The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, June 26, 1903, Image 6

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j '
Timtwr Land, Act June s, 18-1
V, B. Land Office, The Dalles, Oregon,
May 9. iy3.
Notice I Itertliy Riven that In cuniplwutce with
the lilovtekms 01 the Act of UonRro of June t,
ig, entitled, "An act for the aaleuf llmher land
In the atalca of California. Oregon. Nevada, and
Wnthlngtnti Territory," a extended to all the
public Mnrl MMKliy Act of August 4. l&. the
fellow inc-ttained person have on October 4, V,
filed In this uMee their sworn statement, to-vt Iti
Jen K Uatuniweti,
of tjl lt&wnrtj st, Spokane, county of Spokane,
ttnr Washington: sworn statement No ujj,
for the purchase ofthe itcqraec u, tpioa, r 13 c,
w m.
Jane Larson.
filf WVt Third Are, Spokane, counly of Spo
ne.Mlef Whlngtni aworn Matemcnt No
i4, for llw purchase of the awqr see J, ti I,
nje, win.
Andrew t Rasmus-sen,
of M Second t. Sqiokniir. county of Spokane,
Male of WathtiigtotK awtwn statement No 1171.
for tit pstrci of the hr uw qr awl tot 3 and
4, see a, t( w , r t j e, w m
That thy will oiftr proof to bow that theland
toaght I marc valuable lor Its timber or atone
than far agricultural purpose, ami to establish
their claims to iM laml before the Register and
Receiver at The Italic, Oregon, on Friday, the
17th day of July, icwj.
They nam at witnesses Andrea It Raamutcn,
Arnc Hctkelanst. Ok It Anderson. Jane Larson,
Jen K KafMun. all of Spokane, Wash
Any ami alt persons claiming adversely the
abovT-sleseribcsl (and are reqttestesl to file their
claims In this Office on or before the aald IJth
day of July, teal,
myij-lji7 AllCHAHL T. NOLAN. Register.
,Ttmler Land, Act June 3. 1S78.
V. 8. Land Office. The Dalle, Oregon,
May , iui.
Notice U hereby Riven that In compliance with
the provision ofthe Art of Conn of June j.
IS7S, entitled. "An act for the aale of timber land
In the state of California. Oregon. Nevada, and
Washington Territory.' aa extended to all the
putiHc tend stale by Ac of Amuit 4. ifyj, the
foHewtng-itaraed peraon have oh Sept 5. low,
filed In this olflce their aworn autcmenta, to-wili
Julluall Tolefsen,
of Seattle, county of King-, atale of Washington;
sworn Matemcnt No mi. for the purcliaic ofthe
uw qr sec 3, tp a a, r 13 e. w rn.
Maggie R Tutcfien.
of Seattle, county of Kit:, atale of Washington;
worn atatcment No tin, for the purchase of the
aw qr sec jsj, tp 30 . r 13 r, w ra
Charlea K Lewis,
of Seattle, county of Kim;, atatc of Washington;
went statement No uij. for the purchase of the
aw qr arc 14. tp N a, r 1 j c, w hi.
Hrncsl II. Morten,
of Seattle, county of King, attte of Washington,
aworn atateraeut No iai. for ihe purchase ofthe
be qr ace 14, tp m a, r 1 3 e, w m.
George ford,
of Seattle, county of King. Hate of Washington;
iniB statement No mj, for the purchase of the
c qr ec 14, tp a a, r Ij e, w m.
Juttnt Singer.
f Ml Chery at, ScaiUe, county of Kin, atate ol
XVatMagten; aworn ttateoteat No 1116, for the
imrcoue el the nw qr sec 4. ip m a, r ur
Thema II lohttsea.
of rendition, rstmlyof bssatilte.slateof Oregon;
awara statement No II7. far the purchase of the
aw qr se aj. ip jo a. r IJ e. w ra.
John II. Rowland.
of 17 Most Lat.c Ave, baaltle. county of Klnjr,
late ef WaaMagta: aworn atatcment No iit.
for Uw purtluuc ofthcBwqravcas
e. w m.
That they will aArr proof to show thai the land
ought H wore eataaHe for Ha timbre or Mom
than for atrtoillMral purtxM, and to eatablMi
their daiaM la aald land before the RegWtcrand
Keerirrr at The IaIW, OrrRen. on Monday, the
v4H taay 01 Jtuy, tyaa.
Thcv name as ftne' Charles It Lewis.
JnllsM Manr, Julius H ToltWn, Kraet II .Mor
ton. Oee lerd, U ofSeallt, Vmth.
Aay aaia all person cteiBiiag adversely the
abovtVdexribeil Llanits are requested to file their
claim In this since on or before the said aoth
My s jsiffx. rai-
TCHAHL T. NOLAN. Register.
Timber Land, Act June J. 17.
V. S. Land Omce, The Italics, Oregon,
Notice t hereby given that In corapluncewlth
Ihe provisions ofthe Acl of Congress of Jane J,
1S7SL entitled, "An act fur the sale of timber lands
in the states of California, Oregon, Nevada, and
WatMngton Territory," aa extended to all Ihe
public land state by Act of August 4, 189. the
lollewlaic-aamed persona hare on Sept Jsi, 19M,
hied In tbts office their aworn atatemenu, to-wit.
PrrmeHa A laarnea,
of Prlnevtlle, county of Croak, atate of Oregon;
sworn statement No it), for the pardiasc of the
a hf aw qr and sw qr se qr sec ij, and uw qr Be qr
arc 24, tp 17 a, r M e, w m.
Lert I). Wteat,
of nettd. county af Creak, state of Orr eon: aworn
staUHMHt No laja, fur the purchase of the e hf
w qr sec JJ. and w Wsw qr MX J4. tp 1 s, r It e,
w la.
That they will offer twoof lo show that the laud
sought Is mere valuable for Ha timber or stone
loan for agrkatltnral purposes, aad to astaMtah
their claims to said land before J. M Lawrence,
V rt. CommlMloinr, at Iechutea, Oregon, on
I'rlday, the 17th day of July, leu.
