The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, June 26, 1903, Image 2

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    .. fti
The Bend Bulletin
ltnttml March 1.
aa rcunJ4s natter.
iaag, at nccchataa, Oregon.
rcnuauyi Kvratv ruHMT at iwcntrrm.oiM.
8vscKirriiN hatusi
Per year
Six Month
(Invariably hi ndrmaccl
- S
AdratteMta who wieh ta efcaa tbetr eeHu
theuta' have copy la not later than Tuesday non
prrcearavg lb boat la which cbaage ia deatred.
follow in the
vnkc of systematic
JUNK 36. 1003
The crime of tactlessness! It is
not on the statute books, which is,
perhaps, fortunate for most of us,
but it is nt the bottom of more
trouble than half the statutory of
fenses. Nine-tenths of the family
niul church ami neighborhood dis
cord, of the differences between
man and man, have their origin in
the tactless manner of one or both
parties rather than in u deliberate
intent to do wrong. The trouble
once started finds enough of old
Adam in human nature to feed it
plcntcously and it goes like wildfire.
Nobody, not even the law, can set
limits. From violations, or fancied J .
AVIfttllVlfc, Vt gUUlt W.1IV Uilll. gwuu
judgment, to violations, or fancied
violations, of the criminal laws is a
comparatively short step and easily
taken when men arc wrought up to
high feeling over matters that in
the beginning were largely of per
sonal opinion or interpretation.
The Dalles land office hs..ssued
a circular stating that thu plat of
the survey of township 3 south of
nittgo u. east of Willamette merid
ian will be filed in that office on
Monday, July 27, and that on and
after said day the register and re
ceiver will 1)0 prctMrcd to receive
applications for entry from any per
sons who made settlement prior to
the withdrawal of said township 3
for the Cascade forest reserve.
Thus the crop of scrip is added to
from time to time. Squatters on
uusurveyed public laud before it
was withdrawn for the reserve ac
quired rights that could not ripen
until the tract should have been
surveyed. As these townships are
surveyed the squatters are given
opportunity to mature their rights
and take their scrip. Hut they
afford no fiekl for new applications.
TtMMft i-fti Att Jutted. "Ms.
WH H hrrah ( that in wi
lWOrMotu antic Art T OHWM
iiKHMI. "As art for IbcMleof
ealataaaf adifutHla. Oreroa.
Waahlugttm tw
S4blhWmlthltMt- A.
Uwftnjf. MlWltH i-a.i
Haying has beetm on Crooked
river and on Bear creek and theJ !I2'3riii' irI'
U. A. Land OHtce, The Dalle, Oibii,
Mav lA. ioai
or Jiitic A.
timber tanna
Nevada, ami
It tlMhlMl III all Ihe
Act of AilBW.I 4, ! tlir
ivIno-.BOHiwl t.ramia hare frteil In ItiU eHlce
their awtSrtl tlwml to will
Kran Wnl ,
of Iwtal, caaHtf afi'r.k aiete tHMirvftiM wtn
MatomoMt Ha ijliY, nir.t lwc i.v iy, for the ur
tmtt untie Mff arc v t . r 10 e, w m.
Chailea r BMMeehoo.a
of Mead, mat afCn' Malt ol ntaanni a
tateareni Ma iSff. tlr.i tire la, iM, far the
eheee oflhe W arc uM II MK
ip n a, r e, w m
of Mead, rouat
Z. R
General Commission
Forwarding Merchant
at 11
Jaian Hhaw
maty tA.'ni. Malt of Ofratni m
Ntt bM, !r.! IV ia, iat. ftr the Bu
cwjjewt, iwS "H wal Hw)ae
toMiilv aTnuol. Mat of ro, inn
at Hv iafi;ild lirt . ion. Km the 1
riho w)ifK aS Mt, awl MM "K
new ctop will be in the market next
week. This will mark the end of a
scarcity that 1ms greatly retarded
all work in -this country depending
ou tenuis. Hut us yet the new crop
quotation is pretty stiff at Bend,
Relief for the potato
market is almost tu sight too, ami
nobody will regret setng the old
tuber at 5 cents a pound yield to
the young ones at half the price.
