fW3iirtV nTpii'Ttl r -.V"' hfivi 1 Out on the Pampas V lly 0. A. ttt!NTY 22&&& CnArTEIl XVI.-(Contlnued.) Very quietly the troop crept alone, Ta eralna leading the way, until ho ap proached closely to the village. More they halted for a moment. "Duly six of ui will bo In." Mr. Hardy said; "there will he lea .chance of dctec-tlon-Jamleson. Percy, Horrles, my hoya nml myself. The other take post close to the hut we ahead. If jou UuJ that we arc discovered, be In readluess to sup port us. And. Fanpthar, two or three of you get matches ready and stick a blue light Into the straw root of the hut. Wo must have light, or wo lose all the advan tage of our firearms, llcsldcs, as we re treat we shall bo In darkness, while they will be lu the Rlare." Thus speaking. Mr. Hardy followed hit guide, the men ho had selected treadlmt cautiously In his rear. Presently they stopped before one of the huts, and, pointing to the door, Tawalna said, "Lit tle White Hlrd there;" and then, gliding away, he waa lost In the darkness. Mr. Hardy cautiously puihcd asldo the skla and entered, followed by his friends. It was perfectly dark, and they stood for a moment uncertain what to do. Then they heard a low voice saying, "Papa, I that you?" while at the same Instant they saw a gleam of light In the other cor ner of the tent, and heard a rustling noise, and they knew that an Indian bad cut a silt in the hide walls and had es caped; and a Mr. Hardy pressed his child to his heart a terrific war whoop rose on the air behind the hut. Hthel had tain down without taking off even her shoes, so strong had been her hope of her father's arrival. She was therefore no impediment to tho speed of their retreat, for a short distance they were unopposed. The Indians, indeed, rushed from their huts like swarms of bees disturbed by an Intruder. Ignorant of the nature of the danger, and unable to sec Its cause, all was for a minute wild confusion; and then, guided by the war whoop of the Indian who had given the alarm, all hurried toward the spot, and as they did so several saw the little party of whites. Loud whoops gave the intimation of this discovery, and a rush toward them was made. "Now, your revolvers," Mr. Hardy said. "We are nearly out of tho village." For a few minutes the contest was ter rific. The rush of the Indians partially broke the line, and the whirl of gleaming hatchets, the heavy crash of the blows with the rifles, tho sharp, Incessant cracks of the revolvers, tho yells of tho Indians, the short shouts of encourage ment from the Knglisb, and tho occasion al Irish cry of Terence, made up a total of confusion and noise which waa bewil dering. Scarce a shot of tho whites was thrown away, and a heap of dead lay across the pass. Ths Indians in front were mown down by the long rifles like grass before the mower, and thoso behind, after one mo ment's hesitation, broke and fled; in an other two minutes the fight was over, and the Indians in full flight to their village. The party now crowded round Kthel, with whom not a single word had yet been exchanged since her rescue, and warm and hearty were the congratula tions and welcome bestowed upon her. The morning broke over the white men occupied la the burial of two fallen com panions, and upon the Indians assembled at a short distance beyond the village. The men 'sat upon the ground In sullen despslr; the women walled and wrung their hands. Now that It was day, they could see how terrible had been their loss. Upward of sixty of their number were missing. The chief had fallen, as had several of the most valiant braves of the tribe. Pres ently Tawalna rose from the midst of tho warriors. His absence the preceding evening had not been noticed. "My brothers," ho Ix-gan, "the (Ireat Spirit Is very angry. Ho has hidden his face from 'his children. Yesterday he Minded their eyes and made them fool ish: last night he made them as water before tho whlto men. Why were the oars of tho chiefs closed to tho words f Tawalna? If ho bad set out with little Whlto Ilird, the great white chief would have been glad, and tho hatchet would havp been burled lu peace. Hut tho chiefs would not hear the words of Tawalna. The Stag said Kill! and the war chiefs shouted Kill! and where are they now? Their wigwams are empty, and their women have none to bring In the deer for food. Tho Great Spirit Is anjrry." Tawalna took his seat; but, as he had anticipated, no one run to speak after him. After a profound silence of some minutes' duration, he again rose. "What will my brothers do? The fly ing tires wilt burn down our village, ami there" Is no retreat. The guns that