mfvmf0 The Bend Bulletin. linltml March )8, lortj, (it Dctehiilcs, Oregon, pa accoml-clata mailer. rOLUHKU KVKKV RIIUV AT IIKSCIIl'TK4,MKtl. MAX l.Ulill)UMANN llibllthcr. SUBSCRIPTION KATHH! Per year.. .. $1.00 sit monlhi., - ja Thrt month............. J (invariably in advance.! AUmtlacra who wluli to change their advlt i thonlil hare copy In not Ulrr than Tuemlay mxm . preceding the Imuc In which change l dctittM. I FRIDAY JULY 10, 1903 A NEW LAND RULE. The Lakeview laudoflicc has sent out notice to the effect that after this week no papers affecting lands in that district will be accepted un less executed within the district or within the county in which the lauds arc situated. This will be a material inconvenience to many jeoplc jvho have made arrange ments for proofs at more conven ient places. According to the new rule, no applications or proofs for lands lying south of township 22 can be made in this county here after. The law governing the mat ter reads as follows: sidewalks or blistering pavements to keep us from contact with the soil. Wc can take a full breath without crowding our neighbor, we have freedom of action and freedom to think straight. We can lead an honest life, unfretted by the stilted conventions and artificial, hypocrit ical standards that have grown up in the cities that arc such a heavy load for our civilization to carry. Hcnd is no plnec for the shabby genteel, but whole-souled, healthy minded folk will find this a haven of rest and a well or sattslactton, as well as a hive of industry and an inspiration to better living. vests good money in development enterprises must get preference over those who merely have the will to do so. This is the reasonable law of business everywhere. "It is reeog. nixed us justice. Industrial develop ment could not take place but for such recognition. Now that this matter has been fought to the finish it in to lie expected that all the qu ergics of both parties will go Into constructive effort and not into at tacks upon others. Then tho count try will advance. That In caw the affiJtvlU, proof and oathi hereinbefore mentioned he taken out of the county In which the land it locate,!, the applicant muH tnow ur arnuaru. aaiwanory to me com tnlmioncr of the general land office, that it waa laVen before TIIK NKAKICT OK MOST AC- CKSSIDLH OI'PICKK qualified to take Mid affl uavut, prooia ana mint in me lanci uwricta in which the limit applied for are located. The new rule does not seem to be supported by the law, though the language of the law is a little am biguous and there will probably be 110 attempt to override the rule. PAY YOUR PERSONAL. ROAD TAX. The district road supervisor, John Siscmore, has begun an active cam paign for road work. He finds that many people are slow to re spond to his invitation to work or pay, and some have even bluntly refused to discharge their obliga tion to the public roads. Therefore lie declares that he will give legal notice and then proceed according to law to enforce the collection of the road poll tax or the penalty for refusing to pay it. An impression prevails to some extent that the law provides no means whereby a penalty for refusal ! J,'me,0, Hwy capitaii.tahuMauWrit. , ., . nit uinutanu. every cicrk nit iwcmy 1'roiec- THE WAY TO QEV A RAILWAY. Tlfcrc is enough state pride in Central Oregon to ,tuake it prefer railroad connection with Portland. But this is a raw country and it has not the capital necessary to build railroads or other large develop ment agencies. The money must come from the centers of commerce 1 and capital. In this case, if Port land is to have access to the Cen tral Oreuon country it must liestir itself to establish adequate lines of communication. The sentiment of the matter will not weigh when it comes down to a question of cold business calcula tion, Wc need a railroad. If Portland will