.. v. i..'T ' The Bend Bulletin ttsct mass J4 PBttWwwB naavasajg. frrrr- JiCSV fiWiJnsafs. . ..- i . euja?MrP4V awteSVv aSSSaSf W S"S USSaaT ?-Waawy narw wWWVT Is 1W FRIDAY AUG. 14. 1903 I1?9 aWt. -Mt Hw wTilygml lfecc lanihnr ir " rK rvsurv-rvttw. kHh. asm iwmm-r r biaM. ri ! .1 1 it - -I T. V aaaajaaM, reaaa rejaHwaaa wa ' iMMIilw tfaatm 'Ma ; u ccom attempt at coate and UcKcrf tft MorftMar because be ..a akieged it Id have tan and at Ik f tke ooMbmc anal after tkat ke cftanacd to Wvcbecsa mall of be an at- ' to en nw.it. A tew Uv mo general ao if 1 imiiMj iiimi 1 1 af ' a ' Saa tftMMMk CM aaaWlai at . aaam "" wart . k aaa. la taja afaaaa of rfc ' MktWlMMk atS,aaarM aaaatai u fcfBvaauaiaKBC 1 aaaaaaa ""213'"' lavad oaTen titcmtod SSMU.I aattHfUai t f Clllpllllll f MM 1 MMrCMHhr "aaaiaab ""x waataaana naanan um i an w aaata WMtMMii - rf Aakfaat . ana fclll a, laangjjftii -... aa. ssnasV " "usussVunVsV fWAHnJ aaJ W Mil at U". M af WMtMr ' am. mt w Nraata '- aaaa " J "fa far aatajBBMa ftfcr , M aaatafc aVln.aa, wa lBbMMW Z. F. MOODY, General Commission i Fonvarding Merchant StIAMKO, 0KE0ON. amMukksavst wa BVCMStcd iirnri r-rtrag kadi nA-rsi cTDi.snn& thax nemos. cmctt qua oath, and Mr teat reason tfcenr w TW rente of Panl Ddaacr' aotHiat ikM coaid l rccofrauvd to uiotfeoagkCeacra! Ontfoa bar iuiaar a omtaat 00 flc who tbr lqpai to l zpaarnrt m Us For kMHtJoaraal Artkir ar abcodr yi'WitMip; Mt tbc arw daily rkxb ace ffcdy to ankc tacarerafr Cco Uul OrajOB atBMa ofa a c TaoRk tkoe awmrr bad lra nreviMwijr pcialcd at tkc Orcgoa tam bgr Mr. DekuKT aad otkcntkcT orcsdU scx-soMitaCMMtnMJsaadtk story wiH tear mtfillawj; any taoc yet. ere tke work! taowu k a k And Mr. Defaacr k rkiac. We dookc if tfcerc k a Mntck of co try it ktrge i Ccotral Olfoa oa tie facr of tke plote tfcot aMBi 54 away carinas aad imcrcaciag fsatava. Tkc aaui wko brw aaoag tacse aamy aatarai wtoaoos ,' accoacsesses aotkiag oat of of Uc tfcer aponl k c . cti a vi m . T" -" r-t-" - r-r i.-. - 1 taal part, out beutf rxecatrd braor. joo r laaliaad to adamMtcr an !'' r MMi "? J"Tr : MMn W fet S H , ' TM Uhrf wO) Mkf I URGE AND COMH0DI0US WAREHOUSE CONSIGNMENTS SOLICITED. Proatpt attcntam paid to tko wko Uvnr w with thetr patronage. irM OmtuStmm mmmt Lmmmtmi THROCOH PROM OB.NO TO SHA.NIKO IN ONK DAV. yootaal, acoac 10 ay mm . w main. wv paper. Toe Watoa , lty ACalajSt i&TfeVfe a ckaaeed Laods -'P1" 0 f tua r Mikut. ksicr. Manager S . Baifcry. of the Crook Coast loaraal. afcaat retire Boat tkat Xew ka aam cfcaaned tkc foonk tan is five years AUen ft Morgan fceiaa; tbe sew propria- , tor&. Tbe atwwpafcr 0 CaMrmlt Oecgos are is a oacte keoltlrf state J -nwau ft. . iw t. . faetjrky: (KOTICK FOR PUBLICATION. Mrs. FrsafcHcfcoa :crrl a r -or w.o Wftr cstiw that W Mlkr wa' ?IiWi . M t HOt " ' Hfa ' " " 1 . fc . - . . I Wm IV HCK r VWV OT HV Ow f 0)II1WM ttM MnOMIrr CUnnitnnxiMmiillA Hf i-rr t '- W11 In. Z7 1 iUl 1 I IU" I I 11IC V I11C r!Sf;rtr V2S:( PRINEV1LLE-BEND wan a anc. 1 ntt, " itiiiai a alowttkeai: nuaibaritT ta P. S. McXaU, at this ease kas bred oainfereaoe. Is- BwUc. Xeb., left or oavnesosHljr at os MndB)ra awd oa - "tSv wife tor tbe Wilkratette raller. to 1 resnts x tkc 5tk bed astd tbe ' i tbe'criNft tf past. rim mt 1 ot i ! 