The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, August 14, 1903, Image 6

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    I V r . -
Timber Lnnd, Act June 3. 1R;S.
U. 8. Land Office, The Dalles, Oregon,
May IJ, 1903.
Notice I hereby Riven that in compliance with
the provision oflhe Act of ConRte ol June 3,
ii)S. entitled, "An act fr tlie Mteof timber UluU
in the stale of IMIIfiwiila. Oregon. Nevada anil
WAthlnRlon Territory. ' a cxlerdetl to all the
puldlclAml state by act of August 4. iS. ihe
follow Inc-tiamed persons, lime on Nov I ih.
filed in thl office their awntn statements, to-wll
Jeie A. Archer
f 113 Dupont t, n. Minneapolis, county of
llrimclli. Mate of Minnesota, aworn statement
No ui;, for the purchase uf the tiej( e 'P 9
a. r ij c, iv m
William A. Currie
Tie Iflchthave, llraml lMtks, county oi urnim
iwlv slate of North Dakota: aworn alalritient
No 144I, for the purchase of the an ( sec i, tp 19
, r 13 e, tv m
Charles If Utrivtlison
f ('.rami l'ttrk. county of lirami Porks, alale of
.North iMketA: aworn staiemciit .o 1444. lortuc
Juirchase of the K sec 17. Ip 19 a. r 13 e. w m,
liTanc M. Currie
of ('.rami Porks, county of (Slant! Pork, atale of
vorm iMkoia, sworn statement .o 145". tec inc
purchase of the self we tp 19 , r 13 e, w m
1,1 S Unhtiisflll
ofCSmml ItirVs. count) of tSmiht Pucks, state of
North IVikota. sworn statement No UJi. rue we
purchase of the aeK ec ti. tp 19 a, r 13 e, w m
Martha C. William
of Oraml l'nrks. county oftSraml Porks, stale of
North Dakota; atvoen statement No 14.0. for the
purchase of the awtr, see 11. ip 19 a. r 1 j e. w m.
Martha II I.uke
of rtntml fork, cotinlv of (Sramt lork, atate of
North Dakota, aworn statement No I4SJ. for the
purchase of the 11 H sec 11. tp 19 a, r 13 e. it hi.
That they will offtr proof la thou that the kind
sought if more valuable for Its timber or stone
than for agrtcuttarat purim, ami to establish
their ctalins to mM html (elore the Register ami
Receiver at The Haltes, Oregon, on Tnesybty,
the 13th day of October. 1903
They name as witnesses Prance M Currie,
Martha II Luke. V A Currie, C II Robinson. Wll
Hurr.J Clifford. Martha C Williams. Ida S
Robinson, of Oram. lorks. N Dakota. Jestle A
Archer, of Minneapolis, Minn: John Meitll, of
Iletid. Oceeon.
Anr aim all tterson clalmlnc- adversely the
abovcdecrhcd (amis are requested to file Iheir
claims in this office on or before the aahl tjth day
01 Octoer, mot
NOLAN. Register.
Timber Land, Act June 3 17.
V 3. LanJ Office. The Dalles. Oregon,
Mar n. tout
Notice is heretiy given that In compliance with
the provisions oft he Act of Congress ef Janes,
t.t;, entiUetl, "An act for the MleeftlmbvrUmis
In the states of California, Oregon, Nevada, and
Wathtofttoti Terrttor)." as astemletl to alt the
PttbiK MiM stales by Act or Augutt 4. 1091. the
IollOMr1iwtMHKtt persons have on Nov j, ryw.
filed in thta oAee thHr aworn statements, to-wlt.
Omls Moe
of Hanrey, coMBty of Pierce, state ef North Da
kota, sworn statement No 1471. for the purchase
of these) sec j. tp 19 a. r 13 c w m
Thomas T Larson
of Langor, county of IMtrarai, state of Minne
sota, sworn statement No 1471, for the purchase
of the lots 1. j j and 4co. tpja a, rue, wm
Robert Portland
of Hemldjl. rouMly of Reltraml. state of Minne
sota sworn statement No U7J. for the purchase
of the aefc seJ.1. tp a, r IJe, w m.
That thejtvjl onVr proof lo show that the Sand
sought is merjfa'oaNe for Its timber or atone
than for agrHtHtural purposes, and to establish
their claims to said land before the Register and
Receiver at The lasHcs, Orejon, on I'rMay, the
lth ttay of October. 1903 ,
1 rtey name as witnesses uais Moe, 01 liar
vey, r. Dak. Robert Forsliimr, of
Ilemliill. Minn
Hans Kverton. of Phuiina. Wis:
Louis Wilson, ol
bend. Or; Thomas T Orson .afJ.angor, Minn
Any and all persons rialaMr, adversely the
above-described lands arc reajBKed to file their
claims In thta office on or before the aald lath
day of October, lyoj -nm"
Ji4-s MICIIAKL T NOLAN. Register.
Timber Land. Act June J, Is;.
U. 8. Land Office. The Dalles, Oregon,
May i, iyj
Notice la hereby given that in compliance with
the provisions of ihe Act of Congress of June 1,
7, entitled, "An act for the sale of timber lands
in the state of California. Oregon. Nevada, and
Washington Territory." as extended to all the
tiuMk land states by Act of August 4. 1891, the
following-named persons have on Nov 1, iom,
filed in this office their aworn statements, to-wlt.
Mons Olson '
of Jlemldji, county of Uestraml, state of Minne
sota, awwa statement No 1447, for the purchase
of the cK aeK. eK neK and lot 1 ace 6, tp 17 s, r
10c. wm.
AhSb O. Kreken
'fltenttdjl. county of Mellrami, atale of Minne
sota, aworn statement No 14JA. for the purchase
.f thecK nK and wSseK sec 6, tp 17 a, r we,
w m.
August Wolden
ol llerolrtjl. county of Hellraml, atate of Minne
sota, aworn statement No 14)9. for the purchase
of the let 4. 5. t and 7 sec t, tp 17 a, r 10 e, w m.
