. ho next sten. Ho can
to convention.
Masked Men Blow Open Safe But Oct
Little Doodle.
St. Joeepb, Mo., Sept. 24. Four
masked men, at 10 o'clock tonight,
held op west bound Burlington A Mis
souri River train No. 41, fivo miles
ll0fth 0j thB cjty '
The sale In Uie ex-
press car was dynamited
and tho car
wrecked. Official of tho road y too
' nttood but mu 0
reports say It contained $6,000 to 1 10.-
00, ' Kwwtblni in tho safo
wa taken and the mon escaped in the I
The train was stopped by means of u
red light. The engino and express car
were uncoupled from the remainder of
the train and backed half a mile furth
er on whore it waa dynamited. The
train was in charge of Conductor liar
vey, who liurrlnl to the city anil gave
the alarm. The officers lost no tlroo
in organiitng and making a start. It
was necessary for the entire train to
came to St.
Joboph and notified the
Turkey Moving to Avert War.
London, Sept. 24. Turkoy is show
ing signs of yielding to the Bulgarian
demands, and it is evident from tho
dally meetings of tho council of minis
ters at Yildfz Kiosk that some sort of
negotiations are in progress with the
object of avoiding war. According to a
dispatch to the Dally Mall from Con
stantinople, these councils concern two
possibilities either to moke an ar
rangement satisfactory to the Macedon
ians or obtain from tho great powers
promises of neutrality if it is found im
possible to avoid a war.
Frank People Flee.
Nelson, B, O,, Sept. 24. Passengeis
arriving tonight over the Crow's Nest
report that another immense slldo oc
curred this morning at Turtle moun
tain, near Frank, Alberta, As far as
known, no lives wero lost, hut a'l the
pnoplo of Frank have deserted tho
town again, being taken on to Blair
more and other towns.
Urcat Progress Ha llcen Made In the
Tho grout progress that lino been
mmlo In tho nruna Industry In this
ntntu In tho Inst few yenra la Indicated
by the uinchlnory which 1ms been put
In operation nt tho Wlllnmettu Vnlloy
l'runo Association's wnrehotiHn In
Salem, In ono corner of tho ware
house Htanda an old-fashioned, hand
prune grader, or tho back-breaking
type. It waa capable of hiuullliiK ten
tons of fruit a day If n gang of juuii
could keep It golni steudlly. In tho
coutor of tho warehouse. Is n mnsMlvu
power grader. 42 feet lonir and ten
feat high, tho most up-to-date mnchluo
for that kind or work. Mm capacity la
100 toua n day. In former years the
prunes wore loaded on trurkn, tnken
up to the second lloor on mi clovntor
and omptled Into tho grader by men
who lifted tho sacks or prunes to tho
hopper. Now the grader stands on
tho thin lloor A continuous chain
carrying cups runs from (ho base
tnent to tho top of tho grader. On
uny lloor prunes may ho dumped Into
n hopper nnd they aro carried tin in
tho grader without further effort.
From tho cruder the tinmen run
through n steam process from which
they emerge Into another hopper and
from this they drop Into boxen nil
reauy for packing. From Htart to
nnlsh mnniinl labor Is reduced to n
minimum nnd nearly nil tho work Is
dono by machinery During tho pas
sage of tho prunes through tho grader
ami processor they nro clenued or nil
dirt, nro made uniform In moisture
nnd aro placed In the boxes bright and
No Sales On the Pendleton Market
No Shipment lo Coast.
Tho whent market of I'eiidlotou nnd
vicinity Is nt a complcto standstill.
No sales hnvo been rondo for nearly
a week nnd no shipments or moment
are being mndo to Mho coas't.
This stato or affairs was caused by
tho sudden decline In prices. Club Is
quoted at C7 ccnta per bushel, while
blucstem la selling at 70 cents. This
la a drop or C cents per bushel on both
clssses or wheat.
Tho mills had boosted tho price.
They wero Just out or wheat, and ir
they had not paid high price they
would hnvo been forced to shut down.
Somo ot tho mills south or here had
to suspend operations because they
did not care to pay such a fancy price.
Tho mills nro now well supplied and
aro buying but little, only In cases
whero there Is storage room.
