The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, July 10, 1903, Image 1

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BlflND, OIUCGON, ITKIPAY, JULY 10, 11)02).
NO. 17.
Comprehensive Review of the Import'
ant Happenings of the Past Week.
Prevented In Condensed Porra, Most
Likely to Prove Interesting to Our
Many Readcra.
Bovuro flihtiug ia reported to hnvo
occurred at Oskln, Kurupean Turkey.
Italy linn Installed nn American tele
graph apparatus between Itoiuo and
Seven Geneva university students
tv ho attempted nn ascension of Mount
Diane aro bcl loved to bo lost.
Jamaica la gtoatly excited over nn
official report that Costn Hlcaa Ih oust
ing Its bananas from tho American
Tlio smelting plant of tho ileaist
eatato at Hllvor City, N. M., haa boon
destroyed by llr; loss, $100,000; In
surance, 1 15,000.
Importation of precious atone nt
New York for tho fiscal year juat ended
rraa tho heavloat on record, having
reached n total .of nioro than $27,300,
An Invoitlantlon linn bren opened at
llruasula concerning tho theft of 1,01)0
watches which camo thorn from Geneva
to bo shipped nt Antwerp for tho Unit
od Htntes.
Profcaeor Pnyno hna boon appointed
to represent Harvard at tho unveiling
of tho Wanner monument nt Jlorlin.
St. Andrews la to be ruproaencd by An
drow Carnegie.
DurliiK tho fiscal year Jtmt ended tho
money onler department ol tho N-w
York poslofllcti handled tho num of
1218,313,000, an Increase over tho pro
vIour year of 131,320,000.
General Lino Duarko Level, a for
nior noted Vonosuelan revolutionist,
lua arrived in Now. York, and aya I ho
tnailrrrctlon against PtedduetCaatro
la aura to continue.
Tho sale of tho property of tho Ault
man-Miller company, of Akron, inanu
fit Uurors of harvesting machlnoiy, for
j ft 10,000, hni boon approved by United
titatoa Judge log.
Seventy guns lmvo beon received
from tho United Stales Bouth Atlantic
Squdadron at anchor at Montevideo,
nnd takon to tho Cerro establishment
tor important nltorntlona.
Tranafor of the Field Columbian
Museum, at Chicago, from Jack con
park to n alto in Grant park, in tho
heart of the city, haa Lecomo a certain
ty. Five million dollara will ho ex
pendod by .Mr. Field will construct nnd
ndow tho museum.
Tho British have Inflicted an awful
defeat upon Mad Mullah.
John llarrutt, of Portland, liaa Loon
Appointed mini. tor to Argentina.
The'courta havo declared- tho ahlp
truat fnsolyont nnd will appoint a re
A wind and rain alorm In Weatorn
Wisconsin laid low hundroda of acres
Itim.lit .va thn United States Jina
opened no negotiations" roga'dlng tho
Jewish petition.
Secretary Hitchcock hold up Oregon
state land soloctlona bcoauao proof of
mineral character waa Jnanfllclont.
A Bcottanoro, Ala., sheriff was sovero
ly wounded whilo trying to protect a
negro from a mob bent on lynching.
A careful compilation from official
records of ablpmenta and of the heat
obtatnablo data regarding atocka on
hand June 30. flhowa a wheat yield in
1002 for Oregon, Washington and Idaho
-of 14,078,000 busIiolB.
Postmaster General Payno will take
a vacation for tho honeflt of hia health.
Britain will pay tho Amorlcan fleet
unprecodontod honor on I tit arrival
The president's firm stand for Post
master General Paymi haa silenced hla
Russia haa summoned Minister Lea
ear and other officials to attend a Man
churian conference.
Tho treasury department haa pur
chaaod 100,000 ounces of silver for coin
ge into Philippine money.
A total roward of0,100 Is now
offered for the arrost of Harvey Logan,
tho escaped Montana tralnrobber.
Threaten Seizure of Tien Tain If Indent
nlty la Nut Paid In Uold.