They name aa wltneases' WilHam J. Watkln,
Aaron I Watldns. Martha Morris and John V
Itarnes, of l"rinevtlle, Oregon; and A 11 Drake,
. J Cottor, J I West and Ovid Riley, of lletwl, Or
egon. Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above-described laud are requested to file their
claims In this oftWe on or before Ihe aald 17th day
of July, .
miH7 MICHAKL T. NOLAN. Register.
Timber Land, Act June 3, 17.
V. H. Land Office, The Dalles, Oregon,
May i, 1903.
Netlie la hereby ijiven that la eompUanc with
the praHssOHa oTIk Act af Coagmta of June 3,
,&, entitled, "An art far Ihe sale of limber lauds
in the state of California, Orvgoa, Xad. and
Washington Territory," as raUudsd to alt the
puUtc land state by Art of Auauat 4, iayj, the
fidlowiBB-iMHKd iwtsoms have filed In this olftce
their aworu atatemeula, to-wit:
Chart A trtanburrougli
of llend. eauatytf Crook, state of Oragen; sweru
statement No 1344, tiled Oct 13. 190s, for tltc pnr
chaseaf the hm nwK andnwf iX sec af and
sw)i tM k 14, tp 17 a, r 11 c. w w.
Olive A. West
of Ilend, eounty of Crook, atate of Oregon; sworn
stater at No ili. filed 0t 14. IV", tar Ihe pur
iliase ut the aK sec a, tp 19 , r 10 c, w m.
Henry I. Schneider
ofSnooner, county of Washburn, state of Wis-
const 1 sworn statement- Ko 14H, mml Oct as.
!qui, 1 r tut purettasc 01 in awx sec ao, ip 1 a,
r 10 e wm.
John I. West
"fllnd county of Crook, state of Oregon: aworn
statement No 1413, filed Oct it. lyw. for the nur
. uase af the tfi utU- and ii4 !( see M. tp 17 a,
rue w in.
Maxem LcPagc
rfllenl county of Crook, state of Oregon: aworn
stattiuriit No M4, riled Oct i, km, for the pur-
liMxuftheswK iic(i,s)i iiwjf and tuts laud 3
arc 6, tp 17 a, r 10 e, vr in.
That Ihey wilt offer proof to show that Ihe land
sought ta more valuable for it tiuitwr or stone
than for agricultural purposes, and to establish
their claims to aald land before J. M. Lawrence,
I b. Commissioner, at Deschutes, Ortgvn, 011
haturday, Ihe 1st day of August, 1933.
They name as witnesses. Florence W Drake,
Mwd Riley. John I West, I'rank Class, l'rauk
West, TO Harshmaii. Rean West, George Clen
ilcmiing, Olenu Marsh, Richard King, O J CJray,
jc A Stauburrouah, Charlea J Cottor, Ora I'oin
dexter, John Mitchell, Jam Alexander, Jidward
SVhitncy, John Jllosa, all of IIdi1, Oregon.
iv nfiit all titfrsotis clsluiliiir xdverselv the
Jbovodescribcd -Tands are requested to file their
laiuia u this office 011 or before Ihe said 1st day
jutjJT'' 'MICIIAHL T. NOLAN, Ktgittcr.
Tlmhir Land, Acl June 3, t8-S
IT. S. Land Office, The lalle, Orroii.
May 0, nij
Notice la hereby Riven that In compliance with
the provision ofthe Act of CoiiRtrM ol June 3.
tSf, tnlittnl, "An act for the aaleof tlmlcrliul
Intheatatraorcalirornla, DrcROn, Ne-da, and
WaahtiiRton Territory," aa elcndevl to all the
nubile land atalca by act of AtiRint 4, i&M. the
tollowliiR-nainnl peraona have on Sept r, im.
filed In this office their aworn atalrnictila, tu-wit.
Rami Smith,
of Kock Creek, county at liakrr, atate of Oregon;
snorn statement No ii. fur the purchase of the
aw qr ace 4. tp 19 a, r 11 e, w m.
Joseph II. Cla) wol,
of Slttra, county of Crook, atate of Oregon;
aworn atatcment No i3. for the nurchaac of the
sc qr aee til, tp ry a, r it c, w m.
That thev witt offer nrooftoMiow that the land
aoRht I more valuable for Ha llmtcr or atone
than for iiKricnltutal purpose, and toeitawl.h
their claim lo said land before W A Hell, I' S
Commtostotter, at IrluetlUe, OieRon, on Satnr-
tlV it, iMh itAV of IlllV Hkll.
They nam as witneiwe "crry IMIndcxtcr, of
lTtneville, oreRon, urn i-oinnexicr, 01 ncnu. ir
eijon; Saml Smith, of Rock Creek, Oregon, and
Joaeph It Ctaypool and Loien Atliugham. of Sla
ter. OrcRou.
Any and all person clalmltiR adversely the
above-described landa are requested to file their
etaim In thl orhce on or before the aald 18th day
oTJuly, 103
mi5-Ji7 MIC1IAKL T. NOUN, KcgWter.
Timber Land, Act June 3, lUrS.
U. S. Land Office, The Dalle, Oregon,
Mayo, tfi)
Notice I hcrehy Riven that In compliance with
the provision ofthe Act of Conere or June 3.
is, entitled, "An act for the sale of timber land
in me siatra 01 iiuuoruia, uregon, scvsms, ami
Washington Territory." aa extended to all the
public land atate by Act of August 4. the
following-named person have ntcd lu this otlice
their aworn statements, to-wit-
Chsrles It Adsms.
ofThe Italic, county of Waco, state of Oregon,
aworn statement No 1 . Blest Sent ay, tvoa. fur
the purchase of the? n hf se qr aud u hf sw qr see
j, tpiaa, r we, w m
Jerome N. Lauer,
of The Dalle, county of Wasco, atate of Oregon,
sworft statement No ut, filed Sent ), iojj. for
the purchase of Ihe u hi e qr and 11 hf aw qr aee
I, ip 11 a, r la e, w m.
