The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, July 31, 1903, Image 7

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Timber Land, Act June j, ill,.
V. H, Land oniw, Tlie iMtlra, Oregon,
Nollrr Is lirrrliy kIvcii that In Kimptlatite with
tlir pnivlamiianfllir Act nf Coiigrva of June j,
lay., rntltli-il, "An act fur (lie mI oftlmher laml
III tlir ttufCllfiTiiMt, Oregon, Nrvitila, mul
WaalllnitlMU Tatlltntr," n ralrllilnl In nil lilt
imtillv land atitlraby Act nf Aiigiiat 4, li, the
iill.iwliiiiaiti-il lr.,iia Imir oil Ort I", lyu,
llnl In thU office th-lr aworii atatcitirnt, (olt
.Maud Wmlsrlli
if llu 1'acK.cavr, HpokHr, nwnly uf Kp.ika.iie,
atalr uf WaahlMKlitn, awirtti atalrineut No mi,
fur id Miicltaai,rihr a)( m m( t to, r lur,
w in
I (tin II Hmliin
uf toil Nccaind Rvr, Hmknr, taHinty uf MimWaiir,
alalr of Waalilngloti. aworH 4ilrmn ito IUI,
far lliHirclicoflhr, awlaml aH c! art
it, lix, r iac w m
Juaeitll l Keatuu
f MHwmIw, rkam-, twtmty nfrVhokane,
Malanf WaahlHgliHi. awttin atatrmrtit 74 lajj,
ful lh iHtirlMM; uf tlw nr W avc 14, Ip a, r lor,
w in
llatry C lliowne
uf Nn i)ihiIM UmtMiil Mock, a)ikiic, ranmly
of lataukaHe. alalr uf Waiklimtiiii awtttn alata.
IHHl 74 in, fin the HMlHM Hf Hit tw m It,
ll W a, t I , W HI
Thai lhy will offer ptrmflti ahow that the land
aawght la mot valnaMe for II timber 1 atone
than foe anttt-ullufal tturtaMM. and In aalahtUii
llir claim a ty mM la ml before Hit ktglalcr and
MiHtr at Tlir (Mil, Oregon, mi nttlay, the
inn W17 wi iw Hrmtr, lyti
They name aawtiHcaae Mice llarr. Ma ml
Wadawotth, Cum A llakrt. CMItfr It fluid, 1(11.
II itou, JimtiiIi I' Mrxtuu and Harry C llrowiir,
allofrmkHv Waah
Any a ltd all l-eramia claiming adrriarty the
alrtrrr-dracrttawt lande are rtai He-Meat to file llirtr
(lalwtlM llilaiirtK-r im or beliie the aald iMhday
rnwmiwr, mi
"IIAIII, T NOI.AN. Krglatrr
Timber Mini, Ait June J. 17
V n. Mh4 orre . The Dallr-a, Orrgrm,
May it, lyaj.
Ait la litlvby glvvii llyl In auHilit wllli
Ihr fwf lattwa m
lilt, rHllllnl, "Ah Mi fW Ihr M&f llnittr
r mvviaiwta ni inr An ui UMUffitec hi ii
i J.
III IlKiKIra ufCulKufHU, (Iikhi. KcMda, ihI
WaalilncloH TMlllurr." aa rait mini lu all llir
IHtWKtaHtl alatratir art f AuiHal 4, lyl, llir
(UaiKlMy-HaHirat imMna Imv hi (H4 il iyi,
nlral IH llila IH4MM IWc axwtit alalrwtlilt, Iu-mi
William Jawlwi
of Kralllr, WHiKlyHf King, (Ulr uf Waahlnrlori,
HotM alairmrttl No 1 jn. fur llir tirlta uf (he
arU arc ,, li M a, r I r, w in
f a ttUM I I fl vft44J4l
of mnalllr. riMtntynl Klf. alale u( WatttlHglow.
wtrtH ilalrmrm ,lu ihi. br ihr WKlMta til lK
IK ( MO. I i rijf. M
Andrtw Itakt
uf Hrna VWta. cmiHly a( Ml(Hal, aialr f ll
nv4a, awMN aUlrtarat NoiMl.fur tHr wftfcar
of Ihr ata ( an j lt a. r 1 1 r, w w
f aavfH lira ar. HralllV, Mly of KlHc. a(lr
f WaaMnfloM: aaatWH Milimul X i).lkr Ihr
purtttr of tkc rH J.I)Mi.r ik.ohi
TtMt IKry Mill uflrr hroof laj attow IhoI In Unal
aai(li la Mitt valiaalaw fur Ha tlwbvr ft Muatr
iHan far agimtllwral tmriMa. and la raUlaUah
I Mr cialma lu hM Uh4 Wtr lh KtjWrr awl
HrHrr al The IMIVra. (ttti, mm Mluiday, Ihr
IVh day of ftrttfcrmtarr. ivoj
Ttwy MIDI aa wlltra J I' llHKllah, I I,
CklUr, I- It U;iHHta. Iotic lurr, Witlbm
lamlt ati. uf Hvallk. Waan, LiMla NrtauH awl
ltd H-iyt4, of ll4l W ami liana llvrtaori awl
(Hr MaamuaarH. uf lttHllra, U'la
Any aM all fm HalmlHV ailnly Ihr
alltf Orattllml lawtaair rruwafral t file Uit
rtalmalH llilii(rrcolor IwlWr Ike mM IftMilay
fiiHMoiKf, iyi
T1mUr l,ail. Art Juiir y 1.
,.H.lUaiiJ OfBr Thr l)llra, Orrjcun,
lllll 1. Ul.
.Velltr la hrrrhy lvi 1 1 tat lniwn4lanr valtli
the Hlaliia sf lit AM of CHtirrraasf June 1.
fjtf wuiiri. ah an ir in aairui llilllKr lamia
III Ih Ml a ol California, Otrgon. Nrvada. ainl
U'aablHKlaii Ttiillory." aa riUwtnl to alt Ihr
JwWIc Ultd alalra hy Art f Au(Ut 4, lyl, Ihr
Mtlowhie-naHiiil iirrauna hart on Nov if, itr.
