rjnTIf!H(jsWWHtr,SWt''' twmmwnwmii n 'Tiiqai.'.yvp-f.-! The Beftd BuUetan r-t -sr jatrjt. Knitted Munch IS. loaj, at lilint, Oroftoa, n ieened-tlaM maltti. tUUIHl) IVKRY rHAY AT HW-CllirtWl.OMr'rt. r&.JSfc- 8UIISCR.IIT10H KATIttt Ttr ytar, !, iwonthv,.... Thtte month.. :: 5 UhtattaUt 1 4m)MT Admitted who Willi to r ha age their HlU ihtmM hc copy n ao later loan Taeaday noun prefedlng Hit luuc In natch change u teetred. FRIDAY SEPT. 1 8, 1903 VALUH OF A 0001) NA.MU. The wisdom of the proverb that n good imtue is to be chosen ratlier than &rtat .riches never received ttptcr illustration than in the Don kel case. However unjust the present sus)iciotis of thecoininiiuity niny turn out to be, it is undeniable that the young mutt just now is under a serious cloud. And why is ft? Is'ot because there is any di rcct evidence to connect him in any manner with the taking ouof the lather. It is because of the name lie bears, his reputation in the community as a young man ot violent speech and action, given fn the conduct of a dtpeauo rather than that of a lnvnbidm citixen The boy has never been proved in a court of law to be guilty of an) serious offense. He has never beert in prison. Hut the bud' name In has acquired by his conduct in the community comes to plague am' weaken him at a time when lie sorely needs supporting strength, A young man who had led an up right life would not be subjected U the suspicions. Ali doubts wouli be resolved in his favor, instead o against him. Here lies much of the value ot decent living. It aJfeo fortifies with moral courage, which is alwa stronger than the animal .courage of the bully or braggart. A goodnamedotss not always mean popularity; your merely popular citizen is often a person of very uw certain character. It does not mean that one must be a church .member or must join a lodge; too frequently those are mere cloaks for sjy villajny, which is worst than mo!,t of the open ruffianism The mau or woman who lives in rcsrxict and obedience to the law of the country, who recognizes the rights of fellow men and is willing to work for what he or she get will seldom be unjustly accused of crime. Such conduct brings the good name that is more to be prized than great riches. It is often more serviceable than wealth and it is something that Is attainable for all. Iu this case it is to be hoped that developments will protH the in noceucc of the young man and that the lusson will have a good effect upon him. single factor is the whole thing. We will do more to bring the mil rond by doing something for oui selves that we can do riflM heiu than we will by sitting witn folded hands and wouderiite. why the cor poration don't build iunndmukuus all rich iu nu hour, , When Kuowles whs turned down Ht Ln,Grnndc, notwithstanding hin support by the united Oregon dele gation, there was mwch caustic criticism of iiecretaty Hitchcock, who was charged witli responsibility fur that piece of business. "Hflch cock hates Oregon!" exchuned TtntUtr !.''