not throw out this life line u life line quite as much for Portland as for Central Oregon we will accept the railroad from any direction it may come. The railroad is more important than is the direction of its approach. Por many reasons wc would prefer the extension of the Columbia South ern. Next in preference would be the Corvallis & Kastern. Hut if we cannot get cither of those let a line come in from Ontario or Reno or any other old place. Evidence of the fact that Port land is atxntt past the stage of mumbling polite phrases to .Mr. Harriman and is approaching the stage of action is supplied by the following gratifying paragraph in .Monday s Oregouiau: If llarrimau'ahlra iato connect Central Ore Eon liy rail from the tooth or rati, then It It 111' cumbent upon l"ortlan. tobtilM without He lay. either from theilatl south or elc acmtt the Catcodea totnewherc in the HautMm country connecting with the Southern racific. It it time to And out what hit purpose It. and thtn It will to work or pay the personal road tax can be enforced. This is an error. Tfie Jaw.makes-it the duty, of thefroad supervisor, in case a person' subject to the tax shall fail to respond to official notice, to j commercial and proceed to collect the tax by levy political, bonds, lion of rortland'a railroad connection! It at im pottaut to the city't future a the Lew it and Clark fair. That's the spirit that will get a railroad into Central Oregon and knit the commonwealth together in social, as well as There is.of course, upon and sale of any property that no question as to the substantial can be found belonging to the de-1 profit of the enterprise. If Port- hnquent; and no property is ex empt from such process. If no property can be found the super visor is directed to bring an action in his own name against the delin quent, and any judgment "shall be enforced in the same manner as u judgment for a fine in a criminal action. This means that the de linquent may be sent to jail to serve time for the amount of the judg ment against him for personal road tax, The action can be brought in justice court. This personal road tax is fixed in the law at two days' labor or $3 in cash. "IJach male between 2 1 and 50 years of age, except those who are a public charge or 'are too infirm to perform Iabo?" are subject to the tax in this county. Supervisor Sisemore declares his purpose to collect this tax impar tially from all. He has been in structed by the county judge to en force collection against any 'who shall refuse to pay. Our roads need the work and all get the bene fit of good roads. There ought to be no objection to working or pay ing the money for this purpose. If anyone knows of a more de lightful climate than that of Demi, we should like to have it pointed out, I,ook at the weather rejxrt for June, published elsewhere in this paper a mean maximum of 74.1 and a mean minimum of 50,1 degrees, with rain enough to soak the dust on six days. The ex tremes of temperature were 26 and 9S. With a clear, bracing atmo sphere, the best water in the world from a brimming river that is per petually hurrying and calling to the sea and never becomes unruly, the shade of the whispering pines and junipers, flowers and birds to make all the day gay, IJend can't be beaten as a pleasant and healthful ; auiamg place, ui course, xfe miss the opera, the clanging trolley car, the fire brigade, the patrol wagon jmd the street faker. There are no land will build the railroad Central Oregon will do the rest. Bend has reason to feel gratified over the Potirth of July celebration. A year ago the national holiday was celebrated here by a collection of 25 persons, and there was a great effort to get everybody out, too. This year more than 200 persons listened to the exercises in the park south of the postoffice and the rest of the town was by no menus de serted. It