Elkins (! King, . PIUNEVILLE, OREGON. WE WANT THE TRADE Ofuveryoilc nt Hcnd and iti vicinity, nnri tire willing to meet you nil inure tlintl half way to cl It, We know that after trading with u once there will be no rouble iilxmt securing your mibse(iicnt ordera, Wc will give your MAIL ORDERS The same intention tiuri prompt .ihipmcnt that we would were you pres ent In cron, i We will .tell you uothiuK but first-clnn goods nt a low n price as it is possible to iniikc, iiuality being considered. .Send us n trial order. Yours for business, ELKINS (Sb KING. The Winnek Drug Co. Carries n Complete Line of Fishing Tackle, Toilet Articles, Stationery nnd Patent Medicines. BEND , You Cnn't Miss M. C. AWBREY'S SALOON IN IWKUIt'TH.H, OKKOON. Stonewall, Monogram and Kentucky BOURBON WHISKIES, Olympia Beer and Fine Cigars. NEW THACIIUR ELECTED. Graduate of University of Wisconsin "School to Start Monday. Patrick Rowan was elected by the school lxarri Thursday night to tench the Henri school the coming year. The term is to begin next Monday and continue nine mouths. The pay Is 55 u month. Directors Wiest, Cottor and Trip Ictt attended the meeting, which Was adjourned from Tuesday eve ning because of the lack of n quor um there. Five applications were receivcri from Miss Ida Oincg, of 1'riucvillc, Miia Martha Roberts, of Henri, Miss Kiuuia Hall, of Mon mouth, T. J. IvriwanK of Sisters, and I. Rowan, of Henri. It was deemed lcst to have a man teach the school and upon rollcnll Direc tor Cottor and Chairman Wiest voted for Mr. Rowan. Director Triplett tcfraincri from voting, be cause his sent is in contest ami, the other members agreeing, there was no necessity for him to act in the matter. Thus the election Is by the undisputed majority of the .board nnd cannot be disturbed by the decision of the court in the elec tion contest, no matter what the decision inny be. It was voted that the term should be uiiiO mouths from next Monday, with one week ullowcd for vacation nt the Christmas holidays. Any further loss of time would be the teacher's loss; that is, he would not be permitted to make up at the end of the year any time lost through illness or otherwise within the term. The time thus lost will be deducted from his pay. The reason for this nctioti was that the nine months term would carry the school ns late into next year as it is wise to go, the warm weather then coming 011 and the children losing interest in the school work. Any extension beyond that time under present conditions was regarded as a waste of time and money. Mr, Rowan is a graduate of the Btnte University of Wisconsin, where in 1H94 he completed n full four years course, in the literary de partment. Hefore going to the uni versity he was graduated from the Heaver Dam high school, After finishing at the university he was principal of the Stockbridge high school for n year and then removeri to Texas, teaching at Mission Val ley two years. Returning to Wis OREOON. consin he engaged in the title ab stract business until coming to Oregon last spring. For the past few months he has been employed on work of (he Pilot Huttc Devel opment Company under Chief lin gntecr Wiest. As evidence of his fitness to teach Mr. Rowan presented his certificate of graduation from the university, showing n high range of scholar ship, and letters from his former high school principal at Heaver Dam and the professor under whom he took Hngllslt literature. These gentlemen commended him ns a diligent student of excellent repu tation, disposed to investigate to the bottom of things nnd qualified particularly for educational work. His college diploma is n life certifi cate for teaching in Wisconsin. To what extent this will be recognized in Oregon is not yet clear. Mr. Rowan will go to Priueville tomor row to get a permit from County Superintendent Hocgli. The next regular county examination will not take place until February. The proposal of Fred A. I.ucns to do janitor work for 35 cents a day was rejected. This matter will bo left to rest until after the school is in operation. In order to nvoiri nny possibility of tainting the official proceedings of the board with irregularity by reason of the contest over the elec tion of clerk. Director Cottor moved that J. M. Lawrence be elected clerk to serve Until the OlcctiOn con test shall be decided by the court, and the motion was duly carried. The board will meet hgain Mon day night to ertecute the contract with the teacher Wcntliei' for August. Dale Mix Mill Dale Mix Mlu 1 1.......... 