. ' J" S i"T. N0TIC1? FOR rUUMCATlON.4 U. H. Uniid !", fix Diillta, Otr rOHi J ' IM. I cufluillaait w .itiuiH nii N'otlft It luliy lM-M that Ut cufllnthiiit wllh 11. eUlWM, "Ail .1 1 l. the firtrlurMrtn llthetrcaiit.."i"i. "IS1W Nvwr. Afi iirwi Twrttx" " hwuhi w u l.4i .. WnthluotHu IWIi.m n tttWitfaiirfHfttMM .ui ..r A luUbwIilB'tMnMiA in have Ihtrr ateoiti Mnltiii. t li wtt. ii. w l'ur of MnMer, CHWiilV' 1 1 wito. In etata l Wliin, lim: sni uiri. m s it nln Nor j. x fur lira )Hltfit nl ih r II V( and 11 M tf aev a IS. Ihl, MOf, 111 1'f.l I Meyrr of 1 111 luirti M. ,' "r- "Ur of Stwlwu, urwmsiiuMi ir mit(Mai titvi Wnl Nov t lnl l.,r lllr tmrvlw H, M mK Hii m 1, K c 15, tt 11 m, r m r, vf t(Mai x ufiii, UW v?M N uih ! . . TStMMH, taNttty r "(.Wiihi tnlt of Vr IrtHtoltt 4wra 1f '' Nu iili, NIfil Ikht Ml, Senator Fulton iu diactHMiig ?he i g SJaTifliT " . n npuouitment. "Ills ncttuii in this - th Uwy wni mi .rr.fiobowihiniyHi . . . ... . . mi 1 hi ti r ..1.1 1 1. lot Hi ihuher ur Uoui . 2. F. MOODY, General Commission Forwarding Mcrchanl SIIANIKO, UKKUON. I.AlHili AND COnmiOJtlOUS VAlllillOUSIi. CONSIGNMENTS SOLICITED. Hrouipt attention paid to those who favor uiu with their patronage. tanim Nmv MAN.taaiiiwr case is nu insult to the Oregon dele gation.". Senator Mitchell sunt Hitchcock's nction-in the I,a Oniude one was uteiuly "evidence of his hostintv tovvanl Oregon btMUtse of Hmger Heruuiu." Cougtesman, w iuutmM)u witn hito cun iineu ui Hitchcock's deep .seated eumity to everything Oregoniau and hw de termination to "instruct" the state. Kuowles himself;stiid Ux-Couross-tu.ui Moo4li,(N,a tft blanitt. Now t thuisphes that Scretfy Hiufjitwck h.id u'othihg to do with the mutter, that it wuS.tne President who tint it. ?av we wil see the delegation pro ceed to swallow uxlf. It .tjiurt af (brtito be a'touiw with the Ihleut, even ii he has snubtml it. Moody must be gelling rather more tlun nis money's worth of fan out ot all this. TlMf JMISt M llirt ror mm mw nut JUJMI is. 'i iu ! " miia Mclvr ! Uw Htb dio Tua('i 1 vim pum. tm S4iiy, towiWUtek rkOH lM- . tHotfK a Tjtoc, M Trttiu. f StM. if nrtM. Clr; MtSA A Mooter. WoA. ljrXi1o1lliSl ffu'l'!.ir''roliRd'ln Sttlhetr i iliui In UlH oKt m if ! thtiM 141)1 ny TlVMMr, MM. irt . sTrejuw UtttU I4tlit Ht T. NOUX lvtlUl. I'lnl rnr. NOTICU IOR l'UHUCATJpN. U. . Uti4 t.mr. Th tknUiM, OfMHi, NMicc M kartfey fira Umi itfrnr Vt!uiUh. of o4l, Oftifa, km nlxl uotlw oriltloti tu nlv UMiufotiJfciT. ctl U101I eWlBl Wo . Sir tit M our ( .; ot 4 a-f, ts , tn, 1, ikmmv 1 j MUitii ntugr eirv, l rtiM OrrtCo:Moly. Ihv tilt day uf su- MMiwr. r. . ' - H HMKilht Mkrlri wflitMm la mwt Of MotpMr WllftUifti ud iUtrMloo MM hiiiU' Ctjtb jahaMnJWvrv.r ! TtUm. H K asorM, M M TKitm, afmitt -n!i HU-otf MlSlAhl. T HOUAS. UtMr. Wk. Mil NOTICK IOR PUBM CATION. v. a. uwi A Thr Bill. CrNami, oj-n. -niiAtast ix- i Talk about our radiant suncU dio auboly unywheic r ce finer diMtliivs ti:au lue ijeeu act in .... t... :.. .1 . ... .. 