The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, September 04, 1903, Image 5

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    -rrrr iHnjijii ... M '-frs
H v
' y w h ii
j..,,jzm ,
this nouii'h uistuun.
nr r, A. k, eenitr
1 will nrlio mid k'o to my fathur
I.uko xv.. ia
Tlii! awootrat of stories told In nny
Ioiikuu niiioiii; iiu'ii U tliti bonutlful
jinrnblo of tho prodlKnl ou. livory
whrro U It nttmitlvcly lit-nrd. Hlmplu
ocn to plainness, told tea thousand
times, It novur loses Its marvelous
What In pcrlinp most wonderful
about It Ii tlint, while tliu quint of tlio
wnndercr Ii never for a moment hid
1cii, wlillu IiIn trniiitrislou I set !
fore us In elin rail era no dUtlnct an
never to ho mistaken, wo do not for
n nuiiiiciit loiio our sympathy for tlio
wanderer himself, Ho tlio Master wish
ed It. lo r no Ho opens tlio liiexhnust
llile fountains of tlio dlvliio loro to our
visions o llu shows us how lie re
colte sinners nml rata with them;
how Ho vrelrnuifs tlio guilt to tlio
feast of III lovo nml rejoice over
tlii'tn riM n fntliur over a child thitt
wan lout.
Ami et tlilt sympathy turiut nltr
pilher tiNiii tlio Incident to which thl
acrlpturo dlri't'tn im. Ut tlio narra
tive hnvo another termination nml our
pity turn, to dlnKunt. tot It rend:
"Hut lio was besotted nml rejoiced In
tlio litiKkn with tlio awlue; hu longed
not fur hi father's home; ho licnored
its plenty nml died In lili wretched-
ness.' wo should then tiny; "Mlscr
nhlit lirutv, ho lived mid died ai ho de
son cd."
In tlio ilrniiKP Innd to which wo
hnvo come, whether our feet ko Into
lluwtT Kirdrui or deserts, wo nn npt
to loso kuowlHlito of tho fnthrrhood
that I over u. Tho inntcrlnl advan
tages of tho world, nil lu protltB, hon
or nud emoluments, emi never intUfy
tho blithest aspirations of tlio human
oul. Wo want honiclhltiir more enilur
tutc nml profound, Nor will art, litera
ture or sentiment satisfy tho cravlnit.
Not iiliythliik' Hint exhausts Itielf In
tho lenlni of tho Intellect or ttir emo
tions alone rcupouda to tho soul s high
est aspirations. Tho levwrnco by
which It U to bo lifted must b out
Ido Itielf. It wants Uod.
Tho burden of sorrow, enro mid an
xiety that oppreaaea ui retjulrea &
higher iiitulitry thnn thl "strange
land" affords. It comforts aro but
"husks." Many n business iiinn who
rendu thoso word today shuddera na
ho recollects thnt tho Huudny real It
nlrendy hnlf jrono mid that to-morrow
ho iiiunt resume tho grind of yoster
dny mid tnko up tho agonies thnt hnd
only beet lnld nsldu during his rest
ing pel I. Tho mother who loft the
body of her child In tho cemetery a
few days ago ts not relieved by tho
thought thnt iho shares only tho com
mon lot of mortal. A tenderer hand
thnn thnt of philosophy la needed to
tny tho ruh of liar tear.
No, It U not satisfying, Uili "far
country." Mnny of Itn glfu nro high
nnd noblo; Indeed thoy nro nil of thotn
of tho rather' Ik'hIowaI-wo mint not
forget tills when wo nro tempted to
bollttlo tho world' fnvora but they
nro only tho uiedln mid not tho iil
ttmico of n dlvlno nffectlon. Wo noed
to gut beyond nud nboro them nil to
tho porennlnl fouutnlti from which nil
bunellccuco flow If tho oul I to bo
natUlled with Krfect rofrenhnient, 'I
will nrlno nud go to my I'nthur." Let
every render miy thin to lit own oul
to-tlny. ltoyond nud ubovo nil aongs
nud pHnlum, beyond mid nbovo nil rite
und ceremonials to the loving heart of
tho rnthcrl
Thero I uo room for doubt n to
my welcome, for HI arm nro nlwny
open to rcelro IiIn lorrowlng, urrcr
Ing, penitent children. They nro III
very own. Ho give them n penco
which thla world can neither bcitow
nor despoil.
