"tr -'4 wsv B-itpe'WyyMMn"',,J-Afi V-evar-v wrt ,?. " - Timber Land, AM June J. UT- NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. ' v U. S. Land Office, The lMlles. Oregon, , May u. wi ; la hereby ajra.it Hint III cwHipllaitcc llli rlaUnaofiheActer Coiiktpm of June 3, Ittlcd, "An net fbr the anftof Umber Und Notice i llir timet iaa. ullllnl ! ? !) nf rMtlfltlll ilrwMiii. VrMilft. mitt 1.1 ivir. vi ....,.... ... .-.. :--"-"-. -:-.- WaMne.tn Territory," a exienueu 10 an ine public Uml state by vl of August 4. ihfl. the follow Inc-named persona have on Nov t. iy, filed In this office their awvrtl rtajemctita. lo-wll lre(i. A Archer of ins Dupont t, it, Minneapolis, count) of Hennepin, Male of Minnesota, sworn siatemem N HIT. for the purchase of the iie ec . t 19 r 13 e, w m. William A cant of as Ittghlh , Orand I'mk. cooaty of Oram! IMrks, Male of North Dakota, smotm Matemeul No 144S, foe the purchase of the H ec H' k. r ij e, w m Charles It Kolitttaon ofTlnind Parka, county of tlrahd llirk. Mate of North fMketa: imHi Matcmcnt No 1449. roe the rmrcbasc of the self sec 17. tp i . r ij e. w m Itaaee M Cntrte of Oram! 1"wU, county of Orntxl VocWi. ntate of North IMkola; -om Halemeal No I4J0. lor the HirelHc of the t V . t i . r ij , i Ida S. KoMnvm of fttaml I'm tit, county of (iramt Votk, tate of North IMkota, svrvrn Hatentent No HJi, fr the rrt)teofthet cii, tp i, r ije, w m Martha C. vttltm of 0 rami l'orku, county of Uraml rot),, Mate of Not til HakMa. wra multmrtt No I4H A" " pitfchax of IM wl cc 11, i i r IJ . w m Martha 1) I.uke nf Onwl lHirfc, omtnty of rnt fork, tate of Aonn lauuiva, xwora Maiemvm o I4 ror iw (mrchate oflnir Mel( i, t i. r . w m That they wttl otfer proof lo tbmr that the taott osbt hi more valuable for It Umber or tou than for acrtnllaral parixro, and lu.rtabUh their daliSctaaahl land belorc the HefMrr and KecHvcr at Tile IMtles, Drrfon, on Tueta the ijth day of October. rA. They name a rllee lTanm M Currtr, Martha H Ijike, V A CHrrle. C II Nohlnwn, Wit Hwrr, J It Clifford. Martha C WfllUm. Ida S Roliino. olrkHd rurk. N llakuta? fceile A Archer, of MtmwaixJK Minn; John Metdl, of item, ifrntm. Any and all t-ro eUlmhn; atlrfrveiy the tttnre djutriocd land arc reuuerted to (He their ciaim in una 1 ojfice on or before he mM Ijthda) oTUctober. iom v I) -$ ' ailCIIAlH. TNOL-VN. ReeMer Timber Land, Act June j, i7. XOTICU I'OR PU LIGATION. U.8, Land (). The Iialln, Oregon, May . )J. Notfte la hereby (rrvm that in e iptianw with the MeovWon arthv Act of Cooert of Jane J. ileittMeil, "A aet for the ale ofUattMre tand in thcaaaief of Caiifarnla, urccon, Nevada, aad At aahiMta Territory," aa extended to alt the tjMle land tat by Act of Aujrmt 4. !. the follow tog Mowed perooM have on Nor J. ran, filed to thia tfe ihrtr nrara t4rt, lwk Lonia Me ofnarary, cooaty of ptercc, Male of North Da kota: nrara atalemeat No 1471. fur the ateabeae ofthe aet ee a, to la , r ij e, w m Thoaaaa T. Laraon of Laagor. cooaty of Hdtraml. Mate of MIhimt Kotft, anrora MXetaetrt No 1471, for the wrchiie ofthe Iota 1. J, J and 4 aec it, tp i.rur.iin Hobctt I oi-lood ofDeaildJi. cooaty of Hrttrami. Male of Miane k..i avorn atateaieut No 147J. for the purchaac of the X xc li.lpni, njt.wni. That Ibcy will offer nronf to shanr that the land aouf hi ta more valnable for ita timber r atou tlnn lor ncrkultaral purpoaes, and W eatabnah their daiMH to aaid land before tve Keriaterand Krcciaer af The lKittra, Oregon, on Pfiday, the 16th day of October, tyaj. They name aa wilneaaea. IjouH Mot. of liar, try. S llak: Robert I'uralHtxi. of HentMH. Minn: liana Kvervoa. of I'liltlll. Wla; lul ?Umhi. of-J lieod. on TMomaa r Laraon, or Lancer, MIoh. Any ami all penoni cialrainn; adreraely the aborJcMrlbed landa arr miueMed te file their rtairaa fa Ihl oAee on or before the hM loth day ef Oirtobar. ia. J)4-a. MICllAHI. T NOLAN. KrKMer. Tlmtxr I jnl. Ackjunc J. lajl. NOTICE F R PUBLICATION. V. S. IjnJ Otfkr. The IkillM, Orcajon, ' sy vy Notice I hereby givvn that in cnmpllance with the pfuetanwt ofihc Act of Crnrr4 of Jumc 3. i"7. entiMcd. "An act for the aabrof limtier landa in the Mate of California, Oregon, Nevada, and WaaMitgioa Territory," a extended tit all the public land Male bjr Act of AuuM 4, . the fulloaWaw-namial petxwa haw on Nov 1, roat, filed hi thia ojftcr their aararn MalemenU, to-wtt. Moo Olaon orHrmhHI. couHtyofhVkraml, Male of Minne sota. ayrVra Hal iial No 1457, fur the porch f lbeV,Vl'dlot 1 ate a, tp 17 , r lo a, ww J Aafla o. Krafcaa of HemiarJI. county it HrHfaml. Male of Mlntvc ota: arem ttateaieat No mjoi fbr the porchavtc of iha H aavK and wH m( ux a, tp 17 a, r 10 , w m. ragnal M'oadCfi of Hemhrji. cooaty of behoaml. Mate of Miane ita: aavura Matemvnt No 1459, for the purchaae of tlie tola 4. 