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About The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931 | View Entire Issue (July 31, 1903)
The Bend Bulletin linlereJ March i, I9.1J, at Dcachutea, Oregon, 1 accoml-claw mutter. rUILiailKtl KVKHV MUtlW AT linClllf M.ONMII. MAX UtMDtlKMANM. ltlbllaher. mammamssBSBBsesss BUIHtCKtlTION' RATHSi rtr year i.w Six montln jo Three month, as (luMitlably In advance.) AdrettUeta mho lh to cluing their ih1W ahouM hate copy In not later than Tuely nomi preceding the luuc In which change In dralrtU. FRIDAY JULY 3t, 1903 IIARRIAVAN'S PRBPARATIONS. It is evident that larpc railroad affairs arc being adjusted in a man ner to admit of relief for Central Oregon. Nothing has yet tran spired having a direct bearing on our railroad prospects but the indi rect indications are strong and the definite announcement uny day of a railroad line for the Deschutes val ley need not occasion surprise. This will be no "jerkwater" road, cither, if events in the railway world arc to be trusted. It will be n large transportation enterprise nnd it will mean the bisecting of the state, one way or the other. Harriman recently obtained Sit,- 000,000 from Senator Clark and his associates for turning over a stretch of the Oregon Short Line in Utah. The Union Pacific is just now in the act of marketing 10,000,000 of bonds, the proceeds of which, it is announced, are to be used in pro viding new lines in the far West. Here Harriman will have more than $30,000,000 in cash that is appli cable to railroad construction. It is not at all likely that he would ac cumulate so great a sum without some definite idea of using it, for it doesn't pay to keep large amounts pf money idle. There is room to doubt that the line which will give relief to the Deschutes valley will pass north and south. As time passs, the in dications become stronger and stronger that the railroad to Bend will be an east and west line and that it will give us an outlet to the Eastern market as well as to Port land. We can find no fault with that. And there is no reasonable ground for doubting that Harriman, with bis treasury full of money, with the Kcenc suits against his Southern Pacific control withdrawn, with a freer hand in the Pacific Northwest by reason of the dissolu tion of the Northern Securities Company, will now look after im portant interests in this quarter of the world. POPULATION OP llllNI). Two Hundred 11 ml Fifty Persons Resi dent II ere Tins Names. About 250 persons now reside at Bend. This does not mean merely those at the Bund townsite, but in cludes those at Siscmore's, Des chutes and Lytic also, those includ ed in the comprehensive commun ity known for years as Bend. Neither does it include those stay ing here for a few days only. It is the actual resident population, as nearly as t cun be ascertained. Doubtless a mi miter have been oveilooked in m) hnsty a compila tion. Of course, a grent many more people get mail hure, includ ing a considerable settlement at the Tumcllo ditch, but none who 'do not make headquarters in or about the town are in the list of residents, which here follows: C J Cottor and family to John Steidl and family 5 II V Reed and sou 2 Mrs Ilnrshmau and family 3 E M Milter and family Daniel Heisiug and family 5 J I West and daughter 2 Ora Poiudoctcr and family 3 M C Low and family 4 F M Tcwksl)erry and family 3 Chns Brock and family 3 Nick Smith nnd family 3 Millard Triplett and family 6 A C Lucas and family 4 A M Drake and wife 2 ,3 3 4 ,1 3 T M IIowsoii . Barney Lewis '. 