London, July 1. Tho Pokln corroa
pendent of tho Times telegraphs that
since tlianrrl'Ml of Chang Chi Tung,
director of commarco, nnd onu of the
most progressive ol tho Yangtso Vice
roya, who was recently summoned to
PokIii by tho L'tuprcss Dowager, ho hns
visited nil tho foreign heads of lega
tions, to whom lie declares that China
ia seriously llunnoinlly embarrassed,
in consequunco ol which tho powuis
should accept paymnut of tho Indemn
ity In ailver. Chang Chi Tung says
tho viceroys and ether officials were led
to believe that tho Indumnlty was
only -160,000,000 toots In silver, with
out any reference to fluctuating values
In silver.
None of the ministers except the
American representative wculd agree
to the payment In silver. France and
Itussln wero ready to pay duties on n
gold basis, nnd tho legations of these
two powers warned Chang Chi Tung
that the powers would Insist on the
payment of the Indemnity In gold ami
would tnae strong measures to enforce
tho terms of tho protoiol. They nald
In the event of noncompliance, the low
ers contemplated telaiiig tho salt ga
belle, or teoccupylng tho native city of
Tien Tain.
Tho concensus of opinion, says the
correspondent, Is that China does not
deserve charitable treatment. Tho
government haa not tnado nuy attempt
nt financial reform, nnd that tho cor
ruption la as great as ever. Tho money
squandered by thu court of Peklu would
pay double tin amount uf tiio In
demnity. Tho Hlmnghal correspondent of the
Times says tho provincial nuthorltlea
of Klangal are negotiating with a I will
American bank to raise a loan of a
million teals fur ordinary administra
tive purpose sc-cuiod on the opium
revenue of the province.
Strike Conditions are Now Much Worse
Than llvtr llcfore.
Vancouver, 11. C, July 4. After all
tho talk of settlement, things wore
never n-j bad nt I.adysrnlth us now,
Tho miners are more bitter than eve.
against Mr.'DiinamuIr, and trouble la
the order of tho day. The first savage
nasault that has marked tho strike Las
occurred. Danlol Alexandor, an Ital
ian minor, who votod to go to work
when thn matter was under dlccuiilon,
waa frightfully maltreat! by two oth
er Italians, who ot upon him at 4
o'c'ock in tho morning. Tho two at
tacked Alexander with hands, teeth
and feet, and lie was a sorry bight
when they got through.
Tho disagreement among tho men
ovor whether to return to work or not
showing In other forma, one of which
led to tho resignation of Hmauol Mot
tlihaw, secretary of tho local minora'
union. It ia stated that Mottithnw,
who waa nctlvo in tho atrlko, found
the opposition so hitter that, rather
than bo mixed up in It any longer, ho
resigned, and Frederick James was
given tho office
Thero is llttlo doubt that tho two fac
tions among tho montho len'ora of
thoBo who want to go to work and
those who want to atay out longor aro
very hostile towards ono another.
Moro anger nnd recrimination hns
boon caiir-od hocauso ono side has de
clared that a registered lottor from tho
representative who was sent to tho
Western lodoratlon of Mlnesr conven
tion has Icappearod, This lottor
gavo a gloomy report of federation
affairs, hut was never read to tho Lndy
amlth 'tnlon, and tho men want to
know why. Then, again, tho Foclal
lata havo taken a hand In tho strugglo
and Homo of tho men look upon tills in
terference as meddlesome nnd not like
ly to advanco tholr causo.
Pour Die Prom the Heat.
Chicago, July 3. Four deaths nnd
over ft scoro of prostrations marked tho
Hicotid day of tho heated tor in In Chi
cago. Tho mercury nt tho weather
buroau registered 00 dogroos and on tho
street level from 02 to 00,
Delay Is Not on Ilia Part-Petitioners
ur Tardy In Sending In the Paper
United Stntca Will Nut He.ltatc to
(live llxprcsslon to Indlgnntlnn Over
Klslilncf Massacre.
Washington, July 3, Tho itosltlon
of tho administration regarding tho
iioK)aol transmission of thu petition
of tho Jewish iltl-ena of the United
Htatea to tho Ituislati government was
made clear and poiltlvn by n statement
Issued by thu atnte department tonight.