3 ltd 71 7 P a M I Hi 34 a 14 37 9 19 41 3 41 41 M 49 Jfc:: 90 66 41 4S Jl 33 40 47 39 31 41 3 41 43 33 3' 49. IV 10 ,, II II IJ....... 14 IJ II 59 K NS 4 Hi 77 !:::: 9 y ui Mean I 8-1.7 Maximum, 95; 1 8th. Minimum, 28; 3d. No. partly cloudy days, 7. No. clear days, 24, Precipitation 0,20 inch. "BEND A Hut More ImproveineHWTA e Now In Progress Thnninvwiucforo, G, .Sc.i.cahtfcfipl assertion that ,,Heu(iTsa;jleSaiwwn" doesn't seem to squurcjvjth?the facts. To people who cntrficjj'nothingbut Um ber booming there has, of course, conic u marked decline of activity. However, Henri is not tied ton tem porary boom, in timber or anything else, and the subsidence or the tini lcr laud boom by no means kills Henri. This is 11 central point for a vast scope of country that is rich in other resources, ns well ns in timber, Homesteaders are settling 011 numerous claims, desert laud claimants arc making their proofs and there is 11 erfectly healthy and well-balanced industrial develop ment in progrcsn nt Bend nnri in the country it serves. Thirty thousand acrci of arid laud arc to be made amble this full bv irrigation works now well along toward completion. This will give homes to a lot of people, in the Tumcllo valley and oa the desert, and give the town of Henri an ade quate water supply. Two sawmills are busy turning out building ma terials. All the stores have a Inrgc trade. One new general store is under construction. The Hcnd Mercantile Company today did the largest business of uuy day since it began in June. Dr. Charles S. Edwards has de cided to build a frame store 34x40 feet on the corner neat south of the store of the Henri Mercantile Com pany. It will accommodate, be sides the drug store and the doc tor's private offices, the Hcnd Hullc tin uuri the office of United States Commissioner Lawrence, also school clerk and notary public. The building will be heated by n furnace in the basement. It will be first-class in all its appointments. Work will be begun within todays, or as soon ns builders can be ob tained. John Stcidl has a neat full frame 5-room cottage well along toward completion at Lytic. It is nil one floor, 26x26 feet. H. C. Low has under way a box store .building 22x30 feet. II. W. Reed is also preparing for the erection of a dwelling house. All these build ings nrc to be on thej Iytle street known as Hrondway, reaching east from the sawmill. Miss Laura Handle has now in course of construction a frame building next door to the postoffice. The structure is to be 16x30 feet. Miss Handle expects to move into her new quarters in about two weeks. Richard King has taken n lease of John Sisemorc's Farewell ncud Hotel for 15 months. Siscmore is making n uumlicr of improvements in the building in order better to fit it for the accommodation of guests. Mr. King took possession Wednes day, moving up from his house near Stuats's, which is now for rent. The William Marshes go with the King family. Charles Hrock has the contract for constructing the new store build ing for John Siscmore and the foun dation is already laid nnd part of the lumber for the superstructure is on the ground. Naming the UaNdS The bass drum for tlw bnnrt iir rived on Saturday's stage, miMls the harness nnd cyiuballt). Thtf baud has been reorganized, with A. H, Grant, W. H. Staats and John Stcidl ns trustees and Harry W. Urokcr as director and instructor. All is sweet, seductive haimouy in the band now ui that direction, but the process of christening the new organization is a hitherto un seen stumbling block in ItM path' way. Still init3 earliest period of incubation, this hatching Of n name that will at once fill nil tile require ments caused very grave delibera tion nt the meeting held Tuesday night in the huildlntf familiarly re ferred to as Slmw's Shack, located comfortably nnd pleasantly about a quarter of a mile northeast of the postoffice, and even after n spirited discussion lasting until nearly mid night, the meeting was unable to arrive at n conclusion. With several years of band ex perience weighting otfr shoulders it is to be inferred that our advice is worth something, and bo we append the following list of suitable names for the band's consideration good-naturedly metitionilig that do bill will be presented if one bf them is used: Lyric Bards of Farewell Bend. Pilot Huttc Hand. Ncvcrquit Hand. Mount Jefferson Hand. Alfalfa Muiieal Assassination. Harmony Hrnss Hand. Pumpkin Blossom Hand, Central Oregon Hand. Cmleiin Benders. Sweet Concord Mowers. Tripartite Cornet Hand. The Huzzy Hummers. Twilight Symphony Cornet Band. Three Cities Band. Throbbing Trillcrs. Fair Heart 'footers. Kend'DcichutcH-Lytlc-Siseinore ct cetera Silver Band. HAPPENINGS IN BEND. Mrs. Ora Poindexter left this morning for u visit to Priueville. A. M. Drake left Thursday morn ing for n business trip to Portland. A. II. Grant was a visitor to Priueville yesterday, to attend a stockholders' meeting of the Bend Mercantile Company. Hon. Anne M. Lang, receiver of the United States laud office at The Dalles, and her sister, Miss Elisa beth Lang, will arrive in Bend Sun day for a vacation visit. Charles J. Cottor, while working on the Stcidl cottage at Lytle Tues day, fell through nn imperfectly covered opening in the floor and re ceived quite painfull though not serious injury. A. C. Lucas left for the Quimby place 18 miles up the river at the Meadows, yesterdny. Booth & Coructt had purchased the hay on the Quimby place and Mr. Lucas went up to measure it. The bay is to be stored at Bend for winter use. Mr. Lucas returned today. Kx-State Engineer McCune, of Colorado, an authority on irriga tion matters, spent two days in Bend this week. He left yesterday to return East. While