The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, July 17, 1903, Image 8

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    :y y-ityumxhiMi MtWiJHsm,rHi)ll. Md
1 Dyspepsia
Don't think yi)it con euro your dyxpcpMa
In Rny other way tlmh by Mreni'theiiliiir.
nlld UmltiR your atomaeh.
'Mint t weak and InrapnMe tof perform
luB iui fumtlon. probably Iwaufo you
linvc Imposed upon it In one way or an
other over nml oxer agulu.
You liuuld laVu
Hood's Sarsaparilla
It ktrnttlirn nml tone the Montnch.
and permanently curei dvprp.l and all
stomach troubles. Accept no aubstlttttes.
Two ot a Kind.
Tho Russian Joker who caused a
panic In tho zoological gardens at St.
1'olorsuurK by shouting that tho tin
ats had cscapod should oxchango
cards with tho American humorist
who yells "Fire!" In places ot amuse
ment They should then report to tho
fool killer together.
Durphy & Dlckcrman Are as Interesting
s a Popular Novel.
A good illustration ot the way the
northwest is being waked up Is afforded
by the doings ol Durphy & Dlckcrman,
tho energetic firm who control tho
Smith-Premier typewriter on the ra
rifle Coast. Tuesday, Juno 9, W. II.
Durphy, senior member, and F. 1).
Porter, Portland cianager, arrived in
Fortland; Wednesday they leased the
store, 247 Stark street, and let con
tracts (or fitting up the most com
plete and attractive typewriter estab
liehment in the city; Thursday they
sold 25 Smith-Premier typewriters to
the Behnke-Walker liutinoM college
the largest typewriter order ever placed
in Portland. Mr. Durphy, hale and
hearty, crackling with energy, and
Manager Porter, coarteoua and compet
ent, master of his business! are calling
upon some dozens ot the people a day,
getting acquainted and advertising
their splendid machine and tho fact
that they are sole selling agents for
this coast. This concern Is famous
and successful on account of its great
activity and pnnctilious Integrity In
poshing the best typewriter made.
The incoming of fresh blood of this
kind Into local commercial circles is
one of the hopefnl signs of the hour.
As a sample of up-to-date methods in
"getting busy" Durphy & Dickerman'a
25-ma-hlne order within i4 hours after
aniving in town (better than one ma
chine an hour) takee the palm.
"To what do you attribute the re
marjcablo majority by which you were
elected senator?" tulced tho confiden
tial friend.
"I have Juirt told you." replied Sen
ator Lotsmun, with some Irritation,
"what my election expenses were."
Chicago Tribune.
The mirror never flatters; it tella
truth, no matter how much it mar hurt
pride or how humiliating and disagreeable
the reflections. A red. rouch skin is fatal
beautv. and blackheads, blotches and
arc ruinous to the complexion, and
desperate efforts are made t hide these blemishes, and
cover over the defects, and some never stop to consider
the danger in skin foods, face lotions, soaps, salves
and powders, but apply them vigorously and of ten. with-
ot regard to consequences, ana many complexions
are ruined by the chemicals and poisons contained fa these cosmetics.
Skin diseases are due to internal causes, to humors and poisons in the
blood, and to attempt a cure by exter
nal treatment is an endless, hopeless
task. Some simple wash or ointment
is often beneficial when the skin is
much inflamed or itches, but you can't
depend upon local remedies for perma
nent relief, for the blood is continually
throwing oil impurities which irritate
and clog the glands and pores of
the skin, and as long as the blood re
mains unhealthy, jnit so long will the
eruptions last. To effectually and per
manently cure skin troubles the blood
must be purified and the system
thoroughly cleansed and built up, and
8, S. S.. the well known blood purifier
and tonic, is, acknowledged superior to
all other remedies for this purpose. It
.is the only guaranteed strictly vegeta
ble blood remedy. It never deranges
In. Rvsti-tn nr Imnalra the digestion
like Potash and Arsenic and drugs of this character, but aids in the digestion
and assimilation of food and improves the appetite. Being a blood purifier
If you have any skin trouble send for our free book, "The Skin and lit
Diseases. ' ' No charge for medical advice. Write us about you r case.