Charles K. Twlncham,
of The Dalle, county of Wasco, state of Oregon,
sworn statement No u. filed Sept 9, IV. for qr sec 7,
andawqrawqrsecS. tpus, r ic. w 111.
John Scott Sullivan,
of jn Ilclmont st, Portlaml, county ef Multno
mah, stale of Orcguu. aworn statement Ne J.
filed May 14, I9t. for the purcharc of the nc qr
sec 9, Ip 11 a, r I c. w in.
KstelU M. Spear,
of Shanlko, county of Wasoa, sute ef Oregstn;
sworn statement No 1 7, nied Sept iu. , sur
tne purcnase 01 tne aw qr ne qr, n m se qr ana se
qr se qr sec 13. tp 19 . r ll e, w m.
That they will offer proof to show that the land
sought Is more valuable for tu Umber or stswc
than for aeMcHtturat mtrnase. and to establish
their claims to said land before the Rgts4cr and
Receiver at The Dalle. Oregon, on Wednesday.
Ihe Md day of July, 1913.
They name aa wilneswea J S Sullivan, ef PsKl
land, Oregon. Kdmard Oraham, ef Sisitra, Ore
gon; Chart K Twincham. Jerome Lautr and
Charle II Adams, of The Dalle. Orrgan. and
Henry A pear. Don Rea, Albert It tlammand
and Pauline llammead. of Shaulka, orrsjan
Any and all perwns claiming adveret' the
abose-described lauds arc rcjuesteU la rile their
claim In this office on or before the said 11 day
ef July, tou.
myij.jy7 MICIIAHL T. NOLAN, Register.
Timber Land, Act June 3. 1S7S.
f S. Land Office. The Dalles. Oregon,
May 11, iJ.
Notice I hereby given that In compliance with
ic Droviticnt ofthe Act of Conrresa of June 1.
li74L entitled, "An act for the saleof timber lands
in the state of California, Oregon. Nevada, ami
Washington Territory." as extended to alt the
fmbllc tend State by Act of August 4, 144, Hie
oHowtar-narncd Dcrsons have on Oct x. Kni.filrd
in thlt office their aworn statements, to-wit.
Richard Huriiht.
of l!ast Oraud 1'otks, county of Polk, stale of
iinnesoia; sworn statement no 1140, lor ine
purchase ofthe nc)( sec t3, tp j s, r 13 e, w m.
leremlah Knriehl.
of Hast Orand I'orka, county of Polk, state of
Minnesota, sworn stattiueut No 1147, for the
purchase of Ihe awjf sec 8, Ip 9 a, r 13 c, w ro.
Thomas Knriiht.
of Hast Orand Forks, county ot Polk, state of
aiinncsoia, sworn statement .10 114.1, tor toe
purchase of the rH sec 7, tp 9 a, r ij e. w m.
Martin Itklmes.
of Oraad terk, eouuty of Orand Pork, state of
rtocin iaaota. aworn atatcmeni lata, lor in
larchaseof tlic setf,ej( sw) and lot 7 sec e,
ip 19 a, r 13 e, w ta.
I'rank Smith.
of Thompson, county of Grand Parks, atate of
nenn imkou, aworn autrmeni no uja, lor tne
purchase ofthe nw( tec 11, tp 19 s, r It c, w m.
n..l. S-.II..m.
of Halt Grand I'orka. county 0 Pelk, state of
Minnesota; sworn statement no 151, lor the JMir
cluscof the ut sec II, tp 19s, r lie, w ra.
Hdwln T. SDaffurd.
of Thompson, county of (Srand I'orka, atate of
North Dakota; aworn statement No li for Ihe
purcltaseof thesw) stcj, tp ass, r Ije, w ra. .
Richard ( Sacked.
of Thompson, county of Grand I'orka, stale af
North Dakota; sworn statement No 1154, fur the
purchase ofthe uw sec 9, tp m, rrje, w m.
John A Ramstad,
of Grand I'orka, county of Grand Porks, state of
North Dakota, aworn statement No isjj. for the
purchase of the swj awjf, scK awif and nwj
awtf ate la, and neji sJ. tec?, tp M i, r I) e,
w m.
That they will offer proof to show that the tend
ought la more valuable for Ha timber or stone
than for agricultural purpose, and to establish
their claims to uid tend before the Register ami
Receiver at The Dllles, Oregon, on Tuesday, the
rith day of July, 1903
They imme at witueasea Thomas McCoy,
Peter J McCoy. Jerry Hnright. Richard linruht.
Thomas Knright, of Hast Oraud I'orka, Mlun,
Jamc J Ilerrlck. ol The Dalle. Or. Martin lUd
tuat, of Grand I'orka, North Dak, John A Kam
4ad. Kdwlu T Kpalford. C II llrisbln, Richard G
Kackett. I'rank Smith, of Thompson, N Dak.
Any and all person claiming adversely the
abovesicscrlbol tend are requtstasl to file their
claims In this office on or before the said sat Inlay
of July. iSi. -
rand'4 MICHAin. T. NOLANj Register.
Timber Land, Act June 3, 1H78.
U. S. Mud Office, The Dallra, Oregon,
At ay i, 1903.
Notice Is hereby given that In compliance with
le urovltlons of tlie Act or Conere of June t.
1678, entitled, "Au act for Ihe sale of timber lands
In ihe states of California, Oregon, Nevada, aad
Washington Territory, ' as extended to all Ihe
public land ttates by Act of August 4, 1S9,
George Mltlican
of Prlneville, county of Crook, state of Oregon,
lias on Oct 3, i9ot. filcd'lu this office his swum
statement No I4, for the purchase of the netf
se and ae!f ncK sec 33 and aH 11 w 'J sec 34, l
19 a, r 15 c, w m, and will offer proof to show that
the laud sought is more valuable for It tlmlwror
stout than for agricultural purposes, and to es
tablish hit ctelm lo aald land before W A. Hell,
U S. Commissioner, at Prlneville, Oregon, 011
I-IIU4J, IIIC JIB. S"7 u JJt lf'J. I
He names ua witnesses: Churlce II Dcaly, Wil-J
nam A uavis, joiiu juiiott, i.coigc iviicunig, an
of I'rlucvillc, Oregon.
