The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, June 26, 1903, Image 3

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    ElkiM (Mb King,
Ofcvorj-oiieat Iluiul ami llrt vicinity, ami arc wilttttf; to incut you nil
inoie tliiin liuir wny to tul it.
We know tlml "fUjr tnitlinK with us once
nfoout HcourhiK );iuir nuuscquunt ordera.
Wc will kIvc your
The mime attention nutl prompt hipmunt that wo would were you pre.
cut in iwrson,
Wc will soil you iiothliii; but ;i6cln nt tin low n price nn It is
possible to make, quality IhjIiik considered.
Scud in n trial onlcr.
Yours Tor
.' U-Jl'-
The Winnek Drug; Co.
Carries a Complete Line of Fishing Tackle, Toilet
Articles', Stationery and Patent Aledlclnes.
Local Events of Hie Week.
,, , , A . ,
You can obtain patent medicine
mill tuiiui iiiui;iu.i in nit "iH niuiu,
opjxisite the r. 1). D. Lo.'s otticc,
lleml. '
Jolui T. Ucnnctt. formerly of
Shiiniko. who has been working on
the Tumullo ditch, brought his
family in on Monday and will en
Khkc in carjwiitur work in Hand this
Through uulutentional on or the
fiftiitc of Ml Jackie Hrock wns
misprinted "Jncklus" last weak.
The youiiK lady Is rmtisflutl to have
her own projwr name, nsnuy projwr
youiiK lady should Iw.
Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Palmer nr
rivcil Monday afternoon from Port
laud nm will remain two or three
weeks. It. Gilchrist, of Portland,
came in with them. They &pcnt h
larKC part of this week in a journey
tip the river into the heavy timlwr.
Dr. W. W. TnKKnrt, the eye
socialist of Princville, nunc out to
Jicntl 1 ucsday to treat Pauline, the
dnuKhterof I.. I). Wiest. He will
; be here for a few days to sample
the fishiiiK of the Deschutes and
the rich, rare owne of our ntnio.v
phcrq. The doctor is preparing n
booklet on the resources of Crook
county, iiii-ludiiiK huulluK and fish
infj; and as .stories of the latter are
ttf.r.t1ii1Mtu lit. iu 4t thrift, tlimil lit
XTSonnl cxerieucu next Sunday.
war, own aiiout jur.v i,
With a full btock of General Merchandise of best quality
Lowest Prices.
Bend Mercantile Company
INCOKl'OKATrtU WITri CAl'ITAI. 01' $10,000.
JAll Goods at Prineville Prices.
New Building,
lie Largest and
Best on the
Full Stock of Fireworks for Fourth of July.
Uerul, Opposite Pilot Butte Inn,
tljijro will be no trouble
Winnek Drug Company
a fine line of preterm
lion supplier. Opposite the P. U.
I) Cos office, llaiul, Oregon.
U. Hond whiskey is to be had at
the Pioneer Saloon, Shnniko. J. J.
Wiley, proprietor. A uood Krnte-
ful drink, refreshing, invionitiiiK
George Schlccht has enclosed a
unit framework for n tent iu Gar
den Row, where ho will entertain
his friends nnd kep bachelor's hull,
iu a few weeks.
When you are at Shnniko, re
member the Pioueor Saloon is the
place to gut flue liquors. The best
is none too good for you, and we
dispense the vcVy best.
Carpenters are rushing work on
an addition to the ostofncc build
ing. Mr. Stunts finds he ispiuched
for room for his Increasing stock ,
of which more is coming iu u few
days, and he is even contemplating
another addition iu the near future.
J. Q. Jamicson, an engineer in
the employ of the O. U. & N. Co.,
went north Tuesday, having spent
two weeks iu examining the coun
try up the Dc&chulcs to its souicc
and over on the Klamath side of
the divide, lie had nothing to say
about his impretisions or concltt;.
siotis. It is understood that his
visit had some Iwaring on the mat
ter of n Harrimau railroad up the
Fresh Stock,
Deschutes River
Will Urock was iu Princville on
btmlnciis the fir&t of the week.
Prank Hodsou lias built a neat
cottage ut Deschutes' fd'r his fam
ily. II. W. Heed nnd D V. Steffn
went to Princville JMoii!ny night,
returning Tuumhiy oveiifug-
J. A. Uayl, of Hour oreek, Iim
delivured io tons of rye liny at the
Columbia Southern diidll iu the
past week nt fyti n ton, baled. Mr.
Ravi himself was in JlOlld yesterday
and today.
Dr. IJdwnrds wns cnlloil id Hol
land Inst night to attend a son of
Mr, neatly, who was rojKJrted to be
lli a critical condition from rhcumii
timu and nose bleeding. Thcrouud
trip is 75 miles.
