The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, September 11, 1903, Image 5

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f f
General Debility
Day In nml nut thuro la Hint fcclliiR of
wcnkiipse Hint make a bunion of Itself,
1'oud doc not strengthen.
Hlwp dona not refresh.
It ! hnnt Jo do, linnl to bear, what
should Ihi msy, vllnllty la on tlio ebb, and
tin) whole system suffers.
I'ur tlila condition lukit
Hoo&'s Sarsaparllla
It vllnlliea tlio IiIkmI, Klvrs vlicor and tuna
to nil Urn ornnim nml dilutions, mut h
K)ltlvrly unrminlled for nil run-down or
detillltntcd conditions.
llu li' riiurcurinmiiil ft itntt. " '
Thorn ro about .'150 volcanoes on thin
earth Hint linvo iMirforiiind In rnoilorn
times, am ifanjr hundreds
mora ttint iiavo lonu Ihmiii extinct.
1 I
To Chicago, Diibtiqun and tlio
Knat to Do Moines, Kansas (Jlty nml
Hut Houtlicsst, via OlilciiKoOroitt Wust
rtrti railway. Kloctrio lighted trains,
UntMiunlled snrvlco. Wrltn to J. 1',
Klmor, 0. 1'. A., Chicago, (or Infornm.
Speed of Ducks.
Ducks fly at an avoraito rato ol
ninety miles an hour. With a lair
wind It I hollovrd that thoy can make
ISO mllea In tlio ramo tlmo.
Mutnere will fltul Mr, Wlnalow's mtllnc
Kriop the li tPiiKKljr tu um fur thtlr children
Movement of Trolley Cara.
Tlio trollojr car It not drawn or
pushed by the olftctrlc currant at all,
but la lifted aKaln and again by the at
traction ol magneta (or tho armature
colla ol tho motor.
For bronchia! trotiMr trr Plan's Cur
tor Coustiiiiiitliiu, It It a good cough
medicine. At tlrucKl't. price '& ctim,
New Tunnil for New York.
Tho Now York Itapld Transit com
pany anticipates putting a second fin
nvl under tho Kaat rlvor from Maiden
lalno to Nassau stieot, Urooxlyn.
Jly lorat ailUtlHtii, ea they rannol reach tho
dUr-Hnl irllnnf lli rr. Tlir liotiir one
war tucurotl.aluM.. ami that ' hr fnnaiiiu
tlunal tnmMiM. Iivafiir.a laratiir.1 bran Id
rumxl rwudlilen ol ib roueoualir is otitis
Kuilwhun tub. When tlile lul t;la In
flan! iiiu lia a ruinUliigMimi't or iinlxr
fwi l.rriii, ti.l when II li eniirtlir Mo-xl
il allina It lh l mil, mut imlrit Ilia luflamm
I km mi l-e Ukrii nut awl Hill lutxi imi1 lo
Uliucm-lrHMtlllnii, lit.rlnK wlllbeilrilrorM
luremi ulna ! out t ln ar caused br
raterrh, wlilch I tmltiliiK but ill Inflamed
u-niri- fin lluiiilinl iKilUii for any
eaMOlfir-ltiriilrMiMtt br c.Utlli) llitl c-n
nut I rurrU bjr ll.ft'. fltlU Cult. Mod lor
UXUlMS, ll.
r. J. CIIKNBY it CO.. Tolt4o.a
Unit's rualfr intU aratUbMt.
I-U t. h...I.A.a o.
A Cheerful Ontlook.
Guest-More, waiter. line my bill
boon made out yet?
Walter No, not yet. Tlio propria
toi raya that Jill Ideas teotu to come
very slowly today.
TITO IV rmnnlir Cut-! num. or nmmin"
!0 nf nitd.r,UMolr.Kliii-iirir(it
iMIurrr. IIM ff Vtvm 'J lr1llIH nd lrlla
r.U.U.)llB,Md .nil Artlnt.,l'bilxllpil.r.
Youth's Homsnco 5oon Ilnded,
Bllllcui They nro really tho moit
dovotdl lovers 1 over saw.
Cynlcus Yeas it soma a sliamo
that thoy are golni to Rat married and
Kill It all. Htray Ktorlea.
RolorNon JMnoliIno Co.
foot of Morrlton HI., Portland, Ortzon.
rtotu llwkre. Automatic, Keif rler.
rulltM Stump f'utlrr, liu borMiHiwer with
tvVJhrM. Huckej lUwmlll lUcliliif rf, Kn.
tnsa ana iwwtra. r.u miiu dmckhvt ilwiiu.
nzlnra, writ ua wuau in waui oi anjmiog
macblnarr tins.
Poor man I He can't help It.
