The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, June 19, 1903, Image 6

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Timber Land, Act June 3. tS?8,
U. S. Lam! Office, The Dalles, Oregon,
May 9. 1903.
Notice U hereby Riven that In compliance with
the provision ofihe Act of Congress of June 3,
tut, entitled, "An net for the saleortliuber laud
In the Mate of California. Oregon. Nevada, and
WuliinKtoit Territory." a extended to alt the
public Una slates' by Act or August 4. l8J. the
flewlnrr,aincd persons have on Octotwr 4. 1902,
filed tn this office their sworn statements, to-wit:
Jen K. Kasmusscii,
of 171 Howard!. Spokane, comity of Spokane,
jpka -a. a a... kA & ,( hsk. XJ a vsasa
for the putchase of the ne qr sec 11, tp s, r tj e.
w in.
Jane Larson.
if 117 West Third Ave, Spokane, connly of Spo.
aane, state or Washington. orn statement No
1174. for the purchase ofthe swqr sec 3, tp to t,
tijt,i m.
Andrea U. Rasmussen.
of 503 Second at, Spokane, county of Spokane,
stale or Washington, sworn statement No 171.
for the purchase of the hf tiw qr ami Iota 3 ami
4, sec . tp o . r 13 e, w m.
That they will offer proof to show that thclaml
sought la mete valuable far IU timber or stone
than for agricultural purpose, anil to establish
their claims to mU laud I Tore the Register and
Receiver at The Dulles, Oregon, on Friday, the
17th day of July. 1913
Tins' name as witnesses: Andre 15 MAsmusen,
Ame lierketand. Ole Anderson, lane Larson,
Jens K Kaamuscn, all of Spokane, Wash.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above-described land are requested to file their
claims In this office on or before the said tjth
day or July, 1903.
ICHAHL T NOUX. Register.
Timber Land, Act June 3. 1S7S.
V. 8. Land Office, The Italics, Oregon,
Mayy, 1903.
Notice Is hereby given that In compliance with
the provisions ofthe Act of Congress of June A.
187S. entitled. "An act for the sale of timber lands
tn the states or California, Oregon, Nevada, and
Washington Territory," as extended to all the
fmbllc laud states by Act of August 4. 1892, the
ollowiuc-narncd persons have on Sept 36, 1903,
filed in this office their sworn statements, to-wit:
Julius II. Tolerten,
of Seattle, county of King, sute of Washington;
sworn statement ro tin, tor tnc purtuasc 01 me
nw qr sec 33, tp 10 1, r 13 e, w tn.
Maevir R. Tolefsen.
of Seattle, county of King, slate of Washington,
sworn statement No 1111, for the purchase ofthe
sw qr sec 33, ip 20 , r 13 e, w ra.
Charles It Lewis.
of Seattle, county of King, sute of Washington;
sworn statement No 1313. lor the purchase of the
sw qr sec 24, ip a, r 13 e, w m.
lirnest 11. Morton,
of Seattle, countv of Klne. sute of Washington:
sworn statement No 1114, for the purchase ofthe
ne qr sec 14, tp 30 s, r 13 e, vr ni.
George Herd.
of Seattle, county of King, sute of Washington;
sworn statement No it 13. for the purchase of the
sc qr sec 34, tp 2a , r 13 e, w m.
JuIIhs Singer,
of raj Cherry st, Seattle, county of King, state ol
Washington; sworn statement No 1116, for the
purchase of the nw qr sec 4, tp . r 13 e. w ra.
Thomas I). Johnson,
of IVndlet on. county off ma tula, state of Oregon;
sworn statement No 1117. for the purchase of the
sw qr ae a, Ip 30 s, r 13 c, w m.
John It. Rowland,
of I 7 Hast Lake Ave, Seattle, coanty of King,
Mate of Washington, sworn statement No IJiS.
for the purchase of the nw qr sec 15, tp s, r 13
e, w in.
That they will offer proof to show that the land
sought Is more valuable for its timber or stone
than for agricultural purposes, and to establish
their claims to said land before the Register and
Receiver at The Dalles, Oregon, on Monday, the
Mhilay of July, 191
They name as witnesses. Chsrlc It Lewis,
JttlltM tdBgcr. Julius II Hrncsl II Mor
tem. Oeorge Ford, all ef bcatllc, Wash.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above-described lands are requested to file their
claims In this office on or before the said 30th
lay of July, 1903.
miyji7 M1CHAKL T. NOLAN. Register
Timber Land, Act June 3. 187).
17. S. Land Office, The Dalles, Oregon,
May a, 1903.