Any and all pcrtous claiming adversely the
above-described lauds are requested to file their
claim In this office on or before the aald 31st day
niiV MICHAIjL T. NOLAN, Reglttcr.
Timber Laud, A.l June 3, 1S7J
Vtillcd Slate Land Omce, The Italics, OreRon.
April i, iv).
Notice I hereby rIvcii that In coutplUut'c with
the provision otitic Act of VoitMras ofjiiiie ,t,
iS?". entitlrd, "An net for llic le of timber taml
In the stale of Coliiornln. llrriton, Nevada, and
WnshltiRlon Territory," a caietuinl to all ihe
public land stairs by act of AiirusI 4, ii,
Jacob N. QtilbtiK,
ifSItr, ciiunt)1 .of Crook, state of Oregon, ha
this omce in aworn
Aunha. of the 11 hf
statement No ju, for Ihe.
1, nnii in
swur aiul w lit se ur Sec ix. in n a.
, in 14 a, r 10 e, w in,
and will oiler proof to shew that the taml son
naw thai me laiut sshiciu
Is more valuable forlta limlier or stun titan mr
agrieultutnl purMtse, ami lorsiaiuisit lilt claim
tu sahl land liefnre J J Smith County Ctetk, at
ITIiicvllle. Oregon, on I'rlday. the jit day of inly,
iaj Ur nameaV(ltnrsn J' A ttntrwm.
Samuel Well and Clta Uiilberg of Sisters, Orr-
gtm, amiwtas iinttgas. arirliirvrn.oiRsn.
Any ami alt ixfwii ctalnnng advetaaly Ihe
above ileaefltwtl land nr rmurstrd ta file their
etaim lu this office on tr before aald 3d day of
July. I'M!
ai-JTyj MICIIAHL T. NOLAN, Rfglater.
Timber Laml, Act June 3. i7-
V. S. Land Office. The tultrs. Oregon,
April it, iyj.
Notice Is hereby Riven that Incompliance with
le ptavlsious ofthe Act uf Ceutrr of June .
ir. cutltleil. "All act for the sale of timber laiut
lii the state of California, Oregon. Nevada, and
Wasblugton Tftrilory," a extemtnl In all the
public laud slates by act of August 4, Ityl,
Kdlllltml R Wtillr
of Davidson, county of Polk, stale of Minnesota,
lias on May 19, 19M. hlrd In this viuee hit
sworn statement ;so jvj, lor I lie urenase 01 tne
se qr nw qr and lots 3. 4 and 5, see, tp i r 11
e,w in, nun win uiier prooi iu bihiw siisi me
land sought It more valnablc for Its timber or
stone than for agricultural purpow. and to es
tablish hi claim tn said Is ml before the Reg
ister and Receiver uf till office at The Dalle.
Oregon, 011 I'rlday. the will day wf July. iyu
He name witnesses. J, 11 llaner oflbml,
Oregon. Clta Slater, lloyd N. Iteroat and Rich
ard It Cameron, all of lluod Klvtt. Oregon.
Any and all persona claiming adierxty the
Above described land are Jrquesir.1 to (lie their
claims in Ihi office on ur befoie the sahl islft
day of July, km)
lay 1
;uiv.iiaiii, u. ttiii. Kcgister.
Timber Ijtnd. Act June 3, stra.
Notice for Publicntion.
U. S. Laud Office, The Dark. Orrguu.
May 11. ivag
Notice i hereby given that In rrnHptssne with
the prusl.hiHs eflhe Act ef Cengve of June 3.
itTM, ettlHIest. "An act for the sale of tlmUrr lands
In Ihe state of Callfoeiiia. Urn. Nevada and
Washingten Territory," at txttHded lu all th
public land state by Act af Aawtttt 4. the
foUowing-aamed is?ttoti have uwd l tnu
their Iwern statcttwn, ta-wH.
Grg lutnr,
of Culver, eounty
Croak, alatv af Ores,
swoon stalement Ne isat, flleil Oct
est. roe
iMtrchaseuf lb a hfaeqr
aud a
hi sw ar se J.
tp 17 a, r ic, w m.
Gnstave Zernkc,
of Culver, county of Creek, state ef Oireen;
went statement No ixaj. Alesl Oct 7, rt. for lb
purchase of Ihe aw qr sec 1, tp 17 s, rate. wm.
George II Kllllugbeak.
ef Culver, county of Crook, state af Otgtm.
awern ttatmnt No 1V4. filed Oct 7. lest, for lis
purchase ef Ihe nw qr c ta, tp if s, r t e, w m
I'redL KluiHgliek,
ef Culver, county el Crook, stale of Oregon,
sworn statement Ne iVJ. files! Oct 7, lys. for Ihe
purchase ef Ihe ne qr sec ta, Ip 17 s, r H e. w in.
Prank 31 Lovclatiii,
of Culver, counly of Crook, state i( Orrgan,
sworn stalement No iA filed Oct 7. Kw. for Ihe
purchase of the ae qr sec m, Ip 17 a, r w , w in
Lucy Kllllngbrtk.
of Culver, county of Crunk, slate ef Oregon,
sworn statement No 1197, filed tkt 7, if, for th
purchase of the nw qr sec 13, tp 17 a, r la e, w m.
Kittle l.orelsnd,
uf Culver, county of Crook, state of, Orgait;
sworn suttnitnt No ist. filed Oct 7, M. for Iht
purchase of the w hf nc qr and ur qr n qr sec) 14
ml swqrseqr st 11, tp i;,, r isc, wm, t
Delia L Davit, . t j-' -of
Culver, county Of Crook, stlte erOTegon,
worn statrmetit S'o rf), Alesl Oct 7. vtt, for the
purchase of the nw qr sei4,lp 17 s, r tec, wm
Kalharana It Gomtr,
of Culver, county of Crook, title al Oregon,
warn statement No lyxt, filed Oct 7, lyat, for th
purchase ofthe w hf seqr, ncqr k qr, andscqr
tic qr sec 14, tp 17 a, r to e, w m.
