The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, July 10, 1903, Image 5

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Out 012 the Pampas
llr U. A hTNTY
yj4jf4j4jritjnu,itjr3,ij, CyXjrCJHt
Monday morning th boy were at work
t two wheelbarrow, fur which Mr Har
dy hil brouicht out wheel ud Ironwork,
nd Mr Hardy inl Ut men weut iluwn
to th stream, ami began to strip off th
turf, sad to tils out a trlp of land tweo
tynvo fet wMi aloojr th lln whr th
dam wa to com. The nrth wait then
wetted and puddled, la ten days a dstn
was raised tight feet high, three fret
wi at tb top and twenty-tiv feet wld
it tbo bottom. In tho mlildU a spaoe of
two feet wide ws left, through which tlio
llttl stream at preut ran Two posis,
with groove la them, wrn driven In, oint
upon either aid of tbla, and tbim th
work -was left far a few day, tor ths aua
to biko IU nrfkv, while the men wer
cutting trench (or tb water to run
down to tho ground to bo Irrigated.
.V tnll tlitlfB wan put at tbo entrance
to thl and alt wa now In reitilinrss to
complete tho 11 ml operation of eioln; up
tbo dam. A quantity of earth waa flr-it
collected and puddled and piled on th
top of tbo dam and on Uio slope by lta
aid. A number of board two feet lone
and cut to fit tho grooves, wero slipped
down Into thm, forming solid will,
and then upon tho t'pper aldo of these tbo
puddled erto wa thrown Into Uio water.
Tin-art standing below In tb etrearu and
po undine down tbo earth with a rammer.
Tho aucees waa complete. In a couplo of
hours' ttmo the cap in tbo dam waa Oiled
up, anil they had tho latlsfaetloa of '
tag; th UtHo atream overflowing It bank
and widening out above, whilo not a drop
of watr ma do It esuspn by tho old cha
While thl work had born going on ta
boy had been engaged up at tho hotino.
Th Ant thing w to mak a churn, thn
to put om largo clone ts and some mora
helve. Th girl tried their drat apart
ment at butter, and th mult waa moot
satisfactory Tho dinner, too, wrr pro
nooaeed to bo an Imaieos Improvement
upon th old atata of thine.
Mr. Hardy wm rather eurpriaed at
H!h Harpr, th Yaokoo, having remain
d so long In hi servir, a tho man bad
plainly etated. when first engaged, that
ho thought It likely that ho should sot tit
himself, a ho espressed It. for many
week. However, he stayed on. and had
evidently taken a fancy to tbo boy. Of
an vnlng. when work waa over, thy
would go down to the brack ho had erect
ed ontald hli but. and would ak him
to Ml thm tales of hi Indian riper!
eoce. Upon on of the occasions Char
ley nM to him- "Hut of all th near ei
cap that you hav had, which waa th
most haiardmu you over hadT Wbb b do
you consider wa the narrowest touch yuu
vr had of Doing killed r
Heth considered for some timo in !
Uncr, and thrn said. "That Uut alt
gnthrf an rosy quvation to answer. 1'to
Ixa m n-sr w1pd out auch wurn of
times that It ain't no May Job to say
whloh wa tho downright nearest. Hut I
think that, at th lime, I nortr o much
felt that Hoth Harper timo for going
down had rome as t did hi an affair near
Man rjMtte."
"And how wis that. Mirth? Do Ml us
about It." Maud aa(d.
"!t' ratlwr a long alary, that 1," tbo
Yankee said.
"AM tli better, Heth." Charley ald;
"at ieaat all tb bntter a far as wo are
cav-rnd. If you don't mind telling It"
"No, I doa mind, no bow," Seih an-rwen-d.
"I'll Juat, think It orer, and a-o
where to begin."
