The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, June 26, 1903, Image 1

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    (jo, y&
iNO. 15.
Comprehensive Review of tha Import
nt Happenings of (lis Past Week,
Presented In Condcncd l'ormt Most
Likely to Prove Interesting to Our
Many Header.
Now complications nro feared In tlio
territory ol Aero.
Kansas Olty, Mo,, freight linmllari
Vinvu til r tick lor a 25 por cent Incrt-ano
ol WKKl'H.
Tim Chicago University tiropoMs to
oxpond fll.OOO.OOO (or buildings and
land (or secondary aohools.
Tim Hpanlnli budget (or 11)01 esti
mate tint ixvoiiilltiirM At 111)3,(100,.
000 mill tlio rtivuimo nt t 200,000,000.
Tim National ChlldMiu'a Mourn Bo
duly had re-elected all of tlio pretsnt
olllcori, ami adjourned to im-ol at Ht.
Louis tioxt year.
Venoiuo'n linn nipped In tlio lioil h
plot to wilto tlio government by means
o( fitlMtled douuinenls to lw Incorpor
,tod by rongrois.
Tim Socialists ol Germany liavo ro
rolled coiiKratulatlona from all part of
tlio world, especially America, on tholr
victory at tlio (Kills.
Mexico piopOMR to compel all algna
and advertltomontson all walla to ba
In Rpanlah with, if dnalred, tmneln
tlom into otlior langusgoa,
Tlio HungarUn prominr hat retlgnod
and a now cabinet will bo formed.
Tlio now rulor of Horvlajs thorn of
all power and ia kins in nanio only.
Warrants have been Waned for tlio ar
rontof two mora persona Involved in
tlio poital fraud.
" "Hinting attending, a atrwtraratrlke
' at I)iibiiiiio, Iowa, has ro-ultod In the
inllltln being called out.
I'rom'nont members of tlio National
I.lvo Stock Association will try to havo
rJocrctary Hltchccck ouatod.
A nnvol demonatratlen ia being hold
nt Oho Poo, Uhlna, by Japanese and
iirltUh llt-ota. A few American ahlpi
iru alao prosont.
Tlio Michigan foroat fires will cam so
Inestlmablo damago unless rain mxy
Tim Iluralnn wnr minister, General
Korupalln, la being extensively fotod
at Tokia.
A disastrous flro In n Nowcaatlo,
l'jnn.,roal mine waa aturtod by the ox
ploalon of gasoline.
Tlio Ohlcai(0 union waiters on atrlko
partially Acuowlcdgo n defeat, and ninny
nro returning to work.
Tlio International Proaamon'a Con
vontlon opened nt Cincinnati with 300
delegate! In attendance.
Ily trying to fill a coal oil atove while
It was burning, n Hrooklyn boy and hit
sister met with fatal Injuries.
The Lnuudryworora' union, of Ghlca
KO, by n referendum voto, Juat taken,
haa decided ngaliint Another atrlko,
Tlio atrlko on tlio New York aubway
lias been nbaudonod nnd 110,000 nilnora
will apply for work uncomlltlonAlly.
Tlio rumor that I'rosldout Clowry, of
tlio YYca'.orn Union telegraph com
pany, la to resign Ih without foundn
tlon. A balloon with four noronauta waa
carried out to sen from Marseilles,
Km noo. The Into of tlio men la not
Tho brlcKlnyera' atrlko in Omaha,
which tied up building operations for
four months, camo to an ond by tho
union giving in.
Accused of attempting to extort
money from employes In a Newark, N.
J., hat factory, David ltlrhmnn has
boon iluod $000.00 by tlio ilntmnkora'
Armml with rifles nnd ahotauns. the
farmers and aummor residents of Mount
Klsco nnd NowcnBtlo, N. . nro looking
for tha Incendiary now infesting thoso
Tho nntivo ehtofs of Samoa doelroiiB
of being present nt tho Ht. I-ouls oxco
uitlnii. lmvo Hunt netltlons to Prosldont
ItooBOvelt to help Amorlpn Samoans to
lo representor.