Tho export buyer seems out or the
The fnrmers will not sell nt
tho present quotntlons, nnd tho buyers
will not offer higher money. Thoro
are about 900.000 bushel or unsold
whent In tho county.
Never wa thoro such keen ncllvlly
among farmers In storing wheat The
buyers sa ythat about .1000 sacks are
arriving In Pendleton dally, which Is
1000 Barks shove the average dally
delivery. This rush or wheat to tho
warehouses Is duo to farmers fearing
a wet season, nnd also to get this
work off their hnnds so rail seeding
can bo started. By tho mlddlo or next
week nil tho grain or tho country will
hnvo been placed under shelter. Tho
weather Is Ideal for the finishing of
harvest. Moat of the grain which waa
standing when tho recent rains came
will not bo threshed, hut will be cut
for foed.
Installlnr Mining Machinery.
Tho Crystal Consolidated Mining
company Is at tho present tlmo ener
getically plarlne machinery that has
been contracted ror somo tlmo. They
are now Installing n C0-horao power
hollor nnd engine nnd sawmill. They
hnvo also placed an order with the
Union Iron Works, or 8nn Francisco,
ror n stamp mill. This will soon he
rnmpliHod and will bn on tho ground
early next month. Tho company Is
also building a wagon rond from tho
now Chnmplon Creok rond to the
Mountain Mon claim, n dlHtnneo ot
7fi00 foot, the coHt or this road will bo
nbout $4000 This ramnany hns n
largo amount or oro In Hlght nnd will
run tho mill continuously during tho
wlntor months.
State Veterinary Hoard.
Tho mombers or tho Orogon stato
veterinary board, created nt tho last
session or tho Orogon legislature, will
bo named by flovernor Chnmoblaln In
a row days. Tho board will consist ot
five competent practitioners or veter
inary medlclno nnd surgory. Two or
tho men to bo appointed will servo
for a term or two years nnd three for
a term or four years nnd artor tho
first two years the term of office or
all members will bo four years. The
mombers servo without compensation,
but recolvo their traveling and othor
Slauthter of Pheaant.
Thoro Is urccnt need for vigorous
enforcement or the gnmo laws or tho
stato, so far an thoy nro designed ror
tho prfsorvotlon or tho Chlneso pheas
ant. For tho past flvo weeks tnoso
birds hnvo been killed In countless
numbers In tho Wlllametto vnlloy, nl
though tho season for hllllner or this
gnmo docs not open until Thursday,
October 1,
a ma stiuup ctiNTim.
Thousand are Loaded at Pendleton
All Part of the West,
l'ondlotoiT Is ono or tho grentimt
frhoop whipping centum or tho l'nclllo
idope, rnlliond moil nny, About 100.
000 sheep have been shipped frtiin and
through (hat point this season. A
great mnny morn will bu shipped bo
lore tho winter season comes tin, as
the tall movement has Just become es
tablished. Tho O. II. ft N. reports that 300 enrs
hnd been shipped from nnd thniugh
that point, while .It was ascertained
Hint tho W. & O. It. hnd handled 200
curs, Tho rnra, us n rule, nro loaded
with about 240 sheep ench.
Those shipments nro much heavier
now thnit they were last year nt Ibis
time. Tho shipments or tho entire
country will greatly exceed tho ship
moots or Inst season, for the reason
thht there nro more sheep In tho
country, and reed Is exceptionally
scarce and sheep raisers nro forced
to sell. The season Is now fairly
opened nnd heavy shipments will con-,
tlnue for tho next month or so.
Most of tho sheep have been ship
ped to Portland on thu const nnd Heat-'
tie and other Hound points. Some I
have been shipped as far east as HI I
Paul. Heavy shipments hnvo been
made to California points. No rea-
son la assigned for this extraordinary
activity, beyond tlm ract that a arnrr
Ity of mutton prevnlls In the Utah
section. Many sheep or Montnun,
this year, havn been killed by severe
storms, and there Is not thu usunl sup
ply there.
tllfect of Ruling Relating to Timber
Stone Ilntrlc.
Tho ruling by tho department tn
construe strictly tho testimony taken
In timber nnd stone entries In regard
lo speculation will hnvo tho effect of
throwing open again n greater part
ot tho timber land which hos been en
tered upon under tho net or Juno 3.
