The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, August 21, 1903, Image 7

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ff ' ii mm '
Timber Land, Act jiini; j, 1H7S. "
I) H I.hikI Office, Til' Dalle, Orcgnn,
Nnller I hrirbv given t lint Iti iiiiiipllamr with
th xo.ticMie ofthe Art of Cotigivat uf Junr j,
17, r-titliled, "All art An theaalr iittlnibr U111M
III lhatta of California, oia-goti, Nivana, niiit
WatbltigtoH Territory, ' na riliid-d In nil Hie
luiblle laml tata hy Act nf Augim 4, iS, Ih
follow 1 11 Htwtil peiaon have mi Oct in, lyt,
hted III till rtftW their sworn ttalfmrnta, lo-wli
Maud WailtwiMtli
of li PartAr , ken, etmnty nf Hpgkatir,
,tlof WaehlngliHi, ewutti atat-iinriit An ijji,
for lb Htcht'ifthr hK ac 14, III twa, r I.
V Ht
IttU II mtilmt
oftoH AfCtMlda, Mpokan. county nt Ulailatll,
ttatrof Wnahlngton. mMII MairuteHt Ail IUI,
fa the ptttrhaavof law ah, ew and H h( ae
II, Ipsa a, r ler, w hi
Joseph britoH
bflull 1i filtd av niaf.Wa.aav mmhiIv ..1 UmIaii
!! Ml it at l.lalaalaaa. -aaaa... Ukl.Hu.i.1 Ma. a aa
I lb 1-wn.h uf Ih nek ac 11. 1 n to . 1 10 r.
w hi
Hairy C hrownc
wf No I- unit 1 UmM Muck npokatir, rhunty
ttf bpuhene.etal nf t aahlHgtmt, awnril lle.
mml Ni ijjA. fur Hi pnnh t.f lb hH h
Ipso a, r me, w m
Thai lhy will otter pro-if la abow that the Und
aought la mm- lMi A It urnhrr or atone
than A agricultural purpuar-., end lu 4abllli
lhlr rUlaaa in a-.ul I a ml btfiMr Ih HegiM-r and
Ha at Tb hall. In agon, mi rrkley, lit
IMli (lav M Hiilrfrtiil- itamt
. Tmi nam hHiotiw Mice Itofkt, Mata.
Wadaworlh. CM A Hakrr, Caret II llMHt, IttU
II to Ian, Joseph I' Iteitea and Hatty C Drawn,
all alaUaaalaiaaa. t-Va.-. "
Any and l i-m-m rUimlHi dity lh
aU.-licrlh-l UtHta attr iMutrd lo nt llilr
aalwi IM IhU onto Wl or lMr IH -W iMIlOa)'
whirwTiff, iwi
yia-.ll XlillAllt. T NOI.AN, HigWtf
Tlmbtt Ian4. AH Jhim . iT.
I' UlMl HiV. TlV IMIIra, t(fi.
May ii, ifoj.
SMttr ta iWfixlnr irln-H I ha I Ih roainUaMT Hllh
lltf (tvtHiH nfthf Ai.-t iM Cuaiaivft of Jhh 1.
IM rntd. Ah an a iha Mkuf umtt lawta
1 IMiwnm lallMfHla. uttfim, irtwiu. aa
i'abh)Khiai TttrHntt," m liiJJ U alt III
MU iaa avwn him a AH(U 4, i". law
arms ytimm nar im im ij. itoa,
M iNIa uaaw ilarlr vh atalcatvMU, twU
WllllkM JaMtraun
f HamM. nmNlr tif KM Hal of Wa4ilHff4Hi;
lawN KaHwnml Wo iui. t" tlw parrbavar M tax
V( atr I. Ii a a, r 1,4 , w M
jaawat' KMMak
ar tafulltt. ewHHIy ul King, alal at Wm4IhHoi,
mmi alala4ail u 1 1. tu ih ywicltan af-liVr
hc'V i4 Ih , r t a, w m
Andrrw Itaht
W Hna VlaU. omHly 4 Malintaal Htir axf MIh
Hiiiiaa, aH atalvtwrnl Nuii, Ih )itrctHWr
WlW atM arc , Ip ioa, 1 l., w m
juhB I.. I'lrVUf
M M(H ItM av. Mralll. amMy at KlHK, Mat
r aaklMMmi h wait manl No turn, nt Ih
pMtffc-M of IN arl, arcti, Ip ana, r lj. w W
!) ffV Watt ayajra wwaaa VVa aaaa
a-Mbl ai valuahir hw Ha I
thaa lb aartnitiural tmrtnajM ai
irwat ialHM ! aaai laad hWijr ih
Tfctf lhv "' ManTln abuw ttul tk lanJ
ih pf na untnir av w r
M to HMaai
bmif aad
ailr al Tu lialbna, urflm, m MMrt)', Ih
Hill m) it to4ate. nv
TH rwaaraa wnunaaa j 1- nnniaai, J 1.
liteLUt. I' M Wk.ihuI fWM fuM. Wilflaa
1ihhm, of hcalll. M'aafa lmia Nlaai a lad
Mi tat, tit Kraal. ". l "" Kwraoat and
Utr IUiai.,ifWitUtH, Wia.
Ami ad all aaraia cUtaatat jMtaatarljr lb
atiawt 4 mfawd haMti an Mawafrd ( Air llVrir
MawUilMa uin am m baft III a4 tath day
KSh fcTRlAW. T. tU. Utt
Ttrabrf Land. Art
V Mad ov, Th Itallax, lfrti,
JHI, !.
MIW ta h-rlir flrra thai laruoiHllaiH -Mh
pwr4faia-. U NT Ml II VWWajrV-MSS .fill J.
catmrt), an ai hh in aawoiiiaaiwTiaHaa
afaollalllijiala. urea, ., ad
kaftalllaH TsrVllfinr ' kklatffaalllMa ui all ll-a-.
a land aala liy Art if Aufu 4, l, lb
naa aaanrt irnuai ha cat law 1. Itul.
