Tlmlier Land, Act June j, I8;8. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. V. . Land Office, The Dalle. Otrgon, May $ vy . Notice U hereby Riven lhal In compliance with the provision ofthe Acl of Congress of June j. i;8. entitled, "An net for the wileorilmber laml InthcMalesofCnlirornla, Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Territory," extended to all the inihlle Inml tatc by net or Align! 4. lty. Ibe followlnc-namcd person huve on Nov I, laoa, filed In llila office their aworn tatcment,lo-wil: Jele A Archer or noj Dupont l, n. Mluneapotl, county or Hennepin, ntale or Minnesota; sworn statement No u7. fbr !he purchase or the iic ec to, tp 19 . r 13 c, tv 111. Minium X. Oiirrle or 9,5 Hlthth live. Orniul l'ork, county of Grand Votls, Mate of North Dakota; sworn statement No 144S. for the purchase ofthe- w( ec n, lp 19 r 13 e, vr in. rHa.tM II tlnhlnson of Grand fork, county of Grand Kork. state of rrerin iMi.mii; mtoni statement iio wy iwr mc purchase of the eH cc 7, lp 19 . r 13 e, w in. 1fmitrMi M lurrlr- of Rrnnl fork, county ofGrand l'ork. Mate of Sittrtlt IiakOia; sworn statement .o it.w. lor mc purchase of the self vec ao, tp 19 , r 13 e. w m t.U SI UnM,intl of Grand fork, county of Grand Fork, Male of Norm iMkota: sworn siaicmcni no i.m, ir mc purchase of the self sec 11. tp if a, r ij e, w in. Martha C William or Grand fork, cwiiity ofGrand l'ork, tte of North Dakota, sworn !ttctncnt No U5 for Ibe purchase of the wi,ecai, Ipi9, nje. w in. Martha II Luke of Cramt l'ork, county of Grand fork, Mute of North Dakota: sworu statement No t4SJ. for the purchase of the neif ec at, tp 19 . r 13 e. w in. That thev will offer nroof to show Hint the land amigal I more valuable for it limber or 'tone than for agricultural purpose, and to etab)lb their daim to sabl Und More the Register and Keceiver at The luttc. Oregon, on Tuedy, the ijlh day orOv-tobrr. ijioj They name at witnesses- I'rance M Currle. Martha II Luke. V A Currie, C II Koblnon, Wll llurr.J K Clifford. Martha C William, Ida S Uohlnuin. of P. rand l'ork. N Dakota: lrle A Archer, of Minneapolis, Minn. John Stekll. of lienu, urrnn. Any and all person claiming adversely the above-de-crilwd land are requested to file their daim in thl other on or before the said 13th day lyi-S MICHAHL T. NOLAN. Register. Timber Land, Act June 3. I VS. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. U. S. Land Office, The Dalle, Oregon, .May . 1903 or June I. tMa. entitled. "An act for the aale oftlmber land TlniW Laud, Ac! June 3, iBjS, NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. V, It. Laud ontce, The Dalle, Otcgon, May 17, 190,), Notice I hereby Riven that In compliance with thepnivitlouioflhe Acl r Congress of June J, IS;8, entitlril, "An act for Ihe wile of Umber laud In theatatctofCatirorula, Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Territory," a extended to all the public laud atatt by Act of AukuI 4, l4, the rollowliiR-nanml tKnuin have filed In thl office their wuiii ttalemenla, to-wll: CharleaO. King ofWevton, county orrmatllla. tale of Oregon: anoruatalrment No 1477, filed Nov 4, ly. Tor Ihe purehaerthe ! neu and lot 1 and J ce J, tp ij a, r 10 e, v in. Loul V Kagle of Wf.ton. counlv of Uiualllla. late of Orecon: mvoruata lenient No t Jij. fllnl Nov 11, 1901, for the purchase of the eV ec tt.lp ij,r loe.w in. That they will oiler urnnr to how thatthelaiid ought I more valuable for it timber or toue than I'nr agricultural uritoc. and to etbllh their claim to ald land Ixfote the KrgUter and ReceiiTr at The Halle. Otegon, 011 I'riday, the 1Mb day of October, 194) They name a wttnee C W Waller, J H Walter. Henry Stamper, Charle King, of We, ton, Or; John lilc and Mkliarl Conner, of The Dalle. Or. Anv and all neraon clalmlus adversely the aboveHlewrilml land are reitietcil to Ale their claim In thl office on or before the akl ith day of October, iimi tpt-'ij MICHAHL T. NOLAN. Regiiter. Timber Land, Act June ,t, IH;, NOTICU FOR PI'W.ICATION. U, B, Laud Offlce, The Dalle, Oregon, May 11, toj, Notice l hereby given Hint In compliance with the provision of the Act or Cunaie or June j, !;, eutltleil, "An net for Die wile of limber laud In the Ulc uf Callfontl, OreRon. Nevada, ami Washington Tcullory, aeatcmlett to all the public bind Male by Act or Augut 4, liSll, the rollowiuR-uamol peitoii hae oil Oct 7, iyi,ntet In IhU ulllcc their nroin MatemcnU, lovvll. l'attlck II Cutley of Phlllllp, county of nice. tntc of WlMonaln. wont latemriit No ijw, for Ihe purehaac of Ihe imi( urjf. e! nw) and uwt4 nK ee I, lp w . r ue.w 111. ltdnard Vanderwall ofrhllllp county of Pilce. tale of VIeooln; worn tatement No ii. for the purchase oflhe eU wcj4, tp i a, r ije. 111 Thai Ihey will offer nioof lo hor thaltheUiid ought I more valuable