Chicago wnltora nro losing ground In
tliolr strlko.
Sir Thomas Llpton'a fleet has arrived
at Bandy Hook.
Da feat of the Cmml Treaty Allans Troubl
for Colombia.
Hnn Francisco, Juno 20 Informn
tlon was brought by tho steamship
Aonpulco yesterday Hint tho people In
tlio ntnto of I'nnnmn nro oh tho vorgo
of n revolt with n vlow toward seced
ing fro intho United Htiitcm of Oolom
bin nnd ncttltiK up nn Inilopundont re
public. It Is aliened that tho tltrfiit
onml uprlsltiK ttmnnntos from tho un
real cnusod by tho reports from Do
gota to tho effect that tho dolcgatcs
now assembling tlicro for the purpose
of passing up tho ratification of
tlio cnnnl trrnty.uotwoon tno united
States of Colombln and this country
nro In n juniority against tho inensuro
nnd hnvo nlrendy expressed their do
termlnnllon to voto In opposition.
Tho report received hero enmo
through ofTtrlnl rhnnolu nnd U to tho
ofToct thnt tlio people of I'nnnmn nro
almost united In fnvor of tho cnnnl
nnd thnt thoy hnvo plodR'nt thorn
solves to aupport n rovoll with tlio ob
Jitct of dcolnrltiK thomselvoii n freo
stnto If the convention In llogotn votes
ngnlnst the trwty. Ilofore tho Acn
pulro stnrtftl for this port tho dele
RAtiM were nlrendy nssemhllm; In Ho
oln. Tin I.lhornl party which Is now
nut of political control hnd bosun n
rntnpalRn ni;nlnst tha rntlflrntlon of
the trenty nnd hnd surceMfully work
ed upon tho middle nnd lower clnsses
of tho country InfluoncVs thnt were
proving n strong-' nrsument npnlnst
tho ndoptlon of nny mnnsuro thnt
would Runrnntoo tho United Btntes n
hold of nny kind In Colombian nffnlm.
It hnd been tnndo to appear to tho
Colombians thnt If tho treaty was rat
ified tho United Btntcs of America
would soon havo control of tho entlro
Ornd Jury Will 5oon Return Five More
Washington. Juno 20. Tho Fcdernl
Orand Jury, which haa been Investl
Rntlns; postal nffnlrs. U oxpectet to
brlnit In live Indictments tomorrow
nirnlnst- persona Involved, but may.
noTrenort "until Mondny. Asslatnnt
District Attorney TnsRnrt. who has
tho enites In rharno for tho Rovorn-
knent. was at his oftleo carllor than
usual this mornliiR. ana was uusiiy
cnRnRod In R"lns over tho Indict
ments. Uo denied hlmsolf to all
cullers. AUIiourIi overy effort has
been mndo to keep tho public In Ignor
nnco of tho nctlon to be tnken until
llio impers were rotdy or presenta
tion by tho Ornnd Jury. It Is lenrned
on unquestioned niithorlty thnt tho
Jury has voted to return Indictments
flBnlnst AuRiist V. Mnchen. Dlllsr 11.
(lroff. Bnmiiel A Oroff. Ooo. K.
Lnrnnx nnd Mm. Loronx. tho two Int-
tor beliiR rculdonts of Toledo O. Tho
specific charge. It is understood, win
bo conspiracy to dofrnud tho Rovern
ment. The fnct thnt now Indictments
would bo returned nRnlnst Mnchen
nnd tho Oroff Urothors hns boon tnlk-
ed nf for somo tlmo nround tho court
hauso. but It wns not expected mat
action would bo tnken mo soon. Tho
sonsntlonnl fentura of todny's prob-
nblo proceedings Is tho connection of
Mrs. Loronx nnmo with tho trnnsne
tlons which led to tho arrest of Mr.