There wa a silence for a fe,w minute,
and tho youn Hardy composed them
eelre comfortably for a gooil long alt
ting, and then Hth Harper began hi
"Hetter than Are year hack. In M7. 1
-were Aghtlng In Mexico. It wasn't much
regular up and down fighting we had,
though wo had some toughUh battle, too,
l.iit It wero klnnlhlog her, aklnnlahlng j
there, keeping; one eye always optn. ile
and Ilnbo IVarion workeil moatly togeth
er. W had 'At' th Indian out on tho
prairies for yearn aide by aide, and when
Uaelo Ham wanted mm to lick the Mex
ican we concluded to go In together.
Wo 'Hated a acouta to th 'Hanger,' that
Is, we agreed to Aght a much as w wero
wanted to Aght. and to go on In front aa
fronts. In which way w had many a Ht
tl scrlmmsfo on our own account; but
we didn't wear any uniform, or do drill.
Hab ram from Mhuourl most of them
rrry big chap do, I shouldn't wonder
If Hanuon did, though I nerer heard for
The young Hardya had great difficulty
to prorent thcmaelre from laughing
loud at Heth'a Idea on tho subject of
Hamoon. Charley, howorer, with a groat
effort, steadied blmsdf to say. "Harmon
died great many yrara ago, Heth. Ilia
history I In tho lllble."
"la It, though?" Heth said, much Inter
eated. "Well, now, what did ho do?"
"lie carried away the -atea of data on
tils back, Beth."
Heth ronialned thoughtful for wait
time, "It all depondo on how big tho
galea were," ho aald at last. "That sato
down there Is a pretty hearyUh one, but
Itubo Pearson could haro carried nway
two slrh na that, and mo sitting on the
top of tlum. What tUe did ho do?"
"Mo was bound In neW cords, and ho
broke thimi nautidcr, Htth."
Hrtli did not appear to attach tmirh
lmportnnco lo this, and Imiulred: "Did ho
do anything die?"
"Ho klllod tbifo hundred men with tho
jowbono of an n,"
"llv klllod " Heth began, and then
iiiiimod In abfor natonIhinent. Then ho
looked aharply round "You'ro maktnc
fuu of iu. Ud '
"No, indeed, Beth." Charley said. "It la
ijultit true."
"Oh, It was miracle!" Hnth ld,
tliouKhtfutly. "I have no doubt that It
1 all true, and I wlah I cuuld read It for
myself. I can Just remember that my
mother put a great atore of ber IMiIm.
ami called It the (3ooi Hook. I eant
read It myself, and ahouldn t bare time
to do It It I could; so It's all one a far
a that goe. I am Just hunter and
Indian lighter, und I don't know that tor
yeara I haro erer stopped so Ions under a
roof an I haro here. My religion I th
religion of most of us out on tho prairie.
II honest and true to your wonl. MUck
to a friend to death, and never kill a man
xfpt la fair Aght. That's about all.
ami I bop It will do. at any rate, it's
too lut for me to try and learn a now
ontf now I listen on Sunday to your
ftW reading, and I wUh souieOme
I had Ixn taught, and yet It'a better as
It I. A man who acted like that
wouldn't bu much good for a rough lit
on tho pralrle. though I have no doubt
It could b donn In th settlements. Now
I will go on with that yam I wa Just
"On day our captain aent for Hub
and mo, and aays, Tv got Job for you
two scout. It's a dangerous one, but
you won't Ilk It any tb wora for that,
I know.'
" 'Not a bit.' aald Hub, with a laugh.
lie wa th llghtrst-hearted fellow, waa
Hubs: always gay and Jolly, and wouldn't
bar hurt a squirrel, except In stand-up
Aght and a matter of bualnni.
" 'What I It, Oopr said I. 'you're only
got to giv n the word, end we're off.'
"Tin bad a meage,' he aald. 'from
Col. Cabra of their errlce. that h I
ready to turn traitor, and lland na over
some correspondeuco of Hants Anna, of
wbtvh he has somehow- got possession.