ftr II tlmlier or lime than for agricultural purinwe. and lo elabllh their claim to aald land Wore the Kegilrr and Receiver at The IMIle, Oiegoii, on TueiaUy, the Ijlh day of Septemlier, lyvl They name a wltutMC. Jacob Raonutneu. lilt Crotleau. Dan Hullitan. Ilau ItverMti.Hotrn .,,, iw..M.i, tf.ii mini, n,i, ,,,. i....iiwrn Laron and Johu Wlluiot Jr. alt of l'hllllw, Wl Any and all iieraon ilalnilug adversely the aUmHtexribetl laud arc reo,urtrt In file their claim in thl offiiv or Wfoie the aald 1Mb dayofHepttniber, ioiu. ui6-m MICilAKL T NOLAN, Kegl.ter. Neliee I hereby given that In compliance with thepraeiioiifthe Act or Congrc or Junei tt. entitled. "An act for the ule of llmtvrr land in the Mate of California. Orecon. Nevada, and WaMnRtm Terrttorj-." extended to all the mtbtle Und Mate by Act of Augtitt 4. Ity. the rolbminc.namrd perwn have on Nov j. loo filed In thl HBce their aworn tatemenli. to-w It; Loni Moe of Harvey, county of llerce. tte of North Da kota: iironi xatement No 1471. for the purchate of Ihe V,' ec . tp 19 s, r i e. r m. Thotna T. Ijtrtan uf Langor, county of lieltraml, date of Mlnne. ota: rorn latemrnt No lira, for the rurehae of the lot 1, a, 1 ami 4 ec il), tp. r 14 c, wm Robert 1'omlund of Ilemtdji, eottnty of lieltraml, date of Minne sota: iworu statement No ti7j, for the purcbue of the k sec i, tp . r 1 j e. w m. That they will offer proof to show that the land sought ta more valuable for it timber or stone than lor agricultural purpose, and to eftaUlsh their ciallsu to hM land before the RegHter and Keeetver at The IMIle. Oregon, on I'riday, the ista day ofOctolier. Kpoj. They name atwlliitmc Lout Moe, of liar-mi- 4iyi Vijrt UhniHij nr n.,Llu ii.M Han lfverson. of lh(llipa. Wis. Louis WiUon. of Ikna, Or; tikmim T Lanon.orLangor, Minn Any and all person claiming adversely the abuve-desarlbcd Und are requetted to file their daim In thl office on or before the uld Uth day ofOctolier, toaj. Jy4-5 MICHAHL T. NOLAN, Register. sV. Timber Land, Act June 3. 187ft. NOTICE F R PUBLICATION. U. 8. Land Office, The Dalle, Oregon, May at, 1903 Notice I hereby given that In compliance with the provision of the Act of Congrr of June , i7, entitled, "An act for the sale of timber lands In the state of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Territory," as extended to all the HiMlclandtatbyActof August 4, 1S91, the fotbtwlng-named persona have on Nor 1, 190a, filed In till office their worn statement, to-wit. Mod Olson of Remldj, county of lieltraml, state of Minne sota; awm sWemeut No 1457. for the purchase of the tH aeft, acK nef,' and lot I see 6, tp 17 a, r to e, w m. Aufin O. Kroken of BemMji. county of lieltraml. state of Minne sota; sworn statement No 14JS. for Ihe purchase of thccK wlfand Hkj sec6,tp 17 , r 10 e, w m. August Wolden o! rtemMJi. county of lieltraml. Ute of Minne sota; sworn statement No MM, for the purchase of the tot 4. 5. ami 7 sec 6. tp 17 s, r 10 e, w m. That they will offer proof to show that Ihe land sought la more valuable for its timber or atone I lun for agricultural purposes, and to establish their claim lo aald land before the Register and Receiver at The Dalle. Oregon, on Vtdntlay, the 14th day of October, ! They name as witnesse Aufin O Kroken, August Wotden, 1 A Sather, Moos Olson, of lie inWJI. Minn, and Mike Lclage.of llend. Or. Any and all person claiming adversely the above-described land are requested lo file their claim In thl office on or before Ihe uld 14th day of October, Hi Jyins MICHAHL T. NOLAN, Register. Timber Mod, Act June J, 1I7& NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. U. 8. Und Office, The Dalle. Oregon, JuueS, 190a Netfoe Is hereby given that In compliance with the provisions oflhe Act of Congress of June 1, ije. entitled, "Ah act for the sale ol limber lands In the states of California, Oregon, Nevada, ami Washington Territory," a extended to all the IHiMk hind states hy Act of August 4, iSj, the following-named persons have filed In thl office their sworn statements, lo-wlt Ole li. Jevulnir of Climax, county of 1'olk, state of Minnesota; . ..,m, wuiiij wi t wis., suti? 01 unncsoia; orn statement No 1M, filed Dec ij, 190a, for kllC UISilC Ul IIIC lp j , r ta e, w m. the purchase of the vti se and ejf wj ec 3, John K. ievnlng ir a I max, county of folk, state of Minnesota: worn statement No 1545, filed Dec 13. 