The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, August 07, 1903, Image 3

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Of everyone nl Ituiul nnd 118 vicinity, miiiI nre willing l meet yon nil
moiu tliuti half u'ny to )ut it.
We know thru nftcr tnttllllg with lis oiluc thoro will bo no rouble
itbout securing your sulwtxpiunt
Wu will ijivc yoiir
The wintc nttcnttoii nnd prompt ihlpinunt Unit w wqlllll ware you pro
cut In Kir win.
Wu will sail you nothing hut flrst-clss) goods mi fls low n price r.i it is
pnlhlu to make, qtmllty Ist-Jug consider!.
Send us n ttlitl ortlaf
Yours for business,
The Winnek Drug Co.
Carries a Complete IJilti of FlsMi.fc Tttck.0, Tullet
Articles, Stationery and Patent Alcdictncf..
John (IcU (lot Awuy 1'rom Sheriff
WlioruMlHiutit Unknown.
On thv charge of threntcuiiiK to
kill, preferred by II. M. Miller,
John (ivtx wns InNt week held undei
bonds in the sum of $500 to keep
thv jtencc. The hc-irinK wuh lxrfote
Justice Mickey, t i'riueville. In
all I'riueville, where (let, whs
mited from boyhood, he wiik un
able to find imylxxly to y,o his sure
ty and the proHpuet of -spending a
considerable term in jull .stared him
In the face. Sunday night, tukiiiR
ndvautagc of the liberty which ihu
sheriff allowed him to search for
boudkiueu, Clot. Rot out of I'riue
ville. lie ieachel Mend Monday
night nnd enteiud the Miller and
Went market, taking therefrom his
biccle and revolver. The former
he had left in poMciwiou of lid
IlriH'k and the hitter in podoti
of Hill (KirtMUiiu, but both articles
were litkcu Imck to the shop Mou
dny, where GeU'.t. kit of tools wm.
From here Oetz is suppoied to
have enmed the river ami struck
out for the Siiutiiim road across the
mountains. OcU is Miptiosud to
have joined Hill Sportsman, who
left Heud Monday morning for thu
Willamette Valley, the two having
liecu rather close comwuious while
hi this neighborhood.
It is said that the authorities hud
pos-ehsiou of information to the ef
fect that Oct, had burglarised thu
pcHthotisc in I'liucville and went
about to call him to account for
that offense, and that nit intimation
of this reached him and caiued him
to decamp.
Tuesday afternoon Mrs. Aldrich,
the aged mother of Cut., fell dwul
while about hur ordinary duties at
her home in I'riueville. She had
long been aftlicted with heart dis
ease. She was u widow and lived
Tlio l.nko Trout.
At l'rlngle falls, 30 miles south
of Heud, is a natural fish trim. In
July and August each year the lake
trout nre In sucli. a hurry to get up
to their spawning grounds Davis
ami Odcll lakes that they get into
the trap at the falls, which ninny
years ago the hand of man convert
ed into an artificial otic, in the night
time, and next morning they are
dispatched with spears or clubs.
These lake trout, or Dolly Varden,
are very heavy, weighing from 5 to
30 pounds, and vary in length from
24 to 37 Inches. They are found
in the Deschutes from source to
mouth, but the greatest number
apj)car to be in the lakes and their
vicinity. Occasionally one is cap
tured with a spoon hook in our
neighborhood, hut only in rare in
stances are catches reported. Thoy
have txtcii known also to take the
fly, though it in Mid they prefer a
good-nixed green frog or u big craw
fish to any insect.
At this time the trap is surround
ed by cttmittrs who umke thu most
of their time Kv MtltitiK down barrel
nWifr barlcl of the fish, the flesh of
which is as highly efcteciucd as that
of the Mcclhead salmon. As the
salmon tloes not come patst the falls
30 miles north of us, this fish is a
very good substitute.
It is not known whether this fish
is n true Dolly Vnrduu trout,
and consequently under protection
of the game laws, or whether it is n
secies of salmon jectilinr to the
Deschutes river alone. The fish
comiiiiMiiouer apixmn. to be no more
mtxiotis to find out the true status
of the fish than the fishermen them
sulvcfc, and in the meantime the finh
is being salted down or smoked and
laid away for winter line.
