The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, August 07, 1903, Image 5

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    t ' f K'rti', "r-Ki- .,-", rzVIVte t;
uai oft the pampas?
Ily (I. A. tllJNTV
OIIAI'TKIt X.-tCoutlnunl.,
The Co I Idii crop liml prorcd n sucrose;
llii' llclil had In llniu Imtn covered ttlih
(Mil I mi plants, which liml hurst llmt Into
n bright jtdlow liloeaoiii, and timl then
lifim covered wllli many ImlU of white
II Mir. The picking lliu coll on IihiI been
looked iiiiiii nt first as urint fun, al
though It liml proved hard nurk before
It ttm finished. u weight liml rut her ex
imhIi-iI Mr. Ilsrdy's Niitl(iiitloii. Tim
process of denning tltt lottou from tho
pods ami seeds had prom! h long nml
fruiililnuiinw operation, nml liml taken mi
liiiuiPiiao tlniv, Judging by llii progress
tlml Ihey nl llmt matin with li, 1I117
Tfrtllr began Iii deapslr of ever flnMilnif
It. Imt with practice they hccsuio mom
mlroli. Hllll ( wot round to t loo great
11 labor during tint heat of the tiny, al
though carried on within doors. It had
U-en n dirty work, too; the light pnrllclis
of Huff liml itnt everywhere, nml at the
nil of n couple of hours' work tin- purl)'
liml looked like n f it mil of link its. In
deed, before morn llinn a iimrlfr of the
iiuaiitlly rslaed was cleaned llicj- were
heartily ilck of the Job, and the remainder
win sold In Hit. pod in mi Ktigllelimaii
who liml brought out machinery, nml won
slteioptliig to rslae cotton near IIiiiiiih
Ayrea, Allhoiik'li the profits had bi-en
conalderablr, It was tllm nlliiouiiljr deter
mined Out tliu experiment should not bo
tvpeatcd, at any rate fur lli present,
Mr, Hani; liml not at flrat carried out
M fitrjn of planting a couple of acre
with tobacco and siigsr cane, tho ground
having been required fur oilier purposes.
He had not. liowarer, aliswlonrd the
Idea; mid shout two mouths before the.
inarrlsge of Tert'iien and Narad lie had
planted sumo tobacco, which wan, ilwli
their return from llurtioe Aytcs, ready
to Ui picked.
The cult on of tobacco require ronald-
ernlile oare. The ground In llrnt prcpsr
cd with great cure, and la well mid thor
oughly manured; Imt IhU wn nut wiiilr
l In the present com', s the rlrh virgin
oil needed no artlllrlal alii. It Ik then
iluc In beds something like sapsrague
IhiIi. about two feci wide, with a deep
trench between each. The seeds are rail
ed In a hiiiMkh), and when nine or ten
Inches high they are taken up and care
fully iraiKplaiitcd lulo 1I10 lieds, two
row a Mug plnetil In each, and the danta
brine n foot aiart.
Tlierr arv various method of cultiva
tion, but tlil" waa the one adopted by Mr.
Hardy. The ptanta grew rapidly, the
Kroiiud between iImmii belmt (KenRliially
IhmnI, mid kept frtv from wt-cd. When
they win fuur feet IiIkIi the lop were
nipped oil, mid any learca which ahowed
alk'iia of dUeaiH' were rviiiorcd. Hach
diem lind from elxht to ten Icaveo. When
the learcn bejran to turn rather Jellow,
Mr. Hardy announced that the time for
ciittlni; lind arrived, and one limnilng nil
haiida were iiiuntcivtl (o the work. It
t-oimlateil merely In cilltltiK the tenia nt
n level with the earth, and lajlnc the
platita down Ktly Uhmi the Kroutid. y
lireakfnat time tliu two nerc were clciir
11I. They were left all day to dry In the
ami, and a little before annuel they were
taken up nnd carried up to one of the
More aheda, which had been clcftred nnd
prnHireil for the purpiMe. Here they were
placed III n heap on the Krwiiud, entered
over with row hide nnd timl. nnd left
for three dn)a to lient. After thU they
were iiucotered mid Initio up on liillu
dlatmiee, na It cnnbU'd liU home hoc to
work between them, nnd lima kccii the
Krnmid turned up nml free from tvecila
wlihont tliu fxpeiim of hard Inlwr. In 11
almrt time the ahoota nppenriil nbore tliu
ao, In four moiitha they had Kfllmil the
hi'lltlit of fourteen feet, nod their Kloaay
ateuia ahowed that they wcru ready to
"Now, Clara," Mr. Hardy anld, "thla
la your m a 11 11 fa clu re, you know, nnd w
are only In work iimlcr your auierliileiid
ence. The rmiea lire ready to cutj how
Id you Intend to cruah the Juice out? be
enuae Hint la really mi Important iiuca
tlon." The younir llnrdy bnikeil nKhnal at
ench other, for In tint preaauio of other
matlera tliu ijucMlmi of nppnrnlua for
the aujtnr uimiufacllirn had becu tllta
"Have you really no Men hotv to do It,
"No, rcnlly I have not, my dear. We
have certainly no wood on the place
which would make the rollers; hcaldcx, It
would be rather a dlltlcult bllalneaa,
Mr. Hnnly thoiiKlit for n minute, mid
turn aniu: "I xliouM think that the uiaii
Ble would do It."