1 i? far ta 1 ai aoaae oa . a. MOVH A COUrttTT. Stage Line SCMUOUUk HTHtHiRW Iave Skuntico 6 p. at. Arrive Prater! 6 a. m Leave Prinsviltc t p. m Arrive Bend 6.30 p. ra. .MAMTHMHMfH Leave Bead 6:30 a. m. Arrive PrJncvlllc 13 in. Leave I'rincvHIe t p. m. Arrive Skaniko 1 a. tn. SSlTUsvsrvi&T First-Class Accommodations for the Traveling Public m4 fin 1 out n. ark . PASSDGEB WD FBQGIIT WTES RE1S0XABLE m f wnimu" Mm after HMHuiwe; wm rf. mmimm, . r McXoU na as ' . "' '"L" "1'!K'1 IMHQ W raMw tead ofdiceJang os tke wooden of W tfce waatrr ke k doabtteai agsrawj, days is Bead. Mr est bow awr tost of key k crop , eagle eye fciniand win yield, wkat cattle are wortk. ( resKNtrces. aad predicted a bow arack ke cm sell Irat tssber yellow pise is tke spring. fcr, and Kfce sntten. Tnat k a From one erais of wheat amen in rsi- kdkkv taiiiai inn 1 im- i .t. nt. u .. - .w 'T V- J ' I UK IA HVIU U9K Hm UBE )am i c eerntiwtstkeaMawbowoBldsaKlriTer below tke Staata hotel orrnWtknc. etc, aad ant aot t Onxomagea atoBt, prang and each uR: KresntMMfortaje otaster. wiw.fpjiiMof wVAtt. tj fetrlwihtoWitoeny. I.btld d.nr.d o,, tn ntscorer an: potst ont tne many j gj., ky week, satnssl teantks tkat tke mkebitant La year tbe ield wa irrigated larncgn rawum wnunKvy pnMe b u,,, j ft Kceived only iBOBgBueaAty oy. Central Oregon kas, krK of aJL a mt H Kt .. 11 r f Win way ai jh t m. far Sm TOW bM jklaitr. av Baffanw. immt rfVuMw MTb . far Uw j ilia in. ; ' fat m Kt M) s r . ai Tint o -w avr IfaTtri , THoi lf ' OjM (far teat am aaaaa ar a natanr noBMHannn a Ohw aaa fa Mat aaa U win at Tr BaBak inai tat Kianfliwt r bege desert, tke aridity of wfcick. aJnna tinnnViaMM Am m r WW 1 TWy MM ft annnt.H J F Cllilll I C C Ciwl llIB ft Canrtrt flM 4nwW. I afClfltf W , aar.aw a w - . ( . WhI 7W " PJ - I -. wasp. -nn ; u 1 ibs. n 9 nv"n?I aaaannnna,aa. liafimiaaul an waliina at ""aaw, " 1 - nanaa mhbjiniw w4IVC-m wfj - j- j, nvf a prcte. tenTSt" TV .Uk.Ll nM W &k 1 an trMtMUrt. na JTcarekappy to5.y . o I-- tlDnteer JVlrrifc.,, M,CkAiitT - thnff of the post. It has an an- vr , . . 7- wwiv usm kuwc :n iwiiw agp ft'n S'tam ytmamirt Vmab IM ! s W. The Pilot Butte Inn. inarm, on. a. C lmbaA. rorEKfa)i. Tables ntppKed witk aH tke DcHcactd of the Scaon. t UMH MM. am m 0 ". CMAMr MrTM IMIU CLIIItK SMITH & CLEEK'S , JOS. - t-- cieat river bed Xbat extesdif all tke way frora Nevada, and paMibty to Utah, in which not a drop of water runs or has rrcx for.asy eenteries. It has Kaaense caves very few of which bare bees fully explored, aad in which ice may be seen tke year round. It kas tke cost of ". Tl!rJZ f1' of ending tbe TtTTa i- . -r-f r " . nab is tbe an ei nan. 11 ac gawce, one of them large and ot tremot dotat depth and without vuible in let or outlet and tbe water of crys tallise parity. It has hot springs tke equal of any. and cold spring just a KttSe bit superior. It baa perpetually snow-capped peaks tkat feed the bteeest river in tke Ute tbe only knovm river in tbe world I that k never at flood but k always at low water mark. It haanillJoM and millions of acres of fine timber (anda. And, but, it baa a splendid class of citizens, whose acquaintance tkat Sheriff Smith was moved to come oat from Priaevitle to invee tagate tke oflcnee oarty is tbe wvek. It k certain tkat ke wond a vwne