I la NHa uaV tbHr aaowta atalrairaia, la-wN
! UH. cuaMjr fVaa.-". Mala of OntatM,
iiara abtwai'-l Vu u IU pttrcbaa af Ih
aM a-tt, aw, aad ktV aH i,
Joha ftaaata
4fTki tialtas. toaair of H'aaro. 4a4 ef Orfoai
wrtl Mawt Nn ta4, to lb twicbaix of Ih
K ata .1. lb iat r uc,
f Tba IbtMaa. cam) af Waaaa, 4lr of Okooo.
hjm laaliiaat No ia lor the parch of Ih
parvbaa of Ih
Mif Hwii ac
mV ark aad aS arc ijand a-at
Alp H a, t l.l r, vi ta
TtHI lbf will 4nr proof In abow I
eh M Bio valaant rar Ita liotl
Katiftt at Tlaa laallra, iMvguo, oa ;
Ttl br 4br pmaaTm abow thai Ihrlamd
Mab M aio valaant for lia limter or ataa
10 4auKB
Kcpt-MT aad
aVIuttdmr. Iba
aill aUW aaaf taatBataVMilaBaar Haiti
' TlMy MawHr aa aHlaaaaaa Thuaaa Tt Jah 1
lirutra fNarabuaata. JobH V johaanti, of Ti.
HaaavtaOri Iwha Maolt.uf brd o
all mHi flalMliu. adrroriy lb
laarlWdlaMaar ihikM to kar'tbrtr
Mi jab) ofhrv oh or hrlbr Hi wkl ?th ojr
aWi.t4ail. ....
Tlwbrt Uad, Art Jan .1. iM.
I'. H. ijadOHV, Tbr IKiltr. OfOH.
M.l It. lOBi.
ItallM hi hliv atvan thai In r-utiilMar II h
1 Mtrrlaluna uf III Act of Cungiraa of Jim ,
KaatMJatl, An art tat Ihr aalrnl llwlm buHia
t MaHa uf ' allharnia, im gun, .-ivaaa. aa
rTcrruur'. aa tawuiwi w ait mc
itau-abv Act of Attkint 4. . lb
HiaaM,Hia paroaa nav uu in 14, ifo,
I Ht UMi oo thrti atam atatctacat. to-nll.
Milatuitdlt Ihiar .
Wltsbar, roanly ofriarha, atal of WaaltlHlou,
rp rtataatcut Nn IU rW Ih punaMMi of the
nvK Mi.lpiua, r ire, wni.
Uaiilalt. Ilahhuiit
f 0l. conaly urCUrht, atal of Waablttatmi,
hh MhlaaafiM Na lyu. (or lb paHb of Ibt
lltf awtf ami H aK aas . tp a, r l r,
CtlaUMi l llaritaatott
f CB, eonuly at . tail., UU of WwOilntton;
kmii MatctarHt No 1 is, Air the liwohaar J (hf
aK iiwitj, aw K. hX awW aad HK
y, tpiua, r uc, w at
Auua l) luHaH
uf I'Ulitr, eotiHty ofCtaikc, atatt of Waihlnitnii;
auuni laUnivul No I.4J7. Air Ihr .rurcliaac of tlw
m-( arc iv, li fc 1, r U r, w 111.
Ana ttahtMflt .
tif fa mat. eutinty of Cfaikc, Utr of,
ai.iHii nuianimf Nu im. tit lliv HMliaaaiTlhf
M rW, H "W '" WK "K ti l f
uc, w. m,
Anna UUIr
of Co mm, voHiity ofCUrUr, aut ofWittliliiatan;
wHii ataKmciit Nu liM, fur III ntllin oT til
IHK MwK. !( 'i" K K a 111 . I
II t, v III.
Iloitin UUIr
urCaiiiai. cmmly iif Clarke, tal of Waaliliiglou;
auoin atatrmciit No 1 W4, fur the Hirclme of til
aK ac u, tp a, r 11 a, w m.
Thai tlu-y wlllotrrr proortu uliuw Hint III Inwl
JiLiiitliali. fiir Ita llmlicr "(U" iiriiaa, and lu ntablUli
tlMl? claliiTa to aatd land iwtuic til Itrglatcr mid
Kcccly at The lullea, Oregon, tin Mumluy, the
HM ajrfacHviiilicr. i, ,,
The! im aa wlti.aaaea.' IWiiiiiihI (1 Itaw biiiI
Anna it iiiirimiu i.fHuher. Waali: Mart Iittl'lah-
Imrn, UIiiUni M llnrrlutftuii. A mm lHiliUurn,
II llHrriuglou, AiuiA ")
llatlltfl lllnll. OranlUila). Ul
lium uiairauu
tarimiia eUlinlTiL' s,ltrrMly the
i,i,,.i..i.-trlaail laiuU art rmiieaiail In Ale thdr
Any Mini an
HuliiU in ilito oBtee on or lultirc the wl.l iial itiiy
, s;,,w. i. aiU( t noI(An utgiur
Tliulr t.amt, Aci Jiuir i, 1K7H,
V, H. 1,011ft ontrr, The Dallra. Orrgoiii
May i, ivM
WaahlngliHl Tcritlury," calrfNleil III all Ih
IHjIilk' HhiI atalea by Art of Atiguat 4. Ihyf , Ihr
. B1FT,
loiiimiiiii iiamii tr'ii nave on ihi 7. nn,
uletl In llilaafii llirlr aworu atalritttnti. io-wlt
liftman Vaiiilnwall
HI l'lillllK, eiHinly of I'rlce, atate of Wlxromln.
awrorti ataleinrnt No IJ17, fur the iiitciuc of III
)( aac 1, lp a, r lj e, w m.
Alhflt Cliraley
af riilllln, mtinly nf I'liey, auile of Wiaewtalii
aworii alalemrnl No ii, lor the (HitahaK tif the
nwX arc 11, tp in , r 1 e, w m.
Hotjll Ijaraotl
of l'hllllM. rwi nly of rrkr, aut of U'IkoiihIii:
awptH atalnMt No IJIJ, Af the ptirclMW ef III
w)f ac 11, Ipraa, r ijr.ww
John Wllmot, jr.
Hf I'hlllllM, rtntnty of pflee, atal of Wlacamaliii
aworti rtalrmrnt flu IJ14, Iik the wrliriif thr
avtl4 J. t l. r I Jr. win
Jifttit HlrtHTaVfl
of l'hltllM, roHuty of I'tler, lal of Wtatitn
awof H Malamtfii No ijij. for llie pHtcbaa of lite
awj acii, ip ro a, r if , w 111
U'lllUm Malorv
of I'hhilpa. cut) Hi of I'tky, Hair of Wttewiulii.
avmrn talnHt No lj7 lor the HirrMae of the
m ac II, lp va a, r Ii e, w 111
ICII C ml trim
of Milltlpt, MiHly of I'rK, Hair of WImIii.
ii lalnnl No lt. (in th mte4tt of Ihr
wU aH anil r4 awif arr h. tp lo a, r IJ r. w in.