was an orderly, good humored crowd, too, entirely cred itable to this country. The sports, the ball game and the dances were well patronized and the single act of ruffianism reported stood out in strong con t last with the general good spirit and neighborly fellow ship that marked all the festivities. There was no display of peace offi cers to compel civility; it was a matter of self control which is an attribute of the highest type of civ ilization. Bend has the spirit of American independence not arro gnucc and can be trusted to make a good record. The Hcnd school district suit wis set for hearing before J mljie Biggs at Prineville today. Charles Graves, county Kurvoyor, is surveying Mrs. Harriet Barnes's, homestead, Prank Glass, Martin Pratt and A. K. Richardson assist ing. Postmaster Stttats's fhmily to oe oupyitig the cottage next to tho Keho office, where it will be clam idled until the rooms over the ttost- office arc vacated by the present oc cupauts, the Kobcrtsos and Miss Bundle. Secretary Richardson of the Hfixc ball Association requests all mem bers to lie present at the meeting at 8 o'clock Saturday evening in the schoolhouse. Pinal reports of the Fourth of July celebration will be submitted. The Columbia Southern people have begun negotiations with John Sisemore for the transfer of his property for towtisite purpose. It is said that that company has given up the Lytic townxitM and will now make a pull for some point farther up the river. The new song books for the IJcitd Sunday school, "International Praise," have arrived and there will be a general practice at the school house Saturday evening. There are 50 books enough for all who want to sing. In u quarrel at Mitchell lait Snt unlay "Mug" Puctt shot "Milt" Delia veil, who before he died, killed his antagonist. City Marshal Stites took a hand to quell the row and re ceived a hip wound from Ptiett's gun that is likely to prove fatal. Z, F. MOODY, General Commission 3 Forwarding merchant SMANIKO, ORI200N. LARQE AN!) COMMODIOUS WARlillOUSli. CONSIGNMENTS SOLICITED. Prompt attention paid to those who favor me with their patronage. TiiRouaii r-wi urNi) to sjianiko in onb day, Shaniko-Prineville) PRINEVILLE-BEND i Stage Line iiootii i coKNirrr. Leave Shnuikp 6 p, in, " Prineville j p. in, " Bend 7 n, tit, " Prineville 1 p, m. SCIIUOULIi: t 4 Arrive Prineville 6 a. in, " . Shauiko 1 11. in. " Prineville 13 in, ' JJciid 6:30 p. in, First-Class Accommodations for the Traveling Public PASSliNGfR AND .MIGHT RATIiS KCASONABLE. '! CII.M hkllTlf IHOM Cf.HIIK SA1ITII & CLEEK'S City fflcajt Market. J. I. WIWT. Wop. MULKR IN MEATS OF ALL KINDS Butter, Kggs, Poultry, Potatoes, Vegetables In Season. Opposite P. II. I). Co.'s Store, HUM) RECEPTION Wholesale and Retail Liquor House PRINEVILLE, OREQON. PlilOKt Uraiida of I.liuors and Clnr. Two door South of Hank. Now that Senator Ilauiia is shed ding his garments preparatory to engaging in a wrastle with the political machinery of the country the honest voters would better put padlocks on their pockets and take a firm hold on their consciences. The nation may rest in serene con tentment, However, lor we Have a stronger man in the presidential chair and Marcus can't beat him if he strip even his cuticle. The decision of Judge Bradshaw by which the claim of C. C. Hutch inson to a half interest in the Pilot Butte Development Company was defeated, it is hoped will prove the last of the contention between these two interests. However good Mr. Hutchinson's intentions may? be. it take capital to develop a new conn trylike the Deschutes yajjaynd th.e man or company who actually' tii Timber Lam!. Act unr y itf. NOTICU FOR PUBLICATION. U H. I j ml nflic. The IMH, Orcwti. May it, lyaj. Notfct It twrtUjr itlnn I tut III HM(JIW wh IS )trtTtkwi orihc Act ut Cmimm r Jmi 1, iW. ralllUd, "An act for Ih wlcof timlr WtuH In the ttalrtof California, Oricn, Nenula, ami tt'MhlHglsti Territory." at xltiHMtl to alt lift uUtclaml tta(Mly Art of AlWHti 4. ia. IK lallowlNK-mimwl xrHtt bar filed In tlila mpt tlicir tworu italtmeiili, lo-wit' William MWtWuKll of The Datlea, covin jr of Watau, late of OragwH; twofH ttaUatcel So uy. Atatl Nor ie, loot, for the pHrckMe oTthe hw( wj aec H ami ilk aeg Mini u)i twX aec jv. ti , r me, w n. Hutanyali Itarnea of rrineeillc, county of Crunk, alalr of Oregon, iwwn Muteutent No iM, lll Nov . 