This statement waa Inspired by news
paper publications rellectlng tho nttl
ttnlo of tho Kusslan government In thu
tvent of tho pietoutntlon of surli n x
tltlnii through tho medium of the
United Hiatus embassy at Ht. Peters
burg, which had been brought to the
attention of high officers of tho govern
ment. It waa given very careful con
sideration both hero mid at Oyster
Hay, before n decision waa reached to
iiiako any declaration regarding tho
natter. Tho statement la at follows:
"At tho statu department it was
ntatod ny n high official, In thn nbsomo
of Hecretarv Hay, that tlm dnlay in
forwarding tlm petition of tho Ameri
can oltUena of the Jewish faith as to
the III treatment ol thutrro-rellglonltts
In Hussln wna solely due to tho delay
in furnlshlnir thu address to thu state
department by tho petitioners. Tho
statu department wnuhL.oi course, pay
no heed to any statement puriKirtiug
to emanate from tho Itusslau gcvurn
innnt tiulona such atatomont was made
officially in soino form or other to our
" Tho state department lias been es
pecially careful to act only In arcord
nnco with all requirements of official
propriety, hut within tho limits (litis
laid down It will most certainly not
hesitate to glvo expression to thu deep
sympathy felt, not onlyby tho admin
istration, but hyait'thittAmirlcari wc
pie, fur the unfortunate Jews who had
iieon the victims In tho recent appall
ing massacres and outragus."
In this connection it waa pointed out
by another officii!, who disclaimed any
purpom to sjwAk In lilsolllcisl capacity,
that it seemed lomnwhut strange, to
say tho least, that tho Itusslau govern
incut should chooM this rtlcular
method of making a statement to the
American ntoplo nt the very time
when, by methods which am certainly
the loverso of friendly to tho United
states, it sought to Induce China to
break tho plighted faith of all the pow
ers as to tho open door In Manchuria
and has endeavored to bar our people
from acoeaa to thu Mnnchurlan Irado.
No Hope Now for Men lintombed In W
Wjomlng Mine.
Uanua, Wyo,, July 3, Flro haa
added to tho horror of thu mining dia
uster hero, nnd hope for rescuing tho '.Ml
entoiulted minors haa been Abandoned.
Tho startling atatement was made to
iiluht by an experienced miner and fire
lighter who penetratod thn mlno to thu
Kith level that thu workings below thu
17th level nra n mass of llamos, nnd
where n few hoflrs ago It waa believed
the rerennrs wotitd reach tho liodlea of
thn ontomlMMl miners not later than to
morrow noon, It now appears tho vic
tims will 1)0 burned, Tho efforts of
thnso working liolow the surface, nro
now confined to tho work of walling up
thu untrles nnd slopo, and putting up
flroporof bnrrlers which will prevent
thu llamos from reaching tho 17th and
other levels n"uvo. This Is taaen as
on Indication that tho rescuers roallto
the frnltlossness of further attempts to
reach thaontoinbed miners below tho
17th level.
Added to tho horrors of tho flro,
which will doubtless destroy tho un
derground working!, Is thu danger of
anotlior explosion, which may occur at
any tlmo. Tho situation Is decldodly
gravo, and thn citizens are becoming
alarmed for tho safety of thoao whu nro
working tiolow tho surfaco, nnd also
thoso uugngod in hauling away tho da
brio from tho month of tho slope, If
tho ontrlos in which th) flro Is burning
can bo succeBsfully walled and tho fire
confined to a few entries, thorn will bo
llttlo to fear, hut thero Is grout danger
of tho (lames breaking through Into tho
ontrlos from which tho rescuors aro
moving rocks and debris In an effort to
roach the two scoro or moro bodies
known to bo in No. 17 entry, Hero tho
gas lias accumulated in such largo
quantities that tho rescuers cannot re
main long at a time.
Awful Uxploslon of I'lrs Damp In Wy
omlng Aline,
Hanna, Wyo., July 2. At 10i30 A.
Ht tfc.lsstJ sail aits' til nail rtil ft t r Jt flftfllti In
! fail ws mu """)
mlno No. 1 ol tlio Unlnii I'adflo coal
compHiiy iintifTml out thu HTeaoiiu
11 am luliirswl aafirim nt nit mm ntu!
Btuisa, ssajsaa-'t w.-.-- w. w. ..,., .
t'AttffiHl thu (It'RtriiolIuii.of a vnt otnotint
o proptiny. J no iniiia wmhoi ujwi,
mm lii tlm auirlv riiinrin. Imt tlin
IB BIV""S tfS IIIM ' s-jrwi'!) "
explosion waa ton Illo, nnd completely
snauoriHi inu limners 01 uiu rnnui suaiv
and iiumerons entrances, tilled tho
workings with duhrls, nnd tlioro ol tlio
minora that wero not killed outright by
thu explosion wero hurled illlvu.
