The Itch Fiend That is Suit Uheuin, or lmmi ono of tlio outward nmuifeatattoii o( scrof ula. It come in itching, 1mrning, ootng, drying, and scaling patchta, on thofaiv, bond, hand, legs or lmd . It onnnot l cored bv outward appli cations the blood must Im rlil ot the Impurity to which it is tiue. Hood's Sarsaparilla Has cured tlio most persistent and ill Ill- nil t caw. Accept no substitute for Hood's no substitute nets liko it. Not Strikingly Noble. "So yonr daughter is going to marry a nobleman." "W1 answered Mr. Oiimrox; "he'd cnly a nobleman by profession. ljrronally I must ray ho strikes mo as n pretty common sort." Washington Star. Limited Opportunity. "Did you call at Koxtnr'a honso?" Inquired, tho young doctor's wife. "Vim. and 1 wish he had sent for me sooner." "Gracious! Is he seriously ill?" "Quito tho revreso. I'm afraid lio'll be all right again Lofore I got iu a half dozon visits." 8100 KKWAItn SHOO. Tbe wsiltrs of this paper will be plssied to jaarn tlmt there is at lrl one tlrrailfU ill aw mat science has ten nble to cum in all lis sum, and ibstts catarrh. IUU'i Catarrh i"ure is i be only jxmUIto cure known to the medical fratrrnlljr. Catarrh being a constitutional Uis cat. requires a conitlluitonal trralmrnt. Hairs Catarrh Cure Is taken Intrmalljr, acting directly npon the blood ami mucous surfaces olibe ayitcm. thereby destroying thi founds Hon ot the dlwas. anJ giving the patient strencthbr bulMlocup tbe constitution and luaiiUnscaiureln Ui.lnjr Us work. Tho pro prtetttrB hare so much faith In Its ctushvt powers, that they off- On Hundred Itollart laraareaMthatlt lain to cure. IV od tor Hit ot tesllasestala. Address F. J. IHK.VKV A CO., Toledo, a sUbr.lrMttm.7M. ItaU's lasaflr Pills ere Ilia boat. Looking tor a Chance. Mrs. Gobang This paper says that a Kansas man sold his wifo for 8. tiobang I wonder If it will over li my luek to run across n follow who is throwing money awayT Now York Times. ' Not Too Precipitate. "Ah, Goorglo, dear," she said to tho duke, "why don't you go to papa to day? Dehuaaio dangerous, you know." "Yea, I realise that," ha replied, "but I've only known you thro days and theso got-rlch-qulrk schemes at ways rcom to bo so risky." Chicago I.ccord-Urcald. The Oreat Worry. Wtary Waggles Are yo interested In the-o chaluloss bicycles, Tim? Tired Tim No; tho chainless doc tho only thing that worries mo. Wcrld's Comic. EUnOPC'8 RICHEST PF1IN0E8& Certain Distinction Which Denmark's future Oliectl ittljoye. Crown Princess. r.otilsn of Denmark, has the distinction of being the richest royal prince In Kurope. Sho was left by her mother, tho late Queen of 8wo den, a fortune ot 00.000.000 marks about $10,000,000 In our democratic dollars -and this legacy, through bo- Ing wisely Invested, has Increased to a more linpresslvo sum. The future Queen of the Danra Is aim tho tall est of Kuropean royal women and Is well formed, which compensates some what for her rather plain facs. These aro not, however, the only re- PE-RU-NA lsHT WOMEN Snys I). M. C. (lee, of Sim Hrnnclsco. CITO Permanently Cured. N'oSUomerroutne rl lu nftrr nrstdaj'suwuf Dr.KHnr'sUtral Nrrt Itr.Kwc. Hnd fr t'rrnftl trial rmtleandlreall Dr. 1U1I. Kllnf.Ua.. sl ArvtiBU, l'liltdH til, pa. Asks No More. Tom I can't help asking my flsneo occasionally why slio loves mo, Dick Mo, loo. Mino aways give mo n very satisfactory answer. Tom That so? What does slio say? Dick BecauBO. Philadelphia Public Ledger. Ills Experience. "Pa." said tho boy, looking tip from bin book, "what does a man's 'bettor half, mean?" "Usually, my son," repliod his father from behind tho evening paper, "she means exactly what slio says." i rniMcrjin ixiuisk or ur.