That they will offer proof to show lhat the lam!
sought ia more valuable for ita timber or stone
than for agricultural puriwscs, and lo establish
their claims to aald land before the Register and
Receiver at The Italic. Oregon, on Wednesday,
the 14th day of October, 1903.
They name a witnesses Aufin O Krokrn,
August Wolden. ! A Sather, Mons Olson, of lie
inldfl, Minn, and Mike Lel'age, ofllend. Or.
Any and all persona claiming adversely the
ahovrMicacnbcd fanda are requested to file their
claims lu this office on or before the aald 14th day
of October, 1903
j)i4-5 MJCJIAHL T NOLAN. Register.
Timber Land, Act June 3, 1878.
U fi Land office. The Dalles. Oregon,
June t, 1903.
Notice la liereby given that In compliance with
the provision on he Act of Congress of June 3,
i;s. entitled, "An act for the sale ol timber land
11 the slate of Catifornia. Oregon, Nevada, and
Washington Territory," a extended to all the
public laud states by Act of August 4, 1891, the
followtHg-naHtcd persons hate tfled in this office
their aworn statements, to-wlt
Ole K Jevnlng
f Climax, county of 1'olk. atate of Minnesota;
aworn statement No 1J44, filed Dec 13, vn, for
the purchase of the wfc aeK and ej awji arc 3,
Ip i,nit, 111.
John R Jevnlritr
of Climax, county of l'olk, state of Minnesota
nuru Msivmeiu ?o ijij, nieu Dec 13, igoj, for
the purchase of lot 4 sec 3 and lot 1 and acjr nef
sec 4, tp ss a, r 11 e, and aetf self aec 33, tp 19 a, r
(Sunder fiwenson
of Climax, county of Polk, atate of Minnesota;
a orn statement No 154, filed lec 13, (wj, for
me purcnase 01 me c anil ttl( nwjf sec I
and lie!,' nw' aec i, tp w , r II c, w 111.
Ifelmer stensen
or Climax, county of l'olk, state af Mlnnnotai
sworn staletnent No 1547. filed Dec ij. 1901, for
the purchase of the BW) sec j.tpjoa, r ue.wiii.
J0I111O llllut
ofltcud, county of Crook, state of Oregon; (worn
statement No im, filetl Dec 4, 1901. for the pur
chase ef Ihe nX ne)f and nt'i iiwl aec 13, tp M
a rue, win.
That they will offer iiroof to ahow that theland
K-uight U more valuable fur It timber or stone
thau for agricultural purposes, and to establish
tlieir claims to uid land lieforc the Register and
Rccehcrat The Dalle. Oregon, ou Wednesday,
the Mth day ofoctolMrr. lyov
They name as witnesses Ifelmer 1'j.tcnsen,
John K Jevnlng, Ole Hrlckson, ole K Jevnlng,
(iumler riweiisuii, of Climax, 'Jflnn; I)ula Ncl
son, John lilo.H, Donald I' Ktcffa, of Ileud, Or;
John K Rasmussrn. of I'hllllps, Wis; O Hewson,
of Kealtlc, Wash John McTaggart, of The
Dalles. Or
Ay and all iersoua claiming adversely Ihe
above-described lands are requested to file their
claims In this office on or before the aald jMh day
of October, 1901.
UU-016 MICIIAKL T. NOLAN, Register.
Timber Land, Act June 3, litjS.
I'. H, Land Omce, The Dalle, Oregon,
May 1;, IV"J
Notice is hereby given lhat In compliance with
the provisions tiflhe Act of Congress of June t,
iSjS, entitled, "An act for the sale of limber land
in the states of California, Oregon. Net Ada, 11ml
Washington Territory," as extended lo all the
public land atatea by Act of August 4, iftii, the
follow iiiR-namcd persona have filet! lu this office
their awum atatemeiita, to-wlt-
Charles 0. King
of Weston, county of I'matUta. atAteofOreRon.
sworn atalrmeut No 1477, flics! Nov 4. 19". for the
purchase of the si, net and tola I and 1 cc 3, Ip
1 j a, r 10 e, w m
I.ouls V Kagle
of Weston, county of I'malllla. atale of Oregon,
sworn staienieut No 1 W3, filed Nov it, 19, for
Ihe purchase ofthe e e u,lp ijs.r lue.w in.
That ther will offer nruoftuahow lhat the lam!
sought is more valiMbfc for Its limber or stone
than for aRrlctillurnl puriKisca, and to establish
their claims to mhI I a ml Iwfure the KcRltler ami
Kceelter at The Dalles, Oregon, on l'riday, the
1Mb day of October, lym
Thev name as witnesses C W Wallers, I H
Waltrra, Henry Stamper, Charles KIiir. of Wes
liMi. Or; John lltoss am! Michael Conner, of The
Dalles, or.
Any am! all persons claiming adversely the
Atmeleseribed lauds are rtsiuestctl tH file their
claims In this office on or before the said itth tUy
m iKiwer. lotu.
IAKL T. N0I.AN. UeRlster.
Timber Ijind, Act June 3, 17.
V 8. Ijind Office, The tulle. Oregon,
May u, 1903
Notice Is hereby given that in cumpliaure with
Ihe provisions oflhc Art of Ctmgrets of June J.
1S7S, enlilletl. "An act for the sale of limber lands
in Ihe states of California, Oregon, Nevada, ami
Washington Tetrltory," as extruded to all the
public laud stales by Act of August 4, ifi, the
followiiig-named persons have uti Nov 3, idf,
filed in this office their sworn statements, to-wlt
lalward A Dlekeu
of Klk, county of Spokane, state of Washington,
snorn statement No 14(4, for the purchase of Ihe
aw sec jo, tp 19 s. r 10 e. w ui.
Prank Staler
efChatlaroy.cotinty of Spokane, atate of Wash
ington: sworn statement No It J. for the pur
:ruc of the neK ec 31. tp 19 a, r 10 e, w 111
Sherman A Reid
of Mitan, county of Spokane, atate of Washing
ton, aworn statement No U. for Ihe purchase
ef the tie if sec 3d, tp 19 s, r lee, w ut.