AM In 1 In a of&cr Ikrlr an aiattmiila, lu-wlt.
Ollrrr lohnaOH
af l'iaamlH roMHly oflUraga. alalc of Mlchl
Iran, awurn alalrmrnl Ms it;. (ur Ihr purcbaa
of Ihr aH ai( ami nK )( mi ami i( ik)j
arc I. If l a, r II r, w w
Arnl Auiie
of rrttuamlnK. nmmy of Hataga, alalr uf Mlrhl
gan, aitoill alalrmtHI Nu IJla. for thr mhaar
aftnr w) nwK ami aK MwV( aw lj anil H)
iir) arc 14, Ip ly a, r 11 r, vr m
That lliry l ulTrr proof to alww that IlirUiwI
amichl la motr aluMr or Ha tlmlatr or aioatr
lhan foragrkullHral mrtwaa, ami to ratahUtti
lhlr atalitia lu aM laml Ufw J M. l,awrH.
tl. at. Coniinlaaoirr, at lrachHta,,(iirioii, on
halimtay. thr ird day of AHHat, ivu
Thry namr aa wdntawa. OUvrr JoIiiimii ami
Ami Auiir, of l'iiMmliif, MI4I1, ami frank
rtta.a, K If ha nl King auil j N Hunter, of IXa
ahutra, Oirigon
Any ami all priauiia elalinliijt aitrrrarly Ihr
ahavrlrariluwljaiinaair rrqHratrtl tn filr tlirtr
claim in thla office on ur UAir thr aalil 11J day
tti AiiKim, iyj
IICMAKt. T. NOLAN, Krglalrr.
Tlmlwr Mud, Act June J, tal
V. H Mini Office. The Ilallra, Drrgou.
IJ. ioJ
of Ju
Notice la Imrhy gltm that In roinpllaiicc with
lilt plHnninaul llir Att of Congrvaa
ins, riiuimi, ".11an ur mr aaieoi miliar lamia
It, f.a ,l.l, af rall...iil.. .!.... k.i Kf-u.l. . ...(
Waahlnitluii Tatlllory." a rklrinlnt to all the
wiWk land alalr hy Act uf Aiigual 4, irt4, the
fllawiig-namrl mihiiii he mi ixt 14, 191,
niru 111 iniaumrc ineir aworn aiairmriiia, io-wii
lUlinimd ( Ikiw
nf I'lahrr, ciiimly of Ctatkr, atotr of Waalilnglon;
awot 11 alalriiirnt No liVJ, for the putchaac nf the
liw J kc IV, Ip a, r II e, w ill.
Martin H. I'lahlmrii
of Cainaa, county of Clarkr, alalc of Waahliigtnn,
awurn alatrmriit No iy, for the purchaac or the
llli lw)( and wM ar) ace IV, tp t a, r II c,
w 111.
Clinton M. Harrington
of Cainaa, roiinly of Clarke, alntr ufWnahlniitoii;
awntn atatrniml Nn IJ, for the purchaac of the
acU liwK. aw)( nr)f , uc) iw)J and 11 w ai)( arc
jo, tp wi,r lir,w 111
Anna 0. t'uriiiaii
of I'lahrr, comity of Clnrkr, atntc of WaalililKtnn,
awnrn alalrmriil No I1J7, for the putchuac of the
nrj( iK i. Ip , r 11 e. w 111.
Anna I'lahlmrii
uf Cntnaa, county nf Clnrkr, alntcof Waalilnulon;
aworn atalrmriit No iajA, for the purchaac iirtlic
ar ncU. cX kH anil aw)f )( arc y, Ip M a, r
II r, w. 111,
Anna lllalr
of Cnnma, county nf Clarke, aUle orWnahliiRlun,
aworn aluli'iiitiii No iiu, f"f the purchnae uf the
iicjf uw)(, 11H iic)( aiidac)( ncK arc 11, tp , r
11 c, w in.
Kiinin lltnlr
of Cnmaa, county ofCUf ke, alnle nf W'nahliiRtnn;
atvom tatciiicul No ivj, for the purchnae of the
)( arc IJ, Ip to a, r II c, w 111.
That thry will uffrr proof tn ahow that thr land
aaught I more valuahie fur Ita tlmhcr ur aume
thiiu for ngrlciiltiirul puriKia, and lu ratubttah
Ihrlr claim to ald land lKfure the Krglatrr mid
Krcclvrr at The Dnllra, Oregon, on Mundiiy, thv
llkt daynf Kcplciulirr, oj,.
Thry iinme a llncaara. H'liiiuud I) low and
Annuo I'tirniiin.uf I'lahrr, Woahi Martin HI'lah.
burn, Clinton M Harrington, Anna l'lalilmrn,
Anna lllalr and Koiiia lllalr. of Cnmaa, Wuli
' Anv and nil iwraoua tluluilnir itdvrrMlv the
nliovcHlmciibrd Innilanrc rrriuaatrd to tile their
rlullii lu thla ollicc oil or be I ore the aald llal day
yi nvpiriMuvi, 'YJr'
fHAlil. T, NOI.AN, Krgiatcr.
Tlmltrr l.aml, Act Jiuir j, Id;),
V. H, I.ainl Oince, Thr Dallra, Orrxmi,
May it, i'ij,
Nnllrr la linrliy iilrrn that In comptlanir wllli
tlir prorlalnnaiiflhr Act of Coniirraa of Junr J,
!. rnllllnt, "An ad for Ihr rnlr nflltiilKrlRHda
III llir aialraorcalimtiiln, Diruon, Nrvaila. ami
Waahliiglim Trifltory," a ratrmlrd to all Ihr
liiihtlelaiiil atatrahy Art uf Angiiat 4. Il. thr
iiiiwwinr rinitini vrraoiia nave nil nil 7, il,
filtd Inllilandkr llirlr awnin alalrinrllti, tu-wll
llrrinnii Vamlrrwall
of rhlllla, roniily nf I'rlrr, alatr uf Wlawmlnj
aworii atalrmrnt Nil IJ17, fur Ihr piiiehaar of thr
( 1, tp wn, rijr, in,
Alhrit Chralrv
ofl'hllllpa, Hinty of Tilrr, afale of Wlaronalii
awfiitt atalrmriil Nil lji$, fm Hi purchaat uf tlir
liw!( arc it, Ip i a, r IJ r, w 111.