The Wontlier for July.
iuh LmIm 0t Uk MIh
Cloudy days, 10,
Clour days, si.
Total precipitation, ..12. '
Miss I,nurn Handle has made ar
rangements for erecting a two-story
business building on Wall .street
between the stoies of the Uend Mer
cantile Company and "Dad" West.
It will Ik- 40x0 feet on the ground.
Miss Handle and Miss Stcnberg, of
Portland, will occupy one of the
store rooms as a millinery nnd dress
making establishment and the other
room on the ground floor will prob
ably be taken by The Nulletin,
though two or three parties nre af
ter it. The upper floor will prob
ably he fitted for residence rooms.
Hy the time this building is ready
for use about November 1 it is
expected an adequate water supply
will be available there.
Klwood W. Roberts, one of the
two brothers who have been doing
such staving work in the P. H. D.
Co. lumber woods, had the misfor
tune to cut a gash in his right leg
just below the knee Wednesday af
ternoon, The corner of the ax
chipped into the bone, making n
wound that is quite painful nnd will
keep the young man from work for
:o days or more.
No Olxposltlmt to Keep limber l.nml
In Dasert Segregation Will Ac
commodate SeltlernWmilic's
Views of (lie Country.
J. J. Wiudlu, of Minneapolis,
secretary irud managing director
of the Orugon I vclopmeut
Coiuimuy, has been standing tiie
past two weeks in the t'ppe'r Dei
chutes valley. Mis coiiipt-ny has
applied for tha ritfvit -K-gtcgution
hi the Walker briltn, which lias
been somewhat complicated by rea
son of the fact that lari- body of
valuable limber wu Included in the
limits of the plats Atal. That error
huhbeeh for tlio most pari corrected
by the voluntary rullilquidimeitt of
the forested rtrlai. There are a few
small tracts cotitttlnlug merchant
able pine that have not yet Iwcn
eliminated from IbW Kegregaliou,
but Mr. WiudloiixpreKawilling
nesfl to matte relhiquUhmeut of such
lauds for the beiidfit ol itny settler
or aqliniiit who may neel them to
fill his claim. Hut where such
atnnll tracts ate not needed to fill
claims, the cirirtiiUBlaiKes of the
com require that trw ronqwiiy hold
the laud. This refer to tract 011
the line between the merchantable
limber and the detwrt cUsaifiealioH.
whlth are jwrlly towl with yel
low pine.
Mr. Whittle is emphatic in dis
claiming atly connection with or
kuowledgeol any chf ote for holding
up timber land for speculation. He
admits that an error was made in
(reparing the segregation plats filed
ill ine lauo oinitw, .inu nc ou-s nui
yet been able to discover how the
error came about, but he does not
attempt to asert claim to the lands
thus errutieously applied for and he
says he will do anything in reason
to restore such hinds to the public
ami twcvcul harm to private appli
cants. No contest will be neces
sary to free those lauds from the
Mper claim of his company. The
relinquishments tlmt have been
made were not effect el' through the
agency or for the lieuefit of private
speculators, but were executed by
the regular oflicers of the comtMuy
and by them filed in the land office
without favor to anybody.
The original segregation was of
about 76,000 acres. Hy the1 elim
ination of thu timber laud not prop
erly in the segregation the total
area will be reduced to something
like 50,000 acres. This the coui
iMiiy will hold a lieu tipou for the
cost of reclamation. Hut there will
lie a number of thousand acres un
der the company's irrigation ditches
that arc not included hi its segre
gation, laud under the control of
other people but requiring irriga
tion to make it fruitful. The coui
mny will have no lien on such
holdings hut there is 110 doubt that
it will derive ruveiiuu from them
through the delivery nnd sale of
wntur to them.