190a, f'ir the purchase of lot 4 sec 3 and lot I and nctf lie; see 4, tp aa , r la e, aud sctf c sec jj, lp 19 a, r lae, w m, Gander Swenson of Climax, county of 1'olk- state of Minnesota; sworn statement No 1546. filed Dec it, looa, for the purchase oflhe cK iW and kU avtib sec 1 and nejf nwjf sec 1a, tp ao , r 11 e, w m. Htliuer I'.stensen ofCllmax, county of I'olk. state af Minnesota; sworu statement No 1547, filed Dec 13, 190a, for 111c purcnase 01 ine iiwjj seca.tpaoi.r lae.wui. John 0. lillxt of Bend, county of Crook, stateof Oregon; aworn v.,,,,,, .u .ajn, iiiru iirc4. lynz. chase ofthe li neJi audncK nwl a, r 11 e, w 111. That they will offer proof to how that the land sought I more valuable for Ha timber or stone than fur agricultural purpose, aud to establish their claims to said laud before the Register and Receiver at The Dallea, Oregon, oil Wednesday, Ihe ath day of October, 190J. They name aa wituesse Jlelmcr I'.slenseii, John It Jeviilug, Ole Krickson, Olc 1 Jevnlug, (iunder liwcnsou, of Climax, Minn; Louis Nel son, John llloi,, Donald H hteffa, of llend, Or; John K Itiimuuea, of Phillips, Wi; O ewou, of Seattle, Wash; John McTaggart, of The Dallea, Or. Any and all persons claiming adversely the uhovdswa1bed lauds are requested to file their claims in this office oil or before Ihe said atth day of October, ip, U14-016 .MlClfAliL T. NOLAN, Register. Tlmlier Land, Act June 3. i;J. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. V. S. Land Office, The Dalles, Oregon, May it, ioM Notice I hereby given that In compliance wllh Ihe Hovison otlhe Act or Congress of June 3, iS?s, entitled. "An net for the sale of timber lands In the state of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Territory," a extended to all the public land ttales by Act of August 4. IV. Ihe following-named ierson have on Nov 3, 1901, filed in thl office their aworn statement, to-wit IMward A. Dicken of Iflk. county or Spokane, state or Washington, aworn statement No 1464, for the purchase 01 the wj( sec ao, tp 19 , r 10 e. w m. Frank Statey ofChattaroy.county or Spokane, state or Wash ington, sworn statement No 14(5, for the pur chase uf the nrU ec 31, tp 19 a, r 10 e, w m. Sherman A. Rtld of Milan, county orspokane. stale of Washing ton, aworn statement No 15. far the put chase of the nej, sec Jo, tp 19, r 14 e, v m. Charje Ros ofChattaroy, county of Spokane, state of Wash ington, sworn statement No 147, far the pur chase of the sel( sec 30. tp ly , r M r, w m. Arthur Or ham of Ml J College are, Spokane, county ofSpokane, state or Washington, sworn statement No 14M, (br the purchase of the nc!( e 19, tp 19 , r is e. w ru. Pauls Nkhot of St laut, county of Ramsey, stateof Minnesota; worn statement No 1444, for the purchase oflhe m! sec 19. tp 19 s, r M e, sv m. Theodore (luuther ofChattaroy, ccmiity of Spokane, state of Wash ington; sworn tatement No 1470. for Ihe pur chase ofthe swjf sec 17, tp 19 s, rwt.o m. That they will olfer proorto show that tbeland sought 1 more valuable for it Umber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to eitaldhb their claim to said land before Ihe Register and Receiver at The Dalle. Oregon, on Thursday, Ihe ijlh day of October, 193. They nameas witnesses Theodore Ouiither, Prank Statey, Charle Ross, of Cbattaray, Wash, ltdword A Dlcken, of Illk. Wash: Sherman A ReW. of Milan, Wash: Arthur Graham, orspo kane, Wash: Paul S Nichols, of St Paul, Minn Any and all tierson ctalmlHC adtersely the above-described land arc requested to file Iheir claims In thts othce ou or before the said ijlh Timber Und, Act June 3, A1 NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. v S. Laud Office. The llle, Oregon, May r. luu csniililkiiiee with the irtnlsmn otlhe Art of Cnress of Jmte Notice I hereby giten that In cum soflhr Artuf Couarrss of June 1. 187O, entitled. "An act Use the ale of timber Und day of October, loot. Jy4-IJ MICHAHL T NOLAN, Krgister. Timber Land, Act June 3, 187. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. V. S. Land Office, The Dalle. Oregon, June 5, 1903 Notice Is hereby given that in compliance wllh the provisions of the Act of Congress or June 3, iT. entitled, "All act for the sale ol timber lands In the states of California. Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Territory," aa extended to all Ihe fiubltc Und slates by Act of August 4. 189', Ihe otlowlnir-namcd persons tiavc on Nov 14, 1901, filed III ibis office their aworn statements, to-wit. George W Rice of7JJ Harvard ate. n, Seattle, county or King, state or Washington: aworn statement No ijai. for Ihe purchase or the sK nw) sec as, tp ta , r lae, w in. David Murray or Tacoma, (care Hotel Brooklyn), county of Pierce, slate of Washington, sworu statement No ijoa. for the purchase of Ihe sH swjf sec la and wH n-J sec 13. lp ij . r M e. w m Thai Ihey wilt offer proof to how thai the land ought is more valuable for it timber or stone than for agricultural purpose, and lo establish their claims to said land before the Register and Receiver at The Dalle. Oregon, on Wednesday, theaistday or October. 