Horni l,araiii
of I'lillllpa, nmiilv of I'llrr, alalr of Wlaroiialtii
HotH atalrtHrnl Nil iji), for Ihr purrhaar uf llir
aw arc It, Iptoa, r ijr, r m
John Wltiiiot, Jr
of I'lillllpa, roHiily of 1'ilr, alatr of wawuMn;
awuni alatriHrnl No IJ14, for the puichaac of thr
!( i$, Ip IV a, r ijr w ih.
Jaoili Maamuaaril
uf l'lllllla, riMinly of I'lkr, atalr of U'la)iali!
awutM atatroiriit No IJIJ, for III punhaacof thr
arc M, ip if a, r II r, w in
Wllllaui Kalnry
uf I'lillllpa, eoiinly of I'flr. alalr of Wlaranaln,
hoiii alalrmriil No ijot, fur thr puichaar of thr
ar)( arc 11, Iini, 1 lj r. w ih
Itll t'loltrau
of I'lillllpa, county of I'ltcar, alalr of Wiawnaln,
aworn alalcmrnt N6 tyn. for the purchaac of thr
wVI arW ami rM awlf art 6. Iptoa, r lj r, win
Thai thry will ofrrrHoirtoalHiw Dial Ihr land
aouflil la moir valuahlr for Ita llmUr or alone
than for aKilnillurat iHirpoara, amt to rataMlah
thrlr eUlmatoajM laml Wfmr thr Krjrlatrraml
Krrrlvrr at Thr Ilallra, (lirRon, on Tlinrlay,
thr lytli day of KrdrHilrr, lij
Thry namr aa wltnraara K,irrn I.ataon, John
Wllmot.Jr, liana Kvrati.lulaNrlaiiii,llciliiaii
Vamlrrwall, Ibtward Vandrrwall. Kan Hulllvaii,
I'at Curlry, Ifll Cranatoii, Albrtt Chralrv. Jehu
Kaaoiuaaril, Jaum Maamuatrii, all of Phillip,
Any and all prtaunl ctahnlne adrrrarly thr
alatvrlracrlbnl jandaarr rrgnraird to file Ihrlr
rtalmalu ihlaafAccon ur txltiir Ihr aald 17th day
of rrtniilr, tyij
JiitVM MIC1IAHI, T NOI.AN. Krglatrr
Tlmurr Mud, Art June y lay
V M. Mnd UfTrc. Thr lllra, Orrgon,
iay 1 J. Ivl
NotUw la hrrrby glvrn that In cotuilkiiK'c with
ir MitHiurih Act of ConvrrM of Jwnr 1.
17. rnlltlrtl, "AN act for thr aalr of lliahrr lamia
IH Ihr aUUa of California. IHruoti. Nrva4a, ami
WaahlMiilOH Trtrltor).'' aa talrHoVd to all Ihr
MtMtar Mm! alalra by Art of AHguat 4, iyi. Ihr
tollawlnB-HaHartt pT4K have on Oct 17, ly.
fitrtt h Oil of?H Ihrtr aworn atatrmrnla, t-wt.
Wltttam A MymaH
of Moaajnw, raMtHty of Mtah, Mate of Idaho,
warn alalcmrnt No IJT7. lur Ihr pattcttaac of the
1cW arc j, Ip a, r 1 e, w m
H.nrvK V Tavlor
of The llla. camnty of Waaeu, 4al of Orrtam:
awaarii auirmrHi n IJ7. liar IH wrcm 01 ihc
Hr)( arc jl. Ip to a, r u r. w m
Marv It Tavkar
of The llalfra, camMy of Waeo. atalr af CHrnat:
aworn aiairmrm no ija. lor ihc wrcaac ol tnr
iiw) arc J. tp Ma, r ur, w m.
William V Wllhrrawwti
of rIJ Malkm Avr, kwkaHc, caaamty of Mikanr.
aialcaf WaaklHgtoH. aworn ta4iHMt No lU,
For IHc l-otCHaarofthr aw( arc IJ,t te a, r IJ ,
w m.
Amdta Hmwli
of I.rnrtllr. nmuty of Mlak, atalr of Idaho;
MH atatrmrnl No IJil. hkt Ike iwicbaacof the
iw( arc at, tp M a, r I j r, w m
Catln MIhmmi
of Mnvtllr. county of Mlah, alalr of Idaho,
aworn ataumrnt No lsi, lor I lie utirchaac 01 Ike
U arc 17. 1 p to i,rii.M
That the) will otfrr pmuf to ahow that the land
amtf hi ia more valuable for Ita tiialxr oratoac
than fur agitelluial purtaMr-a, ami t ratabkah
Ihrlr rtalma lu aald land Ufurc Ihr Kcitiatrr ami
KKTtlvcr at The lfcttla OrvgCHi. on Unlora-lay,
Ihc tyl day of MpleHter, kh.
Thrv luiiiir aa wlturaaaa. UttHam W Clatlllia.
of Moacuw, IdalHa; ClHirtraN hlMwp, MaHalMiooat
amt A nulla Mump, of l.rnrtllr, Idaho, WtUlam V
tIJlta.aa.uu.aa ..Nluit.i.. i.U au.1 1 1 ... I
unci ajaip, hi viaB, 11 , arm iiiuij
W Ta)lr and Mary H T)lor. of The Dallra, Or-
Any and all tracii claiming admacly Ik
alaMrlracrtbnl famttarr r)Mtd laa nlc Ihrtr
ctalmaln tlitaofliee on ur lftire thr uM tjdday
of hcdrmbrr, HrAl
jHt6j MICllAKf. T XOI.AN. KMer
TlmUr Mud, Act June J. irrl
Mml Office. The Dalle, Oregon,
May it, lyaj
Niillcc I hrrrby given that Ih cMdtHcc with
Ihc Hc)vlamtiaorihe Act of Connfaa of Jumi J.
iar, eHlltled. "An art fur Ihc aalcsf timber la mR
Ih the atal l Callfornta, Orrgon. Neva.ia, ami
U'aahloilun Trftttory," a ralcnilfd to all the
pubtk land all by Art of Auciut 4, ifcat, the
itdwwlHgHtainrd ixravna Imvc hld III till oftix
Ihrtr axoru atalrmriit, towlt:
Jamra It. Ilrawn
of The Dallra, county of Waaeu. atatc ef Orirn,
worn atalrmriit No ij4. filcl CNn 7. v. for the
purchaac uf Ihr lot J ami 4 arc j ami lot I and
j arc ji, p it a, r lr, win.
