o iVVVlVVI Odt oj? the Pampas fSJ By tl. A ItCNTV J5?s?f?5?rr?'o,,'r'c,,'f kjySM "-V s . CUAITnU XIH.-Coutlnued.) "Wr will, Charley; wo will, my boys," Mr. Hardy said earnestly, and reusing himself nt tlic thought. "I must go up nnd break It to your mother, though how I shall do o I kunw nut. Do you give what order you like for collecting our friend. Klrst, though, let us question tlas man. When was ItT" "Last night, signer, nt eleven o'clock. I had Just Inln down in my hut, nml I no ticed that there wore Mill tight down stairs nt tho house, when, all ot a sud den, I heard a yell ns ot a thousand (fend, and I knew the Indians were up on u. I knew that It was too late to ily, but I threw myself out ot the 'win dow, nnd lay tlat by the wall, as the lit dlans burst In. There were eight ot us, and I closed my ears to shut out tho sound of the others cries". Up to tho house, too, I could hear screams and sone pistol shots, and then more screams an i cries. The Indians were alt round, ev erywhere, and I dreaded lest one of them should stumble up against mr. Then a sudden glare shot up, and I knew they were firing; the house. After time all became qulot; but I dared not mora tilt daylight. Then, looking about mo care fully, I could see no one, nnd I jumped up nnd nerer stopped running until you met me." Mr. Hardy now went up to the house to break the sad tidings to his wife. Charley ordered eight peon to saddl liorwes Instautly, and while they were do Ins so he wrote on eight leaves of his pocket book: "The Mercer's house destroy ed last night by Indians; the Mercers killed or carried oft. My sister Kthel with them. Meet at Mercer' as soon as ixxsilde. Send this note around to alt neighbors." Oae of these slip of paper was given to each peon, and tliey were told to ride Tor their lives In different directions, tor that Miss Kthel was carried off by the Indians. This was the tlrst intimation of the tidings that had an-trcd, and a per fect chorus of lamentations arose, from the women, and of execrations ot rage from the men. Mr. llardy and the boys kept up as well as they could, in order to Inspire the mother and sister with hope during their abtcicc, nd with many promises to bring their missing one back they gallop ed off. They were scarcely out of the irate when they saw their two friends from Canterbury coming along at full gallop. Itoth were armed to the teeth, and evidently prepared for an expedition. An exclamation ot rage and sorrow burst from them all, as only a portion ot the chimney and a charred post or two showed where the Mercer home had stood. The hut of the peons had also disappeared; the young trees and shrub around the house were scorched up and burned by the heat to which they had Iteeu exposed, or hail been broken off from the spirit of wanton mischief. With clinched teeth and faces pale with rage and anxiety, the party rode past the site of the huts, scattered round which were the bodies of several of the murdered peons. They halted uot until they drew rein and leaped off In front of the house Itself. In half an hour they were able to say with tolerable certainty that no human lelngs had been burned, for the bodies could not have been wholly consumed in such a speedy conflagration. "Perhaps they have all been taken pris oners," Hubert suggested, as with a sigh of relief they concluded their search, and turnedfrom tho spot. Not as yet conld they see Into the ditch. At ordinary times tho fence would hare been an awkward place to climb over; now they hardly knew how they ncrambled over, and stood by the side of the ditch. They lookod down and Mr. Hardy gave a short, gasping cry, and caught at the fenro for support. Huddled together in tho ditch wai a pile of dead bodies, and among them