tioa of tbe law there but ke did not smke it knows wketker ke wa i aole to nx tne oaensc on any per- Hk vkk will nave tke dfcet practice of penning traps and stanrhtcring tkem m qnantities. Mrs. Sndtfc accompanied tke sheriff on tkk trip. About a hundred Indiana from tbe Warm Springs agency are drift ing through Bend on tfceJir way to tbe WiUaincttc valley to pick bops. About 50 have gone tkrongh is the paat week and as many more are said to be on tbe road. Old Cbkf Howard and bk retinue are among them. Or their way back they ! will get a supply of huckleberrie in tbe mountains and they have ex tra ponies along to carry the ber- ana Mwj- rMkf MU fci MX MM. m. m biggs; V.S- noinrmui ocnoarr. ut MMllMatStraakSatt. OS Lai. Ami Jm & aat XOTICE PC PUBLICATION' V . iMMttinat. Tkw IMAM, turn, a awcBjr MMaTU I. "A at Ow Ml T UatSOTMa W Wiwiu. Oil an. XimIi. B cataaaal at Ml ffnW h dwiraMe. but who see but do notlf4; IsdAwktMy the Indkns sell really observe these exhausdeM wonders until some stranger cornea along and calls attention to them. One curiosity we cannot boast of, however, is a railroad. The real strength of thk region lies in its native resources, but it vrHi never be brought out until they are developed into commercial fac tors. It is not the possession of riches but their proper use that k important in the economy of thk world. We must dig wealth from the soil and tbe forest. We must get it ourselves to a large degree. Those who wait for others to come and do this work for tbern will come to some form of disappoint rnent. We can make ourselves rich if we will. Silver Lake, with all its post master's precautions against it, had the last case of smallpox in the re cent epidemic. An explanation as to how the authorities managed to keep the matter dark so long would be grate! uuy received by a sus picious public. ftttlmmm M Sy Am mt 4. , Hw CMt M Cfartaa eaaatjr at AMm. XMt mt Wh- ajM. mnn tuaaat St) iai. far Ike afiar ot. K c '. M n r II (. w M. mt INaw man. ammtj f Jitnf. totr f MlctoV ta - tuumn Mm m. tmt Um piiftfci c f IM wi mc n. l a , r II c, w at. boskets, gloves, etc, of their own make. Two or three of tbe bucks that came into Bend tkk week were gloriously drunk on liquor which they said they had obtained in I'rinevilkr. The redakins will get back to the agency in two or three months. MaatW H. i af Ctertaua. aad, ai - - uai iWiiya. i Ma wrrs mcanl taa, aW Uw anJii mtmMi arc ii, la a, rile. m Taal thMT will aaVr bmmi la Am taat Ike lavl HMaflM w aaan irfaaWi far Ma Uaabrr mt aaa- iitaa far mgncmtijiM aaraaaM. aaa la UMtabtUtr cfcivai to aaa tawYUaW lr tUffa ur aJ lutaT at TW flaSii. Orvcaa. aa tt Say. Um j6 atey ui (Jruaar. atat. Columbia Southern RAILWAY. rABmlOtCm. TRA1K TIMI! CAKO. WfiaStt htttmry n, aya. Last year D. V. StefTa instituted a contest against the desert claim of Mrs. Drake. The contest fell down because the affidavit was executed before A. C. Palmer after the ex piration of his commission as United States commissioner and Mrs. Drake Saani ' """ "' Mariiy baam kawaat w DO. . Sa&T STATIONS. -" - LIVtVE uuaivr. r.M. A.U. I a ..... taOOM 1 1 . ninmn ... l X aat HN . 3 i V) '.. ? "- J 4 4 I 4iva - IMHMlK oys, itwik, Mm i ..t-saj' K J2a .. v,...... n.rw.ra. Cty.JtrtufcyCHr, yn II Jl ii mt a mj aaa a II M) 9 15 t a L1UVM ceBatnhmtaltiHnnw for AjUat- ,,!".'