shoot without loading carry very fur. We are us water before them. Wo ore in the hands of tho while chief, and our bones will feed the crows. What will jny broth ers do? Let there bo peace between us. The men who .would have harmed the Little White Hlrd are dead; thero is no wine cause for quarrel. Let us bury the hatchet. Tuko horses and cattle for your journey, and forgive us If wo have done wrong. If tho whlto men wero on thu plains Tawalna would say, Let my young men charge: but they hold tho pass, and the guns that shoot without loading uro too strong. Have I spoken well?" There was a low murmur of applause, Tho feeling that tho position of tho whlto men was Impregnable was general; and they felt convinced that thoso tcrrlblo enemies would devJse some unknown chemo which would end Jn the total an nihilation of the tribe. Tawalna then laid aside hi arms and, attended by six of tho principal chiefs, carrying green boughs In token of amity, advanced townrd thu mouth of the gorge. Mr. Hardy, with Ave of tho whites mid with Peres to interpret, advanced to meet him. The address of Tawalna was a very politic one. He already knew that Mr. Hardy was willing to grant terms, but he wished to show the other chiefs that he supported the honor of the tribe by boasting of their power aud resources and by making tho peace as upon equal terms. When the gaucho had translat ed their proposal, Mr. Hardy spoke, using the phraseology which would bo most In telligible to tho Indians: "Tawalna Is a great chief; ho has spok en wisely. The little Whlto Hlrd has sung In thn white chief's ear that he stood by her side when bad Indians would have hurt her. The bad Indians are dead. The Great Spirit frowned up on them. The white chief has no quar rel with Tawalna and hi friends. Let thero bo peace." A general expression of satisfaction pervaded both parties when It was known that peace waa arranged: and one of each side hurrying back with the news, the rest went Into the village, where, sitting down before the principal but, tho pipe of peace was solemnly smoked. The two parties then mingled amicably, mutually pleased at the termination to tho hostilities; and no one would have guessed that a few hours before they had met lu deadly strife. Mr. Hardy advanc ed toward Tawalna with one of the boys carbines In his hand. "Tawalna is a great chief," he said. "Ho has a great heart, aud stood by the side of the little White Ilird. Hut he has not a good rltle. The white chief gives him a rltle which will shoot many times. Let him promise that he will never use It In tight against tho white men." This gift Tawalna received with great pleasure, and readily gave the required promise, adding, on behalf of "his tribe, that tho hatchet which was buried should never again be dug up against the whites. An extra chamber and all tho spare am munition was given to him, and a fur ther supply promised when he chose to send for It: instructions wero also given to htm In the use of the wra'pon, then a solemn farewell was exchanged aud the party of whites turned their faces toward homo. CnAPTKUXVH. With this memorable conflict, and the lesson taught to the Indians, that even In the heart of their own country they could not consider themselves secure from re taliations and from the vengeance of the white settlers, the Indian troubles of the Hardys were over. Occasionally, Indeed, raids were mado upon the outlying set tlements, and the young Hardys were summoned to beat off their savage foes. Upon the estate of Mount Pleasant, how ever, hostile foot was not again placed. Occasionally Tawalna, with two or three of his braves, would pay a visit for a day or two, and depart with presents of blankets, and such things as his tribe needed. The return of the expedition, after tho rrscuo of Hthel and the chastisement of the Indians In the heart of their own country, caused quite a sensation throughout the republic. Of Mrs. Hardy's and Maud's Joy we need not speak, but the adventure was considered a matter of congratulation and Joy throughout the wholo district. It was felt that a signal blow had been struck to the Indians, and that for a long time II fo and property wonld be secure. There was, In conse quence, quite a rush to tho neighborhood, and land was taken up and occupied In all directions. It was well for Mrs, Hardy and tho girls that they wero to sail by the next mall for Kngland. Tho effect of those tcrrlblo four days upon Kthel, and of that week of anxiety upon her mother and sister, had so shaken them that thu change, even If It had not been previously determined upon, would havo been im peratively