1 Oat ot? the Pampas 1 j Ity O. A. HRNTY Xj y O. A. HRNTY v?fc?f??? young palm trees were tnken out of thn garden ntui placed uno at rach !. ntul n wlro fenco was erected nil arouuil, to keep off the nulmsls. It was mill task; ami although they had Won killed In nn nttnek In which, Iintl they been victorious, thoy would hare shown no mercy, Mill Mr. Hardy nud hi son were deeply grieved tit hav ing caused tlio destruction o( so many Uvea. CHAPTER Xll. lContlnucd.1 "No, papa," Hubert said eagerly: "don't you remember e left two loop hojies In ench room, when wo built It, on purpose, only putting In piece of wood mid filling up the crack with clay to keep out tho wind?" "Of conrse wo did, Hubert. I remem ber nil about It now. Run down and tell them to lie ready to pull the wood out nnd to lire through when they hear tho next rocket ko off. I am going to send unother light rocket over In the direction where I saw tho horse: nud directly 1 get the lino I will send off cracker rocket after cracker rocket as quickly as I can nt them. What with the tire from below unions them, nnd tho fright they will get when they see tho hones nttscked, they ure sure to make a rush for It." In n mlnuto Hubert came back with the word that the men below were ready, lit a moment n rocket soared far nway to behind the house; nnd just as it light broke over tho plain another oat swept over In the direction of n dark mass of animals, seen plainly enough In the dis tance. A cry of dismay burst from the In dians, rising In yet wilder alarm as three hot were tired from the wnll of the house into their crowded mass. Again nnd again was the discharge repeated, and with a yell of dismay a wild rush was made for th fence. Then too boys with their carbine, aud Mr. Hardy with the revolvers, opened upon them, every shot telling in the dense mass who strug gled to surmount the fatal railings. Frenzied with tho danger, doxens at tempted to climb them, and, strong as were tho wires and posts, there was n cracking sound, and the whole side fell. In another minute, of tho struggling mas there remained only some twenty motion less forms. Three or four more rockets were smt off iu'tho direction where tho Iiorses had been seen, and then another itlgnnl rocket, whose light enabled them to sec that the black mass was broken up, and that the whole plain was covered with scattered figures of men nnd ani mals, all Hying at the top of their speed. "Thank God, It is all over, aud wo are safe!" Mr. Hardy said solemnly. "Never again will au Indian attack bo made up on Mount Pleasant. It Is all over now, my dear," he said to Mrs. Hardy as he H-eut down tho stairs; "they 'are off aH over the country, and it will tako them hours to get their horses together again. Two of us have got scratched with ar rows, but no real harm Is done. Char ley's is only aT'llesh wound. Don't be frightened," he added quickly, as Mrs. Hardy turned palo aud tho girls gave n :ry nt the appearance of Charley' face, which was certainly alarming. ".V little warm water aud a bandage will put it all right." "Do you think It will leave a scar?" Charley asked rather dolorously. "Well, Charley, I should not be sur prised if it doe; but it won't spoil your beauty long, your whiskers will cover it; In-sldes, a scar won In honorable eonlllit Is always admired by ladles, you know. Now let us go downstairs; my arm, too, wants bandaging, for It U beginning to smart amazingly; and I am sure wu all must want something to eat." The supper was eaten hurriedly, and then all but Ttrence, who, as a measure of precaution, was stationed as watch man on the tower, were glad to Ho down for a few hours' sleep. At daybreak tfiey were up nnd moving. Mr. Hardy requested that neltlicr ill -wife nor