wrw , ( W" uH" "mi" wpy A PROMINENT JL One of Indiana's Useful Educators Says: "I Feel Like a New Man." MR. JOHN V. MENQ. Mr. John Slang, 54 Jeffresan Ave., Indianapolis, Ind., Stato representative ot Indianapolis ilusineae. Col I pro, writes: "Iflrmly believe thnt I owe my (Ino health to Peruna. Constant travel nn J change of food and water wrought havoc with my stomach, and for months I suffered Uh indigestion nnd catarrh of the stomach. I felt that the only thine to do was to jive up my occupation which I felt very reluctant to do. Seeing an ad. of Peruna ns a specific for catarrh I decided to give It a trial, and used it faithfully for six weeks, when I found that my troubles had all disappeared and I seemed like a new man. I have a bottle of Peruna In my grip all the time, and occasionally take a few doses which keeps me In excellent health." John V. Aleng. The most common phases of summer catarrh are catarrh of the stomach and bowels. Peruna is a specific for sum , mer catarrh. Hon. Willis flrewcr, Representative In Congress from Alabama, writes the following letter to Dr. Hsrtmsn: Iloano of Representatives. Washington, D. C. The Peruna Medicine Co., Colum bus, O.: Gentleman I have need one b:ttlo of Peruna for lassitude, and I take pleasure in recommending it to those No Longer a Mystery. "I have often wondered," observed the doctor, "at the extraordinary popu larity of 'Dixie.' People always ap plaud whenever an orchestra begins to play it . Why is it?" The professor was silent a long tlmo. "Well," he said at last, "I hava sometimes thought it was because everybody liked the tuno." Chicago Tribune. swwTlafal1"iT- rr' sr . i i '' m AegctautePrepiralionrorAs slmllatlng thcFoodandDcgula tiflg theStoinachs andBoweh of luiuMfl .MmiE-i a Promotes Digc3lion.Chcerfur nessnndRcst.Contains neltlicr Opiumforpliine norlQueral. 1VOT 7i AR. C O TX c . jvt'cuD-siNun.ptrawi tnyUw Stmt' Jifptmint - JM&rtartMMJU&l Apcrfecl Remedy for Constipa tion , Sour Slomach.Dlarrhoca Worms .Convulsions ,Fc vensh nf as and Loss of Sleep. FacSlnule Signature or NEW YORK. ssEYjig.wiUMIsLllpsjjjjjjjaiB EXACT COPT Of WHAPPER. !MKaMaiBsjrtMtoMrVMiSa sffsafCFnOPM uBMFii;wgmBS ftjjKw.S3feiKir .i i TlTj COLLEGE MAN who need a Rood remedy. As a tonic it is excellent. In the short tlmo I have used it it has done mo a great deal of good." Willis llruwcr. If you do not derive prompt and sat isfactory results from the nw of Peru na, write at onoe to Dr. Hartmnn, giv ing a full statement of your case and ho will be pleated to give you his valu able advice gratis. Address Dr. liartman, President ol The Hartman Sanitarium, Columbus, Ohio. Uncomfortable., Finn leas I wonder why it is that those who attain the pinnacle of sue- cers never seem to lw happy? Cynnicus BeiMiM the pinnacle ot success is like the tas of a particularly tall lightning rod with a particularly sharp point, and those who succeed in perching tuiqporarlly upon it usually find that they aro targets for all the world's lightning. GASTORIA For Infants and Childron. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of In Use For Over & 4k AW 1 Alt Children nro won by candy, women by bonnets, men by schemes. Kx. Mnnniwr "Did they cnll you bnckl" Actress "No; tliev dared nio to come back." Wnll Htrcot: The most noted If' not tho most popular watering phtctj In the country. Puck, Dyer "Who holili tho record In your nutoiuohllo club" Jack "Shaffer. Ho run over himself?" Hrooklyn Life. Tom-"Dld she nsk you If "ho were the only girl you ever loved?" Jack -"No. Hhe took It for grnntcd."- Homervlllo Journal. I.udy Ho blind maii-"My poor man, what inmlo you blind!" Trump- "Looklng for work, nm'iii."-Cook Comity Jnll Journal. Patron "What did you sny this In, waiter?" Walter "Strawberry short cake, sir." Patron -"More like cuke shortberrlcs. Isn't It?" The Kngltshmnn-"! understand you Auicrlcnns elect nil your rulers by bal lot." The American -"Yen-till but our wives." Chicago News. "Wlljams. have you nnmed the bnby yet?"- "Almost. We've got the two grandmothers to agree to nrbltruto tho i-use'-CJilcngo TtIIhiiici A public beuefnetor: "Hromley stains to bo getting rlehr "Yes. He Invent ed n collar button chnsor thnt Is a great success." Culoago Itecord-IIer-uld. "Where's your boy going after ho leave the model school r "To some school that nln't model. 1 guifw, to htirti rvtidltig, writing, and llgurwi." Judge ilacon "Did you understand the lan guage when you were In Pari, Inst summer?" Kgbert "Well when I talked to myself I did." Yonkcra Statesman. Quito a difference! "What I tho dif ference between a gown nnd n crea tion?" "I can't give you the exact Hgure. Wtit lVn a small fortune." Chlcngo Post.. The Doctor "You have a bad cold, Mr. Jlggs. I'll glrc you some pills for it." Jlggs "Oh. never mind, doc tor. You can have It for notlilng." Ilavard lampoon. Host My wife Is worrying nlwut there being thirteen at tho table to night. Ouest Supirstltloim, rh? Host No; sho hns only n dozen silver knives nnd forks. Chicago News. Percy "Miss Sweetly, do you think you could bo happy with n man like mo?" Miss Sweetly "Well, tterlmps If ho wasn't too much llko your' Coinlc Cuts. Victim "Ooo! Phewl You charge double price for this kind of u sham poo, don't your HnrDer "Yen." Vic tim "Bo I thought. I notice thnt you are making me suffer twice a much " N. Y. Weekly. I'lrst Cltlxen-MWlMit do you think of this Idea or an army of the unem ployed marching to Washington?" Second Cltlzen-MThafs nothing new. it happens every four years." New York Weekly. Itemnrkablo womnn: "My wife is a famous cook," Mulllns announced, proudly, "Soy rcsonded Harlow, In differently. "Yes, sir. Sho concocts sauces that make even health foods palatable." Life. Housewife "Mlim, Is dinner not yet ready? Wo arc alljftarvlng." Mlna (who Is reading a novel) "No, dinner Is not ready and It won't bo until I llml out whether the black knight win ihut fair lady or not." She "A well-known writer says thnt In order to succeed a man must he 5 per cent, backbone." He "Oh, I don't know. A good many who Imvo managed to arrive aro 05 per cent cheok."-Chlcago Dally News. "Is my daughter familiar with Iho great composers?" asked Mrs. Ciiinrox. "Madame." said tho tiiuslc-tcaclinr, with a look of desperation, "she Is not merely fnmlllnr with them; sho Is Impertinent."