VT ) f I" S Timber Land, Act June t, J- fcOTICR FOR PUBLICATION. ir. 8. Land Office, The Italic, Oregon, amy u. ioaj Nnllce l herrUy Riven that III eutuplknce with it tm)vlmt afthe Act of Cmigrea of Jwne 1. BJ, ciilitlnl. "Ati net for tlir aafcof timber land In thtatiofCllfcriiU, Oregtw. Nevada, and WhhlRUn Territory," extended to nil Ihe imWtetumlMnteihy act of AngtMl 4, ie, the mMwHeiMiu.ed Mrti have on Nov I. iyt, filed in thi office their awotn MutetueMt. lo-wlt Jie A Atelier uf tiat Intrant l. n. Mtnurapull. enmity of Iletinepta, Male of Mlnnetot. aworn statement N 1447, for the mtrehe of the mcM sec , Ip i , t ij i w m Wnttant A Carrie trf4 Ktfllttlt ve, tlrund Pock, cmtnlyaif Oraml Patl, Mute of Nnrth Dakota awexm Matement ! MiS. far the purchase of the ewff ec u. t it , r ij c, w m. CliavfM It KohlHtun cfflnutit fork, county of Oram! Pxfc. atatr of .NWtB latkouv. aworu tuitntui .o , roe tne prte of the K ec a?, tp it , r u e, w m Vvancr M Currw " fttumt lntk, county of tinnd Pock. lUte of .Nana tMUOta: eworu acaiemcni .o ujo, me ine prjmc of the w Kg ao. l it , r kl e, w in. Ma rfKoblnwti of Rraad Itocka, county of tirwnd IVki tbtte m NtHth Itokoiai awotn aMtcmcat No iJI. fee the purtVatc of the kK me i, tp it r ij e, w m. Martha C Willi un if (Irand Puck. cooHly of Grand Peek. Mate of North Dakota: aworn Matement No tt$a, foe the pretMc at the k H' iec ti tp it , r ij w m Maltha H Luke W Orand fork, county of lira ml Pork. Male of Nttth Dakota: vrntti MatemrMt No 1454. for the purchai of the netf tec ti. tp it , r ij c, w m TtMt Ihev nut otfer umof to thoiv that the hi ltd Maagat V More valuable for it timber or Mom than for agricultural purpotc. aitd to eotablMi their chlnM to mMUwI before the Hegtaer awl Keeerecr (t The Dottc. Orefoti, on Tuexiay. the ilh day of October, iaj , ThcyMMWM wltacMe lfratw M Cuttle. Staithw II UVe. W A Cnrrtc, C H RoMnwn, W II Hmr.J H CHfliinl, llartha C WltlUm.. 1U KaWflHW. ofOmml lOrLi. N tlaVou. Iixtte A Areer, of MhiHeaiwtK Mlttn. JohH StekW, of llewt, flieaan Any ana au penmni naimiar wtretcly the alwie ilaxiHwJ aMnt are reaaeaM to AW Ihetr MalaH In tMt am on or before the uM tjthaay w uiaaii, !. lyo$ Mil ICIIAIII, T NOLAN. KecMer Timber Laml, Act Jane J, 11. NOTICK FOR PU11IJCATI0N. U. S. Laml Otaee. The tiaU. Oregon. Mat n. MM1 , Nottee ht hcretHr Rirea that la eompiautee trith the; pjgelalom oftac Act of Coaarra of jamt J. fiyt, CHtttled, "Aa art for the ale of Umber Uao UJtac Mate arcambrnte. iertoa a naoamaiaei remiory, a ext to alt the tvtabbe kad Kate b Act of Aao 4, lN. the anrnia ! jniwh aave oa rtoe 1. ma. filed In IM oe their on atatemetiU. to-wit Loaia Moe f Harvey, eoanty of Pierce. 4ale of North kM; twh 4ateaent No 1471 for the purehaec f the eK "-tp . r ije. w m TtWHMM T 1H f OW Laofor, eoaaty of Hettrami. tate ot Mlane a: awoea Halcment No ur. for the purchase f Ihe lota 1, i, j and 4 aec it, tp a a, r 14 e. w m Robert PoralaNd f Hemtdil. couiri) of tteltrami Hale of Mmne Vota; Meora ttatcmeat No im. tor Ihe purcmue f the mK ec If, tp a a, r 1 j e. w m That taey win oOVr proof to buw thai the land ockt la mote valaabic for iu timber or toac than for atricMtural purvmea. and to eUUMi theJr daiaM to aakt land before the Kccittcraad teeeiver at The Dalle. Oregon, on I'tUay, the rtth day of October, iooj Taay aame m wrtnnea Loot Moe, of liar Hy, X Dak. Kobert Poratuad, of PemWH. MIbb, llan. Kvenon. of PfclttlM, Wk, Lowi UTlwi. of fiend. On ThataM T LarVoa.ofLanaor. Mmn Any and all pen on dalminc. aivenely the abevcMleaertbed land arc rnutted to file their rjliaata IM omee on or before the ulj iOi tMrafoctaticr. um iTU-H MICllAHt. T NOLAN. Rrsitter. Timber Iml. Act June J. 17. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. V. S. Laad Offiec, The ItaUee, Orrsen, May at, iom Xeriee b hereby gteea that in complwitec vtth the praeMaaa oflhe Act of Conaret of Jaae j. tML eutWed. "An act for the aaleoflimber taada in the tat of California, oreaon, Nevada, and WathlMtoti Territory," aa eatemled to aU the poMte land aula by Act of Aagtwt 4. ifoa, the Wterin.HMd berooa have on Nov 1. laoa. MtA la IM oMcc their tttora aUtemeat. to-wit Moo Oton of Neathtjl. oouHty of Hettrami. 