Uelng a traitor, h won't trust any o.
and the only plan w can hit upon Is that
be shall make a Journey to Man Miguel,
thirty mile north of thia, a If on bus!
neaa. I am lo make an expedition In that
direction, and am to niak him prisoner
II will then hand or tb paper. W
shall bring- him here. and. after keeping
him for a time, let him go on parole. No
auoplclon will, therefore, at any future
time, arise againet him. Now, I want
yuu to go on to-morrow to Han Miguel.
Oo In there after dusk, and take up your
iiuarter at this address, (let up aa Mex
ican. It only require big cloak ami a
aombrero. HUy all next day. and till day
break on th morning afterward, aal
then rid baek ou this mad. Yau will And
out. In tho Arst place, whether Cabra has
arrived, and, in tho next place, whether
Kl Kere I In the neighborhood. I sluil
only bring forty men, aa I do not wish It
to bo supposed that I am going oa more
than a mere scouting expedition. You
".Ml right, Cap; we'll do It,' I aild.
and we went tT to our quarters.
" 'Wo had berter start early, Both,' said
Rube, 'sky at daybreak.'
" 'What fr. Itaber I saW.
"Itubo ltirbod. 'I diM't want to get
there bfoto duU. You remember l'e
plta? You know I did feel uneonuaou
soft toward I'eptta. and really tfcMgfct
of marryhiB and taklne her bak to Mis
souri.' " 'Only she wouldn't come. Hub?
u Must ao. Hath,' eahl he. laughing S
w agreed we would b th be.t friends.
ltd ah asked mo. If aver I wvnt out to
Ha,n Miguel, to go and aee her. bh five
in a small baoienda, a league this aid of
th town,
"I saw that it was of no use to argue,
but I didn't ltk It. The Mexican vumea
hated us wort than the men did, aad
that wln't easy to da. Hut next morn
ing off we alerted, and by ten o'clock w
rode -up to the door of th place which
Kube aald answered to tho description
IVplU had given him. It was o pretty
place, with tree around it, and might
hav been th residence of a naiall pro
prietor auch aa Pcplta ha A described her
father to be. Aa w rod up to lb door
It opened, and I saw at one that Hub
was right, for a dark eyed Mexican girl
cam out and looked at us inqulrlng-ly.
" 'What can I do tor you, seniors r" ah
" 'Don't you remember me. Donna I'c
plta? Hub aald. laughing, aa he lifted
th aombrero which had shaded his face.
"The girl atarted violently. 'Ah, Hlr
nor Americano, la It you? I might hare
known Indeed.' aba said, arulllng, by your
lie, even wrapped up. Tbla, of courx,
I Hlgnor Heth you are always together.
Uut come In,' aha aald.
"'Who havo you got inside, Donn
IVpltaV Itubov asked. 'I know that 1
can trust you, but I can't trust others,
aud I don't want It known I am hero.'
"The homo U empty,' l'eplta said.
'My father U out. There la ouly old J a
clnta at homo.'
"At this moment an old woman made
her appearance, at tho door, and at a
word from l'eplta took our horsM, whilo
l'eplta algned ua to enter.
" 'Hxvuso me, slsnora,' I aald. 'V will
go Ant and aco our horse stabled. It U
our custom: ono never know when ho
may want them.'
"I thought IVplta looked annoyed, but
It waa only for a moment, and then sho
said eonu'tliliii; In ono of tho country dla
lectx to tbo old woman, Hho nodded htr
bead and wont off round to tho buck of
the house, we leading our bones and fol
lowing lu-r. Tho stables, 1 observed, wero
alngulnrly lar.-o and well kept for a houso
of Its slxe, but, to my Biirprlse, Inotpud of
going to the long range of buildings, the
old woman led tho way to a small shed.
"'Ain't theao stable? aald I.
"Hho shook her head, and aald in Span
ish, They were once, but wo le only
two horses, Now they are rued as a atort .
for grains', Uio waster Inn ilui key.'