3. and 7 mc a. lp 17 a, r w r, w ra. That they will aOrr proof to abevr that lb land aovjght U aaorc valoable for ha timber or aioae thati for agncuHaral purpoa, and to catablUh their cUImu to aatd land Ixurc lb Kecwter and Keceiver at The Dalle, ireaoa, uu Wednesday, thr 14th day of October, 1014 They itauie aa witneaace A u fill O Kreken, AiwuM IVoHen, K A baiher, Mima Oteoa. of Ha inbljl, Miaa.and Mika Lepage, of Head, Or Any and aR pciaona daimlHg advtraeiy the aUvelwcritxal Uait are raaiiiaatod to file their ctaimainthlaowccoaorbeffare tlicaald ulhiUy JM-e4 1CMfVVCafa IVU Ml flCIIAKL T. NOLAN, KeftMer. Timber l.d, Act Jna j, itjA. NOTICE FOR PU LICATION. V. S Mnd Oflkc, The DaUea, Oregon, Jnnea, IO. , Notice I hereby given that in compliance wrUli the provMtma aflUt Act of Congrea of Jan 1. i7. a-HlItled, "An act tor the aale ot timber una in IM Mote o( California, uiegofi, Neva Nevada, autl WaaWagtoH Tafrhory,' aa extvndcal to alt the tHiocao4ttaaly Act of Aajgoat l)liowIng.aaHml pctmhii have filed goat 4, 19. the led In thU ofber their aworn HalcatenU, lo-wit. Ol It Jovnlng of Climax, county of IWk, Mate of Minneaota: worn statemtttt No IM4, flUal Dec ij, I'ai, for the rxwehfta ofthe wj, mm and t awj aec j, lii,riie,wn John K Jevulus of Climax, county of Iulk. aute of Miuncxda; fcMroro Maiament Koj4j, filed Dec 11, low, for the purchaM of lot 4tc 3 and ltd j and ) lie) arc 4, tpao . r u c, and ttH k)( aec ji, tp 19 a, r u, w in. Oundtr Hwenaon of Climax, county of I'ulL, Mate of Mlnneaota; worn (tatcment No 1446, bled Dec 13, lyw. for the piirctuue nf the t wj and e)f uwjj aec I and n5f nw, mc 11, tii,r ifc, w ra. JldlllCT liittiwtn of Climax, county of 1'olk, atate if Mlnneaotat aworn atatement No 1347, filed Dc 13, jn, for the purchase of Die ntv) arc j, tpjoa, r ue.win. I0I1 11 O. Jllixt of Ilcnd, county of Crook, atate of Oregon; aworn tatcment No 133a, tiled Dec 4, s?iit for the pur- cnaae 01 mc un neji anu nc nwtf aec 13, tp 30 a, r n e, w in. That they wilt offer proof to allow that the laud sought ia more taluable fur Iti timber or atone than fur agricultural purposes, and to eatabllah their claims W said land before the Rrrfntr and Kccelvcr at The Dalles, Oregon, oil Wcduchday, the 18th day of October, ly They name as witnessrs, Jfclmer Kateuscii, John K Jcvning, Ole Urickson, Ole 1 Jcviiing, Ouuder Kwrusoii, of Climax, Minn; Louts NU son.John Moss, Donald V hteffa, of lleud, OR John K Kaamuaseii.ofl'lilllips Wis: O Jiewsou, of Seattle, Wash; John McTafigart, of The Dalles, Or Any and alt persons claiming adversely the aborc-described lands are requested tu file their claims in this office on pr before the said 38th day of October, ifl. 14-016 MlCilAHL T NOLAN, Uegi.ter, Timber Land, M June 3. lfS., vtiVimi-mj i.'nu mint ifA'l' iVt IOi. niii i-wrv. i umnvn V. S. Land office, Tlie ivdlea, Oregon, stay 17, ipt Nolle la hereby given Dial lit mniUurc Willi the iovtlnai)rihe Art of Cwict" f Jllir J. tlrta. entitled. "An net for ihrMlcuf llmtatrUnd In iti slate-, uf California, orctmi. Nevada, and 'ton. ; ieihle ;;i:i:."L..". .' ".I.. . . ":r i-i ... -n .. i nnaniiigion iciruury. as Hitmim io ;re tniMIc laml tntp' by Act of AuuiKt 4. ' the P 'tn lin-liwinnl ierwn filW III tlll ullHW their anorn (tatrtnenK to-wll. Charlotl Klni; of Wtftton, comity of I'matllln, MateafDteiroo strain ttatement No MTT. fltok Nov 4, toi, for the imrchate ofthe H ueH ami lot I and 1 rc J, li ij, r 10 c, wm. I.oal. V, Kale fWrtmi. rounl of I'walilla, Male of Orogwi: twornMaitment No imj, Klen Nov 11, iai, for the Htche ofthe eV e u.tp ija, r ioe,wm That tltry nlll offer mwifto low that the land MHiKhiU more vatiMilHc for It timber or tont than for agricultural ihimhmH, and to ettalitlah tlielr rtalm to Mhl Uud U fore Ihr Keltr and kecvltr at The ttallM, (rr,un. ihi rtlik), lit lath day of tVtober. 193 Tltey name an ltiiee C V Wallxta. J Walter, ltpnrvrtawtr. Cltatl Klt, of Ve ton, Or; John 1Iom awl Mlehael Conner, of The tlalWv tvr. Any ami alt toni dalmlns adeetety the aboveHlevcrtbed laivA ate rrquotevl lo Ale their ctoiin In Hilt oroce on or hefme the mM ifrth da) ofOeinber, MUI. iy45 .MltllAHr, T NOI.AN, Kec4et Ttmber Land, NOTICK l'OR Act June J, l7- I'U L1CAT10N. I'. S. Uud OflWe. The Ihttle, Oregon, Mar . 