4ate of Mlane ota; worn tutemeat No 1447. for the purctMMc of the k K. aejf aeK aad lot 1 aec , tp 17 , r la c. w m. . . AaBa O Hroken of Hemldr, county of Beltrami. Mate of Mlnne Mtat aworn Matet No itja, for Ihe iMtrchate bftheeawKaMlwMeKMC.tpt7a, r w c. w ra. A"? Woen ol llcMltlJI, county of Deitrami. itle of Mlnse aoUi tworn autataent Mo mm, for Ihe purehe ofthclM4,.tand7ec. tpi7, r m c. w m. Thai they whtt ofler proof to ih that the land oojiht I more valnabte for iu Hmber or turnc than for KtMlturaIpunKMe, and to ettabltth ineir cwim 10 uu una Mlore the Kevitter and Keotteer at The ItaUea, Oregon, on Wednesday, the 14th day of October, lyij They name a witneae Aiifin O Kroken, Auautt Wetden, l A imther, Moiw obon, of Ite mktri, Minn, and MlVe IPagc, of licml, Or Any and aU momi dalmiuic adverwly the abo4crild laml are regoutrd to file their claim bi thl office on or before the taid 14th day jfOaietW, yn jy4-J MICIIAHI, T. NOLAN. Register. Timber Ij&d, NOTICE FOR Act June x 1- PUBLICATION. V. 8. Land Office, The Oatlea. Otrgoo, ...... . May 11. ion. .. W,f.h liereiiy Ken that In comptUpcewith the prMonorihe Act of Congre ofjunc x, i7 eHttUed. "An act for the tale oftimUrland ',?. V. MU of Califoriifa, Oregon. Nevada, and Washington Territory." a txtemted te all the PhUm; hud tutra by Act of AnifuM 4, itot. ne fonowine-iHimed (xrwui have flVed In thi omcc their worn tatemHla, to-wit CharlMl A U.ttlrrnunl, of Iltod. eojjHty of Crook, Male of OrrKon: .worn tUttnMvi .No 1144, filed Oct 11, lyw, for the ur. clnjeuftheMjinwJtandnwfc ne arc j and vt wf e J4, tp 17 , r 11 e. w in. ,, . CWve A WeM ofllrml. eminty of Crook, Male of Oregon; iwern Matement Mo ijjli, nled Oct 14. ifroe. 6r the pur cbaac af the MX mc n, tp it a, r to r. w m. Ilrary l Ikhneitlcr offipooner. eounty of Wathlmrn, Mate f Wit eoHtljj; wmu Matement No ijaj. filed Oct , iyw, for the pureha oflhe w$?tec j6. tp 16 a, r 1 e, w in. r ' Af UluI ' - - &... t n Matemeut No mj. OUd Oct i. kj. for the pur chase oflhe ej HtH. and b tU aec n, tp 17 a, rue, wm. ! ... . Maxera LTagc oriiand. county of Crook, Mate of Oregou: aworn Matement Ho 144a. filed Oct n.vn, for the pur cliaje of the wt ne, ej( nwtf and lot a and 3 ec,tpi7.roc, trm That they will offer proof to abowthat the land toughl it more valuaUe fur ita timber or atone 1 i" 1 ,at 'leuMnral purtioe. and to c.latlltli .. i" """ '" . " Miore j si. uwrrncc, I b Couimiwioiier, at Oetchutr. Oregon, on baturday, the ut day of AuguM. km. V?e.y,.,"me Mwltneaaea llorcnce W Drake, ,vld.R.i15c'ioh" , Wtt. Prank Clata, Prank Weat. T O Haraliman, Kran U'l, UcorgeCleu ilcniilng c;irim Mr.li, Klcliaid King, O J r.ray, t A btanUirrough, Lliarlea J Cotlor, Ora Poin ,Sl!r' 0, ". Jie Alexandtr, JJdward Whitnry. John Ho., all ofliend, Oregon. Any aud all Mraou claiming adveratly the ?m,VT,if1T'.UdJ'""1rc.rt'luck,wl file their claluia In thla office 011 or Ufyre the ald lat day bfAuguM. ia. ' J3I MICIIAia T. NOLAN, Reglatcr. JJyj Tlmler I.ihI, Act June a, tS;i. KOTICK FOR PUHMCATION. t'. 8, l,ml Offlce, The IVille, tHegon, Mn) it, IV1 Notice l hereby Riven that In cnmplhiitee with the imtetaktiMorthc Act of Cuiirivm r June ,t. ijtt, enlllletl, "An net for the wleof liiiihrrlainU In the tate of CnHDiriiU, Dteyon. Neenila, anl Wathiiixtiin Tertlloty," a enlemleil to nil the ti itille laml tnle ty Aet of Aunt i, ty. tlic fbllowliiR-namnt efon have Iileil In thl office their nottt tateMient, to-wll Cliatknt) Klinr of WeotoH, roiinty of I'malltla, lte ivf ()rewi trotn Malt meiit No 147?, filrl Nor 4, . fur the purehAe if the ncj ami lott t ami a nee v l 13 . r 10 e, w n v t.oui V Hacte of We4oM, eoMHt) of I'mialllla, Mute of Oregon mvotn ta irment No iw, (lira Nov tt, im, for the pMtchate of the !? ee 1 1, t 1 1 , r to e.w 111 That they will offer Moof to flHiwr that the Un4 MiHgkt I KHwe vnlitb(e for It timber or Motie than for agHcttltHtMt imnxwi, nwl to mtahlUh their clalm to mM land before the Keatater ami Keeviverat The IXIIe, Oiegon, oh I'rWa). the iMh oay of tklober. ioj- They name a nltnewe C Walter, J H Walter, Henry Maatper. Charte KlNf, of v ton. Ot, John Hlow ami Mktiael Cimner, of The I Mike, or. Any awl all peton efelmlHg adrtfaely the Wee-leHl lami ate reoweIMl to file f heir claim In thl 11 Wee on or before the Mid tth thy of October, ion lr4-ts MICIIAHI. T NOtN. Re4tr. Timber Laml, Act Jnnr 1. 