here he saw the work done by the Pilot Butte Development Company and ex pressed surprise at the thoroughness of the work nnd the prospect for complete success. C. A. Stanburrough had the misfortune to run a sliver into the second finger of bis right hand on Saturdav last, and by Tuesday the wound had developed into a case of blood poisoning. Prompt me.ncal attendance saved him the loss of a finger nnd possibly a baud. The sliver once removed and the wound cleansed, a day or two sufficed to effect a healing. The Wiest traps caught their third coyote this week. Monday the children went out to see the traps nnri found a turkey buzzard held fast in two traps. He had been caught by the leg in one and in his struggles to get free had sprung another trap with his wing. Miss Marion Wiest ended the bird's troubles with a gunshot. The buz zard measured six feet from tip to tip. Viewers G. Springer and J. W. Elliott arc out with County Sur veyor C. A. Graves this week look ing over the proposed change in the county road where there is conflict with the ditch line of the Pilot Butte Development Co. They say there will be no difficulty about getting ct satisfactory line, now that thep have liberty to deviate from the stipulation to which they con fined themselves for the previous examination. The firm oj King, Hunter & Marsh has been changed by the withdrawal of the junior member, tileimi Marsh, who, with Richard King, jr., has gone to the Willam ette Valley. They have their own horses and will work along down the Valley nnd over to Puget sound, thence going back to Wisconsin. MatSh was in Bend a yenr, but the Withdrawn! of so much government lalul from entry made the country UnnttractiVe to him. Mrs. Marsh will go East lit a few months. W. H. Vanrievcrt nnd T. S. Hamilton were down from the for mer's ranch nt the Meadows yester day afternoon laying in supplies for n sheep Cann. Mr. Hamilton is n substantial sucepman from the An telope coUntry and has 700 bucks feeding nt VatideVert's. He nnri W. H. Vatidevert were schoolboys in the Willamette valley together ahd together they made their first trip into Central Oregon ncross the Cascades. Both settled, one at the Meadows, the other near Antelope, and one went iuto stockraisiug, the other into growing feed for stock. Both have prospered. Miss Jennie Dano attri her broth er Mair came down from Kosland" today with Mr. Turney, on their way out to the railroad. They are going to Bozcman, Mont., to spend the winter. Mr. Turney will re turn with supplies for the Roslaiiri camp of the Turneys and elder Danos. A party of timber men passed through Bend Wednesday, with Prince Glaze in charge. Among them was Horace G. Mckinley, who figured prominently in the timber land scaudal at Eugene this sum mer, wherein United States Com missioner Marie Ware wns the principal defendant. The others were D. W. Tarpley, of Portland, and J. 0. Story, of Hood River. The party was bound for Klamath Falls. The men had been exam- Ining the timber in the Paulina mountain country nnd were on their way to inspect the timber district to the southward of Bend. Timber Ijiml, Act June j. 1A78. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. MUtlVKITIIKMIiXT. V K. Land Office, The Dalle, Oregon, September . I93. Notice ! hereby glrcn that In com pi finer with the prorUlotii ofthe Act of Con ere of June J, l;A, tntittid, "An art for the aale of timber landa in the attrt of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Territory," extended to ill the public land atate by Act of Auguit 4. l9, Im Clerk of I'rlnerlllr. count of Cruuk, tte of Oregon, hi on June 7, line, filed In Ihd office Ma worn atatrmcnl No 4s. for the purthaae of the n!,' ftrcij, tp ryi, r me. w m. And will offer proof to ahow that the laud ought It more valuable for Ita timber or atone thin for agricultural purjoe, and to eUlll!i hi claim to aald land before W. A. Ilell, V. K. Conuulujoner, at I'mterille, Oregon, on Mon day. the 16th day of NoremteT, ijoj. lie name oa witneawa Jainea Sharp, Champ Hmllli, Thomat II. Ifollctt, laom Ctcck.Charlc Smith, of lrinerille. Or. Any and all peraon claiming adrcraely the alioreleacrlbed land are requested to file their claima In thla office on or before the aald 16th day of November, 1903 linij MICHAKL T NOI.AN, XegUter. , City Meat Market. J, I. WK3T, Prop. BIILKR IX MEATS OF ALL KINDS Butter,. Eggs, Poultry, Potatoes, Vegetables In Season.. Opposite P. B. D. Co.'a Store, BENB- Attorney and Notary. Will practice lo all court in the jUU. M. R. WCGS, U. S. CoramUaioner. raiNsviLLK ontcoff. Land filing and pioofi at all kinda. Offlec 1 aircet leading to lourtbouae. J. M. LAWRENCE, U. S. COMMISSIONKR. Notary Public, Insurance, Township Plats for Upper Deschutes VaHey. IIKND. OKKOON. MILLARD TRIPLETT, BLACKSMITH All kinds of wagon work done. Horseshoeing a Specialty Shop Opposite Sehoolhouse. DKND, OKKOON. Chas. S. Edwards, M. D. PHYSICIAN AN& Sl'BfiEON. BEND ... OREOON. Dont forget to drop into the MINNESOTA BUFFET . DESCHUTES okQaoN We carry only the finest lines of Wines, Liquors and Cigars. TWOHY & McKEOWN PROPRIETORS,