1011. Notice r kereUy riven that in eotaplUnc wrlih the pfuelawHM ortrte Act of Coautra of ju oTihe Act of Cottar of liute J tra, entitled. "Ah act fbr the Mlcof itmhrrlaMda 111 tkvatalvaorcatlfhrnla. Orvaou. Nevada, and Washington Terrllry." aa extended lo aH the imbllc Uad Malai by Act of Anna! 4, 19, the fbthnvtuf-nanKd. terona have on Nov 3, tou. Sled In lliKofluT Ihrir iworn atatetnent, ta-wit itimird A. IMckcu if ink, cotwty ofSpukane, atale of VehlHgln aararn atatetuent Nt 1104. for ttio pttnaaaeufthe aivr; see 10, ip ly a.r iae, w m. Prank AUlay tifCbattaroy.rnunty of lapokitiie, state of WneJi InatoM, aiaoen aratement No 141$, for th. par .aae ofthe neH aecyt. lp i. r ae. w m. Shrrman A.Kvkt ofMnan.mantyor!tMkane. aU'e of W-lae toa; awotn atatemenl No 146a, for the fHWCha M ine lien aec ja ip ia a, r to e. w m. Chartea Uoaa ofChatUnt)', ewaiwty of t4Mkan. stale of Waah nglam; aren statement No 144, for the pur chaae ofthe seU aec 3a. tp a, r 10 a, w m. Artbor (lraliam of 13s Cuileae ave, Spokane, cnoaly af aknakaae, stair of WaantngtoMt ao Matrnraat No 140, for the pairclaaae ofthe netC arc M. Ip lot, r mt, e m. Paul A Nkhaea of M Pant, county of Kaaaacy, atale of M ImMwotai aarorn Maltmiat No 14 . tor the pairrhair of the aeM aec m, tp ly a, r lu e. w m. Theodora Cunlher of Challaray. cvHUity ofapokaar, Male of Waah lagion: swnen aulratmt No Vitus for the par cha ofthe sw IV see 17. lp H. r uc, w m That they will offer proof to ahou- that tbelaad sought a more valaubli nu sue umber ar ateme Ihaa tat aarirultural nuriioae. and to raiabtaah their elaltna lo Mid land btfore the Kmiater and Keceiver at The Dalle, tfregon, en Thatfwtay, I he iMhday ofUctola.r. iy'3. They namcaantlttea Theodore naniher, brank SUbry, Chart Kim, ofCbattaruy, M'aalt, lulward A Dkkea, uf Mk. U'aahi Khtnaan A Kent, of Milan. Wash. Arthur Or haw. of apo kane, Waah. Paul H Nielada, of ht Pu.d. Minh Any and alt tieraaxt dainiing attveraaly the atwvr-deacribed landa arc rtijoeaTed Ki file tiaetr cbtintain thitufftcv or tieiorc the said Ijlh oay 01 teiorier. iya J4- JIICIl. lAltt. T. NOLAN. Register Timber Land, Act June), lf. NOTICE FOR PUHLICATION. If. S. Land Office. Th IMUea, Oregon, June t. 193, Notice U hereby given that in cotnpliam with the provaatoa of the Act of Congreso of June 3. 17, entitled, "An act foe the wleol timbre laiMM in th state ufCallfumU, Orraon, NevHsa.aad Waahlutton Tcrrflucy," as exleadad to all tin public Uad state by Act of Augaatt 4 n, the Navwing-named persona have oh Nov 14, nan. filed In thia oftee their sworn aUiemeota, twwil Oeovgc W Kl of TSf Harvard ave, H, fteatlle, coanly of Klag, Mate of Waahiagton, sworn Matetoenl No 13,. for th purchase of the H nw sec at; lp 11 s, r 10 c w m. David Murray of Taeoaaa. (care Hotel Krooklyn), eoanty of Pterc. Male of Waahiagton, wotm atatemrnt Nu 10. for th parcbaae of the M K ave is and wh) nK see 13. lp 13 a. r we, w m. That Ibry will ofler proof to ahow 1 hat the Uad aoaghl is more valaabi far it timber or Muae than fur agricultural punioa, and lo establish their claim lo said Und betort the McU4rrand KecrivLr ai The Dalle. Oregon, on Wednesday. the JiM day of October, 1903. They naai awitnea (Irora W H ice, of Sveallle. Wash. David Murray, of Tacoina, Wab. P W awUh, John Mo, ill. C A DartiWi, of lUater. Oregon Any and all perum cialming adversely th abow-dcxribnl landa are rfucud tu tie their da I ma in this office oil or )vfee I lie said lit day of October, 193. (y3it MICIIAIILT. .NOUN, KeglMar. Timber Land, Act June 3, lajt. NOTICE HOR PU, LICATION U H. Ud Oflatc, The ItaUe. OrcgoM, May 7. Mm. tty tj. 193 Notice i hereby given that In couipiiaac with the roviaiuu oflb Act of Conar Lonar of Inn . itya. entltUd, "AN act for the sale of limber Ux( la the stale of California, Oreaon, Nevada, aad Washington Territory." a extended t til th public Und Mate by Act of AuHat 4, iff, the follow tag-named person have Bled In till eHU their sworn atcteintma,, to-wit: Chaile II. Kelt Of The Dtlr, county of Waaeu, Male of OrtkliH. sworn Matament No !, filed Nov4,ivt, Mf the purchaae of the tnU aw),', sM uw)( and iwk nejf sec 33, tp if , r loe. w m David MorrU of The Dalle, county of Waacuiutc of OrMn; sworn auiement No ut,, filed Nor 4, la, fat ihcmirebaaeoflhcvtt nf, neiiwJJ aMntK i(( sec 30, tp s, r 10 e, w in. Heiinie Johnson of The Dalles, county ol Waaeu, slal of Oregon, sworn sUtemeut No 141. filnl Nov 4, I9s, for the purchase ofthe swj ec 31, lp 15 s, r la e, win. Frederick A. Hilts of The Dalle, county of Wsani, slate of Oregon; sworn statement No 14H3, filed Nov 4. 