Charle Ross
of Ctutlaioy, county of Spokane, stale of Wash
lagtoii, swum statement No 147. for the pur
chase of Ihe seH sec 30. tp if s, r is e, w m.
Arthur (Sraham
ef 1318 College ave. Spokane, county of Spokane,
stateof Washington, aworn statement No 14M,
for the purchase of the ne( aec M. tp 19 a, r 1 e,
w III. t
Paul S. Nichols
of St Paul, county of Ramsey, stateef Minnesota;
sworn statement No 149, for the purchase of the
aelf sec 19. tp 19 a, r lar, w m.
Theodore Ounther
ofChaltarny. county of Spokane, stale of Wash
ington, sworn statement No 147, for the pur
chase of the aw K sec 17. tp 19 s, r ia e. w m.
That they will offer twtiof to ahow that theland
sought is more valuattle for lis timber er Mw
than fur agricultural purpose, and to eslabltth
their dalm to aaht land before the Register and
Receiver at The Dalles, Oregon, on Thursday,
Ihe 13th day of October 1903.
They name as witnesses Theodore (lumber.
Prank Staley, (.harle Ross, ufChattaroy, Wash.
I W ward A Dicken, of Klk. Wash. Sherman A
Reid, of Milan. Wash. Arthur Oraham, of Spo
kane. Wash; Paul S Nkhe. of St Paul. Minn.
Anv and alt ncrsons ctalmlnr adversely the
above-described lands are requested to file Iheir
claims in this office on or before the said 11th
dav of (krtolwr. lortl
Timber Land, Act Jane 3. 1I7I.
U. 8. Ijind Office, The Dalles, Oregon,
June , lyy.
Notice I hereby given that In compliance with
the provisions of the Act of Congress uf June 3.
S;. entitled. "An act for Ihe sale ot timber lands
In the state of California. Oregon. Nevada, and
Washington Territory." as extended to all the
public land states by Act of August 4. ityi. the
following-named persons have on Nov 14, lort,
filed in this office their sworn statement!, to-wlt
r.coree W Hire
of 75J Harvard ave. n. Seattle, county of King,
atate of Washington, aworn statement No 1301,
or ine purcnase 01 ine a nw;( aec , Ip ti a, r
le e, w m.
David Murray
of Tacotna, (care Hotel llrooklyn). county of
tierce, state 01 tt asniugton, sworn aiaicmciu
No IMi. for the Durchaseef ihe aw aw If aec 11
and wH iK sec 13, Ip 13a. r lee. w m.
That thev will offer nrooflo ahow thai Ihetand
sought la mere valuable for ita umber or stone
than for agricultural purposes, and to eataMish
Iheir ctalins lo aaid land before the Register and
Receiver at The Dalle. Oregon, on Wednesday,
the jut day of October. 1901
They name a witnesses (Scorge W Itlce, of
Kcaiuc, wasn. imviii Murray, or Tacoma, Wash.
H W Smith. John lllosa. Mr. C A Davidson, of
nisiers, tiregon
Any and all person claiming adversely the
above-described land are rrouesledto Ale Iheir
da I pis in this office on or before the said JUt day
otixtotier. irn.
lyji-oa MICIIAKL T
NOLAN. Rrglster.
Timber Land, Act June 3, i?S.
V. B. Mnd Office, The Dalles, Oregon,
May rt, 1903
Notice is hereby eiven lhat In cuuiiiHanre with
the provisions oflhe Act of Cengrrss ef June 3,
17. entitled. "An act for the aaleof Umber lands
In the aUlcs of California, Oregon, Nevada, and
Washington Territory," a extended to all the
fiubllc land state by Act of August 4, lty, Ihe
ollowlng-named person hate filed In Ihls office
their aworn atctcments, to-wll
Charles II Helta
of The Dalle, county of Wasco, atate of Oregon,
aworn statement No 14)10, filetl Nov 4 iyJ, for the
purcnase 01 tnc ne;j iw, a uwtf aim tw
ne) see u, tp 15 a, r 10 c, w m.
David Morrla
of The Dalles, county of Wasco, atate of Oregon;
aworn statement No 14I1, filed Nov 4, lyoi, fur
the purchase of the al nw!. neW nwt and uetr
aw i aec 30, Ip 1 j a, r 10 c. w in.
Ilennle Johnson
of The Dalle, county ol Wasco) state of Oregon;
aworn statement No I4, filed Nov 4, lyoj, for
tne purcnase 01 ine w ace 31, Ip 13 a, r 10 r,
w m.
Vrederlck AHetls
of The Dalles, county of Wasco, atate of Oregon;
aworn statement No 14H3, fllett Nov 4, i'i, tot
the nurchaae of the aw, awjf aK and nwjf
w) sec 33i IP IS , r 10 e, w 111.
, . William L. Well
of Inilcpendence, county of Polk, state of Orc
gon; aworn statement No 14M, filed Nov 7, im,
fur Ihe purchase oflhe wi aeK, -aeif awW ami
wjf nejf sec J4. Ip 19 . r 10 e, w in.
Phillip K Mans
of Wrciithaiu, county of Wasco, alate of Oregon;
aworn statement No 147, filed Nov H, 1901, for
Ihe purchase of the iw( sec 16, tp 16 a, r loe.w 111,
That they wllfoffer nrooflo ahow thatlhetand
sought I more valuable for ita Umber or atone
than for agricultural purpoie. aiid ro ettabtlsh
their claim lo said land before Ihe Reglater and
Receiver at The Dallea, Drcrou, on Monday, the
19th day of October, 1913
..'n.,tv. '""" " wltucssea. Ilennle Johnson,
Frederick A licit, David Morrla, Nathan llubbs,
Uiarlee II Hells, Willla M Hubba, William II
llubbs, lien K Johnson, of The Dalles, Or, Amos
Iiradahaw, l'rail C Whltlen, Albert H Hhole, of
Portlann. On (!ommrMlnr ti triiM r t... ......
dence.of. '
Any and all oeraoni elilmlnr ,(.,..! ,.
we-deacrlbed landaare requested to flic their
iri "' "iilCHAHL T. NOLAN, Regi.t.r.
