The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, August 14, 1903, Image 7

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    .,. -
Tlmlier Mint, Ael June j, iilyi
U. H Mini Office, The Dille, Oregon,
May l, 191
Nntlr I hneby lrn thai In win pi Ian with
IHff piOVItlWItlll HIT .Ifl III IWIgirat 111 J1IU
l HI llltlff 1
t'Tt wllt'lin.. An vi iwi i,,r m,,- hi iimirn int
III lb Maleouf California. Iiin'm, Nevada. Mild
WiJilMiirrtr)liil)'." emended Iii nil I he
public law! Matra by Aet iif Augntl 4, 1091, lb
lolhiwlHii'namrd iwiwhi hv, mi Oct n, iy,
filed In iTiu ufllrr their wotn MatemeHU, luwll
Mmtd WndawuMli
nf iif Cadlk hv npiikaiic. minily M Hnnkfinc,
Male of WaahlHalon. awof II Matrnteut N IJtl,
fur tke parcha uftk nw t 14, tp a, r lot,
of o4 peeeittdav. AUane, Bounty tf Hiwikane,
atatr of Waahlngloti. wara Malarafril An 1,14,
Oh Ik purrhaa of Ik ) awlf awl H e hc
11, lajo. r mr, w m
Jtaatrik I' HIoh
of o tUrotnti ar npakan. county of wMOkan,
Mat of UaehlHgloa. awain atalemeat No iu,.
fur Ik huttkaaeaf lb neb, 14, l l a, r lar,
llMlff C IHWWIie
nf No 17 awl M JamvMHi bkiek, upabanr, 4Mlr
ufftpskan ami r Waalilnlni: aworn aiatt
Html Mi ijn. Ah tlir pumliaw o( lb iM arc .
M-Jt' ...... .,..1 . .. Ml ... II.. - . fill.. I I ....I.
tp i,n
Thai Ibey will olfrtr la akow tbat Ibe Uml
,u...i,t 1. tun mImM for It tlrabar ar aUuw
than for agtiruttaral rrwi, awl ti eatabtitb
their claim in aald Ural befot IN HetrWer ami
Mttr al Tlir IHllW. OlgH. (Hi I'lWa), tlir
Mil day of Bemeaibet , itu
They nrrr a. wHn" Hk IUrit, Maud
Wadawwtlli. Cum A IMkaf , Cittc M Hard. HIU
II wjttnai. Jotey-h I' Kaalau ami Hairy C ikawH,
all ufamVan. Waah.
Any and all M-lami etalmlug adMly lb
Mnrvcitrllrl U'Ht ai In Mr llirlr
dalHIi IK INK aMr mi rf lr.ftH Ihr Mrl iMrl.Uy
J;,w, "SncilAHI. T SOWN. r,l.lrr.
Tlmlirr Mini. Al Jimr j. lr.
1" rt. Mwl OTVtf. Th IrallM. Olril,
ly l, ll .
Nllr li lirttfcy li taMt III M.mrtolK with
lit wr.HMi. allrw AM nf OrHiarw. at jHftr ,
IM. rtuhlai,. " A Mt fcf Ihr m u( llmlr Uiid;
ll7lrVrMitH-CalS;. OlfJNrH, (tr. aM
VahlHCIi Trrimrry." a rlrw4r.l l all tlir
Wk Can! Wla Wy a4 nt Aul i. f. IH
MWlTlPHarJIil MTtaviia hft rrl ! 11. Mf.
ftl IB IM Itrrlf f H UIHM. l-r.ll
William Jamfnaii
frWallw.iafKlHK.M'r hf WathlnclrMi.
twotn .ralrwrrtl U. M Or llhi of lira
kj arc H li ja. r ir, w m
Jamaa r llMrf4i
rrWIIIf.tlNlMyolKlNK.aUtf UaMriatMi
..urn aUtcmaNt Nta-ilil. for Or '"
lirli lt. riir. ww
Art4irw mht
of Ilra VlaU ctrmtly af HrHrarril. Hale rf JOtf
nrMa, aworn rtalrrMN XniJII. farlrrc
( llrr If r . I a a. r j . w in
( MM I1l . Ml3c.Mttty Jf KlNKfalalC
f WaMilnKlMi arH alaiairWlrl ir, fcr tba
IrMrtlraarirfllirMH wl. Iia. nia. WM
TMHhry will nirr wwf lu aWw IrratlktUrral
anutM la nm ! or IH llmter r lp
ItiaH for afTtcuHurat Nih, aral M ertaMlalj
Ibrlr cUlm arl UihI Uw lk Kaffclar aart
Hac4irt al The IralUa lhasvfi. on ltalrM4ay, llw
!(. .layufArHrwhrr itai
Trrayrtamcaa wllHaa J l'. KnaUib, J J.
I'lcVWr I' II McCrlHrlta. IrrvtM rH. WrMMJ
!WrraMi. or Sralllr. Wa, iuhm nrutm am
.l b.ul .J tluJ IM MtiA llaUft WMMH alM
ILl UmuuM i.f'l'klillha. W'U
Any anr) alt friawi ctolmrHi a4HHy Ike
arMrlreilb4 Ur4 art mitrcalrrt la nl Ihrrr
cialim In IhV Mflwr n or IrrlMf Ike- W tyli 4r
ft!?!!?" bTSilAI.1. T SOWS. ...r.
TliMriar MimI, Art Jur J. lay.
V a Uml Otfifr. The IMtk. Orili.
Jwac 0i rQatt
NoOc lakcrrbr Kl' Hvat lnawriUanrr- wltk
Oir 1-rTWHawrM af llw AM ef C wiirrtu f JHhc 1.
aya, ralllUrd. "AH a far lira ulruf llmUr Uihlj
In Ilia rutw nl CaltftXHra, Oia, Nrraita. ami
WaiMMRtoH Trillrary " at ralrawlarl la all Ihr
IMblk la4 Ma Ira by Ad af An4 4. . Ik
lutkiwlaa nanirrt (wraaaa luv oa Mo r. !.