19W. for the purchase of thesK awtf. w)i seSad nwj w 33. tp 15 r lu e, w in. William I. Wells of Independence, county of I'olk, state of Ora- ;on; aworn siaicincnt no 149, mri ituv 7, iy. orlhe tiurchaseuf the wU ttU. set swt? ami aw; lie Jf sec 34. tp 19 r 10 e, w in. I'hllllii I'. Mans of Wrcntham, county of Wasco, stale of Oregon; sworn statement No I47, fikd Nov 8, iy, for trie purcnase 01 tlie nw( sec m, tp ia , r ioe,w 111. That they will offer proof to show thattheland soukM I more valuable for its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and tu rstabliah their claim to said laud before the Kegistcr and Keceiver at The Dalles, Oregon, oil Monday, the 19th day of Octobert 1)03 They name as wilnesaes: Ilennle Johnson, Frederick A licit., David Morris. Nathan Jiubbs, Charles Iletts, Willis M Jiubbs, William II Jiubbs, Den H Johnaou, of The Dallci, On Aiuoa Jlradshaw, 1'reJC Whlttcn, Albert h hholes, uf Portland, Or; Commodore I' Weill, of lndfxrii. deuce, Or Any and alt person cUlmiug adversely the above-described lands arc re;urstcd to file their claims In this office on or before the said lotb dav oroctolicr. 1003. jyjl-01 MICHAKL Ti NOLAN, Kcgistcr. Yiutlierl.niHi. Acl June J, iSf. NOTICK VOR rUlH.ICATlON. V. 8. I.mul QflVe. Tlie Dallw. f beiwti, Myw. m ettlu' tflren Hint In coiniiflaiitv with 11 nfllm Act uf ixurrH of June j, I. "An act rr ihc tMleuftlmlier lamia Nultcc l linelj me provision pW, tiitlttwl In lite ttotea of (.'illloriita (irraou. NcvmU aim Wi alitnglmi Territ.wv. "inn iihllc I n . timlil to All the mimic laml atMlsx tu Act f A'HUSt 4 kii.. .. , u..., . . '.- in 1 a- law. lb rullowlui tunned persuna hv '' Nor u, toas, llletl In thia ntHee ilurlr 'u alatetneiita, lo-wit 11 laaaa V llllanaa of 141 (ItaH'l ave, 11, PortUiid, oauHty nf MnllWf malt, atatc of UrtiuMi rn ttvaueirt No 149,1. flu- Hie piiichaa of lh eS . nw)( aK and aeU swK aec 3s, Ipsa, r tie will, llaah IV'Vle f llenildjl, oinnty of Rriiuuii, alai ol Mltine sotn, an or 11 Mateusvut No I4, 'of tit ramluaa uftheueU v 3J, li ia a, 1 ie, w HI. Ihrrtha A Knot of PemhijU county nf Mclirauri, stale of MIhhv auU, twvrn atatcmeut N i4-, for the wrchae of the nn H ev 33, tp m a iik.wm That the til utter tn.-. t.iahutt that the land hmghl u mat valuable I u iia Umber ar ftone than for atrrtcultMral purH.e and to eaUbllah iikit iwm iu aMi usatl n ! inv riglll aim Heceiter ai The DallM, itiTKun, on vrednewaa) llw Slat davnf Ortotwr iu,i They ivameas wltneaara John LacbuylesaaH, of LjndeM, Waah, Lar ucv Piaalreh, Amoa Kradahaw, V C Whillea. if l-ttUHd. or, Job Xlettll. Haithn A Kat. f '. Kim, ramnna Twest, oTThe iMllen, Of, llh I tort , of -iuMJI, Mihh. Any and all tivrwan claiming adversely the betv4teevlledbMdarrrui.-trd ta il their itatm ia lh( afjrtee aa w briur Ihe aM Mat day tmonev, 19x9, ly3f Ml' TCIIAH1. T NiM.AN. Tlmh Land, Act Jasv 3. Mt. NOTICE FOR PU LICATION. V. S Und OftW. The IMtl. Ilevgem. lata s. lau. Notice I hereby gltv-u thai l.i n.mpliaave with the pruvtakiaM of lh A ef longer of Jane j lajt, entitled, "Anact fat the Io4 limber h)avta in Ihe Male of .4lMwisn, Oregoa. Nevada, aad Waahiagtan Territory,'' as ra.eaded a. .dl th KMic land Mat by Ad of Augart 1. M. the loavtwa-nami-d I Ifagin haiv on Nov i? h, ll In IMa olac taH swora statemeau. to-wM !...... It...... uf I'vtley, eawniy af Waarmaa. atate of Mlaneaotoil stai iMn.etlt ita IU1. nw he iwrchaa ol ncti h. HKMh'iiWaMMxW aec JJ, iv a, r li , w m I'M J. I'eteraoo ol li ley,.! 94 gfarnma, state of Mtaaraata; savora ajalcmeal Na 1313. for Ihe parchaae of the iliHaK aad wl athfaecn. lp ' a, 1 nv, w m Jaam N. Kud of Pvrlev aauai r af Noras u state of Miaacaota ofNoi ww Matameat Nu ii, f,i the mtrehaae nf lh aaeH aeW.shj awKaMnwH a 3, lp as , r ise.w m That lhy will offer proof lobu that th toad ought la asare vataabi for it umber or atuciv tbaa lilt agrkattarat parpuara, aad iu CHtahtith their rUlaw In aht Uad before llw Mraialer aad Mecetvan at The iMlhra, Mrrcua. on Tharaday. lh rsdde) of Oe1ufir, 1903 They a ear a attweaaa John hade, Pvtrr J Keirraoai, edaaoet HaaW, of Krtry Miaa, Loata Netaoa. IKita WIIhtH. af aVod. ne. liaa KreT uh. uf PMHIiaa. ijTss Aay aad all wkhhh claiming adverasiy the above dracnbed jaada are reu,.Md to at. taatr eUiasa ia thU edske om ar hefur the mM ltd day f iKWarr, iaj 33i- MICIIAH1, T NOLAN. aelirr Timber Land. Art Jane 3. taya. NOTICE FOR PUHLICATION. V. H Land OAie. The lutlc. niesjoh. my i BJ03 Notice la hereby jrtveti lltat ia ramahaace wtth the prwvUions nf toe riaiona 01 lite ,.l si 01 voagrraa 01 