"I could not oonlradlct her, though I
bollnved she was tolling inn n lie. How
over, wo faNUtued titir burses up In tho
shod, put tho pistol fifmi our holster
Into our boltM, and, taking our rlllea i
our hands, entered tho Jioiimi.
"l'eplta rei-elred us vry warmly and
bualed borself assisting the old worn h a
to get u something to ear, rtr whifh
aha and Kube began lov-maklug, an I It
really seemed a If the girl meant to
change her mind, and go back with Hubo,
after alt. BtlU I wa uneasy, and shortly
wado some exeuse to leave the room and
saunter round and aboot tho bout. I
found nothing to exelt the siimust sns
plelun, and waa therefor foment to re
turn to the room and to throw tnyatlf
laxity down and go off for a siesta, In tho
wakeful Interval of wbloh I auuld hear
that the delighted Hube was arranging
with l'eplta how she should escape and
Join him wbou the army retired; for of
course neither bad any bleu that her
father would consent to her marrying
ono of tho hated enemies of hi country.
'At ,1 o'clock I roused myself and win
after the old wtiman came Into the rwtm
with some lemonade. I observed that l'e
plta changed color, but ahe sold nothing,
and a moment after, making some exeuse,
she left the room. I was about to speik
to Itubo on tb subject, when the win
dow was darkened with men. five or x
shota wero Ared at us, and with a yell a
crowd of Mexican rushed into tbo room.
"A they appeared Hube aprang up
with the exclamation Trapped, by thun
der!' and then fell flat on his back, abut.
I believed, through the head.
"I rushed to my ride, aeixed l. but
before I could Crt It to my shoulder It
waa knocked from my hand. Halt a dox
en fellows thrw tbemstlve upon me,
ami I was a prisoner There was such
a hubbub and a shouting at Arst that 1
couldn't hear a word, but at last I picked
up that they wer a party of the 'band
of 121 Zere, who was in the neighbor
hood, and bad been fetched by a boy that
traitress I'epits had dispatched for them
directly we arrived. I bad my eye Axed
upon pour Hube, whom no one thought
of notlelBg, when all of a sudden I gve
quite a start, for I saw a move. I eouWn't
e his face, but 1 saw a hand
gradually out towanl the leg of a raau
who stood near. Then there was a pause,
and then the othtr hand began to move.
It wasn't at all like the aimles way
that the arms of badly hit man would
move, and I saw at one that Kubo had
been playing 'poasuaa' all along."
"Doing what. Heth?" Ethel aaked.
"Just pretending to be dead. I held my
breath, for I saw be bad com to the con
clusion that he could not be overlooked
much longer, and was going to M;.ko a
"In another minute there waa x craah
and a shout a the two men foil to tho
ground lth their legs knocked dean
from under them, eatehiog hold of other
men and dragging them down with thvni.
From the mbttt of the ceafusieu Hub
leaped to his feet and made a rush for
the window, one man he leveled with a
blow of bis Am. another h caught up aa
If be bad tx-ea a baby, and hurling him
against two others, brought them on the
ground together, and then Wap ng over
their Uodle. dahed through the w.a .ow
before the Moxk-ans had recovered Xrvxu
their atibaBt. i could hate laugh
ed out fcMftl at th yH of rug sad au-ase-ajent
with waii a they sat off in pursuit.
bat two r thrve of thew rtatn to
guard we, and I might baW go a ami
la my rib-i, so I kept qolet. I heard
saMK r two, town there was a aliemv for
a time, then a shoat et triumph. L knew
it wa ait over, and that Hub wa takes
"He told m afterward that be had
made a dash round to the stable, whet
he had found seven or eight Mexieau
looking after the horsea; that he
knocked down one or two who were in
hi way, had leaped upon the nearest ani
mal, and bad atada off at the top of his
apeed, but that a doxon others were after
him In an instant; and aeelug that be
would be Iio.hI and thrown trim bit
horse, he had stopped and thrown up hi
arm In token of surrender. Knot's bands
wero bound tightly behind hint, aad h
wa led baek iato the room.