AM IN Ihr uac. Drrir amiTH atlrfHU Mil
(Mlv4f loktMrtM
af frtfaaailaK, manly of Hara.tol of Mkrbl
Ima tworo atalrmtal No iW7. Ivr lk aarrlnrM'
oflkrah l aa4rtK aH aac 4 a4 aafc.
ac I. IH ' Nlr.wm
Aral A a hc
of lftaaala roaalr of Haraga. Ult of Mlrkl
KH, twiwa alalrairal So ill. Air Ik parakaar
aftkawHnwii and acK mK aac 1) and aK
KtH aM.Ii it a. r II r, w a
That ky will ufttr inonf la akaw thai lb Uad
aoagkl la arm valaabar rW Ita Uaabrr or atiatc
loan Ihr grtcaltural Harpuaca. and ta aataUlah
I baa- cUlateaardUtra WforaJ. l Mrrnc.
V H CaraailMtonir. a laacbatoa, Orasaa. mii
lUlarday. lb l day of An,trM, iU
Tbry naai a Mnr; lAlirrr JobHMaa awl
Arm Ann, of I'MfwamlHi, Mick, aad 1raHk
llbti. Hkkaid KIM and J S llaatar, bf !
VMWVa. IHtua
Auv and all
I brtaarw (UrrnlrHI adtattrly Ihr
I lamliair rauaaalad la fit llirlr
unto an or brrart Ik W aal da)
law dfcrlbwl
dalara In tkla
1 Aniiitel. loot
lmas.ll UICIIAIII. T. SOWS, Kal.irr.
Timber U4, Art Jmir i.
V. a. Mnd OffrM.Tkt Hall. Oiagam,
May 11. loaj.
Suttar l kcrtby liatn tbfl la aumdUiK wuh
Ibr aroatatuaaof Ikr Art of Cougiraa of Jan ,1.
itja. rntHWd. "Ah act lor tk aalrof oatbarUmU
lalbytUlcaof Callrurnla. orrtoa. Nd, aud
WBar)lMstoaTrrllur." a aaUadrd to alt tbc
iniblic UHd tialca by Art of Autt4 4, . Ik
iollowlHM-aamr I uataoaa bar on Oct 14. '.
fllad lb ina uato llrtir arvarn atalcMmil. Iwwll
immtlHil r ir.T
of I'Ulrtr. count) ufCUrk. aiatr arWaabliiitoti.
awarn lalwH( No i.W, fur Hit lanvkaw 'T the
uwK mc i, ip w . r 11 e. w at.
Maitln H. l1liUini
ofCaiiMi, MMinly of Ctaik. llr f Waalilnjifoii.
aivorn xtaUwrnt So ijb. ff llnr imicliaa Wtlif
nit U mivI utM aeWWrc ia,tf. m a, r 11 r.
w m.
Cllnttm M. llarrliijjlnii
of Cma, catlMly sfCUtbr, HaW f W)iahlllitMi
avium nUUnmit So !, fur Ikr imTClraar VAhf
,' uvrM. K "tU, nti)( aK and nwl,' nU arc M, r 11 , w 111.
Anna O I'lirnmu ,
of lllir. Willily ufCUrbr. atatc uf WaaliliiBlini!
worn atutriiirnl Sn i,W, (5r Hi imtdiow oTIlie
nli ate i. in 10 a, r 11 . w m.
Anna I'Ulilnirii
of Cuniaa, filiility of Clarkr. atal of WaalilliRtun:
aworn aUttiiKlif Su !. fur tUc mieli olllie
Jf lit',,'. ! a! anil awf actf . l a, r
lie, h. in.
Anna UUIr
DfCBIiwa.cimiUyiifCUrka, aUICOrWmhliiRliMli
worn latainrnt No IJ4S, fur Hie mnliniir tc
nlf nwK. 11W iie)( atnUoK K U
lie, win.
Uonm lllalr
ofCrtina, piuiiiIv uf Clarke, ulnle of W'aaliliintoii;
awurii atalriiirnl No 1 VH. fr III pnrclinae r tile
K arc ij, t a. r 11 c, w in.
Tlml lliey will nflrr prooflii allow Hint tlir land
iwhi.IiI la more v.ihmtile for lla HiiiIht or Hone
UMnforantlrulli.raliuriM, niul tu vatHlilUli
tlitlr olalina In aulil land Iwnire llie UriiMcr and
Kcclr l Tlte lialtaa, Oregon, 011 Moiulny, Hi
lll ilriyofHctdemUr, ivu- ,, , ,. tl .,
Tliey nninci wlliitaaM IMimiii.l O Ibjw Jiw
Aimo I'nrinaii.of I'
liiirn, Vlliitim M llorrliiKton, Anna m.lilinrii.
Amm Iitntr nuil Konm lllalr. orcamaa, Wli
Any mnl nil iwrii clalmliiit "''"if11?,"
. nlKieilcrllieillinIarcrnjiietdlo file llielr
Oaima In till nlllce on 9r keliire Hie atMaiat tluy
. i;T,mb,.raUAl.. T. NOLAN, HMr
ltd mil ml O I low
Tlinlitr Mini, Act June ), l;il.
U. rt. Mini OITiee, The Dallra. Orrcoii,
. . . . MX 'V'J'
fltlrr li Itrlrtiv trlv llml III MloilillmKr. will,
lit iiovlaonaiifli Art nf Onnitra of June j,
iaya nillllr.1, An art furlhr aatr nf lliMlrliicl.
Ill lliealalifi'nlfiiriila, oircnii Srvaila. nml.