arc J. Iprt. r Ma. w Hi
Laatw Cottar
ot mho
, ta i . r 11 , w ai
Cljartr. J Cotter
im Hit, Iwitily of Crook-. nat of orKtii wm
tatmt Na I. AM lrt ao, 194a. (or tlr pwr
chavavofUwHlfmUaiMi nK i"M M anJ
awK IT . r " r w Wt
KatflUcI A Ximmotman
of (M lwl. county ef RoMttry, lial uf MIhiw
ota: twota atatoiHiiit Mo iji. IWI Jan 1, iya,
ftx lh mrctial fht k"H ami wtt 1 aiul 1
arc 4, lt ita, r 11 e, w m
CImtaiL lbtxW
ar Crook, atalr of Ofocant iwmii
Jan 11. ipu, far thf uir-
" jo,
Prompt attention pntd to thow who favor me with their wtroimge.
S!ianilcoPrineville Stage Line
of Moml. tiaaaty
00k. rtalrof (fc
ait awt( aw H ami h ,
tp 17 a. r it r. Vr m
Ote lirkVaon
of Climax, county of roik, Mat of Mlnnrwta;
axrvrii atatrnwyi Ne u, tint lic ij, ivaa, Ar
the OMixtwMr of llt nH aHdaH w)( area
aihl nh uwM tc 7, tp . t 11 c w m.
Thai tlwy will uirr nnuf lo ahow tlwllhrlaml
aoMfM tamorc vahialik lor Ita timtxr enatoa
Leave Slmtiiko 6 p. in,
11 l'riuuville i p. m.
Arrive 1'rincvillc 6 n.
" Shiiiiiko i n. in.
First-Class Acc6nimoda(ions for (lie Traveling. Ptiblio-
tlwn rur aurtctilliaral luuouMra,
tbtir cmInu to aa4 land Mit
Rah for the Fourth of July!
'Rah for the daily stage! 'Rnh for
Rend, and all pull together!
Small men can never overcome or
overlook or outgrow these sources
of inhannony; that requires men of
moral and intellectual breadth, of
large charity and generous im
pulses, and of integrity that rings
true every time. Men are not all
cast in the same mold, mental,
moral or physical. Thcv do not all
take the same view of affairs. It is '
to be expected that men will differ
in their views without being dis
honest, and due allowance should
be made for honest differences. Wc
shall never be able to measure the
world in our own little pint cup, no
matter how firmly we may hold to
the idea that this cup is sufficient
for all that has a right to exist.
Those whose philosophy is not
broad enough to recognize a brother
in homespun or, in broadcloth, whose
beliefs cannot be shared' or whose
eonuuet may not ix wholly en
dorsed, are too narrow for a cos
mopolitan community. Your sput
tering, vindictive fiest of a citizen
flourishes amazingly in an intoler
ant soil. Cood-humorcd toleration
speedily chdkcs him out. His oc
cupation as a miachief-broedcr i
gone whon people refuse to take
him serioualy.
As American citizens we boast a
good deal of iudc)ejid&nce. This
spirit is sometimes carried to ex
tremes; sometimes it is a mere cloak
for arrogance and. studied insolence.
which is a credit to nobody. The
."Independence" that accept colir-
tofitcs and pays in abuse and injury
is anything but American. He
. who is permitted to cross his neigh
bor's piemiscs and slwwg his grati
tude by stealing the gate or want
ing the crojw should awaken pity,
for he is not a healthy human crea
ture. True independence repays
courtesy with courtesy, thereby
leaving no excess of obligation ou
either side. The soul-canker that
corrodes the conscience and blunts
the sense of justice and fair play
has no place amoug man en
titled to the blessings of American
Timber Iaa4. Act J saw j. i?,
V H. Land Oflfcv. Th Italic. Orrgon.
May i. ioj
Notice la kttctnr given that Ih coan4ioavr tth
the prorMoni eflkc Art ef ConareM uf Jatw J.