There wna n irencral exclamation of
"Oaidtal, mamma!" and then a hurt of
Iniik'litrr nt th Idea of making aiicur with
a iiimik'le. Tlie iiimiRle In (iieatlan wan
part of n iial'vtt wnahlui; nppnratua which
Mr. Hnnly lind brought with him from
Itiik'land, and rotuUtcl of two a trim if
Iron rullcra, kept toicether by ntrlnjj
aprliiK, and tiirrilnic with n handle.
"I do think that the uiaiiKl would do,
Clara," Mr, Hardy anld, "nnd we are all
much ohtlk'cd to you for the Idea. 1 had
thiiiiitlit of the Kreat waahloic vopttcr for
IhiIIIiik the aiik'ar, but the mniiRle alto
Relher eacnHil inc. We will bruin to
morrow. I'lcaae act nil the tuba acnib-
bil out and acaldcl, nnd put out la the
nun to dry."
"How lone will It lake, papnV"
"Home ilaya, Kthel; we miiat only cut
the canea aa fnat aa the boiler can IhII
the Juice down."
Tho next day the work !ec;an. Tim
oanea were ctit at n level with the k'round,
the top taken off, nnd the cmiea cut Into
length of time feet. They were then
pneked on n bullock cart and tnkeu up to
the hoilM. They were next paaacd
through the mangle, which aim-ceded ml
mlrnbly, the Jnlrv Ihiwlng out In atreama
Into the tub pluetyl Iwlow to receive It.
When all the ennea had been pnaaed
through the mangle, the acrcwa were
tlghteiHsl to lurroato the prcmiure, and
they were again pacd through, by
which tl , although the Juice waa not
ao thoroughly extracted aa It would have
Im-cii by n more powerful machine, the
nautlty that remained waa not Impor
tant. A the lull waa tilled the con
tenia wen- taken to the gn-at rnpper, na
iler which a lire waa then lighted. The
crilahlug of the canea waa continued un
til the copper wna nearly full, when Sir.
Hardy ordered the cutting of the canea
to be ilNnHitluued for the day. The llr
Milder the copper waa fed with the cruah
ed canea, which burned very freely. Mr.
Ilnrd now milled a attinll itinutlly of
lime nnd Mime abecp'n blood, which laat
IligrwIleHt eouaeil ninny exclamation of
horror frtmi Mr. Hnnly ami the xniug
"ilea. 'I he hloiwl, however, Mr. Ilard
Informiil them, wn lun-eaanry lo clarify
the HiigHr, nn the albumen contained III
aurtlclcnt quantity from a friend nt Ito
aiirlo. It wna thn-o month before tho
drainage of tho tuulaanea (iilto enacd;
nnd tho Hnrdyn were greatly ploiiacd, on
emptying tliu liogaheail nml removing tho
plnliilnlu nteuiN, to lind Hint their augur
wnn dry and of a fairly light color. The
Woman' licit friend.
Pntionc.0 Woman Is wonjn' Lett
frlond, nflor all,
1'alrlco I kuom yoti'o right.