Mnchen nnd tho OroffB. At tho time
of tho nrrest. storlos woro In clrculn
tlon that thoro wns n Ro-hotwoon. but
tho Information nt hand then wns not
cnncluslva enough to estnbllsh. tho
Identity of thin pnrtlculnr ifhrty.
Whether or not Mrs. loronx ncted
In this capacity Is not known, but It
hns been suggested thnt this RO-ho-tweon
wnn n woman.
Kansas Requires Money to Rebuild
Undue Swept Away by Flood.
Topekn. Knn.,.Juno l9.0ovornor
W. J. llslloy today Issued tho follow
InR proclamation cnlllnk togothbr tho
loglHlnturo In poclnl session:
"Wliojons tho recent Hoods havo, In
nddltlnn to tho destruction of vnst
nmountH of proporty, swopt nwny
numerous hrhlRos. tho Immodlnto ro
ImlldlnR or which Is Imporatlvo, but
for which no ndequato laws oxlst,
thoroby bringing about nn extraordi
nary occasion within tho moaning of
tho constitution authorising n upoo
Inl nesslon of tho loglslnturo.
"Now, thoroforo. I. W. J. Dnlloy,
Kavomor of tho Btnto of Kansas, by
vlrtuo of tho authority vested In mo
by tho constitution, do horoby con
vono tho legislature of Kansas In poc-lal-ttOHBlon
nt tho cnpltol In tho City of
Topokn, on Wednesday, Juno 24,
11)03, nt 2 o'clock p. m., for tho pur
poso of ennbllnR counties nnd otlior
municipalities to build nocodsary
Ocnernl Whenton Dead,
Washington, Juno 10. Mnjor-flonor-nl
Frunlc Whenton, U. S. A., rotlrod,
died horo yostordny, ngod 70 yoara. A
widow nnd two dnughtora survlvo him,
Denth roaultod from n gonoral bronlc
lng down in hoalth.
Eastern Oregon Cloud
burst Kills Many.
lone nnd Lexington Suffer' Lc Dtnth
Llit Will Reach Fully JOO-Stfcly Lay
Only In Fllght-DenJ Are Hurled In
Hastily Conntructed Collins Abience
of Uouhla Notnble.
lone, Or., Juno 10 A cloud which
burst on tho hills a. mile couth of Hepp
nor nt about 5:30 o'clock Bunday after
noon let looso n hungry flood of wator,
which swept down tho hillside In a
wnll SO feet high and 200 yards wldo.
IloachlnR tho bottom of 'tho canyon,
tho liquid avalancho roared Its mighty
front over tho doomed town, and car
ried to destruction nearly overy build
ing and human being that lay In Its
path, leaving a wosto of desolation to
mark Its trail. Tho destroying torrent
rncod down tho nnrow gorgo of Willow
Creek, Inundating as It reached them
tho settlements of Lexington, Iono and
DouRlas, but lessoning in fury and In
volume ns tho thirsty alkali soil of the
valley drank up tho wator like a
sponge Ilchlnd It lay nearly 300
dead, drownod llko rats la a trap. The
siiddonncss of tho catnSiroDho r.avo
tho victims no wsnHncCVrrwhelmlng
them for tho main part atf thoy sat
within their homes.
Immediately nftor tho fatal flood
had wiped tho major portion of Hep
pner out of existence swift courlors
on horsoback sped to warn tho resi
dents of tlio valley toward Uio Colum
bia of tho coming porll- I-cslle Mat
lock, son of an ox-ahcrlff of Morrow
County, rodo n wild ride for 18 miles
ahead of tho raging waters. His horse
dropped dead, but no iiecured anothor.
and again nnothor, covering tho OS
miles to Arlington In soron hours. To
this I'nul Ilovore of Oregon Is undoubt
edly due tho fact thnt tho ranchora of
tho Willow Creek country bolow Hep
pnor lost so llttlo stock and property.
Tho Palaco Hotol was tho first build
ing to stpm tha tldo, and all tho guests
were saved; but houses below tho Pa
laco Hotol woro thrown out Info the
streot. ovorturnod and wrcckod.
