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About The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931 | View Entire Issue (July 10, 1903)
BX. ,,i. tii in'" t fT"W ; Elkiivs PRINEVlLLE, WB WANT Or everyone nt Hem! nnil Its vicinity more Unlit half u'liy Id gel lit. We kndw5 Hint niter trniUUft VHIi luwut scouting yotn- subsequent oruetsi We will give yuuV MAIL ORDlRS The same ntlelltidii aild prompt shipnient tlml we v?oUUl Vcre 3?Jtt prte cut iii pcrsotl; Wc will sell ydu ilothillg btU firnl'-dlnss godds at ns low n price al il in tw.islble to make, futility btiftlg WnlShltefrd; Send us a trial drdcr. VlMfc for CLAiMs ESTIMATED AID Sol-.O KING, HUNTER. 8b MARSH. TIMBER CRUISERS AND LAND LOCATORS BOND -..--- oHEtlflN. The Winnek Drug Co. 8UCCH8.SOKH TO CHAN. H. KMVAHD.H ft CO. Carries a Complete Line of Fishing Tackle, Toilet Articles, Stationery and Patent Medicines. BEND Local Events of the Week. When you nrc at Shaniko, re member the Pioneer Saloon is the nlarc to get fine liquors. The best i none too good for you, and wc dispense the very best. S. II. Dormncc, mi!! foreman of the P. B. I). Co., is building n box cottage of .six rooms on the river bank north of Garden Row. The building i.s 33X36 feet. There will Ik: four rooms on the first floor and two aloft, t M. J. Klein left Wednesday for Priueville. Prom there lie rocs to r.dmontou, taking a carload of fine horses to the Dominion market. Horses arc 'way up just now.owing to so many scrub cnyuses having been canned a few years back. Mr. Klein expects to return here in two months, A brass baud was organized in Haul last Monday evening. It has taken the name of Broker's Con cert Hand. Harry W. Hrokcr is the director pud president of the organization and Frank Hodson secretary. Harry Hrokcr will play the solo cornet, Creed M. Triplett cornctlst, C. C. Triplett alto, VA Hrock tenor, Prank Hodsou bari tone, Max Wnrzwcilcr tuba, John Cottor drums. The rehearsals will be held over the Hcntl Mercantile Company's store on Monday, Wed nesday and Friday evenings. NEW STORE FOR BEND. WU.l. Ol'KN A1IOUTJUI.Y 15, With n full stock of General Merchandise of lwst quality at Lowest Prices. Bend Mercantile Company INCOKI'OKATIU) WITH CAI'lTAI. OI $10,000. UNDER MANAdBAlENT OF A. It, O.RANT All Goods at Prineville Prices. New Building, Complete, Fresh Stock, The Largest and Best on the Deschutes River , Bend, Opposite Pilot Butte Inn, b King, OIUtGON. THE TRADE ( hint nM willing to tlniel ytlU nil lis once Uidrc wilt be lid trouble btf fiicsA, ELKINS & KING. ESTIMATING A SPftelA.-.TY OREGON. A new picket fence is being built in front of the Staats Hotel, greatly improving the appearance of that property. The Winnek Drug Company carry a fine line of prescrip tion supplies. Opposite the I. B. I). Co.'s oflicc, Hend, Oregon. R. Houd whiskey is to be had at the Pioneer Saloon, Shaniko, J. J, Wiley, proprietor. A good grate ful drink, refreshing, invigorating. J. M. Lawrence, United States commissioner and notary public, in addition to having equipment for transacting business connected with public laud, litis jiift put in u line of real estate blanks deeds, mort gages, leases, bonds for deed, etc. and is prepared to draw convey ances and attend to thcircxccutiou. He also has chattel mortgages, notes, etc., of the forms approved in Oregon. The Vnndcvcrts have not yet put on their daily stage lctwecn Hend and Priueville, as was reported last week. A petition for a daily mail service on this route is being quite extensively signed at the post office and if it shall be granted the regu lar mail stage will be run daily in .stead of tri-wcekly as at present. The only daily stage between Hend and Priueville is now run by Hooth & Coruett and they arc doing a good business with both passengers and express. Mux WllIV.wtMlUr Bjwiit the fore part of the week in Prim-ville. Kcmftc IhJblh, Injillagor of Hid Hooth & Comett muiMch, left for Priueville this morning, Ydli can obtain patent medicines and toilet articles at the drug store, opjKrtite the P. BD. Co.'h office, H61IU. Uililuml King, who suffered two wl-Bktt ffUin nil attack of erysipelas, is ollt iiirnih atld the sore on his eheelct tlml hud troubled him scv anil yttilrti IlitS nlstt hvalod. The daily stilge lq Priueville now leaves Hend at 6:30 a. 111. instead of 7. This change is to insureHrrival at Priueville in time to connect with the outgoing mail for Shaniko. The FoUrth Of July celebration was brightchtU borccptibly by "Dad'" West's illflllary uniform. He lcstrdde n noble charger and looked to bfllulhiilg under the rank of a brignlHttT- cteilcrol. He was u feature Uf M Uityt Letter noV CUme Hinhigll from Portland Hi lw than two days, by hc new lrt? lilte. A letter Mailed in Fdrtlalid nt titf n. 