"Cortalnly I'm right. J'.ven wlion
rim jr guiiing ninrricii anmn't a man
augnr cfliiea did not rciiilre planting " lior nwny and tlio malil of honor
again, na they will grow for ninny yenw
from the xumo roola, and nllhuugli thv
cmiea from old atoola, na they nre cnlled,
irinliici Icaa augnr tliau thoae of the llmt
yenr'a planting, the Juice la clearer and
ri'ijulrcn fur lo Iroulilo to prepare nnd
refine. Ueforo another yenr came round
the boya inndo a pair of wooden roller of
eighteen litchcn In diameter, Thea wero
covered with atrip of hoop Iron, nailed
leuglhwny upon them nt abort Interval
from each other, thereby obtaining n bet
ter grip upon flitt cane and preventing
tho wood from bring hrillaed ami groored,
Tlienij roller were worked by a liorae
mill, which Mr. Hnnly had ordered from
Kuglnnd, It wo a nmdi; fur live horaea,
nnd did n gn-nt deal of iiM-ful work,
grinding the Indian corn Into line Hour
for home conaiimpiloii and for aale to
neighboring aeillcra, and into coorau
menl, nnd pulping the pumpkin nnd roola
for the pig nnd other animal.
.Mr. Hnnly nlo tried tunny other exjier
Imcntn, na Hie climate la aultcd to almoat
every kind of plant and vegetable. Among
lliem waa the cultivation of ginger, of tho
vitnllhi henn, of liar, hemp and coffee.
In nil of them he obtained inure or lea
alien-; but the difficulty of obtaining
labor, and the ucccailiy of devoting Inoro
mid more attention to the iiicreaalng
flock, herd nnd Irrigated land prevent
ed him from carrying them out m a
large aealc.
up for Iicr7" Yonkera Htatca-
Slgn Wasn't Right.
Ho I wonder why Mlei
never marrkl7
Hlio Oh, I nuppoao the wan born
tho wrong time ol the moon.
Ho Tho wrong tlrno 0 tho moon?
bho Yea, there wasn't any man in
Cored Her.
"There la ftomotlilng about Mr.
Bqulnch Hint bores mo," commented
tho fair young thing, "but I can't ey
exactly what it i. There is simply
some undoflnable yet perfectly apparent
attribute of the man that has that effect
on mo."
"I don't wonder," aaid the friend.
"I nevor could endure him. Ho is such
a peculiar looking man, wiih hieglmlet
eyes and"
That's Jut itl" exclaimed the fair
young thing. Chicago Tribune
The Limit.
Bridge And you go right to eatlnt
aorgy bread and half-cookod meats
For heaven's sako, why don't yon dis
charge your cook and get another one?
I'lke Well, rcu see, old follow, m
far as I can find out the courta won't
grant you a divorco for bad ccoking.
JJoaton Kvening Transcript.
Dorrowlnr T rootle.
Mildred (a college girl to her room
mate) Catherine, If you will lend me
$10 1 shall be everlastingly Indebted to
Katherine (who speaks from experi
ence) I don't doubt it. Smart Bet.
Hero Worship.
Jim What do ycu mean by hero
Jam It Is the brief admiration we
feel for a great man immediately before
wo begin to rip hi in up tho back and
begin writing letters to the newspapers
attacking his character and utterances.
Baltimore Herald.
llfliP? Tb rwl hMrl huppwwr and Piii
LBUItO rrltl.a beau No llutlnnt. llurklea,
llonka or I'lna. All your nrtihbon will nt
li heixl ale for uuir-l nd tDr to r-ut I.A
-OM.trrrK co ftoom if, t,mtrw iiiock.
1-ottUnd. Or.