Ha A. Howe ,
uf Whralon, county uf Trnvcrw, atatr nf Mimic
.,ta, awurn alatrinriil Nu 1119, fllr.1 Hrpt M, il.
for til purchaac uf Ihc liw)( acC 17, Ip It a, r wr,
Miichlin McNeil
of Kdlriburgh, county of Walah. atatc of North
Dakota, a worn atalemcHt No jyt, f 14 May 17.
yat.for the Hircliaauf IhcaH uw)4. itc( Hwl
and nwu nrK arc lj tp it , r i . w m
That they will uff.r proof o aliovr that the land
aousht I more valuable for Ita ItmlK-r or alour
mail for agricultural purpoaea, ami to catabltah
their claim lu aald laud before the Kcgtatrr ami
KecetvcT at The Dallra, Orrguii, tm Mimla),lhc
Mill day uf hrptnulwr, lyij
They name aa wltnraara. Hoharl II Howe.
Daht llurtun, Ha A Howe, of Whralon, Minn:
C I. Hmllhandjamr It llruwii. of The Dallca.
Oregon Muchlln McNeil and II V llarrlaoti, of
Itdliimirgh, N Dak, Kdmuiid (iraham, ur Warm
Spring, or. I'ratik- II HhrjiiMrd, uf Ccutralla,
Waah; and Miuurl Prurtt, of Hltra, Or.
Any nnd all pcraoua claiming adremly the
alwvelracrlbed lamU arc lriuratrd tu file their
cialma In thla ufllce oil ur befure the Mid 14th day
ui rvepiemuer, ivu
41 Ik I
IIAH1. T NOLAN. Krglatrr.
Timber Mud, Art June j, 107a.
V. ft. Mud Office, Mklcw, Oregon,
July 14, lyoj.
Notice I hrrrhy given that In compliance with
the provlalona ofthe Act uf Cougrraa of June J,
ityt, cntlllnl, ' An art fur Ihcaale uf Umber lamia
lu Ihr atatr of California, Oregon, Nevodn, and
Waahiiigtou Territory," a extended tu ull the
public laml atatra by Act of Auguat 4, irai, the
fullowliig-naiord pcraoua hava filed lu thi ullicc
their aworn alutruicnla, ti-nit:
(lanirr K. Knbcrta
uf I.ouImi, county of Mwreiicr, atate of Ken
tucky; anuru alatcuieul Nu 1160, forlhepurcliaie
ofthe alaj nrK mid nc)( nc)( aec8aiiduwM nw
cco, tp Jja, r lie, win.
Martha II. Kubcrta
nf I.oiilaa, county uf Lawrence, atatc of Ken
tucky, aworii atatcmeiit Nu iifii, for the piiicluiae
of lhcncl( nwK,i nwX audK ucU ace 9, tp
tj a, r 11 c, w 111.
That thev will offer nroof to ahow that llir laud
aought I ninrc vuluublc fur Ita limber or atone
man lur agricultural purpoae, aim 111 eatalillalt
their claim lu aald laud befure t). II. Wardwell,
V 8. CummiMluiier, al hilvcr Lake. Orrguii, 011
I'rlday, Ihr tjtli tlay of Hcptemuer, 1903
They name a nltiiraac. (lamer K Kobeit.
Matlllll II Kultcrt. Mnkeni I.ePuire. lfd lluvdutid
jamra bhaw, of Deahutc. Oreguii.
Any mid ull ticrauua claluiiiiir adveraclv the
alxivt-dcacrihcil lumUarereijueated to file their
cLilui in thla oflicc oil urbcluicthe aaid tjtli day
urscptambfr, IOOJ.
mi M. HRATTAIN, Keglatcr.
Tlmlwr Mud, Act June y 1K7X,
;. H. Mml Office, Thr Dallra, Orrgon,
May 11, li.
Notice I hrfeby glvrn thai In eompUancc with
thr prorlalonaorthc Aft of t'ongrra of June y
HM, rnlltlrl, "All act for thr aatr of llmlxr 11111
in the alatea of California, Orrgon, Nrvada, and
Waalilrigtnn Tcirilury, aa rtirmlH to all thr
public bind atatra by Art of Aiigual 4, 11191. the
lifliowiiig-nanini nair mi iter 17, it,
lllnl III III l office their aworn atatrnicut, to-wlt.
Ororgr A. mrrle
wi .iiixii, niiiii wi m""" 1 mflu m warning
toil, aworn alalrmctit N l7, for Ihr puirhaae
01 me at aej ami n w 71 1 u, ip i a, r 10 c,
w m.
laaac M. Carlrr
of .Milan, rutllilvof ftookaiir. alalr of Waahlnv
loin aworn atatrriirnt No lj, forthewrhaeof
nice; awjj, ac nwjt auu rai j arc y ip 19 a, r
lor, w m.
ftuabery Caitrr
of Milan, irilyofjKikanr, Male of W'aahlng
Ion, aworn atalrmriit No ij4, tor the purchaac
of the nrK arc 3, Ipioa, r le, win.
Cary C. CHgt4Hi
of Milan, crninty ofHkn, atalr of U'aahlilg
ton, awifru atatruirnl No ij, for the purchaac
of the aH neK, ae)f iik)( and lot ace 1, tp if a,
r tec, win.