-Washington Star. "UrothiT, don't you know If you swear nt theso mules you won't go to paradise?" "Yes. parson: hut If I don't swear nt thctn I won't got to tho end of tho row, and that's the Impor tant thing at present." Philadelphia Itecord. "What's tho matter? What aro you shivering alwut?". demanded tho llrst rabbit. "There's a dudo out there with a Kim," replied tho other. "Well, ho doesn't see us at all." "That's Just It, He's- aiming at something clso." Phil adelphia Press. Cliango: Hho-You used to sneer at men who parted their hair In tho mid dle. Dut they don't seem to nrouso your contempt any more Ho (sadly passing a hand ovor his shining knob) No, I have no contempt for any man who has hair enough to part anywhere, Chicago Record-Herald. Dark Hair saws " I luvo used Ayer's llalrViRor for a crest many years, and al though 1 am past eighty years of age, yet I luvo not a gray hair ht nty head." Geo. Yollott, Towson, Aid. We mean nil that rich, dark color your hair used to have. If It's gray now, no matter; Tor Ayer's Hair Vigor always re stores color to gray hair. Sometimes it makes the hair grow very heavy and long; and it stops falling of the. hair, too. f I.M Mil, Alt inttlttu If your druggist cannot supply yon, mil lit on dollar and w rlllVi 7011 a lamia. Iia stirs sml plto Urn naiuo ul jour t)Mlfiniiininni(. AdilrrM, J. U. A Vkll CO., Lowsll, alts. Why Ungagcmcnt Was Ilrokcn. "I, A. II., declare my uugnKomont to 0. 1), spinster, at this town, to ho at au end by irnson of her pawning the engagement ring," is Irom the jier sonsl column of a German newspaper. To llreak In New Shots. I Atnsjrs shske In Allrn's Ktot Ksw, powd" It cure hot, iwnlliiK, arhlns. awullun (rl. Oirrt rorua. IniiriiwIiiK nslU nd Imnlona. At til drusiilila snd shun aloft a, ' IMir I arri tnvauUtllulo huiloinIUd I'llltB. AddlDat Allen t. Ululated, U Kof, . Y. I tlranlte Ilest Ilulldlng Material, 1 Tim valne ol granito as a building material is 10 to "5 limes ns greut ns thnt of brick. After granite coma In tho following order limestone, slato. aud sandstone, For roushs aiMt eoldt there Is no better medicine than Plto's Cure for Consump tion. Price 36 cents. An Uarth Angel. St. Poter (at Heaven's gato) Como In. Fslr Spirit (anxiously) Is my halo en stralcht? N. Y. Weekly. iMissflirs BEffl-SHlZBI neons. rsrsiii. HUOACHB- Ikjtutctvt u uli mm paimIamisii AHINSTEPB AKBELTHOU: Vm sV JB m rl Hnn s&B vsm r j mrAW -afM ' I afQ I m& - 1' .X. 4V S'CZDvJ:RYfflm ail 1A I I iMIBSflirS '5"Jtv Lrr9-4nrs 1 takk" Jic5kfiJiJb WWR 4sVS Wat ft VVS3 T IS . AT IT7 akAr In W!"7Vs tfRINBlBM aJ PRUSSIAN STOCK FOOD, the Ortnttit Comlltlontr anil Slock S'atttntr known, HORSES) do mora work on Iraa (red, OOWBkIvc more and richer milk. HOGS Brow and fatten quicker If glrcn tlilafood. MAKES plQO OROW. . GOOD FOR STUNTED OALVBO. I bate kf a (mllaa I'niialan Stock t xnl lo mr ihnrouahliml twlna, II liraa than) aaaunatlta ami makM Ilia iilirtrrow. I ales triad II ea iluntail calves wlibeatUfao torrialU t. W UHOOMe, lOtia, HtU FBIBl O8.ps(co Hand Hook. fruiilsa tmilf Ce., Si. rnl. Mlaa. BSjreArttjBll ytfl.Uli m-"rfti fUUXLAMU HKKU CO., YOUR CHANCE IN L,IFE I'erhaps this is tho best clmncn that has lieen ofTured to you, V011 can't