Tlmtcr Mii'ii Act June 3. 1H7A.
U. H. Mud Office, The Dalles, Oregon,
May 11, 19.13
Notice Is herch given thai In compliance with
theprutlslunaorihc Act of Congress of June t,
IH7M, entitled, "An tl for Ihe sdleof llmlter Iniiils
In the slatca uf tabfiiinU, Oregiui. NcvndA. nud
WnshliiHluii Tttiltory, ' ascsUmlrd to all the
public laud stairs bv Vcl uf August 4, 1F01, the
followliiu.tiauicd hiiiis have tin Oct 7, lon.fllrtl
In this ulllcc their swum statements, to-wll
IMtrltk 11. Cmlav
of l'hllltlps, ctiuiiivuf Price, alAle of Wisconsin;
aworn atntemeiit ij, for the purchase uf I he
uw) iie(, eH liw'4 nmlltwK nw)( sec 1, tp tea,
r lie, w m,
lUlnard Vamlcrwall
of I'hllllps, county of Price, alate of Wisconsin,
auorn statement Nit lil. for the purchase of the
seW sec 31, tp 19 , r 13 e. w m v
That they will elf r proof to show that the land
sought I mure valuable for Ita Umber or attme
lhau furagricultuial piirixisca, and lu pstattlltlt
Iheir claims lo aakl land Wore the Register am!
Receiver at The Dalles, Oregon, un Tuexlay, the
Ijlhday ofSeptcmlier, loJ
They name aa v,lluesse-a. Jacsib Rftimutaeu.
Itll Crtilteau, Ditnsulllvnii, Hans llveisou.Hofeu
Larson and jtttm M dmot. jr. all of Phllllm, Wis
auv ami all hcimus ciaiHtnig nivistv tin
luting Adveietty the
aUvescrlbeil lands are requested to Ate Ihur
churns In this utbee on or liefore tlte aahl ijtli
unyoi peptetutatr 'J
Inio-ai MKIIAl'l. T. NOLAN, Register
Timber Land, Act June 3, !?
V. K. Land Office. The iMllr. Oregon,
May r7. IVU
Notice Is heieby ien thai lu eumptwiiee with
Ihe (HuvisHtna iiftht Act of Cougrrss of June 3,
itT. viittjleil, "An a. 1 for the sr of limber lands
lu the slate of California, Oregon, Nevrnla ami
Wathliiglon Territory as oxtendrd 1st all the
public land slates by Act of August 4. 191. Die
following-named iwus hate 011 Nov 11, leat,
filetl In tills uthec their swern statnntnts. to-wlt
Isaac N Williams
of 141 (Hand ave, h Portland, csmnty ef Mullmt-
man, ai,ite 01 oregou aworn ataiemeHi Jtu 1499.
for the purchase oflhc eh sei,', s)j seij and
se(t ii( aec 34, Ipioa rite, wm.
Ilucts Datlc
uf liemMJI. etmnly of HrUraml, slate el Minne
sota, sworn statement No 149. lor Ihe putchaae
eftheuetf sec 33. Ip is. r ue, w m
lkitha A Kites
of llcmMJl. county ul lieltraml. state ef Minne
sota, sworn statement No it 17. for the Hitchsc
uf Ihe iiwl, aec xt, Ip is. r lies w 111.
That theywlllolfer proof to shew that Ihe land
sought I more ralaaMe for its timber or stone
than for agricultural purposes, and In establish
their claim tu atid land hefwe Ihe Register and
Receiver at 1 be Dalits. itegtMb cm W.ln-Uy,
Ihe list day of Octobrr ij
Thev name as witnrsse John LSchuvteman.
of t.ynilen. Wash Lawrenc ltkk, Ames
llntd.hsw. I'C WhillvH. of Pmttaml, Or, John
Stent!. Hertha A Knob. C 1, Kites, Theaaas
Tweet. f The Dalles. Or. Hugh Doyle, of lie
mittjt. Minn.
Any and all peesotts ctalmlng adeerseiy Me
above described Urnd are miMsM le At their
claim in Ibis ellkr en er before Ihe said llt day
of October, ivsjl
lyjuw 3UCIIAKL T. NOLAN. Register
Timber Mud. Act June 3. r74.
V. H. Land (hfk. The Dalle. Oregon.
Jhhc y I9j
Notice is hereby given that In eowtpbance wllh
the prosrtslotts of Ihe Act of Cottar ef June 3,
iftT. entitled, "An act lor I be aaleef tlmbeelaiwis
in Ihe stale ef CalUornia. Oregon, Nevada, and
Washington Territory as extended le all the
tmWtC land State by Act uf August 4, 191. Ike
ftdtowing-namrtl twrsom have ti Nee 17, tea,
filetl In Ibis office tbelr saern statements, to-wit
Mason Rude
of I'rrter, county ef Norman, stateof Minncsotai
sworn stalement No 1514 foe the purchase uf Ihe
!i swh, nn cn iwi ae), aec 33, tp 49. r
lie, w m
Peter J Peterson
ol I'crtcy, county of Nerman, state of Minnesota;
aworn statement No uij, for the pureliaae oflhe
cH nK and wj nK se J, Ip 19 , r 11 c. w m.
vi Jukm Nt Rude
ofpertey, county of Norman, stale of Minnesota;
aworn sialemtnt No 1311. for Ihe purchase oflhe
sw(i nej; ah and nw) awj sec 3, Ip le ,
r ue. w hi
That they will offer proof to show thai Ihe lam!
sought Is more vahtalde for Its Umber or stone
than for agricultural purpose, and lu estehrlth
their claims le said laml before the Register and
aewwtr si tiwiNittes wregon, en inursway,
thr ml tlay of October, lust.
They name wilneaae John Rude. I'cterJ
Peterson, simee Hu4c, ef I'erley. Mlun. Lswl
Nelson. Loui Wllwii, ol ImxhI, Or, Hans liver
son. of PhlltliM Wta.
Any and all twrssHia etaimlHg adversely the
abeve-tleaciibed laml are requested le Ate Ihetr
daws in tnss naxc en or nerote ine saw im isay
of October, lust
XIIUX, Register.