WmIiIiikIihi Trrrllory," n eMrmlrit In alt lite
iHiWle land atatra liy Art of Augiil 4. !!, llie
lf.lU.U,I..U.aUI...I ..AkuiuM I.AU a. i tt UA
i.wni.,, .IH,.,,. n-ivini 11,11 .,, mi 7, irn,
filed III UiUofliiT llirlr wirn iUlcimiU, (unit
HrfliiHli Vaihlrrtufill
of I'lilllIlM, nniitly of I'll, alute of Wlwuinilll,
watn lalriiirnl No iji;. far llie fxiiclraar of the
w( arc 1. tp , a. r tj e, w m
Allrl LMlulnv
afl'lillllii. rwinly of I'rlea, atale- of Wliainnlif
win 11 aiaicmriii jao ijia, mr lilt niicnaaeoi llie
IiwH arc It, tptoa, r IJ e, w in
NiHali lrwm
ef rilltllHi, rr.iiiily nf I'ricr, atale nf WlMonnln,
nofii Hairnirm no IJ13. liw llie hihimm l Hie
)( arc II, tp fi a, r M , w m
JaliH U'Hmal.Jr
of I'littlll, rminlr of I'lter, Male of WlMriiln,
M lalnnrrtl No 1J14. for ihr iwillmae of the
"Hmcji lp la a. r ij r. w m
. Jaeoli KaMnttMen
f l'hllllM rmnily of like, atale or Wlacemlii
kihii atalrmrHl No ijii, foi Hie Hiihw of llie
j Ipiaa iiii,m
- . .. William Halnry
of l'hllllM nniNl of I'flrr, tt of Wlaeonalii,
awarn rtatrmrnt N ijnry. fur Ibe iatclfaKOflhe
!( II, lp r , I Ij e. w iri
....... miCialltaa
Nfl'lilllllx cnwHly of I'll, autr of Wlanintlii;
twain aialriiitiit No ijvs, far the purrhate of Hie
wH ri( amlrU .K mt, lina, riir, w m
Thai Ihry Mifcrrrrroirti.ihow thai the land
toMibt la wore al.iUr for lit llwbtr or alone
than for aiilcHlluiat tiotiaitra, ami In rrtaMlth
tMr tialmi lo tald Uml Ufinr the Ktelttrr and
Krltral Tlir llallra, Oirnmi. oil Thuiaday,
llie IJlh day ofiplrrNl.rr, ry
They namrai wllnrtwt Hvirn Mlaon, John
Wtlinot, Jr. Ham Itvrrtmi. l.ixilNrloii. Iltinun
Vandrrwall, IbUatd VamlrrMall. Ittll htilllrail,
Cat Cmlry, Ifli I'rantloii, Allwit Chrtlry, John
KaimatMii, Jamil KatiHHtKti. all of rhllllpa,
Any awl all t-rrwiu tUlmlnic adrrrtrly the
alarrr-ilrarrltrt Uwltatr rrnartlrdto filr llirlr
ctalwt In tblt orhec oa or Irrfurr the tabl irthday
of iwi.lrwbri, iv,j
jiirM Midi AIM, T SOLAS. HrvMrr
TlmWr Mad. Art jHne j. iaj
I' H Mwt OaV, The Daltrt, Oirgan,
May 11, ryJ
Salrre rt bcrrby lcn lhat In mpllance with
Ike ptavttraria ol h Art of I'onirrat or Jawr
ovrrat or lowr 1.
iaya, mtrllrd. "Aa art rorllrraafcafllwIwrUwu
la Ibe aialraof Callforala. irrvgoa, Nevada, aad
Watklaatam Trrrrlurv.' at rilendrd to all Ik
paid! Wad Malta by Art of Angnat 4. lS. Ibe
lollooln ntwrd Mitona have on Oft 11. .
14 lu Ibrtafftte tkrtr aworn atatewenta, to-wll
WltUaw A Myman
f Moacrw, rwinly f Mlah. atatr of Idaho,
tworb MalraatMl So im. for the patthaa of the
alf arc 4. IH a. r i r. w at
llrary K W Tartar
af The laatla. roaaly of Waaca. ttateof Otrram,
worn Malrmrtit No lira, for Ike Hirkaae at Ike
aK lya a. r Ij . w m
Maiy It Taylor
of Tbr I MUX eaaaty of Waacu, atatr nf Otrmn.
aworn atalvrarat No itu. for Ike aitbaa aflhc
MK ac . lp aa a. r l e. w M
Wltlfam W Wllkrtioon
of aalt Matron Av. HfnikaHr, tawHty orHpokanr,
taa4 af Waablagtaa awtrra alalrment So lyU,
rW lb ptHtkaar of lb aw X ae l. lp M a. r l c.
w m.
Alatlla kkooti
af I.rnnUr. roanty or M4k. Male of IJabo.
awtaia alairaveat No ljt for ibe potckaaeor tbt
aw U arc a, lp M a. r IS r. w m
Calrln Hwwn
aI lnWtir tauulv ut lAlah alalr of Idaho.
aworn talrwrnl No lyai for Ihr parcbaae of the
aU . lt. r II. ww
That tky a ill cnVrprouriuakow that tbc Mad
auaghj la warevalwabl for lla llwUt oratane
Ikan ftrr arrieaUural poriioHa. awl lo rMabHtb
tbtfr era Wla W aald (awl Ufora the KelUrr awl
Rrartvtr at Tb Hark. Oieen. on Wrdnrtlay.
lb 1 day af frplewbrt, ra
Tkey namafwUM Wlllraw W Calllna.
oCMataaw, Idalw, Chart N HIhw(i. Maadrtboop
aad Aweiia aW of Mtivttlr. Idaho. Wltnam C
WlllrMaMwn, ofltMkane, Waak. aad llrmy K
W Taylor and Maty K Ta)lor. af The Oalka. IH
Any awl all iwtaona claiming adverarly Ike
ab.,v-4cTl Wd lawtt arc ituetd to Die Ibrlr
ilaiwtln tblt ojdee on or Ufarrlhc aald lydiUy
of mrMHiaf, tyl
Juaa-M MICllAltl. T. SII.S. Kitter
Timber Mnd, Art June j. lay
C la. Mad time, Tbc iMllva, Oiagan,
May i. mat
Notttv ta trttvtn glvn that In omaptraaov with
Ikr patWua ofllr Act of Cona irt af Jawr J.
iaj. ealviWrt, "Aa act for lb aafaaf lltnbrrUnila
lutkr atalraaJCallCMiiM, orvgaa, Nevada, awl
M'aahtaalort Ttrirlary," aa eittnded ta all the
latUlc Uml Mat by Art af Augutt 4. ?. the
roUowlNg'HaaMd twtaana have filed lu thla olhee
Utttr aatn atatmula, ta-wlt
i tut; t If llftiMrn
of Trie IMIfot, euiaty of Weae, atale ef Orcirani
aura at.ilwnt Nu iM, filed Ort J, lya. for the
purhaa of III lot j awl 4 arc j and Iota I aud
a arc ji, tp 11 a, rite.w in.
IU A. Howe
of Wliautim, county of Tiaiciar, atatr r Minne
aou luoni MatenlaHt No 1119, tiled kpl H. iv".
forlkcpufhaoftkeuw)( arc 17, tpiia, r a.