jaae 3. lay euittica, " Mi act Idled, " n la thatofCdlJfoiHm, Oragiia. NevacLa ,. .... k aw, bm m tw t umi.1 toad h ifi .i.iiii w v wpwiw , '" m 'V nwajnfl, aaa Waahtaiitiaa Tatraiaty," aa viusaW hvaai llw their swoih statajaeata, t-fl llaaaald Kbaw of Pore ftrave. coaaty of Waehlmtaai. state of jregaa, sworn atsieascat iao isna, ana jaa n, iov k th pttfcbaae ofthe aK sec 10, lp Ml a. r loe, w m. Peter Xatamilh uf Hannah, cataaly of laraiiat, Mas of North Dakota, whh auteasvat Uu ijjat, hied Jan 11 ioi, for lh purchaa of thr a)tK aad e), aw 14 sec 34, tp 1$ , r iu e, w m Mary ItVaw ef Voeaat r.rov. cuauly of Washlagior. slal ef 'iregoa, aworn Malemei 1 Ku !, filed Prb 17, 19-3, fuethe rtuvuaac of the at W and nK sH aec wand ne), nh sac 13, Ip at 1, r i e, William liar uf llaanah. eoanty uf lavaliae. slat of North Dakota, aaraea Matemeul ho ijiM, tied Jan li, VU. foelbe purchase ofthe at uaelf, aeli' nw -ud nwJt aa 14 sec 13. tp .".a. no,a That they will offer ptuof to thaw that thr tend aoutbt la wore valuable fur iu ttatibvr or stoa than fbr aan-xltural mirmue. aad to rataUUh their rUinia tu aai.1 Uad lieae th HagiMeraad aecvtvvT at tbc nalira, iHgna, ai Tuly. the Mh day of h'uvrnibrr, lyji, Tim uaui a witav lt Maiea-lt). Wll. Item liay, Nevia Mclutyre of UaMaah. N Hah; iliac lauiaor, 01 lue im'ir, or; uoeaaa aaaw. Maty ahaw, of Forest firuv Or. Anv and all tkrraua ilsl uia advrtv lh alwvirtacrlbtd JamU are rruasMed la die Ihtir cUim ha Ini uAee on or before lh aatd loth day if November sii-o3 UHIAKL T NOLAN. HmriMar NOTICE FOR PU LICATION. Mnd Ofae at Th naltaa. 019 gox, August i. luui. Nolle la herahv aiven ikal lh futfoada. named Miller baa tied ftotue of hla lulcaltOH tu aiak final jmiof in aupport of bM claim, aad thai ald laW will be made Mats) J M Law. reuae, V. d. Commtaaiuaer at lkBachair,l)igM, vi aatnrday, aeatemtier ,, 1. via. Ada,m Hot Maun, of Ik trhatm, Ortfoa; II K No litis, fur the al, art. aif alf aad tteK K aac at, tit 17 a. r ue v. m, lie nausra th rotlowin w.iuaaaa lo neaam Id aontinuba laaiUeace uvm aaTm3tMii uiMbl ' ...A.! . . . .... ...... . . wiiiiam 11 mania, uvm w n KtrVi JtWH more, J I Went, of Dearhulra Of. asi-Hi MICIIAKI, T. NUWX, KegsMar Timber Und, Art June (, tara, NOTICE FOR PUHtjCATlON. KHaliVMkTIaKMWr, V. H. Mm! Offi. riie Hollas, Oregon, HebUhilitrf, lpi. Notice I hereby given that In CeHWUa with 111 provisions orth Act 1 1 CoegrrH ef Jan 3. 17. rntitleil, 'An act for thr sawpf tlHilierUnda III lb Mates of ti.llfi.mlii. iirgiHI, Nvda. Mild iiMtiniXMiii leiiiiuty, aa rxiafwau pul.lu, Uml state by Act of tuaiisl 4, lays, the fblluulini-naineil tiersuna lute won III IhUglfic Iheir sworn stateinei.ts, to-wn . .. Juveph N lluutrr or Alliany, euuiily of Linn state of Oreiioii: sworn statement No 470, hi I June 4, l. fur Ihe purchase of Ihe lie Jf sec y. tp 10 s, r 10 c, r in , ... Jam Hunter of Albany, county of l.inn, slat nf Oregon; swurn slaieuiviit Nu 4o. fill d June i. I'A'I. fur the purchase nf the nw sec , tp 19 s, r 10 e, w in, That they wilt ulfer iitouf to allow thai the land aouyht i more valuabb- f r us tlmUr or stone than fjrogriciilliirul put iMMi., ami to t-thltu their claims tu said laiidbiforr J. M, Lawrence, V h Counuiaaloiicr, al Deadline, Drefiuii, oil Hutunlay, the 14II1 day of Nov. mlxr, 104. They 11.11111: ns wltnr.i. a j f JlunUr, Jaiue Hunter, J I West, CIm Jirock. U Klugi of llnd, Or Anv and all tiersons rliihulinr udverselv the alxire-drKrilied Units are reoiKuUd to file their claims In this office on or before the said 14th day of November, igot sii-iiij MiCHAl',1, T. NOLAN, Keglitcr. lllHtiart lllit. Art JuhCJI. NOTICK FOR PUHLICATION. II. H IjHhI oAhM, Tlie Dalle, OrufOH, May ij, 19AJ Nullc la hereli)- irlwn Ihjttii eoliitiHatir wllli lh ptivtaiiuia wrtht Art of Cungteai of June 3, i?, eulltlvt "An net fix the sale ofllmlier Inlaw In the atatea uf OllforiiWi, or. gnu, Nevada and Washington T,.rtlliiiy," aa eaiendrd lo rill I- public laud stale by Act ilf Aujuai 4, 1194, the r.illo vlnuni.l ii hav Ulrd H I Ida ufnc their amKii talHteur, lo-wit , Jlli II Cl'lfnrd of 13 HeavW a, Craad forts, conaty af rtrand lfotki, Mate af North rhikaiai aworn Mnlemenl No 144A, filed Nov 1, ly, rtu- th puialiaa of the n rcl, ii cm. I lie, w ih Huae C. I Mine)' of ThompMHi, o-auiv of ilimid l'.itk, Mate of nonii imh ia, eworn tsieiueiii iu mm, nwei Nov , iot, fur the pufehaat i a. r u e. w ia oflaarXM, lp uf Htskln. cMHUty 7 Polk. iTA af 3llaaota: mvorn awtrmtMl No itw. fflw Nov 1, 1901, forth piircna of the ! e rf, ip iaa, t 13 e, w