neeussary. They were ull sad ly shaken and nervous during the short time that remained for them ut Mount Pleasant; but thu soa voyage and the fresh breezes soon brought health and color into their cheeks, and none of them ever felt any bud effects from that ter rible week. And now our story Is drawing to close. The stormy period of the Moun' Pleasant settlement was over. Tho hard work, tho dlnivultle and dangers of the life of a new settler on the extreme edge of civilization, had been passed, and noth ing remained but to coiiiluuu to devote at tention and energy to the estnte, aud to reap the fruits of the labor. For two years after the departure of his wife and daughters Mr. Hardy re mained at his post. It was now nearly six years si nee ho had left Kngland, aud lie longed to rctttru to it. Ho felt that lie could do so without nny uneasluess ns to tho future. Itosurlo was, accord ing to his anticipation, rising Into n largo aud Importunt town; thu country wan fairly settled for leagues beyond thu es tate; laud was rupldly rising in value; aud thero was now no fear whatever of Indian attacks. Ills flocks aud herds had multiplied greatly, and wero doubling every two years. Tho Income obtained by the salo of cattle fatted on tho alfalfa, and upon tho salo of wool and other funn produce, was considerable. Charloy was now twenty-two, Hubert a year younger; both were as capablo of managing tho es tate as ho was himself. He one day unfolded his plans to them. "As you know, boys, I am going to Eagland shortly; Mid, although I shall perhaps now and then come over here, I shall make Kngland my permanent home. You boys will therefore Jointly manago the estnte. The Incomo this year will reach six thousand dollars, nml would bo much more did you not keep the greater portion of our niilmnl to increase our stock. I have now twelve thousand live hundred dollnr In the bank. After tho busy life I havo led here, I could not remain Inactive. My present Intention Is to take if largo farm upon a long lease, with the option of purchase. My object will bo to obtain n farm of large acreage aud poor laud, but Improvable, by butter drainage and an outlay of capital. I shall risk my twelve thousand live hun dred dollars lu this, and also tta Incomo I draw from hero for llu next two year. The profits will Incicase each year. I shall therefore, In two year have sunk twenty-five thousand dollars In tho farm n portion being devoted to building a suitable house. You will, of course, dur ing tho two years spend whatever money you may require; but, In fact, It Is im possible for you to spend much money here. At tho end of two years I propose that first you, Charley, as tho elder, shall come to Kngland for a year, and then that Hubert shall take his turn. You will then stay a year hero together, and again havo each n year lu Kngland, and so ou regularly. From the cud of this two years I shall draw half the luconin of this estate, and you will take the other half between you, to Invest or uso as you may think fit. At the end of six years I calculate that the estate will bo stocknd with as many cattle and sheep as It can support. Fifteen thousand cattle, say, and thirty thousand sheep. You will then sell all your annual increase aud the profits will be greater every year. At the end of ten years from this time, If, as I think probable, you will havo had enough of this life, we will sell the es tate. Hy that time It will be tho center of a populous district, the land will bo greatly increased lu value, and will be equal to any lu the country so much so, ludeed, that It will probably be out of tho question to And a purchsser for tho whole. We could therefore break It tip to suit purchasers, dividing It Into lots of one, two, three or four square, miles, or n squnro league, aud dividing the stock In proportion. The house would, of course, go with tho arable land and a mllo or two of pasture beyond it. My share of tho yearly income I shall devoto to buying my estate. Say the prico is fifty thou sand dollars. This I shall, with my in como from here and my Incomo from tho estato Itself, probably be able to make in ten years. You will consequently, boys, at tho age of thirty-one and thirty-two, be able to settle down In Kngland In very comfortable circumstances. our sisters will, of course, be provided for ont of my share. Do you approve of my planar The boys warmly expressed their satis faction at the plau, and their gratitude to their father for his Intentions. And so things were carried out. Six months after Mr. Hardy's arrival In Kngland, the boys heard of Maud's marriage to