1, NOTICK FOR 1'UHMCATION, V S I.aml ortlee, The Itle. trefon. May u, it-J Notice i hereby irtven that Ih eomplianee with the proviatoH oflhe Aft of CoHjcte of Jane of luoe 1. I, enMtled, Ah aet for Ihe 6 of timber I mi In the ttalet of California. Oreaxm. Nevada, and WahtHKHHi Territory, a ettendetl to all the public hind tlate by Act of Anmt 4. !. Ibe followinR-naniftl ietoo have oh Nov j, nan. filed Ih thl oMce their iwocn idatpiueftt. to-w it Hdwanl A IHeketi of ML, cottnt) of SjwVane, ttate of Waihlnaton, Morn Matement No Ul. for the Hirclae of the K e jo, tp it, r 10 e. w m. I'mnV. Haley of Chattato, county of Sr.iV.ane, lale of Wnth ImrIom: tworn atatcment No 14I5, for the pur chase of the neK we , tp ia, r lee, w M. Kheratan A. KeM of Mllaa.coaatyofslBoltaac. Male of Waal too, wont Matement No 4440, for the prte of the netf, ee jo, Ip v r 10 e, vr m of Chattaroy. eouHly of Spokane, Mate of Va luetoa. awota Mainn rat No lit, for the nor. doweof tbeteK ee j. Ip h) , r m , w m. Artamr Oeaham of iji Colhrae are, Ppokanc. camaty of SpoktBe, tale of WaMngto. awora Matemeut Ae taat. for the parchate of the aefcj' tec aa. Ip m , r 10 , w m Paul 8 Niched of M Paal. count) of Ramey, Mate of Mlaartata, wora Matement No 140, for the porchote of Ih ex ec if, tp 19 1. rue, m Theodore Gnat act of Chattaroy. county of ftpofcaae. Male af Watti lagloo aworn atatement No 1470, for Ihe pur dUMeof therK tec 17. tp i , r ta e, w m That they wilt offer proof to tttow thai thekad ought more valuable for It timber or Mowe taaa for aprtcultoral patpow aad to rMablHh their claim to Mid laud before the Recittet and Receiver at The Italic Oregon, on Taanday, lac 13th day of October toaj. They name a wtlaee Theodore Rauther. Prank Matey Charte Rum. of Chattaroy , Wa1. Kdwaid A frtckca. of Klk Wath. Hbefmaa A Red. of Milan. Wath Mthur Oraaam. of Spo kane. Wah. Paul 8 Mtchot. of m I'uut, MtUN Aay and all perotx ctaiminc advettely Ihe aboveHcribed lami are ropteMed to file their claim In tkt office on or before Ike aaht 13th nay 01 tJcnmer, !. J)M-JJ M1CIIAHL T NOLAN. Regitter. Timber Mnd, Aet June J. itl. NOTICK FOR PUBLICATION. 17. 8. Land Office, The DaUV. Oregon, June . tyJ Notice I hereby given that In ctHaptiaHce with the proeition of the Art of Congreo uf June l tp, entitled, "An act for Ihe wtcoUimber laud ia the Mate of California. Oregon. Nevada, and Watltlneton Tcrriiorr. ' a exteudMl la all IW Bblic bind Mate by Aet of AuguM 4. IBM, the lowlng-named perHm have oh Nov 14. Mat. nled in thai owee their aworn MatemeMla, to-wit: Oeorge W Rare of rjj Harvard ave.n, heattle county of King, Mate of Washington awnrn Matemeut Nu laai. tor inepurcJtaacof UieaM ow aec at. Ipn. r we, w m Ilavid Murray of Tacoma, (care Hotel Hrouklya). county af lierce Mate of Watttinglon, aworn Matement No ijo. for Ihe put chaw of tb H twf ec It and wl nw) tee ij Ip ija. r 10 e wm That they will offer proof to afcow that the land aought i more valuable for II limber ur Mene thaa for agricultural puttia, and tu eMabUah their cUirn to aaid laud before the RegtMerand Receiver at The Imlle. Oregon, on Waalneaday, the UM day of Odober, !). They HameaawilmiMea Oeorge W K lee, of Seattle. Wath. tiavid Murray, of TVeoma, Wath. I' W hmith. John Mot. Ml C A lMvtdton, of hitr. Oregon , Any and all peraon claiming adverely Ihe abwvr-decrtbei land arc rrrpmtad lu flic their cUimt in thi office en or before the aaM it day 01 October, I'mi. lyjl-oa MICIIAHL T NOLAN. Regitter Timber Imi, Ad June j. itpl. NOTICK FOR PUBLICATION. r B Mnd Office. The Dalle. Oregon. May 17, 194J Notice la hartby given that In wmplMnce with the nreviMoukorihc Ad uf Congre uf June 1, 7. entllleil. "An art fin- Ibe Mleof limber land in the aute of California, trgon. Nevada, and WahlMgtui Territory " a extended to ail the public laml ttalr by Art of Aucuat 4, law, the following-named lierson have file) In thi office their aworu atdrmenta, to-wll Chaite fl Helta of The Dalle, county of U'auo, Male of Oregon; aworn atatement No 140a. filed Nov 4,1. for the purchase of the neK f, K nwhT and awV nej arc jj, Ip ija, r lac, w ti . Davkl Morri of The Dallea, county of Wk. atatc efOraeou. worn atatement No 14I1. Ateel Nov 4, uti, for the purdMtc of the a) uw);, tie); nwjf and Hel aw; arc jo, Ip ij a, r 10 e. w m. Ilennle Johnaon of The Dallea, county ol Watco, atatc of Oregon, aworu itatemcnt No 141, film! Nov 4, tyaa, for thcurehaeofthcw); avcu, Ip is a, r is e. wm 1'rnlerick A llrtta of The Dallea, county of Watou, tlate nf Oregon; auorn atatement No iftj. filed Nov 4. km, for the purchate of the alt mwli. w.c uiiui ,wi wf m jj. tp IS a, r 10 e, w m William I. WrIU of Independence, county of I'ulk, alate of Ore gon aworn aiaiciuctil No 144, filed Nov 7, ion, for the