That they will onrrttfouftaahow llial ihr land
xmghl It more ealiwhl for ita tlinher or aluur
Iban for agiteulluial wi(Ma, ami In ratabllih
llirlr tlalin4liam lan.l ltrfotr Die Urclateraml
Hvcrirer at Th lull'". (Iirgotl, 1111 Jhiir-vlay,
Ih 17U1 day nf ititeuiir, i'j
They nam aa witt aoirti Mraon, John
WIIhhxK ir Ham ItrrraiHi, tmlaNdaoH, Herman
Vawlrrwall, IMwan Vamlerwall. Imih ivtlllvau.
hlCHrWy, ICII Cfaiitott, All-tt Chratvy. Jolin
KaMHaH. JaeaHl KaamHaxu, all ef l'biftla,
Any and all prraona claiming adtrrrarly I lie
aliiffidHii4 landa are imitcalwt to Air their
utalnn In IhltoHSeeim or laifbie theaahl I Jt Inlay
01 HHmiaer, amj
tlil. T NW.AN. KegUtrr.
Tlatbrr l-attd. Art June J, thr.
I' H Mnd , The laaltaa. Otrgon,
May 11. mwj.
Nettle la htljy gtrrn that Ih coaiptlaHee with
the pruvtfauM oflh Art of ConetoM of Jkh 1.
7. ettiHtrd, "AM art futbaa&ofliaabrrlada
to lb Mali-a of CallfotHla. iHrgoa, S-vda, and
Waakhagtaa THrttory, ' aa otemtnt to all the
aabtk land atate by Art of Ahjm4 4. . the
MIowiaa-HaaMat parautta harr m Oct IT, Kpm,
Hard In lata oAee lh4r aworn atatetnentt, tM-w4.
William A laayaMM
of Mixnn, roHMty of tUh. atate of Idaho,
aarorN atal-naeat No ijr;, lor the pHicbate of the
eK,c X. IP a. r lj e, w m
HrHry K W Taylor
of The laallra. eoaaly of Waaco, atalr of Ofeooti,
awurn ital'HMiil No 1170, ase lb piwcbaae of Ibc
hK He J5. lp a, r ij , w m
Mary K Taylor
of The INtlWa, naHriyof Halro. atate of Olceon:
wotH a4alnanl No Ijao, for Ihr purchatc af Ihr
H aacts.lpioa, ruewm.
Wlll'aw W WllhefipoOH
of nhj Malhiii Ae, apokaa. ooaHly afSMbaac,
atalaaf WaMattoii, awora ata4aet No IJ.
far tb pmttwia' af tb awkj a ift. lp a a, r lj ,
w m.
AmrlU llbuop
of t.nrtt. eoaaty of UaUh. atate of Idaho
mmmh atatemeatt No Ijai, (br lb pttrcbaae oflh
aw( a r. p to a, I lj e. w m.
Clta Hhioo
of lavtMr. eamaty of Latala. atate af Idaho)
twain jtaiettMHH Ma UAj. fcr Ih iioiatMae of Ih
off arfr, III ai,i ij, w Ht.
Thai they WW oifer wwrfto abow thai ibeaaajd
aotajht la aaarc aalaabl lor Ha llwUr or atowe
than Air agrtealtorat poipuaea, and to ratatdtatt
tbeir ftalai lu taut la ml Uterr Ih Hcattter and
Hecelvtr a Th llatlra. trge. on Mdta4ay.
th ajd ilay of Hptuibr u
Tlif twawaa hHmmh TV II I la hi W Cotllna,
of Moarow. Idaho, Char tea N Ohoop. MaudMbuop
and Amelia Ithoop. uf lrovllU. hlabu Wlltbim V
Wilhcrapuma. of npokane, Waab aad Henry K
W Tayh aad Mary at Taylor, of Tb I XII., or
Aay and all txraoaa rlatajlac adverarty lb
a boa d art Iliad bad ar rearoeaiad lo At Ibelr
claUaa In thla aHi on or hrfM lb aatd tjd day
of aaiitaaibaT 1 taas
jaaV. MltllAltl, T NOLAN. Kgttr.
Timber lrnd. Act Jntt j, I?.
V H. Uml Ofhcr. Th IMtWa. Otrgfin,
May 11, ivaj.
Notice la ltrtiy gln that in awpluaco wild
the pruvtalaaa oflh Act uf Cohki ef June y
a;j, alltl4, "An act Ah- lb aalwef llmher UtaTa
In Ih aUlei ol CalifurHta, (lieaoH, Nevada, ami
t aafcliiaton Tetittaey," aa vaUwIeil to at) the
BMK laad itale by Art 04 Attauat 4, !, tb
haning'ttaMMd peraona have ntd In thla ollree
their laun alatMeal, to-wit.
lame II Mrowit
of The Halloa, eoaaly of Waaea, alate ef OcgtaHi
awurn ttattMMrMt Na IJo. Aleil Ort f, rpM. for the
imrchaa uf IW lota j and 4 arc ja ami lota 1 ana
iht si.ip II a, r lo. win.
Ita A Howe
of Whaatou, oMHtty af Tmvtra, alal of Jllinie
aola. awura Malmat No hi fllad Ibrpt wk, teat.
Am lac paichaai of the nw( aec 17. tp a. r M,
w m.
Uuchllu McNeil
tffXdlnbofgki. eoaaly r Walab, aUU of North
tlaluita; awurn i4atniriit Mo Kl, bled May 17.
iviii.lurlh pttrchaai-ufthr ah) awlf. u!f HK
and UWI4 ne( ac ij, tp a, r me, w at.
That Ihry will oit.-r proof loabow that th laitd
aought I more tabuli' for It llsiber or alone
loan Air agricultural put ooaca, and to frtabliab
thrlr clulmi Jo aald tana lfof tb KegWer and
Heeclvrr at The IlaUea, oregoti, oti MoHday, lh
14th tay of reptiHtUtr, iuoj
They name aa urllaca llubait II lion.
Havid Huituti. Ita A llowv. of WhcaUm, Mluu.
C I, Hmilh am) Jamra H lliomi, of The Halle,
onigoa. IjiwehllH McNeil aad II I' Hantaan, of
Jtdlnturi:ti, N IMk, KdmuHd timliaui, of Warm
nuiinga, or. Pruiik II Hheupard, of Cetitralla,
Vaah, aud Hamttel ITmcII. of hialer. or.