1. . Nlrtlkrhariiliiiiiwl to vomoIuwm WHS uur tvnktnii wy in lire -i wtck lfcv vMom oTtlu v . r i.wu uljinui. iliey bchiiti with a muit iioUiUe!;l,"rt '';" riiioUrtofi4i List n ; 1.. ,ust Salutary, it km w Hiu4u. .urW . umi t oil ta wiuitdy una uur.i.wi enne v....y but (..e sun goi nimri urxlcr U.e t.li:s. "I ttic Llituket 01 cluiiii unit ' 1 " "- -w - - -' W - ') I - . .- ...... .. .. . k.u. . ... ,,vrf"rJf,:,"',v,-"' hail ukdlks rnujirn.r AnuiDEU xy. 1 l . r 1 j r, w mi. 1 matte a tUtuteu.1 of : .0 o'clock. . Toe n ; i' I., la mI jfclUl l.i VI . f I M, iSi UW M. IWf. . 11 lUUnrnl. lb wit Jaw v I'.iwhu of Tht IMI-. c mill) I M . . UI iiT OfnPMi 1 it..n, .oitl rr-.i i f oa .- lb l!tw UHv? Iha 1 . IM.HII HI TIIK ItAl IfM WSMI. The Pilot Butte Inn. HltKII, OK. A.e t.i'cm. rMHi'MiMioM. Tblo sttjiplted with nil the mm Ksqm iVfiO'iim. y 'i 'K' 'jKjjm Delicacies of the Sunsoii. I uw it ctmsistiw. CIU.MI BiMITII' IHOtl CtliNK SA1ITH & CLIHIHK'S iC EfR iUV H- Wholesale and Retail Liquor House PRINEVILLE, ORriGON. innont MrnmJrt o( l.liniors mill Clar. Two iloors South of Hank. A. 11. LI PPM AN" & CO. F i-( ttttii tiiiip lining a; Clt.-il Ol iiroiture and Stores, Tall 'ap.r. llnlWIng .Materluls, file. PRINEVILLK, OR. Undertaking the Cascade range uiuut a jagt-d floor tor th spleiKUl v.ne. 1 he r-westeru bide ot all ou xis uiu o. uoors was ligoted as ti.im a cmnp fiie. The somijer cloguus ruiied ubore; tte rtteiiing ricr bctow .flashed and gurgled; ehr all was quiet. The flaming sky gtnaubliy cooled and the sun siept. Siutiatr scenes, though not so mteuau, hay attended lhe wrting ftif nil .this, week. Qccaidonally tfco kllcffat hut, Leeu broken by the complaint ot the moping owl ami tint yelp of the sneating ctoiu. .in all mis there was impreMiive ixictrj-, pio loued Inspiration, and the uep tragedy of a dying day. We repeat it, licud's chance lor a railroad do no depend on lumber activity here. The &a win ill in dustry, is of course, ini'iortnut, but that alone, even if the situation were otherwise such as to justifv immediate operations 'on a large scale, would not bring us a railroad. It is no slight chore to buiUi loo iniloe ;of railroad iu Central Oregon, lumbermen will not consent to pay heavy freight charges. The Iuni ber charges must be low, which means there will be no extravagant traffic income. The lumber inter est will not consent to stand the whole cost of the railroad. If it would we would have had a road ere this. In a few years the lum ber will be gone but the railroad will remain, and the money invest ed in it must remain there. There fore the men who build railroads wish to be assured of the power of the country to produce permanent ly. With the agricultural industry on a sound footing, settlers crowd iu and bring a well-bnlnuced ucvviupmciii aim esiaun.su prom able commerce. Manufacturing, whether of lumber or sugnr,or pipe steins, should receive all possible encouragmeut but we should not grieve that Uiey do not come first. Manufactories cannot thrive where