The horses were then saddled, and we
wer soon off, Hube and I riding in th
midst of the party with our hand tied
before us, so that we could just hold th
bridle. We had found out from the con
versation that Dt Zerv with hi band waa
about twenty-Ave mile dUtant
"It waa about nine o'clock when w
rod Into camp, and aa wa approached
k we acknowledged that a better place
against a audden surprise could hardly
have been chon-n. The gronnd was Aat
for miles round, but tho aite of the camp
rose la a alight mound, of nearly circular
form and perhaps on hundred yarda
acroxa, the central part wa thirty feet
or ao abovo the general level. Uounl
tbla tho bund of Kl Zerea waa encamped.
Wo were led up toward tho central hut,
which was evidently the abode of th
chief. He waa standing at the door, tup
ping hi rldng loot Impatiently
heavy whip, a man was holding his horse
In readlntMU, One of the other leader
was standing talking to him. Ul .arc
was a slight, nlry mau, with auult,
wicked-looking eye. He waa th savaget
and moot bloodthirsty of all tbo Mexican
partisans. The man with him nit a tali,
awarthy, ferocious looking villain.
"Kl .area looked at ua tor some tlm
without a word. Then he sadl, 'I've got
you at last; I've been on the lookout tor
you for a long tliuo past.'
tTo be continued.)
It Would Rcrm Bo,
Ilubberton Muy I Inquire what your
business Is, stranger?
Stranger (haughtily) Sir, I'm n gen
tleman. Ilubberton Well, I reckon that's a
tood business, strauger, but you'ro not
tho ouly mau that's fulled ut It Chi
cago News.
loo Crenm Cuke.
Crenra ono cup of xugjir with one
hnlf cup of butter Add ono-lmlf cup
of milk, ono und three-fourth cup of
dour dlflcd with two li'rel teaspoon
fill of bnklni; powder. Hut woll and
fold In tlio beaten whiten of three
egg nud ndil onu-bnlf timspoonful of
rnn Ilia. Onko la two round tin or
ono bbtcult tin from twenty to thirty
minutes. Front with tho yolks of two
egg, thickened with confectioner's
sugnr and ilnvoreU with vnnllln. Tbla
mirho enko recipe, flavored with al
mond ex! mot nnd frosted with n boll-
l In!,,,. m,iflnfn, .i,,n.lnlr, iif
.... .-..., v....,..u.u(. ...... ...... -. t
eiioppeil blanched nlmomls. mauea a
delicious almond cuke. Good House
keeping. Angel Food.
Sift a bnlf-ctip of flour six times with
a tunspoonful of cream of tartar. Heat
the white of six egg until they stand
alone and bent Into them gradually a
bnlf-cup of sifted powdered sugar, add
tbo flour In tho name way, beating
steadily, then a tenspoonful of vnnllla
and turn the mixture Into a clean, un
grraaed pan with a, funnel In tho mid
die. Bake carefully In a steady oven.
At tho end of tweuty-llvo minuted test
the loaf with a broomstrnw. When
baked remove the cake from the oven
and let It Hand In tho tin for ten min
ute before loosening It gen fly from
the sides and turning It out upon a
clean cloth. Cover with & white Icing.
Hani Boas.
On six pound of washing soda, and
three pounds of unslaked lime pour
four gallons of boiling water. Set
aside until clear, then drain off and
add six pounds of pnre fat Boll, stir
ring often, until It begins to harden.
This will take scTerar hours. Thin oc
casionally with two gallons of cold
watrr which wits poured on the mix
ture after the water was drawn off
after standing. When so thick that a
little poured on a plnte cools, add a
handful of .salt, stir and turn Into a
tub wet with cold water. When cold
It may be cut Into the sized cakes de
sired. Itakcit FtulTc.t I'eppers.