afford to overlook It. Perhaps you will succeed best In a business caroer. Wo fltyoti nraetlcally for biislness, and assist in Kottiiif,' you a position when competent; all our irraduntes aro employed. TlmtV.tlio holo story. Itostilts nro never In doubt with our ttrutlii ntes. You had bettor sit rlujht down now and wrlto for cutuloKiio which explnliiH fuly, BEHNKE-WALKER BUSINESS COLLEGE, S?.' I Hollering that the Hmlth-Premler Is the most popular Irrewrller 011 the Cottt, wo hATO purchased 'ib machines for our now sohool. liEIWSON MAOIltNCrtY 00. IKIU'ceMllln III Jnllll I'lioln) Pool ot Aluriliun Hlrptt, ISirthil'h Hron Tim I II (iMiilllifl I niltur ('MM rnit run It. Vslvrs slid sll workliirf Jsit ixivwrwl up. ah. 11., :m, 4 h, 11 , till), S li ) .Mil "fill In Ill- tin iissnlliis mid llii'li. 1111 lo Iobh" WrliM (or llliiaUHtril rnlnU Kiln sml fnf prleo 011 niiyililns: yuu ni)d In Hip uisdilittirrlliio. mum !" AUJH" ''aWBa" liffisrCeelev I Ttt &f 1I1MA tom"' Alcohol, Opium; Tobacco Using a wlt for LLIUTHATBD CntCULATta n'Arioroo"tsrJaJ rtimuj;n,0. Wtfbont rbtmJSr 1 I Dr. t. dec Wo WONDKRFUL HOME TRBATMHNT llllt MIWilMlUl t'tlt- tivw diH'lor l rllail crrnl InviuM Iia miva im-l xllliinil otwia (lull Dial aioslvrii mi In ill, Hk nun wlili Iiim omiilrilul In lira linl, ri"l. IiimIi. twrka ami vrtrlatilra thai af anlllrlr III RII..II lliniHN P.'. - f aura In Ihia nmntry Tlifuuali Ilia ui o IImmi harmlru inmiai Oil. (niuiit ilortur knowa Ilia anion uf mrr HO illltn.nl lri ntlra, Mlilrh Iia aiKrruanljr ura III itlffrranl dlwiwa. Iia (urnlrra lii ruia rmuili, alli Ilia, lull, threat, IhatimalUni, iitmiaanrM. IiiiiiwIi, llrar, tXilnra, hhi haa liniidrwla uf Iratlmnnlala. t'hatira nurnit. tall "'! am hlin. I'alUma uul (if Ilia Mf wrlla ff l.lailki aii,l rlrwulara. Xandalaiuii. CONnllU TAI'IU.N Kiltie AHUUkMt The C. Gee Wo Chinese Medicine Co. ISl AUtr 01., IHtf lUnJ, Orsivn. (-Vtaullau Niwr. fi'iyPWimf'1-$iii1&&$t?VfofiW () Tho Champion Draw Gut Mower ly The Mower with Hie "PIIAW CtfT." "ittawms" the cutting bar frutu a imiIiiI shrail.caiiilnc lliew heU to ptea hard er on the stiiund. and slvluc Incraand taiwer lor hard cuiilnc Ilia nn "iuth rut," "iiuihlni" lha t.ar Irom Ixxlii'l. whan lha tnorv rutllus, the innra tandeiirjr (or the wheels to lilt Irom Ilia sruiiiid. lira !h i-dnir Tho-lirairCufCham. plon tKa the wheele n the giuiind and U the tuixt xowvrtul culler In the Held llaa many mnreiileiil IralUfra. rend for handMimn ratalouue and cal endar Mailed (no, MITCHELL. LEW15 & STAYER CO., Il 9 w (1 ia 1 ( lint sai Titlar SU., rwtUai.Ortjea. .! 'ili'? tt-sate ''! 'Mt MIiiJ'. ej-a mrrmmfmrV m m sy mr ayaj SHOW ME A PROS PEROUS BUSINESS And I'll show you a Smllh-I'rrmlrr Type writer In llic olfkc of that builnm-nlnt lima out often. It's like the red-headed girl and the while horse when you u one you can tec the other. Drop us a postal and let us tell you about this Typewriter. DURPHY&DICKERMAN Sole Artoti for fictile Caul, 247'StarkSt., Portland Oregon Tit bUtt-Wiltcr loilnu Colbtf ii svkIiimJ li SaUuVfnsiltti lor IU Kkl. P. N. U. ISo 27-I90J. TTIIKH wiltlna to advertisers pleas mention tills payer. 1'arlUnd, Uregen Coast Aseata, 1 i ?y -J, V-.