daughters should go outside the house until the dead Indian were remov al nnd buried, as the sight could not but bo n most shocking one. Two of the peons were ordered to put iu the oxen and bring up two carts, nud tho rest of the men net about the unpleasant duty of vxnmlniug and collecting the slain. These were even more numerous than Mr. Hardy had anticipated, nnd showed how thickly they must have been cluster ed round the door nnd windows. The guns bad been loaded with buckshot; two bullet he dropped down each barrel iu , addition; and the discharge of those had l.eoa most destructive, more especially thoso fired through tho loopholes nt the end of the bouse. There no less than six teen bodies "were found, while a rou nil tho door and windows were thirteen others. All these were dead. Tho gnns, having been discharged through loopholes breast high, had taken effect upon the head aud body. At the fence were fourteen. Of theso twelve were dead, another still breathed, but was evidently dying', while one had only a broken lug. Unquestionably ev oral others had been wounded, but had managed to luako off. Tho bullets of re volvers, unless striking a mortal polpr, disable a wounded man much less than tho balls of Iuarlcrcaliber, It was evi dently useless to remivo tho Indian who -was dying; all that could bo douo for him was to give him a little water, nnd to placo a bundle of grass so as to ralso Ids head. Half an hour later he was tlead. The other wounded man was car ried carefully down to one of tho sheds, where a bed of hay was prepared lot him, Two more wounded men wore found down by the cattle Inclosuros, nnd theso nlso Mr. Hardy considered likely to recover. They were taken up and laid by their comrade. Three dpud bodies -wore found here. These were all token in the bullock carts to a spot distant nearly half a mile from tho house. Here, by the united labor of tho peons, n large gruvo was dug, six feet wide, as much deep, nnd twelve yards long. In this they were laid side by side, two deep; the earth was filled in, and the turf replaced. At Hubert' suggestion, two CHAPT13R XIII. Another two years passed over, bring tag increased prosperity to the Hardy. No renewal of the I nil la u attacks had occurred, nnd in consequence an Increas ed (low sf emigration had tnken place In their neighborhood. Ssttlers were inw established upon all the lots for many mites upon either side of Mount Picas nnt; and even beyond the twelve miles which the estate stretched tu tho south the lots had been sold. Mr. Hardy con sidered that nil danger of the thicks nnd herd Mug driven off had now ceased, and had therefore added considerably to their number, nnd had determined to al low them to Increase without further sale until they had attained to tho ox tent of the supporting power of the Im mense estate. Two hundred acre, of Irrigated land were under cultivation; the dairy con tained the produce of a hundred cows; and altogether Mount Pleasant was con sidered ouo of the finest and most profit able estanelns In the province. The hotiso wu now worthy of the estate; the Inside fence had been removed fifty yard fur ther off, and the vegetable garden to ft greater distance, the Inclosed space Mug laid out entirely as n pleasure garden. Uenutiful tropical tree nud shrubs, gor geous patches of (lower, nnd green turf surrounded the front nnd side; white liehind was n luxuriant nnd must produc tive orchard. The young Hardy had far some time given up doing any personal labor, nnd were incessantly occupied In tho super vision of the estate. A year previously Mr. Hardy bad, at one of hi visit tu ltuenos Ayres, purchased a piano, saying nothing of what he had done upon hi return; and the delight of the girls and their mother, when