The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, August 07, 1903, Image 7

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    Timlin I. kihI, Att Juno j, 17..
II, H, Mini IHIIW, The Ihtllra, Oramm,
may it. leoi
Nolle h hereby given lltat In (ompHaiice with
ir MtvllHwiirlh Ad or Cnnuir uf Inn i.
Ihr HnvlloH uf III Act of Canute uf Jim
1711. emuieti, "All net mi muMir oiiimixr
(11 lb atal nf 1'allliir 11U, Oirgoii, Nevada
17. entitled, "All net fur III Mir of llmbrr laud
WmililHiliiii Iriillnry," a mended l nil Ihr
IMllillr luiul aUle by Act ol Align! 4, lv), Ih
following imiriril twroiiu hat mi lift In, lv.
IIM Ih IhU ufnee Ihetr awot n aUlrturtita, lo-wit
Maud Wadawurlll
ttf lly ISirlAcavv, apokHe, cintHly uf Kinluiif,
MU' uf Waahlnatun. mourn Utmrnl N ijii,
fur th putrh4uftliewf arc l,li H), no,
w hi
Klla II, KriliM
af o4 fromd ave, Upokane, county of HpHkawe,
atal uf Washington, aamrn aUlHHl No I AM,
fur lh purrhaet of Ih H H ud "H K c
11, li ma, r ia, h m
Juerub P. tUapm
uf M Mmwl ave, Mpohaue, county of Anuknne,
atalr of Waehlntton aworn atalenirnl No I m,
for Ihe porchaavuf the neb, 14, Ip u a, r we,
w m
Harry C Rrovrnr
nf Nu 7 nd 1 tatolt block, apokanr, county
uf nnuhanr.eUIr uf WMhlngluni wof tal
tornl Nu iu. An Ik nurrha of thr nW a 13.
Ip me, r ier, w m
Thai they will offer poof lu ahow thai th land
might U uwrr valitald Air II llmhtr or alone
than f.f egrl, iillural pwinoar. end U rolablleh
their rialm lu uM laud before Ih HrgttT awl
Hrcelrrl at Thr llallra Oregon, on I'Hday, In
ith ro uf aeptrnhrf , iftn.
They name aa wttnrear Kit Harper, Maud
WmUworth. Cola A RaWer, Carrlr H fined, Klla
II Hrttnn juarph r anion ami Harry f wmm,
all f npokaar, Waah
tuy and all iwraon claiming edverarty Ih
aliove-dearetbvd land arr raoueaird la HI Ibrlf
eiaiin. In Ihtu iifllre um ur belure th mM mh day
antrmhcr, ifei '
J y 10.11 MICMAIII. T NOI.AN, HegUiet
Timber Uml, A I June t, itji.
I'. n. U4 (H)M. Th IWlrr. IHffi.
Majr it, ifv
N4k la htby IM thai Im runplMM wtth
Ih fftrrMcMM Hflhr Al uf Cunarrjt of Jun 1,
iT. ralHttd. "A art Air th aCr uf tlmon land
In lhMalMfla!lfttr)l. (rvaon, Wtvaaa, and
WaahlMfchm IVrrtdary," trwdd to all Ih
KMfc Und alalr l ad of Aaat 4, 1- '
luwina-naWMd naru h on Ort ix. iat.
nld In Ihl uOt lhli nxim lafninU, l-wM .
Willtawi Jtmtmm
at UraHIr, rouutr of Kln. atalr uf WaHtlnaton,
im falruHMl Nu 1 m, fur Ih panhax of th
!( n. at. tp a. r ni,a
Jam t' l(M(llah
uf -rlttr, rmiult uf Ring. of Watnlnaton;
rui a ataUttirnl No im. nv law uotvhn M tk
HH r , l an a. r I J , w M.
Aodrvw imhl
nf Iharn VMM, cnunlr of IMIranri, atal of Mia
nrauta, awora Matmt NoiMi.lnrtht parch
oflhl mi.I a a, 1 ij. w m.
Juha U. HWkhrr
af iaU pint an Ul. rurnl of Ulna, 4al
af Waahlnaloa. aouru lalaMM Nn iiu. Birth
iwrrhaar uf Ih arH wc . In tu a, t t . at
That ih will i,r-r nruuflu ahow that th land
Mfbi la uturt wltiatd (ur II llaitwr in aUMMP
titan (uf airkdliMfat (xtrrwiar. and to rataldlch
thrir tlalai In aakl land lfar Ihr MaT and
Nrvri-rt ai Th Hall (frraun. on njalanlay. Ih
lylh !) ..ihr, rav
Thri nam ninrri J I' Knailah, J I.
ItraUi.t K Md.lnnla. iort rurd. WIIHbm
laialrMm, of mlr, Waah; Lutri KrUnu and
Kd Huiil. uf Hrn'l. fn-, and liana Htmm und
IH Kaaoinaaru, J rhllllna. Wis
An and all ifun rlalmlm adrmrlr Ih
atu'rc-atoartlhrd uml ar rtaatafcd lo it thfir
rialm In Ihk. mc on ar hrar Ih mM ith day
f nidnilr. iy-J MlCIIAKU T. XilUAIt. HMa4cf.
Ttonbrr Und. At jn , ityt
U. a. Und una. TJt laMs (Hrn,
lUMiti HM.
Mottotelwtf gt
l MffTttMaMaMM tlw I
lr, ;aalHMrAa ol
gtri UnU iHutdHUK wftfc
Aal of JnnrA.
iM rtMMt, "Aa att fir Iha aah of llaihr Unda
Ih lb aUtn at CaUMtrala. Uraamn. Nriwda. awl
Waahtnalan Tarrtiury." a ettandrd to all lb
Mtldlr land atalM o Art of AaM4 4. iv. Ihr
iultnwlu; nantrd iijm har on N ir, lout,
AUd IM Inri iMft' ttirlt Vnim ataltMcat. lo-wit
frilrr Johnaon
of rVajnaintna, uouiy of naraga. lal of Mlthl
laan miu Mal'imui Nu iyJ. fur th burrhaa
of Ih K ul a-( m( arc 1 and mK X
arc i, lu i.. t 11 . a.