purchaee oflhe wK aef. ii w!f and awjf ne! aec J4, tp 19 a, r 10 e, vr in. I'lillllp I' Mont of Wretilliam, county ofWaaco, tlate of Oregon ( aworn atatement No 1487, filed Nov , (, for the purchate of the iiwK eec 4,tp i6a,rioc,wm That they wilt offer proof to ahow thattliclaud aought la more valuable for Ita tlmtwr or atone than for agricultural purpotca, and to rttabllah their ctaliiia to aaid land Ufute the Regitter aud Receiver at The Dallea, Oregon, on Monday, the They name a wltncuee Ilennle Johntoii, Frederick A llettt, David Morria, Nathan llubba, Clurlca II Helta, Wlllia M Huhha, William II llubba, lien 8 Johntoii. of The Dalle. On Anio llrailahaw, I'rcd C Whltteii. Allrt h Kholea, of I'ottUiul, Or, Coiiiiuodorc V Wclla, of Indepen dence, Or .Any and all pcraona claiming adveraely the abovcdracrihed luudar rr,itirtlH f. Itl il,lp dahlia in thi office ou or before the aaid loth day of October, lyot. MICIIAHI, T. NOLAN, Krglatcr. Tlmliet Itttihl, Act June s, iW NOTICK 10U 1UHMCATI0N. U. H, UqiiiI Om-e, The tMUe. treKn, Miiy it, lyxj Notice I ItrteUy Rlean that Ih ctTllHee with the )nuvrhHHi of tlie ai of Conateji f June i, i7t. entllleil, "All Ml for the Mhr of timber htiHl lu the ulale of CallHitnla, ir-iun. Nevaila. Hint Wellington Tertltmj , n, rxtenaoil to nil the imUllc html ulnte Ity Act of AHutKt 4, '. NIU JpIih haller. of Walker. emtHly of Ohm ulf of Mlniirti, hat on Jan . ion. flUt 1,, thi4 office liU orn Maieiiirni nu im tor the n e 01 'nr wij nett, nntf anil un( s " 'I' M ""1 r m, mi.l nlll uller trooftit hw that the land hHteht I mure valHabte Ar tt limber ur atone than for nKtteiiltnml lwij"" ,IM '" eatablUh htaclatm toMhllatalVrfoiTM H Ht t' I Cnttimlvtoinc at 1'iltitttllr iHegon, on file daj, the iilliilayor.naiii it fie name at wlliwurti M l.rpnae. Loot Nel on, John Wuhiihi, Jn4m iwkkrn. of Hewl. tt Ron Any ami all liervomi alaimlni adreraely Ihe above-deMcrlbed UtMatar requested to Ale their claim in thl ottic on or Uf-ie the Mhliilhilay m h;hi, lynj. WHMJ 11 ICIIAIII, T NiilAN. KeMer Ttmbet Mini, NOTICK FOR Ael Jane , li PUIU.ICATION. t' 8 linil time, The Halle, ttreiron, ia) if, r'i Notice It heteby give) that In compltenor with Ihe ptivimH of tlie AM of Congreo of June j, t7. entllkd "Am act for the uliul tlmb.r lamf tu the Mate of California, iirvgun. Nevada, and Wahlngtoa TerrHofy," a nl. nord tu alt the public laud Mate ay Art of AuguM 4 !. the following-mimed l'rtiu hare un Od 7, hpia Hied In thl omee their mvutn Matement. to-wll Palriek II. Catley oflhlltlip. county of I'riee tr of WbwotitiM. woth Matement taja, fur the purchate of the nwV neh;. etc nwrf and Hf nu ec 1, tp a . r lie, w m ltitwartl Vandetwall of Phillip county of I'tlc. Male of WIeowtlM, worn tatement No IJit, for Ihe pntehate of the eH ec jf. Ip 1 a. r 14 e. w at Thai the) wttl offer proof totfcuw that the land tooght I more valuable for ti limber or Moue than for agricultural pwpum, awl to rMatdMi their cUlui tu Mid html betnrr the RegtMrr aud Receiver at The IKilte, tHvgoa " Tdy. Ihe th day of ae4rmber, ia) They aame a wtlne. Jacob Raniaien. Kit Cnuttau. IMh ttallrvan. Haa Kvritun.itoren Larwu aud Joha Wllaaot. I- U uf Phillip. Wl any ana an nrraoai eianaiag oaverwiy tae abovr-drorribed Uml are rroorMed to lie lactr dalma la thl oaV ou or before Ihe uM 15th oay w veptemorr, iau. lajo-M MICM.I I A III. , T. NOLAN. NOTICK FOR FUHI.ICATION. Und Odfoo at UVeview, Orrgon. Jaae to. ioai Natter t heteby etven that the foltinetag named aeitbrr ha Mol mtUeaaf hi lulettrtoN to make laat proof la tupaott at hi claim, aad that mid proof will be mode before J J Mntth. County Clerk, at Prrmrettte. Oregon, oa Botur day AugvM 15. laaj, via (.KOMI. It W HOOUK. of Laa. oeegvu' M K No a. for the DU'V JTWV NWt, nVVU M JO, 8KK NVh. XKK IIH rc 7 Ip tl a r Iu He name the fottowinr wllaenn to prove I contiauotM irahleaoa upon aad eultivalkm of aui laml. via William Vamtrrett. C M AOra. Jam Albru. ofLava, Ougoa, atul Iteargc T My. of Rnotoad. oeraoH Ja7 K. M K,tTTAIN, MegiMer NOTICK FOR PUIII.ICATION. Mud (Male at Lakcvtrw, UrrgoH, June it, hVj. Notice I hereby givm tail the following named artthrr ha nled notice af hi Intcutkm to make final proof ha aupttart af W ctalm, amt imi mm proot win m maoe mum J M. Ww V K. Comnaatiur. alfeoehuia. nun. on Saturday. AuguM Ik, ajaj, Ti. WILLIAM II lllLLlNltlfllll,arUra,OfaaMm. II II No ?. for the HI NKK ee ai. It ra . r te, and hW WH tec if aad WH NU'K