Henry 31 Davis,
ef Culver, county of Crook, state ef Oregon,
sworn statement No ijot, flksl Oet 7, tyw, for the
purchase ef Ihe ne qr sec 13. tp 17 r 1 , w m.
Presla Cittp,
ef Calrer. couhIv of Cruok. state ef Oreatm.
awern slatmHt No ijej. Ald Oct 7. te, for Ihe
IHireJMseefthcqrwqr, 11 hf sw qr and nwqr
c qr sec , Ip 17 a, rise, in.
Wllhtim Comer,
of Culver, county of Crook, slat ef Oregon,
worn statement No 1411. fitesl (Ktn.iy, for Ihe
puralutse ofthe sw qr ne qr and w hfsaqr sec 1,
and nw qr nc qr aee it, Ip 17 . r i . w 111.
Anne H. Gomer,
of Culvtr, county of Crook, state af Oregen;
awern statement No I4i. Atwl Oct ii,it,fr the
purchase of ihe ehf swqrand nw qr aw qr ae
14, Ip 17 s, r lec, w m.
That they will offer proof to show thai theland
sought It more valuable for Ha umber or stone
than for agricultural purpose, ami te establish
their claims to said tend before J M LawrtHitv,
V S. Commissioner, al Deschults, Ore-gee, oil
Prlday, the 14th day of July, Vfix.
They name aa witmnses Henry 31 Davis,
Samuel A Davis. l'rauk M IvateMd, Austin W
Culp. WlllUm G Klllingbvck. George H Killing
beck, all of Culver, Orrgan
Any ami all ptesons claiming adversely Ihe
abovtMlescrttml land are requested to flic their
claims In thlt olAcc on or before the said 94th day
of July, 'aO.
mw-,14 MICHAKL T NOLAN. Htgistcr.
Timber Mnd, Art June 3, las.
U. 8. MihI Office, The Dattea, Oregon,
April n, toaj,
Notice It htreby given that In compliance with
the prorlttens ofthe AM ofCmigr! of June j,
ibts. emttwa aii net iur 111c sale or uiiiuer
la mis in Ihe atatc of California, Oregon, Nevada
aud Wathlngteu Territory," a extended to al
Ihe putdic tend slat by Act ef August 4, itm,
Ihe following named iwrsons Imve filtd lu this
oiik tneir sworn stairmenia, to-wll
John J 31cGulmu.
of The Dalles, county of Wasco, slat of Oreiren:
worn statement No iho, filed April at, ii, for
tne purchase or the tie qr sec ?;, Iji 11 s, r 10 c,
w in.
John Illots.
of The Dalles, county of Wasco, stale of Orcgoni
worn statement No 144, files! April 7, iyei, for
the purchase ofllw nrqr sac 17, Ip ij a, r 10 c,
w III.
Peter McGulgan,
of The Dalles, county of Wasco, stele of Oregon 1
worn statement No 740, filed April j, fi, for
the purchase of Ihe aw qr sec 17, Ip 13 s, r toe,
That Ihey wilt offer proof lo show that the
tend sought la more valuable for Its timber or
atone than for agricultural purposes, and to es
tablish their claims lu said laml before the Reg
ister and Rcieivcr al The Dulles, Oregon, on
I'rlday, Ihe loth day of July, iyu3
They name a witnesses. Michael Connor,
John Iiloss, Frederick W Smith, peter McGul
gan and John McGulgan, of The Dalles, Oregon,
and James H. Mnc, of Minneapolis, Minn.
Any and all persons claiming adversely Ihe
above described lauds are requested to file their
claims In this office on or before the laid iclli day
of July. I603.
ai-jia .MICHAKL T. NOLAN, Reglttcr.
Timber Land. Act June 3, tj.
I', S. Land Office. The Dalle, Oregon.
...... . . Al"11 'VU-
Niitkel hereby rIvcii that In csimiillaiife wllh
lheprnvlloilofihe Actuf Cougics of June 3,
.vre. ruUtlcl "All act fur the Ml of lllilr
land In the state of CullfhrillA, Otrgtni, Nevada
and Witfhlnijtuu IVrrltory," aa rxtnidM Ut nil
the Public html atale by Art of August 4, ides',
the following immrsl vruu have 011 Match .
tuM. Iltesl lit thl office llirlr anom italcmtut,
l'rauk l llnwy,
of I'nriulURtou, nmuty of Whllman, awtr of
W'ashlngtim, worn slAtvuieut Nu tat, far th
purchas of (he ne qr s it, Ip 13 s, r r, w in.
... "sjlWaUee,
uf lnrmlt)Rtiin, ismuit uf W'hllnmii, slate of
WasliliiKlnii, sworn tatemul No , for the
purchase of th a qr wc 14, tp 13 s, r lo e, w Hi
Williams McKarbtml,
uf PMrmlugttiii
county of wiiltmaii,
state uf
for Ihe
WAtblugteti. auurn sMtaiuml N saa.
base ofthe se or sec it, lt it a. r to t. tv in
llfuul II Wall.r
yT I'armlngtoii, eonuty uf Whitman, stale uf
nssiiiugton, awnrn siatrmviu wo , rue Hie
purchase ol lit se qr see 11, ip 13 a, r e, f m
llruee Kmsssle.
of I'aimliigtoti, county of Whitman, stale ef
WMhliigtan, swtHii statement Nu sje, for th
purchase ofthe aw qr sv ij, tp ij , r le , w m
Tltal lliev will oner proof lo show tkal tit laud
ue rur lis
IlinUr at
than for agricultural purptM, and In esiabllsli
uieir claims 10 am iui bvnire llir KhWh and
Receiver at The Dalle. Otrutm. on Ttalurtlay.
the Hi
the mil day of July. iit
. Thry name a witnesses An Wolf, ef IS
Uiuse City. Wash, Thomas Tweet, of The I Mile.,
Oregon, ami ( i Walker, llruee Ktiowtt, Wm
S MelluKiuil, Joseph S Walter. Sol Walter aud
l V llusey .f PartMlfiglon, Wash
Any and all iieisunt etalmlng advetxly I lie
aho.edftxtetlliesl LsmtsMrr tHiusiinl in nt,.l)itr
eislmslii Hilt office on ur Uforc the said llth day
of July, lyai
ai lis .MICIIAHL T. NOLAN. Register.