peeped out tt piece of a female dress. Anxious- to relieve their friend's agoniz ing suspense, the young men leaped down Into the ditch and began removing the upper bodies from the ghastly pile, First were the two men employed In the house: then came Mr. Mereer; then the two children and on old woman ser vant; below them were the bodies of Mm. Mercer ami her brother. There were no more. Kthel was tint unions them. Charley and Hubert turned toward each other and burst Into tear of thank fulness and joy. The suspense had been almost too much for them, and Hubert felt so sick and faint that he was forced to lie down for awhile, while Charley went forward to tho other. He was ter ribly shocked at the discovery of the murder of the entire party, as they had cherished the hope that Mrs. Mercer at least would have been carried off. As, bowever, she had been murdered, while It was pretty evident that Kthel had been upared, or her body would have been found with the others, it was supposed that poor Mrs. Mercer had been shot ac cidentally, perhaps In the endeavor to avo her children. Canterbury, he h,avlng Wen out on the farm when his master left, A grave was dug In the center of the space once occupied by the house. In this the bodies of Mr. Mercer and his family were laid. And Mr. Hardy lim ing solemnly pronounced such parts of tho burial service its he romeintorod over them, nil standing by bareheaded, and stern with suppressed sorrow, the earth was tilled In over the spot where a father, mother, brother nnd two children lay to gether. Another grave was at tho snmo time dug near, and In this the bodies of the three servant whoso remains had been found with the others were laid. Hy this time It was 11 o'clock, and the number of those present had re.iehed twenty. The greater portlou of them were Kngllsh, but there wero also thrvo Hermans, n trenchman and four gnu- chos, all accustomed to Indian warfare. ICarh man, with the exception of the young Ilardys, who had their Colt a cst Idnes, had a long rifle; In addition to which all had pistols most of them hav ing revolvers, the us of which, since the Hardys had first tried tbera with such deadly effect upon the pampas, had become general among the Kngllsh set tlers. Nearly all wero young, with th deep auutmrned hue gained by exposure on me plains, j-.vory man had his poncho a sort of native blanket, used either as a cloak or for sleeping In at will rolled up before him ou his saddle. It would have been difficult to ilud a mora serviceable looking set of men; and tho expression of their faces, a they took their last look at the grave of the Mor eers. boded very 111 for any Indian who might fall Into their clutches. nirda flw put overhead with terrified cries, and a close, hot smell of burning w.vs very plainly distinguishable. Starting about hslf way along the side or the cleared piece of ground, Mr, Har dy set the dry grass alight, l-'or a mo ment or two It burned slowly, and then, fanned by the wind, It gained force, nnd spread In a semicircle of tlaiue. The horses wero already twplokotcd, nnd half of the party held thtin at a short distance in the rear, while the rest stood III readiness tu extlniulsh the 11m If It crossed tho cleared space, Over and over again the tiro crept par tlally across for the clearing had been done but ruughlA Juit It wna speedily stamped out by the heavy boot of tho watchers. Tho spectnele ns the lire swept nwny before tho wind, wns lino in tho extreme. Tho party scorned Inclosed between two wnlls of tiro, Advertising Did It. Ho didn't liavo a dollnri ho didn't linvo n illmo, lilt clothes nnd ahooa wero looking just mi though they'd svrved tholr tlmo. Ho didn't try to kilt lilnicnlf to ilodgo inlnfortuno'a whacks, Instead, Iio got