11, caalHaotl. "An act fer lac aafcof tiMhrrkiMM
la lh autca of (.aUJurala, Oregon. XrnwWi, awl
Waafetnalan Territory.'- a eilmled Is all the
fMbltc taml atalea by Act of Aaguat 4, ,
Nila John Kaltcr.
of Walker, ceonly of Caw. atate of Mlnaeaota.
haauo Jaa jo, aauj. Sled ta iai office ka aourn
alaumeat Ne I3M, far ike iwrrhiae of the aw)j
neM.aS aw( aaxt uwi; ,ir( wc. tp is , r Me,
w ta. awl wm otter proof to ahew that the Und
aoiight ti more voloable (or lu limber or alotie
than for agricollaral pHrtauea, aa4 to eaUhliah
bbi dalra to kl UU U-fcuc t K. Mgga. V A
Coremtutoncr. at t'rliiertttr, Oregon, on Tue
day, Ike 1 itta day of Aucvtl, I9J.
lie name at witaeaan I l.e;ar. reula Nrl--m,
John MacMore. John Dekken. of Demi, Ore
ten Any and all penon dalmlnr aalrrrarly the
alecleaalbtd Un4a are rmuwled to file thrlr
ciilmt In thu ontec on or Ixiare the hM nth day
of AtiEuat, 1041,
raioar MI01IAHI. T. NOLAN, KegUtcr.
V H Cmiaal4oneT, at
KatHniav. Ike Mh dav of
Tber waM aa wltiiMuoa:
&tMU jofaa UtaM, Hah 11 1 MTeat,
1 N lluuter, Mmra ttliaw, l I
ttAmtTM lAA Ull.u 11- Liu
(Murec 1 la tea. Ini(a NeUna tod
au el iteml? Oregon
and to eatalaHak
M Law
Ueachaiet. Oregoti, on
M. ia.
I'ratiV Wrat. Jhu
jamea Hunter.
Droplet boat, 1 I'
IftQM 0LI(lK.
uuivr, jH,ra oiiaw, v i' iwonainiwii, ir 1
oM Kitty, w 11 Maata, Uiane vatior.
IHIMH liapill.
Anv and all norwHia ataiantne adretaelr Ihr
bove-leacrlkd lamia arc rao,maiad la Me their
eta, In (Ma orke an or kne Ike aaM Mk ilay
et rtiiajwi. IW
Ttmlier Laud, Act Jaae J, 17.
U. S. Uml Oflke, The iMtle. Oten,
May to, laaj.
Notice la hereby circa tlul In eaHiUaiirc with
Ike proeiakma efthe Act of Caacrow of June 1.
taya, entitled. "An act Ivr Ike aaleof tliaHrlaNata
ta tuc.
lletneatrad Csntoatdated
In4 OlKce at The Daltea. Oregon,
Notice la hereby clrrn tlt the fottowliHt
Mined tettleri have Steal notice of IntcHtton is
auke fliul proof on tbeir rcMKCtHrecUima before
J J Htilb,Ceaatr Clerk, at rrntevtUc. Otegoa.
on satarday, Jaly 11, teat, etc
r.l.oKOK O TAVLOK.oflH.tera, Oreeen;
Oa koaneetcaul apajUcaakM Na 711, for the
8KKec6.tpi;a. r lie. W M.
HKMav W CAKUN.ofniatera,Oresoa;
Ou keaawlead aMicalioo No ri. for the
W;( att 4. lb ia a, r 11 c. W M
Wttneoaea Cfvde Johnaoa, M M Tfcoeaoa. Johaj
Taylor, Henry W CartlH awl Oeorgo II Taylor,
Vf mill, VRfM
IIAKL T. NOLAN. Keairtar.
Getting back to our text a little
tact, the knack of getting along
with people, lese strenuous insist
ence 011 our own as the only correct
or honest view of affairs, recogni
tion of the good in everybody rather
than complaints of the evil that
none are without; in short, healthy
horse sense rather than little, Feck
sniflian, hectoring selfishness this
would smooth the way of life and
release for private and public good
energies now wasted in strife and
various forms of pillage.
This sermon is presented at this
time in order that Bend people may
apply it to the various neighboring
communities that are torn by fac
tional strife and personal bitterness.
Fortunate indeed are we who es
cape so many of the petialties that
Timber Land, Act Jnae j, 107a.