the cost of production is greater than competitive markets will war rant. People engaged iu lumber iiyj must be fed and the farms should precede the mills. Then we have a logical development and a prosperity that will abide. Iet the railroad come and quicken every factor of production , here, but no ctMti i uiodi of IvuUunl. cojl ii M Hi. "ma. Mult of Cirr f.K .warn lutmii v ;. I llw nirl. t Uk 0K M M, Ip i I jr. HI. KriMM V Mulilut i rrioin,iwi,ii) ti - IM.M.4MUI woip ai iffffr wi.. .wurii to. -ot.ui 3 , imt i or imh f Ihr nrfi ! P r I j r. w m. Amk i- VMtJai gfl-urtlatiA. Cufiiljr u( Mulifcuauib, MBU of Orr- tUMigt ,.i nu ,, r. iliamito Stables I'WNEVIUIi, ORIiflUN. wn. min "" iM. '" It" pur- jibt K MB t 19 'v . r i j , m TbMtW.tlll(IV,ur.fU.l. loot thUnd MS) lUuMT M to MoM M MSn voMSil VWui ttrmgiltitkuna I t SMlati Uw fmrmttmmmui tmruam. IMMMoJokl UiVtrU) Hgrtater ao4 r aooowkj anaw mm. 9tAm AmtfrTTImBm. mt KhUo-i!. or Kama A rkiaiai, Jrw W tltHilM.of Tot Dall. 4, Or. Aajr and aH pftm lataMa tdvwrrf ih owi" -v -cthvai ivu oiv rnax. CWHM..U MU itKiobrr, iu Ml -crrt.MUwUror.avJi(t to SW UM4- okr ..a or kmt iim mhI ua AW laj.aj The rrogrusfi toward opening th school is hi all ways coiumefldMbJe. The tueans of making this progre is not altogether perfect as few hu maiituiitutious are. but it is iuirl satiilnctory. It ta bent tlmt neither sidelwve opportunity for arrogant or ' smart" diwlain far the general good or a decent method of reach ing that end. It is beat that thure be no "sides" iu school nffhirs. In dividual opinions must differ, biu honest ditierences of opinions will not wreck the school. . "The I'uget Sound saloon crop is almost a total lailure ,unonucets our esteemed coiiletuporaryt the Arlington Jteconl. We sirspect, however, that the Puget Sound saliMin crop is not so great a failure its its salmon crop thu, year. The saJooti crop never fails on I'uget Sound. ' United Stateh Comniiationer J. M. Lawrence has receivwl Coms Mining uxic ami lias it iu his office iu Iicnd. It is the very latest odi tiou, having been priutwl and copy righted tliis year and is a very comprehensive affair, embracing as it does the mining lnws of Western stalos and of Alaska ajjd other ter ritories, together with the ueueral will , laud ohice regulations and mining laws ot the tinted fatatos. A lib eral chapter on the cutting of tim ber for developing mineral claims within forest reserves nUb-euhauces the value of this handy little book. - 1 : 'isui JiCMAKt. T. NOtAX. RotMSt. CONTEST NOTlCIv. IMp.li .rHtoftlw lalrrlwr. V S UnS USK. The UalkM. Oroirsa. Mtitttilara, iopj. A urlil earoM aSVUvlt hll Ua StaS iu ll. oAcv tijr 1 (tauarry r lltctar, Cuataotaat, .aalnol kumntiiul catry No. Skit. art 0. at, iw, rur arU. mk aK aaS m. bk mc . ia.tt.ti(H.S itttaat M. ttri, CoMM,la ruckai.Ul.'HItU naM Will Mai u Sarrr iiaully laiU'!uca tM Ifiiati ItHM h Bo. cnanaMatami. -. imroa) lor imutimb 1 a aMSla laal p, MaU M MM ! not mtWI BOOTH & COUNT-IT, Iroprklor5. & Mfoy Feed Barsi