the Instrument ar rived In n bullock cart, was uultouniled. l'rom that tlme.the girls practiced almost Incessantly; Indeed, a Charley remark ed, It was as bad as llrlng In tho house with a whole boarding school of girls. After this Mount Plensant, which hsat always been considered as the most hos pitable and pleasant estaucla in the dis trict, became more than erer popular, and many were tho impromptu dance got up. Sometimes there were more for mal nffalrs, and all the ladles within twenty miles would como In. Theso were more numerous than would have been ex IHcted. The Jnmleson were doing well, and In turn going for n visit to their na tive country, had brought out two bright joung .Scotch womeu ns their wives. Their neighbor at Canterbury were still their most Intimate friends; they were shortly, however, to lose one of them. Mr. Cooper had heard six months before of tho death of his two elder brother in rapid succession, and he was now heir to his father' property, which was very extensive. It had been supposed that ht would at onco return to Kbgland, ami ho was continually talking of doing so; but ho hnd under one ex cuse or other, put off hi departure from tlmo to time. He was rvrx frequently over at Mount Pleasant, and was gen erally S companion of tho boys upon their excursions, "I think Cooper Is almost ns much here ns ho Is nt Canterbury," Charley said, laughing, one day. Mrs. Hardy happened to glance nt Maud and noticed a bright flush of color on her cheek. Hhu made no remark nt the time, but spoko to Mr. Hardy about It at night. "Vou see, my dear." she concluded, "we are still considering Maud ns n child, but other peoplo may look upon her as a woman." "I am sorry for this," Mr. Hardy said after a pause. "We ought to have fori seen the possibility of such a thing. Now that It Is mentioned, I wonder we did not do ho lofore. Mr. Cooper ha been here so much that tho thing would have cer tainly struck us, had we not, ns you say, looked upon Maud as n child. Against Mr. Cooper I have nothing to say. We both like him extremely. HI principles nre good, nnd he would, In point of money, be of course nil oxccllout match for our little girl. At the samo time, I cannot permit anything like nn engage ment. At tho end of another two yearn, when Ifraud I 10, If Mr. Cooper renew the acquaintance In ISngland, and both parties agree, I shall of course offer no objection, and Indeed should rejoice much nt a match which would promise well for her happiness." Mrs. Hardy thoroughly agreed with her husband, nnd so tho matter rested for a short time. It was well that Mr. Hardy had been warned by his wlfo, for n week nftor this Mr. Cooper mot him alono when ho was out riding, and after some Introduction, expressed to him that he had long felt thut ho had loved his daughter, but hnd waited until she wu seventeen before expressing his wishes. Mr. Hardy heard him quietly to the end. "I can hardly say that I am unprepar ed for what you say, Mr. Cooper, al though I had never thought of such a thing until two days since. To yourself, personally, I can entertain no objection. Still, when I remember that you ure only twenty-six, aad that for the last four year you have seen no ouo with whom yon couNt possibly fall In lore, with the exception of my daughter, I can hardly think that you have hnd autuclcut oppor tunity to know your uwn mind. Next month she proceeds to Ifeiglaud with her mother, and for the next two years nhn will bo engaged upon finishing her edu cation, At the end of Hint tlmu I simii myself return to lhigloud, and wo shall theu enter Into society. If nt that tlmu you nre still of the same way uf think ing, and choose to renew our acquaint ance. I shall lo very happy." Mr. Cooper endeavored In