He gets bilious. He ncbds a
good liver pill Aycr's Pills.
They act directly on the liver,
euro biliousness. fc'iSfc
jVVant your moustache or beard
n beautiful brown or rich black? Uso
nm era onatimr(iaB r hau a ru, SABtira. M it
"Ilinvn linen ualnir OANrAlllt'l'M for
inaoniiiia vim nuiou i umo urcn niiuwkvii ur
over twenty years, and I can any that Cuacarets
tae given me n.orn re Hot tban any other reiue.
dy I have ever tried. 1 alialt certainly rccom
tucna tliain to uiy frleuda as belim all they are
rspreiented." Tuoo. aiuaitu, Kigln.lll.
Plaaiant. I'alatabla. 1'ottnt. Tail rjofld. Do
Oood, Naforblckaii. Waaksn. or Or I in Wo, J4c, too.
... CURB CONSTIPATION. ... S.. Uaaaay, (H.u. M.lrl. . lit
Ha J6-IP0J.
IIIIN writing to advertisers pleas
Dienllun una paper.
-. . ...,
AIMVAY conatriic
tlon In tlio United
Ktntca Ima mndn
woiulurf ill proRrcHH.
Wo nlrondy Imvo
over 'JOO.OOO iiiIIch
of truck, mid ntlll
tho litilldliiK K('H
on. It la only by
co in pari tic thU
iiillrnuo wllh thnt
of koiiio of tho rent
of tho Krcnt conn
Irlca thnt tho Anurlcnn ncoplu enn
, fully rrnllzii tho troincudoun dovclop-
inont which Una fnkvn plnco In thin
i Held In their own Intnl. l'lffiireii of mil
rond nctlrltlffl for the world n't Junto
nro not very trimtwortlty, but tnklntr.
thoio which tint moat recent nml ro
jlltiblii, tho UnlM'd Hlnlca l ' to bo
I far nhend of nny other country. (Jor-
iimiiy Iiiin ntMiut .'l,(MW tnllca of niol"
jtrnck, HitaNlii Itl.lKK), Krnnco '-7,000,
'Atmtrln-lluiiKiiry, Z'ltOO, Orcnt Hrlt
nln nml I rein ml '."J.OCXl, whllo no other
IKuropcnu country Iiiih na ninny na 10,'
(XK) mllea. All of Huropo hna hIhm
j l"r,0()0 mllea of rond, or conaldernbly
1 Icm llinu tho trailed Hlntca, whllo tho
entire world' nilleiiKe la npiirozlmntc
ly noo.OOO, of which tho United Htotva
funiUhea two-Dftha.
Yet there nre peraona atlll llvltiu who
Imve aeen nil tho vnat rnllwny ayatcin
of tlio United Hlntea crented, "I con
alder thin unions tlio moat Important
ncta of my life, accond only to my
alcntni; tho Declaration of Indepcnd-
nice, If even It bo second to thnt."
Theso wero tho words of Charles Car
roll, of Carrolllon, tho last survivor of
tho signers, nfler throwing up tho first
shovel full of earth nt tlio beginning of
tho construction of thu curliest ot
Amerlcnn railroads Intended to carry
pnsneugcra nnd freight. Tho railway
wna tho Haltlmorc nud Ohio. Tho dnto
wna July -1, 182S. -
Thnt wua tho be I
ginning of tho
American rnllwny
system, which has
Immeasurably sur
passed that of tho
wbolo of Kuropo In
extent nml In tho nmotiut of cnpltnl
Invested In It. All tho great towns on
tho Atlantic const lu tho closing yenrti
of thnt llrst third of tho nineteenth
century Btnrted lu tho rnco nenrly at
tho Hitino tlmo for rnllrontl exteiiHlou to
tho West -Now York. Philadelphia,
Ilostou.llallluioronud ClmrleHtoii, Now
York won. Tho Krlo reached 11m ter
minus, Dunkirk, on I.nko Krlo, on May
riiisT i'A8ai:.NOi:n coach.
M, 1851. Philadelphia enmo next, tho
I'onnsylvnnln Central opening nn nil
rail lluo from Phllndelphla to Pitts
burg QU Dec. 10, 1852. Ilnltlmoro,
which started llrst, was third In reach
ItiR Its goal, tho llrst train of tho Haiti
moro nm) Ohio pnBsIm: over that road
to Its Western terminus, Wheeling, on
Jan. 1, 1853. Three mouths after this.
i .
&i l-f o -i ti? ' i.T
---- .
dnto by tho couaolldntloti of tho llttlo
locnl ronda Into tho New York Central,
Now York Oily jrot Ita accoml rnllroail
connection with Weatern wntera, tho
Krlo KlvJntr It 11 flrat through Hue.