The Reception Saloon, Shnniko,
offers the nios't tempting induce
ments to timber locators going into
the wootls, The very best brands
of whiskies, such u 'Cyrus rsoiiic,
, , , ,, . . .... . !!.! . I,
urn rej.per, u inner .. u.uu.y nyc
nun uuiur biuiKiiiiii guutisi uiwuys
to be had here. Call ut the Rcccp-
The Columbia Southern Railway
will bell tickets nt nil stations at one
and one-third fares for thc round
trip on July 2d, 3d,, 4th, good re
turning until July 6, 1903. Special 1
excursion tickets to Uriiss vallcy
aud return on July 3d and 4th, and
good returning until thc jth, at
one fair for thc round trip.
Richard King, of King, Hunter
ii Mnndi, has been in bed for a
week with an attack of facial ery
hiclni. He had a sore on his left
cheek thut had given him consider
able trouble. '1 hat was yielding to
treatment under Dr. lldwtirdi when
the crysicla.i complication not iu.
Thc old gentleman is now Improv
ing. A. M Kelsay, formerly dcrk of
Wco county, but now one of the
big sheepmen of thc Mitchell coun
try, Matcd through Ilcnd yewer
day, in couiiMuy with K. K. Allen,
on the way to California. The
firm of Kelsay St Reeder have four
bauds of sheep 15.000 in all on
the rond to the California market,
and Mr. Kelsay expects to overtake
them in the vicinity of Silver Lake
and escort them to our neighbor
state. The trip will occupy five
The Ilcnd Mercantile Company
is doing a rattling goal bijhicji,
though its More is not yet completed
and it has only u partial stock of
merchandise iu a back room. The
novelty of getting goods in Mend at
the same prices that arc charged in
Princville proves jwpulnr. Large
quantities of new warus are arriving
and there will be a full stock to se
lect from by the Fourth of July.
The store will indulge iu a great
dutplay of fireworks lor its first cel
ebration. The work of moving the P. H.
D. Co. sawmill to the ditch line,
utxuit thrcv miles up the Deschutes,
is well under way. Last wctik
lumber for thc was taken
up and the building is now ready
to occupy. Mrs. Sarah Hunter
and Mrs. Merab Auderway will
conduct the establishment. Karly
this week timlwrs for the mill wore
hauled to the place and thc con
struction of thc building began.
All the log stock has now been
.worked up and the mill will go to
its new locality and be ready for
business in a week or so. The
stock of lumber left iu Ilcnd, though
not large when the building activ
ity here is considered, is expected
to be sufficient to meet all legiti
mate demands until there shall be
another source of supply. The
Steidl & Reed mill will .soon be in
Aftor many days of annoyance.
accidents, delays, miscalculations
and mishaps, the Steidl & Reed
sawmill is nbout ready to begin
putting lumber on, the market. A
bad beginning, a good ending, says
the old saw; and here is ccrt&inly n
chance to prove the saying. A
reporter visiting the mill Wednes
day found a force of men working
under high prcssur6 sawing timber
for flooring and enclosing the mill.
After this is finished lumber is to be
sawed out for building a 4oo-foot
flume to give an additional 6-foot
head of water for the turbine.
Lack of power has heretofore been
the caqse of trouble, and the man
agement will lose no more time in
experiments, but- follow the time-
honored method of securimr n head
qf water sunicicnt to furnish at least
75 horse jx)wer,
Penturcs of the Celebration More
Tliun $100 Pledged
1'rltUy nliflil !rNiHl lull at West', lull.
taturday, loii a. in, Literary and Hiuatatl
jifwi. mme, nnr the xntu:
Malyrdxr. u. u in - llilvitv nmn unci roan
in ii
fwiiininr, t li in.- (111 MMt betwreH Wlrer
Lnti4 imI IVikI imiiii fur pttrw , nt smmahiI nwr
Mr. WteatM ruMemv
HatorcUv Hllit-I1 at Wt't Iwll,
dleplay 61 fncMumt.
After the lietid committee had
made arrangements for the Priuu
villc Uuwlmll club to play a game
here on the Fourth of July, Princ
ville concluded it wanted to cele
brate ltMdf and its biweball team
would not come to Itend. There
tiKn the Ik'iid committee opened
negotiations with the Silver I.ske
club, which is exiectetl to arrive in
time for the dunce Pridny night and
to brltitr a considerable iiuiiiler of
Silver Lake and way patriots to the
The festivities will open with the
Priday night ball, all the arrange
, fof whjch an jn thc lmlus 0f
' IIIUUV muni Mil
a committee comioscd of A. G.
Richardson, M. T. Pratt and Max
Wurzwcilcr. The same committee
will have charge of the Saturday
night function. There will be the
best of music and every facility
which a brand new dance hall may
Saturday's programme will open
with exercises near the postolhce,
couatMiug of three or four patriotic
songs by a quartet, reading of thc
Declaration of Independence and an
oration. J. M. Lawrence, C. S.
Ileiifiou and Miss Wicst compose the
committee having this feature of
the celebration in charge. These
exercises wdl be short, occupying
iu all less than one hour.
The general athletic sports and
races, under the supervision of a
committee composed of H.J. Pal
mer, P. 1). Gilc and Earl Reed, will
take place as soon as practicable af
ter the conclusion of the oration.
Then there, will be an interval for
lunch. These contests will be var
ied and a in using and they are ex
pected to form a most enjoyable
feature of the day.