111. is in the hands Of IM JrtS'rson addressed by suppfr liinb next day. The outgo ing tn.Mil makfcs tVially quick time by this route. The Rcccpti'dn Saloon, Shaniko, offers the most tempting induce ments to timber 1 oca tort goiltg into IhP wvtodft. Tilt vH.V best brands of whl&ki&i stldt us Cyrus Noble, Old PcpM.r, Hunter Ualtimorc Rye and other standard goods, always to be had here. Call at the Recep tion. MtHlders Will be done with the IKlnl Mercantile Company's store tVel 'ck. The carpenters arc now putting in the shelving and counters and inside finishing. The Triplett boys, Creed M. and C. C, have the painting contract well un der way and will crowd the carpen ters clo.scly before the end. A large stock of goods is 011 the way in from the railroad. United States Commissioner Law rence has received a lot of new plats of townships in this district, show ing all entries, their character and date, and he is prepared to supply blue prints to all wlio want them. He also has arranged to receive checkings from Lakcview and will have the latest , available informa tion touching Jgnds of the Upper Deschutes valley lying in that dis trict. The freighters Moore and Stroud nrrived Wednesday with two six horse loads from Shaniko, five tons each. Though they were nominally for the Hend Mercantile Company, most of the freiirlit con sisted of household goods for S. H. Dorrance and J. M. Lawrence, who now deem themselves entirely moved to Head. This freight was about six weeks coming in from Portland. Have you noticed how the ap pearance of "Dad" West & Co.'s new meat market .suggests n hu man skull? The two tinner win dows form the eyes, the depressed upper door tltc nasal orifice and the window sash of the front form the teeth. The coat of white paint now going on the .structure will not rem edy the- matter. The peculiar marking of the building may tend to make late travelers on Wall street more temperate in their hab its. The Hend Mercantile Coninauv will have a irrand onenintr utxm the completion of its new building and the arrival of its full stock of eoods. The date is yet a little uncertain because ot the difficulty of trans porting large quantities of freight from the railroad, but it will le about two weeks hence. Manager Grant has emraied Broker's Con cert Hand for the occasion and will have evcrvthinc readv for a nronor celebration 01 tins notable event in Heud's commercial history. There is considerable delay in getting the machinery for the P. II. I). Co.'s new mill, at the ditch line three miles up the river. A new engine and boiler and other equipment for the mill are supposed to be on the way from Portland. This will do away with the neces sity of moving the plant from this place. The new mill will have nearly three times the capacity of the old one. Men are at work saw ing and hauling logs to the new lo cation, so there will be plenty of stock to saw when the mill shall be ready to work. This may be two weeks -or more heneck CELEHRATED THE FOURTH. Many Visitors In Hend find tho Day Well spent. Between 300 and ,-500 people par ticipated in the celebration of the Fourth of July here this year. It was an orderly and patriotic crowd and there was plenty of enjoyment for all. The funds subscribed were ample for all excuses and the cel ebration committee is able to show a clean bill of excuses as well art a creditable celebration. Of course Young America opened the day with his firecrackers. Shortly before 1 1 o'clock the crowd gathered in the park south of the postolfice and the exercises then followed this fXIKIMAMMIi. I. Hoiik "rtUr-Mimiijjlcil Jlamitr" ...M...Kry sum hii, nt. a, J., niiuitr, j. ji. i-aw-rtn, Dr. C S. Ifclwurilf, Mlu In ml If, aecumpatiM. . KeadliiK or I lie Declaration of !mlriii. (tcnw II. W. Mrttl i Curnct Koli "1 Lore Vou, Dear, and Only You" Cuttav l.ulcra Harry W. 4. Orttyaburg AiMrtaa of Abraham Lincoln hylrc-ittr Staata 5. rjiig-"Thc huldltr I'a-vwrl!" . Klnkrt ThcOiurlrti 4, Oration...... .. c H Iteimon 7. CferiKt rtolu "Thrn VimiII Hrmcmber Jle" Ualfc lUrry W. lirukcr. . ftOllg-Alncrlo', Kmlth tfuarUI and auulrncc. All these numbers were short and well rendered and nobody had a chance to become tired. Miss Wicst's cabinet organ was used for the accompaniment. Mr. liaison's oration was finished in fifteen min utes and it was highly commended. After the platform programme the crowd was entertained by the races whose story was told in the following record: loo yard daah II. i. Caldwell first priic. . Ijoo 1 jo 00 1' 11. uiie kcoiki irur.. . 40 yard daah U. H. hlDJ nrat prlte I'. II, Olle second Drlic 40 yard ilaali, luya under 10 Mcphcn MrMI 71 nrai prise . ..