I '1 THE BEND BULLETIN. VOL. I. JJEND, OHEGON FRIDAY, 8I2PT23MI1J2II 18, 1003. NO. 27. WEEK'S DOINGS Newsy Hems Gathered from All Park of the World OF INTEREST TO ALL OUR READERS Qsneral Review of Important Itappenlags of tho Past Wk In Hrlef ami Comprehensive) form. Masacros and outrage continue in .Macedonia. Tim United Stales tiunbont Machlas linn not yet arrived nt Beirut. Tlio 11)05 internatlonol Christian tfndrapor convention will Imi held nt ilitltltnoru. Tho Arltoua surveyor Rcnorni has liceii rumored from olllro for taking II legal 'cos. Foiirthclasi poitmnaterfl may bo ousted (or "political reasons" aftor eorvlni four years. Tho American mining congress, In session nt DoadHond, H. I),, selected Portland for tho 11)05 mooting place. John Ilartlett iiat taken tho oath of olllco ai United Mates minister to Ar xenllns and will loavo for lilt pout Pep tember '-'. The premier of Bulgaria ha nnnfilc tally Informed the powers that hi into ila cannot Ihj heldln chock it massacres coutlnue. Tho work ol changing tho transport Grant to a dredgo la progressing rapidly and It ahould U nt trie mouth of thu Columbia by Octobor 1. United Htatr MinliUir Lolshman, at Constantinople, haa insisted on tlm re moval of Ilia vail of Beirut and the np polntmont of ono but tor ablo to handlo tiia people. An onglno and 1-1 can of a work train full with bridgo near Hugo. In dian Torrllory. Four mjm warn killed. Tho bridgo mm now and unfinished. A number of tho CrlppleGrook mines have roaumiHl work. Tho Amiirican mining congress it In session at Desdwood, H. D. Tho federal grand jury )ii found twven mora cludlctaicnts in tho jtoital CMOS. i'hlladolphla bulldera will begin a aritflinBtIo war on unlont January 1, 1004. It li now known positively that Co lombia defeated tho canal treaty bo causo tho boodle fund waa too small. Roosevelt hat turned down Ban Fran clico In Its nttompt to contluuo the monopoly on th? Indian servico trade and will divido it botwoon tho coast cltlos. Farmers and representatives from producers' associations from nine statu root in Chicago and formod a trust to control thu markets. Tho capital is placed at 1100,0(10,000. Tho ofUcer of tho department of Col orado aro vory anxious regarding tho situation in tho Uintah Indian rotor va tlon. I-argo numbers of prospectors and settlers havo gouo thero Iwforu tho tlmo for oponingand n clash may occur. Turis at Ilolrut havo slain a number of Chrlstalns and auothor outbreak Is foarod. Admiral Cotton will land marlnos, if necessary, to protect Amor leans. Tho porte ploees tho ontlro blamo on tho presenro of tho American fleet. Koosovoit was tondorod a great ova tlon at Syracuse, N. V. Labor day was enthusiastically ob nerved throughout tho United States. A paisomior train on tho Baltlmcro A Ohio mado 108 mllos in 135 min utes. A great French iulmlo war gamo haa begun. There aro 100,000 troops par tlclpatlng. Nearly one-fourth of tlio ontira area of Oregon Is tied up in forest rosorvos and withdrawals. Lieutenant I'eary will mako another ofTqrt to reach tho north polo. lie will start noxt summer. Two oiectrio cars collided in Now Hampshire, killing four ami injuring every person on both cars. llishop Thomas Marsh Clark, bishop of Rhode Island, oldest dignitary of his rank In tho Kplocopal church, is dead. A Lake Krle etoamor with a large aiumbor of paasongors has bean caught 'by a storm. It is feared she 'may have 'foundered, , TO WATHK LAND. Irrigation Fund la 1 7,000,000 With Oregon In tits Lead. Washington, Hopt. 12. Tlio gonnral land ofllcu todaj mado public a stato mont showing tho approximatn amounts contributed to tho loclamatlou fund by various Western stato during tho Inst lineal year. Those figure, while not exact, aro within a fow dollars of tho proper amounts and much closer than lough osllmales made naveral weeks ago, which were basud on tho propor tions of past reasons. As previously explained, Oregon is tho largost con tributor, having paid in 1,884,730 last year, which makes Its total con tributions for tho past threo years (2,. 