soma nnlion nml lm filled llvodoxon sacks. Than, noxt Iio begged n dollar. In tho pnpor In tho iiium lm fidvrotlscd tin polish tlint would put tho ami tu scorn, Ho kept on advertising, nnd, (tut now, milieu to say, liu'n out In California nt lila i-oltAgu on tlio bay. Tho Lyre. Confession, "I)o you tnnko much out ol your ll hrnry workT" nuked tho Inquisitive person, "Yes, replied tho ninn who scribbles The main oonthigrallon . occasionally, "intiuh inoioout of Itthun i f! s -aCSm W Airs was now fearfully close, burning flakes were already falling amoim them, and tho sound of the tire wns llkn the hiss of tho surf upon a pebbly beach. "Now," Mr. Hardy said, "forward with the horses, Kvery one to hi own ani mal. I'ut your poncho over your own head a wvll as your horses." In another minute the party stood clus tered upon th black aud smoking ground which the lire they had kindled had I do In It. Canada Is llullJIng Nnllronds. Tho nurnbor of miles of railroad completed In tho Dominion of Canada is lH.HUB, an Increase ol 674 miles ovur thn previous year. The Inference Obvious. District Attorney Jerome lolls of n prisoner recently brotitfht to a Harlem twillrn atntlf-irt tli-, nAmtlltAH .. . '- r-.--- -,tws nnviv VVetltI Tt HIJ J .m rnh-.nu eieiiem aroumi ineiii, out uncloanly thut ho was advised by tho Imlf-choked with ths smoke. .ls.k Himni i i.k. . i..ti. swept clear. There, for live minutes, they remained without moving, uusoorehed b) The bodies were now taken from the ditch and laid sldo by side until the oth er settlers should arrive. It was not long before they began to assemble, riding up In llttlo groups of twos nnd threes. Itage and Indignation were upon all their faces at the sight of tho devastated house, aud their feelings were redoubled when they found that the wholo of tho family, who were ao justly liked and esteemed, were dead. The Kdwards and the Jamiesons wero among the earliest arrivals, bring ing the gaucho Martinez with them. Perez, too, shortly after arrived from CIIAPTKK XIV. v There was no difficulty In following the tracks. Mr. Mereer had poed near ly a thousand cattle aud five thousand sheep, and the ground was trampled in a broad, unmistakable line. Otico or twice Mr. Hardy consulted his compass, Th trail ran southwest by west. At nightfall there was a general un rolling of ponchos, and soon afterward only sleeping figures could b seen by the dim light of the smoldering fire. Mr. Hardy, Indeed, was the only one of tho party who did not fall to sleep. Thoughts of th events of the last twenty-four hours, of the best course to be adopted, and of the heavy responsibility upon him self as leader of this perilous expedition, prevented him from sleeping. He heard tho watch rouse the relief and lay down In their places. In another half hour he himself rose, aud walked out toward the sentry. It was a young man named Cook, onn of the new settlers to the east of Mount Pleasant. "Is that you. Mr. Hardyr" he asked, a he approached. "I was just coming in to wake you." "What Is It. .Mr. Cookr "It strikes me, sir, tint there Is a strange light away to the southwest. I have only noticed It tho last few minutes, aud thought It was fancy, but It gets moro distinct every minute." . Mr. Hardy looked out anxiously Into the gloom and quickly perceived the ap pearance that his friend alluded to. Pur a minute or two h did not spoak, and then, aa the light evidently Increased, he said, almost with a groan, "It Is what I feared they wonM do; they have set tho pralrlo on Are. Yon need not keep watch any longer. We are as much separated from the Indians aa If the ocean divided us." Cook gave the two short whistles agreed upon to recall tho other men ou guard, and then returned with Mr. Hardy to the rest