1878, nnd ror which patents have not
been Issued There would he no pns
slbln way In enter tho land then ex
cept by thoso who hnvo rorest reserve
lieu land script to place, and this
would havn tho effect of throwing tho
best lands of tho public dosisln Into
Oin tinnita nt prt.iupflllAn. tvlilnli IimvmIOAA. TIim HnMmnmmit tnMnWMiralll tl
bought up all available scrip to ue and tho brother of tho Hetwkah lodge
for good timber lands. This Is the! are not included In this total, as they
exact result congress most desired to'.,,, tubordlnste lodge mombers.
avoid. Only a, smn I percentage of i ,,Trm,d re!ef -nj nve.t.l fund
...17 !itt,i-n l.Mlll-l ..... ...,,.j vr.i..
mado by adjacent homesteaders, who
entor such lands to reserve lo thorn-
reives and successors woodlnnd for
tho future.
Pokegma a Village of Tent. ,
Southeastern Oregon ran boast of
a city built entirely of tents. Ppkog
mn Is tho nnmn or this unique village,
which Is located among tho towering
pines nenr tho summit or a mountain
range It Is tho terminus ot the Klnni-'
nth Illver railroad n branch or the
Southern Pacific. Tho branch la con
stmrted ror a dlstanco or 3G tulles
sod was laid ror tho purpose or tap
ring tho tlmbor belt or this section.
People have rushed In to secure land
nnd mnny tlmbor locations nave al
ready been made. In ract all the brat
of the land has been taken.
At State Agricultural College.
Registration hna been In progress
at tho Agricultural college today. The
total has reached 250. Tho total at i
tho close of tho first day last year
wan 41. iin-iu in n rum t.uii.ii".ii.
of new students, and It la certain now
that the freshman cluss will be larger
than usual.
Wheat-Wall Walla,
tm, 71c; valley, 78c.
Floor Valley, $3.0X03.86 per bar
rtl; hard wheat straights, $3.76(84.10;
hard wheat, patents, $4,209460;
graham, $3,33.76; whole whsat,
$3.6(4.00 rye wheat, $4.60,
BarUy Feed, $10.00920.00 per ton;
brewing, $21; rolled, $21021,60.
Oatt No. 1 white. $1.10; gray,
$1.0611.10 per cental.
Millslnffs Bran. $21 per ton; mid
tilings, $26; shorts, 121; chop, f IS;
linsosd dairy food, $10.
Hay Timothy, $14.00 per ton;
clover, nominal; grain, $10; cheat,
Butter Fancy creamery, 26(j27)c
per pound; dairy, 18020c; store, 16
Poultry Chickens, mixed, 12
12Kc per pound; spring, 14BI4o
hens, 124913a; broilers, $2.00 per
dozen; turkeys, live, 10 12a per
pound ;dressed, 14016c; ducks, $404. 6P
perdoien; gee, $6le.ou.
Eggs Oregon ranch, 24c.
Potatoes Oregon, 6 76n per sack;
sweet potatoes, 2c por pound.
Wheat Harks In lots of 100, 6r.
Beef Gross steers, $3,76(B4.26;
dressed, 607e per pound.
Veal Bo per pound,
Mutton Gross', $3; dressed, 6(3
6Ko; lambs, gross, $3.60i dressed, He,
Hogs Gross, $6.60(36.75; drossed,
Hops 1002 crop, 21c por pound.
Wool Valley, 17Q18oj Kaslern
Oregon, 12lScj mohair, WdSrtfc.
President of Republic Urge on People
Necessity fur Civil Comity.
Snutlngo Do Cuba, 83, Hpoak
Ing today at tho village of Kl Cauoy,
oloso lo tho seeuo of tho battle between
tho Americans nnd thoHpaiilnrds, Pros
Iduut 1'alma urged tho Cuban people lo
guard tho Ideals they had obtained by
moRiis o( Intervention.
Tho presidential party wore enthusi
astically icielvttd on their arrival at Kl
Cauoy. riio Alcalde having remarked
that tho gathering wna composed of vet
erans, President l'alma assured them
that ho wauled to pay tho army as bad
ly a anybody, because the payment
was out only an act of justice, but was
iiccoMry to tho reconstruction ol tho
country. Nobody loved Cuban Inde
pendence more than himself, continued
the president.