Natural Deduction.
Chlof MUllkln That lady In red o
Ing down tho street l ovldontly a
Brans widow.
Inspector Casey Why do you
think so? , . ,
Chief Mllllkln Kvory time slid goes
neur n horso It tries jo blto her.
Worst liver.
"Hear about the terrible aRtlctton
that bofoll our friend niank last
rJshtr asked Knpcck, aa ho boarded
a downtown car.
"No." said Meeker. "What waa It?"
"My wlfo eloped with him." replied
Knpock. with tx aurppressed chuckle.
Chicago Nows.
The Cost ot It. J
City Man What makca ronta so
high here.
Vlllocor This Is an incorporated
"Things don't look very metropoli
tan." "N-o. but tho taxes are." Now York
CITO rvrmanf ntlj Cnrrd. Ne finer nerrottneei
lllu anrBrMiUy'euuflr.Kltn,i'.lrat Nerve
Itntonr. Hnil fnr FrrS)9 trtattailtleamilrratla.
Ur.lUlJ.Kllut.Ud.,Mi Arch Hi., rtilladtlptile, ra.
Successful Uxpcrlrucnt.
"Mabel married that awfully dis
sipated young Fluttorly to reform
"And Is she satisfied with her
"I should say she Is. His uncle died
last week and left him half a million."
Triple Be.
Bho (at tho reception) Excuse me,
but aro you an artist, a musician or
a poet?
He I happen to be all three, mad
am. "Poor fellow! You have sym
pathy." "Your sympathy?
"Yes. Your poverty must be some
thing terrific." Chicago Dally Nows.
For Infants and Children.
Tto Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears tho
Signature of
Passing Belief.
Miss Oldday What did ho say when
you told him I was married?
Miss 8pcltx Well, he seemed sur
Miss Bpeltx No. nut He naked 'Sow
It happened. Philadelphia Preis.
Our Air Consumption.
It Is computed that when at rest
wo consume 600 cubic Inches of air a
minute. If wo walk at tho rate of
ouo mile an hour we use 800; two
miles, 1A00; three miles, 1.C00; four
miles, 2,300. If we start out and run
six miles an hour we cons'ume 3,000
cubic inches of air during every
miuute of the time.
no wonder such
OarteravlUe, da., J.. R. Xo. A.
T suffered for a numbir of years
with aevere Xettleraeh.
About twalvo Tttn aao I atarted
nalnr B. 8 8., and after taking- three
bottles Z fait myaalf cured and have
sine taken a bottle occasionally,
and bad little or no trouble alone
that Una. My general health baa
been better since. X recommend
B, 0. 8. aa a rood blood xnedlolno and
all round tonic, Yours truly,
Mrs. H. 1. l-ITTAED,
Boms two years aso Z suffered a
erreat deal, cauaed on account of bad
blood. Bmall raah or ptmplea broke
out over cay body and kept setting
woree day by day for over a year,
aeelns- B.8. D. advertised In the pa
pers and bavins beard alao It had
curea aeverai people in ion en
concluded to give it. a lair trt
viva It a. fair trial.
After ualar the medicine for soaoa
time, taking In all alx bottles, Z was
entirely cured.
1030 Olay Street, Paduoab, Ky.
and tonic comuineci, me numors ana poi
sons are counteracted and the blood made
rich and pure, and at the same time the
general health and system is rapidly built
up and good health is established, and
this, after all, is the secret of a smooth,
soft skin and beautiful complexion.
Thought Us Dead?
We're Very Much Alive.
S. B. Headache and Liver Cure Still Do
ing Its areat Work. S. D. Cough Syrup.
Everybody Takes It. Everybody Likes It.
OM13 nt last!