Timber Land, Art June 3, i7
V H Land Office, The Dalles, Oregon,
lulv a, ivti
Netiee is hereby given lhat in etmipllaHee with
the pruvtelmts oflhe Aft of Congress of June 3,
iM. enlltUd, 'An act for Ihe aaleof timber land
In the atalcs of California, Oregon. Nevada, and
Washington Territory," aa extended te all Ihe
public land statu by Act of August 4, 191, the
following-named persons have filetl lu Ihls office
inrtr sworn tuirutents, to-wlt
Charles W. Tltoriithwalte
ofLewl.ton, couutvof Net I'etor, stale of Idaho,
worn slatcinent Nt , filetl April 19, lyef, for
thr purchase oflhe el ne)f aec y and whj nw)
aec 9, Ip il a, r new in.
Christine I, Thorntliwaltc
of lwltton. county of Nci Perec, atale of Idaho,
aworn statement No filed April rt, ivl. far
the purchase oflhe sw)( aec m, tp in , rile,
w in.
Thai they will offer proof to ahow thai Ihe laml
sought is more valuable fur it Umber or stone
than fur agricultural inirtKjtes, and In rstabllih
Iheir claims lusaM laml before the Register and
Receiver at The Dalle, Oregon, 011 Saturday,
Ihe rtth day of September, iyu.
They name as witnesses: John O Rose, Tllllc
Rose, Nellie llurgawtn, Alfred flurgasuii, of The
Dalle, Oregon. Charles V Thornthwalte, Chris
line I, Thornthwalte, ofLewUlon, Idaho; James
II llaner, ofllend, or
Any and all person claiming adversely the
ahotc-deecrilicd buuts are reiuestet! to file Iheir
claliui lii this olhw 011 or before Ihe said rfth
nay 01 September, 1901,
'J'4-art JIILIIAHL, T.
NOLAN, Register.
U H Mm! office, I.akcvlcw, Oregon,
July 5, 1903
A sufficient contest affidavit having been filed
in Ihia office by
John W While, Contestant,
against homestead en Iry No j, made Aprils,
PAH, for the cK iie and nH eU sec 30, tp 14 a, r
7e, w 111, by lames llobton, conlcstrr, in which
w 111, ny jniues iionton, rouiesirr. 111 wnicn
alleged lhat saul fame llobsuii lias bail
11 1 aiicgea inai uui Jatue lloiisou lias anail
doucd said claim for a period of six months or
more last patt, and that said alleged absence
Irom the said land was nut due lu Tile employ
ment In the army, navy or murine corp of the
I'll Ik--1 Slate a a private soldier, officer, seaman
or marine during the war with Spain, ur during
any other war In wlilch the I'nllcd Slatca may
be engaged, said parties arc hereby notified lu
appear, rt-spoud and offer evidence touching said
allegation at 10 o clock a 111 on September JMVOJ,
before (J II Wardwcll, V. H, Commissioner at
Silver Lake, Lake County, Oregon, and that final
hearing will be held at 10 o'clock a in oil Septem
ber i, 1903, before Ihe Rciiistcr and Receiver
at the lnllcd State Laud Office at Lakcvlcw,
The aald contestant having, III a proper affi
davit, filed July ij, 1903, act forth fact which
ahow that after due diligence ersoiml service of
"d directed that such iiol'lc he given by due
JiT ' T m".IRATTAIN, Regl.lcr.
Timber l.nnd, Acl June 3, 1H7A.
V H Lam! Office, The D.iUcs. Oteguu,
Nullce Is hereby given Dial In etiuiiiilAi
'my u, ivvj
tsillilillnure uflll
le liiutls liinsiiflhe Act of Ciiiilmm. uf Inn I.
l7. (lililtetl "An act for Ihe ante ufllmbfr
IaiiiI In the stales uf CaIIuiiiiU, Oregon. Nevada
ami Washington Tertltury," as extended lu All
ine inimic inmi states ny .Ml ui August 4, i"9.
Ihe fotlowlug-UAmtsI pctsutis have lllrtl lu Ihls
ulflre Ihtlr'awurii slAlemruls, towll
Joseph It Clifford
uf Ut Reeves ate. llrand Ittrk. cotinly of (tratid
1-ori.a, sinie 111 nmiii iiakiitin, swoiii siaiemeiu
N'u I4ti llln! Nov I, luut. for Ihe ntrt!uteof Ihe
ut)( see en, ip 19 a, r 13 e, w in
Rose C Odney
ufTlinmixon, coiinly uf (Iraml I'ork. stale of
N in 111 Dakota; swum statement Ntt MM. filed
Nov 1, tent, Sir the purclmsv uf the w) sec 4, Ip
19 s, r 13 e, w hi
Small llunaeii
of llrsklur, county of l'olk, stale of Minnesota;
aivorn statement Nit i,V fuesl Nov 1, 19M, for the
purchase uf the
w( Mtir, Ip 19 A. r lie, w III.
WIIHaiii II. Iluir
of llrand Porks, tsmnlt of tlrand Porks, sial
Niwth Dakota, sworn latemeul Ntt uA. fit
Nov 1, leoi, for the hutch of In uwK sec i
tp 19 s, r 13 c, ir 111,
That they will offer moof to ahetr lhat the
laudstmghtls more valuable for (la Umber or
lone Hmii for agiiestltiirAt imrpa, ami to rs
labllsh iheir dalmt In said tattd before lb Rig
later ami Receiver at The Dalle, Oieasm, on
Muuday, the ntli day of October, uwt.
They name as wftin-- w A Cur lie, W II
imtr, t II Kottinsou, J HCIIlford.of Ormtdl'orhs.
N iMk. John Nlehtl, John HIom. William Maat.
of Mem!. Or, Aiimm llrailshaw. V C UIiIIIch of
lixtland, or, Sarah lltmgen, uf lirsklne, Minn,
Hose C Odney, of IhmniKuu. N Dak
Any ami all i-etsom claimlHa adversely Ihe
above described lands ale returaTed lo III their
claims in Ihls on or before Ihe sskl islh
day oftKluber, luitl
laa-Ms .iiiviiAiti, t .-viii.Arv, KetrMer.