Notice Is hereby given that In compliance with
the provisions ofthe Act of Congress of June
ss of June 1.
!b?3, entitled, "An act for the salcof timber land
In the states of California. Oregon, Nevada, and
Washington Territory, as extended U all the
public land states by Act of August 4. 19, the
fntlowlng-aamcd person have on Sept 30, 1902,
filed In this office their sworn statements, to-wit.
Pcmirtla A Ilarne,
of ITineville. county of Crook, state of Oregon,
sworn statement No tin. for the purchase ofthe
ahfswqrandswqrscqreci3, and nwqr neqr
sec 24, tp 17 s, r 10 c, w m.
Levi D Wlest,
of fiend, county of Crook, state of Oregon; sworn
statement No IS39, for the purchase of the c hf
eqrsec33,and whfswqr CC34,tp I , r lie,
That they will offer proof to show that the land
sought U more valuable for Its timber or stone
than for agricultural purpose, and to establish
their claims to said Isnd before J. 31. Lawrence,
V S. Commissioner, at Deschutes, Orrgon, on
Friday, the 17th day of July, tout.
They name aa witness: VlliUm J. Walklns,
Aaron I Watklns, Martha Morris and John W
IUrnes, of l'rlncvllle, Oregon; and A M Drake,
C J Cottor, J I West and Ovid Riley, of Iiend, Or
egon. Any and alt persons claiming adversely the
above-described land are requested to file their
claims in this office on or before the said 17th day
or July, 1903.
raij-ji? MICHAHL T. NOLAN, Register.
Timber Land, Act June 3, 1 87.
U. S. Land Office, The Dalles, Orrgon,
May 12, 1903.
Notice Is hrtcby given that In compliance with
the provisions ofthe Act of Congress of June 3,
i7, entitled, "All act for the sale oftlmbcr lands
in the states of California, Orrgon, Nevada, and
Washington Territory," aa extended to all the
public land state by Act of August 4. 1892. the
following-named persons have filed la this office
their sworn statements, to-wit:
Charles A htanburrough
of Ilend, county of Crook, state of Oregon; sworn
statement No 1344, filed Oct 13, 1902, for the Iur
cliaMjoftlicnJi nK snil nw)j ncft sec 23 and
swj; wj c 24. tp 17 a, r 11 e, w nt.
Olive A. West
of Ilend, county of Crook, state of Oregon; sworn
sute insnt No 1361, filed Oct 14, 1902, for the pur
chase ofthe se), sec 22, tp 19 , r 10 e, w m.
Henry I. Schneider
of fipooner, county of Washburn, state of Wis
consin; sworn statement No 1393, filed Oct jo,
liuj, for the purchase ofthe sec 2, tp 16 s,
r 10 c, w tu.
John I. West
of Dend, county of Crook, state of Oregon: sworn
statement No 1413, filed Oct 31, 1902, for the pur
chase ofthe eii ncjf , and nM H sec 24, tp 17 ,
r iiCj wm,
Masem LeI'age
of Ilend, county of Crook, state of Oregon: sworn
statement No 1442, filed Oct 31, 9o, for the pur
chase ofthe awK ncjf , se( uw; and lots 3 aud 3
sec 0, tp 17 , r to e, vr in.
That they will offer proof to show that the land
sought is more valuable for its timber or stone
than for agricultural purpose, and to establish
their claim to said laud before J M. Lawrence,
r s. 'Commissioner, at Deschutes, Oregon, on
Saturday, the 1st day of August, 1903.
They name aa witnesses. I'lorenrc W Drake,
Ovid Illley, John I West, 1'rauk Class, l'rank
West. TO Jlarshuiau. Kean West, George Clen-denning-,
Glenn Marsh, Richard King, O J Cray,
i: A Manuurrougn, inane j lunar, urs rum-
dexter, John Mitchell, James Alexander, lid ward
Whitney, John Moss, all of Ucnd, Orrgon.
Auy and all persons claiming' adversely me
abovtvdescribed lauds are requested to file their
clalm in this office on or before the said ut day
of August, iyJ.
Timber Lam!, Act June 3, l8;8.
V. 8. Laud Oltlce, The IMUes, Oregon,
Mav o. 10.1t.
Notice I hereby given that In compliance with
the provisions of the Act of Cougiess of June 3,
8;8, entitled, "An act for the ante of timber lamia
In the state urcalirornin, Oregon, Nevada, and
Washington Territory," a extended to all the
public land states by act of August 4, 1891. the
following-named prsoiia have on Sept r;, 1901,
tiled In this oltlce their sworn statenients, lo-wll:
Sainl Hmllh,
of Rock Creek, county or linker, slate of Oregon;
sworn statement No im. for the purchase ofthe
aw qr sec 4, tp 19 s, r u e, vr m.