-tUAnr. Just as (Jood. Elderly Cuitoraer Havo you any prepniatlons that will vradleato wrin kles? Conscientious Drngglst No, ma'am, but wo have a preparation that will All thorn up. Chicago Tribune. The Real Thing. "How cultured and polished that Mrs. Kaxamms is." "I know it. Whenever a person sings anything sho always calls it ten dering it, doesn't she?" Chicago HecortMIerald. A Permanent Cure. Hodge You mean to say that Chris tian r-clenee curod you? IVmIro Sural Hodge Of appendlctlt? Podge No. Of Christian Science. Brooklyn Life. PIso's Cure U a good couch medicine. It has cured couchs and colds for forty yean. At druggists, 25 cents. Ready for Caster. Deacon Cobbs William, if your father sohuld hate f 10 and some one should give him 5, what would he have? William Nothing; but ma would bavo a new hat. Chicago News. To Honor Great Philosopher. There is a project of erecting a mon ument to tho philosopher Kant In Ber lin to bo unvieied on tho occasion of the hundredth anniversary of his death in IbOJ. Making Allowances. Branson I don't see why jou should bo so angry at your son for marrying. We havo to make allowances for the young you know. Munson Confound it, that's what I'm kicking about 1 I not only havo to mako an allowance for him, but now I'll havo to make one for his wife, too. Wife dives Him Pie. "I rathor enjoy being without a hired girl." "Why so?" "Because I can always coax my wife to give ma pie for breakfast." Philadelphia Plain Dealer. spect In which Louise, crowu princess of Denmark, Is notlcrahlo among wo men with royal blood In their veins. As tho mother of no less than eight 'children, alio would hsve the hearty approral of President Iloosevelt, I whose good opinion, by tho way, Is beginning to he valued on the other , side of the water even by roynltlcn. Thu crown prliteei has four sous and four daughters, tho youngest of them all being little Prince Dsgniar, who was Iwrn In 1MK). Moit of the mother's fortune will pass to tho nrlnceiM' eldest son. Prince I Christian, who married In 1SUS Prin- ecus Alexandria, slstrr or tnc reigning grand duke ot Mecklenburg HchweTln. Tho crown princess' accond son. Prince Charles, ntso Is a benedict. He espoused, In 18JKJ, Princess Maud of Waloa, tho youngest daughter of King Kdward VII. A constantly Increasing riuinlHir of physicians proscrlbo Poruna In tholr rctitilnr practice. It has proven Its merits so thorough ly that oven the doctors havo overcome their prejudice against no rullod patent medicines and recommend It to their patients. "I Adviso Women to Use Poruna," Sayit Dr. (leo, Dr. M. 0. (Jon Is mm of the physi cians who enilorso Poruna, In n letter written from olil Jones street, Han Francisco, Cal., ho says: "There is a koiihniI objeclon on tho part of tho practlt lug physician to ad vocate patent medicines, hut when any ono medlolno cures hundreds of people, it demonstrates Its own valtio and does not mx'tl tho endorsement of tint preten sion. "Pcrunn linn performed so many wonderful cures In San I'rancMco that I am convinced that It lsanluablo remedy. I havo frequently advised Its uio for women, its I find It insures , regular rind painless menstruation, cures Icucorrhocn and ovarian troubles and builds up tho entire system, t I alio consider U uuo of tlio llnost ca tarrh remedies I know of, I heartily endorse your medicine," M. C. (lee, M. I). Mrs. K. T. Gaddls, Marlon, N. C, Is one of Dr. Hartiuan'a grateful patients. Sho consulted him by latter, followed his directions, and Is now able to ray the following: "Itcfoto I commenced to tako Poru na I cold not do any hard work with out suffering great pain. I took Poru na, and can say with pleasuro that It has done more for mo than any other niixllclno f havo ever taken. Now I am as well as ever; I do all my own ork and It never hurts mo at all. I) rusher jW.ii-ll3rffy ' think Peruna Is a great medlclno for womankind." Mrs. K. T. Gaddls. Women aro ev'llly liable to pel vic catarrh, femaU weakness as it is commonly railed. Peruna occupies a unique position In medical science. It Is the only Inter nal systematic catarrh remedy known to tho medical profession today. Ca tarrh, as every one will admit, Is tha rntiso of ono-haf tho tllsesses which allllct mankind. Catarrh nod catarrhal diseases allllct one-half of tho people of the United Htates. If you do not derive prompt and satisfactory results from tho use of I'e men, write at once to Dr. Ilnrtmnn, giving n full statement of jour case and he will bo pleased to give you 111 valuable advice grntln. Address Dr. Ilartman, President of the llartman Sanitarium, Columbus, Ohio. Converting Him. "I hear thero was some romance con nected with your marriage?" "Nothing romantic about it. Our re ligious views differed, my wifo main taining that the only hell there is Is upon earth, and sho married me to provo it." Indianapolis Sun. Whnt He Married On. "Tom Hlgsinsldo married, you