Macblln McNeil
or ICdlahtittti, county uf WaUh. atale of North
Hakota, aaora Malrrurut So jyi, bled May 17,
luui.MrtM parckaaeoftb at, nwjf, ) n(
and iiw U m( an 1 j. lp 11 a, r i c. w tn
Thai tiny will otfi woof to abow that Ihe land
ought U morv valiiab fur lla ilailar or atone
Hun for 4fttcallural iarfttaa. and to ealahtlah
Ibrlr ilaraia tu aM Uiai befor lb UcgMcr aad
krrrlwf at Tke tMll. oieKun. on Monday, the
4th day uf Wrplrmlwr, taaj.
Thy nam at wltnrMt llobait II How.
Ilatbl Murtoti. IU A llow. nf WhraUm, Minn,
1 I. anulb and lamra It Hhiwh. of The iKtlbra
orraoti. Macblln McNeil and 1 1 P llarrttan, uf
hdluburnli. N 1Mb, Ibluiuwl Hrahani, or Waim
hwlug, or. I'rauk II HhitiiMrd. of CrutialU,
Watk. and Kaninrl Prurtt, of lilatera, Or.
Aa awl all iieraona cUlmlng odveracly the
atuvf-dracrlbrd landa ar rrqueatcil tu 111 llirlr
ileinu lu till nilicr 1111 or Ufnrc the aald 14H1 day
ofrxptcuiner, lyaa.
jil M'04
Tlmhcr Land, Art June j, i7.
V. 8.
Mnd Office, Mkevlew, Oregon,
Juiy u, 1WI'
Kollar la hereby ulven that lu cuuinlbllicc with
Ihe irtovlatuna of th Art uf Ci,uKrca uf June J,
1711, rntllled. " Au act for the aal pfliudKr Uml
In the atatea af California, Oregon, Svuda, uml
Waahliiiiluii Territory," at extended tu all the
imbllc laud atBtca by Act or Aiiku.I 4, 1H91. Hie
rulliiMliig-iiaiueil pviaiiua have filed lit Hill office
llirlr aniiiit alateiiienta. lo-wlt.
tinnier K. Knbeit
or l.oulta, county uf l.owicnce, ttate nf Ken
lucky, anoru Btaletuent No 1160, forHiepiirchaar
unite ali neW uml lielf lirU cc6niuluwU uv)f
arc 9. tpija, r II C. W III.
Martha II KobcrU
or l.oulta, county or Mwreiicc, alale or Ken
tucky; aworn alnltineiit No 1161, for the ptirclmic
of Hie ntl imU.ikj "WM "d wf nc cc, lp
ija, r in. w 111.
Tlml tbey will offer proortoahowthat Ihe Uml
mniclit It mure viilimlile for Ita llinlier or atone
than for aurli;""1"'"! iitrHie, nml to catublialt
their claim tu wild laud lufore ti. II. Wnnlell,
I'.M CoiiiiiiUtUuier, ut slhcr Mkc. (trcgou,on
iikU.tlititllida) ufKepleinbcr, lyaj.
Thty name iu rtlneMai (Inrucr It Hobcrta.
Maltha II KoberU, Maxell!'age, M lloydnnd
iRiiicaSliitw.uflleacliittca, llrcKUii.
AH and all pcraona cUlmliiR ndveraely the
nlKive-ilrwrltifil InmUnrcitijiwttcd tu tile Hiclr
cUliiia lu tlila office on orbelorethe aald JJtli day
teT'li, M. HHATTAIM. KeK..tcr.
Timber Mud, Act June J, i7,
V. rt. Mud Office, The Ilallei, Oiemm,
May 11, cij,
Sotlre la hereby Klven thai Incmpllaine with
Hie piovltloiK of Hie Art or CoiiRieM of June f.
'iftT". etillllnl, "An act for Hie aalrof timber land
IlllhralalraofCaliroilila. Neiada.aiid
WathliiKion Trrrllory," na raletidrd to all tile
tniMlr land atntea by art of AnKu.t 4 iry, Die
Mbiwliig-iiainnl rfoiit hare i"i Oil j, iv,
filed in iTila olflee llirlr awoin alattmriila. lo-wll-
I'nillO Velatad
orAlraaiidrla.coiinlyof Ibmalaa, Mate of Minn
eaola, awoiA ttateineiit So I4J M the pnrehaae
oftheawK ar l) lp. r lie. a "
Call joliiti lUtluuM
orAleaawtiU.roiiulynr lnslaa, Male or Minn
eaola; aworn alalniicnt So UJI, fur llie purchiie
oflliciiw!( arc Jl.lp ii. r ur, wm
llwaid ThoniiMoii
iifAlrawlrla.Miiilyof IvwitUj. alateofMlnn
ranla. aworn Malrmenl So 14H, "t be Hiichaac
of Ike awK arc .14, l a, r 11 r. w m
That they will nlfer proof lo ahow that the
lain) tonghl It mote valuable for llml-rr or
alone than fr a.rktiHuial Hiroara. and lo ta
laMlah Ihelr dalina In aald land litforf Hie Her
liter awl Krcelrer at The Oalln. Orexon, 011
I'f Way, the vtli day or Ortobrr, ll
Thy name aa wilnraara llcnry (' Kltkniaiin.
Ildwanl Tlmmiiaon. tail Julian HaltiiilM. I'anl
O Vrlalad, of Aleaandrla. Minn; ami John Ktrlill.
or Thr llallta, Oregon
Any and all riaiiia clalmluif adrtraely the
above detcflhrd landa are irquratnl lo filr their
dalma III Ihra office on or Uforr the aald ylll
lay ol Otlulr, 1101
fAlll. T. SOWS, Ktglatrr.
Tlmlrtr Mud, Act June J, ir.
t. H. Mwl Office, The Dallra, Oregon,
Mae 11. iwu.
May 11, IV"J
Sollee la htrtby glvtn thai In coniMlance with
,lhr piov lilona urthe Act orCongltat or June ,
ij. entitled "An art for the aale of llmhrr
lamia In the atatta of California, Orrgou, Sevada
and Waihlnglon Territory," eatendrd to all
the imbllc laud alatea by Act of Auruil 4, 1A9I,
thrlolluwlug nanird irraoua have filed III tlila
office their aworn alatriuenla, to-wll.
Clark Hall
or llroukvllte, county or JclTrtaon, atale of Prim"
ylvanla; aworn atalemrnt So 14'. filed Oct II.