Tlmtwr Ijind,
Act June 3. 1B7,.
V. S Urn! Office. The IMIbr. Oiegeu,
May It, t3
Notlee is hsreby tfiveu that In i-omiuUu r wllh
the ufwrtstaeis oflhe Art efCatetirs ufjeee 3,
jS7, entitled. "An act for the wit of Umber Una
lu the state ef Cal.HHuU Iheetm. Meeeala, ami
WMhlHgtun Tetrtloey," a ss lewdest to all Ihe
mtblk la ml Mate by Act of August 4. !. lite
faihiwiHg-Hametl persons have Mt Oct 17. 19.
(iletl In this iiiAce iheir strtKii talemenU, lo-wk
Amlrew I I
nf Albany, county of I.Ihh, siale ofiHegim, atvent
stalement 74u ite, for the HtrhM of IM alt
H amlsH ii see 1. Ip 17 . r tee. w m.
William Alfred Trimble
ef Albany, camnty uf l.lmi. i4ale of twegeai; swuea
stalemenl No yr, for the pun-has c4 Use nH
isri and 11 H NwH 11. Ip 17 , r loe. wm
IMwanl 31 Mutilator
of Alberta, etmnly of t'matllla, sial of Otveett,
wotn stalemenl No 1 ji for the fmrchaae of the
t Hehj awd tuts 1 anjl see . Ip 1 1 a. r te e. w m
Maitha h Murttmur
of Alhena, com hi y of t'Hiatttla, Mate of Oreeesi,
sworn tattsteHt No i. gar the peeehat ofthe
HhwU am! hits 3 ami 4 see 1, in 13 s. r . w m
Thai they w Ut Meter Muufio shew lhat Ihe leftst
sottgbl Is more valiMhl foe lis limber er stoat
iHsh for agrteeHeral pernuse aa4 Ut establWh
Ihetr claims 10 said laml h. for the Megteter awl
Receiver at The laaUe. ttregtm, ott t'ralay, III
tsth.lay of September, io
They name as wllnesta William A Trimble.
Andrew J lltalge. Karl C Heanaetwrry atd JtiUo of AltMHy. uregou. loha t TutVer, of The
I kallest Oregon, frank II Church, Matlleil nealt.
Mrs I, I. Church. Martha K Martlmut. lulnard
M Morttmurs, of Aiiirua, iiren
Any and all persons claimlHa atlveesely Ihe
above de.arlbsd lands are rM4d lo Ale leetr
claims h thta oWec on or berate Ihe eM ijlb ikty
ef sev4Hibe, iyu
iyi7-i MIUI.MH. T NOLAN. RegMer
Timber Land. AM June 3, 17-
U. S. Land Olfier, The Dsttes, OifKHn,
May is. Ktaa.
Mayii. m
Notice; la hereby gl'
lh urBrialona riKe
yen IU! In (gmiplMiiar wh
ruvtsloiiserilfr Alt of CHilrrmi of luaa t.
tfr. eiitlllett "An Mt for ibe sale of ibubey
rwfv. ai,irT.. .... wi ei " "W. "1 luiipq
lamls In Ihe stales of California. Oregutt. NevwdA
and WathlnetaMt Tetrilorv." aa eilauded lo all
Ibc public land slate by Act of Aaujttaf 4. iaa.
the MWwlHg named twrsous have on October &?.
iyoi. filetl In this oince their swum statements,
George W Heekell
of Cass Lake, county of Cam. stale of Mlaneanta,
swum stalemenl No 141, for Ihe farcltase of MM
H neH am! tots 1 and 1 see , Ip 19 s, r 11 e. w m
(Seer re Mitch
f Cass Lake, county of Cass, stale of Minnesota;
sworn tatemeal No 144. fo lh perehase ml lh
ti I, If it , r ue, w m
Jttseph II Mrawbridg
of Cats Lake, cooMty of Caaa, stale of Miaaeeata,
aauTM stalasaent Ne 1413. fur Us farrbe or the
H Hwlf and lot 3 and 4 sec 3. Ip 19 . r 11 e.w m
Iteal C f ftsman
of Dorfctt't Run. counly of Hardin, stale r,f Jteu
lucky. swefH staleasenl No 1417, fur the pttrchase
ofthe H HK and lots 1 ami 1 sec 3, If 19 a, r II
e, w m.
That Ihey will offer jueof to show lhat theland
amighl I more valuable for Ua limber er atott
than for agricultural mrpose. ami lu estabUsh
their ctatms lo said land before lit Register ami
Receiver at The Dalles. Oregon, wt Halurday,
the 44h tlay of September, Hoi
iney name aa wiiuesses oeorgc laiirn. Jos
eph II Mrawbridge, (Sevrge W tkakatl, of Cass
Mkc, Minn, John Sletdl, Tltomas Tweet, IMtr-
nam Holm Is. of The iMlles. ilrevoti
Any and all iieratms claiming adversely Ihe
above described Umts aic rneint lu HI tlieir
claim in Ihtioiriccun or liefore the aald i4h ibty
ef September. 103
NOLAN. Register.
Land Office al The Dalles, Oregon,
July 17, 193
Notice I heiiiy given tint IhefolluwlHg-H mail
settler ha filed Holler of his Inteiiltaii to luake
filial iiroof lu aupiajrt of his claim, ami llwl aahl
nrouf will be maue lfme I I Smith, cutmlv
Clerk, at I'rinevttle, OregtHi, on Saliirtlay, Sec I
IcuilMrr i. Hetirvti. " A
Callle M. Oardlier, of SlMcra, Oregon;
II l No 7i, for Hie nwj( sec 1,'tp ijs, r 11 c,
tv m.
He name the following wltneste lo tirttve his
coiilliiuous residence upuu and citillvatmn uf
aaln Mini, vis, ,
Oeorgc I' cyrut, warren D Cyntt, of I'rliie-
vllle, Or; William
I' nryi ear. l J wilt, or his-
ters, Oregon
U. H. Laud Office, Lakcvlcw, Oregon,
July M. i'j.