lay, on $10 a week? That took nervo any how. What was ho working at?" "Nothing. It was the girl that was earning tho $10." EFFECTS OF MONEY. A Chant Coining. I Reporter You aro your own raan njjnr, aro you not? Actor I am Just at present, but my wife is coming back from Kuiopo next I week. Wmart Sot. I GOOD BLOOD -Cr XrTmH 1 lirA V ' life ijk SPEAKS FOR ITSELF You know when rich, red blood is coursing through the veins, for it shows in the brightness of the eye, the beauty and clearness of the complexion, the smooth, fair shin, and robust, healthy constitution. It is nood blood that imparts strength and energy to the body and keeps it in a state o! healthful ness aud vigor. Good blood is the foundation of good health, and to be physically and mentally sound it must be kept pure aud untainted. l'cople witli good bloou possess strong, steady nerves and are blest with good appetites and digestion, and enjoy cound, refreshing sleep. If we could always maintain the purity of the blood then wc might enjoy perpetual health, but it becomes infected and poisoned and most of the ills that afflict humanity and undermine the constitu tion are caused by an impoverished or polluted condition of this vital fluid. ' When the blood is diseased the skin losc3 its healthy appearance, and the complexion, its freshness nnd beauty and becomes red and rough and full of pimples and splotches. Itching, scaly eruptions, blackheads, boils and rashes break out upon the body when the blood is too poor or too thin and acid, and is not supplying proper nourish ment to the system. Debility, poor appetite, bad digestion, restless sleep and nervousness wure often come from filurf kk. imnure blood than anv other cause. To build up the blood, restore its lost properties and make it rich and nutritious again is the only rational treatment, and the proper way to get rid of akin troubles. There is no remedy like 8. S, S. to accomplish this ana it aocs 11 promptly ana luorougniy. S. S. S. antidotes and removes from tho blood all poisons and humors, and restores it to a normal, healthy condition, and in vigorates aud tones up the general health. When rich, red blood is again flowing through your veins all oktn eruptions disappear, the appetite improves, the complexion clears and you get rid of those miserable depressing feelings and nervousness, and enjoy once more the blessings of good health, S. S. S. is nature's remedy for all blood and skin dis eases. It contains no minerals whatever, but is guaranteed purely vegetable. Write for free book, No charge for medical advice or other Information desired WE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO.. ATLANTA, Ot. Xrss in wntched health) my blood was In bad order, my Kama bslntr very much ulcerated. I began tha use of fl. S. 8., and In a remarkably abort time waa sound and well. My appe tite iacraaaed wonderfully and my food agreed with me. Z think It la a fine family medicine. XBS. X. XL DAVIDSON. Bockmart, Oa. "Box tbrea years X had Tetter cm my hands. I'art of the time the disease waa In tbe form of running; sores, very painful and oauslnr ma muob discomfort. JTour doctors said tbe Tetter bad progressed too far to be cured, and they could do nothing for me. I took only three bottlea of 0.S.S. and waa completely eured. This was fifteen yeara ago, and X have never slnoe aeon any sign of my old trouble. ana. i. . jxqkbou. 807 8t. Paul It.. Kansas Oltr, Km. Interestlas Hlndy of Remit of Inher ited Wealth en Vanillic. An Interesting contribution to the study of the effects of money on fam ilies can be made by any person of statistical Inclinations who will take tho trouble to trace out for a few generations the history of a score or two of our very rich families, and learn what effect the acquirement of a big fortune by any Individual Ameri can has Imd on the divorce record of that Individual and tils descendants. It Is early yet to get results that would prove much, because moat of the great i American fortunes are pretty1 now; hut already tendencies) wvin toj ! ho showing thoiusdres which It would , bo worth while to Irnco back. Thero I nro hollered to be almut l,000 million aires In tho United Htates; enough to give a statistician an ample Held to work In. A fortune sulHcIcut to make life easy and