I'ii, for the purchatri'f the aH awl; ate 19 aud
11 H nw)i ate jt. lp ly a, r ij e, w in
Jeaale K Corbet
of liroukvftle, couuly of Jtffrraon. Mate of 1'enn
aylvaiila. aworn alatriurul So 14a? fdrd Oct II.
iy1. the puriliateuf the awj arc rt, lp 19 a, r
i)r, w 111
Jennie Jenk-a
of llrookvllle, county of JtfTrraon, atale of rtnn
aylvaiila, aworn atalemrnt So lA, tied Oct l,
iyrr. ivr inr purcnaac ni in pvh nra airu era
ae( ate J aud ne)f lieK ate ji, tp 19 a, r I c,
w HI.
Kilt t Urrd
of KeynoUlarille. county of jtfTVraun, atale or
I'cniltylralla, aworn aiatcnirtil ,i I4"y. men uct
11, IV". for the purchaaeoflheawX arc 31, tpx
a, r lie. w in
Carrie II Jrnka
of llrookvllle. county or JcArraon. Male of I'enn
aytvairla. aworn atalemrill So 141 filed Oct II,
oar, for Iheputchaaeorihenwjf arc , tpaoa, r
ije. w m.
Oliver I'cteraon
or I'ortland, county or Multnomah, atale or Ore
eon, aworn alatenimt Ho 1415. AUd Oct 11. lli,
for Ihepurcliaaeorihe wM nwjf arc and 11 !i
nH yi, lp iv . r I e, f m.
hllian A. Howe
of vA Srhatnn avc.httlwwalata.tfirtlandounly
of Mattnotuah. ttateof Oiecou; aworn atatcmcul
Na . filtd Aug tv iyi, for the iurchaacef the
Hk HtS awliiH nwV arc JJ. tp 19a, r lie. wm
Clara I' Mall
of Itraokvlltr, county of Jtffrraon atatr of I'enn
aulvanla, awurii atatemeiil So lau. hied Alie IL
, for the puiehaae of theiH nM and h "w
art r. tp 19 a, r II e. w hi
Allan It Hall
r llrookvllle. county or JtfTttaon, Mate or I'enn-
aytvanu aworn alairmriii no luyi, inru Aug jj.
ior. forth puicluacerthe awjf ace rt, tp 19 a, r
lie, win
Caaalut A Calllnser
or 4M Nchalcm arc. hcllwurM ita, Portland,
ctMHly or Multnomah, alale of Orrxon; aworn
atalemeat So lory, ftlrd Aug 15. 1901, fur the pur
Chaa ol IH atl( arc J", tp ly a, r II e. w iu
Tbat Ihry will offer prr to ahow that the
Undatwghila more valualde ror Ita timber or
Mone than for agtkultutal nunxxea, and to et-
Ubllth their clalnit to aakl lain licfore the Reg
Mer and Receiver at The Dalle. Oregon, on
Maaday. the HHh day of htptrmtxr. toaj
Tbey name a wittmtc V C Whltten, Amoe
llradtkaw, Oliver Prlrraon. Hutun A Howe, Caa
Mut A Gatlluger. of IvrlUml. Oregon. I Clark
Hall. JtaMe R Corbel. Jennie lenka, Carrie II
Jeak. CUta P Hall. Allan It II all, or llrookvllle.
I'ewH, IflU J Herd, of ReynoUltville. I'enn
Any and alt prraont cUlming adveraely the
above dacitkd la wit ate rMueatcd to file Ihelr
rUimiln thla office oi or before the aabliath day
of ntamaer, lyai
IIAKI. T SOWN. Rtglaler
Notary Public, Insurance, Township
Plats for Upper OcsdiutcH Valley.
llliND. ORHCON. ,
Ileaeit Mnd Cenaolldated
U. H Mnd offke. The Dallea, Oregon.
Aug. 4. t9J
Sotlee ia bby given lhat the fulluwing
wiwed prtaoaaYuva; fad mute af their liiten
IkMi to make praor 01 their deaeitdand cUima,
Slid lhat aaldproufi will I made before W A
flail, U rt CoiHiHrMloorr. al Priucville, Oregon,
on Salurday, r-epleinber i i-
Kom llun(d,ofPiineille, Oregon.
II I. K No 99. for Ihe tot tec 18, tp 14 a. r lie.
ett aelf, e HeM, nwj, neb, r4 "WJf ate Ij. tp
14 a. r 11 r, w in
Joaepb W. Howard. or PriiievUlcv Oregon.
II I, K No id. for the lot 4 awl e aw ate 7
tola 1 ami !.) Hwf. a!, nelj' aim ntX awj,'
ac 18. in 14 a. r 11 r. w m
Thcvuame the fotlowliig wlliieaaea to prove
the oBiupIrle IttUalfon cud rcciaiitatlaii of aaM
a .V.. a .!.... (u...j IlWt l llrliiKUllla
uiatlou o
IIU. Ullrt
n K A Mel
Cnt A Cllne, Jamea Wl, of Priiieville,
On R A Merchant, uf Culver ort llcnry tarliu,
MICllAltl. T SOWN, keglMer.
Deaert Mnd, I iual IToof.
II. fa. Mnd Office The Dalle, Oregon,
,, AuKutl 4. 194.I
Kniite-rs t..r.i.u aU. lhat Heiirv l. Outllii.
ofHIaler, Oiegtin. hat filnl notice of tutintfoiilo
titak proof uu lit dit laud claim Nu 95. for
tltaaM nwjf and Iota j ami 4 nC4, tp ij a. r II ,
w m, before J J hinlth. County Clerk, at Priuc
ville, Oregon, on Monday, the llat dajor 8ei
tcmber, IWJ ... .,
He iiaiuvallie folloHlng witue to priwe the
complete Irrigation and reilainallon ol uld land
Clyde juliliatin. (leorse II Talor, 1 It hparka, M
M Thomaa, of Sitter, Oreijou
HM-aiS MICIIAKI, T SOWN, Hrclater.
Dcaeit Mnd, l'liml IToof,
U. S. Mud Office, The Dallea, OrcKon,
Augutt 4, 1901.