A aufficlenl conical affidavit havlnir lieen filed
III Ihia office by
Harry A. Hill, Contestant,
agalmt homestead entry No JS7. made March 7,
Vyoj, for nii4iwl( and uwf ue)( sec i, Ip 14 , r
te, w in, by Mark l llardmau, coutestec, In
which It Is alleged that sAld Mark It lUrdjuaii
ha abaudoiictl aald claim for a iieiiod of alx
months or more lust liast. and lhat aaul allsL,!
kbteiicc from the said land was not due lu his em-
iiioyincni 111 tne army, navy or marine corp 01
he United State a a nrivutc soldier, oniter.
aeamaii or inatJnc dining Ihe war with Hxalii,'ir
during any other war in whlih Ihe Dulled States
nay lie cngageu, sain unriir are ucrciiy noiuieu
Itiaunear. rtanuml and offer cvldciite touclilnu
said iillrgriltoii 11 1 10 o'clock a in otiScplembens,
190J, iiciorv ti. 11. wnruwcii, V s. kummisaiourr
at silver iJikc, Lake County, Oregon; and Dial
filial hearing will l held 111 10 o'Uock n m 011
Septclulicr J1, 1903, before Ihe Register and Ke
ceivcr ot the United States Land Office In lakc
vlcw, Oregon.
The aald contcitant having, In a tirnper affi
davit, filed July JJ, 1903, act forth fact which
show thai after due diligence, personal service of
this notice can not be made, II la hereby ordered
and directed that such notice be giveu by due and
proper publication.
J)ji4 1!.M. 1IHATTA1N, Register.
Timber LaihI, Arl June J, 1117H.
V. S l.aud Oince, The I Miles, Oregon,
Mhv 1;, 1903
Notice Is hdeliy given llml In tiiMillanee with
Ihe prmthji4iirihe Aeluf Cniigress uf June 3,
W, eulllltsl, "An net for Hie Ml ultlmliei IhihIs
III the slAttMnifCatlfiiiulA, OirRwn, Ntvaita. nnd
WAalilngluii Tenllurv," as rsleiiileil In All the
pulilleliiml slAlrab) Acl of August 4. i9, Ihe
lolliiwliignitmetl psisuns have llletl lu Una tifftcc
Iheir swoiii statements, to wll
IMwanI It Tracy
of DrHiuyhriMik, cotinly of Wait),
counly of Wait), alalr nfNtirlh
Dtkuta, swoiii slAlrmenl N
rtwi, iiitsi isnv a,
1941, for Ihe puichas uf I lis sek see lo.tpaaa,
1 13 e, w hi
John Meilralli
of North Vallma, nmnly of Vaklma. alalr nf
WiiahllitliH. swoiii alalefueHl No 149)1, filed Nov
to, 1904, m the pmvliaiic oflhc K mr antlnwK
netf sec 11 ami sw(( aetf see 1, Ip ao , r 13 e,
tv hi.
Wlllkm Lea I hail
04 T)ier, etmniy 01 sieMmetwi,
late of Not Hi
tlakttla. sutuii atateiuaul Mn lie. nttl Nov lu.
190. for the Hitt'hc of lh iwm see 13. Ip m a, r
13 c w m
Chaibr (VMaUey
Hfl'hltllHs, emiiilv ttf Prlee. ! of Wtaronsltl,
awtMti stalemenl N 1313. AM net l. iv,for Ihe
puirha uf Ihe sX aec 1, Ip wa, r 13, w hi.
of 1'hlillps. eemnlr. of Price, stale nf VViennlti,
sworn stalemenl Ne 131. ld Oct 10, mjm.ioc lh
wtiHsef lite HeK see 1, Ipaa. r 13, w hi.
OerWa A AHiavelv
of I'lilllli, CwimI) of Itlce, stale ef WrseoHslH
swoth stalement No 137, Hied Oct 10, , for
the puieHase ot lite hw H sec 13. Ip a a, r 13 ,
w m
John K H.muB
ef I'hllllps. reHnlr et Itlee, to cd Wletmln
eworn atalemeel Ka 131, 114 till te, rsyx for
Ihe purehas uf liter) w(, wJ Vj and aU
tK ik ipms, r 13, w m.
Daniel ftaUlveM
nf Phillip, etWHlvwf lrr. stair M WIscuhsIh,
woth stalemenl Nn 119, Hied Oct . iva, for
lh patebas of Ihe w(sff sec 3s, Ip 19 s, r lie,
amlltHs 1 and I see 1, Ip as a, r 13, w m
ef I'hllllps, etmnly of frier, alii uf WtsruHsin,
swain "Salemettl No 1330, Fll'd (act la, lew, fur
ihe pHtchase oflhe sw Jj n jj, Ip hi s, r 13 e.
w m
The! they will ntfer Mtatf lo show thai Ihe laml
atnsghl I ramee valuable for II limber nr 'He
lh for agricultural rmrpn ml to eat 1,1 is h
Iheli ctalNM M aaid laud before (he Hegtster ami
Neeetver The Hall's, Oregon, on Tueaday, Ihr
Mh day of October, i-j
They Ham a witness John Masmussen,
A HI ham y Khea, Charles iI'Mallry, Tlnmta llrn
iMirge A Suavely, liana Kvetwn JohM Wit mot
It, IhlnM hallteaa. Jacsib mimwa, fainck tl
I'erley. KM Cnatleau. of Phillip Wis JohM
Mitlimh. of North Yakima. Mah. William
l.nlhait. of T)hr, N Dak l.oui Nln ami
KdwaH huye. ef Head, IN; f L llawtun, Van
cutessi. tveea.
Aa 1
ad alt iwi man ctatmlmr lerlr lh
erRWI Uaes are rsarMml lo Hie laelr
I Ihl aatii ua or hsfose tit said mh
rlaiaa la ihia
. iflM. ...
Tlasher Mad. A4 Jaae 3, teyg.