At 2:30 p. m. the ball game will
be called. It will be out of the way
by 5 o'clock and there will then be
an intermission until thc dance and
fireworks in the evening. The Ucud
Mercantile Company has arranged
for a brilliant display of fireworks,
to mark its first Fourth of July.
Manager Grant says he will set off
at least $50 worth Saturday eve
ning, and they will be visible for a
long distance.
It is probable that a ball team
from the.Tumcllo ditch will come
over for a hot side contest, just to
show that their hearts and muscles
arc iu the right place and that they
still glow with patriotic emotions.
Light refreshment will be pro
vided for thc convenience of the
crowd at the gamca and ball. No
pains will be spared to make it a
fitting first celebration for a hustling,
growing community.
Booth & Cornctt to Extend Shantko
Line to This Point.
Mr. llooth, of the stage firm of
Booth & Honiett, was iu Bend
Wednesday and Thursday and an
nounced that his line would on the
1 st of July begin a regular daily
stage service to Ilcnd. Now that
service is between bhauiko and
Prineville add the Vandevert Bros.
run the tri-weekly mail stage south
ward from Princville through Bend.
On July r Booth & Cornett will run
their through line between Shnniko
and Bend, making Prineville a way
station instead of a terminus. An
adjustment between Booth & Cor-
Inett and the Vandevcrts is expected
to reave me way oicu tor a oauy
mail service for Bend without prej
udice to any existing contracts.
Booth & Cornett also have ar
rangements under way for running
a livery and side stable nt Bend iu
connection with their stage busi
ness. They will prokibly take the
big barn now operuted in connec
tion with the Pilot Butte Inn.
They are talking of establishing a
hotel here, too.
This move of the Prineville stage
men is dictated by the movement of
business. The tri-weekly stage to
Bend from Prineville is not suffi
cient to handle the traffic and the
consequence is that a g'reat deal of
the travel has ignored the stage and
Prineville altogether, coming
through by private conveyance all
the way from Shnniko and crossing
Crooked river at Forest's or Trail.
Itjins been driven home that the
only way to get thc business was to
provide thc facilities for it. Hcrlcc
the new daily stage and incidental
conveniences. Next will come the.,
Chas. S. Edwards, M. D.
Dont forgot to
drop into thc
O R U 0 O N
We carry only the
finest lines of
Wines, Liquors
and Cigars.
C. a McDowell.
Electric Lights Ttiroughont the
AH White Help.
Steady work. Apply by
letter to C. F. Smith, fore
man, Deschutes, Or.; or per
sonally at the camp on the
Timber I,ami. Act June ji &?$.
V. S. LanJ Office. The Dalit. Oregon,
May 11. tm.
Nut to I. hereby given Out Iu cvwptbnec with
tht HuvlOou oTlb Ad of Congrsw or June 3.
IIM. wititUU, "Ail act Air tht wJiTUmlcrlaiidt
In inc ttnlta uT California. Oregon. Nevada, and
Wttvlilntlfi Territory." at exumled to all (he
iwliHc land utatr by Act of Autu.t 4, i;i, the
UlowtHE'tMMuil prriUHM have wt Oct 17, ipaj,
filed in tlita office their mvoni lUtciue nL, to-wit:
George A. Steele
arMtUn.rouutyor8po1.ane. slate or Vahlng
ton; aworu UWiucnt No ijaj, for the piirchate
of the H c( and H w ec JJ, tj. iS a, r la c,
v m.
Imsc M. Carter
of Milan, county of diwfcau. Mate of Waililui;.
ton. wuru uteweiit No liH. for the purchase of
iheak wK.K uwjf aiidlot Jaecj, tp 19 a, r
10 e, w m.
fttibrjr Carter
of Milan, oennty of Snobane. tatc of Washing,
ton: atrorii sUHul No ij. for thc iurchae
of the uer ace 3, tp 19 a, r lor, vr in.
Cary C. Congleton
of Milan, county ufRpoLuue, .talc of Washing
ton; auorn aUteiueut No jjti, for the purchac
of the H uc!f , w;!,' nwtf aud lot J ace 7, tp 19 .
r 10 e, w iu.
That they wilt o03r proofto .how that the laud
ouitu u more valuable tor its timber or ktwae
than lor agricultural iurpoc, aud to ettabUah
incir ciaima 10 ran una before the KciiLtcr aud
Kflvert The Dalle. Oregon, ou Thursday,
the Jtth day of September, 19013
They name aa wttneaM-a: J 1' Conglcton, C C
CougUton, S 11 Carter, Ceo Steele, I M Carter, of
Milan, Wah, Joint J Itoiylliig, of Spolauc,
Wiuh, aud Ira l.hain, of Camden. Wuth.
Auy aud all jxrtonn claiming adversely the
ahovr-deirrihrd lattda nre re.iuw.tnl In fll tht-l."
daliii in thi. office on or before the ald uUt
day of 6eutubrr. i&.
Ju6-il MlCHAlll, T. NOIAN, RegUtr