Notice I hereby given that Mar.hallC Awbrey,
of Dccliute. Oreguii.lmblrd notice M intention
to make proof on til ilcacit-lanrt claim No 101,
furthewj neJf.nwW c,neM w and acl,
ilwKaccjl.tptS, r II e, w m. before J M
Uwicnce, If. S. Coiutiilaaloiier, at lieacbute. Or
egon, on tUturday. the ilh day of Beptcmber,
lie name tlte following witneine to tiroie
the complete Irrlgallon and reclamation nf aald
Inudi Thouiaa Arnold. William 1 rytear, I,oul
McAllUlcr, Oeorge McAllUtir. of blater. Oregon
nt4'M8 MICIIAKI. T. SOWN, Ke,ttvr.
Tlmlier Mud, Act June j, ir,
U. ft. Mud Office, The Jlallea, Oregon,
May i, l'iy
Sollee l heieliy given that In compliance with
thepruvlarotiabllhe Art orCongrrat or June i,
Ifrya, rntlttnl, 'An art forlheaaleorilmtwr landa
In the atalea or California, Oregon. Sevada. and
Waahlnglou Territory,'- aa eateudnl to all the
public land atatea by Art or Auguat 4, ly. Ihe
following-named tieraona have on Oct 7, vn.
filed In tlila offlie their aworn Matemtnta, to-w(t
Uluier ft 1,'eteraon
of 411 HTwcirth at, Portland, county or Mullno
mali, alalr uHnttton, aworn atatement So ly.
for the imrehaae of Hie awtf arc 31, tp 19 a, r 1 j e,
w HI
Cella M Drown
or rottland, county or Multnomah, alatc of Ore
genj aworn Matemeiit So iyh fur Ihe pnraltaar
ofthe awjf aelf arc y and w)4 nejf and iiwK
aeJi aee i, tp 19 a, r IJ e, w 111.
Jacob II. Myera
ofyj4 laat lliirnable M, I'orUamt, county or Mnlt
nainah. Mat of Oregon, aworn Malenir-lit So
Ijla, forthcpurehaaeofllieiiwji' aecjl, p 19 a,
r ij e, w 111.
Kugrne I. Aahllne
of 411 HTweinii al, Portland, county of Multno
mah, atatc of Orcynn; aworn atalcnicnl So IJI 1.
forthc purrhaacoftheneK aec jt,tp 19a, r ije,
w in.
Sathanlel I'. Ilycra
utyA H Beveiilh at. Portland, county of Multno
mah, Mate nf Oregon; aworn atatement So IJU,
forthepurchaaeuriheMK aecij, tp 19 r lie.
w 1,1.
That they will offer iiroofto allow lhat the land
aought It more valuable for lla tlmler or atone
than for agricultural purpoaei, and to eatabllah
their dalma to aald land before the rrgiMer and
Receiver at The Datlea, Oregon, on Wedneaday.
the 1MI1 day of September. 11 J.
They name aa wltnratta. Nathaniel V llyera.
Jacob II Mjera, I'.ugeue I Aahllne, Cella M Ilrown
and lllmer (i I'cteraon, all of Portland, Oregon.
Any and all pcraona claiming adreracly the
atxive-deacrilied fandaarerequtated to file their
claim In tlila office oil or before the aald iWliday
oriwptemwr, lynj.
IIAKI. T. SOWS, JteglMer.
Timber Mnd, Act Juue j, i7.
ft. Mnd Office, The Dallra, Oregon.
May IJ. I9J.
Sollee It hereby given lhat In compliance with
the provlalona ol the Act of Congrraa or June J,
17. entlllcd, "An art for the aaleof tlmberUnd
In the atatea, of California. Oregon, Sevada. and
Watliington Territory," a eitended to all the
public land Matea by Art of Aufutl 4, 191, the
following-named pcraona have filed lo thla office
their aworn autcmenta, lo-wlt
Xlattle O. Kcott
of Athena, county of t'malllla, atate or Oregon.
aworn atatement So IJ'A filed Oct li. IH, lor the
purchaac. or the nK aec II, tp IJ a, r W e, w in.
Llnle Church
of Athena, counly or Umatilla, atale of Oregon,
aworn atatement So Ijftr, filed Oct 16, 1711, for
the purchaac of Ihe ucK aec 11, tp I J , r le c,
lamra I'. Conrtrton
of MlUn, counly or Spokane, Mate or Wathlng-
ton; aworn aiatrineni ;o 1171, nieu mci 17. 1901,
for the purchaac of the e) aeci, Ipi9 . r la c,
w m.
Ira laham
of Camdrn. county of hterena, atate of Wathlng
ton; aworn atatement So I J7J, filed Oct 17. I97'.
for the pmcliaieof theawjj aeci, lp 19 a, rioe.
w tu.
John J. Dowllng
of I74 Dean ave, rlpokane, county of Spokane,
atate of Waahliirton: aworn rtalement No 1174.
filed Oct 17. ly". for the purchaac of the c!( aec
j. lp 19 a, r loe, wm
That they will offer proof lo ahow that the land
aoughi la mote valuable for ita timber or Mone
than for agricultural purtntca, and to cttabllah
llirlr elalina to aald laud before the KeclMer and
Receiver at The Dalle. Oregon, on Tueaday. the j
im nay 01 rcpieinicr, 190.
They name aa wltneaaea V It Church, Mule
Church, M H Morttmote. K M Morttmore, Mattle
Kcott, of Athena. Oregon. C C Conglcton, George
Metle. Mil Carter. J V Congteton. J J Dowllng,
hualxry Carter, of Mllau. Waah. aud Ira !haint
of Camden. Waah.
Any and all neraona clalmlnr adreracly the
abovrileacrilied landa arc rrnueaed to file their
claim In tblt ofrice on or before Ihe aald lid day
I1 " "' V iV
f" plemlier. lejij.
"Jj .
IIAKI. T. SOWN, Keglater.
Timber Mnd, Act June j, i7-
0. S. Mnd Office, The Dallea, Oregon,
May 11, wi.
Notice la hereby given that In compliance with
Ihe provtatou of the Act of Congrraa of June f.
1711, entitletl. "An art fur theaalcof UmUrlamlt
In Ihe Matea of California, Oregon. Nevada, and
WathiiiKtou Territory." at catended to alt the
paMlclawl atale by Art of Auguat 4. i9- the
following-named peraon have on Oct 11. ?.
filed lu iTiii office Hiclr aworn Mateiucnta, to-wit.
Gorton Ilurliugame
ofrtpokane. couuly of Spokane. Male of Waah
ingtun, aworn atatement No 1419. for the pur
chaac of Ihe nw f aec jj, I p 19 a, r 1 j e, w m.