Joseph II. ClAypool,
of Sisters, countv of Ctook. state of Oregon,
sworn statetnent No IHJ. for the purchase of the
se qr sec 18, tp 19 s, r 11 e. w m.
That they will offer proof to show that the land
sought la inure valuable fur its timber or stone
than for agricultural purposes, and to establish
their claims to said laud before W. A. Hell, V. S.
Commissioner, at Priiteilltc. Oregon, on Satur
day, the tSth day or July, tyo).
They name a witnesses: Perry Frtlmlexter, of
Prinevllle, Oregon; Ore Polndcatcr. or llcud, Or
egon; Saml Smith, or Rock Cteek, Oregon, and
Joseph It Claypool and Lorcn Alllnghsm, or Sis
ters, Oregon
Any and alt persons claiming adversely the
above-described lands are requested to file their
claim In this office on or before the said itth day
of July, 1003.
mij-JiT MICHAHL T. NOLAN, Register.
Ttmtcr Land, Act June 3, 17.
U. S. Laud Office, The Italics. Oregon,
May 9, 1903
Notice Is hcrehr ctven that In eumnlMiicc with
the provisions of the Act of Congress of June 3,
llJ3, cntiiieu, "An act lor inc sarc 01 iiiuuer lanus
in the states of California, Oregon, Nevada, and
Washington Territory," a extended to all the
frauttc land states by Act or August 4, t"Ml, Ine
ollowlnouaniesl Persons have filed In this office
their sworn statements, to-wit:
Charles It. Adams.
of The Dalles, county of Wasco, state of Oregon,
sworn statement No ItxS, filed Sept 29, I9". for
the purchase of the iihfse qr and u hfawqrscc
9, tp 12 s, r 10 e, w tn.
Jerome N. Laucr,
ofThe Dalles, countv of Wasco, state of Orecou.
sworn statement No til), filed Sept 9 lts, for
the purchase of the n hf se qr and n hf w qr sec
8, tp is, r isc, w ra.
Charles R Twlnehant,
of The Dalles, county of Wasco, stale of Orrgon;
sworn statement No 1214, filed Sept J9. iyo. for qr c 7,
aud sw qr sw qr sec S. tp 11 s. r 10 e, w m.
John Scott Sullivan,
of 320 Iletmont st, poitland, county of Multno
mah, state of Oregon, sworn statement Ita ja4.
filed May 14, 1903, for the purchase of the ueqr
sec 9, tp 13 , r 10 e, w m
Itsttll M Spear,
of Shanlko, county or Wasco, state of Oregon;
sworn statement No 1227, filed Sept 29, 192. for
the purchase of the sw qr ue qr, n hf sc qr and se
qrscqrsec 13, tp 19. r ne, w m.
Thst they will offer proof to show that the land
sought Is more valuable for Its timber or stouc
than for agricultural purposes, and to establish
their claims to said land before the Register and
Receiver at The Dulles, Oregon, en Wednesday,
the 2x1 day of July, ivaj
They name as witnesses J 8 Sullivan, ol Port
land, Oregon, lidward Graham, of Sister, Ore
gon, Charles K Twtntham. Jerome Lucr and
Charles 11 Adams, of The Dalles, Oregon; ami
Henry A Spear, Don Res, Albert It Hammond
and Pauline Hammond, f hhaulke, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
abavc-tlescrrbed lands ale requested to file their
clslms in this office on or before the said 22tl day
of July, 19JJ.
myiSJTi7 MICHAHL T. NOLAN, Register.
Timber Land. Act June 3, 1S7S).
V. S. Land Office, The Dalles. Oregon,
May 11, lyij.
Notice Is hereby given that in compliance with
the provisions ofthe Act of Congress of June 3,
197s, entitled, "An act fur the salcof timber lands
In the state of California, Oregon, Nevada, and
Washington Territory," as extended to all the
public land Slates by Act of August 4, 1S93, the
following-named persons have 911 Oct 3. lM.filcd
in this office their sworn statements, to-wit.
Richard Hnrlght.
of fast Grand Fork, county of Itotk, state fif
Minnesota, sworn statement No 1246, for the
purchase of the nejf sec IS, tp 19 s, r 13 e, w m.