Any and all ruaa vlalwlug uUverat-ly the
abivc-tteacrltwd lauda arr refiinafal to At tbeir
claim in tin
on or hciutc the aahl 14th aky
ufMnlattiber. leal.
jn Jt-M MlCllAHI. T. NOt.AN, Hrglatcr.
TliMlMr ltml. Act June j, tr.
V- ti. Until Omc. MVertew. (Haffoti,
July it, ioj.
Nolle la hirvhy given tlwt in eomptlaitte with
the provlilouaufth Actuf Congreaa nf June J,
iljt, enllltrtl, "All act fur lliewlc uf limber Uatu
In Ih atalea uf California, Dregou. NvUa, Binl
W'uflilnulon Trtrttory." na exlenitnt to alt llie
public Willi atalea tiy Act of Augil 4, iHtM, the
lolhmlng'iiaiiiMI pertain Intve flint lit thla
Ihelr awotn lUitameiiU, to-t jt
tinnier K llolieit
uf I.miU'i, county nf l,avrence, atate of Kelt'
tiKkyi attorn tlmiil Nn Ufa, fortlifHiiclte
uflhe aV netf nntl nel( ncjf ac 8 uml nwjf litt (
ae,tpij. r lie, win.
Mnttliii II. Uolxrla
of Unit", county of I,awreiic. atate nfKen
lucLv: aworiitlaliiuriit No 11H1. fur the tmrvluiae
uf the iiV nwK.ahj nv)( niiilvl( ue( arcs, tp
ij a, r 11 c, w 111.
That tliav will ulK'r nroof loahnwlhat the lain!
nought ta inure vnliuuitc for II llnihcr ur atone
titan lor agtit'iutunti niriHi-ara, itiui hi aot-iiuiaii
their claim to wild lain) Intfurr 0. II. Vitnlll,
V. . CumniMoiier, at Silver I.., 0rttii,uu
l'tlilay, the ijtli tUy uf KrpUmhcr, iwj
ThcyiMinen ttllncwr: (Inrner U UolniU,
Mnrlhn II lUilwil. Maxell! laCfaie. ltd IWyilancl
Ja ma Hllaw, of lltaclmtea, Oregon,
Any nmt nil iieiauna cwiinlTig ntlveracly th
lnivtMlcrllitUaiuUarctt'ijiittl to file thstr
claim In thla uince oil or before llie aald lilh day
Nntlec l hrrrhy xlaeii that In eompllijtic with
the inovtitiiii uf thr At1 of Congtrsa of J 11 Hi- 4,
!, Milltltd, "All act forlhr Mlir i)fllMilKrlaml
In lh atalaanf California, oivkoii. Nevada, awl
11 ttepieiuuer, ifu.
Iyi4-S . Mi HJUTTAW, Reglitcn
Tlmhrr I.and, Aet June j, ISjI.
V A. I.anil Ofllee, The Hallra, Oregoti,
May ii, luii.
Alay 11, iirtj,
Not lee la hrrrhy given tlHit liicimipllaiiee with
the protlloiiofi ihr Aet eflongfi- of June j,
III., rlllltlnl, "All act for thr alrtiflliiihrrlaiida
In Hi alalra or California, tmrn. NetnriM. awl
v'liliigliHiTrriry." ee.eiieiHleil lo all Ihr
tnthlle laml alalea hy art of Align! 4, !' the
lullowliiK-iiainrit iraona hare uu Oct :, ioi,
fllatl III till office their aworn aUlemrnU, lo-wll
Paul O. Velalad
nf Aleiandria. eotinly of Hougla. tlalr of Minn
raola: aworii atateinent No 14 V- for Hie itiichae
orihcewK arcjt. Ipla, r If r. "
Carl Julian IlilhiuUt
nfAleaamlria, eonnlyof IhMlgla Male of Minn
raolai aworn alalriHrnt No 141' f"r Ihc pmchae
tifthriiwlf are J4. P ,p,,t ' w "
lUtwaitl ThoNipw-ii
of Ateaamlrla, county of Hougta. ilatrnf Minn
raotat awurn alateinriil Nu I4U fur the putchaae
oflhr w)4 arc .14, tp H a, r II e, w ih
TlHit Ihev will offer proof lo ahow that the
laixt aought ta more valuable for II llml-er or
aUHie than for agricultural uri-vra, ami lo
(abll.h thrlr claim to mH lawl before Ihc Keg
i4er and Krcclvrr al The Hallr. oregoii, en
I'rhlay, the vlh day uf Oclola-r, i-.l
Thry Name a tv.trntrai llrnry C likktnann,
Itilward TlxiiHtH-iHi, Call Julian llalUHlil. rant
o Veltlad, of Alexaiiilrlat XJ1111 and John Hleldl,
of rh iMllca, Otrgmi. "
Any ami alt eraona ctalnilHg adveraely the
above draerilied lamia atr rrrjaratnl lo filr Ihelr
ctalin In thla u'tlce, on or iKfvrc Ihc aald vlh
day of Uclnher, 1091.
Jm'mj MICHAIir. T. NOI-AN. Kegltler.
Tliuhrr t.aml, Act June j, ilya.
t. H Uml omre. The Halle. Orrgon,
May 11, lyy
Nolle la hrrchy given that In mmpHaiKr with
Ihr ptovtaHin ot Hie Aet of Cotigte of June j,
i7, rutin! "An art for thr aate of Umber
land III the alalea ur California. Orrgon. Nrvada
and Waahlugtiui Trrtilory," a eitmdrd lo all
the public land alalia by Aet of Auyuil 4, lyi,
thr Itdtowlng turned jieraon have bled III thla
offiee their aworn alaleincnla, lo-wll
It Clatk Hall
of liionkvillr, rounly uf Jcfferaon. aute ef I'enn
aylvania, aworii alaienifnl No Met. filed Oct 11,
low. foe the purchatc ef theabj tw)f ace if and
I'H hU arc i. lp 19 1, r lj e, w m
Jraiic K. OtHOt
of HruoLvitle. county of Jaffataoa, atate of I'enn
aylvania, aworH ilalrmettl No 1407. Aleil Oct 11,
v, for theHtrcbaaeoflheawK Mil, tp Ma, r
ije, w m
Jennie Jeb
of Htoolvlllr, cemnty ef Jtffireon. tale ef I'enn
tylvania, aworn tlaKmeftl N lot, filed Oct 11,
a. lurlbe porcbaar ef the aclf neK nl H
aeIC arc jo and ne). ueK aecji. lp if a, r IJ e.
w in
HIU J. Krrd
of K7HobtvUe, roanty ft Jiffrraon, Mate of
I'rHHvylntll. aworn alaleaMHt No l), filed Oct
II. lyw, for the pttrebaae of the awjf aee ji, lp M
a, r 11 r. w m.