m H'llllani II Uuir ufllrand Porks, ofimly "f-irsnd INwka, tou af I ortn iMBMa aworn aiatvuieiei Nu if, HMf eve r, ro, nil tn purciwve VI ine nw( sac 1, ipita,r i.ie T ml titer Hill V Itut Ike land aemuhl la mme valuable lit limner ot . . r- tuM than I .r ngrlcall'iral mupuara, and lo ea taiiiMtb lh. ir ruiaii a aaw laml benir the ttrn later ana Keceiver al ine lajlrea. I Mnitdat, the itih day nfi ober, igni Tavy name a v(iuraaa W Atirrvie, Wit rturr. I' II uubmaon. J I tltfT..rd,ol f.ranA Pork. 4 Dak, John MrUII, Juhn Hlnas, William rHaM. f Head, or, 3 Hrsdhw, P C Whlttcn. of I'nrttaud.or. rUrali llongra, 01 Hiahlae, Miau, Rosa C oaey nf I hwnpaoo, X Dh. Any ami all pvraou elalmlag arireraely the abuv itearr diet landa nrv rttiueatvd lu lie II heli ctaHai in ihl ovaaj n or a.' mi Ur lh aahl irth davnf oclubri. tato. easy of than .. ....A.r.... m. ...... . l. . . . Mil 11 aim, 1 rrtii.t.'. nrgimei Timber La4, Art Jwa 3, ity. NOTICE FOR PJ LICATION. It. Land tHir, Th Halt. Orvgvm . Noiir U hereby given I the pruaisioaia ofthe Art ifrfh, ea tided. ' a .! rue given that in aal6na .lh o votisreeas m jaae a. Ineaateof llabr Ui lu .1 d. . .J .. u .... ..t . 1... , . . ..a AS... Waahuagbaa IVrr'ury,-' aa r4leadt lo aft lha imMIc Und autr by Act of August 4, last, lh eadlonttag numeil prriaiH hate uu ilrt 17, ir filed la this aftVr ihett aiown aui-meaia. i van Andre t I liaise nf Albany. County 1 f Line U ol irrewon, avora srairarrni nu twxj, aur iw pannase ti iae v, ell and h ( arcs. Ipif , t m.ek. WlllUr, Alfred TYiaahl of AlsaBy.eaeil uf l.inl.. eaal af llragasat wara atkleetei Na)i3ya, flu lb aavraaae ol Ihe nW aH aadati uw x an ii.tpirs.riee.wu, (dward ht Mbrttasnr of Alheaa, caaaty of ItnutUto stal of Itrema, aroea atstrnaeat Mo ljl. for Ihe Barcaaa of th. aHaek aadhd 1 aad 4 are 4, lp 13s, r iae, w m. Manna K MtartUaara of AthM. oaann M I anttllU ta of Oretlwa. aworn Metetarat 1 vi. f-w tfaeparesjaa of Iae ihii adhst land 4e t ipua. i,wm That ihy adl oaV proof a ahow that Ihrtaiid aouahj is wore ealadhle for Ma liiaher a- atoa lha. 1 fue agrtcnli ual parpna,-. aud lo eat.bliaii their eUlnia tu aaul Una be tare the Urgiaii r and K.-rlvTM TTwttolb. iiregaja, m Prtda). thr ijinnafasrswaivi mi . 1h.y oanaeaa wtti,aa WlllUm t TrhuM. Aarir. r J iludg, lUart C IHa.li hrra aad j taio Ui ofAIWoy nirguii. John C I u Vr. uf The Itati.- 'irewon. Prank Itihiirsh. Jatallrre'l ini, Mral. I. kharefc Martha 1: Mortlaaajre. KdwaiM at Mortimvrr uf .Vila aa, leragmi. Aar aad a'l bctsuu ckalmma adsr.'tv th buw deecrlbed laad are reuaewed la file Ihair aim in thto cwnca ua w Ik fare th aatd sain da ( Aipumbsr. ifM. ijrep.,, MICRARL T: NULAN, aegleear Ttsabei Land, Act Jmte 3, ikyt. NOTICE FOR VI) LIGATION. tf.lsVrVaiOlrTiailjOra'. !Jha I Irrrrtry glva IhM In Viaplaae with lh MoeiatosM afiae Asm of CarDvra! aa. Iaa x. at7, calHlrd "An act IW lh alxf Umawr land fa the Males of CatifbraU, Oregda. Nevada and WhtgtM Terrllury," a exHraded la all the uuMIC Uad stst. a by Art uf Aaaait I, itai. lay tWh lag named pjram hav A 1 irtobcr 1;, 9J, Wod In ths. oObte Ihetr sworn e4atarra. la-wd lorg W Hechett of Caaa Laka, cwual) of Was, state of Mlaneaota awuto tatement Nu 143. Asr the pur.iia of the eta act, aad lata and f t. tp 19 a, r is e, w m Oeoau- inrtih of Caaa Lab, county or cam. aute of Mlaasastsi worn Maletmral No mm for the punhaeaof Ihe svhi aec l, tpi, r li rem liarnh II Ktraa lietdee of Cam I Ah eoualy uf i-.a. stale vt Miaent, airorai Maleii.ent Nu i4. fur lha pari baas uf the a'l nwK aau lot 3 sad 4 mt 1, lp 19 , f ile.wm. -- Ural tr Kroa.1 . cuanis uf lla UKkyi swiaa aUleateni Nu 1447 lurtha p irb oi on myt avi bom n 1 asm s sea , ii if , r ar m luut lhr will i'BV utewf to show thai lh Uad ua, lit U mure valuable far iu liw Ur ur alone ihaa foe aaiicutiara uurmwea, aad 10 ealdih Hit Ir rtaiau to eaht laml betbf Ike He.-ls.er au. Kccrlvrr al The Dalle oregoa on tr U w -. -. . w- -"',"-, , ine) ww aawnneaars urg mitB, lu 1 he WW a.wlinesarl l.nut mitiai, loe 1 If Mrawbrutai , ileorge W brcbrtt, ofOaaa j.k. Vllau. loha Meidl. Thjaai Toret Hue. liar. maw Roberta, of The Dalle. 'n.gua Aav auii an usrsuaa cuiiniiur aa. iiv IB Unr dacrihcd Uml am. leuaeMed to fit' their lu IhU orace oa or before lh aahl 4h .U) urnrptambcr, icu. Il7-ll Mil II I AKL T NOLAN. Meal.lar Tiiubtr Ijiml. Act June 1. . NOTICE FOR PUHLICATION. U. Mad I line , Th lull, Oregon. June a. it"i Moth,' I hereby given that ta voa pllanrv with the prorUioiu ofthe Art of Const r a of Jam j i7, enlitb-. "Au avt for Ihv sale nf.iaiherUads I., ihr aiarnari .lir.ulii iifi.nn vh4 ,.iUi Wushingloa Terrttuey, MlldR Und rtatr Irjr ?T- -"-."