V . Uad Oesee. The IwtW, (ieegm,
May 17. sisij
Natter I hereby glveu thai la rtHnaliaar with
Ihr pmvealeai ef lh Art o( t'ottgrts d June 1.
isra ealHled. "Aa ail for Ihe ulr nt llmhrt landa
la lh stale uf UallforaM, ittrrm. Nevada, ami
Waahtaglaa Terrtlury ' as c Untied lu all law
Khlir Uad stale by Act of August 4 . lb
lewlMC-Hamed fsisows bate ua Nov
la IM orHse tMIr swoea statenseals. lo-wti
Nalhaa C Hubba
of The IWitte. csmaty d Wmu stale ofllrejtwt.
swsHH Matemeai No 147. for Ihe mrrhase imT lae
si se and st m set- 31, Ip 13 s, r In e w m
Willis M llubtM
ef The Dalit, ctwoty uf Wssvo. slat of tHegesi.
sworn slalemeHl N 1479, f..i the ptutla oflhe
SeK aec 3, la It a, r 1 .
That Ihey wtUeifrr oreof to show lhat Ihe land
aettlhl It iHOte valaabte fur Ha limber or sleHir
Ibefl for agficurtaaal imri'e'es. ami to estaldeth
llWrobtHHs lyatI hiMlwIote Iheheglater and
RtfafMr alflie I wll. Oregon. ) aafarday.llie
17IJ1 day of Oelobar, H4
They name a wll mam C M NetU, latvtd
Mtarris. W M llubbs. Pled NsiU Nalheu C
j llntds. all
fTb li.lles.tN
Any and all persuos claimtaaj aavrrseiy tne
bov-il escribed land at ruuwTd lo Ale their
ClaiMM In this ante ott or biHai the M I7lhdy
of Uctober
TttaWe-Laod, Act Jaa 3. itja
II. rt. Utrd ilre. The Hothm, OfHt.
Mai 17. 103.
3foUee Is herein given Uatl IN eMaptMOc with
lit mutlttmit ofiae Art of Coaais 4 Jaa 3.
i7, eHUItfd. "Aa act for t b U ui ttmbn laosU
la lh stales uf California, (Hat, Nevada aad
Waahlagtmt Territory," as extended lo an lb
public land stairs by Acl of Aajaat I, 101, Ihe
foitowlHg-mime! parous have flea la Ihl ornte
lhatr sworn HtlemenU. lo-wsi
of The Dalle, eottaly of Waaro, atale of OfegHii,
awwrtt statemetil Nu 1413, Hied Nov 1, law. for Ihe
purchase ef lh HK 17, If tea, r 13 c w m.
LuelU I' aaloe
of The Imllss, counly of Wcu, Mate of Oregtm.
awoTH tatemeiil Nu 1444, filed No 1, lauajbl Ihe
imrelMseof the aeH sec 17, Ip a. r w r. w m.
Jltscph Ijtitder
ef The Ihtllr. etnimy of Waaro, stale of Oirgon,
worn slalemcHt No 131, filed Imc m, 1904 for lb
HirettsuflheiiwlX ec 11, Ip . r 13, w 111
James p Moote
of Tlie IMlles, couHly of Waru, state of Oregon;
sworn stalimsnt N lis, filed Oct 3, lee, for thr
imrehasc of the swl sec 11. tp mb. r 13c w m.
That Ihey wilt offer ixoof to show that tbelalH
sought I mot valuable for II Umber ur stone
titan for agricultural pursosta, am! lu atahllah
llieir claim lo aald laml before Ihe Healater ami
Receiver al The iMIle. oreoeti. oh
in Satuiilay,
.. . a .. . . .
I ne 17m uay 01 tictouer,
Tliau aaalatla aa Itillliaaa mm tdLaljsJ II gi.oaa
Thotuss J Driver. Luella I' Snipes, fhvma j
Leonaid. Ilinr) Aulfs, Juhn Cavm, Jiuwph n
Ijnden.of The Dallea, Or, Charle A llraves, of
I'll lit vine, Or. Mike Ml-age. ol Heutl, or
Any ami all persou cuimlHg dverely Ike
abtKe-detllrtl lud are letutesled lu Ale lbir
ehtliWi lu Ihl afnee on or befotc Ihe hM 171I1
day ufOeletier. im.
jlwtl 3IICHAHL T NOLAN, Regltlrr.
Timber Land, Aet June 3, l7.
Notice for publication.
V fl. Land Offire, Tlte Dallas, Oiegon,
June , 1013,
Notice It hereby given lhat lu romplwiiec wllh
the imivlstoiis 01 the Ail of Cungieas uf June 1,
itTA, tiitltletl, "All Act for Ihe aareoflliiibrlaiiiI
lu Ihe state nf California, Oregon, Nevada, and
Washington Terrllury," a extended lu all Ilia
public laud slates by Act of August 4, 194, Ihe
fidtuwliig-nainrd iersous have tin Nov it, 1001,
filed in Ihls office their swoiii altiiiul, lo-tvlt.
Raphael M spencer
of Hdivall, rnuiity of Llnndii, alule nf Wathlug.
toni sworn a,liilcmrnl Nu, for the purchase
ofllic se( scc,y, tp I a, r lue, w III.
II. pearl Siiirr
of Itdwall, county of Lincoln, still of Washing
ton, swum statement Nu isuj, for the purchase
of the el nw)( audeH wJ sec 30, Ip 13 a, r 19 r,
w m.
Thai Ihey will offer proof lu show llial the land
sought i more valuable fur il Unilarr ur slilne
limn for agricultural piirx.c, mid lu establish
their claim In aald land lifnr lh Register and
Rrcelter at The Dallea, Oregon, 011 Thursday,
the d day of Oitnlier, 1903.
They name A witnesses. 1( l'rail Hpenccr,
William H Spcuccr, Delhi M Sieiicr, Lillian M
Spencer, Raphael M hlxiitcf, ull of Kdwall,
Any and all persons claiming adversely Ihe
oliovc. described laud arc rctjnrsicd lu file Iheir
claims In Ihl ulllcc uu ur before the aald J id day
nf Octulier. loot.
jyji-oi MICHAKI, T. NOLAN, Rcglitcr.