Porhaps tho greatest loss occurred
at tho llepfjnor Hotel. Thla house,
which was run under tha management
or Jones & Asuaugh, was carried
away. It is supposed that thoro woro
about CO guosts In thla hotel, nil of
whom nro reported to bo lost Tho
proprietors themselves woro saved,
but their families aro nraong tho dend.
Tho ontlro residence portion of Hop
pner was destroyed, but tho business
houses, being on htghor ground, and
bolng. generally built of brick and
stone, woro not so badly dnmnged.
Tho schoolhouso nnd courthouse,
which stand on a sldchlll. woro saved,
hut two churches, tho Mothodlst nnd
Presbyterian, woro completely wreck
ed. Around tho depot tho receding
Hood loft great hoops of driftwood
piled as high nnd hlghor thnn tho roof
nnd tho rescuing parties woro forced
to deinollsh thoso pyramids of timber
In'ordor to oxtrlcato tho corpsoa
which wero tnnglcd In tho brush. Un
doubtedly mnny of tho drowned bod
los woro cnrrled by tho rushing waters
down tho valley. It Is reported that
thrco bodies woro found near I.oxlng
ton, nlno miles bolow Hoppncr, but
thoro woro no fatalities In Lexington.
No systematic effort has beau mndo to
find tho dead, 4vho nro undoubtedly
dtrown along tho canyon. Kvory nvall
nblo man from n radius of C5 miles
hns boon prcssod Into service nt Hep
pnor Itsolf. Gangs of mon nro nt
work clonrlng awny tho piles of dobrls,
rocks nnd tlmbor, which lto pllod In
Hcppner'a stroota, nnd taking out tho
corpsos which nro thus conconlod.
About 100 noroons hnvo boon burled
In Hoppnor'a Rravoyard today. Owing
to tno entlro uusopco or propor raciu
tics for corlnc for tho dond, tho vic
tims of tha flood woro, for tho most
part, Intorrod in common crates. Tho
Rhoula who nro usually round, iiko mi
mnn vulturos, rlllhiR tho pockets of
tho dead In such great dlsastorn ns tho
ono which has stricken Hoppnor, are
Inthls case, fortunntoiy nusont, nnd
tho vlgllnnco committees nnd patrols
which woro so noccssnry at Johnstown
nnd Galveston floods, soom to bo un
nocoBsary In Oregon.
A rollof train sent from Tho Dallos
reached Iono last night and will pro
ceed to Heppnor as soon as possible.
A wrocklni: train, with gangs of men
to repair both tho tracks nnd telegraph
wire's left ln.t night It Is expected
that communication with Lexington,
17 miles from Hoppnor, will bo restor
ed early this morning.
Court street at Heppner, on tho
bank of tho stream, Is swept clean as
n gravel bar from ond to end. Not
oven tho foundations of n long lino of
boautlful residences aro left
livery business liouito, except tho ho
tel, Kalr storo and Odd Fellow's build
ing, nlonR tho sldo of tho street on
which tho bank stands aro wrocks. A
largo building I Jammed Into tho drug
storo and several other structures aro
In tha middle of tlio namo street Resi
dences aro turned over or torn to piec
es. Mud, sllmo nnd misery nro every
where. Tho water was IB feet high In Hep
pner'a streets and roso over tho now
courthouse wall. It enmo down Polm
Fork, chiefly, hut was a torrent on nil
hillsides. Knormous piles of rock and
gravel havo been washed down tho
canyon five mllos up on Dutter creek.
Tho flood camo almost Instantly and
laBtod ono hour. Tho peoplo thonght
It wns only a repetition of tho cloud
burst a few days ago, and were not
nlarmed until It was too lato. Houses
woro surounded by raging torrentt,
which sucked every thing movnblo In
to their twisting eddlea and escape was
Many peoplo slept In tho courthouse
last night, and any placo they can
make n bed.