-" -' .-..---. -.. -,-- . .-.- luey," ua riiauil lu ail the Iry Act ut Augurt 4 iuj .11 rou huvr filed in thia ufnc LthwtHMiBU.d uerauu their sweru stataliieula, lu-wit rwHk J. UUI of HoUlneaH, coauly of HuHiueau, stale uf North Dakota; bwmh Maietsxnt Vo ivi hied Dec t itM, fur the purchaae ofthe w( aas , tp 17 s, r io, w m. laubrlla lrraf of Hotllueau, couHly of Botlliiu stale of North Dakota; anvorn HaWiuent Ne IMl Idcd Itew ., iwm, furth putchaMuf iJuiswk sot 10, tp 1; s, r id e, w hi. Maggi I'raser ' of JiadllncaM. eounty tirilotlliieau.Matr of North Dakota, swuru Maltiinl Nu 1373, filed Dec , ;n, fur tht purchaa uf th tela 3 and 4 ac 1 and lots 1 and 4 k 3, lp 17 s, r 10 a, w in ImiiUI I'raacr uf Dottlncs'i coauty of Huttiurau, Mnte uf North Dakota; sworn lauuwrni no 1377. "leil Jan 1013, IW Hie purcnaa ui III e aev 9, lo c, III. Andrew Jolnitl oil in it a if p 17 s, r of HoUlueau, ooaniy of Itutu-taou, Mat uf North , Dakata, sworn statement No 157. filed Jan 1 iuu3, for Hi purchase of lh wf sac ;, tp 17 a r I mc, w 111, I Joseph I' I'rasrr uf flottlnraii, county efJMtliienii, slat of Vorlli lUkola, sworn ataleuielll No l7V. Died Jan I, HM. fur tlie iiurclittseoltli ne); m 4, lp 17 r, 10 e, w ll Thai they will rlTar proof lo shun thai the laud aoujlit U wor valuable far It HinUr or Mouv than for tlielr ils: 11 for uciUiilturul nuriMa4, anil to cMaMish tlielr 1UI14 to said land Ik fur Ihe H IMer ..id Uecrivtr at 'flic Dalle, Oregon, mt Humrday th 7th day of Nuve.iiher. 1903. A fhey name as wUuesacs NUlioUa Hiiillh, Mike Lel'ugc, uf 'flic Il.illvs, Or, Maggie I'rasei, IsnlRPe Pra.er I'runk J Llllle, oaajili I' I'rwai, John C Ht'ivir, Andrew lohaitoii, Donald M till Itsple. Daniel I'ruitr, orHotlliiewii, N Dak Aiiy ana nil iitrton tiiiimiiiK uiiicrjviy nit nbove-dtscrllietl lunils arc requvstnl tu file their chilins III this oflicc on or before the said 7th day qf November, IW an-013 MlCIIAlil, T. NOLAN, Utglatcr YlHilirr Mini, Act June Ji Tfra. NOTICK, I'OR PU1IMCATI0N. II. Und ClrBcal, Tlrf lMtlM. Ol " Ml Nnlkaililiaesliy til Ihe ifov1bn iirthe IM, THtlllM. "AH a Nnlka I lirlty given (IMl in Art ar lliaiil I fur tlr sal in Ilia !! nf Califurula. llrraon. N Wn ihlllgtaMt Trrfilnry," a extended lo alt tnibllc lauil Male by Art 04 Aiiausl folhiwlHa-name'l sMrai ms have filed In lUisofnv llielr sworn MalrHietit. lo-wll Kdwutd K. Tracir , nf Ifcmoyhrotta, ei.aniy uf Wurd, tlf .ofTlarlli DaknlB, sutMIl stateNiwit No 14JW, filW Ka t, nn (or the pnrrh of the sr-jf tea ia,rtM. r 13, iv in. ' j John MenHfth of North Vahliua, cuaaii af Yahim. vMf of WaahlMMloni swnen aUiiiawail Nu I4, klaflffu 10, ii,Tut the iMircbaavof Itjeahj HK'"'b'K aK aec li and awh H eve i, li n 1 ij 9, a nniiaii iaiiaan of Trier, amy of Mlchmbad, 4U af llotlii 1 miicjlae id" lh HftM iVa 47 llak. iti. aa 9M, h-e th ptiicjia uf lha H(f I, lp 13. w m WhaHr O'Mattry of Phillip. ciiMly of Prtra. M of vrTacemat), twura ataUbieut No l,, auM Oct ri. Na,ltirllri pawcaa at ineH mx. 1, vpma, r ajw ao Anlhi'iy hhrtl ufPhlllltta, ctiHUty of I'lK. Blat id WHJBj9ha( aMwn MhUaarai N i.v4, nttr Oct at, la.rvflM pwrclats ofthe mv, ee 1, lp ms, r 137 a M. ' ' Orura a. aavtr - rihilllM.t..iiaiyiirPTh.. aiate af Wlli,jsit aworn auteui.ni ns 131;. filed tM I 199, IW lh parrhaar raf tin? nw 14 r 13, a at a, fUA w m. ffhtlll at HaaaaaaaaaaaaalM of Phillip, rrnmiy of Prie Mabi 4al UittajtiBhll wekrn Maleateil .No 1311 AlasJ Oatjiai jMa, Mr the uarrhsae isfibe S -H. aH aK iM K netarc 11. Ipasa, r tie, , Dam. 1 fiatiivan of rbilltpa. cnunly a- 11 BM. ata 4sf Wlaaaaadau awian Ml ment M11 139, Rletl Oat J 199. m lh ruirehaaeufllw RU aa, ffll9,f l9. aadlutai aad isec 1. tpa, r ijavji m. Thuasaa thttAi af fhlltllM, county f pner. itatg of WtsJaVhaia; Jntensrnt No 13m. Bll Oct la. , par th parehiasv af lb u l 33. lis 19 9. r la . w HI That they wWi.rrari.reMd In show thai th UaM amagbl s nsnr vahmble far Ji tin naai tha nir ag ullural painiuava, aaat ssiaMWs thvlt elslin. ut aaidMad nrfbir lb hrthll' r IM aWetrivitr al Vac UaUta. ilteua,aa TueaSaap. lha rath ' of Ovtuir-I, lvl They Ha B wit", aar John faaamnasra, Aaifuv .hea. thsiHsli MatW,T1aa4naair, I'mn A H-aetiv. Hasi l.v rasa, lutaa WlUaul Jr. IMBH-I Mfltvia Jicub aUimuati u. PariKk If larVy Ml Cto.i , of Phil ban. WUi John hUnraih. of Niaih VaMma. 