ec it. tp aa . r iu e, w m He name the fatlowtnf Mneee to peovr hi coulinuou ieiJrnte upua and cvtltivaUcm of aaid land, via J ft Rogue. W I' Vamlrvwt ami Jame MUck. af Lava, Oregon, aud John giaanote. of Iewhutca. OregOR. Jy7 It M M TTAIN, RegtMrr Timber Laud. Ag Jumr J, i7. NOTICK FOR PUBLICATION. V 8 Land Omca,The ImIIm, Oregoai, My7. if) Natter a hereby given aat In compllaBce with lb ptoviMou uflae Act at Cottgrewt of Jua 1. lajt. enlHlrd. ' Aa art for the 1 of limber Uada ia the Mair of California, imtooh. Nevada aad Waabingum Territory a extruded la all the public laud aute by Act af AuguM 4. laaa. Ihe foMcmlHH-aamcd peiautw have m Nor 11. taoa. filed in thU omce their wih tUtemenl. to-wit laac N vyMliaan of liiOramlavr n. Potlhual, asunty of Multno mah, atele of Oregon aworn utmnt Mo Ifav for Ihe porcMMc ofthc eh) K, li eK ) ei wH aee ja. Ip jot, r lie, w Irt Hugh Duvle of llemldji. county of Hrltraml, ttalr 11I Mlnne auta, aworn Matement Nuiayt, fr Ihe (w rebate oflhe neK ecjj. tp ita. r lie, w m. Ikctka A Kiwi of Hemklji. county of Hrltraml, atatc of Mlnne eta, aworn Matement No iter, far the puicba oflhe Hwfc; ac j.i Ip it rue, wm That they will offer proof 10 ataaw that the land aought i more valuable for it timber or atone than for agricultural purpowa.aHd b twUbltMi their ctalm 10 aaid land before Ihe KegiMer and Receiver at The Dalle, Oregon, on WrdHewtny, ,n ,n waj v, (KIWWF 'Wl They name a witneate John LMliuylemaii, of Lymleii Wath Lawreae I'ottltck. Anao Hradahaw 1' C Whitlen of Portland, Or. Jotin Htei.ll. Ilertha A Knoa c I, Knai, Thowa Tweet, of The Dalle. Or Hugh fujle. of He mklji, Minn Any ami an perou claiming advriy the abovr4leeritid laud arc .- ta fiu ihair ctolmainlhiiolaeetmorbeforelhc wldaitt.Uy nnaa.J. .. of October, imm lyjttat uriCHAKL T NOLAN, Ragdlar Timber Uml, Ad June i, t. NOTICK FOR PUBLICATION. I h Land Office, The Datlra, Oregon. Nolkc I hereby given that In oo4mikc with Ihe provitloiia of ibe Act of Longreu of June 1, l7. entitled, "An act for the tale of limber lainf iutliealateaiifVallluriiia Oregon, Ifctadg. and Wathluittuii Terrllorv ., iB,ul.l tu aft tli mibllc Uml hlnl. by Act of Align! 4. Ir " iiMiuwiug-iuiuini Kruii have su Nov 17, lit, flleil In (hi office their awuru ataleinenta, Imwlt WmoM Rmle of i'erley, county of Norman, atatrof Mlnuctola, aworn afatcuicnt No MM for tlir purchaae of Hie ne( (, n hj acj and tw M) tec JJ, Ip 9 ', r .... . rt,r J I'elerton ol I'erley, county of Norman alaleof Mlriticila, aworu alateiiieut Nu iji 1, for (ic purchaae uf the eH nwjf nnd wM ncM arc 7 Ip 19 a, r 11 c, w III , . J"''" N Kude of I'erley, county of Norman atatc of Mlnnraola, aworu alateiiieut Nu ijij. for the purchaae of the wl( nt4. aK iiw(j and iiwm awW.acc j, Ip w a. rue. wm That thry wilt offer proof lo ahow that the land aought la mure valuable for Ha limber or alone lliau for agricultural purpo, and ta catabllah their claim tu aaid laud ucfure the Regitter ami Rrcelterat The Dalle irr,, nu Yliuradiiv. the ml day of October lyj .1, name k. niuiuKi jonri nunc, itwi j I'elerton. hliuuu Rude, of Ivrlrv. Minn. Loui Nclauu, f.onlt Wllaou, of fiend. 60 ilaua Hvtr eon, of Phillip, Wla Any ami all pet ton claiming adveraely the buvc-decriucd laud are rruueated tu flic their claim in Hila office uu or before the aaid d day uf October, lyttt. Jyjl-oi MICIIAIiL T NOLANi KcglMcn Tlinlier l.ninl, Ait June 1, lrH NOTICK VOU 1'UHMCATION. V H Uml omee, The IMIle, OrttiM . Mav it. luoi Nolle I hereby liven tint In eotHIHlitnee with mulotntorthr Actor lonntea 17. riitlllrtl "An net Rif tlir Mle nfllmlift tituii In Hie Mate of California, Otvaon, Nevwla ami Wlilngton rntilnry, ' a ettriHlril In all the tHiltllc laml talr li) Act nf Aiigitt 4, taaa, the nillowlng-nanieil prin have nieil In Ini mee llielr awwit ilalrinriit. U-ll Jnrpll It CIIITim! of 111 Reeve ae. (Kami t'otk, ommty nfllmml riira taie 01 :ttin iKoia twnrn aiaiemeni Nuiri filed Nov 1 igoi for the xiulwr of Hie net arc , tp la, r ne wm Mow C Ihlney of Thinapaou rnunly uf ttrand Pntk. Male of North iMkola, wtH MateraeHl Nu KM, Atetl Nov 1, lani, for the mivhae of the eK e at, tp W , r i.t e, w Ml Maiali llnugvil f Itrokine, county of Polk, Male of Mlnurtotu: wow Matement No u. hied Nov I, luni, Km Ihe pttrcao of Ihe twH ec 17. tp it . t it e, w m William II Rutr of ttrand Purk nmntv nftlttud PotIm, Male of Notth IMkola. aworn Matruient Nu 14M, AIM Nov 1, iai. for the purchase