Mnny peoplo nro arriving at Hopp
nor. Thoro aro no beds, nnd visitors
will bo compelled to rough it wbllo
thoy stay. Provision uro not needed,
but rather help to bury their dead and
clear away tho dobrls. Tho absenco of
Ico or embalming fluids has necessitat
ed tho hurried burial of many bodies,
which would otherwlso havo been pre
served for the arrival of relatives.
Thrco llvo babies havo been found
whoso parents aro lost and identifica
tion has so fnr boon Impossible.
Families aro broken to ploccs, tho
father alono remains, or a wtfo or son
or daughter, and llttlo children loft
Kllaa Connor, a stockralscr of lane.
roturncd from Heppner nt 2 o'clock
this morning. Ho left tho sceno of the
disaster at 6 o'clock, and brings the
laiesi nows rrotn mo eccno.
"It Is now known," said Mr. Conner,
"that at least 27C or 300 people wcro
drowned. Ono hundred and fifteen
corpses havo been hastily buried in
wooden boxes and somo were merely
wrappeu in oinnxou. Thcro wero still
several wagon londs of dead on their
way to tho cemetery when I left
Heppner Itsolf has now been pretty
well searched, oxcopt In piles of de
bris, whero It Is thought that numbers
of bodloa will bo found.
"Between IoAo and Honnncr." said
Mr. Conner, "thoro are groat plica of
uouris, nut tno flood passed so quick
ly that tlio roads havo not been seri
ously damaged. Tho railroad track.
nowovor, from Loxlngton on Is badly
torn up. It looks straco to seo the
heavy steel mils bent nnd twisted like
oorkscrows, and tho heavy timbers
splintered llko matchwood. In Hepp
nor itsoir tno flood swept n clean path
a rollo long, nnd ono or two blocks
wldo through tho town, following gen
erally tho courso of Willow Creek.
Tho peoplo of Heppnor seom demoral
ised by tho calamity, and men who
havo loat their wives, children and
tholr nil, go dry eyed to tho work of
asslstanco of others."
Tho town of Hoppncr, tho principal
sufferer from tho flood is 107 .miles
from Portland and 45 miles from tho
Columbia Illvar. ft contains a popu
lation of, approximately. 1400, and Is
tho county sent of Morrow County. It
Is located In tho valloy of Willow
Creek, a considerable stream, which
flows north Into tho Columnln. Tho
valloy of Willow Creek varies In width
from ono-half mllo to a mllo nnd is
bounded on elthor Bldo by preclpltlous
mountains which render sudden fresh
ets not uncommon, although at ordin
ary scasous tho stream Is easily ford
ed at almost any point At Hoppnor,
Willow Crcok Is Joined by Hlnton's
Fork, which ontora at tho north ond
of the town. Bomo 20 years oro n
cloudburst occurred on Hlnton'd Fork
and a wall of wator 30 foot In height
rolled down tho mountain sldos Into
Willow Creek At that tlmo the town
was built principally on tho Bouth
side of a high bnckbono oxtonding
from near tno mouth or tho Fork back
to tho mountains. Thoro was llttlo
damago to tho town and no lives wero
lost Of recent years, howovor, tho
town hns grown considerably nnd n
large portion of It la on tho north sldo
of this natural dyko nnd nlong tho
bnnks of tho two streams, directly In
tho path of tho flood.
North of Heppner nino miios la tno
town of Loxtugton, containing a popu
lation of thrco or four hundred, nnd
nlno miles furthor Is Iono, which, has
eight to nlno hundred peoplo. Accord
ing to tho latest Information, both of
thoso places woro destroyed.
A branch or tlio o. jt. & n. roitowe
Willow Crock south from tho main line
nt Hoppnor Junction to Its tormlnui"
nt Hoppnor. Offlclnls of tho company
havq recolvod ndvlccs thnt tholr track
Is wnBhed away botwoen Douglas and
Hoppnor, a dtstauco of 30 miles.
City Officials Work Industriously and
Will Uoforce Martial Law-Orcatest
Needs are Money, Suppllta and Dis
infectants Relief Money Coming la
From All Parts of the Northwest.