Tho uxploslon was heard fur many
miles around, and attracted people from
thn adjoining settlement. Hugo tlm
hers nnd railroad Iron wero hurled from
tho mouth of the shaft a distance of
200 and 300 feet.
Huporlntomlcnt K. H, Ilrooks and a
largo force of men wont to work with a
will to romovo the debris from the
abaft nnd reach tho entombed minors.
Their progress into tho mine was block
ed by the foul gases, and several times
they weru forced to return to tho sur
face. All day thu rescuing party worked,
tho force Iwlng Increased from time to
time by the nrrlval of ranchmen nnd
others from near by settlements, nnd
by IhoHt ol a relief train sunt out from
Itnwllns, which arrived about S o'clock
In tho nlturnoon.
Alwtil 1 o'clock this afternoon four
mun weio taken nut alive, and half an
boor later they wero followed by 42
others. Many wore uncomclous and
had to bo carried from thu worklnga.
-omo wore injured, but nono fatally.
Hnveral nro In a critical condition, but
It la believed all will recover.
Two hundred and eighty-two men
wont down in tho mlno at 7 o'clock
tills morning, nnd up until n lata hour
tonight only 4B had been accounted for.
Of thia number two nro dead.
Ilorsea nnd scrapers wero put at work
li.nll.i.. .It'ti .- I rum tho shaft.
and cars wero pushed down tho Incliilu,
loauou ami imuiixi uw up lumutijimn
....I Tlm work li iirm-resallltf
slowly, owing to thu narrow space in,
which the rescuors nro compelled to
operate, but by daylight" tho mlr.e
should be opened sufficiently to permit
of deep explorations nnd the rescue of
tho dead bodies.
Ijito tonight a party or rescuers
l,iwl fnnr tmilf (Imt wuroallvu. and
this ran red hojs to arise in tho breaeta
of tho tlml workers and the anxious
women nnd children galnerou aooui me
shaft. It la n faint hopo, huwovor, for
........ in. .r.ul mlnn ImiMtiiniid mliinra aav
'that when the Imprisoned men are
rencliwl all viu ie lounu uoau. duhio
of tho mlnera that escaped say that
they saw 20 dead IkxIIcs In entry 17.
They leported that many of tho men
wero ci axed by tho uxploslon and ran
hllhiir and thither in thu mine. Many
of tlieso could havo eacapod, hut they
laid down, burled tholr facea In their
hands mid gavo tin tho fight.
iu tlm "an iluail nlxiut 175 wore mar
rtixl and luavo iaruo families. Alout
100 wero Flnlanders. 60 wero colored
and the remainder wero Americans.
Americana Leave Herman Waters Amid
Oreat lloomlng of Cannon.
k'tnl. Inlv v. Tho United Htatvs
niimtrnn Kuilfxl at 0 1. M. today frOIII
Kiel, nil tho German ships saluting
and tho Americans replying, i no nag
ship Koarsargo, Tioggo nnd Pan Fran
..Urn will en ihrouuli to Cattngat, stop
ping at Knllund Horg, Denmark, for
two days. Tho .Mochibb win go uy way
of Kiel canal to lliuuabuttol nndtboniM
iu .inil..ivnim with tho otlier Ameri
can ships off Hplthead. Tho squatdon
will arrive nt l'ortiniouiu Juiy .
Thu Hulutoa of tho luimrlal standard
,.-nrn flr.yl II tllO 1 lollOlllbl lOm SallOtl
for Kokornfoido this morning a sworn
pany tho emperor and empress tonight,
after tho cruiser yacht taco. Tho em
mrrtr ntnrind for Kckomfordo on board
thu Moloor at 7 A. M. The empress
was on tho Iduna, wiucn also siarieu
for Kckorn fordo.
Tho Ainorlcnn naval officers at
tended sorloa of rocoptlona on board
tlio Gorman warships this altornoon.
China Sees Methods In Move.
Tien Tsln, July 2. The local nowa-
niMN rnminnnt on tllO nllouod slgnlfl-
..iim nt Mm uatlmrlna of tllO Alliurl
can, Ilrltlsh and Japanosn fleets In tho
northorn part of tho Gulf of Poclilll.