Aim Ann
af Najuawinf , t4iul of naran. UU uf Michi
gan. ' atatroMn 1 No Hi", lor th unniunr
of Ih S nwl, atut a( nwK (j nK
nK an 14. l iv r it , nt
Thai lh "III 't nruof loahon thai th land
aoaahl la ntorr ruliia
am itr
Ita liwhrr or atua
lhau Ihr arttcultutal mi uuara, and lo rauidlali
lh(lf tlalutaluaiddlandUfurT J M Lanrravr,
r a. CiMumiMUuirr. at In-Khulra. UrvaoN, on
aalarday, th day of A 0111, fvi-
Thry nam a wtlnranr illt Johnaan and
Arnl AU't. id rVonaajlaa. Mleh, abd frank
filaa. nwharil King and J N llaalrr,. of lhv
chut. urrgna
Any and all urranaw rtalmlnc advorwrly th
awiM-damTllradJandaar riou.rf'd lu HI Uwir
rlalat In I hi ufllcr ua ur brfur tar aoW uA day
Of AnfPtal, ivm
4ICII Mtl, T. NOLAN, tUaWrf.
TlmUr Uunl, JM Jana y itya.
V. a Und (Moot, Th lain, Oregon,
May 1,1, lyej.
Nolle la hmliy lu thai In cuwulianc arllh
Ih urwialuri nf Ih Act uf Cuugrraa uf Juur A.
I tya, t tailUd, "Aa act fur Ih aHu( Uatlnrr land
In Ih nam uf I'allfwuta, urcaon, N. vaJa. au1
Waahmatuu Tcml.iry." aa ralrmird lu all ih
ralillr Und atalr by Art uf Aatuat , it, th
dluwlna naiMtl uir.-uM hav uu CJct 14, iu.'.
hlrd In ink idHcr Ihvtr awufM ataltmrala. to-wtt.
Mmund r. Ihtw
uf Itatarr. onunlt uf ClafVr, atal of Waahlaaton,
aworn Mil'M'M Nu 11. Air th aarctMar ol th
nwK ac it, li. r if , w w
Martin a, I'uthhmti
of Cawna, county uf Ctarkr, ui of VahlHalon;
awutu afaUnrnti No Ijoo, far Ilia rWfVhaa oTlha
til, my and h atM are l, tp hi a, r I ,
w nt,
CUalun M. llaitlHilou
uf Ctmaa. counly uf CUiVv, alalc of Waahlualou;
aworn talvnwni No ija, fur Ih tmrcloM or Ih
K Mwv,,aW hK, iW "K mw H w.'h
ft, lrju, r w. w w,
Amua () lrurntait
of I'lalivr, HHitilv ofClaik, nal uf VmIiIiik)uii;
khnmh talntil No i.W7. Aw the imrcliaaf uflht
nU aw i, lt utril a, w m.
AiiHa llthbttin
of Camaa, eutiMly uf Ctaikr, atal uf VbIiIiihImi,
aworn atalanirnl No iiys. fur the tnirihaac (Till
mK i"h, H ) ,Ml iii K xc Ji P r
11, W. III.
Ann lihilr
nfCamai, county of Ctaikr, atalr uf W'mMnatim;
aKuru kUUmriit Nu l45, fur Ihr iuiOhm uT III
urlf nwi, 11S ncJi aiia aK nvK hc n. t m i r
II c, w in.
Kuinn HUIr
iifCuma., county of C'lrkr, atalv uf Wnalilnitun:
Miril ttalriiHiti No A, (ur the piirclidav uf the
cj( arc 1 1, l wa, r 11 c, w in.
Thnl lliry will ull'cr iiruoflti aliow Hint Ihr Und
mmikIiI l more rnlimlile for It llnilier or ainiir
llmu fur aKtlculliiiHl HiriHw, ami tu
Ihclr cluiiita lu naltl luml Uforc Hie llrnl.ur nml
Hwnrltcrat Th llallra, (Irt-Kini, on Moiulny, Hie
ji.I (Uyuf hcplrmlxr, iot
The) iiaine 111 vltueca IMiiiuiul (1 IKiw nml
Anna 11 I'lirmim.uf 1'lalirr, Waali, Marlltihl'i.h
Inn n, Clinton M llnrflnutuii, Ann I'Ulilmru,
, Anna Illulr unl Honm lllnir, ufCumn, W.uli.
I Any uinl nil iH-ranna clulmiuir, mlveracly the
nlxivr-tlracrilieil Innila ore rrmiealnl to lite their
claim. In thl ufflcc uu or before the ma Id n.t day
ufBrtilemlicr, !
Iyj.41 alUTIlAIII, T. NOI.AK, Ktgl.ter.
Tlmlirr Itaii'l, Att Juur J, 17.
V, H. I.nml Offirr, Thr ImIIcm, UirKun,
My II, Vi)
Nnllrc U hritiy Rlrtil Dial In eniiiitiiiir wllh
thr itrtvl1i. uf Ihr Act uf CuHJI ill Jllllf 1,
17, riillllrd, "Ail a I fur lli aaf ofllmliri IninHi
In III atalr uf Callfiitiila, UrtKuii, Nevada, ami
MhliiluH Irrrllory." a ralndrd lu all Ihe
liiihlk Mtlid atalra hy Ail uf Auguat 4, lvf. th
fulliiwliif iianinl irrtaitii hvr nil (let 7, iV"f,
llll In tlilnffrw thlr hii atalmlit, lo-wlt
llrrman Vamlrrwall
11 f I'liltllH, mnnty uf I'rler, ttr nf Wlarunalri,
awimi alalvmrtit Nu 1 J17, fnr Ih micha of the
! arc i,lio., r ij r, w hi,
A I Wit clwatfy
fr I'ltllllran. cmiHiy at I'llcr, atalr of WlaenaadM'
m ataUmrnl No iji, fur thr irchf uf thr
NwV are if, lu o ., r ij r, w nt
lyuoM latfaMaVM
of l'hllllM, ewHHl uf I fir, Male of U'UroHrlti,
arrotH aWlirttlrnl Nu ijij, (of Ih (wneHawr uf thr
w( e it, tp ao , r I J r, w HI
Jomm Wllfoot, Jr.
nf I1tllll, eoHMly uf tflcr, atal uf Wlacrwalti;
worn a4alntrnl No IJ14. Arr thr Mtrchaa of Ihr
K ' JS 'I' '9 . ij , w m.