Hoppncr, Or., Juno 19r-Heppncr
needs monoy, provisions and disin
fectants Abovo all clso. Money Is want
ed to pay mon who aro cleaning up
tho town, provisions aro required to
feed thorn, and disinfectants aro cs '
scntlal to good sanitary conditions.
Tho warm sun Is already raising of
fenslvo odors on tho scene of tho dis
aster. In two or thrco days moro
Identification of dead bodies will grow
rapidly moro difficult. In that tlmo
tho victims of tho flood will bo plokcd
from tho wreckage In tho town. It la
bolloved that many bodies woro bomo
fnr down Willow Crcok. Their recov
ery will not bo so cosy as In tho town,
and a largo number may novor be
found. Thoro aro high piles of drift
at various places down tho crock In
which bodies undoubtedly aro col
lected. Thieves havo been pilfering
tho dead and tho wreckage, and tho
authorities will tako stringent precau
tions against tho ghoulish practices
tomorrow. Thoy aro under orders to
shoot down any thief, but thoy fear
to do so tor fear qt killing an Inno
cent person In among tho many
"Wo'ro going to onforco martial
law," declared Sheriff Shutt tonight
Every nblo bodied man must go to
work or get out of town. Tho sheriff
has sworn In over 30 deputies, and '
with tho aid of several marshals, malnX
tains good order. Tho presence of
many strangers In town makes law
abiding cltixons apprehensive. Tho
town In In breathless basto to destroy
tho unsanitary elements that aro
springing up.
"Wo'vo got men enough." says
Mayor Gilliam, "and don't need any
moro. Whnt wo need above all things
aro money and food to keep them at
work. We havo .many cases of ab
ject destitution. In which largo fami
lies havo lost a father or ft mother
and all tholr worldly possessions. Wo
must clean up our city, but It Is a stu
pendous Job. This endeavor Is owing
to tho living and the dead. Wo es
teem highly tho material ovldonco of
sympathy from other towns."
Rollof money has been received
from La Qrando, Hood River. Shanlko.
Portland, Athena and tho Elks
amounting to $1247. J. N. Teal ar
rived from Portland today ns an ncent
of rollof. With him came 109 men.
who will bo paid 32.50 per day. About
half thnt number of men will arrlvo
from Pendleton tomorrow. Tho Port
land mon havo a camp back of tho
town where thoy havo erected O. N.
Q. tents and messing tables.
New York Institution Is to Incrcaie Its
Capital to $25,000,000.
Now York. Juno 19. Details of tho
deal by which It la proposed to morgo
tho Western National Hank into tho
Nation Dank of Cammerco wero mndo
public todny. Under tho consolidation
tho capital stock of tho Dank of Com
merco will bo Increased from 510,000,
000 to 325,000.000 by tho issuance of
150,000 additional shares, 125,000 of
which will bo used' to acquire tho
Western National after that bank has
Increased Its capital to 312,500,000.
Following tho acquisition of tho
Wostorn National a dtvldond of nt
least CO por cont will bo paid to hold
ers of Dank of Commerce stock.
Twcnty-flvo thousand shared of tho
new stock will bo offered to Dank of
Com merco shareholders to tho extent
of 25 por rent of tholr holdings on tho
dato named at 3140 por oharo,'
The directors of tho consolidated
bank will bo Increasod so as to em
brnco tho directors of both institu
tions. It Is understood that Valen
tino P. Snyder, president of tho West
ern National Dank, will bo selected
for tho presidency of tKo consolidated
Switzerland Votes Money for duns.
Dorno, Switzerland, Juno -19. Tho
Natlonnl Council todny. by 97 to 3
votes, granted a credit of $4,340,000 to
arm tho 72 bnttorles of four guns
onch of tho Swla Field Artillery with
tho now Krupp 7.5 centimeter pneu
mntlo recoiling guns, nnd to provide
800 rounds of ammunition for each