Mr. Cooper. Charley, during bis first visit to Kngfand, also married an example which Hubert followed tho next year. . The two now took It by turn to mam- age tho estate the one In Kngland al ways passing a considerable portion of his timo at Mr. Hardy's, and spending the rest la traveling. Kthel was married tho year after Hu bert to a rising barrister In Ioudon. Hubert lives In tondon. Ills Income Is sulllcient for his wants, be has become a member of a number of scientific socie ties and bis collection of tho fauna of the pampas of America la considered to be uncqualcd. Tho girl are very happy with the men of their choice; and Mr. and Mrs. Hardy havo always some of their children or grandchildren staying with them, aud often amuse the young ones with tales of how their fathers or mothers fought tho Indians on the pampas of South Amer ica. (The end.) Free Newspaper In Hotels. "What a brute!"' I heard u, Indy tmy n I roso from the dinner tablo In tho hotel. - I did not know that I was tho person to whom aim referred till nftorwnrd, whan a friend of mine who was slttlus; at a tablo near by stwko of thu matter. "Tho lady ut your tablo last night thought you were a brute," ho remark ed luiiK'liingly. 'I lictiril her use flic won), but It nev er occurred to me that 1 wiih the person alluded to. What did I do?" I naked. "You carried off your newspaper." "Well," I asked, "what of that? II wiih mine. "I gathered from what "he ald to the waiter," continued my friend, "that lu the town where she Uvea tho hotel fur nlxhc IIh Ktiests with the dally pa pern. They are placed ou the tallies lu tho iiiuiiiK-room, ami are rreu to an. nuu supposed all hotels did tho mime, and that you were currying on u pniwr Hint was common property. Shu considered you a brute, because she wiih not ac customed to sculiii; hotel i;uctH buy their pupers." Tho cuuiucrutlnn of 11KXI shows Hint thero uro tnoro men nml hoys than women ami girls in this country, and that the difference exceed 1,800,000 lu a population of 7J,303,atl7. Thu excess appears more distinctly, perhaps, when It Is said that thero lire Ol'J males and only -188 females In every 1,000 people In tho United Htutcs. A rcmarkublo commentary on tho In troduction of western studies Into the Orient Is tho announcement that tho Crown Prince of Slam, who has been studying at Oxford, Is about to publish a volume of essays on the war of the Polish succession. wf HMrS f ' JTftssff MTiV I it 09 t "-"",MsWbT (U ' 'l'ffrlJ Ice-Cream Nuiutve Ich. For nny social entertainment tho fob lowing will bo n novelty Prepare n white lco cream for fouudntlon, color oue-hnlf pink, violet or green, and flav or with strawberry, violet or pistachio. Flavor tljo white with vanilla, an this will bring out thu other flavors nml not Interfere with them. Pack Into pound baking powder cans and set In lco nnd salt for two hours, When ready to serve, wipe outsldcs of cans with n hot cloth nnd creams will slip out. Have nt hand sponge enko cut wjtti cover of baking iiowder can. With a warm knife slice the moulded cream; put two colors ou each sldo of A cake, dtnh: garnish some with blanched almonds, other with Kug llsli walnut meats nml fruit. What to Knt. JTrencU Omelet. Ilrenk three eggs Into a bowl, ndd three tnblespooufuls of water or milk, n fourth of n tenspooufut of salt nml a few grains of pepper, then heat with n fork until well blended, no longer. Put n tnblcspoouful of butter Into n frying pan nnd when hot turn In tho egg mixture. As It cooks lift up the cooked egg with n fork, letting tho un cooked run under next to the pan until nil Is of n crenmy consistency. Then let tt rest on thu stove for n few sec onds (o brown slightly underneath, lift to one side, slip n knife underneath and carefully roll the omelet to the center or fold one-half over the other. Place n hot dish over the pan. Invert them together, garnish the omelet with pars ley and serve nt once. " Half- Sickl IIISIIIMSSBlllllilJSMSSaBSSMttSaSISBJ Haenberrr Vinegar. Put two quarts of fresh, ripe rasp berries lu a. stone or china vessel, nnd pour on them a quart of vinegar. lt stand -I hours, then strain through a store. Pour thn liquid over two quarts of fresh raspberries nnd let stand again 24 hours. Then strain n second time. Allow ouo pound of loaf sugar to every pint of Jutce. Ilrenk up the sugar and let It melt lu the liquor. Put the whole Into a stone Jar, cover closely nnd set It In kettlo of txdllng water, which must bo kept at n quick boll for one hour, Hklm, and when cold, bottlo tho vlnegnr for use, Poured over cracked lco with a little wntcr added, It makes a most refreshing