Jacob Maantuamm
of l,hllllM. cuMlHy of I'rlcr. lr of WUwmain
awnrn atalvmenl No ijij. Aar Ihe rureh uf Ihe
wl e it. In m , r it , w m.
William Halney
uf l'lilltlM, ruunlr of I'rirr, Mai of WUeondii;
HUfH talmnl No ly, for Hie nlnir f the
ar)( arc II, li a , r IJ . w M.
1(11 Ootlrau
of I'hllllM, rmHly of rntr, atalc uf WUfondti,
wuf h atatrmml Hu Ifi. AW th (Mtrhaw nf Hie
u aru atulrH .H ut, ifiaaa, r 11 r, w m.
Thai lliry will U-f utuuf lu ahow that Ihr land
M mur rainantr l,tf 11 iiNr w won
than Aar agrtrHllaral PHiinara, and to 4aMIh
Ihrlr rialm lo aald land brforr Ihr HraMrr and
rtrcetMT at Th llallr, frrufi, TNuraaay,
Mtr 17th day uf nrarmbf, Iwaj.
Thry name aa wilnraa Hofn Ulvtti, John
WIlHMM.jr. Han Kri. Inil Nrlaon, llrrHMM
VartrWiwalt. Ildwaid Vandrwall, Hail nulllraH,
I -at I'nflry. I (II llHlini, Allxtt Chr4y. John
HaamnaarH, Jacon KMHrrH, all uf l'hllllx,
Any bihI all liriauu. rlaimliiK ad.rrarly Hie
aborr-dMCflhrd Und air tord lo flic Ihrlr
ctalMM In Ihl oAV tw uV Utttr lite aald lythday
01 aey4niiir, Hwl
IIAItl. T. N4II.AN. Hgll7
Tlmhrr Uml, Act Jhkt j, i7
U bandUfnc, Th IhImm. IHrgoti,
May U, lol
Nolle l brrrbjr given lhal III roMdlanrv with
Ih uruvlaliNU nflhr Act uf Tone of Jon J,
17, rninird. "An act for thraalr of llmbrr lamia
In Ihr atatra (California, iitvaoo, Nevada, and
Waahlnglun TrrrUory," a raUndrd lo all lb
aoMtr lead atatra by Act uf Angoat 4. IW Ih
Mluwlnfnaatd icraun hnvr on fct 17. Nyat,
Ald la IhH) uAV Ihrlr aarurn nlalenMnl. to-wtt
William A Laynwn
of Nam, county of Utah, atalr of Idaho,
worn talment Nu IJ77. for Ihe tmtcbaar of Ihe
nK arc M. in a, r ij . w m
Henry K W Taylor
of Th latllra. ronnty of Waaeo. at of fVrffONi
worn atau-mrnt Nu ur fur th nnnhaar of lh
K are J), in a, r ij r. w m
Maty K Taylor
of Th Itatte. eunuly of Waaco, atalr of OfTgoo;
nrurn aUUmeal Nu lj. fur Ihe pnrcbaa of Ihe
nH arc j. li m a, r tj . w m
William W WttbrratmoH
af nxj Malkm Aw, apofcau. cannty of anokane.
eutrof Waabtagtuu. awom aUtemenl No ij4,
far lb aawehaar of the w K wt IJ, tp a, r IJ e.
w m.
Atttrlla hhuuai
of lrrvttte, coanly nf Utah, toU of Idaho:
aworn Hatemmt No lj. Aar Ihr )mrchr of the
aw Ji ar , in tu a, r I j . w at.
Calvin nhoun
nf UnvtUr. county of UUb, aUle of Idaho.
wof M Mat. ntvnt No IJJ. A lb McH4tr o Ih
m k arc 7. tp . r ij r. w m
Thai thry will ulf.t nruuflu ahow thai thr land
auo hi I mote valnabW Air Ha lliMlrr or alone
than fut agricultural immi, aad lo
I ben- claim to aant kud kefufr Ike Metfbter and
Kecelver al Tb IMIlea, tutaon. uu Wadneaday,
Ihe tjd day of aaanitnr. ajj.
They name a wtt 11 : Uttlhtm W OnHlna,
of Moaeaw. Ida ho; CtMitMNMnM. Matnlnjnwn
and AnrrWa Aim, ofUnvllt. Idaho, M'llllaia V
Wttbef.inon, uf npuUne, Wa.lii and Henry K
W Taylor and Mary K Taylor, of The tMOte. Or
egon Any and all neraon. claiming adretarly Inr
abuve-deacrtbed Unda ar teejiteaird to Al their
ctalma In Ihla uaV on ot UAJrr lb aatd tjd day
oraeptcmMr, nvt
Mil. T N4ILAN. KeaMrr
Timber Uad. Act June j, itya.
V. . Und tMnce, The laaltra, tliraew.
May I. laj
Notice l hereby gteen that In com pita nc with
Ihe provlaiona ofttoe Act of Cmiateai of Jan 1.
11. ntMId, "An act An ihe le of llmbrr land
In tb atalr ol California, tHvfoa. Nevada, and
Waaulaalon Territory," a ktoadd to all Ihe
nubile laud atalr by Act of Auaavt 4. iat, thr
Mtowtng -named yrun bar Aled lu ltd oMr
Ibetr aworn alalemenl, to-wtt.
Jamet l Itrowu
of The iNttt, county uf Waaao, Mate af Orgo;
aarurn atatrment No ij4, hted txt 7. . A Ih
narcnaaeaflac tou j ana 4 ee jo und Wu 1 and
tc ji.lpua, r 10 , w m.
Ha A Haw
of Wbeaton, coanly of Traver . tt of Mlnno
vota. aworn atalrinenl No nt, Alrd pt . ia.