Hverything now waits for the
approval of the state contract by
the socrctary of the interior. The
momutit tlmt is done the Oregon
Development Comtwny will pro
ceed with the work of reclamation
It will build a sawmill and provide
every facility for doing the work
economically nirtl efficiently. The
heavy freight will probably come
into the Walker basin by way of
Klamath l'alls. The Tokegauui
railroad is now in operation so far
up the Klamath river that it is the
nearest railroad to the Walker ba
sin. When the long-promised road
to Heud materializes this will be by
far the easiest route.
Mr. Windle thinks the chances
of getting n railroad through Cen
tral Oregon are good, though he
has no definite news on the subject
to make public. He knows a care
ful examination of the timber re
sources of the Upper Deschutes
country has been jnade or is in pro
gress by parties having significant
railroad connections. He was nt
first inclined to think the with
drawn! of so lnrge 1111 uren of public
land would affect the country un
favorably and put the matter of a
railroad in doubt, but upon further
consideration he could not see that
it should have that effect. He
looks for approval of his company's
contract the coming full nnd for im
mediate nctivity in tlie tWalker
basin. lie says every acre, of the
lnud en 11 be disposed of in a few
mouths to people who will innke
good use of it.
Local Events of (lie Week.
John Combs, of I'riuev'ille, was a
rmsscuger on Wednesday's stagu
lor Mtkcview.
You can obtain tmUeut medicines
and toilet articles at the drug store,
opjKwitc the 1'. H. D. Co.'s office,
Demp Cantrell 1ms taken the
plate of Ora I'oiudexter as driver
of the dai y stage between Heud
and I'riueville. '
A social dance followed the per- j
formaiMc of Prof. Hahlhorn Friday
night, and thu young -leoplu tripped
the light fantastic until midnight.
J. H. Guatafson, of Mooreliead, ,
MI1111., is in Bend. He proved up
on his timler claim today before !
L'ntted States Commissioner Iw
rente. I'erry Poimlcxter, of Prinevllle.
came up on thu stage yesterday
evening. He met his brother, Ora,
here, and the two will spend the
next week or leu days S11 a fishing
trip up the river.
Mae Cornett and Max Wurz
weiler returned Sunday evening
from I'ringle falls. They report
having a very pleasant time, ami
ttrOught in nine Dolly Varden trout
that weighed from 7 to 9 pounds
Dad West has hod an awning
built for the City Meat Market tbia !
week. It is an undisguised blew- j
iug, for we have occasional spells
of pretty hot weather at Bend, when
the glare of the noomlay sun is tin-,
cdmfbrtable, to say the feast.
Milt young ami Wm. Stevens ,
arc at H. J. Palmer's ranch ten
miles up the river this week. They
have taken the contract to build a
bridge across the Deschutes for Mr.
Palmer and are now busily cm
ployed in cutting timbers for it.
The deception Saloon, Shaniko
offers the most tempting induce1
metils to timber locators going into
thu woods. The very best brands
of whiskies, such as Cyrus Noble,
I OM Pepper, Hunter Haltimorc Rye
' mid other standard goods, always
to be had here. Call nt the Recep
tion. J. C. Conn's big freight team,
consisting five sinus of mules and
one span of horses, passed through
Uend Wednesday noon, on the way
to Silver Uke. Cheerfully they
walked along, scenting not to feel
their heavy burden, which was
about pounds of barb wire
loaueu on three wagons.
Mrs. W. H. Staats is to take
charge of the Staats hotel at Des
chutes on next Monday, Mrs. Boyd
having failed in health so that her
removal to California is deemed im
lenitive by her physician. Mrs.
Staats has had a mouth's respite
from hotel work, and feels able to
assume those duties once more.
The Columbia Southern Irriga
tion Company last week began
work on the laterals of the system.
The main cnunl is completed a dis
tance of 14 miles from the head
gates, to the vicinity of Cline
buttes. The laterals are taken out
on the east side and water is now
running into three miles of those
subsidiary lines. Water nmy now
be turned on the soil where crops
may be raised.
The boundary of the area with
drawn from entry last week is as
follows: Beginning at the south
west corner of T. 17 S., K. 12 !.,
thence south one township, east to
range 16, south to 20, cast to 17,
south to 33, east to 18, south to 34,
east to 14, south to California, west
two townships.north to 30, west to
it, north to 38, west to 6, north to
23, cast to 10, north to 17, east to
place of beginning.
