The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, September 18, 1903, Image 8

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i;1' vAv.w'.'i'rr"?:!'1" .ry-Av:"rrr!Tr.-'y-fr:! ;'.'.'; ; ?: "r --p- -&
",- .v ,. 'A, -sre.--wr.- .y.- i. .''i... '-v a, . i
Br Helen OUtlelJ.
Tliwo Is no denying ttio fact that imn. oven
more than women, are less Inclined to marriage
than formerly, Prudence enters mow nnd more
luto calculations. Young people
wish to begin whew their fathers and mother
left off. and when It Is out of tho question that
they should do so, hesitate to begin nt nil. Tho
laboring classes may be ready nnd willing to wed
as soou as the man has accumulated tho 500 for
whl..h il.-imrtment stores advertise to furulsh a foiiMWin
flat but Kdwln and Angelina rarely reach the pitch of do-
votion wuien impcis mtui iu '" . ...
nud seek happiness In and for each other only, "the world
forgetting, by the world forgot."
"Certaluly, I want to get married." said a society belle.
"I atn 27, which I think Is old enough for a young matron;
and a married woman has so many more privileges than n
gtrl. I would like to help and to share in my husband's suc
cesses; besides, I positively adore children. lint It is so
difficult to And the right sort of man to marry. In the
first place, ho must have at least $5,000 a year. If I were
really In love. I would bo willing to risk marrying on that,
but on less, never! And so fow marriageable men have
even so much. I wonder why It Is that all the nlco men are
.poor! Where did you meet your husband?"
fEvcn though a man be possessed of what old fashioned
folk were ,wont to count a fair competence, he Is apt to
tfllnk many times before he asks a woman who has been
brouirht ui In luxury to share It with blni; to live, perhaps.
in a tint arid manage with one maid of all work. Usually
he does not ask. and by the time his fortune Is made, he Is
wedded to club life and bachelorhood, and has lost all
Inclination' for matrimony.
.Sometimes Edwin forgets himself, and Angelina finds
that she shares his passion. Then comes the struggle be
tween lovn and worldly wisdom. Fcrhaps they turn their
backs upon the leeks nnd fieshpots of society, and go out
Into the wilderness of poverty. Then comes the test of
character, as well as of affection, nnd, while some fall by
thy wayside, there be others who attain the" promised land,
which Is far better than that which they left, and lire (to
enjoy the results of their courage, meanwhile proving that a
dinner of herbs, and love therewith, Is better than roast
meats flavored with discontentment.
By Dr. renllatnS Braaa, Vnlrtrttr ot Strfbarg.
Wireless telegraphy is most easily understood
by following Its historical development. Mar
coni's first attempts in 1890-07, resulting In the
sending of message seven miles. Involved no ab
solutely new principle, but were only a practical
application of Hertz's discoveries, made several
years before. Hertz first produced rapid electri
cal oscillations, and showed that they traveled
through space with the speed of tight, according
to Maxwell's theory, nnd reappeared as electrical oscilla
tions and sparks In suitably arranged conductors nt a dis
tance, lie also proved that the electrical ether waves, like
light waves, could be reflected and focused by concave
metal mirrors. Starting with waves twenty feet long (In
air) and oscillating fifty million times a second, bo worked
down to waves one-tenth us long and ten times as rapid.
Next Professor Itlghl, of Bologna, by means of his "oscilla
tor," produced wives so short that be could repeat Hertz's
experiments on a lecture table. The oscillator consists of
two metal balls placed between the terminals of an Induc
tion coll. When the coll Is worked sparks pass between
the balls and an electrical oscillation is set up within them
Which produces ether waves whoso length is nearly propor
tional to the size of the balls.
Of the present state of wireless telegraphy, omitting
attempts to bridge the ocean, It may be said that It Is pos
sible by comparatively simple mean to send tneages more
than a hundred utiles, nnd that coimmiulcnllou Is easier
over water than over laud.