Chlcnfto wax renched by n through lino
from tho Atlantic In w:a, tho Mlanla-
imtkiiiuii or rtiiNT ai.tKftNO caii.
nlppl wna atruck nt Itock Inland In
1HM nnd nt Kaat Ht. Lottla and Mem
phla In 18T.7. the illmourl was reached
nt Ht. Joseph In 18.' 9, nnd tho rails
of tho Central nnd Union l'nclllc met
near Ogdcn, Utnlt, In 1809, and tho con
tinent was spanned.
All thla railroad construction has
come In nbout two gcncrntlona of time.
When John Ktercua lu 1822 got a clmr-
ter from tho Pennsylvania legislature
to build a railroad from Philadelphia
to Columbia, on tho 8usiueliatina
(which was never built), somebody
naked ono of tho Pennsylvania pncr,
"Whnt Is a railroad?" Tho editor gave
It up, but said thnt "perhaps some oth
er corrcsiKmdent cau tell." Kvnn
Thomas, William a Iteiltleld, John
Kdear Thompson nnd other railroad
pioneers soon rendered this query oh
aolete. Yet thero woro only 1!3 miles
of railroad lu operation In 1800, 2,818
In 1810, and .UVr.t) in ikoo, on tho eve
of tho Civil War, mora than two-thirds
of which was In tho freo Stated. Ily
cuinuclpntlnK tho country from Its tie
pcndciicu on tho wnter courses, the
railroads built up tho middle nnd
prairie West, assisted In rIvIiib tho
loyal States tho prvKnderauco In re
sources which enabled them to save
tho Vnlon tu 1SHMR05. planted vigor
ous nud expanding communities on tho
Puclllc coast, abolished savagery on
an entire continent, nud spread homes,
schools, churches, and nil tho rest of
tho accompaniments of clvlllr.atlon
from tho Alleghenlea to tho margin of
tho great Western ocean. And yet It
was only seventy-four years on tho
Fourth of July slnco work was started
on tho construction of tho llrst of
Amerlcn's great roads; It Is only tlfty
ono years slnco the waters of tho west
nt I.ako Krlo wero llrst renched by
through rail from tho Atlantic coast.
lit Anulent KtiKlnml.
Nowcastlo-upon-Tytiu hits a very nn
clout custom. When tho business of
tho assizes Is ended tho mayor makes
n nunlnt speech to tho Judges of tho
northern circuit, lie says:
"My lords, we Imvo to congratulato
you upon hnvlng completed your la
bors In this ancient town, and Imvo
also to Inform you that you travel
bunco to Carlisle, through llordcr coun
ty, much and often Infested by tho
Scots. Wo thereforo present each of
your lordships with n pleco of money,
to buy therewith a 'dagger to defend
Then, ns required by custom, ho
gives tho senior Judgo a Jacobus, and
tho Junior Judgo a carolus. It costs
no llttlo sum to buy theso old coins.
Loudon Answers.
Hoasou's Hoo l'roduot.
It Is estimated that tho bees of tho
United States Imvo produced during
tho season Just closed ?7,000,000 wortlt
ot honey and .wax.
lllsf7ifi1Bw-I-W 111 i '
Was Miserable-Could Not Stand Up or
Walk--Pe-ru-na Cured
Many Persons Have Ca
tarrh and Don't
Knovf It.
Mr. James AI. I'ownll,
033 Troost strict, Kansas
City, Mo,, vlco Krand ol I.
'0. O. V.t ol Ohorryvllle,
Kan., writes:
"About four yearn oro I
suffered with a severe ca-
i tnrrli of tbcbbidder, which
caused continued Irritation
and pain. I was miserable
and could not stand up or
, walk (or any length of
time without extreme
wcarmcBj anu pain, i jc
gan taking I'cruna and It
greatly relieved me, and In
eleven weeks I wb com
plctcly cured and felt like
a. new man." James M.
Hundreds of Dollars 9pent
In Vain.
Mr. Cyrns Herehman,
Sheridan, Ind., writes
'Two years oro I was a
alck man. Catarrh bad
settled In the iel vie organs.
making llfo a burden and giving me
little hope of recovery. I -pent hun
dreds of dollars in medicine wblcb did
me no good. I was persuaded by a
friend to try reruns. I took it two
weeks witriout much Improvement, but
I kept on with it and soon began to get
well and strong very fast. Within two
months I was cured, and have been
well ever since. I am a strong advo
cate ol i'oruna " C. Hcrsbman.
I'oruna cures catarrh of tho kidnoys,
livor and other pelvic organs, simply
because it cares catarrh wherever lo-
Sallle and Willie.