oflhe hK tee at, Ip it, t ur, w m. That thry wilt olfrr iimof to how that the land ought I more valuable for II llmbar or Moue than for arrieullural put pane, and tu ra labtih their rbtlm In ld land before Ihe Reg iMer and Kecriwr at The Halle niegou. o MoihI, the irth day of iKtobef, loot Thr name a wHuaaar W , Carrie, W II Purr. I' II Rnbluann j l(Clilfo.,l.of (iraml PorW n pak. jonm airt.ll, Jofin ibom, Winiara Mtaala, ofHcuAiH, mu Hfadhaw . V C Vthittea. of rortiami, or, aarah llouaeu, of l(rklue. Mlau, Mow C (Mlnex. of Thumptuii N Imk .ta; aaa an iietaow ctatmiug advrrtely Ibe )v dcKrtbcd laud are teuurMrd to iht Iheit claim; In IhU umee oi m before the aaid irth a of udotarr, loo) lM-M MlClf. (AKLT NOLAN RrgtMrt. Timber Laud. Acl June j. it? NOTICK FOR l'UIJUCATlON. V. H Umt OWrr, The HalbKt, Otrgow, vtay 11, ioai Nailer I hereby given thai Ih mmpllamt with the provtMoH uflhe A.t ufCongrva of June l i7. eMlillcl. taadfuellKaleufllmberUieda la tar Male uf CaiiturMut Oeegoa. Nrvmta. and Waahlaglati Territory. ' a r tended to all Ibe CUlk html Mate by Aet uf AuguM 4. ia, Ihe WwiHg named perwm have on ilct 17, ioai. Mad In IM otarr (belt awueu Malemeut. to-wit Aadrrw J llndgr ot Albany, nmutynl l.ina.Mat of Oregon Matrmmt No 1 tv- for the imrelwar uf I be H eK ami M kx vei a, tp 17 , r iu . w William Alfred trlmble of Albany, county of Llau, Mat of Oergoati rwwa alateweal No ijaa, for lac purrtuttr ol la ah o wn uwti vc ii, ip 17 , r lar. w m HaVard M Muetlmorr of Ataetw, canaaty of I matllU. Matr ol Oregon, vworu Matement No 1 i for Ihe purchaae oTIhe H aelt ami bat 1 ami iwi Ipn r ia e. w at. Matt ha H Moettaaurr uf Ataram, raualynf t'malllU, Mate of ntaajaai awtara Matraaral Nu im for lav parcllaar oTthe H aad bat) aad 4 uri tp 11 a. r ie. w m That taey will ogrr proof tu w that Ihe Uad ougbt ta more valuable for II umber or atmae laaa for agricultural paupnora, aud lu eMablbm their ctalaaa lu aaid laml before the Mrghaler and Receivrral The laalte. iiregoai. oa Pridar, Ibr litbday uf aVcptemHer, in Thry aame a wltne WtllUm A Trtmbt. Andrew J Hodge Karl C Mraadebrrry and JOttu Lee. uf AllttHy. orrgim. John c Tm-ker. of The Irnttr. Oeegoa. t'rauk If Church, MalllrO Hrutl, Mr. L Lcbarrh. Martha h Mortimore, Kdward M Moetiaaore. of Albcua. lirrgua. Any amt all aervoa ctatmtag adveraely lar above drwrtbed Ian I are requeied tu tie tlartr rtaimalH thl oaVr uu or before the td ihdur of Heptembtr. ijbu Jyt7-it MICIIAKL T NOLAN, Hegtetar Timber Mud. Ad juae i. ipl. NOTICK FOR PUBLI CATION. 0 8 Land OMe. TW Haltr Oregtm, Malar I 1 KaaTM Notare w heteby given thai In ctimptuutre with the pruvUtoa of ike Ad uf Cnugrr of June a. m, entitled "Aa ad for the Mil of limber laad la Ha Male of California. Ore.oa. Nevada aad Waehiagtou Temiuey a ealeuded tu all bmrlng aaaaed peraunt have oa lidoorr $1 ia. men in in 1 uaatr their twom MairmeHt, lu-wlt flaorae W nmrkeit of Caa Lake, eoauty of Cao. Mat of Minnesota, warn MateaaraH No 1411, fot the purchaae of Ibe H neK aad bU 1 aad a ee 1, tp It . r It r, w m Oral a Mitch of Om lake, county uf Cao Mat of Mtaacaota, a Mabnaeat No 144. for lb purchase of llw aK c a, Ip it , r 11 e. w m Jtweph II Htrawbrtdge of Cam Lake, count v uf caa Mat uf VtlHueauta wora Matnuent No ii). foe lb purchaae of Hat N hwh ana miiaw 4 c i. ip it , r u e.w m Veal C P toman of Duetetl'a Ran. earn at v af ilardlu. Male of Kan lucky, aworn abatement No 1417, for the puaetia of Ibe eh) neK and lot 1 and 1 e ). Ip m a, r la r, w m That they will offer proof lo uwe Ihat tlteUud aought I mote valuable for It limber ur Moue than fur agricultural purpnaa. and lu rMablUh their dalmt la utul Uml befot the RegtMrr and Receiver at The Dalle, Oregon, oh aalurday, lb aath day uf Peptemtier iui They name aa wllne l.eorge Hlltch, Jo eph If gtrawbetdgc. i.cuig W Heckeil, of Caa Irfike, Minn Juhn Meidl, Thimua Tweet, Hut nam Kobetta, of The Dalle, Oregon Any and all trou claiming adversely the above dntcrtbwl lamlt ale iuiad lu AU their cialiH Ih thlt omor ou or before the mM aath day VI V)MmMT, IW lyi-i .Mil II TlAHl, T NOLAN. Regiler NOTICK FOR PUBLICATION. lmt Office at The Dallne, Otrgoti, July 17, it NotfoaU hereby given Ihut Ih following uamrd aetllrr baa filed notlo of hi Intention (0 make liiwl iwoor In umtft ur Ml culm.aml that aahl urouf will be made Wwee J. J gtuiih, aminty mm, hi i-rmeviii, ifrogvH, uu aaiuruay, f ttmlr 5, raoj, via Calllc M Oatdiier, uf