An-lb nuretiaacof Ih H'i ace 17. In ua,r 10 e.
w m.
Uncblin McNeil
of Kuinlmrgh, euaiily uf Walah, atale of Neath
IMhota, crwofM atatenicut No J7t. AUd lay 17,
nM.Aif thr porcbaer uflht S uw', Hrff HK
aud awU nK arc ij. ti 11 . r 10 r, w tu
That they will uHT.r ptuuf lu ahow that the bind
ought i murr vatuau'e Ah Ita llmbrr or atone
than At agricultural pufpuera, and tu catabllab
thrir ctalma to aald laud brlurr Ihe Kegtater and
Hrveitrr at Thr llallra. tMrgon, oh Muttuay, Ibe
4lh daj of Hedembrr. iwoj.
Thry namr aa wltueaara HoluMt II Ituw.
Havtd Hurtou. Ita A How of Whralou, Minn.
I I, aanHh and Jarnva It Mniwn, of The laillt.
urrgun, lAHOhllH McNeil aud II V llarriaou, of
Udlnburgh, N Hak, ltdmuud t.raliaiu, uf Warm
aurtnga. iff; Prank II hhrupard. uf Cenlralia,
Waab. aimI naaiacl CftMtl, of Mater. Ur.
Any and att perwMH claiming adretvely Ih
ahove-deacribvd land af rroueatcd to Ale thrir
ctalaM in thta oeftcc on or lajftw llw aatd 14th day
of IhrMeMibrr. luul.
Tlmbtr Und, Art June J, 17.
V. A. Uml Ullicc, Ukvlew, Oregon,
July 14, 1904.
Null la hereby given tlwl In cuwptWHce with
the fuvWoH.of Hie Act of Cunuteaa of June J,
iirt, (11111111, "An act Air tlieaale ofllHiUrlauda
In Ih alalea of California, (liKn, Nrrada.aad
VailngtuiiTrn1lur,"na rxltivdvtl tu all lb
nubile bind atalr by Atl of Aiiku.! 4, tM. Hie
nilluwlug-iianiett jx-rauii. lime filetl in Ihla oltWc
t tic It attutn atatciilenta, tuwlt
llariKr U HulinU
of I.nnlM, coiinly nf Uwreiice, atalr of Ken
tivcky, aworn atatemeiil Nil ales, furtlicHirclinac
of Ihe att mW nl nc) ne)( .pcSamlnw nwK
kC9, liija,r ue, w in.
.Mnitlia II. KdikiU
uf l.uulta, county uf Uuicncc, atntc of Ken
lucky, anurilktaleniriit No J161, fiir Hie iurchne
of th lnH mv, l liulf and wi( ne)( e9, ti
A , r tic, w in.
Tlml they will offer iirouflo ahow Hint Ihclnml
auutiht U more valiudle ftr Ita llinlxr or atone
than for ngrU'UlturHl mrpou, nml tu rStulillah
their rlaliii to aitliltaml before (I II Wnnlwell,
li. H. Cuuiinllonr. nt hlUtr l.nkc. ()ri-fcon. on
I'rhln), the fjtll tiny of September, I'iJ
They name a wltutaaea. Onrner K Koherta,
Maitlia II Uoheita. Muxem'uye, l(il lloy,m(
Jnme hhuw, of licacliutr. (iregun.
Any nml nil pcraona clntiutni; ndveratly Hie
ftlHivc-ilccrllinl InmUnrcretjueaietl to file their
clulinn In till olllce uu or hctorcthc aald ajth day
of Heiitember, lyoj.
)J4j 1(. M. llHATTAIN, KcuUter.
Tlmlitf Mini. A Juur j, 17,.
II. 8, Mm) Off. The IMlla, Orritun,
May it, l'J.
Notke I. hlljy gltffi that In .onipltaiiw; with
the muelabitHi Bfllft Al of CmiKtia af Jmuc 1,
11. (litlUeil, "AMMl for llir Ml-ofllMfvr land
In Ibe atalr uf CaHfll. ii'K"H, Krvatl. and
U'athlHKton TerMloTyV' c nl- lo all Hie
public Und alala bf Art uf Aiiguai 4, Mhw, the
fotlowlHV'Uaimm njf)n ! m IW Nf, law.
fllad Ih llila olftec therf auurii run mrtil, lo-wlt
I'aill O V.lalad '
of Alrnawlila, eaamly of k.,h,i... atalr of Mtan
rauta, awurn atalettteMt No 141. lor th wrr)ae
oftheawK ej$. Ipw. r ur m.
Carl jMn Harnai
f ArrafMrM,rMrj'f la,u 1 ,. atalcaMlnn
ratda; aworn atalMM N" 111 I r the pnteHaae
of Ibe nwK Mi If ' ' w m.
)Wrarl4 Th,mi,w,
( AIaMdtta,)MHtrs' D-wgia ataUofJllnu
,i aworn UMetttn " 14
f.r the wrchaa
of Ibe aw arc JH. IP '. r 11
Thai Ihey will after .pr.f i ahow that Ihr
land aoaghl la mar vaiuai.k r.,r ita timber or
Ion tlian foragrlcnMnr.l niM,-a, and to ea-
latdkh Ihrlr chtlaM to M l.,.. l-forr Inr Keg
lev and Hcetvr al The iwilra. OtrgoH, on
riday, HtraHiibtyaf "l"t-i nrj
1 her name a wllncawra II, ary C lUckmnHn,
lldward 1 homuarm. Call JIN llatluuM, Paul
tl Velatad, of Ateaandrt Mum and JoliHMeldt.
uf Th Halle, IHefan.
Any and all nerVo etalming adveraely Ibr
ahoveiteatrfbed.nliidaafc rrquraml lo file Ihrlr
claim Ih Ihl elite M or before Ibe M vth
day uf ocinner, Mav
, T NOUN, KegMer.
Timber Und. Art June j. ityi.
IT. ft. Unit Off, Thr lHll, (rrcii,
May I. leaf.