Itecently wireless messages ,havo been sent to and from
moving trains ou the lierllu-liusseii military road, It Is not
probable that perfect secrecy ever will he attained. Tho
message Is, so to speak, trumpeted out to the world, and all
who have enrs mny hear It. Aud these ears -tho receiver
If not already In tune may be attuned without much dim
culty. Indeed, by the uso of a sensitive microphone con
tact, any message may bo read without tuning. The waves i
may pcrhnps bo confined to definite direction by mirrors
and lenses, but It will bo long before they can thus Ihi
kept together as well as the bonni of a flashlight, and even
that scatters widely. Dr. Zenncck has proved that a sec.
ond vertical wire as long as the rending wire, erected near
It and connected to earth, Intercepts the waves and hence
prevents them from reaching distant stations In that direc
tion, and 1 have found that two receiving wires receive
signals only when their plane nearly coincide with the
direction of the Incoming wares. In .this way tho bearing
of the sending station can b determined to within ten
degrees -a result of special Importance for nautical and
military purposes.
An International congress for the regulation and unifi
cation of wireless telegraphy Is soon to Ihi held. Among
tho subjects which should be considered. In my opinion,
are the compulsory exchange and forwarding of messages
by stations and ships having apparatus, the feasibility of
regulating tho wave lengths used, and the prohibition of
powerful stations covering great distances spanned by
ordinary telegraph, except where they do not Interfere with pmilfc
the proper and peculiar use of wireless telegraphy In Its "
legitimate field. I
1 i' rfs'firTTiiTMM
Iw- 5 $ -r- iff $
Thank Pc-ru-na for Their Re
covery After Ycirs of
Miss Muriel Armllnge, no flremiwood
Ave ,, Mich., DUtrtet Unrulier
of tho Hoynt Templars of Temrnure,
Inn recent teller, saysi
"I Hunk Unit a woman naturally
shrink from making hrr tumble pule
Id, but restnted health Ihi liieaiitsn
much to inn that I feel fur tho sake of
i thrr xilUrlng women It Is my duty to
trll what IVrtina lis dime for me.
' I sullered for live veiir with uterine
Irregularities, which brought on hys
teria nud mniln mo n iliyHuiil wreck. (
tried doctor from the illl! rent uhooU
of liiisliilnn, but without any icrcitl
Iilo ehrtlige In my condition. In my
lriinlr I callel on nil old nurw, who
nilslx'it inn to try l,eruiiN,nudproml(,d
good imult If I would lierll nud Ink"
It regularly. 1 thought this wm tho 1 roufd do and procured n lottle.
1 knew it oou s I brgnli taking it thst
It wa nllccllng inn diirervntly from
anything I hnd iimhI Wore, and so 1
kept on taking It. I kept this up for
Millionth, slid stenrilly gained strength
ami health, and wIimi I hnd ucdlinii
iKiltlr I eoiildrrel mysvlf entirety
cured. 1 nm n gnitrfill, Iinppy wumnii
today." Ml Miirfi'l Armltsge.
I'eriltin cure cntnrrh of tho elvlo or
gait vltli tho Minn mircty n It mire
inlnrrh of the lii'wl, I'eruns lis Ih
coine renowned a n iiltle cure for
female ailment liii)1y beeniitn tho nil.
incuts lire moally dim to entsrrh. t'n
titrrli I tho ihiiic ef thn trouble, 1'e
rutin cure tho catarrh. Tho symp
tom dlapiciir.