That thry will offrr proof to ahow that thr land
Bought la more valuable for ita timber or atone
than for agricultural purpoara, and to eatabllah
their cialma to aald laud Iwfere the Kcglaler and
Krcclvrr at Thr Dallra, Orrgon, nil Thuraday,
Ihr 14th day of Heptrmlwr, iy,j
Thrv name aa wltnraM. I t' Coimtrloii.C C
Coiigletou, It II Cartrr, Oeo MMr. I M Carter, of
small, waan, jonu j innrimg, uf npovane,
Waah, and Ira lahaiu, of Carmlru Waah.
Any ami all iieraoua claiming adrrrarly the
ahutr-draetlbed faiidaar tanuralrd to file Ihrlr
ctalmaln thla office oil ur before the aald 14th
day uf ttcbteiulacr. loot.
Jui6ll MICHAJll. T NOI.AN, Rcglater.
Timber f.and, Act June J, ;
V. H, f.and Office, The Dalle, Oregon,
May it, 9"i
Nrdlec la hrrrhv circn that lu comullanec with
thr prnvialona ofthe Act of Congrra of June y
17, riitllled, "An art forthMleoftlmlier tauda
In thr atatra of California, Orrgon, Nevada, and
Waahlngton Trrrllury," aa ritrndrd tu atl the
hiWIc laud atalM by Act of Avguat 4, ikji,
llurnam kobrrla
of fnilaa. cuuiity uf Mwtrnrr. atate of Kentucky,
haa on Oct 17, 111, filed In thla office hla aworii
atairiHrnt No I4t4, for thr purchaac of the aH
liwtf ami lota J and 4 hci, to 19 a, r lie, w 111,
ant wilt uffrr Hoof lu how that the laml aoughl
I morr vatoaldr fur ItatlinUr or alone than for
agrtcultHral tmrtoae, and torrtabllah hi claim
In Midland la-fore M K. Mega, I' H. Commia-
Monrr, at rrlurvlllr, Orrgon. on I'rlday, Ihrjlat
day of July, iij
lie nainra aa wltneaaei O Krrd Koberta, John
ktttdl, M II Kotrta, ofllrml, Orrgon, and Oba
Utah llrwaori, of lllrrll Lake, Waah
Any and all prraooa claiming adrrrarly the
ahow-deaettbed Unda arc rmuvatrd to Ale their
ctflm In Ihi omcc on or before the wld jiat day
aM July, iys
mtfiil MICHAHw T NOI.AN. Krglatrr.
Timber Mml, Art Jane y 171.
tt. H. Mud Office, The Dallra, Orrgon.
May is. ivy
Notice I hrrrby given that In compliance with
ic nrovtaHMia of the Att of Concrr of June 1.
iM, entitled, "An art for Iheaalr of llmbertanda
v.w, vn..x., , 1. " twr ., ... ,in,M(, r,t
Ih Ike Mate of California, Oregon, Nevada, and
watHiagian Terniory," aa riitrnmi lu an the
Ktdtc laml autre by Art of AugHat 4, iftyt. the
towlHg-named wrtma have filed In thla oflicc
their aworii atalrmeiita. -wlt
litatc K. Klley
avf Ikml, county nf Crook, atal- of Oregon: aworn
alaUNteot No ivy. fllrd an it, iy, tor llir pur
chaac uf the at J, arc IJ. Ip 17 a, r 11 c, w in. Klley
of Iwml, county of Crook, atatc uf Oregon, aworn
MaUmrHt No ijr. hlrdjaii 16, lyij, far the pur
cltaae uf the eh) aw) aecflj, Ip 17 a. r II c, w III.
Grange Itiwlcrhotla
of Urnd, OHinty of Ctook, atalr of Oregon) awpm
alalemrtil No IMH. filed Jan IJ, viy for thr pur
afaaar ofthe K , tijwjf awj; aecti.iieU
HCj,' art ami nwfcf nw( aect7. Ip l a, r It c,
w m
That thry will oftrr proeT to ahow that the laud
aought it mure valuable for It timber or atone
Ikan for agiH-Mllural uurpoan, and to caUUIah
Ikrtr claim to aHt larxt Ufbrr J M. Morcnce,
I' H CommlaaaiHirr, at Dcachutra, Oregon, on
Mtunlay. the Mh day of Auguat, 194
They name aa wilnraarai Charlea Htanbur
rough, I'rank Olaaa, John nteidl, John I Weal
Jamra tVbaw ami J.wtph N Hunter, all of lleud,
Any and all peraont cUlniltig adrrrarly the
nbovxteacitlard laml ate liiitiuttrd to Ale their
cialma Ih thla ofAcc 011 or before the aald Mh day
mtt-aa MICIIAIit. T. NOIN, Krglatrr
Tiinlarr Mnd. Art June ), iSy.
V. H. Land Office, The Dallra, Orrgon,
May i), 190J.
Notice I hereby gtcu that lu compliance with
the prorlaton ol the Act of Cougrraa of June y
l7L eullll.! "Ah act for Ihc aale of timber
lamia In the atate uf California, Orrgon, Nevada
and Waahiuglon Tenltory,Ma ritrndrd to all
Ike puldtc land alale by Art of Auguat 4, idgt.
the following named iraoua have filed In till
ollicc their (worn alaltiutiili, to-wlt.
H Clark Hall
of IMuuVrillr, county of JrwVraon, tatc of 1'cnn
aylvanm. aworii aUtrmeut No ,14116, tiled Oct 11,
tVt. ir the lairchaae uf the a4 wj ace 19 ami
11 S UM Ji ace it. Ip 19 a, r IJ e, w ni.
Jiaaic K Cairtct
of iHMokvllle. county of Jcffataan, atate of I'enn
aytvoiiki. aworii aiauiuenl No 1407, filed Oct 11.
lavt, fur the HHvhuacof the aw),' accta, tp 19 a, r
lj c, vr 111.
Jennie Jeuka
of llrookxllle, emiMlynf Jitrtraon, atateof l'euii
aiivouia. twuru alaltlueut Nu Halt, filnl (k-l 11.
191, for Ihc imrchaae uf the aeK ne)( and clt
ar)( arc l and 111 M lictaeOjl, tp 19 a, r I) c,
w III.