Carrie II. Jenk
of Mrook title, county ef Jcllifaen. ttalr ef I'enn
aylvaobt, aworn atatemeitt Na 1410, filed Oct 11,
lp, roe Ihc putcbatcef the nwf aec 4,l a, r
Ije, w m
Oliver l'clron
of Portland, crmnly of MHrMih. alate ef Ore
eon, worn atatenteHt No 1413, Ated (Ht it, km,
for Ihr parchate of the a HK c x and nK
hK ar I, lp If a, r IJ e, w m.
Htttan A. 1 III we
of tot NlH)lm av,allMtaaa,tVrtland4eWHty
of MattHuHuh, atate of onaao; aworn atalement
No lujl. filed Aug J, i, for he prebeof the
al tHttf amt tiH nwji c JJ,.lp l a. r 11 c. w in
Clara I'. Hall
ef Hrookvtlle, coouty uf JaffMpun ttate of I'enn
aolvaola, tdor n Malrtntit Xk lajg, hied Aug ,
tyaiiAKIhe urcbeoftheaiei( and eM n!i
hcA tpiea, r lie, w m.
AUau H rtalT .
ef Hroakvtttr. county orjelTOMinitteefl'eiin
artvanbi; aworn atalemetit Net iajA, filed Aug tj.
iba, ff the puiehaac of the aw aec M. tp ij a, r
lie, w Hi.
Caaalut A. Oatllnnr
of Nehatcm r. Srllw4 aa, lottland.
munly of Multnomah, ttate of Orrgoti: ihoh
a4almnt No 117, filed Aug 13, rfr-a. fur the hii
chawof the aeij ac I, tp l. r lie, w Ht
That they wilt offer irvef to ahow that the
land auughl te more valuable for ita Umber or
atone than for agrtculloral putpotca, amt lo rt-
Uulltri Ibetr claim lu aald laad brfure the Keg
U4er and Krc4vr at The iMlte, Oregea. on
Urul-laa. Ilia. aaWta .la. a. aaC M.aJ.aul.aa. aa...
m-nw.i " -M.J -ft r-t tM ,.,, VtJ
They ttame a wlmeate I C U'bilUH. Amua
neaoartaw. Oliver l-rlrraoM. KuAti A Howe. Caa
alat A Oatllager. of Pur tlauu Orefaa. I. Clark
tail, jeatte k Loroei, jennie jettii, carrte n
nil.. Liara 1- nan, Aiwa '. iiaii, 01 iHoot.vtii.
an. inu J Kent, or KeynoMivtu, lV-tH
Anv and all iteeaon clalaaiHir Atalv the
abov deacribad land arr reuitettnl to Al their
claim In thit ort tee on or before Itiraatd ibthday
of Hettlemlier. laai.
JyiT-alf MfCTlAllt. T. NOI-AN, Kegitlcr.
Notary Public, Insurance, Township
Plutii for Upper Deschutes Valley.
Itrt Mnd ConaothUted
U. H. Uud OfrVre. The lxtle. Oregon,
Notice ht hTby giveii that IM foltoliig
tuiHved wruiM have Bird uotK-v of their iatrn
than to mak proof un llirlr deaert-tand ctaluia
and that aabl iruaf wiU be mail Wfttr W. A
liell, I' 8 CuatHitattunrr, al ltiWe, Oregon,
on aatutday, Mcptewher i. ivt
Hue Howard, of Pnnevtllr, Oregon 1
1)1, l( No eg. for Ihe tot 1 aec ia. IpMa.'r lie,
eii.K uK,aw nWJf are ij, lp
14 a, r 11 . m
Joarpb V. Howard, ufPriurvitlc,Orgui
II L It No lot, fur the bit 4 and f awlf ac 7,
Iota 1 and 1, H nw)((, awl, uH u(jil nc( wj
ae it, lp 14 a, r 11 , tr m
They nam the feUuwtng nitHeataa ta pro
III coHtnMe Irrigation awl irclauatlloti f aahl
land 6m AcitH, jameaWrat. of PrtHevillc.
Or; It A .Mei-ctiaut,irCuler. Or; Henry Catllu,
ofsUrlera, Or.
ait-ail .MlCllAHI. T. NOI.AN. Kegltler.
Dett Land, llnal Proof,
U. S. Iriitd Office, The iMllaa, Oregon.
Augntt -i, ivj-
Nolkc la liar chy given that lleiuy W. Cailln.
of Stttera, Oregon. Iw flint uotui- onutetitlou to
ittakc Jvroof ih hiedeacit btitd tlaiiit Nil aj, for
tlieabj iltf hwl lot t nntl 4 aev 4. tp U, r 11 r.
wm. before J J htitilh, Cotiuly Clerk, 6t l'rlur
vllle, Oicgun, un Muttday, Ihc 111 day of Sep
tember, leoj.
He nume Ihe fiJlowliiL- ttllitcatra to lirove the
cuuiplcle irrlgutlun aud reclamation ul aald laud
wiytt jonimm, tiettrgc 11 111 lor. 11 u nparua, .m
M Tliomnt, uf nlatera, tlicguu. '
Hit-aiS .MICIIAKI, T. NOLAN, Kegitter.
Detect Laud, I'lnat I'rtwf,
U. H, Irftud omcc, The Dallea, Oregon,
Allgtltt 4. lyU.
Kntlce ia lierctu- plvru ihat Marthallta-AWlirev.
uf Deachulcii, Oregou.mia Alrtl of liitcuiiuit
to iititkc pruor 011 lit ncaeri-iaiut -miui fo toj.
An the aw nejf, n) f, neU awlf ami atf
nwK a Ji, Iplja, r 11 c, w 111, before J. M.
t .. I, O I ...... ... I., .la., aa at 11 .I.,.,.... I.a
latllTltllVV, f. O, V.MHlll-MWll ,--,,lV., Wl'
vgtiti, on rUtiirtlay, tltc ivth day of hcptcinher,
lie iiaiiic the fttlluwiiiE wltneate to nrove
Ilia cumtilete irtluatiuit ami recUmalion of aald
land: Thomtu Arnold. WtllUm I'ryieur, LouU
McAllialer, nrorge Me.liller,oiriiira,tjreguii.
UI48 MlCllAHI, T. NOLAN, Keglater.