"I notjee, Willis, that berries aro
becoming pretty plentiful upon the
"Yes, Sallle, and they 'will remain
moro plentiful upon the market than
upon our tablo until the price gets
smaller and the bozos get larger."
Holler Monthly.
Ocrman Boards of Trade.
The German empire is divied into
145 chamber of commerce districts.
These chambers exert a powerful influ
ence on lesislation In tho empire, es
pecially In tariff matters.
Chronic Sores
Eating Ulcers,
Nothinir is a source of so much
larly when located upon the lower extremities where the circulation is weak
and sluggish. A gangrenous eating ulcer upon the leg is a frightful sight,
and as the poison burrows deeper and deeper into the tissue beneath and the
Bore continues to spread, one can almost see the flesh melting away and feel
the strength going out with the sickening discharges. Great running sores
and deep offensive ulcers often develop from a simple boil, swollen gland,
bruise or pimple, and are a threatening danger always, because, while all
such sores are not cancerous, a great many are, and this should make you
suspicious of all chronic, slow-healing ulcers and sores, particularly if can
cer runs in your family. Face sores are common and cause the greatest
annoyance because xucy are so per
sistent and unsightly and detract so
much from one's personal appearance.
Middle aged and old people and
those whose blood is contaminated and
tainted with the germs and poison of
malaria or some previous sickness, arc
the chief sufferers from chronic sores
and ulcers. While the blood remains in
an unhealthy, polluted condition heal
ing is impossible, and the sore will
continue to grow nnd spread in spite of
washes and salves or any superficial or
surface treatment, for the sore is hut
the outward sign of some constitu
tional disorder, a bad condition of
the blood and system which local
remedies cannot cure. A blood purifier
nnd tonic la wlmt vnn need. Some
thing to cleanse the blood, restore its lost properties, quicken the circula
tion and invigorate the constitution, and S. S. S. is just such a remedy.
S. S. S. reaches these old chronic sores through the blood. It goes to
the very root of the trouble and counteracts and removes from the blood all
the impurities and poisons, and gradually builds up the entire system and
strengthens the sluggish circulation, and when the blood has been puriGed
purifier and tonic combined and a safe and permanent cure for chronic sores
and ulcers. If you have a slow-healing sore of any kind, external or internal,
write us about ft, and our physicians will advise you without charge. Boo
on ''The Blood and Its Diseases " free.
l,feMb'Siijk South wick Hay Press
QJHEl"sn" VfVf JflMLiLa., t mMrnm I 1 1 I a i I Uf I igl VmhisI
The Southwlck has the capacity, la faiteit and eaaleat worker ot any Usy Frcti made.
Bond lor catalogue. Moiled I roe.
First mad rursM
catod. No other systematic catarrh
remedy has as yet beon devised. In
slst upon having Pernna. There are
no medicines that can ba Substituted.
If yon do not derive prompt and sat
lifactory results from tho use of I'oru
na, write at once to Dr. Ifartman, giv
ing a (all statement of your case and
bo will bo pleased to give yoa his val
uable advice gratis.
Address Dr. Ilnrtman, President of
Tho Hartman Sanitarium, Columbus,
Terrible Case.
"They say Underwood baffled six
physicians." ,
"Must have been a terrible case."
"It was. Although tbey took him
to court they could never rolloct a
Discovery to Harmony.
Mamma G'adys, yon were rude and
Indifferent to ceveral people last night.
G lady i Yes, mamma; I've decided
that it isn't worth while to have man
ners If your clothes don't fit. Detroit
Freo Press.
A Constant Drain
Upon tho System.
trouble as an old sore or ulcer, particu
QentUmen t About tea Tears nro
mall sore tame on each o( my ankles.
Dew tot into the places and they be
came larare, eating; ulcere1, and I Buf
fered Intensely for nearlr tan yeaio.
X bad apeat mora than 6OO.0O try
Ins; to sret well vrbeo X chanced to
eo 8. B. B. advertised in a Xexnpbie
paper. X began to take it and vraa
cured. Xr limbs hava never been,
ore or (riven me any pain at all
alnoa. X bava recommended S. 8. O.
to a great many people, and am now
srivlna; it to my nine-year-old. son for
Xcxama. During- my lontr alaknesa X
was living; near Memphis, Tenn., but
have elnca removed to Xansas City,
and am now residing; at No. 014
East Sixteenth 8trt.
Mrs. B. A. HAKRHB.
Xansas City, Mo.
anu tne sysiem purgcu oi an motuiu,
unhealthy matter the healing process
begins, and the ulcer or sore is soon
entirely gone.
S. S. S. contains no mineral or poison
ous drugs of any description, but is guar
anteed a nurely vegetable remedy, a blood
Pvrttamilj QrM