A5 ntCLlSH AITD cussiaL
Fit both fur l:trrn mllrirn. ITImarr i4
tirmmrcrdelnrliilHL A billfornrli. wlih
tli pnlntmenta and auinrUloa or rorrful
liomr. jM-mtion In oo of lb mot braatirul
rr(1nnorthl'Mincraut. nlroal mild od
hrallhruL for twtaiocu ldrrM
frm the rtxifi cIimd to chcIi other, nml the IiIixmI would rlae to the alirfnce. bring
nig the impiirltleM with It. The lire waa
continued until the tlienni tcr hIiowimI
llmt the ajrup wna within 11 few degree
of boiling, mid the aiirface wn covered
with n llilck, dnrk-colonil aciim. Tho
lire wna then reunited, nml the lliiinr ul
lowetl in coul, Hie family now going nbout
otner work, n mi large n iiinutlty of lli
et aiiltlcleiitly far niHtrt to allow the
nlr to circulate Imt ween them. Hera
they remained until they were quite dry,
nml were then taken don 11, 11 dump cover
lug being cIiimcu for the operntloii, 11
otliHrwiao th dry leove would hnte
cruniblixl to dut. They were Hgitlu Inld
In a lump, and cotcred up to nllow them
to hiHit once more. Thla aeeond heating, nor would not b really cold until the.
riHiilril amuu dnya to nccoiupllah, nml , next day.
thla otierntloii n-iulred great itltentlou,
11 the tobacco would have been worthto
If the plant hud heated too much.
In leu dny the operation wu complule.
The Iwitea were llien atrlppetl off, the up
per leutea were plncod by lliemelvea, 11
iilmi tho middle and the lower leave; tho
higher one being of the Illicit iunllty.
They wen) then tied In bundle of tttelta
leave each, ami were packed In la) era
In barrel, a great prctaure being ap
plied with a weighted lever, lu pre
them ilnwii lulo an nlninat aolld Ulna. Ill
nil they tilled three barrel, the amullcat
of which, containing nlxly pound of tliu
llncMt tobacco. Tho venture, like that of
tho cotton, lind proved 11 auccc, but tho
trouble uml euro required hud been very
Tho next experiment which wna per
fectml wna that with the augnr cuue. In
thla, fnr nunc Hum hi the other, Mr.
Hardy nnd tliu girl took a lively Inter
cat. rtiignr had been 0110 of the few nr
tlclca of conaumptloii which lind coat
money, and It had been lined lu coiuhlcra
blo iiimitltles fur converting the fruit
Into lino pudding and preacrvca. It win
not contemplated to make sugar for nale,
btu only for tho nupply of the house; two
ncrea, therefore, waa the extent of the
plantation. Mr. Hardy procured the cut
ting from a friend who had a auiall su
gar plantation near llucuoa Ayrea,
The cultivation of sugar ennu I simple.
The land having been got In perfect onler,
deep furrow weru plowed at n diatnnco
of tiro feet upnrt, In theao tho cutting",
which aro plccca of the upper part of tho
enne, containing two or threo knots, were
Inld at a dlatnuce of threo feet apart.
The plow was then tnkeu along by tho
aide of tho furrow, ao ns to till It up
again nnd cover thu cuttings. In augnr
plantations the rows of cnncd are close
together, hut Mr, Hardy bsd chosen this
The following morning the tap 11 1 tho
bottom of the holler wii turned, mid
tho )rup came out bright mid clear
about the color or cherry wine. Tho
nciiiii descended unbroken on the urfnr
I of the liquor; and when Hie copper waa
nenriy empty llic tup wna cloned, nnd
tho muuiii and what little liquor remained
wna tn ken out. Tho bright aynip wna
now ngnln poured Into the Iwller, the lire
relighted, and thu syrup wna kept boiling
lo evaporate Hie water and condense the
syrup down to the point nt which It would
crtnllWe. It required mnny hours boil
ing to effect thla, any scum which rone
to the surface being carefully taken off
wnn n shimmer. At hint It was found
that the syrup 011 the skimmer began to
cryatnllUe nml Mr. Hnnly pronounced
It to bo tit lo draw off Into the large
wnalilng tub to crystnlllxe. A freali batch
of ciinca wii now crushed, nnd ao tho
process was repented until all the ennca
were cut. It took u fortnight altogether,
but only live dnya of this were actually
occupied In cutting nnd crushing tho
canea. As tho sugar cryntiilllxed It waa
taken out 11 dark, pulpy looking muss, t
which tho young Hardy looked very
doubtfully and was placed lu 11 larco au
gnr hogshead, which hud been procured
for tho purpose. In tho lMttom of thl
eight large holes wero borvd, and theao
wero stopped tip with pieces of plulntaln
atalk. Through tho porous sub.ttuucu of
these stalks tho uioluasc or treiiclo slow
ly drained off. Ah the wet sugar was
placed In tho cask, layers of slices of
plnintalu stem were laid upon It, as tho
spongy substance draws tho dark color
lug mutter out from tho sugar, Tho
plulntnlu grows freely tn South America,
and Mr. Hnnly lind planted a number of
this graceful tree, near his house; hut
theso had not becu advanced enough to
cut, and hi had, therefore, procured a
It waa now more than eighteen months
since the Hardy had been fairly cutab
Uahcd at Mount I'lraannt. Kvcrythlng
waa prospering beyond Mr. Hardy' most
ssuguliie expectation. More and more
land was monthly Mng broken up and
Irrigated. Large profits had been realized
by buying lean callb during the dry sea
son, fattening them iiMin alfalfa, and
sending them down to Itoaario for aale.