1903 They name si witnesses George W Rice, or Seattle, Wash: David Murray, of Tacoma, Wash; I' W Smith, John Illos, Mrs C A !avtdou, of Sisters, Oregon. Any and all person claiming adversely Ihe abovc-slcscribed land are requested to file their dalms in this office on or before the said list day of October, lysj.. iyji-oa MICHAHL T. NOLAN, Register. Tlmlier Land, Act June 3, 1I78. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. U. H. Und Office, The Dalles, Oregon, May 17, 1903. Notice is hereby given that in comtitlanec with me provision or the Act 01 Congress or June 3, i7. entitled, "An act ror the sale of limber lands In Ihe stairs ol California, Orevon. Nevada, and Washington Territory." a extended to all Ihe fmbllc land states liy Act or August 4, i;i, the ollowlng-nanicd person have Died In this office their sworu stetcments, to-wit: Chailea II Hells or The Dalle, county or Wasco, state or Oregon; worn ttatemeiit No Mho. filed Nov 4,190a, for the purchase of the netf awtf. H nw and w nctf sec 33; lpij, r toe, w m. David Morris of The Dalle, county of Wasco, state of Oregon; worn tatement No ull, filed Nov 4, 190s, for Ihe purchase ofthe aiinwX, nt aw),' ami nvV aw'( ec 30, lp ij a, r 10 e, w m. llcnnle lohnsoti of The Dalles, county ol Wascu, stateof Oregon; worn statement No UJ, filed Nov 4, !. for the purchase oflhe w e 3a, lp 13 a, r 10 e, win. l'rederick A. Iletls of The Dalles, county of Wasco, stale or Oregon; wuiii sisicincw no 1403, nira nov 4, 190a, lor i In the state or California. Oregon, Nevada and Washington Territory." as ettenueil to an I lie public laud state by Act of August 4, iSfi, the following named pcrHS hate on Nov la, lyst. filed in this office Iheir itiorn statement, lo-wlt. Isaac N William of 141 Grand ave, 11, PottUml, county of Multno mah, Mate of Oregon: snorn statement No 1493. for the purchase of Ihe eH k'.. sw) se( and sejf sv, sec 31, tp an , r it e. w m. Hugh Doyle of llemldjl. county or Iieltram . stale ol Mlune sola, swum slntenitnt No 14, lor Ihe xirclusc of theut), sec 33, tp iK s, 1 it e. vr in. Ilertha A Knox of HemldJI, county or lieltraml. state of Minne sota, sworn statement So 147. foe the (wrchase ofthe tn!i sec 33, lp 181, r lie. w in. That they will olfer proof lo show thai Ihe land sought I more valuable for It Umber or lone than Tor agricultural puue. and l establish their daliu to said Und before Ihe Kegisler ami Receiver at The Dalles, Oiegsm, tin Wesliie4ay, the list day nr October. irJ Thev name as wllnrsses lohu LSehuvleman. of Lyuden. Wash. Lawrence I'osdtek, Amo iiraosnaw, i- . tt llllicn. 01 itHtiaiiu, ur. jetiu Stetdl. Ilertha A Knot. C I. Knox, Thoma Tweet, of The Dalle. Or. Hugh Doytc, of lie miuji. iinn Any and all person cUlmlng adversely the shore-described are iejwifsl W file Iheir cUlm In Ibis iifbce oil ur before Ihe said ntday 01 trctrsoer, iyj. Ml Timber Land, Acl June 3, i8;8 NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. V H, Land Office, The ll.illea, Oregon, May at, iij. Nollce I heieby given Dial In compliaiiic wllh Ihe piuvlslouaiif Ihe Ac! of Congtcs of Jillii' 3, 1178. entitled "An act fur the sale ofllmiirr laud In Ihe tatc or California. OrrKon, Nevada mid Washlnglou Tcirltury," a extended In all the public land Male by Acl of August 4, iRai, (lie folhiwlng-itiiiucd petsuna have Tiled III till office their wuin lalement. lo-wlt, Joseph li Clllfnid oftM Reeve nvr, tlmud INitk. eminly oftlrnud I'urks, stateof Noilh Dakota: swum lutcmcnl No in, tiled Nuv 1, lvu. fbr1 Ih imithase oflhe ne)( sec a", tp 19 a, r 13 , w 111. 1t,Ut(l' IklllV of Thompson, county or Grand I'oik. slate uf mum iiaMiin, aworn statement no 14114. nteH Nuv 1, itsM, for the purchase uf the stU see a, tii I9, r Me, w in. Satah Hougrii of llrskine, county r IVIk, Male uf Mluuesnlai wotn lalemeul No 1435, filed Nov I, Hi, far the purt'iaseiiftliean)tsrc 17, tp 19 a, r lie.wni, William II. Ihirr ufGrnud INirks, rsiuuly of Oiuud l'oiks, slate uf rstwii iMKntn, aworn Maiemeut No im, flletl Nov 1. hai, (Vh-the piiulMse uf Ihe tiw) sec at, lp If t 13 c w 111. That thev wilt ofltr ivrixif to shut lhal lli laml sotiiilil Is miMr valHable for It limber or lime man lor agrieunuiai purpose. Htm tut, labtlsh thrlr claim lu Mid land liefore Ihe Reg ister and Receiver at The iMllr-t. Oregsni, mi .iiuiiuay, ine inn nay ui ixtoiier. lyai Thev nam a wlinrssr W A Outile, V II Itmr, C II Itolrfiiwii, J lumrotil.tiflltandl'sHk, N tMk. John Mrhll, John llhsss. William Slaat. oflleiHl.Or: Amo lliadhaw, I' C Wbltten, l PnrtUmi.Or. Natah llimgeu, of Itrsklne, MlitH. Ruse C Odney, nf ThoiMMtiii, N Vak Any ami all iwrsoit rlatmliiji sdveisrly the above described tnnds are ieiesle,l tu file iheir claims In ihl oithje oh or IffiKe Ihe uhl lath nay ,11 (Ktober, lvu 11.11. Timber Land, Art June J, 1H8, NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Mnv t. iimi