19'. for the Mirchat of llwt vrfe n'4 atci atwl e iK 5. I 1; t, r we, w hi 4 Jee Hi WIk"t oflllMvUtt, cunhI) of ClwV, ttate of ortpou. tMN UUaa( .No 149, Mc4 Wov iu, ifi. for Ih iwrclute of the u'a mK untl 11 H nw( tec y. tp iii.r itt.wiH Jobu M (tuttafMM of llewd, coHly f CtiMiVLatile oforeaou, iwom ttatcMHmt Ko iwt, AlnlHev 17, ivfti. for ll mr eliaof llic eK tec lp , r wc, w im. atiloiufiu v. l4at,MHi f 1'rinevlUc, county orCifeIf, Male wfOrEtii twofN MattWftl No iia, (llctl I)c i, im, for inc Hiruiie 01 tiw ae t j,ii w t, no t, wm Solomoti IlarH of rrlnenlllf. cutiHtv ufCrAak. tlate at Otmhhi MOftl Niaieinent No iibl (ami Dec la. lana. for the purciMK or the w v; mc ji, tp 16 ,r ,w w. ,. . J"" it Ktett olim, tmtnXy of Crook, Mat af Ornerl; awoex Iktewtnt Ko iua fiUd 0a 1, 194, (b t)i pur chaae of the iwH ttr , p ta t, r ie n m. Julia SteWI of Hand, county of frouk, aUlc of Oreifoni tworn jai, in,. 1 ikcii, iv, Kir tnc Hir Si tct ,, lp i) a, r id e, w hi. I'raiiW Weal 01 liewi, KHiHty ofCruok, ll ui Orvi,i: twof 11 twieineui no iv,' hlol Dec 11, lyu, rut tnc diate 01 tlur tvt tri jj, p it a, r 10 , r 111 Churl, a I. M1miii of Kami, county of cmuk. Mate of Ortwm: tworn 1 IK WW PRINEVILLE-SILYER LAKE STAGE LINE. DICK VANDHVURT, Prop. Carrying U. S. mail and passengers. Irtivos Prineville .Mondays, Wednesdays and Pridnys. Preight and Piihsmugers waybllled for Hend, I,ava, Koslaml, ami Silvur Luke. Coxl rigs, careful drivers. C. I. WINNUK, Agent. SANFORD'S CASH STORE. CAHKIKH A 111(1 I.INIi Of General Merchandise, Groceries, Clothing, Furnishing: Goods CAM, ONT HIM. PRICKS KIGIIT. SIIANIKO, OREQON. liamilfon BOOTH & COIINLTT, I'ropriclors. PRINBVILLB, OKUQON. tlatcMumt Xo 1 cjiateof llieiie pur- lMtr ttatetttent No mi. lit. l l)c 1. lord. chat of the iwVj n it, tp 16 1, r 10 e, w 111. That lhy will oir.r proof to tlioiy that IhcUiut amight It more alual,le for it llnilur or tluu lliau forugrkiillurul purpofta, and to caubUth tlittr chilina lo aaxl laud Ufut J. M. IMrtno, U ft. CoibmlMiontr at JMfChulct, Oregon, H PrWay, Ih 7th Jay ( Anllt. HcJ. . Tlwy imiur at wIIik tacit; .Mum MlJUauali. of the iMllea, Oregon, i.ror- I'UK1" ulul ul"ui Ilogout, of I jvm, 11.iii.11, John stumor, Maaent I-erane. John 1 Witt 1 N lluiiier. I0I111 Weill I. John U't, II 1'hillfi, luMph N llunurjwhii lltoM, Hcan Weat, W If Orock and J It Rccd, of lltiKl, Oregon, uiul 10M11 W turtle, wlllbim KoIoiiihii Juriiet, ie, urfKon iiiik aii .....'. 1 - ".- waiKiut, Aaron 1 Watklnt, Solomon I' Itatnet, of l'rfiien ij miiu an iiertima ojainiiMK fll)TeilfiltilUii(lur rwjuttied to flic their ainit 111 lint uiii on of Wlyre (lit tali 7111 11 lirAUKlitt, l'u imj-07 JIICIIAl'.I, T. NOr.AN, Kcgltkr. Stables & Redby Feed Barn Stock boarded by the day, week or month. Fine Teams and Rigs, and Reasonable Rates. Pirst-eloss Pacilitics for Handling Locators and Commercial Travelers. Quick Service and Satisfaction Guaranteed. i jbl! Columbia Southern Hotel. SMANIKO, mfJ(10N. U ATI'S PKOM ?i.J0 UP PUR DAY. Hot and cold water on both floors. Dnlh.s for the- use of gucjts;, Kvury modern convenience at hnnd, The dining room, titular tho direct 8iiKirvhiIati of Mr. Keengy. is a very model of tasteful, spoUass clognneo, atld th service is equal a any 111 rue suite. All stages arrive tit and Iiia- the Columbia S6uthcrn. ( J. At. KHfiNUV, Proprietor. iS -3 1