Br J. rrintlt rort, Juttlc at Snrremm Court tt flew Jrter
Up to this time, so fnr as I know, no State
has applied the indeterminate sentence to persons
confined In all of Its penal Institutions, (liven
I the right conditions and an Impartial, non-partisan
tribunal to control discharges, I would favor
Its application to all offenders. I would go still a
step farther. I would have neither tho minimum
nor the maximum term fixed by statute, ami,
possibly, not by the sentencing court. The proper
way to cure thoss who are really criminal I ns you cure
other diseased persons namely: keep them under treatment
until they are cured, or so nearly that they may lie dis
charged. The state has as much right to protect Itself from the
criminal as from the dangerous Insane. A confirmed crim
inal should not be permitted to perpetuate his species, to
contaminate his fellows, or to go abroad wlillo his mora!
nature,' Irresistibly or pervcrtcdly. leads to depreciations
upon society. Such a one should be confined until cured,
or apparently cured, and then only discharged, under
parole, with power to retake him upon p relapso Into crime.
A board of managers of a penal Institution Is not al
ways tho safest boly with which to leave the liberty of tho
prisoner. I would require all applications for release, Imv
fore expiration of term, to come through them, but If they
refused to permit an application fur parole after a reason
able term of service that the court might consider It, !
would give the prisoner the right of revluw and of n henr
lug before the discharge court. This court could lo com.
posed of a Judge, designated by the (lovernor, and of the
several wardens of the penal institutions of tho State or n
majority of them. The Judgo should bo president of the
court, and no prisoner, once discharged, should be re
manded, except upon the order of the president of the dis
charge court, mado upon verified facts duly presented, and
filed ns a matter of public record.
Is Pelvic
Always Half Sick are the Women
Who Have Pelvic Citarrh.
! Catarrh ot any oigan, Hallowed to
progress, will affect thn whole body.
Catarrh without uervouinoss Is very
' rare, but pelvic catarrh and nervous
1 ness go hand In hand.
What Is so distressing a sight as a
I poor lialf.slck, nervous woman, suffer
, Ing from tho many almot unbearable
' symptoms of pelvic catarrhT Hhe does
not consider herself III enough to go to
bed, but she Is far from being ablo to
do Iter work without the greatest ex
lisustlon, This Is a roty common sight
and Is almost always dun to pelvic ca
tarrh. It Is wors) than foolish for so many
women tn suffer year after year with a
disease, that can Ihi pmmanentlr ciiind,
I'eruns cures catarrh premauontly.
It cures old chronic rases as well as a
slight attack, tho only difference. h
Ing In thn length of time, that II should
should be taken to effect a cure.
If you do not derive prompt and sat
Ufsctory resnlta from Ilia use of Peru
ns, wrltn at once to Dr. llarltnsn, giv
ing a full statement of your vase and
ho will bo plessed to give you his val
uable sdvlca gratis.
Address Dr. ilsrtmsn, Presldont of
The Ilsrtmsn rjanlurlum, Columbus,
Knew Mr limine.
Mrs. Newed I would llkrra pound
ot your best c'ceso.
Grocer Yes, ma'am.
Mrs. No wed (examining It) Why,
this thecM) Is full of holes I
Orocer Yes ma'am. That's tho
way It conies.
Mrs. Ntiwed- Well, I don't want
any of It. I'm not going to pay for a
pound ol cheese that contains a half
pound of holes. Boston Journal.
Thumb Rings In Queen Anns's Time.
In the days of Quen Anno tho femi
nine, thumb ring was tho bsdgo of wid
I owhood, and women tired of slngln
blessedness were wont tn don it aud as
I "lolly widows" achlevo conquosts do
l nled to them as spinsters.
Ms Stopped the Clock.
May Oh I (Jeorgo, papa sat
alarm for 10t30 tonight.
George Indeed. Didn't you remark
thn other night that the t Irk I tig was
monotonous and annoyed touT
Whtrt Hihhooks Come Prom.
Practically all thn best fishhooks In
the world and nearly so of all quail
tlos are made at iteddltch. Tho an
nusl output la .probably 600,000,000
hooks about 10,000,000 por week
ranging In size from enormous ana fe
roclous-looking sha'k-hooks to thn tin
lent hooks for very small trouttllns,
with a "bend" diameter of about ono
sIxtMnth of an inch, 1,000 of which
will not more than All a good-sized
Mrs. Fairfax, Member of a Famous
Ante-Kcllum Homily.