Hill J Herd
uf KcynoUlavtllr. county of JcfTenon, atatc of
I'eiinayli-alia, aworu autruicnt No 14U9, filed Oct
11, lyt, for the purchaac of the aw ace JI, Ipw
a, r II c, vr in!
Carrie 11 Jeuka
of lliookville, county of JclUmon, atatr of I'enn
ayltanla, anoni atatrmeut NUJ410, filed Oct 11,
low, lor the purchaac uf the iiw)( ace 6. Ip m a, r
Ijr, w 111.
Ollter I'ettrtoii
of rmtlaiid, county of Mullcuniili, ttatc of Ore
gon, aworii atatrmeut No UIJ, Alcd Oct tl, lot,
for the purchaac of thr w I uwjf ace 9 and 11 i
ucK arc jo. tp 19 a, r u c, w in.
Huaan A Howe
of 4S Netialeiu ac,nrtluoodala,l'ort!aud.rounly
of Miiltuoiiiah, atatc of Oreauui aworii atatcmriit
No I0J4. filed Aug ty iv". fur the purchaacoflhe
life licit ud nVa 11 a avc jj. tp 19 a, r 11 e, vr in.
Clara I' Hall
of Uruukvitle, county of Jctretaon. atatc of 1-rnn-aulvunlM,
aworn atatcmeiit No o,ts, filed Aug 15,
I9ti for the purchaac uftlicaK ncW and a)t uwK
ace ja, tp 19 a, r it e, w m
Allan h Hall
of llruokvillc, county of JtlTcraon, atatr of I'enn
ajUanlii: aworii atatcmeiit No loj-, tiled Aug tj,
1901, fur the purchaac ofthe ) ace ti, tp 19 a, r
11 e, w in.
Cuaalu A (allluger
uf 491 Nvhatriii uve, Seltwood ata, l'ortland.
county of Multuomah, atate or Oregon, orn
alatemciit No 10,17, hint Aug tj, lyoi, for the pur
clmcufthcae)aec tt, tM9. r lie, vr 111.
That they will olTu pioof to ahow that the
laud aought la more valuable fur Ita timber or
atone than fur agricultural purpose, and to ea
tabllah their claim lo aaid laud before the Krg
tiler and Krcehcr at The Dallet, Oregon, on
Monday, the trth day of heptcmber, looj.
They uaiiieua wlliivaac I' C Whitteti, Amo
llradaliaw, Oliver 1'ttcraoii, Ku'aau A Hue, Cna
aim , Oallliigcr. of I'urtUiui, Oregon; 1 Clark
Hull, Jiaaie K Corbet, Jennie Jtnka, Carrie II
jeuka, Claia 1' Hall, Allan It Hall, of llrookrtllr,
I'i'iliii lilla J Kcvd, of Kc noldavlllc. I'kiiii.
Ally and all pcraoua claiming adversely the
above dracribed laud arc rcducrtcd to file their
claim In till uthccoii or before the aald aitli day
of hentemlier. lQilt.
Jyi7-rtli MfCJIAHL T. NOLAN, Reglttcr.
You Can't Miss
Stonewall, Monogram and Kentucky
Bourbon Whiskies,
Olympia Beer and Fine Cigars.
Timber Mnd, Act June j, 1C7S.
V. 8. Mnd Office, The Dalle, Orrgon,
May tt, tyoj.
Notice I hereby glren that In compliance with
the provlaloii of the Act of Congrea of June J,
I"?", entitled, "An act fur the aaleof timber tanda
In the atatea of California, Oregon. Nevada, and
Waahlngton Territory," a extruded to all the
public laHd atalea by Art of Auguat 4, 1891, the
following-turned pcraon have on Oct 7, 111,
fded In till office their aworn aUtcrucnl, to-wlti
Itlmer G. l'rteraon
ofail K Twrlfth at, Portland, county of Multno
mah, atalr of Oregon: aworii atalemenl No I jo,
fur thr purchaac of the awj see Ji. tp 19 a, r lj e.
Celia M flrown
of I'erttand, county of Multnomah, ttatc of Ore
gon. wmii atateuient No IJ09, for the purchaac
ofthe awi acK arc jo and wj netf and nwjt
!( arc ji, tp 19 a, r ij e, w m.
lacob II. If vera
of7l4 Kaat Ilumafde at. Portland, county of Mult
nomah, atate of inrgnn- awom atatrmeut No
iji. lor ine imrcnaac 01 111c nw ace Ji, tp 19 a.
r IJ c, w in.
Hueene I. Aahllne
uf41l H Twelfth at, Portland, crmnty of Multno
mah, atate of Oregon; aworn atatement No Ull.
for the purchaac ofthe ncf ace jt, tp 19 a, r lj c,
w ni.
Nathaniel Y. 11a era
of A V. Kcvrnth at, lortlaml, county of Mullno.
mail, atate of Orrgon. aworti atatement No ijit,
for Ihc (mrchaac uf the aej are JJ, tp 19 a, r It c,
w in.
That thev will offer tiroof lo ahow that theland
aought la more valuable fur ita timber or atone
than for agricultural purpuac. and to eatabllah
their ctalin to aald land before the rcglater and
Krcclvrr at Thr Dalle, Oregon, on Wednesday,
the lath day of September, iwj
Thrv name a witunvc Nathaniel V llvera.
Jacob II Myera, Hugeuc I Aahline. Celia M llrown
and Hlmer (3 I'tlrraoii. alt of Portland, Orrgon.
Any and all iieraou claiming adrcracly the
aliovc-dcacrlticd tanda are reuueated to file their
claim lu thi office on or before the aald lUhday
ui rwineniuer, ayu.
ifHAm. T. NOLAN. Keglatcr.
Timber Mnd, Act Jane J, 1S7S.