It is assorted that no loss than 57 Hub
slan warships of ono sort nnd another
aro aasombled nt Port Arthur. Tho
Tannnnart rUMHrvn ndlciirH who WOTO Oil
leave in North Ubina are said to havo
been called home.
I'amlllts are Held Prlionera-Lljlitnlng
.Strikes Tammany Hall, Hut Does No
Material Damage (Ircntcst Loss la
Alons; the Water Profit Sewer Caves
In With Pntal Results.
New York, July 1. Now York nnd
vicinity, as well as other pnrta of tho
country, wero flooded today by a down
pohr of rain, during which, in Hio
course of a fow. hours, about half as
much water fell as In thb prolonged
period of wet weather last month, Tho
ator;ui waa accompanied by thunder and
lightning and Tamrnuny hall and tov
eral other conspicuous spots wore struck
by bolts but no damagu to sprak of
Htreets in various sections of Greater
Now York wore Inundated, and it Is ex
tiected tho damage by water will bo
very great. Tho Hood was most serious
along tho shoro front, on Kouth ami
Wot streets, In tho borough of Man
httttan and in the Williamsburg section
of llrooklyn, where much datnago was
done by flood l'. years ago.
For n good portion of tho day hero,
the water In soino of the streets was
four and flvu feet deep, and man- fam
ilies wore held prlsonera In tholr
homes. .
Fifteen foot of a sowor which ia Lo
ins constructed in Ilrookhii caved In
and filled with mud and water. About
'20 men wero at work In thn excava
tion, hut all managed to escape excopt
Peter Hoara, who, it la supposed, was
caught In tho flood and was washed
away in the sower.
around Between Hsppncr and Lexington
Will Be Covered.
lleppnor, Or., July 1. Another
body was to-lay added to tho number
found. This was thn body of n woman
dragged from tho mud and slime of.; a,
deep puddle of water in front of tho
ro'ldenco of William Dutton, two
miles below town. Though badly de
composed tlio corpse was identlflod aa
that of Mra. Clarence Atidiows.a mem
Uir of tho Ill-fated family cJ Goorgo
Hwaggort. Kearchera were attracted
to tho place by thu nolacmo odors and
found tho iKxty partly uxporod.
Ycalerday tho executlvo commltteo
wdut ovor tlio ground between Hop
pner and Ixixlngtoii, to notu the prog
rota of tho work of search and docldo
upon future plana. Tho result waa
that all men wero called In and paid
off, then three crows of ten picked men
each wero (elected and rant back to go
over tho searched territory n socond
All rases of nred havo been relieved ,
temporarily, and Mrs. llrlttnn, who
has had charge ol emergency work,
leaves for her homo at The Dalles to
morrow. Contributions continue to arrivo.
Thoi-o which camo today amounted to
2,3 15.72.
Twenty-Pour Killed and Plfty Othera In
Jurcd In Dxploston That Hollowed.
Ilnrratocruu Gounuila, Mexico, July
1, Twenty-four minors wero killed
and about fifty othora seriously wound
od in nn oxploiton of gna Thursday
night In Ijis Kaporanuta coal mines,
tho proporty of tho Mexican Coal and
Ooko company. Tho 'disaatur wua
rsuHd by the ignition of gas by tho
flamo from a defective lamp.
Tho men wero on thu point of quit
ting work for tho day. Probably 100
men wore In tho mlno at the time of
tho explosion. After tho shock of the
oxplosion thoso who wdro able to movo
ruuahd to tho exits, but tho falling
earth and debris carried many down to
death. Fully fifty minora escaped
with broken limbs nnd scorched flesh.
At last roporta tlio bodies of twenty
four dead men had beon brought to
light. Othora may dlo as u roBiilt of
thplr Injuries.
Largo Creosote Works Hunted. ,
Mobile, Ala., July 1, -A tolephono
Bpocial from Pascagoula today says that
flro totally dostroyod tho West Pascn
golua crooBOto works, entailing n loss
ol probably $200,000. Tho works
wore sajd to bo tho largest in the
South. To flro was caused by a pieco
of hot iron falling on tho oroosote. An
explosion folio wod. No ono was in
i "-" n-" n i niHtllffam
-).- fl-i
jjijaiisima'jJi)- i.