9V4h: vVlAwm '.raibait, f ltU N (mki foul Nataan aat Lb" nawal, al iMaa. lift V b IIBSSliB, Of I aim' aver Wuh. Any ami tl psm rlaimtag mlvajfarly t h aUrdaatibrd laad' rrsMtasad a W Itattt a" reapisarru as as il alalas la ibiaothc ba v bafur. In aaaf gall bafW. lb aaf tsMh r 9tsritrr wltFtfkM. T. NULAPJ, MsraW. Tiatber Llad. Art Jwaw . itr- NOTICK FOX IMJ LICATION. f 1 lad tifAai, Tto mirsa. uraitoH, Notle U heieVv srltn thai ta iaeiaiamrllh .. ... r- ..k - j lh BKkatona uflh AclTof Cos-gre of Jtua) j, .r, ..w., o . w. m lew mie hwhu easy. Ml the stales 1 A t'alutuiaf), IrrrgiMs. Neravda, nasi Waah'agtrn Terriaoiy," a raliaaad l ail Mm tK.l4u UaalMlhy Art of Aagaat 4. ! At floaiuraaiivad perMs hav u Nwa.Haiewd ta IhWorhc Ihrlr a war a rBIBtrJja, IsvaVtti Bllkao 1' lliabta of The lull ausut) ef Wcarai, t49 aiiaani na-ava mlrBM hi Urn t,, lor tar psr4a of lh t9 tS andahiBwl, an 31, lp ly. f ra, wnv. WftlU Jd llafstat asTTtae Halt, aaviM uf Wbmu, MI4iaf Owsmsi; s53SB25ZZEi BoagM U mar vuliwH fa it timber edaalaasa Ihrtr rtsisM In aaut Ua7Ulhr'lh tUrfHttTaai Keeeurf at Th fkslUa, Oroaua. m taaisKeaia, tr ins .ui o .eimrr, vau, Th.' nam wittstaanf C V IMU, BavM Mulli. W M rtalds. tred ragaVa. Na9aiH C llabb. an - rh. I Isvs, or Any aad alt pvrajiM rtsiralaf Meaay Ik Brec.lWVihed IsaUsstc rastjJ. la M IsMsT cUlaa ia thU vdk ua ue larfTare lh aajd 17th day ikiiwi, raux Jyn-ai. MIC L'HAKL T. NOLAN, NagsnUe. frMhr Laait. Act June 3. stjt. NOTICK. FOR HUSIelCATTOaV. j V. h Land idhce, Th rta, tarrpem.. Motic' la tirTahv tve thai la ruaTartaara rsth ini piartmimietiiie aci vimiii ar jnaf i . .a;, esafcUst, "Aa a.oVJar Iky sab of Itmajftoml a iK ia. .. flrtitMU saHAAarfto ... .1 TT. . . . i .. " r r- . rtaa BsuaadJMrem their aaaSia tis9a9)9, lo-wll. Uevtryha , vwty or Wi adJoias,n Uestfy hlrw ufTh net. mil, 'aacB.Matoot Ueraasii ilea Nov 1, ii,sorur9 I uauthaacaf the nebj ate if, tpaa, r 131 as. UutlU t fantlsM .f Tea Uatka. cuualv uf Waaoa. ataM) af Orsaii of 1 , rn M4e meal Nu 1444, at) Nor 1, lyiaJlariNt aveorn MaUeineal Nu 144. pururau id I he ark c 17. lp . r 13. " fa 1 i.n.k 1 .aUn lof Th IJalle. cou'itr f HWn. atalaef Oremrii , ara .talrmcut wn ,,,, tried fata; Hk IOfuf hVe parceuat ot lac nwy ac 11, ip ar l. ii, Jam I' Mian 1 f TNr pane, nuuiy 01 w. ma, 1 eat-re auuuieai N 1 ua. ftlrii Ik r, atanejf tlrsafai, I net tfjAl9nt IMirvhaseajf Ihe awH ae 11, Ipso, r if. 9? Mi I TImi thry will o(r proof ! ebew that the hvad I ..nghi 1 mure valimi.fr fr it ilmlMr or mane 1 IMU i.t asiricuiiurBi pariaswa, ana iv cwaonaa tin trrUliBstu aahl UmI fi.fure lh HegU'eraud .reciter ut f lie DnlW , !' 17th day of iMolier, ilkvaasae aa wila flu Ilea. Oregua t'itier, iu avHaraay, wilnev ini V Mour. - , "T i . ...... u .., v. 1 ' rnoiua 3 wini. i.uaiw r amifsia. auasaj 1 L usard. Iltury daiMrs Job Oavta, Joaepli a Lae-icea, uf the Ibdles. ini CsurlM A fjas, uf ui 1 1 in vin. , ur, sxiae i.i-u, 01 nana. wr. Any and art rtatJabaC advvtarly th lHrv4iaifMu4irf raeSariu H lkl .ua ia lids oaV aft ar Mrbrv lh said ijlrl t.ul yof iieaaber, luui iu-u, Minn AKI. T NOUN. Hegtattr, Tlinber Und, Art June 3, 197a, NOTICK. FOR PU LICATION. V d. Und Offlar, Thr Italic, Wegflii, J tv 3, NoiJe I fifbj- given thai In aowidwaM wllli le uroviirmuritl Act of Cuitaieka uf J1111 .1. ( Inn J. inberUiufa K7, utithali "Au art fur lha saw of limber Minis 1.. .1. ....J ..C . alia,w..la AjlKKnu 1,1 IPO WRWHl l.UIUIHWi TVHMOT, Hl'ttW, Nevada, aad d lu all tliu Vt ashiiielon trrrlturt. 'm ealejided lu all Hie paldw HIW Mute BVACI fU AuguM 4, 191 F0WIM.MMue, pfrfenw Ua Oil Nov is, tAugiwl 4, 1(94, Ihr On Nov it. lu. . mm in nit oince uieir w worn Mslcni 11U, lirwili Hiphmil M ajertHwr of Jldwalf, omiuly of Lincoln, 9tlc of Wwlilna Ion' swoin ataleinsiit No i.vi, fbr II iiuichnatt, ofthsu arcs. tU3, r 19 w 111. f, II. I'oafl HMIIIOl of Kdwull, rati nly uf Lltoln, sli utf uf WMhliiR. nr 1(10 inirnwi9 y. ip 'it. tut. tun. ssyiali aIWii4lil.i) isai, I f liisVf uveff ami H aulj sec W Vt MI.e Tliet OiU'r will ulTtr piiKif tu tliuiv Uit UMtaiid auWglii U idnieivalualtui foe its tlutUar or slpui' than for ,ricullural mie. alHl W aVtuljfbti llicircii.llia 10 sain lailtl ovinir III fMlllltf r IH1 Htcelver al The Iwllvs Oregon, un Tlmtrla)'i th 191I1U) aioctoin-r, mot They luiue a wllneswi; 1( Peil (jinurer Wlllum n Htwucatr, Delia M biteitueri Lillian M Mttcnccr, itaphael M niicr, alt uf ijilnnll, WBWI Any wiul nil person etalinliii; mlverscly the klHwqii.rll)d I11111I1 ur trqiild tu 111? Iheir claims In this oflitc oil or lielbre Die s.tlit mi day 1I10 uro.'tnlier, iij. Jyji-oi MlCIIAlil, T. NOLAN, Keglster, fim. sj v7i alaQ, . CVfWIaiaW 9)1111 rail nr JHnf 3, oniaahalali lt llw