705,000, This latUir amount Is 1360, 000 In excora of what any other stato lis so far contributed, North Dakota being second, and Washington third. Last year Washington contributed II.. 000.009, nrlnglng its total fnnd up to 11,804,000. Idaho has to Its credit in tho fund (1,140,007, of which (042, -MH wm added last yrar. Under tho policy adopted by tlm In terlor department following cut the provisions of the Irrigation law, 51 per cent of tlio contribution of each stato Is to bo expended within that stain in the next 10 years and 40 per cent goes Into tho geneial fund, thin fund, of course, to bo ntlllted In Arizona, Nevada and other states and territories badly in need of irrigation, but whish them selves contribute little toward tho great object. Tho total Initiation fund, as now computet), is 110,091,830, or mora than 11,000,000 in excels of tho previ ous estimates cf tho land ofllce. More than ono half of this amount wis con tributed last year. APPEAL TO POWERS CONSULS IN SAL0N1CA ASKING FOR PROTECTION OP WARSHIPS. French Ambassador Intends to Heslgn -Vulgaris U Said to Be Mobilizing Army Prince Ferdinand In Receipt uf Menacing Letters and Is Strongly Quantcd-ltallan Fleet Is Kcady. PUN5ION SYSTEM COSTINQ LCSS. It la Mow Only St.75 Per Capita, Ac corJIng to Ware'a Report. Washington, Kept. 12. Tho annual report of Commissioner of Pensions Warn plaros tlm total numlior of pen. sinners now on tho rolls at UDft,645, of which 725,350 are soldier and 207,1811 aro blows oiid dependents. Mr. Ware announced that it Is not probsblo thst tli pension roll will again cross the million line, tho high water mark having Ixx'ii reached a year ago. Fivo of tin pensioners are on tho roll on ac count of tho war of tho revolution 1,. t in on account of tho war of 1812, 4, 734 on account of tho Indisn wars, and 13,874 on account of tho Mexican war. Tho averago value nf each pension la now 1133. Tho total annual value of tho Hpanlsh war pontibn roll has .cached 1,705,310. Commissioner Warn makes the fol lowing recommendations: Law forfeiting tlio pension or right to pension ol any man convicted In mart of an infamous crime; prohibit ing tho plvlna of onslons to woman who marry soldlor after tho soldfors become old pensioners; a different method of examining applicants for pensions, Mr., War stamping tho pros ent system as uncertain, expensive, un satisfactory and generative of an enor mous amount of political friction Mr. Waro rays tho bureau has gained on tho current work 100,000 cases dur ing tho last two years. Tho actual to tal of disbursement in ponslons on ac count nf tho Revolutionary war. War of 812, Indian wars, Mexican war, Civil war and tho war with 8psin was 3,038,023,51)0. The cost of tlm pen. slon syttom per capita of population, for 1003, Is given ns fl.75, to which figure, It lias shrunk from $2.24, tho rate of 1803. In 10 years, ho rays, the burden will cease to bo noted. PANAMA MAY CONCCDtJ. Defeat of Canal Treaty Llkoly to Cause Revolution In Colombia, Now York, Ropt. 12. Uoprosento. tlvea of strong intorosts on the isthmus of Panama who make their headquarters In this city aro repartod to bo consider ing a plan of action to be undertake in co-ooprotlon with mon of similar vlowa in Panama and Colon to bring ntKJiit n revolution and form an inde pendent government in Panama op uosod to that in Bogota. Thero Is much perturbation on tho Isthmus on account of tho failure of thn rnnnl treaty, which is ascribed to tho authorities at ilocota, nnd tho na tives of Panama think it is to tholr best intercut for a now ronubllo to bf formod on the Isthmus which mar nr gotlato dlroctly with tho United States for a now tronty. tllds Asked on Puget Sound Work. Wnshtnton, Bent. 1 2. Tlio navy do partmont has ouvortlsod for bids for the or6ction of a now foundry building at tho Puget Round navy yard, for which (100,000 haa been appropriated. London, Sept. II. Except thst the consuls In Balonlca aro again asking for tho protection of worships, there Is lit tle direct nows tnis morning fiom tho seat of tho Macedonian troubles, but there is aplentiful crop of sensational statements impossible either to con firm or deny. Among tho Isttor is the assertion made in a Sofia dispatch to tho Keclo of Milan to tho effect that it has boon decided to moblllw tho 1ml garlan army. Tills is contrary to tho avowed pol'cy of tlio Bulgarian govern mont. In Paris there is a persistent rumor thst M. Constans the French ambassa dor at Constantinople Intonds to resign ss a protest against tho apathy shown by his government. According to a Hcfla dUpitcb to tho Dally Express tho Ilrltish agent thero has already notified Bulgaria that Great Britain insists that alio prevent tho passage of bands Into Macedonia. Little credence is attached to a story published In the Vienna DIo Zeltung