1 Total population .. 326 Any who have been overlooked are requested to tcport thuir names to The Bulletin in order that a rec ord that will have historic value may be made. Timber Mm), Act June j. iit. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. John Steidl is expected back from Minnesota in about two weeks. Business at the Pilot Butte Inn is very active, though this is the dull dogdays season. The hotel and liver' stable have had all they could attend to in the past week Charley Stanburrough and Char ley Wilson spent today repairing some bad spots in the Prinevillc road, over which the big boiler for the new mill of the P. B. D. Co. is How due. The case of the contested school election that was to have been heard by Judge Bradshaw in cham bers at The Dalles last Monday, has been postponed a few weeks on account of the absence of the judge. The Reception Saloon, Shauiko, offers- the most tempting induce ments to timber locators going into the woods. The very best brands of whiskies, such as Cyrus Noble, Old Pepper, Hunter Baltimore Rye and other standard goods, always to be bad here. Call at the Reception. Bob, the fine dog belonging to A. H. Grant, died last night from poison. Ox, the dog belonging to A. H. Kennedy, showed symptoms of poisoning Thursday and today. It was at first supposed that the poison was administered by some one interested in doing away with watchdogs. Upon inquiry, bow ever, it was ascertained that Mrs. Komer, S. H. Dorrance's house keeper, had put out poison for chipmunks, putting powdered strychnine in flour and on crusts of bread, lettuce leaves, etc., placed where the little rodents would be likely to get it. Many of them did get it and died. It is apparent that thedogs also got some of the poison which was not properly guarded. Upon discovery of the source of the trouble steps were taken to abate it at once. The Grants are much distressed over the loss of their val uable dog. A L Hunter and wife J M Lawrence and family S H Dorrance and family George Dorrance A II Grant and family Mrs Mary II Broker and sou Mrs A C Huron and daughter 3 George Schfecht 1 C A Dnno and family 4 J R Brock and family 5 J N Hunter and family 5 Charles lurncy and family 3 John Kcvcr and family 6 Richard King and family 3 Glcntii Marsh and wife 2 Win Marsh and family 6 Floyd Marsh 1 Jas W Overton and family. 3 W,II Staats and family 5 Wm Stephens and wife 3 E H Moorchousc 1 Frank Hodson and wife .3 Ed Boyd and family 3 G R Roberts and daughter 2 George Brosterhous and family ...4 V F Stewart and family 4 P B Giles and family 3 Harvey Giles and wile 2 Carlisle Triplett and family 3 T W Triplett and family 4 Mrs Mary Baldwin and family 4 W II Holliushcad and family 5 John Stscmorc ., Ole Erickson ... J W Shaw John Twohy.... M C Awbrey ... Louis Nelson ... Maxim LcPage Will Foster Dodge John White Harry Hill Glendcnning John 'I racy .' 1 O J Gray i Arut Aune Oliver Johnson John Geiger George I hompsou N O Reynolds NSVavor ; John Bloss ( 1? T Miln.f niwl f.. ... M.r .la A I .Vlll. .I14 IU4UI(TiMvilM A W Pope nnd family , 1 S. I.kihI Olrtce. The iMlle. (rrc"ti, June i. ly) Niillre l herein- lii Hint In euituvUfliic. with the Httv(MilitHftlie Act"? CiHijctew f jiliif ,t. IV. i Millet, "An iim (to 1 lie MlrtirtlmtirrtaiHli III the riKtMurCnltftHiua, Oreuuii, Nevada, ami U'hlnctti Territory." m tslcnilrrt to atl lh public iniut atxlrt by Act it AUmiim 4. l"y, tlir FodooliiK-ii.imcil lYn hT liled In llileutncc their mrotu MMemeMK to "II. It V m o MuliUr, etiunly of I.ihtoIii, atate l WmiiIiir ton; aworn