My Fnthorl When ovory iouI ahnll
como to tlio Hondo of proprlotonhlp
which thl pronoun suggests, then
klinll men ceaso to tromblo beforo mi
iiwful tyrant, nud thnt tenso of dot
pair which ncconipnnlc tho Idea of
an Impersonal or nlwont powor thnt
1 ubovo u porluhcH. Tho vn'guo yearn
ing that hud Its birth In our early
childhood when at a mothocf knoo wo
learned to nay, "Our Fntfier, which
art In heaven," flnda n higher renlltn
tlon thnn wns then posslblo to our
droaniB, for tho hoavenly gr.toa hnvo
opened mid tho Father linn como down
to moot hla returning child In nn In
effublo mlnUtry of comfort, penco nnd
lovo. jfuJMi
nr Her, J. ft, KUd.
In tho aged, f childhood, youth nnd
tnauhood aro not Uoad, They atlll llvo.
t'lillilhood liiiH only been put to bcI;
youth hriM only gouo off to nchool nud
luiiuhood Iioh only engaged In bmil
iiemi or enlisted In tho urmy or gone
otf on uu exploring expedition Into
tho regions of old ago. In duo tlmo
childhood will nwnku from n long, re
freshing sleep nud como bounding out
,f I.... I ........ !...... I .1 ..
v. mvh mum jvyim iiiiiii over, youin
win como hiimu rr.,.n mil,. wm, hi.
eye sparkling with Joy and hi faco
hlnlng with wisdom nud knowledge,
ITLZuX nr'" .'VT frouL u,
imtllefleld of llfo and tho weakness
of old ngo enriched with flrmncs., on-
ilurmico and exporJcucc, and together
they will blond Into ono glorious and
co, being, embracing nil tho
stages of huinnu llfo minus their do-
feet nud Imircrfectlon. Chlldhooil
youth, It seems to me, I to bo the per
manent state or condition of redeemed
human llfo lu tho great future. It I
certainly tho mot Joyful and dcalrn
bio period of llfo. Uoetho ha truly
said: "All men would llvo long, but
no mnn would grow old." Thl deslro
I of dlvlno origin, mid must tberoforo
bo grntltled somntlme nnd somewhere.
I cannot bellcvo that grny haJrs, dim
eyes, wrinkled faces, sallow skin and
trembling limb represent tho normal
condition of human life, because they
nro evidences of disease, decny mid
death, nnd disease Is mi abnormal con
dition brought on by sin. God mado
health tho normal condition of llfo
and (llseaso tho abnormal condition.
Ingersoll onco said; "If I hnd been
making tho world Instead of God I
would have mnilo health contagious
Instead of disease," to which a medi
cal professor replied: "Then he would
hnvo been compelled to have mado
disease Instead of health tho normal
condition of llfo."
would this haro been!
How dreadful
Hut Oml know
better how to make a world than lu
fldels do.
Now, If tho decrepitude of ago Is the
result of disease, and disease la an ab
normal condition of life brought about
by sin, it follows therefore that all
tlieso abnormal conditions will forercr
disappear when our redemption Is
uisnp(car wueil our redemption U
fully completed In tho morning of lue
All tho weakness, cor
ruptibility and dishonor to which tho
body ha been subjected on account
of sin will bo exchanged for Incorrup-
ilon, glory, honor and Immortality. (1
Cor. xv., 42-68), Where there Is no
decay or corruption there can be uo
old ago. Thla wn remotely antici
pated by Kllhu, where ha represents
an old afflicted skeleton of a once
powerful man returning to tha days
of hi youth, "HI fleih shall bo frosti
er than n child'; he ahall return to
tho day of hi youth." (Job xill.,
10-25.) Tlio Psalmist also say of the
man whoso llfo ha been redeemed
from destruction that ho shall have
hla "youth renewed like tho eagle's."