Grip and umbrella dropped
from tho ctrPs hands. For tho
last four daya she had sat In her
Pullman section, picturing this home
coming, and now that It was a deed
accomplished she could havo cried as
she hUK-Kyd tho hideous old marblo Hon
that sunrded the steps.
Safely hoinel Yes; but explanations
would bo In order, and from tho nb
seuce of llghta It would aecu that her
father was dlulnR out! Weill A
shrug; a laugh; and alio ran up tho
Tho hull was unchanged; the an mo
carved chairs, the same lounge by tho
staircase. Tho last tlmo alio had slid
down thoso banisters Html wick Hoi
den had ctiUKht her ns sho bumped up
iiKnlnst tho post at tho bottom, and
laughed aloud over her performance.
A step sounded on the upper stairs,
then a cough. "Master's out," nn In
visible soniu one remarked; mid Hess
darted through the nearest door. Tho
volte was a atrnnge one, and sho wn
not prepared to mnke explanations to
new servants.
Mho laughed ngsln as sho tiptoed
into tho half lit library. What right
had father to break Into her plans this
way by being; out! What would ho
think of her crowing tho continent
aloue? What would other people think
Aunt Annie and Ilardwlck Holde'n,
for Instance. Ilardwlck had no bus),
ness to think anything; sho bad not
come to see him!
Hess smiled serenely; but tho se
renity changed. What ailed tho li
brary? Mothrr'a picture hud (teen
takeu down, snil tl-i, table why, the
dear old library table was cone! Hhn
had sat on that table when she was
a mite and played checkers with
father during the black, creepy hour
of 0 and 7. In later years she had
sat there and wept over her first
geometry problems, which father In
despair had tried to solvo for her,
and couldn't; mid life had leen a
howling wilderness to them both un
til Ilardwlck brought sage counsel
and arranged to come In evenings and
help her. That table would havo to
come back; It shouldn't bo pushed
aside; It stood for s big slice of home.
And the dear, old, beautiful times were
all going to come back, too.
Yes, everything would be perfect
now, Ileus decided as sho smoothed
back her hair; for Ilardwlck had so
much tact. Tact? Kupposla-; Ilard
wlck, with his superabundance of
tact, should consider It necesanry to
keep out of the way! If he unco
made up his mlod to It, he could be
como Invisible, even If his great,
empty, lonely house wero only across
tho street. 8 lie knew that of old; It
bad happened once when, among oth
er things, she bad told him to mind
his own business; and the time that
followed bad not been a pleasant ono.
The room bad become uncomforta
bly hot, and Heis pulled off her Jackot
with a sense of Injury. He needn't
have been so stupid aa to write on to
New York three months before and
ask her to marry blm.
The nest moment she was scramb
ling her belongings together and had
slipped Into the chubby hole of a room
adjoining the library; for the step that
had first sent fair flying Into the li
brary was abroad In the hall.
Ten minutes later Hess was roused
by the sarcastic comment, "Don't let
me disturb you. Take your own
This must be a new butler. "Loo
here " Iiess began, sharply; but
tho roan Interrupted.
"Ob, I see. All right. A precious
mess you've made. Did these rags
como out of that drawer?" Ho picked
them up. "Look as though tlioy might
havo been a sunbonnct once. Master1!!
be mortal angry over this."
Hess stamped her foot.
"Mnnl" .
"Young woman, moro'n likely you'll
go to tho lockup "
Hut Just then a voTco outside tho door
Interrupted volco that was well
known to her.
"What is It, Itoberts?"
TJcase, sir, this young person "
"Yes, I see. You can go, Hotx-rU."
i'Hhall I go for tho police?" Itoberts
asked, hopefully.
"No! Get out, will you?"
Itoberts vanished, Then Ilardwlck
Iloldcn camo forward, hesitated, stop
ped. Homcthlng In tho girl's eyes for
bado further approach.