snln to niter Mr. Hardy' determination, ami was nt last obliged to give the required promise. Two or three days nfter tills he rode up nud said that lie hnd come to say good by, that ho had received letters urging him to return at once, nnd had therefore made tip hi ntln.l to start by the next mull from ltuenos Ayres. Kor n few days Mninl was unusually quiet nud subdued, but her natural spir its speedily recovered themselves, nud she was soon ns lively nnd guy a ever About n fortnight nfter the departure of Mr. Cooper nn event took placo which for a while threatened to upset nil the plan which they had formed for tho fu ture. One or other of the girls was In thn habit uf frequently going over to stay for a day or two with a Mr. Mercer. Due owning Hubert rede over with Kthel, and Mrs. Mercer persuaded the latter tu stay for the night; Hubert declining to do so, as he had arranged with Charley to go over early to Canterbury to assist at tho branding of the cattle at that sta tion. In the morning they had tnken their coffee, nud were preparing for n start, wheu, Just n they were luo,ilitlng their horses, one of the men drewthelr atten tion to n mnn running nt full speed to ward the house freui the direction uf Mr, Mercer's. "What can I the mutter?"' Charley said. "What a strange thing that a mes senger should come over ou foot Instead of on horseback!" "Let's ride and meet him, Charley," Hubert said; nnd putting spurs to their borne, they galloml toward tho ap proaching figure. As they came close to him he stumbled nnd fell, ami lay iiihmi the ground, ex hausted and unable to rise. The boys sprang from their horse with a feeling of vague uneasiness and alarm. "What'a the uulter" they asked. The peon was tin) exhausted tu reply for n atoment or two; then ho gasped out. "Ixjs Indies! the Indian!" The boys gav a simultaneous cry of dread. "What has happened! Tell lis quick, man; are they attacking the estancla?" Thn man shook his head. "ltaucia burnt. All killed but me," bo said. Tlio new was too sudden atv4 terrlhlo for tho boys to speak. They stood white and motionless with horror. "All killed! Oh, Kthel, Ktheir Chill ley groaned. Hubert burst into tears. "What will niammn do?" "Come, Hubert," Charley said, dashing away tho tears from hi eyes, "do not let u waste a moment. All hope may not bo orer. The Indians seldom kill wom en, but carry them away, and she may Ihj alive yet. If she is, we will rescue her, If we go right fleiw America. Come, mnn. Jump sp behind hm on my her." The peon obeyed the order, anil In five minute they roached the gate. Her they dismounted. "I.ct us wslk up to the house, Hubert, so n not to oxelte suspicion. We must call papa out nud tell him first, so that he may brrak It to inamuia. If she learn It suddenly, It may kill her." Mr. Hardy had just taken his coffee, nnd was standing at the door, looking with a pleased eye upon the signs of comfort aud prosperity Around hlni. There was no need, therefore, for them to approach nearer. A Mr. Hardy look ed round upon hearing the gate shut, Charley beckoned to him to couio down to them. Mr. Hardy, feeling that some thing strango was happening, ran down tho steps aud hurried townrd them. lty tlio tlmo he reached them, he had no need to ask questions. Hubert was leaning upon tho gate, crying as If hi heart would break; Charley sNma! with hi hand on hi lips, n If to check the sob from breaking out, while the tears streamed down hi cheeks. "Kthel r Mr. Hardy naked. Charley nodded nud then snld, with a great effort: "The Indian have burned the estancla; one of tho men ho esenped nnd brought the new. Wo know noth ing more. Perhaps she Is carried off, not killed." Mr. Hardy staggered under the nuddcu blow. "Curried offl" he murmured to