Cnt green peppers In two lengthwise
Remove the seeds and let tbe peppers
oak In cold water for half an hour.
Dry them and UU with a stuffing made
of breadcrumbs, chopped meat and i
seasoning pepper, salt, sage and onion J
Juice to taste. 1'lace them In a pan
and bake until brown en top. Add a
little soup stock or melted butter and
bet water before placing In tbe oven.
Serve hot with fish ot meat '
Cauned Cherries.
1'rtck each cherry. To three quarts ,
of cherries make a sirup of a quarter
of a pound of sugar ami a half -cup of
water, rut the sugar and water over '
the fire until the sugar Is dissolved.'
then turn the cherries carefully Into'
the sirup and bring very slowly to tbe!
bolL Boll gently for tiro minutes.
pack the cherries in jars and till tbeso '
to overflowing with the boiling sirup
Seal Immediately.
To I'nIUh Linoleum.
First clean off nil dirty murks with
PArattln. applied with a piece of cloau I
rag. either cotton, or woolen. Hub till
n good polish Is obtained with rlea
cloths. It tbe smell of paraffin Is not
liked, um IH8wax and turpeuiiiuv
Linoleum should never bo washed with
hot water.
Chocolate Tablet.
Tut Into a double boiler an equal
quantity of unsweetened chocolate
and melted fondant When both are
soft stir until smooth, flavor with va
nilla, then drop by the small spoonful
upou oiled paper to harden.
Vor a tight Miert Crust.
Take thrto ouuees of butter, clarlflwl
dripping, or lard, rub Into six ouucea
of pastry, dour. Add a pinch of t-alt
and a teaVpoonful of baking powder
nnd make tbe whole Into ti stiff paste
with thfo tablestwoufuls of cold wa
tor. Roll out ihp iasto fbluly and
bako In a very hot oven.
I Stewed Vntutoe. '
Put Into a frying ivtu a smalt piece
of butter, a. little chopped parsley, i
salt, pepiHT, and n gill ot milk, thick
ened with Hour, Let this como to tho
boll, add cold boiled potatoes cut Into
slices, nnd let cook geutly for ten tuln
utes. Add a little bit more butter uud
To Renovate Leather,
ltlnA !. ........ lt..l..l.. l.t.
! '" .uiiv euKiiuy mm n KMnUIUtabtat.TMt.(d.noOo,
dampen coh to cleanse It ami VTffggSft&i2 &
ury. iiei( mu wuuo tit nil egg to u ,
stiff froth, and upply It quickly to tho
leather with a soft rag.
For Hum untl Pcalita.
Apply glycerlno and Hour, tho latter
heaptHl on tho affected jwrt to keep
off tbo nlr. On this put a good pad ut
cotton wool and bamliica.
General Debility
Day In and out Micro Ifitlhai feoFtnc of
weakness that mokes a burden of Itself.
Kcxjd does not strengthen.
Sleep doe not refreitli.
It is bard to do, bard to bear; what
should bo may, vitality Is on tho ebb, and
tho whole system suffor.
For tills eondlUofi take
Hoods Sarsapartlla
It vltallxes tbo blood, elves lor ami teno
to all the organs and fauiatfoiw, asxl la
positively uneouallod for utt rttti-dwH or
dobllltated condition.
Uulb'l .TILLS sure ivntVlHmm. a trail.
Sb Is a Symphony In Whit and Her
Teeth Should Match.
Tbe girl who now plans lo go off on
her unmrner vacation recognizes that it
is a wblto year. Everything in the
line o( feminine apparel in white by
preferonce. White is all the fashion.
White dresses, white ribb no, white
haU, white stookings, even white trim
ming on tbe bathing dresses. White
paraeols, indeed the summer girl is a
symphony In white.
Now comes the point we with espec
ially to make.
Do yon think this beantiful vi-ion of
white lovliness this snmmergiri in all
her white costuming looks well when
she opens her month to laugh , and
hows a yclioWset'of teeth?