(IV. cut., 3-0.) And Jesus says: "Lto
hold I make all Uilugs now." (Rev.
xxl 1-6.) From thla It appears that
tho earth, together with all Its re
deemed Inhabitants, ahall eventually
be rehabilitated upon the original plan
of Immortal youth. Age will pass
away as winter, and the prlng of
childhood will bloom out Into tho fra
grant mid luxurious summer of Im
mortal youth. Those who wore once
old nnd Infirm will resumo tha appear
ance of their youth and experlouco
again, Its health and enjoyments, eu
rlched a thousand-fold by tho knowl
edge and experience of manhood mid
old ago. They shall look out upon the
I renewed nnd glorified earth through
renowea mid glorified eye, hear It
Joyful sounds with tho ear of youth,
tnsto It supornboundltig Joy with tho
mouth of youth, walk Its highways
with tho fcot of youth, mid enter
henrtlly Into all It Joya and activi
ties with tho vivacity of youth. Oh,
blessod statol Oh, happy condition I
And it will bo immortal. Wo shall
nevor grow old ngaln. "And thero
shall bo no moro death, neither Bor
row nor crying; neither shall thoro bo
any moro pain: for tho former things
(sin, dlsoaso, old ago and death) aro
pnssed away." Look up, then, yo
ngod, "for your redemption drawoth
nigh." Your chtldhood, at times, la
partially awakened nnd your youth
mny bo partly rcnowM In this llfo,
but you will not ombraco them In nil
their glory until you pais into tho
great boyond.
Anothor hundred yonra will seo thnt
tho linmenso sum of monoy now usctl
to preront tho lower stratum from pull
luff down tlio social fabric la dlsbursod
in projocta to aid tho poor In lifting
thomsolvca up, I'lillosopliora llko thoso
who orlKluatcd tho Hull IIouso In Chi
ciiro, tho Tonybeo Hnll In Ixnulon and
tho Uulvorslty Sottlomcnt In Iloston
will havo dono mnrvolous work nmonjr
tho BiibmorKcd clasa beforo tho year
2000, In aplto of tvurd politicians.
wilt then hnvo lost Its whims, youth IMnklium' Vcjfotablo Compound
.k.n dim "er? T ,"' ""T SW ' "-.niiTSiSS
skin, dim eye mid grny hair. Thu i ihi it ...!, nni hrm m. t nv -
iMlllilf .Wll gl W
r iii.- iu ...
Anoliwr club woman, Airs.
Maulc, Of Edfedon, Wlfl., tells
' JjoV sIlC WOS Cured Of itTCgulari'
s and uterine trouble, tcrriWe
. , i.--(.. . , ..
P8'08 and "CkacIlC by Lydlfl E.
. PinklUUn'? Vegetable CompotindL
it t,nn . m h..ih k..
' unTiZ'urT
doctor did not Iiolp mo. I rtimemlxrrd
. thnt my mother nad ned Lvdln. K.
to give It a. trial
"I won carUlnly glad to find that
Tflthlu week I felt much better, tha
lorriblo rialns in niv back and .Ida
rero leglnning to ceac. and at the
tlmo of menstruation I did not hare
nearly as Mirlous a time aa hereto
fore, so I continued its ums tot two
months, and at tho end of that time I
waa like a new woman. I really hare
never felt better in my life, have not
luul a alck headache since, and weigh
20 pounds mora than I ever did, so I
unhesitatingly rtoommend Vegetable
Compound." Mm. Mat Daulz, Ed
gerton, Wis., President Household
ta litttr fntttfftKitlKtiHU rua( U prstf
Women should remember tlirre
la ono trlwl nnd truo remedy for
nil fcmnlo Ilia. Lydla K. IMnk
Iinm'HYc(retabIo Compound. Ito
f tuo to buy any other medicines
yon need die- boat.
The Strenuous Vacation.
Cntorby What are you doing In
town? I thought you were living In
the country, playing golf, ping-pong,
Ultier ball and going to dances.
I'uUrkln I am. fiat I have to
I como to town occasionally to get rested.
Do tot It Free Tress.
To Drtak In Mew Sbos.
Alwsriihaksln Allfa's Foot-Etas, a rowdcr
It cures hot, wtatlnff, aeblni. swollen leL
Curra conn. Ingrowing nails and bunions. At
all druiiitu and ihoe torn. IV Don't arrpt
anriuUtltut Hatnpta mailed HIKE. Addmt
," . oy, h. t.
Ancient Qotd Mints,
Tho only ancIenT gold diggings yet
discovered which are of sufficient mag
nitude to be thoeo of tho Ophir of
David and Solomon aro those ol tho
Zambezi rolgon. The gold contrib
uted by David alone to the building of
the temple, being "3,000 talents ot the
gold of Ophir," would bo in value ever
Plan' Cure l a
It has cured coughs and colds for forty
years. At dnirglts,23 cents.
Not to De Thought Of.
Housewife (to tramp) II yon taw
that wood I will give you 10 cents.