of the party. Then Mr, Har dy roused all his companions. Kvery man leaped up, rifle In hand, believing that the Indian were approaching. "We must be up and doing," Mr. Har dy said cheerfully; "the Indians have fired the pampas." There was a thrill of annrehtnslon In the bosom of many present, who had heard terrible accounts of prairie fires, but this speedily subsided at the calm manner of Mr. Hardy. "The fire." ho said, "may Iks ten mile away yet. I should say that It was, but it Is difficult to judge, for thU grass does not flame very high, and the smoke drifts between it aud us. The wind, fortunate )y, Is light, but It will le hero In llttlo over half an hour. Now, let the four (Cauclios attend to the horses, to sec they do uot stampede. Tho ret form a Hue a couple of yards apart, nnd pull up tho grass by the roots, throwing It Iwhlud them, so as to leave the ground cloar. Tho wider w can make It tho botler." All fell to work with hearty zeal. Look ing over tholr shoulders, the sky now appeared on fire. Flickering tongues of flame seemed to strugglo upward. There was an occasional sound of ttt, as herds of deer flew by before tho danger. '"How far will it go, papa, do you think?" Hubert asked his father, next to wnom ue was at work. "I should say that It would most likely stop at the stream whero we halted to day, Hubert. The ground wns wot ami boggy for some distance on the other side." Tho horses were ow getting very res tive, and there wss a momentary pause from work to wrap pouchos round their heads, so as to prevent their seeing tho glare. The fire could not have been moro than thre miles distant, when tho space clear ed was as wide as Mr. Hardy deemed necessary for safety. A regular noise, something between a hiss and a roar, was plainly audible; and when the wind lifted the smoke the flames could be seen run ning along in an unbroken wall of tire. Thou Mr. Hardy spoke! "It Is over now. Tou can look up." There was a gsneral expression of as tonishment a th heads emerged from their wrappers, and the oyer recovered sufficiently from the effects of the blind ing smokn to look round. Whero had tho tiro gone? Whsre. Indeedl Tho main conflagration had swept by them, hail divided In two when It reached the ground already burned, and these col umns, grewlug further and further asun der as the nowlr kindled lire had widen ed, were already far away to tho right! and left, while beyond and Iwtweoa thetu I was tho fire that Ihey thenfsclro had "What!" exclaimed tho hoho.lndlc- nantly, "mo o Into tho water?" "Certainly; yon need It, How lon If It since you had n bath?" Tho hobo grinned, "I never wan ar rested before. "New York Times. Ms Knew Onr. "I havo hero," said tho Industrious Ixiok K"'t. "a volu mo which la us pcclatly holpful to business num. I'm certain it would brtiotlt roil II" "Can you mention any businessman It has benefitted?" broko In tho nken- kindled, now two miles wide, nnd already I l,rrtl ono '" t,iu 0'" rUlr. far In the distance I Huro. There's mo. (or Instance. 'Hie fires In the pampas, although they I Kt a big commission." Kansas City frequently extend over a vast tract of! Journal, country, are seldom fatal to life. Th grass rarely attains a height exceeding Wom alvtn pfC, of ,, three feet, and burns out almost like so I .... ... .. , . much cotton. A man ou horseback, hav , ', ?."mM "' Ho,lcJr ' JWjfiw, Ing no other method of escape, can. by ' " ,a xhn on """n "ho has been blindfolding his horse and wrapping his K,r8n P - " Centennial pro. own faeo Id a poncho, ride fearlessly H""" roimiieinorntliig tho 100th annl through the wall of faro without damage ! "'sary of tho admission of Ohio to tho to horse or rider. j union. Tho themo of her address will At daybreak they were soon In