The plga had multiplied nalonlahlngly;
and the prollta from the dslry were In
cresalng dally, aa more cow were con
stantly added. The produce or Mount
Pleasant wn ao rained at Iroth Itoaario
mid llucno Ay res that the demand, at
liiot remunerative prices, far exceeded
the supply.
Charley wn now eighteen, a squarely
built, sturdy joung fellow. 1'roni his
lire or exposure lu Ike open nlr he looked
older than he wn. He had n strong
Idea that he wa lion- becoming n man;
and Kthel had one day detected him ex
amining hi check tery closely lu the
glass to ace ir there were any algn or
whisker. Ilulurt was nearly seventeen;
ho wna taller mid slighter than hi broth
er, but wa younger both In npcnrm-c
nnd manners. He had all the retliiic
or a hoy, and larked somewhat of Char
ley'a steady prracrcrauec.
Maud was fifteen. Her constant out-
of-door exercise had made her ns nimble
and actlie s a yoiiiif fnwn. Kthel want
ed three mouth nf fourteen, and looked
under twelve. She wa quite the home
Idnl of the family, and liked nothing lxt.
ler than taking her work and sluing by
the hour, quletlj talking to her mother.
The time wa now again approaching
when the IndlsN forays were lo W ex
pecteil. Lute 00c arteraoon Mr I'llx
kvrald had gone out for a ride with Mr.
Hardy. Chsrley hail gone ibiwn to th
iltiui with hia gun nn hi shoulder, and
Hulicrt had ridden to a kmI in the river
at aonie dlstsnce off, where he had tho
lay liefore olsHrteil a wild duck, nhlih
he Ih-IIcviiI to be 11 new stwt. The cattle
mid Hock hail Just been driten in by
Iipex and two mounted pmHH at an ear
lier hour than usual, as Mr. Ilanb had
Hint luornlttr giteu onler that the ani
mal wero all to ho in their imiosiire
iH'fore dusk, 'ltw ktlHirers In the fields
Wlmv were still at work plotting. Kthel
wa In the kitting room, working with
Mrs. Hnnly, while Maud wa in the gur
den. Dirking some fnilt fur t.
I'rtKcnlly the occupants of the parlor
wort b n sharp cry from Maud,
nml lu another Instant she Hew Into tins'
room, mailed at a bound to the fireplace, 1
snatched down her light rltle from It
uooka over the mantel, and. cr Iiil-
"Quick, ICihel. jour rltle!" wu gone
ngalii 111 mi Itiaiauu
Mrs. Hardy and Kthel sprang to their
reel, too surprised ror the moment to do
mi) thing, nnd then Mrs. Hnnly
tsl Maud's words. "Quick, Kthel, your
Kthel sclseil It. nnd with her mother
ran to tho door. Then they saw a sight
which brought urcam fnmi both their
litis. Air, llnnlv fell .in I,..,. Ln.... n.t
covered her cacs. wIiIIk Ktlml. nM..r I
inoment's pause, grusoed the rltle. which
.' '."."" "' ''! ireiiiuii-u ... DURE CONST PXTInM.
so that they could searcely carry her on.
The sight was Indeed n terrible one.
At u dlJtnnce of two hundred yards Hu
bert wns riding fur his life. Hi hut was
off, his gnu wns gone, his fuco was dead
ly pale. Helilnil hllii rode three Iiidlnn.