Nollce I hrrrbv nlvrii that In ciimnllatuv 1 he ptoilslonsurilie Ait nf Cotigies ol June 3, In-.. M; IAKI. T. NOLAN. Register. Timber Land, NOTICE FOR Atl June 3, I87 PUBLICATION. II. H. Mud Office, The IMlks, megim, mv wllh Uie plot 1Iiiiiiii Ihe AiliirCotigiF of June 3, Km. eutlllnl. "An act for the sale ol tlmlier lands III the atntea f Callflsrilia, Oirguu, Nevada, and Washington Teirllory," a rxlrihled In all the public land slate by Act uf August 4, I, (lie lolliiwliig-uaiiirsl iieisou lime lllnl In this nillte thrlr swum statement, In wit Itilwitut It Tiaey uf DnuiiybiiHik, ctuiuty uf Waul, stale ofNotth Dilkotai swiiiii stKtemeut Nil 148. filed Nov 8, i, ftir Ihr itiivliv i, (he e sec in,pw, r Lie, w in, John McOritth ofNuilh Vnkliiiii, ctuiuty uf Vaklma, slnlraf Wnililiigtuu: swmu tatement Nn Mil, filed Jtitv 10, to, ntr llie Hiiehs oflhe K ue)f nHstliwH nvM 11 am) kw( se( tre , lp m , r 1) e, w in. Willhon Lealhail sif Tyler, nullity of Richmond, stale of Noitli Dakota, sworn sUliiuenl No MM, filed Ntw la, Ifot, Oir the Hiichse of Ihe ueff sec 1), tp m,t ije, w 111. Ubai ea O'.M v y of I'rkst. stale W Wisaansiii swihii stalenieiil No i.wj. filed Oct 10, mitt IIm V 8. Land Office, The Dalle. Mat it. luu .. .. t . . .. . . . IT . nmirr is nrrvuy giieu iimi in compliance Oregon, llh tyji-ui flCHAHI, T. NOLAN, Register. Timber Laml, Art Jane J. l7). NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. I'. S. Land Office, The Doll. Oregon, Jane s. 11A1 " -r . - ... pnaisee WIIH Natke U hereby given thai Ih t provtsloH or ihe Aciaf Conbicss w Jhiw 1. 17. cHlltled. "An act for Ihe sate of timber Und in Ihe Male of CaUturnM, IHrsmn. Nevada, and Washlnglou Tetrllawy," it rt (ended to alt Ihe public Und states by Act af Attgttst 4, re. the loUawlaK-namtd iwtsons hare on Nov 17. h, filed In this office their sworn statements, to-wll Simon Ku.le of Pcrlry. county of NornMii. stateof Minnesota, worn statement No ism, for the purchase of the neU swi;, uH scK and se) JJ, tp 19 s, r la e, tv in. I'cter J. rtlerson ol IMrrlcy, county of Nor nun. sutc of Minnesota, worn atatcment No ISIJ, for Ihe Mirthase ofthe cjt iiwV and wli ne sre 17. lp v , r la c, w m. Jubu ... Kiule of Pertey. county of Norman, stale of Minnesota, worn tatement No ijia. foe Ihe purchase of Ihe ili neti. H n!s am! n!( sw sec j. lp ao t. r la e, w 111. Thai they will offer proof to show that the land sought Is more valuable fur Its Umber or stone than for agricultural purpose, aud to establish Iheir cUlms lo said It ad before Ihe Register ami Receiver at The Dalles Oregon, on Thursday, the aid day of October, iom. They name as witnesses John Rude. I'elerJ Peterson, Simon Rude, of Pertey. Minn. Louis Nelson. Louis Wiltoa, or Heud. or. Hans Hvee sou. or Phillip. WI. Any and all person claiming adversely Ihe abovc-descritxsl lands are requested to Ale Iheir daim In this elfke oa or before the uld aid day of October, iqvi Jyji-ol MICHAHL T. NOLAN. Register ..- .. ..... p. ,v, ,,c our f K-tf. , I,, , - , ., sworn statement Ho 1483, filed Nov 4, 190a, fo the tmrchaseof IhcsH w!, wjj' sejf aud nw"; w; sfc tii ,P a r 10 e, w 111. William I.. Wells of Independence, county or folk, state or Ore gon, sworn statement No 14W, filed Nov 7, 1901. for Ihe purchase oflhe wh self, sejf wjj and w hc;i vsj34, i, 19s. r lor, w ni. Phillip I' Man of Wrciitham, county of Waco, state or Oregon; sworn statement No 1487. filed Nov 8, 15m, ror Ihe purchase of the nwtf sec a6, lp 16 , r 10 e,w m That they will offer proof to show that the land ought is more valuable for It timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and lo establish Iheir claims to said laud before the Register and Receiver at The Dalles, Oregon, on Monday, the 19th day of October, 1903 They name as witnesses: Delink Johnson, Frederick A Hells, David Morris, Nathan Hubba, Charles II Hells, Willi M HuM.s, William II Hubbs, Den K Johnson, of The Dalles, Or, Amos Ilradihaw, 1'redC Whllten, Albert S Shole, of Portland, Or; Commodore I Wells, of Indepen dence, Or. Any and all persons claiming adversely Ihe abotc-dcscribcd lands are requested lo file their Claims ill this Ofllee oil or hfnr lh aalrf ,nfl,1u of October, loot. MICHAHL T, NOLAN, Register. Tlmlier Und. Act June 3, 1878 NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. U. ft. Und Office, The Dalles, Oregou, July m, 1943. Notice Is hereby glrcn that lu compliance with the provisions of the Art of Congress of June 3, 1878, entitled, "An act for the sale of Umber land In the states of California, Oregon, Nevada, ami Washington Territory," a extended to atl the public land stair by Act of August 4, lM. the following-named persona have filed lu this office their aworn sUteinents, to-wll: Charle W Thnrnlhwalte of Lewltton, county of