Heaven forbid that any dainty wo
man who expects admiration this so ta
mer, from those who look upon her,
will forget the absolute necessity of
having her teeth white, clean and per
fect. Before yon go to the coast, or to tbe
country, for jonr vacation, go to Wise
Brothers, tbe famous dentists in the
Failing building, Portland, Oregon,
and have your tsetb put in good order.
The cost is very aoderate and the pain
A Saul Case.
"U she really so homely?"
"Homely? Say, even an amateur
photographer can't help but flatter her
when he takes her plcturs." N. Y.
Evening Sou.
Tbo reader ottbu paper will be pleased to
wm tbai tbtr I at least one drtsdeil dlteajo
Uiat s&sBc- bos been able to cur ta ail It
auuce. auultbatUcauitb. UaH'iCsUrtiCore
1 lb oalr rclllT cure koowu to tb sicillcsl
trsternlt j Catarrh beinr a cosaUtatlonal tit.
tit, reqalna Coontuuilonal treatment.
Uiil'a Cstsrta Cur Is taken internally, sating
dlrtctly upon th blood and mncoua ratface
oi lb axtttaa. thereby dettrovtsg tb found.
Uoo ot tb d tvsM. sad suing ta paiiftu
trenaibby building-up tb eoiutitDtloa aa.l
ut Uag nature In dolnj its work. Tbo pro
prietors hav so much (Uib In It -utsute
rowers, thai they oSet On UaBdrl Dollars
lor tarra. thitlttlUtocura. Sead lor Ut
ct tettlmooUls. Address
r. J. eurjtrv a ea. Toledo, o.
Bold by arorg!tj,7Sc
UmU'sVonUU HlU or the UmL
Bible In Demand In China.
Recently a Chinese professor in a
(tovernment college made application
for fifty English bibles for the ne of
the students.
YC rvnutfiD; cimi e fix se nTiocta-Mi
alio after am r'if lie biM-aCnaabtn
aMSocw, 8o4(arffUBK8XUatruJbinlsdtraa.
lu. Da.klt.guss.LM. W4 ARhiL.rsgjkltlsbia.k
Pessimism nourishes itself in onr
time, not in tbe bard ground, where la
bor swea's and melts, but in the flow
ery beds of luxury and slothful ease.
Rer. J. W. Chadwick.
IMtlloc mrhlnrr Orr runv disetenl atyUs
f Rwrblow for Wtr ll and Mlaeral riwpKl'
Ins StnuuorbvrMpoarr. W daiuU U Ktlly
at Taunejrtim Co.' Buehisery sud full Ubm of tv
plrerTld In Ux-t. We lw furaUb cmuIIim
ruKluwMtoruatbtixaachibery. Our nubchja sn
fMtr, iraur uruUrr ta prt tbsn any utour
lucb( oa tb uurkvt ThoiMaud sr In sac
cMful oiwrmloa. KKIKlfON MACIltNKKV
CtX. tleucrsl Axenta, M ot WorrUoo strvrt,
rortUttd, Ore. esd lor Vtm lUiuintrd lfciw-
rsn't & rcffulir. healxhv iaortai
If yoa hiTu'i a rcKulor, taeabbj inoTmB or t4
bonsu ttr 0J. juu to UU. ot ui c. a.p TOCT
boli ores, and Pe.woU. lbtaspoc
itsrr Uar. juato ic,or ui be. Keep roct
mi, sad be woU. ke. la lb taspe of
pbitle or piu dunrou 'fb
ru eulctU most tMrrxt n) of astplSA tbe
TloJtal DO
LXlUXlhAl. tf
tow tit etr sud elo U W UX
usj crTtic. "'
Uoaib Bjrrupw Tme Oood. Vm I
la tlms. Bold br dnigUu.
anBTcNaw- a
ttCK're.airrrrlg'aaaaBi :ar asX
SsClxilT drPmf