Nollee la hereby green that in campllaacr with
Ihr prwtaiona oMlt Att of Lougreaa of Jhhc J.
17. entHWd. "Am aat far Ihr aal of Umber land
In Ihr atalr of CatlnMnte. ilrvgon. Nrvada, and
Waahlnglun Territory." a r tended lo all Ibe
tmblnr bind atale by Art of Auguat 4. itat, Ihe
following-named ef na have ftbnl In Ibi ofAec
their aworn atatementt, lowit
male K bllry
of Urml, eounly afCmk, aut- of()rrgo: aworn
auienrrnl Nu iMd Abal Jaa ia low. Ak Ibe pur
cliaaeuf lb aK arc IJ, Ip 17 a, r 11 e, w m.
ovbl W. H Miley
of Hrud. county of Crook, Mate ofdrrgoti: aworn
aUlrnwnt No IJ97. Akd Jaa 1. lanj. for the pnr
cbaa of tb a awtf are ij.lp 17 a, r lie, w m.
(teaeir llroater boo
uf Bend, couHty of CTiaoV, autr uf rrgo: aworn
kUtmtenl No iM. Aknt Jaa ij. ioj. Air the par
chaaeoflbearVntW aci.w, wW accn.neK
nH arc a and nwf nw ate rj. tp 1 a, r it e,
w m
That Ihey will oflf r prawf to ahow that Ih Und
aanght l mere valuable Aa- It. llmbrr or atone
1 baa An- agricultural aartmara and lo ntaMivh
their ctalma lo aald land before J M Uwrence.
V a Cuamlaeioner, at lirachulc. (Mrgon, on
nalurday. lb Mb day- of Auguat, im
They namr a wltnra'ra Charle Waabw
tongfa. Prank ill, Jewa Mrtdl. John J Wmt
jam nhaw and Joaepa X Hunter, all of bend,
Anv and att net a
claiming; adveraeljr Ibe
r reuurafrd to Ale tbrir
ahow de.iTlbcd Und are
ctataM la Ihm oAta on of Mm lb aant Mb day
of Ala
n2?a'',''MICIIAIB. T NOI.AN, NefMer.
Timber Und. Act Jan j, 17.
17. H. Und ()c. The Hade. Orrgvn,
May ti. Mjaj.
Notke la brrelH given lhal in eamplMHce with
thr ;uuvtton oflne Act af Coagrea of June J.
i7. enlilbrd ' An act Am the aJ of timber
Und in the Mate of CalHuraU, lregon, Nrrada
and Waahlnglon Tr iHory.' ta talemlrd to alt
the MtbltcUndaMteaby Act of Augoat 4, iloj,
Ihr following named wwai haw Hied In IhU
omr Ihetr aworn Malrwtant., lo-wlt
It Cblik 1111
uf laxiakvnbT. roHMty ef Jkffnaon. Ulr of Pena
ayivanU, aworn aMIemafYl Je I4"A, flled Oct i,
nya. for the porch. aOUirtJal awK kc w) and
nh) nH Jf. tp i. rijAw m.
J4 K. OMbel
of Hroukvlltr, county of Jaifaiaon. atalr af I'enn
aylvanU. aworn atalrmeni N 147. filed Oct Ji.
ant, Ak lb imicbaM of the at. K ec at. Ip If , r
1 j c, w m.
Jennie Jtaka
of Hrookvtlle, eaunly uf Jaltaiaon. .tale of I'enn-
aylvanU. aworn aUltmenl H 140, tiled Oct II,
icjif. Am- Ihe rcbaa of the ark ncK and eh
aK ac jaandneK nel aeeji, tp ra a, r ij r,
w m
Klla J Head
of Heyiiiddirttte, ruunty at JefAwin, Hale of
IVunayieotU. aoutn mlrnMH No 14. AM Oct
ti, iui. for lb purchaja of ihe X Jt. tp
a, r 11 e, w m.
Catrte M laaka
of HrookvtlW. county of Jeflefaaa, atatc af I'enn
aylvanU, aworn atatemmt Mo 141, tied Oct ti,
ivo. An- Ihe porch uf the hw arc a, Ip a, r
1 j e, w m.
Oliver Petttaan
of IVMtUnd. county uf Mnltnunwh. atatc of Ore
eon, awewn atalranrnl No tflf, nled Oct t. IOM.
An-the pcbaaf thr w nwl arc and hH
He( arc Jo, Ip If a, r 1 1 r. w m.
Hnaan A llawe
of Ml N'ebatrm ave.HrllwuedaU.I'ortUndounty
of Mahiioniah. atale of orevjaa: aworn aklemul
No lajt. Alnl Aug IJ, iww. fw Ibe wichauf Ibe
nH neK ami lib) nw I, aec t, tp hf a, r if e, w m.
CUra P Uall
of KrookvtlU, county uf Jifaii. atatc uf I'eaa
aolvauU. aworn alalruieut No MM. nlctl Ani; M.
toat. Aar the porchaar uf tbcahj peK nd H nU
avc at, p if a, r it c, w hi
Allan K Hall
of nruok ville, coont t Jtlfercart, aUteuf Pmn
avIvanU. awocn atulcnirnt N nnja. Herd Ana S
fut, Am- lb (Htrcbaac of the awtf ace A, tp if a, r
Itr, w m.
Caaaiu. A liaMauir
of ef NehaUm at. .llw3i at. IHwtUnd.
county of Mnllaomah. atale nf Oreaan: awora
Ulrmeni No 1017, M-l Aug at, last, for lb pur
cbaacof tbcael .-c , tp if a, rite, w m
That they will uffer pruof Ut ahow thai the
Umlaougbi ta mote taluablt fW'tla timber ur
vionc than Aar agricultural pariima", and lo ea
latdiah Ihclr claim, to mhI land btforc the Krg
latcr and Mcreiver al rhv tUUaa, Oregon, on
Monday, the mtb Ju ,,1 . ptcnaner, ifoj
They name a wili I C Wbllleu, Amua
hfadaaaw, Oliver l'tt.i.u aHwliA lloue, Cma
alna A fSallinger. of ivmLumI, fjregtm, K CUrk
Hall, Jcaatc K CirU.1 Jrunl JrtTka, Carrie II
JchU, CUra I' Hall. All.,, K lUfl. of HruokvilU.
iSrtiu: IIIU J Kced. of KttueWavHte, 1"vhh.