"If you wero so terribly anxious to
get rid of these thuno thlnj,i" hor
volco was llttlo moro than a whisper
as sho pointed to tho littered desk and
floor "why couldn't you havo sent tho
the letters to me when I was in Now
York instead of scudlng thorn back
"I Jess, how did you got In?" ho ask
ed, bowlldcrcd.
"I lmvo a latchkey, of courso."
"And tho desk? I thought It was
locked," ilardwlck said, uncertainly.
"It's my desk. Don't you suppose I
havo tho key to It?"
Hlio laughed: but h came forward
with an exclamation of dismay.
"Iless, did you tear up that sun
bonnet?" Mo snatched the pink tat
ters from tho table.
"Yes, and 1 burned up the collec
tion of dried flowers In the old father
pockotbook you used to carry; also tha
butt of tlm rldlug wh,lp I threw away
two yearn ago on Pino llldge and have
never seen since until to-night. 1 had
begun on the letters ,." aim went
on with growing scorn; but bo Inter
rupted. "iless, what right had you to do
"To save father tho trouble of car
ing for them any longer."
"He has nothing to do with It. These
thltign are mlnol"
Her eyes unrrowed as she looked at
him. "Considering the fact that this
rubbish was sent hero to our house
" sho began, flippantly: then,
"Where's father?" she burst out.
Ilardwlck walked over tnul kicked
feto andareiiB. Then ho cams back
"Hid your father know you were
"No. I wanted to surprise hlra."
"You haven't had nny news front
here lately, hava you?"
"No-o. Why, Ilardwlck " Bht
was teglnnlng to be frightened,
'Then why havo you come?"
"I came to be with father. Ills let
ters have Imh-u so queer. And when
ever I asked to come back, he said
no, for me to stay and enjoy myself
as though I could have a good time
any place ao well aa at home with
father." Iless jlabbcd her eyea fierce
ly. "So I came on without asking
leave; and then I found that you had
sent all my letters back, Just because
Hern Iless suddenly collspsed.
and. sitting down, dropped her head
on the desk. "I wish you would go
away; you've spoiled my whole home
coming." "Hess!" His voice was startlngly
near. He must be bending close above
her. "Why did you refuse to marry
"I I wouldn't have done It If you
hadn't asked me."
An Interval of bewjldered silence.
Then, "sup-toning I were to ask you
again?" ho ventured.
"Hut you sent back my letters and a
lot of other things I didn't even know
you had,!' came an Injured volco from
among the notepaper confusion of the
"I sent none of those things back;
but I can't explain until we are en
gnged." Hlio looked at the floor.
Ilardwlck watted; than he pulled out
his watch mid bnndkerclilef. "I'll give
you one minute more," he said, delib
erately. "If by that time you haven't
said you will, I shall consider It done."
Hess wheeled around and stared at
the watch with fascinated eyes.
"Half a minute gone," he said.
"I I oh, I Ilardwlck, put up that
watch I" she ordered desperately.
"All right. Now I'm going to dry
your eyes oh, that's orthodox; en
gaged people always do and you art
not to bo frightened at what I am go
ing to aay. You see, there really la no
cause for worry; It's going to turn out
all right Why. In'thrco years ho'll
pull out as good as new! Hut last
spring, what with stocks going down,
and the mines, things looked pretty
black. He's been up at the mines for
the last . six months and, Iless, the
houso had to go."
"The houso? This house?"
"Yes, your father had to sell It. You
see, thero was a mortgage on It, and
enormous Interest "
"Oh, Hard "
"Hut I bought It In
"Hccnuso wo couldn't havo strangers
living In tho old homo, could wo, Hess?.
And now "
"No." HeHft shook herself frco and
pressed her hands to her cheeks. "You
mean wo'ro poor I'm poorl"
"Poor? Owning mo?"
"Don't laugh. I can't bu engaged to
you now!'-
"Hut you are," ho laughed.
"Hut I refused you when I thought
I was rich"
"Sweetheart," ho whlBjiored, draw
ing her cIobo, "I thought you would
feel that way; that's why I wanted you
to promlso before you know,"
"Hut "
"What difference iIoch It make?