the sad- Ih "Tho VaIuo of Good Women In In die and on their way. Titer had inanv flnonclng Civilization." Mrs. Ilonlov an hour'a ride In-fore they came upon th ! is a lormor president of tho Ohio FesN trail They followed It all that day. To- j orated Club. warns sundown one or the gauchos told Mr. Hardy that he knew that at a short distance further to the west there waa a spring of water much used by tho In dians, i imiing that It was not mor nmmons, saved fron an operation for Ovaritis, tells how site wns? cured by Lydin Ii. Pinklinm's Vegetable Compound. " I am so planned with tho results I obtained from Lyilhi V.. I'liilc lium'a VoKotntilo Coiipotuitl that I feel It a duty And a prlvllo to write you About It. " I suffered for over five yeAra wltls ornrluu troubles, causing an un pleasant dlsoharira, a great weakness, And At times a faliitnes would iimiio over mo whloh no Amount of medicine, diet, or exercUo seemed to correct. Your Vegetable Compound found tha weak split, however, within a fair woeka - mill ntivurf mo from nit operation all my troubles had dls nppcArcd. nnd I found myself once more hoaitliy and well. Words fall to describe the real, trim grnteful frollnir that la In my heart, ami I want to tell every alclc and sufTf rlntf Uter. Don't dally with medicines you know noth ing about, but take LjiIIh 11, IMnk hutti'x Wtfotnblo Compound, and Uko my word for It, you will x a different woman In a short time." Mrs. IjAuua Kuiio.ts, Wnlkcrvlllc, OnU ijooo t-U It H'I t htut Don't Iicaltittu to wrlto to Mr. IMnkliiun If tlioro Im iinjtltliijr about your ciikii which you do not iimlorMnuil. rilio will trut you Mltli klmliu'NH nml lior u! vlcn Im froo. No woman mor n trrottoil writing IutuihI nIio linti IK-Ipml thousand. Addrcaa Im IVyiiii, Ma, Ortat Demonstration. "They say when tho great pianist nl-ycd In this town tho eono went man halt an hoars ride, Mr. Hardy, af-i wiiu," lemarkod tlio comedian, ter a brief consultation, determined to "They did tho amo when I played," go over thr to water the horse and remarked tho young lady who blowa breakfast, before retracing their foot- tho cornet. aiep across tne uurned prairie. MWflro ,oy demnilln2 that In a llttl over the time named they ' romn back?" came to a small pool or lirlght water, from which a llttlo stream Issued, run- WKmmmBmmmmmmvmmmsmm I aP? HIBlf. ALCOHOL, OPIUM, TOIJACCO USING WRITE I0K ILUISTKATID CATaIOCUE not sol JOitawrr Mi.. PoHmntt, Orm. 7kUM, Kxls JM. tdng nearly duo north across the nlala After drinking heartily themselves, ami filling the water skin and kttle, the horses wer allowed to drink; and Dash plunged la with the greatest delight, emerging with hi usual bright chestnut color, whereas he had gone Into th water perfectly black. After h bad come out and sbak him self, he commenced hunting about, snif fing so violently that Hulert'a attention was attracted. Presently the dog ran forward a few paces and gave a sharp bark of pleasure, and Hubert, rnnnlng forward, gave so loud a cry that all the party rushed up. Hubert coold not apeak. There, half "No, they money back." wore demanding you their i Not So Warm. "I say, Ml. DoWItt," remarked you UK Paplolgh, "votih wesplendont beauty seta mo bwaln on flab, donchcr know," "Never mind, Mr. Baplelgh," re plied M Ira DeWItt, "the conflagration will e too Insignificant to necessitate the chlllug out of tho Are department. The Camtra'a Eccentricities. "All naturo I beautiful," Raid tho enthusiast. j f ii.it in tltltilr -i " iniuMiul Ii... I l-J I.. .1. . ... . " - - t -.,--H"- u.m- ju .uegrouuu, ami pointing we, l ,onnR mn wjt, UUcoloted llngere. - , mm iuuuii UW i Iltitr ,lt I saL " 'f COLUMBIAUNIVERSITY PORTLAND,OREGON mwan by the cwcmca. I (II Ot lilt HOLY CIDU AND AmilUTfJ) lffl