Tramp My dear woman, I would 1
happy to favor yon, but you see if I did
that lob fnr 10 ronta I trnuM K.i nrnin
cuted under the new anti-trust law for
charging you leu than I charge your
neighbors Boston Commercial liulle-
Drains Large Area.
That low lying territory ol tho Jlla-
slsslppi should at times be overflowed
Is not surprising II one considers that
the "Father ol Waters" draws supplies
from twenty-eight ctatoa, draining one
thiid ol tho area ol the United States.
Wanta llusband'a Statue In View.
Mrs. John A. Logan and the real
denta ol Iowa Circle, Washington,
where the atatue ol Gen. Logan is He
ra tod, are at odds because Mrs. Logan
wislwa more ol tho trees cut down in
tho clrclo eo that the vlow ol the atatuo
will not bo obatructod.
Rolornon Alttolitno Co.
Toot ol Morrison St., Portland, Oregon.
raroiillawkeye. Automatic, Hell 'oJer,
raultlei8tunii Puller, luo horetower with
twoheree. lluckere BawmlU Nactlnerr. Kn.
sine and Holler, KM and tmuner Uaaollno
engine. Write ut wheu in want of anything
In laacblnerr line.
Fhtt (ml UoatromrrrSU.. I"srr'ut(, Orev.
Klrfiooc, mus Zli.
TT tiiiiMHiiii Ml TiiT r Jin.1 i
Q IMt Coiiab Bjrup, fule Uool bee Hi
L'tJ 1 time. Bold by drufgUtt, W
The Deacon a Opinion.
"Vea, stili," Raid tlio old colored
brothor, "dat boy la po fond or tradin'
flat I vo'ly bollovea dat of ho wnx in
heaven en dcy lot him como back for a
holiday ho'd sell his re I urn ticket and
trust to Loin blOwed back by a hurri
canol" Atlanta Constitution.
Mothera will find Mr Wlnlow' finntMn
rymi. in. ur.i icineur io uD tor weir CDiiurtu
tl.s teething teaaun.
Next Thing In Order.
"How proud he is now that ho owns
an automoblo."
"Naturally. You know tho old pro
verb." "What'a thatT"
" 'Prl.ttt avruitla UIam -11 f II
a ntio gu-utu uuiuio m mil, -'
Philadelphia Ledger.
r7 offsr On nnndrsd boltsri Reward foraar
eaaaol Cattarrh tbtt can not Scared VrHlVt
L'aurrb fare. ' "
f. J. CHEKKT ACo., Props., Toledo. O.
WlbetIndeMlgnd.tlavsnownl, J.Ckener
for the naat lAreari, and heliere him perfectlf
honorable In all tuilnea, tranractlontand fln
anclallr able to carrv out an r oblliatlons made
ty Ihrir flnn. m
Vfattit Tkvax,
Wholeaal Prnggleti, Toledo,
..yT1.""?0 KikkakA Maavnr,
n ..r. . w"Jel Wrufglin, Toledo. O.
-nSjiVjSifJ'.HV " 'allr.actlDe
ilrectlr on lbs blood and raucous aurfaeceol
thsirttem. Price 7te per bottle. Bold rai
Irarrutf. Teilmon(alifff. "B"
Uall's raollr fill are the beiU
Scotland Insulted.
A highland waller once related to
serve Max O'ltell at dinner, and whon
roprovod explained: "It's no' to be
expectod that a self respecting Scotch
man could Mrve him with ceeveelity.
Didn't ho say we took to the kilt bo
cause onr feet were too large to get
through treason?"
CITC rermacentlr Car4. Iteaunntrroototm
f 1 1 0 arur Drat (Ur'i um ofOr.Klltio'a (lr.l .V.rra
jmiorrr. na tat Vfmmt IHtlU4ll.andlr.wlM.
Ut. II. 1L Ullne, U4-U1 Arch bt, riiUadelpala, fa.
A Dire Threat.
"Hero's a letter from Mr. Smith say.
Ing ho can't pay hla bill this month."
"Jnst write him a nolo and tay if ho
doesn't pay up within a month wo'll
qnlt sending him bills." Chicago
Little Liver Pills.
Mutt ear Signature of
e Facsimile Wrapper Dclow.
Tear aaaail mm& aa rf
) take aa racmzw
ran biiiihejs.
mit iiuousHEtr.