uMlmicjit No . Atal Nuv J, fi, fbr the Hirehaf tliceS iicjf a ml nH cl( are J. tp is r ir. w m. I'rctl C Meyer nf im llattll at, SuUHr. cuWHty of Himkllie. lUU-uf WmlilURtyti, kwM MMtKiellt No 14 I. Ateit Nuv J, ivi, for tlw tMrliae nf the ! mK. H "! mt nc)i awtf tec IJ, tp 19 . r i e, w hi Mirth IMic of, ceuiity uf tfanc, ltr of Waih iiikumi, nworn !Kttm No tt hi, mm pii of, w iiw pureiMtc in me wn "H """ : j. i m a, r to r. v m. ThJt ihcy will tfr nr.Mftieah.iw tint the UihI oihl U more rutuaMc ft It tlmlxr r -Ikiic iMii for ngrtailtural VnrHMc, .il to tlhllh llwlr dliii In mM laml bcrurc the KeulMer mul Klvrr At The IVillvt, tlirtun, un VVtiicUy, iltr 1 4lh iU) if Oelulr, yi Thy imiiic ni wliiuxw (icornc 11 T)lur, I'rolv Mryr, ami JuIm Triiny, of Hx)Wanr, Wj.Ii. Wllllmu II llrtMfk, uf Itrttrt. Or; Millu A IVirc mill Un W I'ukc, or Mnhtcr, Vh Any ihi mi triiM rMiminc nnvrntiy ute lKiTMlftitK,l lamUiirr rrouentnl t hW thHr oirtlnn In till unttc on or txturc the ukl ulli Uy Ol IKIOIMS. I4J l Z. F. MOODY, General Commission Forwarding Merchant SIIANIKO, 0RHC10N. el.t t. ill " M Jy4 IICIIAHI. T NOI-VN, Kriililcr. Andrew J Fugelberg... i Ehvood Roberts i Millson Roberts... i CJ Sweet i CJ Wilson i W Y King i Frank Glass i Mrs Hunter and son 2 Mrs Auderway 1 L D Wiestand family 5 Miss Eva Powers 1 Mrs Barnes.,... 1 C S Benson x Patrick Rowan 1 A II Kennedy ,....v.i C A Stanburrough 1 Dr C S Edwards .' 1 Max Wurzweiler , ,.,i John Getz 1 D F Steffa j A G Richardson v,i John Elder 1 John Deemer 1 Earl Reed , 1 Miss Viola Cox ,, 1 Miss Bundle j Michael Lally 1 Records 1 Louie Frank , 1 Milt Youug 1 N C Kasmussen , , 1 Rean West ,1 jonu xuxers ..,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,..,, ,1 Timber l.miil. Act June J. 17. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. tl. S. Mm! Office, The lH'. Orefon, May m, tyaj. N'othre l hereby ttmi tlMt IncomptMBf with the pnnrM4M ofthe Ail Cortir of June 1, 17. eolltlnl, "AHMt for the Mk of Umber Uiw4 ih th Ut ofCuhnwHW, iHtih. MeemWi. n4 U'hlHtoti TefiWory," nKiMnl to nil the E' "tc bin-l Ut by net AMgotl 4, IV. the wlny-iMtHel fom btee on Oct M, tfi. Ih thU oMec Ihctr iworx uteMeHH, lo-wlt: IMul II Vrltfcol of Aleinlit. county of DuuU. tUle nf MImh coM. wnru tatmHt S'omvj, for Ih ortM of the yU aecj. tp t(. r lie, w m. Cat! JbImii IIiIIohM of AlciainlrU. cotiHly of Itool, Male of Minn-e-o4. tMrom tatenuHt "No iji, for the iietw of the nw)i w J4, li . r ue. w ra IMwanl TaamMOti of Alexandria, comity of Oeogla. Mate of Minn eoula. aworti ilaKmeHt No mil for the wrttMc of the U mm, to iln. r iit.wm That they trill ofTer proof o ibow thai the taml Mtught U more valaaMr for II tlwtbcr or tone than for agricultural tmrooac, awl to taultah thrlrctalmatoMMl lotwl Ivfofc the Htg Utr ami Htvr at The ImIIm, OtrgoH, on 1'rVhy, the vth day of October, 104). 1 Hy name wunc'tn iirniyv. itickmann. IMwrant Thomtnon, Call Jonan llallnm.l. ISihI U Velttml, of Alcxamllhi. Mtoiu, ami John Mr Wl. of The !MU. Oroxtm. Any a no mi tron tomiinK anrcreiy lite abo iloKtlbvtl land reeiue.lnl to At Ihoir I M1CI1AUL X ctalint In Hit offlcc on day or October. iol )4J MlCliAl befuicthe Mid vth NOLAN. KctiUtcr. CONTEST NOTICE. V S. Mnil OfOcc. '.alevtewr, Otrgon, July i, noj. A aufrident eentettafMaeit haelnf tirtu rflrJ In Ihlt office by John V. White, Cenlntant, agalnit liemeMemi eatry Ko iw. Hia4e ApitlJ. leac, for the iH HtK iHd hH h m jo, tp it , r 7 e, or m, by Jamea IIoImoh, oooleatcc, Ih whteh it hialleiicu that mM Jame llobwH Km abao dotted aabi ctolHi for 1 oerloil