Tilt ISiVDt- was an head wa twlsteil a plec of while calico, with llttl blue spots upon It, which Mr. Hardy lastsntly recognised a a piece of the dress Kthel had worn when she luff home. "Oh, paps, papa," cried Hubert, "I know this arrow." "Know the arrow." he repeated. up amatour nho- tography-I begin to have my doubts." Washington Mar. Tionot ArmUTU) mi THE I IT Of KJTki ii AM SlinJirJ Ac trmlc four-ynr Conriti la ClAula. Esfiub ttl StUtct, Oae-rur anl four yr Cosunrrchl Couuo. Krce-r ColkrUlt Cooria la CUula, Eiif l, Otneril Uitatt, HUloty al Lcooom la, riaincc inJ Comroace, (Jill Eailarrr lof. Mrclunlul EflflMtfliir At- Elrctrial Blmlar. The KhoUitle yeir, begin nine Sect. 7, 1903, rndijun CafjIou sent frre on appli cation. Address REV. H. A. OUINLAN, CS.C UNIVERSITY PARK, OREGON. Qun AUxandra'a Hplgram. "It Ii a pity," said Queen Aleian dra to tho late Illahop of London, one day, "that women aro not a devoted to "Ye., I am quite, quite sure I know It. tbo blrda In tho Air Aa they aro to tho Dor, t you remember, Qisrley, the dsy bilU, ,,, t)0,r ,um that those wntinded Indians started, as wo wero taking tho quivers down to them Rolorison Mnchlno Co. HUCCKMOIU) TO JOHN I'OOf.K I'oot ol Morrlton St., I'orlUnJ. Oregon, I'srsotis Hawkey Automsllo. Keif feed Ins, ' FaultletsHluinp Puller, lui horMiNitrr with twotierses. Iiuoksys HswmiIH Msolilnery. Kit ttnes ami Ibiilers Kit ami Mtckney Oauillne Murines Wrlto us wfieu in want of snylhlng Inmscblnerr lint. I noticed that ono arrow had two feath era which I had never seen before, and could not guess what bird they camo ' from. They were light bins, with a crim son tip. I pulled one off to compare It with my others. It Is at home now. I remember that I chose the one I did bo-1 cause the other ono had two of the little side feathers gone. This Is the feather, I can almost solemnly declare, and you I seo the fellow Is gone. That arrow I- loiics to oiim nt Out men tm rtenvrrvit-" ' All crowded round to examine tho ar row, and Mr, Hardy said solemnly: "Thank Hod for His mercy. Ho has do elded our way now. Undoubtedly, as Hubert says, ono of the men we aided Is of tho party nnd wishes to show Ills gratllude. Ho he has managed to get n , piece of IJlhel's dress, and has fled It lo this arrow, hoping that wo should recog nize tho feather. Thank Ood, thore Is no more doubt, and thank heaven, too, mat i.tticl has at least one friend ucur her." All was now Joy and congratulation, and Hubert rubbed his hands and said triumphantly: "There, Charley, you were alwavs fhslTlnr me and wintlnir In linnus what w. the good of my collection, and oWmut'iiiSS! now you see what was the good. It has OUrb CONSTIPATION put u. 0D the right trail for Kthel, and u'.Z.., ?c"7., i..' uu nil, IICTIT I'D UIJIC IU IIU(U HI U1U about my collection again." (To be continued,) PIMPLES Mf wife tsssd uluiplss on liar face, but Sb baa benu laUlnj c'AhC'AICin'H aud (Hey kave sit dlsspiwsred. I had been troubled with constipation for soma tuna but stter Uk 'D,!J"?, nrf ' '; I bar bud no trouble with tbls sllnionl. We osiui'iisiwnk toohlub- ,''.!.,,?.reM " msiJWsllTSIAH, 070)1 aenxuntown Ave.. 1 iU4ip)U, To. CANOV CATHARTIC VMADI uuia sscisnssso The State of Now York lias mora savluga bank deposits than Austria Hungary, Franco or tho United Kingdom, NO-TO-IAO Apia snd syirsnusd bf all dros Jills to OVkrc-Jobscoollkliw aTJi ! ! HbI 1 I i a H is I im lotlm. SoMbrdrossUts. I - --------- - "- - - - - - - a a 4 k I-P Vl TvDbB mU ?l-BKr TO QJEAtTy I WLvtiD Y9U HOMES SL ffl f VAZSWiVC r t cmms. tables i tLi !? L III 0t?ABL&' NWU AfOT SCRATCH a&tACSACQLQRS EM5ST CtfAtAWAO FOAt DAIJTJ7. -" , P.N, U. Ho J4-IP0J. I W,IKN wrlllnif to advertisers pleasa I ITT insnllon this tmpr. I rIsTi? L". H,T,r:i jr-T-i