summer beverage. Oood Housekeep ing. ltnast Quails. Draw and truss these thn same ns pheasants; cut some thin, squnro layers ' of fat bncon, Just large enough to cov-; er a quail, spread a vine-leaf over each of these, cut It to their size, nnd then , tin them neatly on the brensts of the i quails. Itun an Iron skewer through the quails, fasten this on to n spit, nnd roast them before a brisk flro for about n quarter of an hour, then dish them up with the wntercrosses nrouml them, glnzu the layers of bacon, pour some of tho gravy under the quails, aud scire. VI. h Thornier. For fish chowder fry some slices of salt pork In an Iron pot. Put In n lay er of fish, cut In slices on the poik, then a layer of thinly sliced onion nnd ono of sliced potatoes. Kepeat un til the quantity desired Is obtained, Season each lawer of onions with salt and pepper. Split hard biscuits and placo them on the sides nnd top, Add water enough to come Into sight. When the potatoes are tender the dish Is ready. Add half n pint of milk or a cup of cream and serve. Devilled Huron.. Cut Into small pieces three onions, three green peppers, nnd pound lu x mortar. Add to them n teaspoonful each of chutney and mixed mustard, with n little salt. Put Into a saucepan and put In half a pint of clarot. Cook ttin tiliremiM In witter till tender, or- .-" - --- - , -- . range lu u dish nnd pour this sauce over them. The Kplcure. Venison Mutton. On cup cooking wine, ono cup vin egar, one grated nutmeg; pour over u leg of mutton of six or eight pounds; let slny n couple of days, turning two or tbrco times. Itoast from one nnd oiic-qunrter to ono and one-half hours. Sprlnklo with salt, pepper and flour; ndd n llttlo hot water, baste every fif teen minutes; currant Jelly sauce. Canned Corn, Put rlpo corn over .the flro In boiling salted water mid cook for twenty min utes. Take from tho flro nnd cut from tho cob. Put Into Jars on tho stovo lu n broad pan of water, llrlng this wa ter to a boll nnd seal thu Jars linmodl ntoly. Keep In a dark, cool placo. jKrn.teil Cherries, nln ,1,A .llfl(-lil. ItrIM, illn .IaIII. An aiuL If noHslblo. the arcen leaves In tho whlto of an egg first and then In whlto sugar.' Keep on Ice, and servo for lunch In a glass bowl ganilshed with green leaves. " I first used Ayer's Sarsspirllla In tho fall or 1848. Since then I have taken It every spring as a blood-purifying and nerve, strengthening medicine. " S. T. Jones, Wichita, Kani. If you feci run down, arc easily tired, If your nerves aro weak and your blood Is thin, then begin to take the good old stand ard family medicine, Ayer's Sarsaparilla. It's a regular ncrvo lifter, a perfect blood builder. ll.Mitwtlls. alUnulits. Aik jour dwtof wb.t h. Itilnh. af Af.r't S.I..MIUI. II. know, all .bout IM siuxl M f smllr mwtl'lqe JM int will tie ssiuat . ,, J. u. A vaa (XV, LewtU, Mm. Canadian farm Products. Tho export trade of Canadian farm products Is Increasing, nt a very tapld rate. ALCOHOL, OPIUM, TOBACCO USING. WRITE rORltllBTIUTED CAUUXUE rtttt iJ IWjwmttSIj.. Portland, Orm. TiWU. Mil in. W. L. DOUGLAS a.ss&'SSHOESffi You can sava from 93 to 54 yearly by weartBK W. L. Douglas $3.40 or 93 shoes. limy equal iiiose tli. I bve been eiu lag you from 3 t.C) in 33.(1). Tim Iiii meliMi saU of W I,, IKiuglss slins proves tlirtr sillKTloiliy over all oilier iiiakM. Sold by retail shoe dealers everywbrre. 1,410k for name sod prleo on bottom Tkst IsIm an. rr eastall ecatM Ik.r. It ttl. la .. (Ix ikMi. i '.. I. Ik. kl.kxl I ir.4. r.t.U.tk.r will.. ftur liljlti t4s llmstmmmfkmMllm4ml Amm mtttm. Sko.. ki Mill, 14 r.at. .sirs. Ill.lr.l Ctttl.e frt. IT. U, DOUIUU, UiMklos, Xu. jH B9J sbbbbW KilXvHflsflstf7.flfleH "lsjs,sass-ji-js-i ' m w w m m 'ssp m COLUMBIAUNIVERSITY PORTLAND,OREGON Cp.tDUqH EY THE CfCTCKKA. Tloa or hie iiotr ckou a.iik ahiuatid wmiTiit unrvut iirr or noTxc kamk. SliniarJ Auicmk four-y or Couria Jo Clmla, Juirlhh isvi &l(ocr. Ott-YMf inJ four Tf Gommtrclil Counts. KrruUr ColhtUtt Courui fa Outlet, Ear lUb, Grnml Jdrtxr. HUtorv aoi Econom ics, Finance sod Commnct. Qvll Enrlnm tar, rkcbinlul Earlacalor ani Elrcula! En rtw trior. Th scholittle year, txeln nine SDt. 7, 1903, tndi June Catalogue sent free on appli cation. Address REV. H. A. QUINLAN. CS.C UNIVERSITY PARK, OREGON. a sB-T V .bsbsbK tsMMLW lH KSm OPALMB- TO B2AUTFV you? nones sssSsssJkssssssftessssssSsssBSSsajjBsssstJsi FOR rAfSHNG CHARS. rBLS loo?s. sre wu Aor SCMTCH 24 SHADES CQLOXS MStST OAVMO KORAUNG'A r?OM D&ALE?. em 3ETou.iirai re graaiTraam Ileal Cvustt bjrup, TailvsUuua. U In lima. Sold lir druzuLta. jissjrrjrii i e s t jy h sasisT,'JL SJHiuirSjrtfli?