MMeta, Oreguu; II l No 7ii, for the iiwtf ml, Ip ij, r 11 e, w m He name the foUowliig itn lu pture ih contliiuou tcaidauee iihhi ami culllvatlou of Mid Uml, via Oeorge I' Cru. Watren D CytiH, uf I'rlHr vide, ("r, William I' Krjraar, M J Will, or Sta ler, Oregon. Jyji-M MICIIAKL T KDUX, Itagltler CONTKST NOTICK. if. H. Land offtcc, Lakcvlcw, Oregon, July li, lj A Mfficirnt content aflktovlt having been flhai lu tlilt office by Harry A Mill, CihiImUiiI, agalutt liuiuealrad entry No as)7. made March 7, lain, for 11)7 nwlt' ami iiwjj ueU aec it, tp H , r 8 e.w 111. Iiv Mark l( llurdiuaii. cnlitrtter. In whlcli It l ulleged that aaid Mark l Hardniun liHt ubumluuea aaid. claim for a period uf alx inoiitliaiir mure laat putt, and that aild alleged abwiiLe from Hie aalil laud wa nut line to hi rill- plnytiieiil lu lite army, navy ur marine curp uf ine Lfiiiini niaiea u n private oiuicr, uuiter, aeumaii ur marine during the war with tiulli, ur during any other war lu whUh the United Htate may be engaged, aaid tuirllt arc hereby notified tuapirar, reiiud ami offer evidence touching aaid allegation at 10 o'clock a 111 oiiHeptemlieraj, 1003, before O H Wurdiveil, l 8 Cuiiiiiilaaluuvr at bllver Ukc, Lake County, Oregon, ami that final hearing will be held at jo o'clock 11 111 un Ketitciiiber ih, iooj, liefore the RrgUter and Re ceiver ut Hie United Htalra l.aud Office iu Luke view, Oregon The aulit cuuttataiit having, In a proiicr affi davit, filed July 1$, loot, act furlli fid which allow that after due tllllgence, pernoual acrvlec of thi notice can not, be made, it la hereby urdcrcd uud directed that audi notice he given liy due and proper publication, jyti'M li. M. IlilATTAIN, ItegUler. 1 liiihrr Land, Art June J, thrt, NOTICK FOR I'UHIiICATlON, U. H l.nml Oilier, The IMIIm, Oicgnti, Ml) 17. taj Nllee I linvlu' iilven llml In enuTi M PI Ml II jiw nltll Die innvldon ofllie Act nf Con li ley. t M tune 1. June ija, entllleil, "An art for the al ol Hntlwr lml In the Male of CallfiKtiUi Oregon Nevada a all Watliliigluti feitllitfy," a ettemlrd lu all the lmlillv laml Male liy Art or AiiauM 4, iNuii tlir following minint wioiH have flletl III Ihl oilier lliflt (n ataleinenta, lo wit Kdnanl R Tracy of tMiM)htk, rminly nf Warn, Male of Not ill IMkola, worn Mal tnrni Nu iM, filed Nnv a, iuui fur the pureheuf Ihr U rc le, lp, r li r, w at lolm Matltath of Notlh Vaklma, county of VahlHut, Male nf Hainnigiuni avium Mairmeni No IWI, Hint Nov ia. ibb. Tor Hie puremvt of the alt aK and Hwb new mn ta ami awfj mH w I, li la t, r ij e, William talbari tf T)ler. rwuuty uf Hlchauaad, Matr of North 1 mama, vworn Maiemeni Nu laaa. HIM Now oa mr tne putemtov at tar ml, rc i e, w m Charte o M alley U. tp H ' of Phillip, eouuly of Price. Mat of WlaanaM vworn Matenirnl No ins. tied Oct 10, isae.for II in. Ibe purcnae in ine art ee 1, ip , r i)r, u m Authony of litlltlp. county of l-ricr. data af VWcMtetni awuTM Matement Ito i)M, (led tart w, taaa.for lb pHtvimie uf the M'H are I, tp a r I) e, w m tleurge A tiuavel) of Phillip., County nf Pure, dale uf Wlmalni aworu Matrmeul Nu ir7, Ated Od 10. taat, br tbr purchaw uf the mhK are i). Ip aa a, r ij r, w m John tt Hammirn af Phillip, cmaatv uf Price. Matr ) WtaamaMai aworn Malcmeal Tto iaallrr Ort m, aana, bar thepurehaar of lhkK, awtj mH and wtf HelfMcit, Ipaua, r i e, w m ,.-.... Haaihrl mjlllvag of I'hflllp. rouult of 1-Ttr. Mair of Wlaeaimtu. ".oen Maiemeni Nv laaa, lied ltd la, in.bi the pureha of Ih wt e( ,- a. Ip ig , r II e and Vat 1 and 1 tec i. tp 11 , r I), w aa. Ttwaaaa laaarv of Phillip, raunl) uf Prior. Mat af WiKtWtetH, arnara Matemenl Mo ijja, itrd IM ia, taaa, fo Ihe putrhane of Ihe wjj Me M. tp it , r m r. w m Thai the) w III offer prbaf ba buw Ihat tbr laml aought la niorr valuable for ita Umber or atoaat thaa for agrtrallaral puieaye. and lu retablaall Ibrir claim lu aaid laad btfote Ibe lugbner aad Receiver at Tlw Halle. Oregon, uu Tared, lb Mb day of ikrluhrt. ipa) Tbey aame a wlluretr John Raamuaatti Aataua Mara. Charte O Mallev.lhomaa Ikkn. Oeueae A anavet. liana Kvrrauu. luha Wilaaai jr. laaawl mjllivan. Ja. Haaauara, PatrwVTl Vurley. Hit kmileaa. uf Pbllliin. Wla liahM jteiaraia. ot worm raaime, W'aab, Wlltum Lealbart. uf Ty tor. N Dak Luut Velanu ami Kdward Muyd of Brad. tie. P L Huatua. af Van camver. Waab Aay ami all aerama eUlmlag adrerorly lb bovWt-rltwd laad are reaurMed I Ibeif etaiaa la that uaVce cm ur beforr tat td adh any