U. H. Ua.1 OSte. The DaUea. Orotjou,
May it. 1001.
Notice ia hereby ideen that Ih aomnltajiae with
Uv prvriekau efthe Act of Coamea of Jane 1.
i7, entitled. "Aa act forthe aa&lf timber lamb
(b the auteaof Callfarnla, Oregon, Nevada, sad
WaahingUm Territory," m aiUnded to all the
abUc land atatrs by Act of Auguat 4, laat. the
foUatribg-naaaed eraMa haea oa Oct 7, KmJUcd
ia tWa ocaee their awora atataMewta. Io-m-H.
l'atiick II. Cariey
a laaav for Ike no
UaeW.eMawlfaadnwW awb acci. lajoa,
r lie, w m.
Hdar4 Vaadarwall
of Phillip coon y of frke, aula of WlacoaMin,
awora atateuteat Ho ijif, for the nnrcbaae of Ike
acK aec it. Ip iv a, r if . .
Tkel tbey wUI uaVr uruof to afcow that the land
niKbt la more ralaalHe for lu limbrr or tt,r
than for agricultural iNirttotea, and to eaUblwh
of nulUIM. emraty of rrlce. euu
eat Jao ijaa, roe ie
of Wiacjauata:
alalea of CatlfwrHhi, Oiepm Nrmada, and
aa eaactHted is aH lac
KHK (and atate by A4 4 Aayud 4. IW. the
hmlng-nameil peraetM hare Bled la IbU otbee
ineir awora awtemenu, lo-oiii
UMlHaia VtkUauh
of The ttallea, county ef Waaaa, atate of Oregon,
awuru No iwn. bled Ne 10, itm, for
in tmrtnaar of ine nwj i(h aaand 11 ft aojf
anil nt Ji awn aec 3v. tp J a. r aa r, w m.
HHuunah Itarsra
of 1'rtnrrtltc. county of Crunk, atate of Oregonl
awortt itatrmrtit No 144. filed Nee t . toat, far the
purtbaac of Ihc wH n If aecjandcli ncX arc J.
tp 17 a, r lr, w m
Jcaac R. WatUni
ofPrlncelllc, county of Crook, atate of Orcgun;
awern aUlement No io, fllnl Nov la, iur, for
the purchuac of the oh ntU "J ")1 nl( arc ,
tp i a, r ier, wm.
John II. Ouatafmn
of llcnd. county of Crook, atate of Oreeom awsrn
aUUiucnt jta 14i, Bird Not 0, loit. for Ihe pura
Cliaac of Ihf ac jj aee i; Ip It rcitwTiu; f i'-
noionum r. lurnra
of lripclllr, county of CrooU. atate of Orrgoni
aworn atateuieut No im Blrt lire li, ipt. for
the purclwiac of the ac) arc J. Ip a, r I c, w 111.
Kolomon itarnre
ef rrlnevllle. eminly of Crook, atate of Orrgonj
aworn auterarnt No tyv, filed lx i, om, lor
the purchaaeofthc awj( arc II, Ip lea.r xe,wm.
Jamea It Kceil
of Uend, OMHty of Crook Hate at Orcgoui awern
ttalcaaeat No iwJ, filed Ink i, h, for Ike tmr
haac of the ueK aec 11. ta ' a, r M e. w in.
Julia fttndt
ef Bend, county of Crook. tUle of Orenm, awern
atateaMBi No taai, aud Dr- n, ia..lor Ike tmr-
aTlhcne aec a.ipiia, r aae, w m.
1'iuk Vrt
eHaml.auHaiy of Crook. Male of OfrHi: a'
naaa imc u, leaf, lor tlir
Wholesale and Retail Liquor Mouse;
atalawiaatt Ne 1 ja
cJwm oflhc aK aecaj.tpi6a.rioc, wm
Chartea J Wilai
ef He ml, county of Crook, aute
eoiOrreen: a
final Dec r , fm. for Ihe
atalcinent No tjjr
chaae efthe awti aec ij, to it a. r Me, w in
That they will offer proof to ahaw that the bind
toagbt la more valuable for lta timber or atone
than for agricultural puruuwa, and, lu eatabUalr
M. Mwretxe,
Finest Hrand or Ltquont ttnd ClnrO,
Two oofs South of Hank.