Timber I.and, Act June j, 7J.
V. A. !. ml Office, The Jlallre, Oregon,
May 11, lODj
Notice I hereby glren that In compliance with
thr provfaton ofthe Art of Concrra of June t,
arn. eiiiiuni, aii art loruieaaieui tiini-er lamit
In the alalra of California, Oregon, Nevada, and
Waahlngleti Territory," aa ealenurd to all Die
tmMtc land atalea hy Act of Auguat 4, lyi, thr
foltowlng-Haiaed trraoni have on Ort 7, ',
filed In thl office their aworii atatementa, to-wil
1 liltner O I'cteraon
of4ji I. Twelfth at, Portland, county of Miitttio
Utah, atale of Orrgon; aworii atalement No lyA,
for lliepurchaaeof lheewj, aec JI, tp 19 a, r Ije,
w in.
Cell. M llrown
ort'ortlaiKl. eoniily of Multnomah, alate of Ore
gon, aworn atalement No im, for Ihe mrchae
flheawf a)f aec y antfwM lief ami nwf
arjf aec Ji, lp 19 a, r IJ e, w in
Jacob II. Myera
ofyii Itaat lliitnvhlc at, Portland, eounty of MhII
nemah, alate ef Oregon; aworti l(tnnrnl No
ijio, fortheiHircbateoflheiiwif; aec Ji, lp 19 a,
r lj c, w m.
Kugene I. Aahtlue
uf4Jl l Twelfth at, Portland, county of Muttno
tHafi. alale of Oiegon; aworn ilatemrnt No ijii.
far Ihe purchate ofthe nejf aec ji, tp 19 a, r ij e.
w m.
Nalhanlrt P liyrra
of jeA It Aevciith at, Portland, county of Multno
mah, alate of Oregon, awurn atalement No ijii,
for the porchaae ofthe acjf aec ij, tp 19 a, r n e,
w in.
That they will offer proof lo ahow thalthetand
aought ia more valuable for ita tlMiber or atone
than for agricultural purpoac, and to olabthdi
their claim lo aald land before the rrglttcr and
Krcelvrr at The Oatlet, Oregon, on Wednesday,
thr 1(4)1 day of Keptetnhrr, lj
They name aiwltneatea Nathaniel I' llyere.
Jacob II Myrra, Itugcuc I Athllne.Cella M Itrown
and Itlturr O I'etcraon, all of Portland, Oregon
Any and all iiertona claiming adveraely the
alxHc-dcacribnl land are rcoHctted to file their
claim lu thl offiee on or before the aald 1 till day
of rkiitembcr. lint
Jnj-4 MlCilAI'l. T NOLAN. Keglater.
Tlmlier Ijml, Act June j, iSr.
U. 8. 1-and Office. The Daltea, Oregon,
May U, teoj
Notice la hereby given that In cemipUaBcc with
the pfwrttamuoflhc Act of Congreaa of June j.
W74. entitled, "An art for Ihe aaleef tlmtierUnda
In the atate ef California, Oregon, Nevada, and
WaaMagtoa Territory." aa extended to all the
pobWe laml atalea by Act of Attgutt 4, Met, the
Mlowtog-ttamed peraona have Ated in thia uatcc
their aworn atalemenla. to-wit-
MatlirC Fa-nll
of Alhena, county ef I'matllU, atate of Oregon;
aworn autemrni ,o ijao, ind on H, tfm, lor the
orcbaae ef the nwif arc it, tp I J a, r Me, w m.
Utile Chureh
ef Athena, county of Umatilla, atate of Oregon;
awvrn atatrmcni .- lyav, uiru uc le. lyl, tor
Ihe purchate of Ihe ne!( aec 11, tp lj , r 1 e,
w m.
jamca i- longKion
of Mltan, eettnty ef rtjxikane. Male ef W thing-
for Ihe i-urchaaeoflhc tej arc , tp 19 a, r 10 c,
w 111.
Ira Itham
of Camden, county of Stevena, ttate ef Wathlng-
ton; awurn atalement No 1 m. filed Oct 17, 19M,
for Ihe tmrchascofthcawJX arc I. tp 19 , riae,
w m.
lohn I. Dowllne
of ij titan ave. Kpekanc, roanly of Spokane.
atateVf Waahlngton, aworn rtatement No IJ74,
nn-t on 17. ioa, lor tne iwrtnate 01 ine tetj aec
i. tp 19 a, r 10 e. w m.
That they will offer proof to ahow tltatthetand
aought ia more valttabte for ita timber or atone
tlMH for agricultural purnuaet, and to eatabttth
thetr claim to aaltl land before the KegMer and
Receiver al The IWHea, Oregon, r Tucaday, the
Md ilay ef Septiinbcr, iva.
Tliey name at wllneaaea. I' II Chardi, Uitic
Church. M It Mortlmorc. I M Mortlmare. Malllc
ixotl.of Athena, Oregon, C C Congtcten, (Scorge
Meele.hHCarter.iP Cougleton, J J llowHtig,
Dvabery Carter, ef Milan. With, and Ira Itham.
of Camden. Wath
Any and all ticraone clalmlnr adreraelv the
atuvT-tleaorlbed laud are rr-ntetlt-d lo Ate their
tlalma in Ihta orBec en of before the aald lid day
of !-cnirtMtir. ioii.
I lyj-M MlCllAHI. T NOLAN. Kegtaler.
Timber I-and, Act June j, tAyA.
U. A. Und OArc. The Hallet. Onfloa,
May it. 190J
Netarc la hereby given that la coatpUaacc with
Ih pTN-irMoaa ofthe Act of CiMtgrt of June 1.
i7, rtttHMd, "An act forthcaaleof tlmbr landa
In Ihe aaleuf CUaornia, oregou, Nevada, and
WathlHgton Territory." ta exlinded to all the
public taad atalet by Art of AugHat 4. lf the
IbUowiHg-nametl vemon have on Oct w. 191,
Ated In Ihia office their awurn atatcntcfila, to-wit.
Gorton iturUngamc
of Kpakane, county of hpokane, atale of Wath
InglMi, aworn atalement No 1419, for the pur
chate of the nw aec jj, tp 19a, r Ije, w m.
Crlt.leJ KlHgttey
of Leon, county of Adam, atale ef Wathington;
aworn auument No 141. for the purchatc or the
neK aec jj. tp 19 a. r ij c. w m.