Tlie nearest one wn luimcdliitcly bchlud
him, nt a distance of scnrcti two horses'
length; Hie other two were close to their
lender. All were evidently gululng upon
(To be continued.)
Her OeMtle Protest.
"Tltero were nenriy twenty-three
RtrlkcH In tho lust twenty-threo yenrs!"
ho exclaimed us ho turned frointho In.
ilustrlnl news.
"Now, Clmrley. UearS" snld young
Mrs. Torklns, "do lot us tnllc about
something else than biiBobnll!" Wash
ington Btur.
Mrs. F. Wrleht. of 0c!wc?a.
Iowa, is another one of trie
million women who have been
restored to health by Lydia E
Pinkham's Vegetable Compound.
A Younjr Nor Tork Lady Tdl
of a Wonderful Cure:
" My troublo waa with the orariss r
I am tall, and the doctor said I trrew
too fast for my strength. I suffered
dreadfully from inflammation and
doctored continually, but got no help.
I suite rod from terrible dragging sen
sations with the most awful pains low
down In the aide and pains In the back,
and the most agonizing headaches.
No one knows what I endured. Often
I waa alck to the atomach, and every
little while I would be too alck to go
to work, tor threo or four days ; I work
In a large store, and I aunpose stand
ing on my feet all day made me worse.
"At the suggestion of a friend of
my mothers I began to take I. yd la
E. IMnkhnm'a Vegetable Coin-
round, and it la simply wonderful,
felt better after the first two or three
doses ; It seemed aa though a weight
waa taken off my shoulders 5 I con
tinued IU use until now I can truth
fully sar I am entirely cured. Young
glrla who are alwaya paying doctoro
bills without getting any help as I did,
ought to take your medicine. It
coils so much less, and it is sure to
cure them. Yours truly, ADti.Aroit
Pbaiil, 174 fit, Ann'a Arc., New York
City." J5OO0 ftrftlt If ctlilMl f ao MUt
Roloraon Muclilno Co.
Poot of AtorrUon St.. Portland, Orrgtxi.
faraona llswaere. Automatic, Self feJinr.
FaultleraHtump llillrr. H10 fcorxisnrtr with
two hurra, lluckrye Kawmlll Machlnrry. Kn-
flora and Hotter. Ml and btlekney (Jaaolln
nilnri Write ui when In want of intthin.
In machinery line.
Fattens QUICK!
Cattle and Hoe for market. Shortens
fattening period one-fourth. Saves l'etd.
tfM rrs.-I.B Stock Vood taai wlsUr aa4 tsraad
rf tta talUat ratUa I ter had ror IK. una Uaatk
IHW-- I consider
Pruwlan Stock I'ood
well worth thsooat
I would tmt be with
out lU-O W Aaxar,
l'arkcr. ti. U.
Usincj aV
Write for
Pu noNreoncsrSrv
Telephone rVunJSf
'Moth my wife and niyaolDtavabeen
using CAbCAUirrS sad tter sre the ben
medicine wo hsra srer bad In lbs houae I-ait
week my wife wa frantlo with headache tor
two days, aha tried some of your CASCAltKTS.
and iter relieved the pain la her head almost
Immediately, We both t-comniend Caacareu. "
. , Chab. bximroHu,
IllUburr Safe & Deposit Co., riluburt. Pa.
lUrlUt S..4;, Cala.,., Haalnal, S Tafl. 311
UOaTO.Rin B?M andeiiaranuedby all drug.
rlU'lu-BAu gill to VVHK Tobacco Uablu
CouihBjrop. -faaloaiiuud. UM Hi
la time. Hold hv drunrl.t. UM
Hi i ire ml t'omrwltnt.
Doctor Do you ever huvo ringing
sounds In your caraV
rntlent Certainly. vm a telephone
girl. 1'hlladelpblu Itecorti,
aM ' - ' -' M
m 'I'nroS 'VM
VDPP TaiaUiaaA. imiC.lf'-'r 1 m
, f KLL lolbaaaalar rfetK JTaaaal
..bM oarao Hi .Ui:!ti w'aaHl and eat a PaaawMrA'- m i-iSeaaW
rapy of 11a rauai- at MlP. allM
srucaata'a IU Book i i.'iaaW
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