Carrying U. S. mail and jissengers ,
Txa'tn Prineville Mondays, Wednesdays null Fridays. Freight, ami
PnhM-Migers tvaybilletl for Bend, Uvn, Rowland, and Silver Ukcl Good
rig", cnicfuJ drivurs.
C. I. WINNUK. Agent.
Sanford's Cash Store
tbeir ctaima to aaid bind before J. M
V. 8. Cominiaahmer, at DeaehWaa, Oregon
Pridajr, the 7th day of Auguat. rtof.
J ney name aa wnncawa Noaea MhMatiBh, 1
the ttallca, Oregon, (Seorgr Hugae and Vmin
,mH..,.vw,, tnvii, fwirev aa i,nwm
ue, of r,ani, Oregon, Juho Maamaee, Jtaxciii
jona 1 ww, 1 n iiuater, John Htekn
(ought la more valaa
Iheir iialma to aaid Uad before the Kegiatrr and
Krcriver al Tbr lallea, Oregon, oh Tucaday, the
ittbday of fiepirtabcr, ago).
Tbey name aa wltneeaea, Jacob Haamuaaau,
Ul Crotteaa. Dan autltvou, Haua Krrraun, aoren
LaraeH aad luhn Wllmot. Ir. all of fhilllL wu
Aay aad all tarraoaa claHolHg advciaely Ike
abnve-deacrtlttd lauda are rrajueated to file thdr
cUlnw u. tkia office on or before Ihe aokl lath
day 01 aeateantier, loot.
aiiluaal. t. nolan, Kegttter.
I- raae. John I U'nt. I N liuaiar. fnLn
John Weat, II It Itniliu joaroh N flunti
Mow, Kraa Weil, W If Mrork and J it Heed, of
aeaua, uregon; ana loan w gariiea, William
Walklae. Aaron I Walklaa sawnnon IVamra,
aolomoai r Sarnee. of I'riaevilla, Onsen.
Any aad alt pcraona rUiuiiac adeeraely Ihe
aosee araeniMH uihm are rtqumted to file Iheir
cUiau In thta otter oa or Ufctr the aabl 7th 'lay
of Auguat, 1501.
"7 JIICIIAKI, T NOf,.V. KegMer.
Timber Mini, Act Jaae , rial.
17. S. Uml OSlce, The IktUaa Or
. Notice U hertb given that la
Kneer 1
mi Lonarau ! juue i.
, "AH act for Ihe aawofUnibeT Iglula
orcallforHia, Oregon. Kavaibt, ojtil
Territorv." aa ia afl lli!
Timber Lam), Act Jane 1. iari
V. 8. LaiHl Office. The Dallea, Oregon,
JUHC a, lyP-L
Notice 'la hereby glren that Ineomplistue with
Ibe pruvlalooa of the Act of Congreeaof Junej,
i7 entillad, "An act for the aaboftlaibrrlanda
In Ihe eta tee of California, Oregon, Nevada, and
WaablagtCKi Tetrltary," at extended to ail the
public Uad aisle by Act of Auguat 4, iluj, Ihe
btluwluM-uaaied Mraoua lure ou Nov 17, toot
filed In thta oAce their aworn
Oliver Johiiaoii
oO'equamlng, WHty onuregn, atatr of Jllchl
igsii, kwurii atatcucnt No 1J07, for the twrchaae
if Ihe H e)i ami nr KMtt and twu
aec 1, tp 19 g , r 11 e, w ih.
Anil Aiiiii
of I'euataliig, county ofllaraga, Matt of Jllclil
aan, aworn aiateiHcutNo 1410, for the purclmK
ui jiic w own aim ac nw( aec 14 und iietf,
' 'i t..' " ..r-.j " " .."
11W14 aec ij und ne
W Ul.
Offer liruOf tit aluiur Hint ll,la..l
aouxlit ia more vuluable for lta tiuiber or atone
liat they wl
tjmu for Bgricultural puriora, and lu rataUiah
their clalma lu aalii Und before J. M. fjiwreiice.