Any ami all wreoo tiaimtHf advetaety the
above deaet (bed Und ,m rru4nl to file thrir
ctalma In Oil. u4Ace on r bewc the aatd Mb day
of neptvmber, tiau
jy MICIIAPf. T N'QI,N, Kegi.trr
V. li. Und Ofncr. Ukevfew, Oregon,
A anlrlcieiit coHteat afhJavil latvlflu Ttwen tiled
In Ihla ufue by
John t White, Cwiliawiu,
BKlnt Immeatratl i-nli) Njl. made Artt J.
iftM, for Ihr eta net, anilnS $)( aecja, tpifa, r
7 e, w m, by lauu Hubaou, cvnlmtM.'. In likli
It I albmed Ibat aaid Jame llnaii tin alun
liuurd aald cUlm fur a pciiod or alx moutlia ur
mure la.t iw.t, unit Iliat vaM aUcuitl aluencc
Hum Hie aald Uml not due tu Til employ
ment in the nrm. nayr marine vurp ufthr
I'nttcd Mntea a aoUlltr, ulncer.aejiiun
ur mnrine dnrink- llir r llh huilii. ur during
any other wur in hn 11 ibe Unltetl State, may
be CHI-nurd. id parlleaaie lurtliy liotillcd tu
aiieur, rcapuml ami uflVi ivldcnce tonclilnc a.tlil
allegation ut lu o'clock u m on tvijitcinlicr ,9J,
before (1 II. Wat dwelt, t a. Comiutaiioutr nt
bllvcr l,ukc, Ukr Comity. Orrcon, ami thai final
heatiiiK w tit Ik? belli ut '" o cloak a 111 uu Scplcin
btr a8, lym, Ufuretlu Ktitiater ami Krceivcr
nt Ihe Unlte.1 Mule Uml OIHCe t Ukevlew,
The aald cniitralAttl liming, Jn n proper nin
ilavti Hlr.t inlv ... iuui. act forth fttcta uhlch
liow that utter due iltlu,i-iitr Pttaouul actvlc of
Hit notice cnntiot lie made, UU hefllliy onlered
nml directed lluit audi notice ls Sl'cii by due
and proper nublU'aiiun
Jyjlil li. JI. UKATTAIN, KejUlkr.
You Can't Miss
Stonewall, Monogram and Kentucky
Bourbon Whiskies,
Olympia Beer and Fine Cigars.
TlmW Und, Act June j, 17-
I' It Und Office, The Halle. Oregon,
May if, 190J
Notice U hereby givett Ibat In compliance with
Ihr rovivM ufthr Act of Conarna of June 1,
1117a. enlhleil, "Ah act for the aaleof llmbrr Unda
In the atale of California, Oregon, Nevada and
Waaliineton Territury," aa cUBdetl to all Ihe
lmbtic land atale by Act of Angnat 4, lV. the
fulbiwlHg-namrd peraon hare on Oct 7, lytt,
Abal Ih Ibi ure- their (worn atatemenU, to-vrll
Itlmer O. Itierawi
of ill )( Twelfth at, I -of Hand, county of Multito
man. Mate of nreiton; aworn aUlement No ijiM,
for the pwichaacof ihr.wK aeeji, Ipifa.rije,
w m
CrIU M. Ilrown
ofPortUnd.cnutityof Mnltaoawh, atale of Ore
gon, aworn alalemenl No IM for Ihr urebar
of the w eK arc y amT whj neX and nX
trtfi ate jt, tp if a, r ije, w ni.
Jacob II. Myera
of 74 Ita.t burnable at, INHlUml, county efMnlt
niHtiali, atatr of Oregon: aworn atatement No
ijio, Ah the purclMMoftlie nwjf aec Ji, Ip a,
e ije, w m.
Htigene I. A.lillne
of 411 It Twelfth al. PortUm). county nf Mullno
mh. atale of Oregon, aworn atalrmeni So IJit,
for Hie purcbaaeuftbeiieK arc j, tp If , r Ije,
w m.
Nathanlet V- Dyer
uf 4 It Seventh al, PartUnd, county of Mullno
mab, alatr ofOregrio. aworn alalemenl No ijii,
for the Mrcbaac ef the aK 5, Ip 19 , r 11 e,
w m.
That Ihey wtU offer proof In abowlballH Und
aongbl l more valuable for U timber or alone
Iheti foe agriruHural purpu, and to eaiaUUb
their cUlm in aald Und befnee Ibe rvghler and
Krcviver at The IMltra, Oregon, on wedneaday,
the 1Mb day of September, lysj.
Thry nam aa wttneear Nathaniel I' Hyera,
Jacob II Myera. llugenc I Aalilinc.CelU M Brown
and tOrnrr O Peteraon. all of PorUand, Oregon.
Amv and all netaou cUimlnar adveraclr the
above-deKTibrd (and ar reqmated to Al their
claim, in Ihl
or before ihe aald atthoay
of weld e nibrr. ntf.
laavei MtCIl
IAKI. T. NOI.AX. KegMer.
Timber Und, Act June J. .
U. It. Und Omce, The lull, Oregon,
May u, toaj
Notke to hereby given that In 1
a put 1
Ibr provt4on of the Act of Cougrm of Jane 1.
a7. entllUd, "An act Am- Ibe aaU of timber Unda
in the autea of CaltfbruM, Oregon. Nevada, aad
WiaMarlM Territory," a eateadtd lo all the
Gbtlr Und atale by Act of Auguat 4. . the
lowing named iraona have Aled In Una oface
their aworn atatemmt. lo-wit
Mattlef. Scott
of -tlbena. county of rmattlU. atatc of Oregon;
aworn atatrment No Ijft. AUd 0t at. loaa, lor Ihe
imrcbaac of Ibe nw aec . Ip IJ a, r Mc. w at.