himself. "It I worse than death." "Yes. papa," Charley said, nnxlous to give his father' thought n new turn. "Hut we will rescue her, If she I nllve, wherever thoy may take her." (To be continued.) Wultor mill DiMi-Cirrler, "I vun coniplntely out of money nt tlio tlmo of (,'rmluiitlon from Hnuipton. Iu company with other HtiideutH, I ho curcd it jilnco iih waiter In n milliliter hotel In Connecticut. It wnn huih)hpi1 thut 1 wih nu accomplished waiter, anil I wui L'lvmi charge of a taldo at which there Hilt hoiiio wealthy ami arlH tocratlc people. My Ignorance wm ho apparent tlmt thoy hcoIiIoiI me, and I became frightened ami loft their ta bic Ah a roHiilt I wah reduced to tho position of u dlHli-cairler. Hut I de termined to learn the IiiinIiu-hh, and within a fow weehH I wnn restored to my former iiohIUoii. Hovornl times hI lion I lmvo been a Kitont In tlilri hiiiiio hotel.-From Hooker T. Washington'! "Up from Slavery." Tho Penobscot trlbo of Indians, which numbered 21.1 In 1RS0. Is now about -100 Htrong. Maine appropriates nnnuully tS.OW for their benefit ' Jp ' u sv 4m I SB- v r - . i2i miss aiicc ttatlCoiuhBrruii. rMUsHuui. Um E III lima. KnUtirrtnianltts rJTI PORTLAND ACADEMY fits txth fir Ksslsrn eolless. .. I'llmsry snl Drsmniir ! Iiulmlrfl, A hslt fur sills, wlih llis smailiiliiioiils sail suporvlilini uf iirul lioinr l'llmi In on uf Hi iimmI IxMiullnil rralons nnii I'srina niiul, i'llmal inlll sii.l lirslllilul, rot cittslotfii k.litiH PORTLAND ACADEMY. rORTLAffl). ORtGOH. riW.l)Wt!WrVF'WWll'fXl! MIKtin.V 1'OUTl.ANH St. 1-loioti 1-lnll Items and dr school (or sdils Mel lorsllim si.rfoiis titilMlnc Mo-Uru equipment Aroinle, lollrse rreiwr 'iii.ir, slloii smt iMrlt courses ( iii.iianok TiiiuiirrrH, i'Mikih. AvsMvW) MXfiKi'HiM IXIt WMWI,') DJIIICyt 01 U .tlnn nut it-rlsl courses Miiite. I.lo Atlanta, (la., tells how she was jg AVmVm&W"' .. ,t..ifu rnrl nt lidlsiiims. iiieiitsiipfiiHiismlr. It. V1 inoilkllll VUIVU Ul lllliuuiiim 'ij linn oi i lie ovaries, cscancu siif ..! t... ii.t i ...n. n Kcuu a kiiiii:, uy itmiug ujuin u. , Pinkhnm's vegetable Compound. ' I hnd suffered for three years with Uirlble pain at tha time of men struation, and did not know what tha trouble was until thn doetor pro nounced it liill&miimtlim of tho ovnrlo.H, and proposed an oixinillon. " I felt so weak aud nick that I foil sure that I could not survive tho or doftl. Thn following; week I rend nn advertisement In the paper of I,villil I!. IMiikhnm'fi Wirclnlilo Ciiin- fountl In such au emergency, nud ko decldsd to try It. Orent was my Joy to Hnd that I actually Improved after taking two Itottle, and In thn end I was cured by It. I had gained, eighteen pounds and wnn In excellent henlth." Mis A lick lUlLcr, SO North Houle- vird, Atlauta, Uu. tiooo fvftltlf 'ltl-l f mnhir pffrti'i e"'"i H r- Thn symptoms of InUniiuiiiitlon ami lls'no of thn ovaries are u (lull tlirobblnjr pain, iicoom punlctl by n nciiso of tencliiriioHS and hent lovr down In tho slt!e, with occnalonnl Hhootltig pains. Tho region of pnln soinctlniA sdiom aoauo swell Inc. wmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm ALCOHOL, OPIUM, TOBACCO USING. WRI1E lOttlLLUMKATtD CATALOGUE lint itJ MtarrSu.. Porilmntf, Orm. Ttfa,1x, KUs JM. What l!njlsnd's Navy Costs. The navy which gives Knelsnd tlm supremacy of tho sent costs 1 165,000,000 a year, or a little morn than the United Btates pay In peiisloni. i CITC rvrmsntnlly Curml. No Riser nrrveuanras 1 1 IU anrnrld)"sutorir Kllavslirssinrrs !lurr. M.iirt fuf J'r M4 lrUlttll.l.l Ii.MIm. Vi. 11. II. Kltnr, Ud..MI A Rb ML, riitl4sltil, la Jiiik $25 IM!K DAY Cu t ros.1 with an AUSTIN Well Machine Mid tu sll and tjlt forutlur Htraiir li'lll UUALl. & CO. Un. Aits, JUCom.nsr clsl llluck IH)TLANO