Nea Perec, state of Idaho, worn statement No 14, filed April 19. rl. for the purchase orthc eH ne tf sec 30 and wit iiwj sec av, ipio s, r 11 e, w m. Christine 1, Thorulhwalle of Uwlstou. county of Nea I'ercc. stateof Idaho. sworn taleuient No ays. filed April a. 1901. for Ihe purchase oflhe i)j sec yt. lp 18 s, rue, vr m. That they will offer proof to show that Ihe Und sought la more valuable for Its Umber or stone than for agricultural purpose, aud lo establish their claims to said laud liefore Ihe Register and Receiver at The Dalle, Oregon, on Saturday, the itlh day of September, 19m. They name aa witnesses: John O Rose, Tilde Rose, Nellie Ilurgatou. Alfred Unreason, of The Dalle, Oregon. Charle W Thoruthwaltc, Chris line LThornthwalle, of Lewlston, Idaho, Jame 11 Haner, of llend, Or Any and alt nersuas claiming adversely Ihe aboviMlrserihed (and are requested lo file their claim In thl office on or before Ihe said ath day of (September, it Ji4-J MICHAKI, T. NOLAN, Register. the ptovtstiHi oflhe Acl ofCongreat of June j, it?, entitled. "Ah act fur the sale af Umber lands in iitesiaieattrcailrotHia larenm. Nevada, awl Washington Territory," a esleuded lu all the publk UihI sUlrs by Aat of ,(at 4, laa, the iMMwiHC-inmesl tsetssm Itave on Oct 17. nasi. Ales! in thlsortvc their sworn statement, us-wll Andrew J Hodges f Allwiuy. esiunty ut I.Iiih. stale of Oregon, sworn stntHHHI No it, foe Ihe )wiebe of Ihe ) se)( and H wV n 1, tp 17 s, r iae, w m. WillUm Alfred Trimble of Albaiiy.esHttdyof Unn, stale af IHvkshi; swshm statement No ism, tot the pwtehase ul Ihe hM neK and tiH hwX c 11. tp 17 , r lae. w m Itdnanl M Mmllsurr nf Athena, enstuly of I'MsaillU, slate of Oieitsmi worn stalesneal No 1 tyi. for ihe sntrchase 0 the t itehj tw lot 1 ami 1 sev 1. lp 13 s. r m e, w 111. Maltha li MortlmsKv f AlhH. ctmaty of I'saalllla, slate of Or,syisti. saoen stalassvenl No 1 m. Ibe the parchase oflhe Mh'I( ad ltd 3 aim 4 sec a, lp 13 . r la e, w m That Ihey will oiler woof lo show lhal Ihe Unst sostfkt I Hsnev valHable tor H limber or stost than tor airrsrwIlsHTil saiMii'i, and loytablMi Iheir dalms to said Und bs wee I he Regis ami Rreeiverat The Dalle, otegon, un frtday, Ihe t)tk day of hstembs-r, isi They Haute a wHres WillUm A Trimble. Andrew J Hodge, Halt C IsramieWrry and J into l. nf.MsMny, orvsrtm, John C Taeker. of The Dalle, otegoss Prank HCRsuth, Malllell tscutt. Mrs 1. 1, C hatch. Mall ha K Morlitsusic, ltdward M MoHiMHiee.tH AlbesM. (McsruH Ahv and an isersmii etalmlHV advetselv the above deacitlrtsj land are leiteTet Its Ale Iheir claim in this ofwec om or UAWlkMtd aaihday sh rw.fTttpeT jyiia itsu- MICIIAIII. T NOLAN. Register. Timber Utul, Act June 3, 17, NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. U. H. Und Office. The Utile. Orun, , May 13, syt. Notice Is hereby given Hut In auw (sits. hie with the tyovlstsn oftlHr Act f Congress of, June i, llJi.Vntlllnl ssAn act fbr the sjile if m4t lands In the stales of CaltfWnU. Oieguo, Nevada ml Wathlugloti Ternlory,' a cxtcMsted to all Ihe ImWIe Und slate by Act of August 4. isyt, the loHowiHg named tietsua have oa October 17. i.m. filfsl In lbs oi!k Iheir sworn statemHl. lo-wlt George W lleckett of Cass Uke, rooHly of Cast, stale of Minnesota: sworn sUlement No 141.I. for the pwechaae of Ihe H nH and tot 1 and a sec a, lp 19 , r 11 e, w m. Gessrge Witch afCass Uke, eswnty 04 Cas. Mate af Mlne4a; sworn statemcHl No M4, foe Ihe Mrehase of Ihe ej, sec a. lp 19 k, r la e, w m Joseph II l raw bridge of Casa Uke. cuttHly uf Com, stale ol Mlanyota, aworn stalamenl No 1115. foe Ihe mrchae M Ih H nwK and loM 3 and 4 x j. lp ly s, r 11 e.w m Heal C t'rosstatl of Doerell' Rhh. csmaly ofllardlH, Male of Ken lucky; sworn Malemeut No 147. fbr Ihe tmrcbase ofthe ! nw and lets 1 ami 1 sec j. lp ly , r la r, w m Thai Ihey wilt offer proof lo show lhal Ibe UihI soughfls more valuable for It limbrr or stoae IImii for agiu-ullural purfio. ami la esdahUah their claims to said Und before Ihe Register and Receiver at The I)lbm, Oregswi, on rWlui.Uy, Ihe aoth tUy of lleptember. lye.t They natsic a wituease lletMge lllrtch, Jo eph If Mrawbrhtge, Oeorgc W Heckctl, of Can Uke. Minn, John ateidt. Thomt rweet, lUtr nam RoWrt, of The Dalle, ore gwn Any ami all ixraon dalmlng adterely the how described Und are requested to file llieir dalms In this otftcr on or before the said aaihday wi pvfiwmssT, lSA' .Mlt.ll of I'hllllp, etHHily of l'rie. Male nf WI swim 11 Maleuieul No ism. lllesl Oct la. Mast, pHichasc ofthe set,' arc 1. lp a a, r lie, w m, Anthony phea uf I'hllllps, esmntynf Pile. Male nf 'ij4Hlil swoin Malemanl No ut, filed Oct ta, HaAfor Hie IHiielmse uf Ihe neK see a, lp au, 1 ije, w m. Ilewge A Hnavely ofriiltllpi.Cimuty of I'ltesr, alalr af M1stHti worn siatemeut No 