Stock boarded by the day, week or month. , ,.., Fine Teams aniTRigs, and Reasonable RhIcs. I'lrstclnss Kacilities for Hntulliug Iocators and Commercial Travelers, ytik-k ServKX and Satuifnclion Ounrautifwl. ui aa4 culliv.i u by paM natty a. ffd by Ur,aalli4iata.iltM ati.iam wm aiH due i ht .anSoyawui i im taHMarv or iol r- m 01 hit vanci UM(IWIII8 ItnMroi 'tlK . nr. Iwrrbjr UMlvlllg MnMaf vat; uU nrffSiiS uraaoiar. n limml , u umn rroow I'laaanw aw uraiion ai 10 o-cliiC a. . on IKMNHr ft. raj, ortMrJ.-l. tavrotir. 0. iaaiiU,.airi. el Majta Orwlialc orkun a4 Umi Saal li.la will K htldal loo'ckk a. HI. aJ OUabaf JD. ttL U far. tac K-alMrr ,u KfoHrcr al lh lft5 M4lr laM nlktv m Tkf Oanoa, OrcfOM Th mm amUiMi. kaftUB, m-a uraiMr (& lavii. fiUm ttA 1 wq, rT fifrtti fiui. UW HowlhotaRrlii'i1)aaaM arrhMwl MrvtcaSf talK4iaaaa 0.4 iu MWtdf, M taqronirnl aad llrodia Uwl uc MWm Sl b 4m "! prpr paMmiiuai am. n.ini, 1. ib.i, HfimM. Itawrt IiimI, I'lual 1'foof. NOTICE FOR rUUMCATJON. L 8,.iiil lUfUx, The Iiallr., Orrgvii, . Auxuat ii. laoi Notkc I. hereby given tlmt Mary CvrtM. of IBiowla. Orruuii ln Ultfi notice of Intention to male proofon li.r itrMrt-taml claim Mo wo. fur tile 1 iiivJi, c, w' andtbU 1, t, 1 hihJ 4 mT, tpis.. r 11 . w in, lfor J, J. Smith, Oounly Cltrfc, t i'rfiievlll.. Or.gon, nu TuMlay Hit will day uf cttiiilxr, iyu. SW iiamM til fulfowlnif rfiiMi to prove lite complete irrigation ami reclaiimtiau of mII laud. Arnlrew I MuUe, Walltr KiiMe, of Culver, Or Henry WCarllii, Herbert 0er, of Blrter., Or. aai-iJj illCIIAl!!, 'j. NOl.AN, KeKUter Columbia , Southern RAILWAY. I'ASSKNni'K TftAJH TIMI CARD. Ufelivc (tdtnivy IS, laj. . Columbia Southern Motel. SIIANIKO, 0UIK10N. IlATIwS FROM $1.30 tT!' PKK DAY. 1 Hot aud cold water on Ixjth doors. Ilaths for thu iuw of gtiem. Itvory moddru cell veu knee at baud TIn? dining room, imder the direit jsuiKiniaion of Mr. Kueyr..M a very model of tftstnAil, spothaw u!aeneu, nhd the Tr1ci fs equal to ithy" iu tlnt'stulu. . . , . 1 All NtugtiH arrive lit hikI leave the Columbia Southern, . ' J. M. KUIINUY, l?rt(prictor. SUUSCRIIilt FOR TUJS WEEKLY 0REQ0N5AN -AM) koaM no. f DAK.V 1 STATIONS. (.HAVMI IX. I I J I So TM M 7 !J tm 1 HA v& iw AKKIVlii . Hay C - - matia ' : MMUlnaV olIMMifl Hill" aanw KijWloii"' ...! .llaSfuT ........ lUfkUlWjl-,- '.raisTin!' ,,...- IMiirpmi ..- Kant ..... Wilcox .. .. allAMIKO. KMtb- mt. 1. IMIbV PAH. 4HI41VM 4.M. I' JIM w 10 tl IO ft w aj 10 i iu ii 1000 iy 9 j 8 LltAVK lMlly .tage coniiecil iniSlsl Vfl mike for Ant) Iver f.akc, Irfike- ,e, AnliivbCKl, can- ill. K, I'Miieville, liiuj. Ttew, a iwmii, IHIWI ybu City, John Iwy City, and IHMll ' k. n. woodiiukkv. C l I.VTI.I'. Buperliileiuleiit. 0. 