comfortable la probably a promoter of domestic happiness, but still It seems llkelr that rich rieonlo or. 1 their descendants get mom divorces i than poorer jK-ople ilo. In tho tlmt, place, liolrs and helresse aro more ex-' I posed to tho wiles of the dealgnlng than tho scions of poverty, ami for that reason aro .Home what inorii likely to mako unwise ttianiagtit. Again, the rich, as a rule, hare mora Iclstiro than tho poor, aro not so steadily nnd effec tively disciplined by work, nro lew safeguarded by a wholesome routine, , nnd cast about more widely and con- I tlininiialv for tilMtunrn. Knlnn. m huretofore, lluds mlschluf still for Idle hands to do, and some of the mischief results In divorce. Moreover, tho rich aro somewhat more used to self-la-dulgenco and hating their own way than the poor. Tbey can meet tho ex pense ot divorce, which Is often con siderable, can go as far as Is neces sary, stay thero as long as Is neces sary to gain dlvorco on convenient terms; and they can afford to break up families without fear of want Many a wife sticks to a bad husband becnuso she and her children need hla aupport; many a husband puts up with an unsatisfactory wife because ho can not ufford to try a now ono. Divorce, Hko tho appendicitis operation, la a luxury, ond comes high. Harper's Weekly. A Don Day Dialogue, "I notice you'vo got your summer pants on," remarked tho dog fancier. "Yes," gasped tho exhausted torrler, "but thoy'ro not very loud; certainly not ns loud us koiiiu of this hwiboii's llannels." "True. Novorlholess, whnt you need Is muzzlln'." Wo always' feci sorry for it hoy whose father Is so rich that hla bous can't ufford to go barefooted In summer. I Ifl'C Tti r'!4 " Nurpnrttr ami Ka.trn UUII.0 Hi. Ililrkl... Hunk or Tin. Alljwur nKhtiwr will nl II ril sir for WHIM ami Mir la irmli I. A illl.l.trri K I'll, flumi if, l auibrtJf llfetk, lartUiul. Or. REJEnSON MAoiuNOJY DO. (MtltrtMors to John IWl) I'ftot al .MorrlMM htrnl, CorlUnJ. Orcron Ilia K1I Ka.ollnr I nslno- A ehll.1 ran run II ValTr and all wnrklns parts rmsrr.1 up 1 h P.lltt, h p. UIO. Sh n, I ! "Put III 4 Ut ile ilaaotlne ami thru go In strep," Write Inr tltuilratnt ralatagti and (or price on anything you lircd In lha luachlnrrjr line PORTLAND ACADEMY Aft EflGlWI Km CUSS1CAL SCHOOL I0K WTS A-IDClf LS Kit tmlh fr )-4rf n naUrr. I'rmrr anl OiamHuraraalralnrliMrd. A hall for (irl. ami Ik -riHlmraU aiMt tupw l-lon uf a lril Imhm UmillHi in oe tf h ni'Ml twaiui'm rclBi of lh I'artfV mul I llmal li.i!-l ami hralthrtil t rriala,uaMrr4i rORTUND AQDEMY, PORTLAND. OREGON. TAPE WORMS A tan Ufna . alul.l..,. a .... .a - rr vitiisevil IUIIB r?fi,,f.f?552 l,iv?e.0 " taking two , OASl'AHKTH. This I am sura lias caused my ' r,J.'",l!,h ,or ,n" P" ' Jests 1 am still taking Casearsls, tbs only csUisr Ilo worltiy of ' f&AMAaa K aasiilKIa k.amIa w- vf " yarvysw uav, ,, UUWI.H, uaira, hiss, CANDY rsaos umn seirifo nP1J!,Jn, I'slatabi. i-uunl Tl aood. Po Ouod. Ksrtr Slcsaa Wo.kri. i.r fir In Kw Ke tie. ... CURE CONSTIPATION. ... SlwlUf S.-. ..;, rtki.t., Mlml, S. Iwt. IIJ sbQT0M10 "oMantlgiarnlilb alldtng. 1 Aicoliol, Opium, Tobacco Using v Wlltr for i fuuTTftAreo CntcuLAita F noHi60"tiU ftnlLAUAQru: Ttirpnone MrtinOSf M P. N. U. t jo-ieoj, WIIKN writing to advertisers please I luvnllon this Hr. I Bsflbi USE- mKOPAUNE 1 rO BEAUT Fr you? HOMES rOJ? rAfSWNG CNARS. TABLES C.00?3 TG B ? 4 01fiABLtr MU AVr SCfiATCH 1 24 SHADES A OOlOfiS lMSST 0AVMO m m KQfAUNC i rX?M DEALEf?. sRr 'cSsf Thought Us Dead? We're Very Much Alive. S, n. Headache and I.Ivor Curo Still Do ing Its (lrcat Work. S. II. Cough Syrup, livery body Takes It. Uvcrybody Likes It. AT AL,U DRUQOISTS YOUR CHANCE IN LIFE I'vrhaps thla Is tho host clianco that has been ofFerod to you. You can't afford to overlook It. IVrlutjirj you w 111 Biicceed beat in n biislnosH caroor. Wo lltyou iirnrtlrally for IiiihIiichh, and iihsIhI In gotttng you it jiorltlon when competent; nil our graduatim aro employed, 'i'hnt'ri tho whole story, UomiltH aro novor In doubt with our L'niilii num. You hnd lnittor sit right down now nnd wrltu for catalogue which oxpluliiH fully. BEHNKE-WALKER BUSINESS COLLEGE, KS' Hollevj ii ttiat the Hmltti-I'romlor Is the most popular typewriter on tbe Coast, wo have purcliasoit 'ii machines lor our new sellout,