CritaleJ Klugaley
of ton, county or Adama, atate of Waahlngton;
aworn atatement So 141a, for the purchaac of (he
ncH aec jj, lp 19 a, r IJ c, w in.
Jacob M. Khigtley
or Mon, county or Adama, atate of Waahingtou;
worn atatement, No 1417. for tue purchaac of the
eU ate JJ, tp 19 . r U e. w m.
Agne llulla
of The Dallea. county of Waaco, atate or Oregon,
aworn Matemeiit No 1416. for the purchaac of Ihe
aw! ace 1. tp 19a. r Ije. w m.
That they will offer proof to ahow that the land
aought It more valualde for it tlmlier or atone
Hun for agricultural puriioaea, and to eatabllth
llirlr claimt to ald land before the Regittcr and
Rtceltrr at The Dalle. Oregon, on Tueaday, the
loth day or September. 1901
They name a wilnetact J M Klngalev and
CiImIc J Ktngnley, orison, Waah; John McTag
uart and Agura liutta, or The Dallea, Oreguu.aud
Gorton Ilurliugame. orspokaue, Waah.'
Any aud all pcrnou ctalmlng adtrcly the
alaiieilercrilwd landa ate regivcateil to file Ihelr
claim iu till office on or before the aald 19th day
of hrnteuilicr. 101x1
jyiy-aia MICIIAKI. T
NOLAN, Keglater
Timber Mud, Act June J. I&7-
V. 6. Mnd Office. The Italic. Oregon.
July IJ. 194J
Notice ia hereby given that in compliance with
the provltlou of the Act of Cougrc? or June J.
1870, entitled, "An act for theaaleortlmherUnda
In Ihe atate of California, Oregon, Nevada, and
Wathtiiglon Territory," a extended to alt the
public land Mate by Act of AuguM 4. I9. the
folUmliiK-uamcd peraon hac filed in thl ofbec
their aworn atulciuciiw, to-wlt:
Nclaon llride
ofSourl. county of llottincau, atate of North Da
kola, iwvrn atutement No JJ7, filed Dec 4. 19,
for the purchatc of the c)i uw; and eh aw
aeci. lp r a, r 14 e. w m.
Arthur W. GoallUE
ofl.eMort county of Plymouth, atate of Iowa j
aworn rtatetneut No IJJ9. lileil Dec 4. tl,fortlie
nurchaaeoflhcacM iw. c!i aw)( arc 17 and
iieli n!( aec wa, r 10 e. w in.
William 0. Rafter
orsourtt, county or llottincau, Mate or North Da
kota; aworn atatement No 1540, filed Dec 4. 19M1
for llie purchaac orthceJi nef aud eji ae)" aec
14. tp ia, rue. wm.
Mary C. Ilrfoblit
orTlie IMlle. county of Watco, atate of Oregon:
worn atatement No i6jq, filed Feb 16, 190J, for
the purchaac orthe neU aec 9, tp t, r IJ e,w tu.
That they will offer proof to ahow that the land
aought ta more valuable for it tlmlier or atone
than for agricultural purpoie. and to ettablitb
their claimt to aald land before the Kigitter and
Receiver al The Dalle, Oregon, on Tueaday, the
17th day of October, isoj.
They name a vlluee: John McTagart, C
II ine iianr. nr; milium m,
Nclaon Urlde, ofSuutla, N Dak; Johu llloa. of
Iljml.Or; Kan Smith, or urunu rorK. n iwk.
Auy and all pcraona claiming adveraely the
atwivc-ilcacrlbcd laud are reipicateil to file their
claim lu thla office oil ur before Ihe aald 17th day
a!?1'' 'u'CHAKL T. SOWN. KeglMer.
Timber Mnd, Art June j, i';..
n. H. I .a ml offiee. Tkr Dalle.
Junes, r$j.
Notice I htreliy given lhat In vomplrante; with
theprovlalomofl'i Art of Oinrei of Jane J
ir, entitled, "All art for the aale of tbnberUndt
In Hie atatea of California, Oregon, Nevada, and
Waahlngtoil Territory," aa calender! lo an lb'
public land atatea by Art of Augntt 4, ifryf In
following-named jwraon hare on Ilc 19, !,
filed In In It ofhec Ihelr aworn atatemeata, to-wli
, Anton Aane
of Aahland, county of Aahtand, atatr of Wlacon
tin. iworn atatement No IM7, for Ihe purebate
ofllienctf aec 19, lp m a, r ie, wm.
Murtta Mraoa
orPcquamlng;, ooonty of llarawa, alale of Mlrhl
Kn; aworn atatemeiil So itjK, for the purchia
orthe nwK aec ij, tp m a. r io. w m
I'etUr Mrren
ori'equanilng, connly oflMraKa, Mate of Ml. hi
gaii, aworn atatetnent So isw, for Ike puieha.
ortheae arc 14. tpiaa, r lac, wm.
Pailer Kitten
of Pcpianiing, county of Haraga, Male of Muhi
gan, aworn atatement No ijan. for Ibe parrhaa
or lheiie)f awf, w!,iieJandnwK aK art a
lp w a, r 10 c. w m
That they will offer trroorto ahew lhat the land
aought I more valuable for III timber or atane
than for agricultural purpoae. awl ta eaUktitk
Hiclr dalma to aald Uad before the Kagttter and
Kecrlver at The Oallea, Oregon, on Thuradaydhe
h day of October, lyai.
They name at wltneaaea. Murlla Mratn, Pel'
ter Mraen, Perfer Sllttn, Peter Selton, of P
niumins', Mich. Anion Aane, or Aahland, Wit,
Thotnaa Twerl, orTlie Oallea. Oregon.
Any and all pcraona ctalmini; adveratiy the
above-deacrlbcd land are rraueMtd to ule their
dalma In thla office on or before the aald i)ih day
of iidulr. iot
au-016 M1CHAHL, T.
SOWS, Keglater.