There's only ono thing aren't you
sorry you pried Into my things uud
toro up tho pink sunbonnet?"
Half nn hour later, when Ilardwlck
was taking lior over to Aunt Aunlo'a
for tho night, Hess confessed that sho
was. Now York Nows,
It Is right to eat cucumbers and Ice
cream at tho samo meal If you put a
vory thick pad between thorn.
Your Hair
"Two years ago my hair was
falling out badly, I purchased a
bottle of Aycr's I fair Vigor, and
soon my hair stopped coming out."
Miss Minnie Hoover, Paris, III.
Perhaps your mother
had thin hair, but that is
no reason why you must
go through life with half
starved hair. If you want
long, thick hair, feed it
with Aycr's Hair Vigor,
and make it rich, dark,
and heavy.
II.MaMlle. All emnMs,
if your dtUHlil rannot aumiljr you,
send ua one dollar and we will eipieta
you a bottle, tie aure anilglie the ueute
of jeururteiirunK. Aitrirex,
J. f. CO., Uell, Mau.
Works tilra Regularly.
Dlnguss Where do you Invest your
Bhadbolt Well, 1 generally have IS
or f 10 Invested somowhoro about you.
The Biter tilt
He Dahl Women aru fools. 8ho
(sweetly) Well. If thero Is anything
In heredity, and acquaintance with
iomo of their sons would load us to
think so. Halfpenny Comic.
tSurevMore to John foole)
ret el Mefrlten tftreet, l-ortlW. Oreen
Ttie Kit tlawillne Knslne- A child rn run It.
ValTre and all wntklns it mitfA up. 1 h.
I...II1V 4 b i.nia.Sh .tU rut In a Ut
ile (UMllne and then go ti,lp,"
Write for llluitiated catalogue and (or pile
on anything juuneedlu the imelilnttf line.
8trwborry Grntoet
Poldlnir Mullock
We have a romflf te line of trull
reekaroa In ituck al I'oitUml.
(lulek delivery nil email onlere.
wilte fur quolallone ou ratload
nee ttlree and Seetleae,
reundat ten A Hire I'urnltuie
Using X
Wilte for
Pur aMONrec't'nr to
TNfjVione rVio J Jf
"for at years I wa victim ordye
epata In lu woral tot to I tould eat luiUlne
fill milk toast, and at tlmea mjr atotnach would
mm, ,atn m.rtA 1lvftl that. Ilt fht&rrh 1
begin Uklmr CAHCAHKTH and alnce tfcenl
bate euaaur improrea, until i am aa wen aa
erer was In mi life."
Imviu II. Muarar, Newark, O.
Meateat. FaUubl. I'oitnl, Taite flood, ns
SooO, Hit Bitten Weaken vrflrlfe iOe Oe,Hie,
SOrfUf -.f (', lk)M, NMln.1, ttrt, Itl
MR Tfl.laP Kn,1 arSeiiaranleeSkr all drug.
Tfti Champion Draw Cut Mower
The Mower with the "DHAW CUT."
"drawlns" the cutting bar from a mint
anead, earning tno wneru w preai Hard
er on the ground, and giving Increased
lor I
M from tho uriiuiul.
rl tho Hm? The "Draw Cut" Cham ()
plon keeps the wheeli on the ground (
M and It the mint yowerful cutter in tho 0
M Hold, list many convenient ft-ntiirce. ft
j Kend fur haiidmnie catalogue ami cal- ft
ft eudar Mailed free. &
ft Hut ltd Tiylw Jt., PoillinJ, 0ipa. ft
P. N. U.
No 28-1003,
IIKN w rating1 to ndvcrtlidrt jtloaa
luvniiuu (ilia piri
' BhsBSjS-1'
iower tor nam cutting, w
It li no "puili cut," "puihlng" the bar
from toelml, when the more cutting, t
the more tendency for tho whceti to lilt i