Made Church
of Athcn. county of UinatilU, aUte of Oregon;
ewotH aUlcment No ijte, filed Oct m, H. for
the purcbaac uf the urK ec ji, ip ij a, r w c,
w m.
Jama. P. Unngletofl
of MlUn, county of tipuUnc, aiate af Wa.htaic
toii, aworn atatement No IJT. nled Oct 17. lft.
ferlh urebaaceflheel( arciatp rf , r w c,
w m.
Ira l.ham
af Camden, county of St ere n., atatc ef Waihlng
ton; awnrn atatemmt So ixn, Aled Oct 17. if,
for the purettaKoftheawaeCf, tp If a, rut,
w m.
labn T Dowllnr
of it lUanavc. hpoUne, county ef SpoUne.
atatc of Waahlnglon, aworn atatrment No IJ74.
fllrd Oct 17, lya. Air the purcnaae uf the ae) aec
j, tp if a, r loc, y m.
That Ihey will offer proof to abew IhalthcUnd
aongbl la more valuable fur Ita timber or atone
than Aw agricultural purtHn and to eatabtlah
Ihetr cUlma lo aald Und before the Kegier and
Keeeiver al The IMlbra. Oregon, on Tneaday, the
ml day uf heptrmber, ivaj
They name aa wilneaaea I' II Church, Uiffe
Cbnrch. M K Murllmore. X M Mortlmorr, Maltie
Mcott. of Athena, tMrgou: C C CongUtiMi, Reorgc
Mcele. S P. Carter. I V Cong let on, J J UowllHg,
gnatirry Carter, of MIU11. Waah, and Ira l.ham.
of Canuten, Waah.
Any and alt peraon cUlmlng adveraely the
nUMceleacrtbed Unda aic rrnuealed lo file their
cwtaaa In IhU office un or before the aakl lid day
of yeptemiier. ifaj.
IIAIH. T. SOWS. Kegtater.
Timber Und, Act June J, atyt-
V. S. Uml Office, The IMlte. Oregon,
May 11, tfoj
Notke U hereby .liven that in compliance with
Ibe inoviaiuna oft he Act of Conarea of June i.
i7, entllUn, "An act for the ante of timbrrUm!
in the atalea of CatlfornU. Oregon, Nevada, aad
Waahtagton Ter ritor) ," aa eatended to all the
public Und atatc by Act uf Auguat 4. iv. the
lotlowiug-natticd icraoua have on Oct if. io--f.
AUd in I Ilia uAcc Ihetr aworn aUtemenl a, to-wtl.
fHttm Hurting utr
of Spokane, county of Spokane, aUte of Waah
lnglon, aworn autcment No 141a. An- Ihe pur
chaaeuf Ibe nwfc arc l, tp if a. r Ije, w Hi.
Criaatc J. Kiitgaley
of Uon. county of Adama, atale of Waehinclon;
awora atatement Nu 141; Ak the purdnvae oTlhe
neK aec J5. tp if a, r ij c. wr m.
Jacob M Klnnatey
of Uon. count)' of Adam., aUte af Wa.lilngton;
awum rtatemeat No 1417. Ak the purcha or lb
! aec JS. IP If . r ijf, vt m.
Ague India
of The Halle, county of Waaco. atale af Oregon;
anorn autrment No 141, for the (wfcbaa of th
aH ac, ip IV. r ije. w in.
That tbey will ufler muof toabuw that the Und
aoughl la mote valuattle fur it timber or atone
than for agricultural imriHtaca, and lo eeubltah
their cUIn, to aatd land before Ihe Kcgirter and
Hccivcr ut The Ikillca, Oregon, on Tueadep-. ibe
iftUday ufhcdcwbcr, waj
They name aa wilueaae. J M Klugy ami
Cfiaale J Klnhley, of Lron,; John McTap
gart and Ague Iliilla, of The Dalle. Oregon.aud
Rurloii MuriitiRauic, of kiukaue. Waah.
AHy and ill pervona cUlmlng advetacly the
ulmve-dvacrlbeU laud arc rouafd In file their
cialuia ill tilt. uAcc oil ur before Ih aakl authday
uf Heptember. Iu
J)I7-S .MICllAlft. T. SOWS, KegUter.
All kinds of wagon work done.
Horseshoeing a Specialty
Shop Opposite Schodlliouse,
Tlmlxr Uml, Act Jan j, 17.
r n Und Ofbce. The ln, Oreon.
May 1, n)
NMiee U hereby given that In comatUaei mi i
the provialon oflhc Act of Congreaa of Junr 1
7 rntllled, "An act An- Ibe aauroftbub-rtaivl.
in Ibe rial, of California, Oregon, Nevada, and
Waahlnglon Trt rtlory," aa ratended to alt th'
public Und autre by Act of Aujgwat 4, 171 I'o
MbiwlHgnamed penum have Aled ta Uila offttc
their eworn atatement, to-wtt.
WlttUm Midaeogh
ef The IXIIra, county of Www, atate of rrrgon
aworn atatemmt No ir, AUd Nov 10, n f.,r
IhepurchaaeofthenwK aec fl and nS ae!,
andnei; aw ac , tpaaa, r loe, wm
mimnnah Harm
of iTlnrvIM, county of Crookatale of Oregon
avrorn aUtemrnt No l4, AUd Nov a, tear for O'
tmrchaaroflhe K nwji aec4udeH ue!i '
tp 17. r to, wm.
leaae K. Watklnt
of I'rlncvttle, eonatyof Crook, atatc of Oregon
worn aUtemenl No 144, AUd Nov an, i?i, for
the purcbaac of the nM nttf and nX uwK a-c ;
tpia, r lec, wm.
John H Gnatafaoa
of lleml.eouBty of Croak, atatc of Oregon; aworn
aUtemenl No ijoa, AUd Nov 17, loe, for Ihe pur
Cbaacoftbe aeh? arc 16, tp fa , r wc. vrm.