- ..... ...... .. Irun Martli aecundprlie Crort-c Kcrer third price Potato race titepben SMeldl I ,. , I LrnnMarth I ,,cU I Jo Ii 75 5 00 I 00 I J I jo decree Kevcr third prltc . Ctrl. 40 yard daah Oracc Vanderert tirat prue Ira West accond prlie .. Marrlrl ladlea' 40 yard ilaah Mra. Xchulte ( tt. J Mta.Tliotnaa I "tu I Three-legged race hlcffi and Caldwell brat prue - ........ j jo Kent and Hill accond prlie ... 1 jo llucultatliif conteil Kloj-d rttrwart brat urine ...... ... 1 00 Ocorre Koer aecond prlif .... ;j ftlepbcn Mlcldl third prltc -. jo Douelaa I'otx fourtlauriie - H tut yard horac race Kd MorrcU'a "luy" nri prue .y. - ..-. 4 00 Vandcrert'a "horref" accoud prltc 1 w In the afternoon the Bend base ball team crossed bats with the Scrub club with the result that the 1 former by brilliant stick work and superior legging rolled up the com fortable score of 1 6, and the latter, being deficient in bluffing accom plishments, tallied only 4 times. The $10 purse went to the Bend organized team. The two balls at West's hall were entirely successful. For the Fri day night dance the receipts were $27 and Saturday night the attend ance was more than twice as great but only $13 was realized, the price being but half as much and some of the dancers not paying even that. A'ery satisfactory music was sup plied by A. H. Kennedy, Mrs. Broker and Harry Broker. Solid and liquid refreshments were served in the room under the dance hall. Saturday evening there was a gorgeous display of fireworks at the I store of the Hend Mercantile Com jpauy. Manager Grant entered I properly into the spirit of the occa sion and sent sky rockets and Ro I man caudles ripping aloft, with piu ' wheels and various color devices to vary the picturesque programme. , The display drew a large crowd. 1 Mrs. Drake narrowly escaped in jury in the morning by a cracker hanging fire. She had lit and thrown the cracker in the grass in front of the house. It failed to ex plode in the usual time and site picked it up. As she raised it near her face it exploded, filling her face with smoke and burning a large hole in her waist. Fortunately no fire reached her face. A Priueville man named Sports .mau created some disorder at tltc dance late Friday night and was ejected fcom the ballroom. Ihis was the only case of disorder re ported during the celebration. Sat urday Sportsman was thrown from n horse he was riding at the races, but he was not injured. The full financial report of the celebration will be made at a meet ing Saturday night. Roughly, there was collected from citizens' sub scriptions $ 48, 50, of which $30 went for race prizes, $10 for baseball purse and $8.50 for incidentals. The dances were slightly more than self-sustaining. The lumber for the platform and seats in the park was lent by the P. B. D. Co. and it was hauled to the grounds by CM. Doukel and returned to the lumber yard by Arnt Amic without charge. Miss Wiest contributed the service of her cabinet organ at tltc dances and at the park. Weather Report for June. According to the report of Vol untary Observer Stanburrough the daily record of temperature for the month of June was as follows; n Mln Date Max I Mln I 44 $ i M 41 4 4 4f U J 49 4t !fcT 19. ta 1 1 17 . 4" 4 47 W 4' 4 4 74 J" 8 5 TV 74 H ... S J4. . !&:::::.: to frn.. 7T1J 4i There is no killing frost recorded for the month, though on the 3d the mercury went 6 degrees below freezing. Rain fell on' the 9th, 10th, nth, 12th, tjth, i6th, 19th and 2 1st, a total pecipitation of t .95 inches for the month. There were 3 cloudy days, 13 partly cloudy antl 14 clear. The storms of the 14th and 18th were thunder storms ac companied by hail. The demand for accommodations at Hot Lake, nine miles from La Grande, oil the main line of the 0. R. & N., has been so great that the management has been obliged to double its capacity. The old bath house is being replaced by a new brick one, and guests of the sani tarium arc assured of every comfort and convenience. Sixty thousand dollars were spent in improvements last year. The flow of hot water is about 2,500,000 gallons a day, and its temperature is about 190 de grees. The treatment consists of copious drinking of the water, hot baths, vapor baths, and hot mud baths. Ninety per cent of all cases of rheumatism, dyspepsia, liver and stomach ailments, nervous disorders, kidney and skin diseases are cured. Excursion rates all the year round. NEWLY EQUIPPED. HOTEL PRINEVILLE C E. McDowell. Electric Lights Ttirwigtowt the i All White Help. PRINEVILLE, ORE. Chas. S. Edwards, M. Di PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. BEND OREGON; Dont forget to drop into the MINNESOTA BUFFET DESCHUTES ORE Q O N Date Jla 77 - 61 1 4.... 74 J J I u v- - fi 9..'.'.".""'..i: 4 i yi 11 7 11 67 14 .. S II. M iS. .... 61 We carry only the finest Hues of Wines, Liquors and Cigars TWOHY SMcKEOWfl PROPRIETORS.