that Turkish troops havo been ordered to cross tho Bulgarian frontier. The Italian fleet Is hold In readiness at Sicily so that it could reach Turkish waters in 48 hours but Italy will not lake any action except in accord with tlio powers. Tho Dally Telegraph's correspondent at Varna reiterates tho determination on the part of tho Bulgarian govern ment to hinder every manefestation I la bia to lead to war. jKe adds that Prlnco Ferdinand la in dally receipt of menacing letters and aa alenull tlio pal aco Is strongly guarded, fhe locks havo boon changed on tho doors and all per sons deslilng admission are strictly scrutinized. I DO YOUR TRADING IN BEND I SAVE TIME SAVE MONEY f I Prices Same as Prineville RUSSIA ASKS TOO MUCH. China Balks on Two Conditions In Man churlan Note. London Sept. 11 Tho Times corres pondent at Pokin telegraphs two fresh conditions thnt M. Lesrar tho Russian minister Included in his noto to the OhlnoM) foreign board promising to be gin tho evacuation of Manchuria Oc tober 8. The first condition is that Russia bo allowed landing stages on the Kungarl river with tho right to guard thorn with Russian troops and tlio second is tiiat Russia shall have the light to maintain Russian post sec tions along tho main route from Tsltsl bao capital of Uuillungklug and Blag ovoshensk. China objects strongly to both con ditions. Russia specifies that tlm Kir In province shall be eracuated four months after the Ileillungklng pro vince, a year aftor tlio evacuation of Mukden. China piotosts against this also. NOW CHAROU AQAINST MACIIEN. Orand'jury Finds He Is Mixed Up With (leavers In Postal Scandal. Washington, Sept, 11, One of tho persons indicted yesterday by the Fed oral grand Jury In connection with the pcatal investigation is George W. Heav ers, formerly chief of tho division of salaries and allowances. It Is under stood that tho charge is conspiracy. Anothor of the Indictments isv against August W. Maclien on a now sot of facts Involving him with Iloavore. Tim charge is conspiracy. While tho otllclals rofnso to disclose tho'namos of tho four remaining por ioni who wero indicted yostorday, It Is raid that nono of them la or has been counoctcd with tho postotllca and that ono Is a man cf fonio prominence. It was stated at the City 1111 today that tho climax of tho Invoitlgation Is to coma shortly when a person not con noctod with tho department but equally as wall known ns tlio postmatorgon era! hlmsolf undoubtedly will bo in dieted for complicity iu the pootoftlce frauds. Colony for Negroes, Donver, Kept. 11 A special to tho Republican from Santa Fo, N. M, says too illackdom Townslto company wsb Incorporated today with a capital stock of (10,000. Tho purpoeo la to establish a coiouv of nogroos from tho aouthorn states In Chavos county, the' name of tho town to bo Blackdom. I I Bend Mercantile Company Incorporated Am off. GRANT, Manager a Carries a Complete Stock of General Merchandise suited to the needs of the Deschutes Valley ot h Groceries, Provisions. Dry Goods, Ladies' and (5) Gents' Furnishings, Stoves, Tinware, Saddlery, fiL Harness oj-jjtotj.oij.ji GENERAL OUTFTTING SUPPLIES, ETC. AGENTS FOR RUBBEROID ROOFING Cheaper Than Shingles 4 All Branches of the Trade Handled in a Business Manner and with due re gard to the interests of our Cnstomers I Bend Mercantile Company & Wall Street, Band, Oregon. (HS(D(S(Si()(D!iS(3(S() PRINVILLE-SILVER LAKE STAGE LINE DICK VANDEVeRT, Proprietor. CARRYIKB 0. S. WAIL AHD PASSEHSEHS , leaves Princvillo Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridaus. Freight and passengers- waybilied for Bond, Lava, Itosland nnd Silver Lake. Good rigs, careful driven. C. I. WINNEK, Agent. THROUGH FROM BEND TO SHANIKO IN ONE DAY. SHANIKO-PRINEVILLE QTAfiF I IMF PRINEVILLE-BEHD O rt U LINE. BOOTH & CORNETT SCHEDULE SOUTHHOUXD , Leave Shnniko Op. m Arrive l'rinuvillo Gs.m Lcavo Prineville 1 p. in Arrive llenil 6;30p.m , SOUTHBOUND Lcavo Bond 0s30atm Arrive prinevlllo 12:00 m Leave Princvillo 1 p. m Arrive Shnniko ' 1 a. in FIRST CLASS ACCOMMODATIONS FOR THE TRAVELING PUBLIC PASSENGER AND FREIGHT RATES REASONABLE. CLAIMS ESTIMATED AtH3 SOLO ESTIMATIMQ A SPECIALTY KING, HUNTER & MARSH Timber Grulsars xntl Land Locators BEND OREGON SANFOID'S CASH STORE C.MUUK8 A'llIO LINK OK (General Merchandise, Groceries, Clothing, Furnishing Qoods Call on Mltu Prices Right. OREQON SHANIKO KAiLtA l r IV y.. , .- riiiiiiiiiimi.ijjjiJliii'sV