aeitcaonrr 111 JI-M MK'lfAKL T. NOLAN, RfgtaHl Timber Laad, Art Jua jk itpt. NOTICK FOR PUBLICATION. V a. Laud Maar. Tbr Ibjltra, Oregam. Natice a brretay gtvru taut la nmfprmacIiiU lb pmviatuat d the Act uf coagieaa of Jun a, art. entUled. "Aa ad for tbr aaCuf timbre Umfi la tao Mat of California, iHegou, Nevada, aad Waabiaglug Tetrltm-) " a rxleadad to all tbr oublK bind Mate If Ad of AuguM 4, laaa. Ilia folbawtaa-aamed (irramiat bate na Nov.v,ttr,j la Ibt utVw HaHt nan ataieuwaU. Uwtl. Natbaa C llubba of Tbr Halkr. enuata uf W.t, Mat mTtlraaua twota atateaaeat i (ra for the purchaw of la H H and at w V) r gi, Ip ii , r w . w m. WUlat M MuhtM of TV tkaiaaa, catauly of Wjhcu. Mai af Oeeaarii ruorn Matoawtftt Wo itaV, Br Mt purrba atlla w7S mp,ipgnraaH, THal they wtll aflkr prnartu ataaw that Ibe html aouggl bt more valuaMe fhe IU limber ur Mora laaa for agricultural patpwtr. ami la aMkh their ctalm lu mm! ud Ufoie lite NrgtMer aad ftrcrtve at The latllr. thrgtm, am aalarday.lhe tytbda) uf ikrtutvr fat Tar) aame a wll f H HMt, Hartd Moeri. W M llubba. I red JaaNa, NatbaN 0 HaMat. all of The IMIr. Ot Aay and all prrasa eialmiug advrrtehr liar above dewciibed Uada ar rnanM I tbr UtaH ctalm la INI oaV am or bagarr IV aoid iTtbaUy ofOvtobar )y)i-o MICHANI Ti WtyaVAW. Mrattler. Timber Load, Ad Jaae a, prat. NOTICK FOR PUBLICATION, l' H Uud IHMer. Tbr DalUa, Orrgan. May ft. luaa. Nataa U hereby gtvea Ihat la cumptkaaoa with lb pcoviaiaaa of la Ad uf Cuauiea of Jaae a, 17. eatltled. "Aa act fur laemleof HmbnlaMta hata Maleabf ralutwHM. ormaaa, NtvaaW ami WaahlagloM Teirliiic) ," a t traded to aU llaa KMie tarn) Matra ny Ad of AuguM 4, lag hawtug-Haated perauaM have glad In Ibt I. tbr )4tW taetr won waiement. au-wii HHrr aailpr of The iMlbj. county uf Waam, Male of Oirgam worn Matement No 144). filed Nor 1, laat, fot Ihr tmraba of Ibe nc c 17, tp aaa, r IJ. w m l.uelU Y Muipe uf The Dallea, rouuiy uf Waaru, Male af Ottgatii aworn Matement No 1444. filed Nov 1, lunjbf Ibe putchaac uf the H aec 17, Ip aa , r IJ , w n Joph H lHdi of The Dalle, county of Waaru. Male uf tlngiMll awutn MaUmrnt Nu iVi, filed lire M, luna.fcrlhr purdut uflhe Hwlf c II, Ip au, r IJ, w IH. JameaP Moor of The Hulle. cuuul) of Waaro, Male of Otgol awotn Matement N 119a, filed od J, low. for lb putchureof Ihr wtf arc 11, Ip ma, r ije, w Mt That they will offer ptuuf tothuw that the laml aoughl Umoir taluabw for IU limber or atone Dun for agricultural purpuara, aad tu taiablbill their dalma to ald laad befur tbr Reamer aad Rreairrr at The Dulba, Oregon, oh galurday, Ihe 17th day of October, itu) Tbev name a wilnaaa Jamoa I' Mmmw. Thoma J Driver, LuelU P foilue. TVuHutt 1 iutMiu, iiury Hi, jonm uartn, joaapH Lamlera.ofTh Dalle, Or, Churl A Orawra, 0? PtlnevilU, Or. Mike UPag. of HemJ, Or, Anv and all itetMiua daianiBH adveturlv Om aUtHeeribinlUmiair leuurSad to fikv tbair cUlmt In Hit ulfk uu ur befot Hut nM ltli aay 04 ticiouer, iou Jjl-UJ SIII.-IIA lAIII. T NOLAN, Hegitler Tlinlier Laml, Ad June J, 17. NOTICK FOR PUBLICATION. If 8 Mud Ulnar, The Dalle, Oregon, jMtl J. tuu. June . IW). minitlliiucc w Nfltloe I lieieli) given that in enmiilUncc wllli the triviiuuurthe Act or congteu of June 1, IM. eutlllwl, "An Ad for Hie aaleof tlmlwrl iHtm 111 nut MJ.I 01 caiuorniH, ui egoii. ncvatut, nmt Wotlilnglou Teitllory," a rxtemlril lu all the public html UUt by Acl uf Augiltt 4, taji, the rolluwlug-iiainril pvrmnt have ou Nov is, ipte, fileil III I Id office their auorn Malewcut, lu-wlt ltpltul M Htencer of Hflwnll.i'oiiiilyof I.lurtilu, aule uf Wailtlug ton, aworn alulrmeiil No iA4, fot Hit purcliatv uf tile ae)( ate 30 tp ij a, r 10 , w m. It. Trail bptlirer of iMivoll, county of Lincoln, mult' bf Woililng Ion. awuru alatcuiciil Nit imi fbr the purtliatv nfliiccM uw)( miiiIcMnw) ar , tp Ija, r Inc. w III That thry will offer proof tu lio that Ihe Inml auuglit It mure uluiilie for Ha tlinlier ur tlliiir lliau for agricultural purtHMc, ami tb mlalilltlt their rUlma luatilil land liefurc Hie Hrgltler uml Receiver at I'he Dalle, Oreguu, uu Thuradayj Hie aid day uf October, ivy They name na wltutaace II I'ldil 8tlicvrt William H Hpcuier, Dellu M Hlwiivc'r, Lillian M Hpciicet, Rutiliacl M hpeucer, nil of ltdwall, 0nli Any mill all pcraona clulmliig aihcracly Ihlj abuvcdca'crluetl lamia arurMjiiaalfil la flic then cliilmi lu thla office uu ur btturt llic aaid id dtiy urtxiulier, tvu Jyjt-ua Ml ICIIAUI, T, NOLAN, Reglatcr.