?L.r.;r'llJ'. "WWW. AWW, WH- . Hay Canyam hinl Mdteaatt.. 1IM.. .. ...5r ritaWy .. Bwrtww.... KcM ..wnotti. -SIIAWrKO.. & I. LYTLIfc C, Y. an4 I'. A. ttbaorko. Or. Ii. D, WOOUDMKKY, buwrttttaijienl bhtftl, Or, Owl 7.-1 Trr aiaMr aa wtt. ATM Aauat. Brra ikaiaj UataWH Knfaai cwrluua aaaj Aay aa4 all amoaa iat aauniaa Immm an cHiaMai IKNA1U, T. JW.AX. of RECEPTION Wholesale and Retail Liquor House PRINEVILLE, OREGON. rinnt BraaUf of Uquors ant Ciffars. ' Two doors South of Hank. PRINEVILLE-SILYER LAKE STAGE LINE. DICK VANDOVORT, Prop. ' Carrying U. S. mail and passengers. Leavoi Prinerine Monday. WedrieMlnys atul Hrklays. l'rolglit and Pavgors w'bifted for Bcttd, Lava, Rowland, and Silver likc Good rig, careful drivers. C. I. WINN'KK. Agent. A. H. LI PPM AN & CO. bXALtat IK t H aaa alar. Mark n riaaarafttiaa Furniture and Undertaking , Stores, Wall Paper, Mikg Materials, Etc MAIL ORDERS PROMPTLY AnEDED TO. PRINEVILLE, OR. Wm aUj"aW8aJajr tfcaf I a Alt tWir claiuH ajal KarMf PRINEVILLE, 0REG0M. Ttoaaar Laaa t Jam J, aj. KOTICH I'OR PUBLICATION. CI LHtMe, Tkc !. Ort(i. aj ?7. a ptaai riflamilton Stables & Redby Feed Barn la aaaaaii wtrom aihai Ia tanaiattmae with tkc laiajaiakaw ofUM Jut mt Omim ot Juar L jajtV caailtad. -Aa act lur Ifct fctlrafllaaUr U4. laiaaalaMaarCaliaWaa. OraaaH. Mra4a and waaanaawa rarntofy a anawawi w lax Mar aad atetea by vt af Aaaw 4. tW. Ibc aaaaiiaau aaaata yrrtum mv ok ott ij. aaaaaa nuaaaaar i Jaa kir twarn alalaitau. link at iTaaaMijf Taw Iktttaa, cwaly A U'ltaaa. at af Ortgan. laiaMaj Noift, M i ace u, lj pf a, t if , w at. Ckarka H. Klftdt the purckaac WW. 4 hartteaa, ctnuiiy rf UaMawmah. atate ttf Ort . awtrawal ! U47, r v. un K ac ii. ip ia . r 11 r. Muh. Hale or ore aaara Matratrni No lil, far Ihc purcbaac linant V Ala44f rot Malta alXBrtUad. coaaty laaa: aaaia atalam. T .. -- ... - ... at wc swx Hculniii r 11 c. r m Anaic C Madilox of IlxttoMd, omatyoTiluUiivwil'. aUU of Ore go, hwh tuumtat Mu 1149, rer Ihc purckaac fUataaK aacjj, ipiya, r jc, wm. Tkat lavry nu oVr wcf M afaw that IheUiuJ aowjkl a awe taluaU far Ita timber or atone tkaa faragricakural pariat, and to eataMiah Uadr clatau u aat UwlXifert the Kriltltr ami Xaccffw ai Tb Italtca ortxen, on I'H'lay, the pt iy ofOctoUr. ly.. Tkry aaotc a t.iiikm,,. Cbarlea It Kindt, l(r aaal VafaJacn AaaU c rUnr. of I'srllaiid. Or; Ibama A ItamiHg, Jaiura il HtiuiiiK.orThe .. ' iia.. ui Any awf aU ixi, traing aitrcrael the ato(aat taada arc rrimlil to file their ftWwalHllefaMCHivTUirurelheaakl 3l day BOOTH & CORNETT, Proprietors. Stock boarded by the day, week or month. Fine Teams and Rigs, and Reasonable Rates. First-class Facilities for Handling Locators and Commercial Travelers. Quick Servrce and Satisfaction Guaranteed. Columbia Southern Hotel. SMANIKO, 0RIU10N. RATHS FROM 1.50 UP PKR DAY. Hot and cold water on both floors. . Maths for the use of guests, Kvery modern convenience at hand. The dining room, under the direct supervision of Mr. Kccney, is a very model of tasteful, spotless elegance, and the service is equal to any in the state! . ' All stages arrive at and leave the Columbia Southern. J. M. KGEtfCY, ProprUtor. V I art? iJH.IIAl!I, T. HOUAti, KfglHrr. " 'lllM"l