I'. H. Mnd Office, The Dalle. Oregon,
May lj, lv"J
Notice la hereby elven that In comnlianre with
the prortalena ofthe Art of Congrraa of June J,
1711, entitled, "An art furthraalroftlnibrrlanda
In the atatea or Callwrnia. Oregon, Nevada, and
Waahlngton Territory," a extended tu all the
public land atate by Art of Auguat 4, l9. the
Mluaring-namcd pcron have filed In thla office
their aworn ttatcracnl. to-wit:
MatlicO Hcott
of Athena, county of rnutilla. atate of Oregon;
worn ttateincut No Ijvl. filed Oct l&. iswi. lor thr
purchaaeof Ihc nwjf ace tt. tp IJ a, r la c, w m.
Little Church
of Athena, county of Umatilla, atate of Oregon;
worn atalrnient No iji. filed Oct 16, Igor, for
the purchaac ofthe ntx arc 11, tp lj , r 10 e,
Jamra Y. Conglcton
of Milan, county of Hpokane. atate of Waahlng
ton; aworii atatement No mi, filed Oct 17, 1901,
for the puichiae of the aV arc t, tp 19 a, r 10 e,
w ni.
Ira laham
of Camden, county of htcvens, atate of Waahlng
ton. aworn atalcturn! No IJ7J. filed Oct 17, lout,
fur the purchaac of the awu arc , tp 19 a, rioc.
,w III.
John J. Dowltng
of 171A Dean nve, Hpokauc. county of Hpokane,
atate of Waahlngton; aworn atatement No IJ74,
filed Oct 17. IK for Ihc purchaac uf the ii art
J, tl 19 a, r la c, w m.
That thry will offer proof to ahow that the laud
aought la more valuable fur tta limber or (tone
than for agricultural purpoae, and to eat 141 ah
their claim In aald laud before the Keglatcr aud
Receiver at The Dallr. Oregon, ou Tueaday, the
ltd day ofhcplciulicr. IWJ-
They name aa wltneaaea. H II Church, LUilc
Church. M It Mortlmore. I M Mortluiorc, Mattie
Scvtt, of Athcua. Orcgou, C C Conglcton, t.eorgc
Ktrele, rill Carter, 1 V Conglrton. J J Duwling,
Mialwry Cartrr, of Milan, Waah, aud Ira laham,
of Camdrii, Waah.
Any and all pcraoua claiming adrcracly the
abut c-deacrtbed laudaarc retiuraied to file their
claim in on omcc ou or belt
ore the aald tid day
of September. i9t.
MICllAHL T. NOLAN, Keglatcr.
Timber Mnd, Act Junr; j, 1S7&
V. K. Mnd Office, The Dallra. Orcgou,
May I), lyuj.
Notice I hereby glren that in compliance with
the provlalona ofthe Art of Congrra of June f,
1S78, entitled. "An act fur theaale of timber tanda
in the atatc of California, Oregon, Nevada, and
Waahlugtuu Territory." aa extended tu all the
public land atatea by Act of Auguat 4. Ifyi, the
fullowing-iiaiiicd craou have on Oct it. IJ.
filed III mi ollicc their aworn statement, to-wlt:
Gorton llurllngame
of Hpokauc, county of npokauc, atate of Waah
tngtoiii aworii atatement No 1419, for the pur
chaac ofthe uw arc jj, tp 19 a, r ije, w 111.
Crlaale J. Klngiley
of Leon, county of Adama, atate of WahlngtoT
aworii atatcmeiit Nu 1418, for the purchaac ofthe
ncK ace jj, tp 19 a, r lj e, w 111.
Jacob M. Klngalry
of Leon, county of Adam, atatc of Waahlngton;
aworn atalciiieut No 1417, fur the purchaac of the
cU arc JJ. tp 19 a, r lj e, w 111.
Aguea lliitt
of The Daltca, county of Waaco, atutc of Oregon;
aworii atatcmeiit No 1416, for the purchaac ofthe
awtf arc 16, tp 19 a, r 1 j e, w 111.
That they will otTer proof to aha w that the laud
aought la more valuable fur Ita limber or atone
than for agricultural purpoaea, and to eatabllah
their cialma tu aaid land before the Krgiatcr and
Receiver at The Dalle, Oregon, oil Tutaday, the
tylh day of September, lyoj,
They name u wtluca-ic. J M Ktiigaley nud
Crlnic J Kiiigaley, of Leon, Wnah; John McTttg
gart and Ague llutta, of The Dalle, Oregon.aud
t.orton llurliiigauic, of riokaue, Waah.
Any and all pcraoua claiming advenety the
nbuvc-dcacribcd land are rtqucitcd to file their
claim in thi ullicc 011 or before the aald lythday
ofScDtember. loot.
Jyi7-aia M1C1IAUL T. NOLAN, Keglatcr.
Timber Mnd, Act June J, 1I7I.
If. S. Mnd Office, The Dallra, Orrgon,
. . May i, 190J.
Notice I hereby given that In compliance with
the provlalona ofthe Act of Congrraa of June j,
1(17(1, entitled. "An art for the aaleof timber tanda
In the Ultra of California, Oregon, Nevada, and
Waahlngton Territory," aa extended to all the
KiMk land atatr by Act of Auguat 4, 141. the
Uowing-named peraon have filed In thla office
their worn italcrncnta, to-wlt.
William Middaugh
of The Dallra. county of Waaco, atite of Oregon)
worn atatement No 1490, filed Nov 10, 1901, for
the purchaac of the nw; iK arc J, and ni
and ne aw J arc 17, tp jo a. r 10 e, w m.
Suaannah Jlarnr
of Prtneville. county of Crook, rtate of Orrgon;
worn aUtrmenl No 14H4, filed Nov 6, ro, for the
purcfuae ofthe w) nJ( arc 4 and ti nejf ec J,
Ipi7. r c, wra.
Jrae R. Watkfna
of IltneTille, eouoty of Crook, atate of Oregon;
aworn rtatement No 149, filed Nov i, ynt, far
thr imrchaae ef the ojaj ncjf and tH nX ace 9.
tp ia, r 10c, win.
John II. Ouitafaon
of Dcnd, county of Crook, atatc of Oregon; aworn
atatement No ijoi, filed Nov 17. 1901, for the pur
ehiaeof the aejj aec t, tp 16 . r lor. w m.