1' 11 ml 1' A Uliunlko, or bliaulLo, or. THE BEND BULLETIN. BOTH PAPERS $2.00 PE VEAR. Ttabtr imi, Act Jan 3, iSjm KOTlCJt FOR I'URLICATION. t'. M. Uwl oftc. Tb llall Oivgoa. JM, Mu. Mbtlor la hereby given thai III awu4l4ur Willi the iironUuiu ufthe Act of CtHijpeot of June i, l7. eutllbal, "All Mt An1 Ibr af limber Umi, In lfule4of Oallfoniln. nrr. ou, Nev.it a, and Wabliitlen Teikovy." elniJl 10 all Ike nublK lBil BUIM W net ur Auaiwl J. ilai, the lluwiiiff-nainrn ytrtout Muv mi Jan. . ivj, 14 In llila 11 Ilk. Iliair worn atatemeut., tu-wH TlwUr Uwl, Aet Juw J, iat, NOTICH FOR lUl,l CATIQN, v. luilr Hi von laai in ui V 4 Notl l otfi Mini (Haea, The llallol. UtnUMi lunr . uS. iMMibaea vUh m Unit alatH to' ltd uf Auaiwt 4. iSya, tbe Iicajaiulii P. Klfa on'oMmlrii, MHIllty of Well, .tale uf Nailh lbil.i4a, awurn atitiient No. 114 wr ilie pur CIwm uf tin 11 eX we at, l i. r iwc, w. u CliriM XatlHier nri'rtMiiileii, oounly of Well), .late of Notlli llki.lB, .worn utatentriil No inij, Ur tin pur cliaiie of lite c)( . i, Ip 16 , r 16 e, w. in. Cavil A. AckcruKlil of l'eeiwUn, oHiiity or WlU. utatc of Norlli IMbola. awoni tateineiit Nn 1.11, for til.- pur (liae ortlie luU " A IP ( l" , v. in Ttuit t life v will uffir liriMif Llialutv thut Ilia- taiul auj(lil U more vHluable fur tin limber or alonv luraKncuiiiirai puriMMea, ana sUlliu to UI Umi lufure J M lu the HaUiof CulltiniU, Oicawn. Nevaua, ajia 1 Wi I ItHWJajKl !" U) Act p( .miM niiaaiajiii riiiaaunaa.i ruiaitia naii. iu. ar... . .- aetriaatm Tetrlniry." n taTondtil 10 all thr 4, "w. IM tlian for aKricultural purixMea, and to eatabluli ilieir i4iniii) nam iaim lnlure j .11. i,wif V. H CtonnlrUiiier at Ilewtiutea, Oregon WulnettUy, the mil ilny of ri.tciuuer, iv 1 ner naiiiv an willirnw btrlill, ofllcnil, Oregon; l,wmioe on Tliey name n. wltp III, o erim North IMko' AeUeriiiun, llrnj ii0. nine. Hlmw, John it ellmcr. (VlII a uiiiln I' Ulfe, of I'eMenUeii, lem lain Clirut i Anv unit all oeraon. etnlinliii uilvrrhrlv the Bhove-ileK'iHiHl liiiiill are rcyiintnt to Hie their claim in till. nflUc on or licfiire Die .aid mil day m December. 1m,i ai-U20 .NIICIIAIU, T. NOI.AN, Keuiitcr. Curt HfMlitokji of CUrkMon, euuniy of AaotlH, vlatl oT WVJl inglon, ajrorn alMiciiieiit Ko 1511, far Ma uur ch4 oftli 11 w y imc 11, tp i a, 1 11 e, w m. Ikiut NIUcii orrpiflmiMi,cMiiiyi)friuriia...jiif of Michi. lenirut no im, rar the ttMMuaSr au; awn ru .talea oflliriiK M' n.lpia, r li, 1 mrahi llunuW II. KtltffrM ' . ol ClafLatnii, ronuly of Aaolln, Male of Wa.hlHU, 1 1 mi; .worn .luiem.i 1 mi iui, n.r Iba luiealiaOr iw.li nu,i, sihiv-miwiii no lav", IUT In ufthenti avc 11. Ip 19 a, r II e, W in. Hiat they uiu offer iirotif la Imil.le fi)r I llif land miiiulit I. mure valmil nlonii limn fur iiifrlfiiltinal 1111 abnw that 1 llaUuilurur llllllill UlirAiUAa I&M.I Ii. aa. tnld lali .their cUfiiu Ut aald Irnnl Iwffia thBRaai ttf ami Kecelver at Tli.. full.. i.Z;.. ... B.T day, the jyl da of iMulicr, ivi ' v J 1'hvy iianir uk wllue4, (lllvar JttlliiHUl, ""syWIUKiilUKiiaiiil Cilil PrtalertiW, of Clarkttou, WTinh. Any ami all iiiruma cUIiiiIiik mlvimtly the AljOVCMltliariMll IuiiiIh iir roliiiuiibl ,.. ni tl..J. cIjIiii. In till olllc. 011 or before the mid 41 dny 01 uctolitr, iwij. a7-o; MICtlAllf, V NOI.AN, Keultter. " , i