Timber Mnd. Art June 3, DM.
Notice for Publication.
V S. Land Office. The Dalle. Otraran,
May 11. tyij.
Notice I hrtcliy given that in rsmiilaHc wllh
we provistuu 01 me .et el Congress er June 1,
171. ulllteil. "An act for the Ml of Umber laml
in in state er California, Oregon. Nevada and
Washlngtaii Tetntiwy." at Mtrndtsl In all the
iml.llC tend slate by Act of August 4, i4st. th
follawtnif itauird fsrsous have on Oct , Itsw,
filed lu this utnee their swotu statements, Itvwtl
Augustus H Itmets,
efesffiol Ave, SiukaHe, county of Spokane,
tateef Uathlngton, snorn ttattiiient So isas,.
far Ihe iHirchase of th hf sw qr and ehf nw qr
sc 13. 1 p 17 a, r Hi e, w tu
Jahn llaagensou,
ef Gem, county .nf Shoshone, state nf hi hot
iwsmh atalnneur Ne late, for Ihe pHieJsat.
ef Ihenwqr set 1. tp 17 s, r we. w m.
Geoff W Wmst.
efPlrt Asa, Hfokase, cuauiy ef StsatMiM,
for lb purchase ef lb s qr sc tf, tp l 1, m ,
w m.
Aim HiVtand,
of 411 1' trend Ave, pokm, counly mf Haakaa.
atal ef Waahtiigieo . swwh sulaoteot Tti lajte,
for the tmrcbase ef Ike let 3 and 4, t, tp Mi,
r ta. w m.
Ote K Anderson,
af 411 Seeand Ave. Spokaa. cswuty ef attokan.
stale of Washington, sweru steteatml Ho ttoa,
for Ihe paKltat ef the n hf sw qr sec 3. Ip 17 s,
r M r, w m
Thai I hay will off proof lo shew thai tb tend
ought 1 mot valtsaate tar H llmbtr or
IImh for agrtettltMNd parposr. aad lo eatablMi
their claim la mM teed before th Mtgltter and
Reariver at The I Mites. Oigon. en Saturday, lb
nth iter ef July, hsu
Tliey name as niiartses Usury W Reed, uf
netM, Oregon, George H Taylor, Aogavla
Powers, Iteorar W MetrsM, Aim Iter kctend, trt
X AmUtsoii, 1 her titan Wheaitey. Thorvald llan
son. Hriiest C Mos, of Stkane, Wash, and
Juliu Haageuson, of Gem, Mb
Anv aiwl all tiefsons rsslsttlne Hdsolv llw
abstvHlecrthd temtearr rmuetted to Ate their
claim lu Ihi omce 011 or before the uM ili day
of July, isoj
Iiia-i4 MICIIAHL T. NOLAN. Register.
Timber Mud, Act June .1, i7.
V. S Mnd Olflee, The Dalle. Oregon.
May 9, iei
Notice I hereby given that In com
ine itovtssuna 01 in Act 01 1.01
OHHres of lump t.
l7, eulllteil, "An act for lb Mlaef ttmterr latHf
lu lb stales of California, Oregon, Nevada, aud
Washington Terrlloty. aa rs tended lo all lb
Mtbllc tend stele by Act of Awgoel 4, rai, lb
iellowIHg-Hamrtt persoo have filed In lltsa oitVt
Ibetr sworn statement, to-wll
Chette W AbarttMH
of 73B MaratMin Hide. Porttead. rotutty of Mull
aotsMb.steteof Oregon, wtrattesHMtNeiiA.
Ml (Kt 1. lost, for lb nurefaase ef lb e kf aw
qr sec J. Ip a a, r ij , and a hf aw qr sot , p ta
r i r, w iu.
. Robert W Wilson,
of laj K irth st, Portland, fSMHly of Mutirttvnuili.
steteof Oregon; sworn stetemrtit No lajg, nled
Oil 1, lyot. for Ihe iwrchase ef lit nwqr set it,
Ip 19s, r 13c, w m.
WWI V OStfl.,!
of I'ottlsiid. eounlyof MullBoovsli, stair of Ort
gou; swshh stairmsui ne iai, illesl uet
for the iwrcltasc ofthe 11 hf swqrand a h
t, leaf,
1 11
jr, i)i v , r j v, w hi.
Kdwln Caswell,
of bit Marshall si. Portland, emtitty of M nil no
ntah, state of Oregon, sworn atelnitaHt No 1319,
filed Oct 7, i'. for Ihe imrchase of th se qr sec
6, tii MS, r ijr, w 111
That they wilt utter iHrooflo show tbatthatend
sought i more valuable for it timber or Men
titan for agricultural puruu, ami lo ratetdUh
their claims la said tend Utlofe th Hrulster aad
Receiver at Th Dalle, Oiion, on Thuiolay,
Ihe asdday of jHly, lytj
Tuy name as wllaveaat lidwin Casweil.knlit
W Wilson. Amo llrdbw, (tetwg U Seuacti, C
W Sherman, I' C Ntliltteu, all of i-oitUiid, Ote-
Anv ami all (Miaous cteimlnr advrtselv the
aboe-tlasciibd tends are rtvjHstrl la file their
ctelmt In Ihi eAVc on or btforc th salil tl day
of July, 191.
ittia-fl? MICHAKL T
NOLAN. Ktgisler
Timber Laml, Act June j, 17(1
Notice for Publication.
If. H Mnd Office, Th Dallet, Oregon,
May 11. 19)
Notice la hereby given that In csiuillaiice with
th provisions orthe Act of Cungres nf June 3,
In the state of Callfoi lite, Oregon, Nevada, sail
Washington Territory," at extended to all the
public tend stet by Act of A 11 just 4, isui, the
loliowiug-nauieu tiersoiis nave oil Oct 17, in,
filed lu Ihi office their aworu statements, tu-wlti
Austin W Culp
of Culver, county uf Crook, atale of Oregon;
worn statement No 1349, for the purchase ofthe
K( sec 4, l 17 r 10 c, w fit.