Timber Mnd, Act Jiinc J. l7-
U. B- Mnd Office, The ilalle, Oregon,
June , vrt-
Notice It hereby given lhat In complUnce with
the prurlalona of Ihe Act of Congreat of June J,
1B78, tnllllttl. "An art fortheoaleorilmberUndt
in Ihe atatea of California. Oregon, Sevada, and
Waahlngton Territory." a extended lo all the
nubile land atale by Act or Augurt 4. 1B9. the
following-named peraon have on Nor w, 194a,
filed In IttU officr their aworn auteracnta, to-wll:
John I'. Wllliamt
ofCrand I'orkt. county of Orund I'orka, atate of
North DakoU. aworn autement No lit. forth
purchaac of the netf aec 19. lp na, r 14 e, w m, ,
Richard M Dowlcr
or J04 Commercial btk. Mlnueapotla, county uf
Nicollet, atate or Minnesota, aworn atatertientN"
ijii, ror the parcbaae or the 11 H aK and eii
aef cc I and ncH neff tec 11, IpMa.r Ufcw ro
belle O. Howler
ofjf4 Commercial Mk, Mliineapollt, county of
Sicollrt, auieof Minnesota; aworn atatement "No
IJI9, for thepurchaaeorihenwjfaecil, tp 19
r IJ c, w m.
Jam Cattom
of Grand I'orka. county of Orand Perkt, atatc of
North Dakota, awora atatement Na l. for the
purchaaeortheeH nw) andloui and
joa.r 14 c wm.
l.ropor.1 Stem
of Mrimore. counly of Grand Pork. Mate of
North Dakota, aworn atatement No IJI7, for the
purchaac of the aelf ci,tpt,rl4e.wra.
That they wilt offer proof to ahow that theUnd
aought la more valualde for ita timber or atone
than for agricultural purpotea. ami to eatabltth
ihrirrtalma lo aald laud before the Regtatrr and
Receiver at The Dalle. Oregon, on Saturday, the
14th day of October. ij ...
They name wltneaaea. Jame Cutlom, Jshrt
I' Wllliama. of Graud Porta, N Dak: Richard M
Howler. Utile G nakler. of Mlnneapoit. Mlnn
I.roDold Stern, of Mrimore. N Dak; John bleldl,
Any ana an pcraona claiming aurojuj- nc
aliove-deacribed land are rraucttedto file their
claimt in thit office on or before the aid aithday
ofDctobrr, I9
au-016 M1CHAKL T. SOWN, Register
), . .
Timber Mnd. Act June J, 153.
O. ft. Mnd Office, The Dalle. Oregon
June?, mj-
Notice 1 hereby given that In compliance with
the provlalon ollhe Act of CongTeat or June 1.
IS;, entitled. "An act for the aale of tlmbarUoa
In the Mate of California. Oecson. Ncvarkv. and
Waahlngton Terrllory," aa extended to alt the
public land atatea by Act of AugaM 4, lit the
foltowing-namrd ymon have on X9 M iv
filed In thl office their aworn autementa, to-wn
Joke Martia
orTacoma (Hotel Hrooklyn), county of llercr,
atate of Waabtngtoa. aworn ktaumant No lyii
for Ihe purchaac oflkcatlfaecu. tpJ-rie.
Horace II Dlekinum
of Tacoma. county of Pierce, Mat af Wathlng
ton: aworn aUtrmeat No IJM. for tke imrcbaac
oftheaej; arc4. lp ija. r io. wm.
That they will ofler proof ta ahow tbat the land
aought I more valuable for It timber or Mone
than for agricultural punot. and to Ublih
their dalma to aW laud Ufore the Kagtrtcr and
RecclieratThc ImU, Oregon, on Monday, the
1Mb day ofOctobtr. 19-
They name aa wtlneatea II Murry, II B Dick
inton, W A Dohrrty and J Martin, of Tacoma.
Waah. V W smith, of Portland. Or.
Any and all penout cUlmlng ailreraely the
above-deacribeil landa ore rtqaerted la fU their
claim In thit oatcc on or Ik Sire tke mm atb day
of October, 191
Timber Mnd, Art June J, tar
U S. Mad o'ttce. Th Dalle, oregun.
Jane a, lynj
Notice I hereb given tbat In cow4Uuct wit'i
the provitkm oflfce Act of UoHueau of Juue 1
IMS. entitled. "An act fee tke vdeof limber lanot
In the atatrt of California. IMegon. Nevada au.l
Wathtugtou Territory." a exUall to alt llu
public UlldaUlM by Art of AugtrH 4. lM. the
following-aamvd pernoa kavc 01 Dec 1. 'M
filed in thl oAce their awarn atatemcuU, to-utt
Orln J Gray
of llend. county of Crook, atatr of Oregon, aworn
atatement No itj, for the pnrehaae of the t
ueW and ne -K 19 and wK nwK ad nw't
lK aec M. ip 19 a, r 11 e, in.
Jamea Hoy le
of Watkburn. aUte of Wit
of Spooner, county of Watkeurn
coniln; worn atatement No is for the pur
chaac of the awK netf. nw acjf and eh c'
aec J. tp 19 a, r 11 e, win.
Thai they will orfr proof to abow that the land
aought it more valuable for It tlmlier or alone
than for a,rkifllal punma. and to eMabliah
their claim to uld Und txfore the KegUUr ami
Receiver at The lullea. Oregon, on Monday, the
6th day ur October, J.
They name at witneatt. Jamet Hail, ol
Snootier. Wi i;eort Cleadenitlne, Pleiiii'
Marali, Klchird King and tlrin J Gray, of Ueud
Auy and all perwn claitultis adyertily the
above dcacrilxd land are rfltil t file their
claluia lu thl ofbec on or liefbre the aald 16th day
or October, i?u
ui4-oi6 Jil1
Land office at The Dll, Oregon,
Aueuit 4 iJ
Notice ia hereby given that llie fWlowing
nauml aeltler hat flleVt notice of hit Intention to
Lmake final prwif iu auppnrt or lit claim, auu
thut aald liroor will ne inane ueiore j. j nmun
County Clerk, at Priiiaeille, Oregon, oil Mou
day, September ti IMJ, ii.
Cl)de JohiiMUi, of aUtcrs, Oregon,
11 K No.6j7Q. for the i( tc 4, tp 15 a. r 1 1 c
w m,
He unit4 111 following witueu! to prove hi
cuiitiiiuoiu reafdeucc uiou aud cultivation of
oatd laud, via:
Henry Carfiii, Gaurge D Taylor. M M Thoma.
John TaylorsUuta. Oregon
ul4i3 vMiejiAlI.T. SOWN RcgUter
,4 .