Tho most noted entertainer In tho
South is Mrs. Ilonald Randolph Fair
fax; whoso parties at her home, Green-
way Court, a.,
are tho delight not
only of society
there but also of
the select circles
of Washington.
Mrs. Fairfax comes
of one of the most
prominent ante
bollum families.
Her grand-uncle
waa Gen. Jubal
Anderson Early, of
iius. taiufax. tho Confederate
army. Tho Early family Is descended
from the famous English families of
Hlr Nicholas Halter and Sir Humphey
Weed, who wna Lord Mayor of London
In 1000, Her great-grandfather, John
Clayton, who emigrated nnd estab
lished the family in America, waa At
torney General of Virginia from 17CHJ
to 1737. Her husband is a member of
the well known Scotch Fairfax family
of Virginia, nnd la third in line of suc
cession to tho title. Lord Fairfax.
Telephone Voice fluard.
Less thau two weeks ogo tho news
papers published the atory of a pecu
liar and almost fatal accldont. which
occurred In New York City, in which
a man was nearly suffocated In a
Hound-proof telephone booth, requiring
llftecu mlnutea of hard work on the
part of tho physicians to restore Win
to consciousness. All becauso tho lock
would not rcHpond when the man at
tempted to open tho door after using
the telephone. Thus one of the con
veniences installed by the, telephone
company to insure privacy of conversa
tion for 1U patrons nearly killed tho
man taking advantage of It No bet
ter argument than the above Incident
is needed to aid in the introduction of
tho invention shown In the picture.
which is Intended to fulali exactly the
samo lAirpose as tho more expensive
telephone booth. Tills attachment for
the phone Is practically of the same
shape as tho mouthpiece Itself, but la
of sufficient size to Inclose the latter
and fasten on the metallic plate at the
rear, Itetween tho plate and the Vr,ce
guard a sound muffling ring Is Inter-
ypuM am c & .
'si 4e
poned, which effectually prevent any
cscopo of tho volco at tho, rear, wnllo
the aperture In front Is of such shape
that It tits snugly against the face of
tliu person using tho Instrument. Thus
tho voice is Inclosed In the sound-proof
tube, and only the central ofllco or per
son connected with tho phono In ques
tion can hear the conversation. This
device Is simple In construction and
con bo easily attached to tho Instru
ments now lu use,
William J, Dunibue, of Jamestown,
N. Y., Is tho Inventor.
Tho World's Wealth.
A, writer In one of the recent maga
zines gives somo interesting facts con
cerning the distribution of tho world's
wealth among tho different nations.
The total wealth of the world is rough
ly estimated at 100,000,000,000. Of this
stun tn larger part 1 wntd br
Americana and Kuropeans, the United
HtaU' share being In tho neighbor- j
hood of fl00,000,iXW,Of-O about one-'
fourth of the whole. The wealth of I
the I'nlted Kingdom, combining the
shares of England, Scotland and In
land, Is estimated at 1 1 1,80(1.000.000
a little leis than $110,000,000,000, mak
ing Great Ilrltntn the richest of Euro
pean nations. Prance comiit next,
with property amounting to $18,000,
000,000 In our money. Germany's por
tion Is about f Wxi,000,000 nud Itus
sla's W2,00O.C00,O0O.
Household NcrvunlN In I'm n en.
Kvon tho many privileges expected
by the modern Hnullsh domestic ser
vant are exceeded by those enjoyed
by the servant of. Franco, who nro
perhaps mi terms of greater familiarity
with lliolr employers than nro the ser
vants of nny other country tn the
world. What would an English mis
tress think of being kissed on both
cheeks by her maid on returning from
n holiday or of a departing son-ant
not only kissing tho mistress hut offer
ing to kiss tho master? Only recently
a magistrate had to decido whether u
breakage of crockery had taken placu
In the course of the housemaid's usual
duties, In which case tho dnmngo could
not be deducted from her wages, or
whether it took plant In her attic on
ono of her weekly receptions of friends.