Jacob M. Klngalry
of I.rou, county of Adamt, tai of WaihinetOH;
aworn atatenteHt No 1417, fur the purchatc oT the
aeK aec JJ, tp 19 a, r ij c, w Hi.
Agnaa Ilutla
of The iNttlea, eouuty of Waaco, atate of Oregon;
aworn atatemriil No 1414, for the purchatc of t lie
awl, ate M tp 19 a. r 1 J e. w m
That they will uiTer prouf taabote that th land
ought ia mure valuable lor It llml-er or atoM
than for agricultural purioc, and to catahUah
tbeir rtaitaa to aald laud before the Kegitter amt
Hrccivrr at Ihc Hallea, Orvgou, on Ttt4ay, the
19th day uf September. 194.V
They name aa tvlluo-vr I M Kingtlcy aud
Crlatie J Klngaley', nf Leon, wath, John McTag
gart aud Ague null, of The Itallea, tHegouHd
(urtmi HuiUngame. of KHikanc, Wath.
Any and alt tieraoua claiming aaveiarty the
atMv-dciSd Jatul are reuueatcd lo Ale their
claim in Ibt office on or twlwrc the aahl Mb itay
of 8ilmber, iwj
JyO-ala M1CIIAKL T. N0L.N. Kagiatcr.
Tlmlier Land, Act June J, 178.
V. S. Laml Omc, Tin Dalle. Oregon,
July 1 j. 19MJ.
Notice U hereby given that in cumpliaitcc with
the pcovtttene of the Art of Cmigreat of June ,
117a, entitled, "An act for the aale of tlmlier tanda
In th ttate of California, Oregon. Nevada, and
Wa-hlugton Territory," a extended to all Ihc
public land atatMhy Act of Attautt 4, ityi, the
followliir-iiameil eront have fried lit thl office
their aworii alulemcitU, tu-uil.
Nt-Uoit llrhle
of SiHitlt. county of llotltneau, alate of North Da
kota, avtoru ataUiuent Nu IJJ7, filnl Dec 4, i,
for the purcluae of the chl nwlj and cbj vrf
MClll, tp Mli r 14 c win
Aithur V. Goating
ofl.eMara coiiiily uf Plymouth, atate of lows;
aworii lUlcmeut No IJJtl. Hint Dec 4, 191, forth
IHiicbane of the acli uwW. eVj awh; aee 17 nd
neK nwK aec J4. lp a, r 10 e, w 111.
Wlltlaui G. Knfter
of fiontlt, county of Hottineati. atate orN'orth Da
kutu; awurn atatiineut No IJ40. filcxl Dec 4, low,
for Ihcpnrchaaeoflheehj ueJi and e)l ae) sec
14, tp iv. r 11 e, win.
MaryC llriahlii
of Thr Dalle, county uf Waaco, atate of Oregon;
aworn alatement No loMi.'llle-J 1'eli 10, iooj, fur
Ihe purchate of Ihe nctf aec , tp 10 a, r 1 J e.w m.
That thry will olTer proof to ahow that the tautt
nought i more vnlualdc fur It timber or alone
than for agricultural purpoaeei and to eataUUh
their claims to aaid laud before the Kegkter and
Krcclver al The llallea, Oregon, on Tuetday, the
jjlh day uf Oclolier, tvoj.
They naiticHa nitueaaea; John McTaggett. C
II llrUbln. of The Dallea. Or; WtllUm G ttafier.
Nclioit llrlde, ufnouril, N Dak; John llloaa, of
Hand, Or; Kan Smith, of Grand l'orka, N IKlk.
Any and alt peraona claiming adteratly the
abuvvdcacrlbcd landa are ritietcd to file their
claim lit Ihia office on or before the aatd 77th day
6f October, 19a).
M4-oi6 MICHAHL T. NOLAN) Register.
Timber Land, Act June j, 17.
V. H. I-imI Officr, The Iallea, Oregon,
June , 19-4.
Notice la hereliy given thai In cnmHtbtnee with
Ihe provUlona oflhr Art of CiMtgreaa of Jne i
11, eiitltletl, "An art Air Ihe aale of tlmbcrtand
lu the alatea of California, Oregon, Nevada, and
Washington Territory," aa extended to all thr
public land alatea by Act of Augntt 4, . Ihe
t-tlowlng-nameel peraona have ea Iec 19, 11n.
filed In thia omee their aworn ataiittnl, lewil
Anton Anne
of A thl ml, fottntyof Athlend, atate of Wtacon
aln; aworn alatement No 1557, for the purchate
of Ihe tie(f aee 19, lp i , r 10 , w m.
taturH IarftH
ef I'equaming, eeranty of Haraga. atale ef Mltlil
gau; aworn atatmHt No ijaa, lor the parehaie
ofthe liJ,' aec lj, tp Je a, r 10 e. w m.
Prtler Laracn
of I'oitamlng, eimnty of Haraga, alale ef Mkhl
gau: aworn atalement No ijm, for Ihe purchate
of Ihe acK aec 14, tp 10 a, r 10 c. w m,
I'nler Nllten
of Pcuanilng, crmnly of lUraga, atate of Michi
gan: aworn atetemettt Xe iJaVi, for Ihe pttrcbaae
of the ne'f !. a)t nK and nw m aec IJ.
lp i, r e. w m
That they wilt offer proof to ahow that theland
aought la more valuable for Ita timber or atone
than for agricultural parpoaea, and to a-taMitlt
Ihrtr eta I nn lo aald land before th Kcgtater and
Receiver at The Hall, Oregon, on Thur4ay4he
i-yth day of Octotier. .
They name aa wllneaaea Laurita Laraon, I'et
ter Ijirteii. Peder Nilaen, peter Nhwa, of I'e
quamlng, Mich; Anton Aunr. ef Aahtand, Wia;
Thtimaa Tweet, of The .Mil, Oregon.
Any and all peraona claiming adveraely the
abovc-drarribed land are rrnucated to file their
daitna In thl office en or before Ihe aald 7S-th day
of October, iyi.
au-oi6 MlCllAHI, T. NOLA.V, Kcsktcr.
Timber rjnd. Act June j, i7.
U. S I-and OfAee, The IMlte. Oregon.
Junet, Urtj.
Notice ia hereby given that In eompHance with
the provltlena of Ihe Act of Congret of June 1.
ii7t. entitled. "Ah art for the aale of llmberlanda
In the atatea of California, Oregon, Nevada, and
Wathtngten Territory," aa extended to all Ihe
public Und atatea by Act of Augtttt 4. . the
leUowlng-nanM-d pcraoru have en Nov 1, ki,
filed In Ihia office their aworn autemenli, to-wit
John V. William,
of Oram! I'orka, county ef Grand l'orka, atale ef
Xorth Oaketa. awtKn atalement No 1516, for the
purchatc ef the uJ tec 19, tp 10 a, r 14 c, w ra.