William G Kllllngbeck ,
of Culver, comity of Crook, slat of Orenoti
aworu statement Nu 1370, for Ihe purchase ofthe
iieJC sec y, tp 1 a, r i e, w 111.
Sanfuel A. Davis
of Culver, county of Crook, stale of Oregrtn;
aworu statemtut No 1371, for Ihcfpiirchaseof Die
stU ntK and eH ac( sec I Uiul 111. J( nejf sec 11,
tp 17a, r tor, w 111.
That thry will offer proof lo show that the tend
sought Is more valuable fur its Umber ur stone
than for agricultural purposes, and to rslobllth
their claims to said laud before J. M. Lawrence,
If. S Commissioner, at Deschutea, Oregon, on
I'rlday, Ihe J4II1 day of July, iwj
They name as witnesses, William O Killing
beck, Henry M Davis, Samuel A Davit, Prank
M Lovciaiid, Austin W Culp, all of Culver, Ore
gon. Anv and all tiersoiis Llalmllllr adversely tin
above-described lauds are requested lo file their
claims In Oils office on or before the suld 74II1
day of July, im.
11UJJJ4 ui.iiaj',1, 1, no,An, iirgittcr.
TlinWr Laud, Ait June 3. tM.
V. H. Laiut Office, The Dnllat, OifgOn,
Alttll 4. ie.t ,
Notice It hereby glvrn Hint In cnumilajK- with
lb tiriivltloutiirth Ait or Ciiiigt of Juno 3,
it riilllltsl "An st for Hi atl rilmbr
lamitlii IheslnlmofCalirmMMdlletrtiM, NwoU
and Wuhliigton Teilllm-y, ' aa Mirwltsl In all
the public hind slat by Act of Auauat 4. ,
Hi liilliiwIiiK-iiaiiirtl pttiMMia li7IWsl in tins
iifflce their sworn siaUuitnla. tit-wlti
I'haileaW Tlnnnlli walls,
of I.ewlston, county r Na iTtca, alttt r lituhai
swotu ttHtiniit 1V0 tr. filed April tu, l), for
li piitehate of Hi r hf 11 qr sea jo n4 w hi
nw qr see nj, p g s, r 11 r, w m
Chiutlne 1. Thornthwalle.
uf t.ewlslim, cwinly nf Na lree, ttat of IdalMi
sworn stateinritt Ni iv. illesl Arirfl t, iM, for.
the imrehas uf the sw qr vc 10, tp ik a, r 11 e,
That thry will offer proof lo ahtnr thai the
lanilaangkl la mot valuahl for H IIWBtr T
slwi llian for avrteuluir) poi-po. and m V.
lul,!ililrdriRslukhilamlbrfof th H.
later and Rrlvr at Th I Mile, tHgi, mi
I'tlday, July 10, lyit.
TIkv name a wlliii William Malta and
Janum II llanet uf Hn4, Oreifsm. Ltw 31 Oiant,
ufTh iMlle. Ot8tHi.Hl tllHeUri L.TJiorJi
thwallcaml Chailea W. Thunilhwalt. of Lewis.
ton, lu Ho
Any ami all tutwst etalsalHt atlteraaly lh
iml all twtsmi tUltaiHt atlteraaty lh
tssetlbetl Iambi hi iaufd to Ate, iMt
11 thliuffire ihiVt before lb wM HHh
above dtssetll
lay of July, laaf,
ai-ia MlLllAIII, T NOUN. Kagislrr.
Timber Laud, Act Jun j. rtr,
U. S. Mud Office , The Dalle, Oragon,
May 11. set.
Niillee I Inn by given that In tHttHe with
the provlsleM uf tin Act of Congr af Jmn
i Art afCtHict tvf Jun .t.
iirm, en
lu the s
17, eiillUait, "Ah act fW lb sal at rttaher Mini
III the slate ufCnlinHltla, Olrtnttl.
If met. and
IngliHtTetrltary." a extemt
tst lo an i
puWk teitd stalos by Art of AugKst 4. iRea, llrt
follawltig-iMitiesI iiefsatta bat on Oct 4,
imesi iwtoo nasv an uti , Kfa.
ulnvv their isoih siaitnal, in-wlti
Med lu thlt uihve their isoih at
Thumas I Swill
ef Watute, counly ef Was., state ef OirpoHl
sworn Ktattmcnl Nn lit, far lb tmtetesse af th
ehlSH qr, seqr tiwqraitdfutjsaw j,pt, r IJ
r, w 111.
I.itiie Allfii,
of watuie, county of ". stale ef ote
sworn MateHMMt No 1, for the rmTefae
for leaps"
a lifnc qr and Iota 1 and
a, r j r
Andiew C, Rathrwk,
nf Oraat Valley, eounty of RhHtMin, stalatsfOio.
roh; swsjru staiatotHi No 17, lor list pwwlian
ef th se qr 3 Ip u s, t ij r, w m.
Thai they w III eltVr waof te show that Ur Void
sought it met sluaiM fur Ma UfHT or Mm
than for agrtoilmrat naiinaajt, bjm ta ahflatj
lhh- rtatmt lo Mid tehe Muv lb Haatster Mtd
Kerriver at Th IKstbxs Urtvaaa. ah Mllrtttar,
mm sssis soir us jsssr, toas.
w J n mm mi iwww ,. ,.. .!ns, m
la Alten, Tbntaas J Mtift. of Waartr. iwtaatti
Amtivw c Roth rock of Or VUttr. taraioa,
ad I, II Attlagbam. uf Warat aptiaaa mafasi.
. Aa atoj all persons ctaiMtng aaiar4r Ike
tbaHil glordteHsVi are laqsmUl ta sml UvHr
Jjaiatt In Iht atsW est ar Jssttse lb aaM aatji
ms, ' MrCIIAIIL T Nill.AK. Resrssler.'