Tho only way to sacrlllcn tho repub
lic would bo to bring nlmut a civil war.
Ho believed there was not one veteran
In a thousand who would not prefer to
insliitalii tho honor of Cuba, oven to
the ntunl of forfeiting hi soldier's
pay. The Cubans, having airoptml
United Htates Intervention as a means
of ending their troubles, aero under
an obligation to follow there ideals and
prove thomrotvea a peaceable people.
Speaking of the apM-araucn of the
band of Insurrectionists near hanlUgo,
President l'alma condemned tho hid
den Instigator of tho uprising. The
Alcalde declared that no one wlthl
two leagues of III Caney had Joined tl
Sovereign Orand Lodge Open at Haiti-,
more With Large Attendance.
Baltimore, Sept. 28, Tho opening
exercise of the annual convention of
tho sovereign urand lodire of Oddfellows
j began hero at U o'clock this morning,
In Ford's oiera house.
Tho condition of tho order at tho
close of 1002 Is shown by returns ss
follows. Subordinste lodgn momlwr-
'ship, December 31, 1002, 1,0(10,00(1;
1 encampment membership, HS,100;
Itebekah memlMtrshlp, brother 161,
IDA, sisters 260,860: Patriarchs Mill
Unt membership, 17,764,
Tho total ineuibf raliln of the order,
which Include the RObordlnata lodge
inemlterihlp and the listers only of the
Itebekah. lodge rnembeishlp, I 1,320,-
receipts In 1002' Subordinate lodge,
$10,214,000; encampments, $712,622;
Itebekah lodges, $620,743 1 total reve
nuo, $11,663,106, an Increate of $771
343 over the preceding year.
Itellef expended in 1002 Belief by
lodge, $3,660,704; relief by encamp
ments, $2(16,017; relief by Belwkali
lodges, $(17,808; total relief, $3,8011,
220. Total relief, a shown by records
since 18.10 to 1P02. Inclusive, $0t),4ilrt,.
Strang Pressure I Using Brought to
Hear on State Department.
Washington, Sept. 23 Communica
tion have reached tho state department
tirtffnu ftlin irnvttrnmfint If, mmw ..r An
. n.--ffk - ,.. . w. .. ... . w j ... ....
something that will put a slop to the
trocltlea In Turkey. It Is stated that
ti,a ,,rMiUre ,oea not omanato from
)0 n i, ontIiM, oillclals at the, slain
department are reticent about the prob
ability ol the united Htates giving ex
pression to tho feeling with which the
allegod atrocities in Turkey aro viewed
by the peoplo of tho United Htates, but
they said that re;orts from Turkey
show that the deeds daily perpetrated
in sections of that country are of such
a character as to shock clvlllastlon and
necessarily aro of deep concern to tho
United htates.
Tho state department today received
a cablegram from Minister l.eishman
at Constantinople, but nothing was
given out regarding it except that It
contained no alarming news and whh
partly concerned with routine business.
Withdrawal ol the American squad
ron at Beirut, It Is said, has not yet
Ix-ou determined upon, and no Indi
cation has boon received from Oyster
Bay as tn tho president's Intentions In
the matter.
Test of the Dredge flrant.
Ran Francisco, Hopt, 23, The dredgo
Grant Is In drydock at Maro Island for
the last touches, Tho dato for sailing
north Is not fixed, but Is soon, A
unique test of the Urge steel debris bin
on the Grant was made the other day.
While on keel blocks tho gates for re
leasing the material pumped into ves
sels while dredging wero shored up,
water light, from the bottom of the
dock. Betweou 2000 and 300 tons ot
water was then pumped into the debris
bin for a test to dlscovor leaky places.
No loaks were found.
High Speed on fllcctrlc Line.
Berlin, Hopt, 23. A hurst of speed
at tho ratoof 114 miles an hour, wa
reached Saturday on the Station electrl
line, but over what dlstanco ia not dis
closed. The length Is 18 miles.
- n mi isjsjmiiswisjisi m i, jtBS)ii 1 1 ""