Ktcard M Howler
of j4 Commercial blk, MinnaapeUi, county ef
NtoeUet. atate of Minnesota, aworn atatemeni No
ii(. for the tHirchat ef the n ttH and aef
(f aec 1 ana nek neK aec 11, lp a, r ije, w m
UeUe G Howler
of y4 Commercial blk. Mhtncapeti, ctmnty of
Ntceilet, ataleef Mlane-tota; aworn atatemeni No
JI9, for the pardwae of Ihc nw)f tac 11, tp 19 a,
r ij e, w m.
Jamea Catlom
of Grand HcHka, coanty of Grand I'orka. atate of
North Dakota: earorn atalaatwot No igae, fur the
puediaacoftbceM tkwfi aad lota 1 aud 1 aec 7. 1 p
a, r 14 e, w ro.
Leeyebl atrn
ef Larlmere. ceuuty of Grand I'mka, atate of
North Dakota; aworn atateraeat No 1517, for the
purefcaaeof the ef aec I. Ipaoa, r 14 c, wra.
Tbal they wttl o-flrr proof 10 abow that theland
aought la more valuable for ita timber ar alone
than far agricultural purpotea. and to eaubtith
their claim to aald land before the Kegitter and
Receiver at The Dalle. Oregon, on Saturday, the
14th day of October. 109J
They nam aa witneaaet' Jaroe CuUom, John
1' WlllUma. ofGrand Pork. S Oak; Richard M
Howler. HeHc G Howler, of MlnaeapoUa, Minn,
IoK4d Men., of Irtcbore, N Dak; Johu McWI,
ef Head, Or.
Any and all nerten ctalirtlng adrerteiy the
abet c-dncribed laud arc requtatctl to 6vc their
claim in thli office on or before the aatd 14th day
ef October, woj.
au-016 MICHAHL T. NOLAN, Kegitter.
Timber Land, Art June J. i7.
17. 8. Land 0c. The Dallea, Orefen.
Junet, laaj.
Notice ta hereby given that In twrnpttaucc wtth
the pravtaioaa or Im. .let of Coatgr of Jaae ,
i7. entitled, "An act for the aale of timber hutdt
la lb ttate of CalilbruU. Oregon. Neva da, and
Waahiugtoai Tcrntnry," a eatrad-id to au the
MibMc land atatea by Act of Aagoat 4. !. the
Mttewieg-naHMd peraoa have oa Nov aa. ioji.
Ated In llilt otak thetr awoea ttaUniaala. Is-wit
John Martin
pfTacema (Hotel Hrvoklyn). county of Pierce,
ttate of Waahlngton; aworn atatemeni Na 151
Am- the pureha ef I he neif are 14, tp ij a, r tec,
w 111.
Horace II. Irtckinaon
of Taesma, county of tierce, atate of Wathlng
Uin. aworn atalement No ijii. Aw the purchatc
ofthe aey aee 14. tp ij a. r 10 c, w m.
Tlrat thev will offer woof to abow that the land
aought ta more valuable Aw ita tratbar or alone
than for agricultural partHH-ea. and ta ta)jllah
thetr ctalma to aatd Uml barhrc tb KiaiMge and
Rtealvar at The latllca. OreatOH. oh Moadar. th
34 h day of October, 190J,
Thry nam aa wtlaeott. It Slurry. II M IMek
Inten, W A Doberty aud J Martin, of Teeom-i,
Wath; V W Smith, of Portaand, Or-
Any and all tterrton eUimltu: adverMy the
abov-deVTil)d lantt ir nauwttd ta Al thetr
etabna In thi urBce ott ar before the aald lath day
of October, t9i.
au-016 MICIIAia T. NOUVN. Kegitter.
Ttmbrr Laud, Act June j, 17.
U. S. Land OMee, Tb UaUe. Oregoti.
Jane f, ij.
Notice I hereby gtven that In CAmpMaawe with
lh pintiona of the Aet of I'naaiaai of Jaat a.
iT, entitled. "An apt Aw the aatltof tiuitmrbiuita
in the ttalaa of CallaWnta. Oregon. Nevada, and
WathlHgton Territory," a extended to alt the
E" 'M Und atale by Aet of Augaat 4. ''ajo. the
wlng-uamod iHtraoai have on Itec 1, ita.
in till odk Ihelr awor-t atatementa. to-wit.
orin J. Gray
ef bend, counly of Crook, alale of Oregon awoea
atateitient No itjo Aw lb ww-sbaac if la set(
aH nad netf -M ee i and iK W and ur.
iwf arc 1, tp 19 a, r 11 e, w m.
of Spooner, eouuty of WattuHini, atate of WU
cciitln; aworti atateawat lfo is, Aw the imr
chaacof theaw) uU. uiK tt ad cji actf
aec M, tp 19 a, r 11 , w Ht.
That they will offer proof to ahew that the Und
aougltt I more valuable for ita timber or atone
than fur agricultural purik-ara, and Ul cahliH
their claims to aatd land before tit Kegttlar and
Receiver at The Daltea, Oregon, ou Motiday, the
KKlt ilay of October, uj.
They name a liuea-ea: JantM Boyle, ot
Siwoiter, Ww, tietwgCa Oeudeanltuj, Oleiini
Marah, Klcltanl King ami Oriu J Gray, of Mend,
Anv atut all neraau claiming adveraely the
above described laud urv rciiueated to Ale tbeir
clatw tu this oAec 011 or before the aald ideh day
QrOetober. if
auoi6 MI
Irfiad Otttoe at The Inillrt, ui.n,
.u.u-t , ivV
Notice I hereby given that tin fuvlnjj
uaoiwl settler lias f UTI m( f li. tut imon to
make filial proof u anpport 't Ina aiim, gad
that aahl proof will be mad tndurc J J smith.
County CterL. at Priucvllle, Oreguiii ou Mon
day, September 11, lysj, vis:
Clyde Jhnu of slater. Oregon:
II It No.ty,, lortbesx. aec 4. tp 1 a, r 11 e
w in.
He name the follow tug witurm-e to prove hia
continuous rrautnuv upon ami cultivation of
Mkl land, vis t.eorn. II Tailor. M M Tltoiiae
John i'ajlur, 1 M-'n !' u