OUIHION Doth to lllame. John Vou are always buiy when I coma in I Charles Well, yon always como In when I'm busy. Kor forty year's Hio's Cure for Con sumption lias nured coughs and colds. At druggists. Price 'J5 cents. The naklnr of Him. "It's ridiculous" remarked the tailor, "lo tay 'clothes don't innko the man.'" "Think so?" "Ran," replied tho tailor; "why, they've inadn me." You Can Oct Allen's Poot-lUsv PRRO. Write Allan 8, Olrastfd, U Itor.N. V., for a (r uml of Altsn'a r'not Ksx, It curr wtstlnr. hotswoIUn. sehlng (t. It makes now or tlf hi shos r - rf lain eurj for corns, lairowlngnUls and tunlons, AllitruK glits nil it. Uc. Iton'tsccspt any substitute. Another R. "Well, talking about names, said the oytttr, "I Ilka May better than Mary." "You do?" replied tho plain lob ster. "Of course, Now, If It was tho month of Mary It would shorleo my vacation fearfully." Mothers will And Mrs. Wlnslnw's XoolUtn Sjrrup tha best remedy lo use fur their children tot U-o thing Mston Lost Mis Idsntlty. "So you wnnt to get marrlrxIT" "Yes, snh I'm resinned tor It." "2or leen marrlml before?" "Two or three time tali." "Don't you know for certain?" "No, nali i nttor do third ono not mn I nover knowod who I wux, or how I como here." Atlanta Constitution, RolorHon Maclilno Co HUCCKHHOIW TO JOHN I'OOI.K foot of Morrison Ht,, Portland, Orffon. I'srsons llswkeye. Automatic, Half feeilln, rsultltisHlump 1'ullrr, luu horsniwwer with two hrrscs. lluckrjre Hswmlll Msclilusrr, Kn Ines sud Hollars. Kit suit mlckiivy (Isollno Knidnes. Write us whsu Iu want uf saxtblng In machlnsrr Hue. BAD BLOOD "CAflUAKtrr dm Um fr ltsM fttVl mf ft If Uif mlrlMi MUITIIJI I liftf OfUQ WltbtVt fur tUtllli tslt Hit I lO Ull ftfMl ! C4t fontMl It in tfttearai rlnr Uklbc Ih t lot bat wti ptiisfltxl ami com I 1(011 bat lnt fufvwnUrfiif f an 1 I tl ronrb biur n?trf bmf MMS. fiALi.ll K MLUUl J. JttlU.Ttt.D. CANDV VSAOf 1USN stsiirtsio rtswini, ralsisbls. I'mnl. Tssl flatvt, t Ooal fV.ttf HIMsu Wssksn or Off )0e,li4,U. ... CURE CONSTIPATION. ... Illl. B.a.S, lruf, nlh BMlntl. Iwt. Ill Ul Tfl lin Soldssd snsrsnuM bf l)drn- Dr. C. Gee Wo WONDERFUL HOME TREATMENT This wonilsrful till ur 1'1ur li filial Krrsl lcu li currs Iiipl wltlimil utra kin Ihsl srvsivrn uii In ill. Ha cum wlih llim womlsrrui 1 hi nnr hrrlx. rcxilt, liifli. Ixiks ami vrsrUlilr Ihsl fo sntli'lr un Lli.lMH 1.1 .tthall. kl KKt rnr In this iwinlrr Tli'ounli His u ' lh lisrmlMS rnn.illn I It rmus Uin-liir kiidws Hi action nf i.r Hi dirTirrnl run ntlrs, wlili ti lis surrrMrully usrs ki tllrrnl illa.ura. llnsusraiilrM liirur caiurli, Mil) ms, lun(, lliriMkl, rliruinsllim, lirounnn. tlmnarli, llvrr, Ititlnrya, tit liu liunilmts at irailiiMiulsls. I'lisrsM niiKtrrst tall aiM Mill. I'altrms tail lr Ilia rlir wrll fr blank ami rlrnilars, Hml ianii. loNHUU TA'IION KIlKK ADIIIUH The C. Gee Wo Chinese Medicine Co. m iih ii li ms US Abltr tit., IH.ril.nJ, Orsron. srf-M.uiiuupHr. P.H.U. No JJ-I00J, irillTf wrlllnr tMlv,rtlsrsilcAial I T I irnllmi this iHir, 25 sac Mc fl. HOTHINQ OO OOOD FOR OIIIOKKHB An TUB PRUSSIAN POULTRY F Mtkn Mini Lir mi Kf.pi iktm lirlnf Cum Cholm, Rous mi II DIiciki, It lu.nilhciii Vounc Chicks mi llslpi Thim Crow WOULDN'T. PE XT,.0UT. lrA c.h"J'.k' , WMh.,,,i li. wouliln'l lm wliliuul rruMlsn I uuttry luwl PBODUCE8 CQQ0, A$ an rss; brnlunr 1'niwUu I'aullnr Tooa ! lui (Kiu.l li, II. i'ajrna, I'aluairllla, otilu. l'niHlaa I'oullrr Hook, TREK. I'uv.ius Ilixiur Ca.il, Paul, lllnn, fUKILAHU HlfKU V 00)l SS1SS1SSSSI IISSIWJJsf OO.c l'virUrntl, Orgeu UI Atfsala. Press ti&gsllBh, Southwick Hay The Southwick bss tb largest rapaeltr, is fastest and easiest w Bend for catalogue, MsllnJ free er of sny llsjr I'rtss tosde. rirmi mmtl Tmxfr MITOI1ELL, LEWIS X STAVUi OO. Porttmntl, ?