Corn for Cob l'l pes.
One 'of Missouri's unlquo Induntrlos
Is tho growing of a kind of com whoso
cob Ib trpeclally adapted for pipes. A
group of farmers In Lnfayetto County
raise it exclusively. Ono field of twen-ty-flvo
acres produced 1,120 bushels of
corn worth 330, and the cobs sold for
(108. The average por acre was (21.80.
Corn cob pipes are supposed to dlsposo
of nlcotlno without Injury to tbo
smoker, fienntor Cockroll's corn cob
plpo Is ono of tho traditions of Missouri
It la bard to believe that Pa and Ma
wat aver romantic figure.
You know when rich, red blood Is courninp; through
the veins, for it ohows in the briflitnn of the eye, the
beauty and clcarnesn of the complexion, the smooth, fair
akin, and robust, healthy constitution. It is good blood
that imparts strength and cncrjry to the body and kcena it in a state ot
healthfulncfls and vigor, Good blood is the foundation of good health, and
to be physically and mentally sound it must he kept pure aud untainted.
l'copie wuu good uiooa possess strong,
steady nerves and arc blest with good
appetites and digestion, and enjoy
sound, refreshing sleep, If wo could
always maintain tho purity of the
blood then we tnfght enjoy perpetual
health, but it becomes infected and
poisoned and most of the ills that afflict
humanity nnd undermine tho constitu
tion are caused by an impoverished
or polluted condition of this vital fluid.
When the blood is diseased the skin
loses its healthy appearance, and tho
complexion, its freshness and beauty
and becomes red and rough and full of
pimples and splotches. Itching, scaly
eruptions, blackheads, boils and rashes
break out upon the body when the
blood is too poor or too thin and acid,
and is not supplying proper nourish
ment to the svstcm. Debility, poor
appetite, bad digestion, restless sleep
and nervousness more often come from
nliifrfish. imnure blood than nnv other
cause. To build up the blood, restore its lost properties and make it rich
nnd nutritious again is tho only rational treatment, and tho proper way to
get rid of skin troubles. There is no remedy like S. S. S. to accomplish this
ana it uoca i. promptly unu iiiorouguiy,
8. S. S, antidotes and removes from tho
blood all poisons and humors, and restores
it to a normal, healthy condition, and in
vigorates and tones up the general health.
When rich, red blood 1b again flowing
through your veins nil skin eruptions
disappear, the appetite improves, the complexion clears and you get rid of
those miserable depressing feelings and nervousness, and enjoy once more the
blessings of good health. 8. 8. 8. is nature's remedy for all blood and skin dis
eases. It contains no minerals whatever, 'but is guaranteed purely vegetable.
Write for free book, No charge for medical advice or other informatlo
"'" roc 9WtFf MKCtnO OO ATLMMTAs
X was In wrstehs4 hsaltbi my blood
was In bad ordsr, my gums bslnr
very much ulcerated. Z began the use
of B. B. 0., and in remarkably abort
Mm was sound sod well. My pp
tlto Inoreassd wonderfully and ray
food arrresd with mo. X think It is
fine family mediolne.
XLookxnart, da.
7or three ysars X had Tetter era y
hands. X'art of the tlms tho disease
was In the form of runnlnr sores,
very painful and osuslnr xne muoh
dlsoomfort. Ifour dootors said the
Totter had progressed too far to be
our J, and thoy eould do nothing for
me. X took only throe bottles of B. 8.8.
and was completely oured. This was
nfteon years ago, and X have never
slno'e soon any sign of my old trouble.
MH8. 1.. B, JAOKSON.
87 St. Paul St.. Kansas Oity, Xa.