George and V. X. Schlecht left
on Tuesday for the fish trap at the
Pringle fulls 30 miles up the river.
They returned Wednesday night
from a bootless quest. It seems
that each camping party is allotted
one morning in which to clean out
the trap; every day n different man
takes the contents. There were n
number of campers surrounding the
trap, which is occupied every day
for a week at least. The Schlecht
brothers could not afford to waste
so much time; as each had impor
tant business matters to look after,
so they had to give it up.
The Winnek Drug Company
carry n fine line of proscrip
tion supplies. Opposite the P. I).
D. Co. s office, Hend, Oregon.
The boiler for the new mill of the
P. H. D. Co. has at last arrived, af
ter having bcu on the road in from
Shauiko for two weeks. It will
soon lxi set up and the new mill will
be ready for sawing in a week or o.
Mr. Schlecht says the impression
that A. C. Palmer was proprietor
of the Kcho and suffered loss by the
fire that destroyed the plant is er
roneous. He made the bargain to
purchase with II. J. Palmer, who
had a hill of sale of the property
duly of record at Princville. The
loss was H. J. Palmer's.
As a sequel to the dog-poisoning
case reported last week the body
of Cub, thu spaniel belonging to
Mrs. A. M. Drake, was found yes
terday on the river path near the
whuel used for lifting water to the
Drake cottage. The body of the
dog was at the water's edjjc, where
he had fallen into convulsions upon
quenching his thirst after taking
the strychnine into his systcnl.
I htttttf nMIfy H jwfon nl liquor dcil t
ot lo mH mm ay more tatoikatlnK lljuorf un
der MtwHy ofth law.
(sfgiMNi), s. r. PONKiir..
PIMM In IM oOlc J1r 7. 1?M.
CIIAS. HHOCX, JiHtlcv of Om I'raer.
C, H. .McDowell.
Electric Lights' Throughout the
All White Help. '
Chas. S. Edwards, M. D.
Dont forget to
drop into the
Wo carry only the
finest Hues of
Wines, Liquors
and Cigars.
Timber LnJ. Act June j, i8jS.
U S. r.nj Office , The Dalle, Oregon.
July X). w
Notice U hereby given that In compliance with
the provUloniufihe Act ofCuiiKrctn or June ,
ij, entitled. "An rt for the ulcof tlmberUmU
la the ilalet of California, Oreson. Nevada, an4
WtMulnstou Territory." extended to all the
nubile lawl ttf by Act of Aueutt 4, ttyi, the
fftllowing-nnnirJ icron have filet in thl office
their tworn utateinrnU, to-wit:
Chtile. W. Thoruthwalte
of l.ewiiton, county of Net l'crcc, Mate or Idaho,
worn statement No &, filed April 19. 190, fur
the nircliac of the cK nr ace jo and viji un)J
m-c i. tp 18 . r It e, vt 111.
Clititlnr I, Thornthwralle
ofl.ewUtou, county of Net l'crcc, state of Idaho;
aworu statement No . filed April iS, 1901, for
the purchase of the aw ) cc 90, tp iS a, rue.
w 111.
That they will offtr proof to show that the land
.ought i mure valuable for iti timber or atone
thau for ugrU-ultural puriMWea, and to ettablWh
their claim to said laud before the KcgLtcr and
Krceher at The Dalles. Oregon, ou Saturday,
the 16th day of September. 190J.
They name n witnesses. John O Kose, TiUle
Kose, Nellie Uurgaton, Alfred llurgason, of The
Dalles, Oregon; Charles V Thoruthwalte, Chris
tine I. Thoriilhwaite, of Lcwlitou, Idaho; James
It llauer. oritend, Or.
Any aud all persons claiming adversely the
alxvt-decrlhrd lauds are requested to file their
claims in this office oil or before, the said aitti
day of September, 19AI.
j4J MieilAJSt, T. NOI.AN, Register.