IT il f'nitlUllinl.ii.a It I.T.a. . . . '
Hutunlay. the Jxl dav
Tlity name aa wltiiraaot
Arm Aiiiic, or I'cquaiulnif, Jllch, ami l'rauk
t.Uaa, Hitliard King nmt J N Huutcr. of Uea-
f,M,, uicaui
iiicr, at Deaclmue, Oregon, on
I day of Augu.t, 19U.
wltiiraaot: Oliver Johuaon nucl
Any anil all pcraona ctilmlit
MICIIAlil, T. NOLAN, RcKialcr.
clalma In Ihla office on or
01 AUgual, i$o;
tf flftvm.lw Ilia
ndaarc rrguoatrd to lite their
before Ihe uid jjdday
1 u.;:rt.": . .""frwr ......
ia, pnwa
isra, calmed,
a me ataiaa
public laud atatea by Act of Auguat 4, ), Hit
btfowia-aaiaai iieraona have oil Oft Tla.
nld In thta office their iowu atatrtilciita'le.wtt:
. ..-. .10r . Iteraon
Of Ul It Twelflh at, fortUud, county 6f Multiia.
wat aute of Oregon; aworn ataicnfatit Ne ijat,
for the jwrcliaac of ihe ewj aec ji, tp 19 a, r 1) c.
r... . Celta II Ilrowii
of forUawl, county f Jlultitomali,tte Of Ore-
oftlie.wXaeK aec jo aiufwH nitf and nwK
K aec ji, tp 10 a, r 11 e. w hi " "
, ..' . Jacob If Myer
ef74 Itaet UurnaUe al. HHilawl, punty ofMulU
nomah, atate if iiregon: aworn ataffniflit Ko
ijn.rurthei.urclmacoflheiiwlartJf, (p 10 a,
... ...""KM'e I. Aihlliie
of4ji It Twelfth at, I'ortUiiil, cwnty of Slultno
iiiah atate of Orfgon: aworn atalaiiilm, No Mil,
iw 111. ,nlrc,",M! of ,l,e "W W. tp 19 . r ilel
, . .... Nathaniel 1' Ilycra
?.fj' '. V'1 ' 'nl'l. county of Multno
nail, atate ofOrcgiiu: aworn atatrtnini tfo 1111.
the purchaae of the m4' ace as, i 19 , r l e;
General Merchandise,
Groceries, Clothing:,
Furnishing; Goods
amilton Stables
& Redby Feed Barn
booth & coHNirrr.
Stock bonrdud by the dny, w'eck or itioulli.
Fine Teams and Rigs, and Reasonable Rales.
Pirsi'dnss Facilities for Hnudling tocntore and Conituarcinl Travelera.
Quick Service and Satisfaction Guaranteed.
anuihf il'f"1 "P, 'r?ft? how that the Unit
aought U more vsliiaMc fur ita timber or atone
than for agricultural puriHea, ami to ealubllali
ihtlrclaliiia to aalil land before the rrglater and
.WTffiJ'W Itn.Onum. on tfrdiieiday,
the 16th day of Kentcmber, 1003
t-lA,irja'r,,iV,,e wlluaaaaa Nathaniel I' Ilycra,
Jacob ill Myera, Kugciie I Aahlliie.Cclla M Ilrown
m iuincru rcteraon, all ori'orllaiul, Oregon.
....7 u,,n au iicrauiie cmiming ailvcracli
""ore-ucacriiieu imida are rrnueated In Ale I
Vaim'"' "" omce on or Ufore the aalJ ittli day
Columbia Southern Hotel.
'rAtus FROM ?.50 UP PKR DAVi
a a
Hot find cdld waltir oif both flGoM. . llntliA for the use of cQestii
J$very htodeni coiiveii6iice at hand.
The dining fdoiii, iffdff: (lit? d(f &t su'fiSf viAiou of Mr. Kccney, Li a
very, model of tasteful, Bpotits SlegfimSi mM the Service i.i equal to any
in the state. - i
All stages arrive at aifd f&ve lie GoliirrtWrf SdHchtril.
, J; Mi KEENBY, Proprietor