Solomon V Dame
of rriuevtllc, county of Crook, atate of Oregon!
aworn atatement No iw, filed Dec 16, tyor, for
the purchaac ofthe Kii ace J4. tp ii a, r 10 e, arm.
Solomon Ilarnr
of rrlnevillc, county of Crook, atate of Orrgonj
aworn atatement No tySo, filed Dec 4, lya, for
the purchaac of the aw ec J4. tp 16 , r 10 r,w ro.
Jame It. Keed
of Ilend, county of Crook, Mate of Oregon 1 aworn
atatement No iu9, filed Dec I, loot, for the pur
chaac ofthe neJV ace J4. tp i& a, r 10 e, w ru.
Julia Strldl
of Dcnd, county of Crook. Mate ..f Orecou: aworn
atatement No ijii, filed Dec at. 1937 for the pur
chaacofthcnc ace aa, tp 1 j a, r 10 e. wm.
Frank Wert
of Bend, county of Crook, atate of Orrgon: aworn
atatrraeul No IJ4. filed Dee It, 190a, for the pur
chaac of the awjt aec jj, tp 16 a, r to e, w ra.
Charle J. Wllaon
of Dcnd, county of Crook, atate of Oregon; aworn
Uteinent No IJJJ. filed Dec 1, 191, for the pur
cbiae ofthe aw Jf aec tj, Ip 16 a, r 10 c, wm.
That they will otfrr proof to ahow that theland
aought la more valuable fur It timber or atone
than for agricultural purpoae. aud to eatabllah
thcirclaimato Midland before J. M. Mwrence,
V 8. Coinmlaaioncr, at Deachutr. Oregon, ou
Friday, the rth dav of Auruat. loot
They name a witneuca. Moaca Middaugh. of
the Dalle. Orcgou, George Doguc and William
Ilogue. of Mva, Oregon, John hUcmore, Maxem
UPagc. John I Weal. J N Hunter. John Steidl,
John Weat. II M I'hitlip. Joaeph N Hunterjohn
ltloaa. Kcaa West. W II Hrock and J K Keed, of
Urnd, Oregon, and John W Ilarnc. Wttlfam
Watklna, Aaron I Watkln. SoVomon Darnc.
Solomon 1' luruea, of ITinevtllr, Oregon.
Auy and all peraona claiming adveratly thr
above dcacrlbed tanda are roiueated lo file their
claim In thi office on or before the aald Jth day
of Auguat, 194J.
mv7 MICllAHL T. NOLAN. Regiater.
Remember, The Bulletin and the
Weekly Oregoniau one year for
only $2.00.
Timber Mnd, Act June j, U7I.
V. a. Mnd Office. The Dalle, Oregon,
Notice la hereby given that In compliance with
ic uroviaioua ofthe Act of Conerca of luue t.
.iiay rt, 190J.
i;, entitled, "An act for the talc of limber land
lu the atatra of California, Orcgou, Nevada, and
Waahlnalou Territory." aa extended to all thr
public laud atate by Act of Auguat 4, 1N91, the
follow Ing-uamed peraon have filed in thi office
their aworn tatctncuta, to-wit:
Kean Wert
of Dcnd, county of Crook, alate of Oregon; aworn
atatement No iut, filed Dee IJ. 1901, lor the pur
chae ofthe aelf arc JJ, Ip 10 a, r 10 e, w m,
Charle I'. Droaterhoua
of lleud, county of Crook, atate of Oregon; aworn
atatement No ijj6, filed Dec 19. 1901. for the pur.
chaae ofthe th nek! cc JJ ami w nwj,' aec J4,
tpi6, r loe. wm.
Jamea Shaw
of Ilend, county of Crook, atate of Oregon; aworn
atatement No IJJJ, filed Dec 19. 1901, for the pur
chaacof the w awjf, ue!( aw aud uwjacjf
aec jj, Ip 16 a, r 10 e, w in.
Loulaa F. Cottor
of lleud, county of Crook, atate of Oregon; aworn
atatement No 1568, filed Dec to. 9M, lor the pur.
choacuf the wh aeK. neW aetf aud aejf uc! cc
J, tp 17 a, r 11 c. w m.
Charle . Cottor
of lleud, county of Crook, atatc of Oregon! aworn
atatement No 1567, filed Dec X, 1001, (or the pur
chaacof Iheult neU aud neK ui)( art JJ and
ae), w4 aec a6, tp 17 a, r II c. w in.
Samuel A Zimmerman
of St laul. county of Kamacy, atate of MInne
aota: aworn atatrment No ijoi, liletl Jan j, I90J,
for the purchaac of the a W ue and lot I aud t
cc4,tp ii a, r 11 c, wm.
Charle I.. Drock
of Ilend, county of Crook, atatc of Oregon! awnrn
atatement No IV)J, filed Jan it, 1901, for the pur
chaac of the h wcc9r,ud aH acj; arcjo,
tp 17 a, r it r. w ui.
Ole Hrlckaon
of Climax, county of Iolk, atatc of Mlnncaota,
aworii atatement No 153, nletl Dec lj, 190'. for
the purchaac ofthe ncll "WU and a) aw ace 6
and w uw) aec 7, tp to a, r II e. w in.
That they will olfer proof to ahow that the land
aought I more valuable for ita timber or atone
thau for agriculturul purpoaea, and to eatabllah
their claim to ui J laud befoie J. M. Lawrence,
If. S. Comiulaatoner, at Deacliutea, Oregon, on
Saturday, the 8th day of Auguat, iooj.
They name a witiieaae I'ratik Weat, John
oicmi, jumi iiiuu, junii 1, jaiuca aiuuiei
J N Hunter, Jamea Shaw, C I' Ilroatcrhou. D F
wlwITu flk.1,1 Ultnt, 1 II Kl.,1, Pti.rli
GeorKe Date, Lout Nclaon ami Gilbert Ilagau,
all of lleud, Oregon.
Any and all peraon claiming adversely the
abovc-deacribed laud are reuueated to file their
cialma in thi office ou or before the aald Mh day
01 .tuguai, 190J,
lutv-ja; MICUAia T. NOLAN, Krgiatcr