of all mhmIIm or more Ut jhui, and that aahl allrunl abtwc irotn 1 ne mm lami wm ikii hoc 10 nia cm west 111 the army, nary or mortne corpa of the United HUles a a iHtie totdltrr, officer. Mattwii or marine during the war with Hpalu, or during any other war In which the United Mate may be ii(l, Mill partlrarc hereby nullfletl to appear. rcIoiut and affer evidence tooclHHtf laid aiMKation at la o notic a ih on ncpicucr H.fl. Ixfbrc i) II. Wardwtd, V. H. i'ouiml4oncr at Kilter Iike, Ijike Couaiy. Orecoii, audthtt final ItearliiK will be held at to o'clock a m on Septem ber , mo, before the Kcirttter and Kecelvcr at the I'nltol Mate Land Otncc at Ijktvlew, IIICKOII The aahl cunlotant ueinff. In a davit, fileil July is. ki. aet forth latfta which . .. . -. - . .i.-- . new inaiaiieruiieiiiiigciirc pefoiii aervtce 01 title nmiee cannot la nereiiv emrrni and illiected that audi notice be given by due ami urotter iiiiimeaiHin Jyjl-M K. M. IIKATTAIN. Kel.ter proper am 11 City Meat Market. J. I. WHHT, I'lop. IlKALKK IN MEATS OF ALL KINDS Butter, Ojjgs, Poultry, Potatoes, Vegetables In Season. Opposite P. U. D. Co.'s Store, BGND Attorney and Notary, Will practice lu all coutla lu the itMc. M. R. BIGGS, U. B. Corainliiloncr, I-KINl',VII,I,(i . ORItOON. Mud fillngt and proofa of all kluda, Office on itrcct leading to luutthouie. J. m. LAWRENCE, U. H. C0MM1SS10NI!K. Notary Public, Insurance, Township Plats for Upper Deschutes Valley. JII'.NU, OKl'.GON. H. GRANT, NOTARY I'UIIMC. URGE AND COMMODIOUS WAREHOUSE CONSIGNMENTS SOLICITED. Prompt attention paid to those who favor mc with their ihitronaKC THROUGH FROM HliND TO SIIANIKO IN ONU DAY. Shaniko-Prineville PRINEVILLE-BEND Stage Line HOOTII A C1IKNUTT. in. Leave Shauiko 6 p. " Prinevillc i n. " Bend 6:30 n. in. rriucville p in. in. SCIIUDUl.lIi Arrive Prinevillc 6 a. in. " hhaiiiko i a. in. " Prinevillc 13 tn. " Bond 6:,io p. in. First-Class Accommodations for the Traveling Public PASSENGER AND FHEIGIIT KATES REASONABLE. Umikm NktV Manahmmhni. mtAMimt ma luvoa 'kh. The Pilot Butte Inn. IIIINI). IIM. , LtA, rMiirmntoa. Office In Ilend Mercantile (nititiativ'u Rlnra lll(NI), OKl'CON. Tables supplied with all the Dclicucic.1 of the SonKOti. ftNM KMMa ANII IIHIia. IUKN IN CWXIHHt. CHAMP KHITII lltOll CLUUX SMITH & CLEEK'S ECEPTION Wholesale and Retail Liquor Mouse PRINEVILLE, OREOON. IMncst Brands of Liquor and CI Kim. Two door. South of Bank. PRINEVILL&SILVER LAKE STAGE LINE. DICK VANDBVEIIT, Prop. Carrying U. S. mail and passengers. Leave Prinevillc Mondays, WcdiittMliiyH ami Prldayn, Prciht and ParWjiiKorn.wuyhilleil for Bend, I.ava, KoJlaud, and Silver I,akc. Good rls, careful drivers. C. I. WINNKK, AkciU. A. H. LI PPM AN & CO. UIMLI. IH Furniture and Undertaking Stores, Wall Paper, Building Materials, Etc MAIL ORDERS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. PRINEVILLE, OR. Hamilton BOOTH & CORNETT, Proprietors. PRINEVILLE, OREGON. Stabies & Redby Feed Barn Stock boarded by the day, week or month. Fine Teams and Rigs, and Reasonable Rates. First-class Facilities for Hamilton Locators and Commercial Travelers. Quick Service and Satisfaction Guaranteed. Columbia Southern Hotel. SIIANIKO, ORl-aON. RATES PROM t.50 UP PUR DAY. Hot and cold water on both floors. Baths for the use of guests. Kvery modern convenience at hand. The dining room, under the direct supervision of Mr. Kceucy, is a very model of tasteful, spotless elegance, ami the service is equal to any in the state. AH stages arrive at and leave t,he Columbia Southern. ' J. M. KUUNCV, Proprietor.