1317, fileit Oil lo. la, fbr the HitelHrrihe nwh s 13, lp M , t IJ v, w III J nh 11 H Raamitsseu of l')itlllM, etmuly af 1'iiec, stair ol WlstHisu swurn Maleiiivul No l,la. tiled 1st! la, tfM, lor Ihe tmrchasssurihe eH !, hw ff( airil K 111K s isnipaos, r 13 c, w m. Daniel SHlllvau nf Phillips, etwHl) of ttkm. Hale of U1shism: sworn sialrmeul No lira, Hied Ht to, Ifsxt, HH Ihe tmrchass-of Ihe wM eW e M. 1 11 a. r is . ami lots 1 and 1 sec 1 tji , r Ije, wm. ThoHM IMtey uf l'hltlls, csmnly of I'rire. Mile of tVlsetJttsIm wswH statement No iljn, filed Oct la, I4JM, fll Ihe imiehase oflhe M)t set; 33, tp 19 s, r IJ e, w m That Ihey will oUrr ixoof lo show lhal IheUml ought r mote talwabte for Its Umbel or stone than fwt ngiwullural tmipuse, and lo their rtalms 10 said Uift twfore the Kegisler ami Receiver at The Iksllr iHegtm, on Tuesday, Ihe aolh day of Ovlobrr, i"j. They name a witnesses John RaamsvsseM, Anthony bea. Charle. O'.XIsllry, Thomas IMb-y, George A MiaveU-, Hast Kvetson. John Wltmol Ir, IMNlel Halllvat. Jan Havtanaase. lalrici II Vmley. 101 Crolieau. of PMtHts.. Wla, MtH MrGrath. of Noetb VaVlma. Wash; WlAtaaa lalhartof Tybw. N Dak lsjt NeUua a4 IMward ooysl. af Mattel, or. 1' L llaMott, of Vaa. rosirrf , WaMi Any ami all iiniiin elsrwlHg adversely the Wtve4cftttl UHrt at isMie4 M ftle their claims m ihs otce rm or bifote Ih said salh day of 1 ssttiaWe isnj Jyji MICIIAKI. T. NOUN. Register. Timber Uad. Act Jutse 3, liT. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. r Und naxc. The laaUea, ileesjam, May ?, Haj NUr t hereby glrm lhal 1st rutttpliasir wllh Ihe ptsrvtstoa uflhr Act of Conarea of Jutte i, lajt. etilllfed, 'An act for the sale of Umhsn kmts la the stale of CallhstaU, IHegott. Nevada, and M'wshlstalan Teeetlots." a etleisded lo all the Mthlle Und stale by Act of AsvaitM 4, nayj. Itm foUsswiatMsaased mrtsnaa have ok Nrtvr.ioaa.slM Im Ihta ofbee ihete sworn stasemeols, Its-teil, NalhaH C llabtss of The IMIe. eeasaiy of H'sve, state oforeaam; swswh staKatrsi Na lt ftsrlhe piirehais of the H set, ami a swi, sc 31, tp ita, r lor, wm. ' Will. M Hubb of The Dalles), costaly uf Hsvseu, stale of Oeteaai sworn Malemenl No 147a. for Ih psuchase ol Ihe neK see jo. t 15 . r 10 e, w m Und MMi at feawie lit lliasjlil and TjaalMna, OragssH, an tGl4tf,Tffi V Ham a wllaaase. I-' II Isstla. Ifesvid Morris. W M Hubb. Pled hells, Nathan 1 1 abbs, all of The mII, IK. Any and all Miasms cUlmlng advetsely Ihr atv-decrthd (amis aie reoMMted la file Iheir Claims la Ibis omce ot or bbc Ibe saM lythday et skiosvvt, yi Mil Thai Ihey will ) proof lo sttow that Ibe smtghl m more ralsMuhr fur it llMsber r than fur aiiiloillaaat osimosas. aud ta osti their daim la said Ui They Heme a jyjl-wi fICIIAIlL T. NOLAN, Rtglsttr. Iyi7-i TlAIILT NOLAN, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. CONTEST NOTICE. V. ft. Und Office, Ukevlew, Oregon, July jj, 1903, A ufficicnl contest affidavit having been filed in thla office by John W White, Contestant, against homestead entry No ajo",, made Aprils, i'ii, for Ihe el( nelt' ml 11M tl( sec 30, lp at r 7e, tv 111, by lames l(oltou, coutestte, In which It U alleged that uid jame Hubsoii has bImiii doned said claim for a period of six months or more last past, and that Mid alleged absence Irom Ihe said land wat not due to Tils employ ment In the army, navy or marine rorp oflhe United States as a private soldier, officer, aea ma 11 or marine during the wjr with Spain, or during any other war lu which the United state may be engaged, said parties are hereby notified to appear, respond and offer ctldeuce touching said allegation a! 10 o'clock a 111 on September 33,1903, before G. II. Wardwrll, IT. S. Commissioner at Sliver Uke, Lake County, Oregon, und lhal final hearing wilt ! Iitltl at loo'ilock a ill oil Septem ber a8. loot, liefure tlip Us-irisler and Receiver at the United States Laud Office at Lakevlcw, uregou. The said contestant t..vl,itf. In a nroner afrt. davil, filed July a), 1903, set forth facta which how that alter due diligence personal service of Ihl notice cannot be made. 111 hereby ordered ami directed that such notice be given by due and nroner nublleatlnn Jyji-M J!. M, HKATTAW, Register. Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon, Notice I hereby given that Ihe following named elller has lllesl notlee of bis Intention 10 maitc filial jn-oof lu support uf bis claim, and that abl proofwltl lie made before J. J. Smith, county Clerk, it rrinevttU, OiegCw, ou Saturday, Sep tember 3, lyaj, vis. Call! M Gardner, of Sitter. Oregon; II l No ?i, frjhenwlf seen, lp ls, r 11 f, w in. He names Ihe followlllir wltnrstrs la rvrove his auutliiuaus residence upon ami cultivation of saHi MIHl, VII George I' Cyrus, Warren D Cyrus, uf Print vitle. Or, William I' Riyraar, M J Wilt, of his. lers, Oregon. Jyjl-st MICIIA1II, T. NOLAN, Register. CONTEST NOTICE. U. ft. Uud Office, Ukevlew, Oregon, July 11, ivj A sufficient contest affidavit having been filed lu thl office by Harry A Hill, Contestant, gainst homestead entry No 1337, made March 7, i'i, fur 11I1 nw(f aud 11 w). neu sec 18, lp 14 a, r Ue.w in, by Murk l Hardman, cinttslre, In which It Is alleged lhal said Mark K. Hardman ha abamluiird said claim for a period of six month or more last iwst, and lhal aald alleged abteiicc from Ihe said Und wauot due to lit em ployment In the army, navy or murine ourii of tin. United Stole a a private soldier, officer, seaman or marine during the war with Swlu, or during any other war in which the Uullcd State may be engaged, aald putties arc hereby notified tu upiwar, reepoml and olfer evidence touching salil allegation at lou'ilock a m on September IJ, 'rh belore G II. Wardwell, I' H, CommUtloiier at Silver Uke, Lake County, Oregon: and that final hearing' will be held nl 10 o'tlock u 111 on SeiiteniUr is, iooj, bcfoic the Register nud kc ceiver at the United States Und Office III Lake vlev, Oregon. The said contestant havlinr. in a nroner affi davit, filed July JJ, I'xij, set forth fuel which how that after due diligence, personal service of thla notice onti not he made. It Is hereby ordered and directed lhal audi notice lie ulven by due and proper publication. Jyji4 It. M. 1IRATTAIN, Register. Timber Uad, Ad June i. , NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. I a Uftd Ollstw. The IUHm. IHesjam. Mar . Mja, Nwttxc t hereby givett lhal In Cstal4btia wMh Ihe pravialiiMs of Use Act of Coaareaa of Jaae i istr. ewiiiled. "Aa act for lalef llmbfflatsa la lae states of CalUbtala. OreajsMt, Nevada ami Washlagtost Teteilttey." a esleaded h all the MtUle Uml stales by Ad of AstJsMt 4. the Hdlvwlna-HauMd petaoay have ffbsi lu thsaalfaw their woth atatrascNU. to-wll llrsirv mloes of The Dalles, raanly of Wasaa, staff af OirgtMit sworn MalemeHl No 1443. ftUdXov I, lael.flK Ihe tam-iMsc o me Mete see i;.ttMs, r ije. w m. LaelU I' aVnlMa of The lullrs, csmcly of Wayttii. stale af OtegsHii swora statement No 1114, filed Nov 1, iom.iWt the puicbas ofthe ! rc 17, IpMs, r 13, w ih. Joseph t La ml ei s of The Dallea. etmnly of Waact), Mate af Oihnmi worn sialemenl No 1, filed Dec ai, itsM.flH1 Ih Hircliacef the Hwl are li, Iti aa a, r IJC, w M. Jamea I'. JIsmmc of The Dalle, oimaly of Waaon, slate f Otegtmi worn lalemeul N a iaja, filed IHI J, ayti.tor lb mrehsc of llie sw set 11, lp Ms, r 13 c, w m. That they will offer nroof to show tbatlheUnd ioiiaiit I more valuable for iU timber or stMHe IImh for agricultural imriMstea, and ta eatabtWh their dalms luaaul Uad before the RegUlefand Receiver at The Dalles, oiegou, en aaluiiUy, Ihr 171I1 day of Octolier, 1903 They name a wllnrsses Jame I' Moor. Thoma J Driver, LurlU I' Sulpst, TImmsuv j Leonard, lleuiy Htil, John Gavin, Joseph Under, of The Inlle. IH; Chaile A Graves, of Itlnevllle, N-, Mike Lel-age, of Hem), Or. Any ami all persons eJalmlHg adversely Ihe abuvc-ilasetibad lauds are rtsiuesltd lo file Ibelr dalms in ijitsafiea 011 ur Uhc the uM iflli lUy ofOetooer, laaa Jll-oi MlCYrAIII. T. NOLAN, Register. Timber Und, Acl June j, 187. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. U. A. Laud Office, The Dalles, Oregon, jMiic J, Ky. piHIll area or lime t. IrM, entitled, "An act fur Ihr saFeoftlmberUiiHS Notice I hereby given that lu cow Hie provpHou 01 111c Art 01 ton villi ,.. . ,. . .. . ..,.,.,lllV...,lu ..a......... kfuu.l.. ...1 111 (lie simrw M, VMIIIW, IIIH, lllfKUIIi ..C.,,,,1., Hllll Washlugtuii Territory," a rxteuded lo alt Hie public land stale by Act uf August 4, ihyj, Ihr nUowlng-uaiued perwiui have 011 Nov ij, ivw, flleil lu Ihl omce Iheir aworn statements, lo-wlli Raphasl M Spencer of !lwall, county or I.I11011I11, ktnle ur Washing, ton: swum statement No 1304, fur Ihe piltchme of the ti( sec jo, lp ij , r 10 e, w in. If. Peoil Spencer uflidwall, county or Llnoutu, stair of Washing. ...... u.ui... .Itlhiitanl fc?,. ,., fV.r IIih, a ,. of tlicclt nwtf oudeji wj( e ju. t IJ, r toe, w m s ( Tt1.1l thrv will offer nroof lo liowlhat Ihe land ought I more vnliioblv for ita tlmlier or stout- liiau lur agrit'uiiuiui puiiKisea, uiui 111 csiauiisn Iheir claim tu said laud before the Uculsttr and Receiver at The Dalles, Oirgon, on Thursdiiy, Ihe aid day of October, l'J. They nuine u wiliieosea: l I'cnil Hnenttr, William S Siencr, Delia M Spencer, Lillian M Spencer, Ruphatl M Spencer, all of Ihlwall, Wash, Auv and all nelsons clalmliiu advetselv Hit above.descrlbtd lauds arc rcqursFetitu file their clalini in thl office on or before the uld aid iUy of ()i tolicr, 1901, Jyji-oi MICHAKI, T, NOLAN, Register. "MT.wr r r 1 i H ij u