11 iisinuusaausjiu '
Dizzy? Headache? Pain
back or your eyes? If s your
llverl Use Ayers Pills.
Gently laxative: all vegetable.
bold tor 60 years.
.x -
Lowell. Maea.
Want your moustaclie or beard
beautiful brown or rich black? Use
nrrr rr. or Btooeure ea a. r ml a re, miiri. w a.
D r,1ir'
Tho Oreat Conditioner and Stock Pattcncr. IIOR.SBS do
Mora Work on Ltss Feed. COWS gle More and Klcber
Milk. IIOUS I'atten Quicker II given this Pood.
Paokngo, OOo nnd Sl.OO.
M.tnus j-ias onow aoou voit stunted calves.
Prussian Huukdy Co.. Ht. 1'aul, Minn.
Quntlkukn : t have been feediui; your PsusetaH Stock Pood to mt
thoroughbred wine, it sire them an appetite, and make the nlga
grow, I alio tried It on atuntcd calves wltU aatUfactorr retnlta,
v w ob-wmh. KiiHn. NeU.
VOKXLAKO BKK1I CO totUaud, Or.K.a, Goasl AaU,
sroot-jrpoo gl
IksanMsilUM CSj
"4Wi etlJeatj)
v V
" I have used Ayer'a Hair Vigor
for over thirty yean. It hss kept
my scalp free from dandruff and
his prevented my hair from turn
ing gray." Mrs. P. A. Soule,
Hillings, Mont.
There is this peculiar
thing about Aycr's Hair
Vigor it is a hair food,
not a dye. Your hair does
not suddenly turn black,
look dead and lifeless.
Butgraduallythcold color
comes back, all the rich,
dark color it used to have.
The hair stops falling, too.
II.H a kettle. All inubtu
If yoar drafrnUt cannot eunplf yon,
send us one dollar and we will expree
yon a bottle. He inre and lelte tbe name
of rouxterrt eiprrt office. Addreee,
J. C. A VEIl CO., Lowell, Maee,
fits bojri and glrli for Eaitern College.
I'rlmarr aud lirammar grades Included.
Portland Academy Itatl for glits reolvea a
limited number, not more tban twenty,
andglree Ibem the comfort and care of a
refined borne For catalogue, address
Portland Academy, Portland, Ore.
"I a vn D.i.e-CAacAKirran.du
amUdaodeaerUTelaaaUfe Wwy are (tapir won
derful Mr dauchtcr and I were botbeted wlih
lea ttomua ami oar breath wu rrrr tad Alter
Uklor a few Sow or Cunnu we hare Itnprored
ooderfallr Tber are a rreat belplaibefaaiUr.'
irmutteobotiM Ru.Ooioaalt,Oslo.
I eeT'r nAKTlc
; erSoiSTtexo
5jant. ralautOe. Potent. Tau Oood. Do
Oood, Merer Sicken. Weaken, or Grli J0o.Se.ttiS.
SUHtaSj tvmfmj. fMMe. iMml. rm Tfk. IIS
MTQ.I1R ?M aod.7,.,J!?,, r all dreg.
I H'lHU iuu to CL'AMiTo&aeco UaMk
Can le mado with aa
WeH Machine.
Made In all iliei and
ttylea f or oil or w ater any
Oen. Art.
clal Block
for. C.
Gee Wo
Tbl wonderful Chi.
eree doctor U callrd
great becaure be curr
rwopte wlittout optra
uon tnat are circa up
to die. lie rurre wlih
tboee wond.rful 1 In
neee herb, roou, bu.l.
bark and TrertabUe
tbat are enUnlr no
known la mrdlral art-
rnce In thl countrx Through tbe ttie of
narrnieea mwi uil famoo Oortor
know tbe action of over too different rem
ll which be arreurnilr um In different
dlaraie. lie guarante to cure canarh, uth
ma, Inng, throw, tbrumatlara, nrrvoiunreJ.
eiomach, llrrr, kldner. etc: haa bnixlred of
IMIImoolalv 1'bargva rnotirrate. Call and
t him. ralleni oat or tbe dlr write for
blank and rlrrular. Hendttamp. CONBUtr
The C Gcc Wo Chinese Medicine Co.
1SS Alder St., Portland, Oregon.
7-Meuiiou paer.
P. N. U.
No 3S-190J.
TXT EX wrltlnc to ndrertUor Uai I
II uieutlua tUI pa)vr. I
m ' Vvk