TiMoer Mad, Ad Jatt 7, 17.
I'. H. Mod OiVt, Ttt iMtte Prreou,
May ii. seal,
Not lee U herttnr la Ibal la 1 iiielliaiai ullti
Ik strovtsiuos ofibr Act srf Cottarest af JatM J,
i7, eaotttsl. "An act for lb Mfesa ifomylaiwss
la the states of Callforels. Csreaaa. Wswiaa. and
waaaiHirtoH tavntovy," a iaaea so aj h
Montr tana stair a Act m asiium 4, ia
loOowHig named irsott tan h oet 1, lasst,
In tbts eater ibetr swot a 4HHstnt, le-wiJi
Alfred UravM.
af arij South lOevsmlh Ae, MieeeaMMs, cosmy
of lUHHtrpiH. stele of MtattoMM. Mmm sttUfr
Htsttl Nw its. fur ihe purebasf of iba axaf set) ,
ij, m . r ij e. w in.
Call M. II Carlton.
f4ie Mi 111 st tojtUb Mbttteasditr
ns-Hiicitti. siM et 3iiiineHaai a
Nti igM, for Ihe pureimsf utTilt I
V "' AWe4tsi -
es'MtIWvelh.toatith, MiHnaatis, aauHly
rftlattiitplu. Male of Mfceojoaii ieMH sUMio
ntsml No l4 for lb puiciu tw'rwctsw s u,
llMI,ll)t,WM ,
John H Kyistra
of aui ChiraDo Av. MlaMvasastta, eattaly af Him
Meoln, state of MlHaesni. swora etateatmit Ne
isti, for Ihe Ufisof lb ewh sec 14, Ip te a,
r 1 r, w m
John L HckasaH
of iu Xtevcath A toulb, Mieaetth,eHHty
ef Iteatveata. state uf Minnesota, ssretn tlate
Hwnl No lata, fur lb pttrcbas af tb stru set ,
to, r ij. w at
Aatttew N. Read,
of CamJo, county uf Towner, state ef ItVfUl Da
kota, sworn slaitatt Mo latj. fof IM pofsllvasc
of th swK 14. Ip a a. r 1 j . w Ht.
Thai they will edgrr woof lo show Ibal IbtUud
sotuki It Htort valuable for IM Umbag or sljMir
Iban for agricallaral aorptsses, aad la rstsUftsli
tlteir etelmt to id tend Wfotv ib Register ami
Retailer at The lull. Oreeon, on lfwy, (lie
Nib day af Jaly , nssj
Tbty name as wiiatswtvi J L tteckawu, Alfrol
OtsoH, John Ji Kvbctg, cart 31 II Carlaaii. Alfrttl
Mtssstt, A N IUimW. all ofMlnMspvUa llnil.
AHV ami alt tMtsooa ctelmln dsorsMs lti
alieve-slesetlUid tead ar rtoMesKsf lo me their
SSlllMS IH IMS BIU.W IM lit !. ittM UU1 l.lltttA
01 jiny, tyij.
nss-S4 MltllAlll, T. KOIIK, KegUler.
Timbr Mud. Aat June 3. 17.
V. ft, Mud OllKr,Tln Dalies, Oltgan,
Mav . xoai.
Nolle Is hreby glum tlwUl sotasajiitywllh
lb provtsfoos art Ajst of CtTis ef jun t,
itei. Hllllsd, 'Aiiajt for tli sateof tHolw'r IsihR
(11 Ihe ataltst of Callfortjte, Ortaoti, Naojufa. ami
Ws.hlitglon Territory," aa extended (a oft the
iwiwibhii swinay Act 01 AgsMt 4,
foilowiug-nauml lerssm have filatj la 1
uitr sworn atctntnu. lo-wm
of Hast Oraud Partus, county of MV
iiuiirf! wswn soiirsswHt no tan,
Mot, AirtltepulciWMuf lbs4t sefT.
K, ..
Jam J, lltrrick
of The Dallta, txtuuty oT Wjm, stale of Qtrgn
swurii sialrmem No its, filed (let 1, ibsu, fbr III
tiurthas ofthe M nwU d foU 1 anil I etc ItL
IHV. r 13 c, wib.
Atmurt Cuous ,
of Hast Om ltd I'orki. courtly ef Polk, slate or
MiUHtaota; sworn latemvul Nn net, filol Sent
6, lew, for the Mittlis of Hh wi ,g lings,
T 11 e, win. t
. PlrJ McCoy
of Hast Grand I'oiks, county of Polk, state, ef Muiustelruirut No 1144, filssl fjt I.
lux, for llir purchase uf th ncjr se 10, p 19
rue, wm v
, .. .. . Ju"tesH, Knrlghl
of Hast Grand Porks, county el Polk, state ol
Minnesota; swurii stalement No 1115, lllal fk 1,
H,forthcpiirellaseoftlicl wJf a nil font
and 4 sec 7, tp a, ri j c, w 111,
That thry will offer proof in show thstlheUn'd
sought It more valuable for Ita limber or "lone
than for agricultural puriMwe, nud to tslgbfUTi
Ihelr rtelms to said tend before the Itrgltitr ami
Receiver at The Dalles, Oregon, oil Monday, Ihe
7thday of July, lyuj
They name as wiliiettrs Jrrry HHrlghl.Thoiif
as Hnrlghl, Ruliard Kurlght, lliomnt McCoy,
,'UJ ".'$'' !?!"" '.' ""hl, of Kast Grainl
I'orka, Mlun, lfrlward Hpalford and II T Hpar'
ford, of 'I homtisou, N Dak; John Sttldl, TliBt
rwt,lK While amJj.iiiMj HcrrlckiofTh
Any and all persons claiming adversely 61
alioveiltscrlbrdteiiiU nre requested to file their
cla ins In this ofilcc on or befitr the said Milfuft
Of Jnly, IJOJ, ".ujr
iiij-Ji4 MICIIAHL T. NOIAN, Reglttcr.
l&mjUmi, -k !".
(T" T. '