BoUmen I'. Hrne.
of ITbievtlle, county of Crook. aUte of Oregon
aworn etatrment No i7. AUd I lec at, if", for
Hie purehaae of the ef rc , rioe.wm
ftotomon llarne
of I'rlnevtlle, camnty of Crook. aUle of Oregon
aworn atatement No lain. AUd IX j6. iw kit
th purcbaac oflhc awjf aec (, tp i6a,riue,wni
lame K. Keed
of llend. county or Crook, Male of Oregon , awo 1
aUtemenl No i. AUd Oer 1, if, foe the pur
cbaae ol the ttcK aec J4, Ip itl,rni, III.
of Rend, county of Crook, atate of Oregon .worn
inlemenl No ijai, AUd ItecM, im, lor thr pur
cbaae of the neK aec a, Ip tj a, r e, w m
Prank Weal
ofltrnd, coanly of Crook, aUU ofOrejroti. aworn
atatement No iff. AUd flee If, raw, Aar the put
chavacof IheevrK aec jj, tp it, r lae. w 111
Charle J. Wllaon
of Rend, county of Crook, aUle of Oregon . awora
atatement No 154. AUd Dec J. luat, tut the put
cbaacof the iK aec 15, Ip Mia, r 10 c, w iu
That lby will offer proof to ahow that the land
ought U more valuable for Ua Umber or alone
than for agricultural purpurea, and to rataMiali
Ihetr cUlm to aald land before J. M UwrriK.
V A. ContmbtaUMKr at IKeacbute. Oregon, o
If May, the 7O1 day of Auguat. iooj.
They name aa wilneaaea Moae Middaugh cf
lb Dalbr. Oregon ttrorge Rogue and Wil'mn
Home, of Un, orevun, John maemore, Maxr-n
Urasc, John 1 Went, J N Hunter. John Mrui:
John Wot. K M Phillip.. Joaeph K Mnnler.Joho
Moae. Keaa Wrat. W 11 llrocfc and J l Krtd of
Rend, Oregon, and John W Harnaa, William
M'atkina, Aaron I Walkina, SoWmon Ranie
Solomon V Haruea, of Ilineville, Orraeti.
Any and all twraoaa cUlmlng aaveracly thr
above deacribfd Und are rroueated to file t lie 11
cUlm In IhU uHbx on or lforr the uU 71b day
of Auguat, 19U.
mxy-47 MICHAUI. T. .NOI.AN. Kegi.ter
Remember, The Bulletin and the
Weekly Qrcgoniau one year for
only $2.00.
Timber Und, Act June J, Sf3.
U. S. Und Office. The DaUe. Orrgen.
May nk iyoj
Notice la hereby given that In compliance with
the pruvtakm of the Art of Congreaw vt June t
iiy. enliUcd. "Aa act Am- the aaU of llmbrr Uu 1
In the.uteaof CnUfornU. Oregon, Nevada cii.t
Waablncton Territory, ' a r.tendrd to all thr
public Und autea by Act of Aanat 4. i"v- e
faUowlng-named peraon have Aled In Ihi v-e
their aworn aUtemenl.. lo-wit
Kea n Woat
of Rend county of Crook, atatr of Oregon . aworn
atatement No im. AUd Dec 15. ifo. An- tbc pur
chaaeuf Ihe ( aec U. Ip . r re, w m.
Charlea 1 Hroeter bona
of Item), county uf Crook. aUte o( Oregon aworn
aUtemenl No 14J6, AUd Dec 10. if. Ax the pur
cbaae of the eH nK JJ and ur hi uwtf ace a.
Ip 1 i.rncwa
lame Shaw
of llend. counly ofCrooV, atatc of Oregon, aworn
atatemmt No IMS. AUd Aec if. Me, An- the pur
ehofthe whTawrf. neK iK d uwX aci
aec U. t . r 10 e, w m.
lAmU V. Cotlor
of llend, county of Croak, atatc of Oregon aworn
atatement No i, Aled Dec ak iota), for the k--clwaeof
the whi aK. neH" ae and ach nck arv
m, tpi7. r ue. w m.
CharUa J. Cottor
of llend. counly of Crook, atata af Oregon, aworn
aUUment No ij7, AUd lUc aa, if, for thr pur
cbaae of the n neK and ncX nw aec ji ana
actf wH yc at. Ip 17 a. r it e. w at.
aamnct A Tlnmarmtnii
of St Paul, county of Kamaey. atato of Mtnne
aota. awora atateateat No ui, Aled Jan j tyo.)
Ak the purcnaae of Ihe h neK and lou 1 and t
arc 4. tp ia, r lie, w m.
Cbarlea L. Rrotk
of Head, eaunly of Crook, Uu of Oregon, .worn
atalcmeal No isi. AUd Jan ti mot. for the pur
Cbaae of tbc is tub, Wis aud W arc
tp 17 a. r u . w m.
OU ItrlctuHMt
of Climax, coanly of Paik. atatc of Minaeaota,
.worn .latmarnt No U4J. OUd Dec ij. iom. for
the purcbaac of tbc neK K nd at wr), ace o
aud w)t nw H aec 7. IP r 1 w m.
Thai Ihey will offer proof to ahow that thr Und
ought U mure valuable Ak It limber or atone
than for agricultural porpuae. and lo ciabli.K
their cUlma tu aaid Und bcrore J M Un mire.
V t Commiaaioner. at Deahutea. Oieou. uu
Salurday. the Sth day uf Auguat. ifaj
They name a wilneaac Prank Weal John
SteUl, John Rloaa, John I Weal, jam Hunter.
1 N llmucr. lame nhaw, C P Hroateibov... II I
SlefT. Orld Kiley. W II Stoat., Cbarlea Cottor
Ocorcr llatca, Uml Nelaon and OUbett Hasan,
all of eud, Oregon
Any aud all peraon. cUimiug ad.erael Ibe
nlHive-deacrtbot UmU are retneated to AU thrir
cUima in thu olbcc on or IwAkc the aaid Mb day
of Auguat, 1904
roar-jay MICIIAKi. T. NOLAN, Keebler.
City Meat Market.
J. I. WHST, I'rop,
Butter, Eggs, Poultry,
Potatoes, Vegetables in Season.
Opposite P. 0. D. Co.'s Store, DENU