Jeremiah Knright,
oflUst Grand I'orks, county of Polk, date of
Minnesota, sworn statement No IJ47. for the
purchase of the sw J( sec S, tp 19 , r 13 e, w m.
Thomas Hnrlght.
of Kait Grand I'orks, county ot Polk, state of
Minnesota, sworn statement No 114, for the
purchase ofthe ncH sec 7. tp 19 , r tj e. w m.
Martin HMmcss,
of Grand forks, county of Grand I'orks, stale of
North Dakota, aworn statement No 1249, for the
purchase ofthe H se)(, setf swjf aud lot 7 sec 4,
tp 19 , r 13 e, w tu.
Frank Smith,
of Thompson, county of Grand Fork, state of
North Dakota, swuru statement No 1230, for the
purchase or the nwj seen, tp 19 s, r He, w m.
Louisa McCaltum,
of Kast Grand Forks, county of Polk, state of
Minnesota, sworn statement No 1231, forthe pur
chase ofthe netf sec 11, tp 19 . r 13 c. w m,
IMwIn T hlMfford.
of Thompson, county of Grand Fork, state of
North Dakota, sworn statement No 1232, for the
purchase of the swj sec 9, tp 30 s, r 13 e, w in.
Richard O ftackctl,
of Thompson, county of Grand Forks, state of
North lakota, sworn statement No 1233, for the
purchase or the nwjf sec 9, lps, r 13 c. w ra.
John A Ramstad,
or Grand I'orks, county or Grand Fork, stale or
North Dakota, sworn statement No 1233, for the
purchase of the swjf w(, self swjf arid nw)
awtf sec la, aud uej sejf sec 9, tp 30 s, r 13 c,
w m.
That they will offer proof to show that the land
sought Is more valuable for IU timber or stoue
than for agricultural purposes, and to establish
their claims to said laud before the Register and
Receiver at The Dalles, Oregon, on Tuesday, the
2sth day of July, 1'joJ
They name aa witnesses: Thomas McCoy,
Peter J McCoy, Jerry Knright, Richard Hnrlght,
Thomas Itnrlzht. of Kast Grand Fork, it inn:
JaracJ J Derrick, ot The Dalles, On Martin Hid-
mess, 01 1, rami rorKS, norm inx; jonu A Kant
stad, lidwln T Spafford, C H Ilrisbln, Richard tl
Sacketl. Frank Smith, of ThotuDson. N Dak.
Any and all person claimlne adversely the
above-described lands are requested tu file their
claims in this office on or before the said 28thday
oijuiy, 190J. ..-..
IU22-J24 IJIIAItl 1. f.uiwis, Kegistcr.
Timber Land, Act June 3, 187S.
17. S, Land Office, The Dalles, Oregon,
May 12, 1903.
Notice i hereby given that in compliance with
the provisions ofthe Act of Congress of June 3,
1678, entitled, "An act forthe sale or limber lands
In the states of California, Oregon, Nevada, and
Washington Territory," as extended to all the
public land state by Act of August 4, 1892,
George Milllcau
of l'rlncvllle, county of Crook, stste of Orrgon,
has ou Oct 23, 1902, filed in this office hi sworn
statement No 1420, forthe purchase of the ne)f
sejf and sctf nctf sec 33 nd s)S uwU sec 34, tp
19, r ISC, w 1:1, snd will offer proof to show that
the laud sought Is more valuable fur its timber or
(tone than for agricultural purposes, and to es
tablish hi Claim to said land before W. A. Hell,
U. S. Commissioner, at ITineville, Oregon, oil
Friday, the 31st day of July, ioJ.
He name a witnesses. Charles II Dcaly, Wil
liam A Davis, John lilllott, George Kllchiug, all
of l'rliicviUe, Oregon.
Any and all person claiming adversely the
a hovc-dr scribed lauds sre rcu nested to file their
clslms lu this office on or before the said 31st day
of July, 1903.
IU29331 uwiiahi, i, rsuitAfl, Kcguucr,
Timber land, Act June 3, iW
United Slates land Office, The Dalles, Oregoti,
Aptll 4t, io). ,
Notice It hereby given thst In compliance wllh
the ptuvisltnis ofthe Art of Congress of June 3,
ISjS, cutllled, "All net for llu salcof Ittnlrar lands
In the states of Colllurnln, tucgoii, Nrxuda, anil
Washingtmi Territory," n eiteniled to all the
imbltu laud states hy net of August 4, lty
Jacob N. UdttttfR.
ofSlstcr. comity of Ctuok siale of Oregon, has
on May 10, 1901, filed tn Itus olllce Ids sworn
statement No 37V. for the pmchase of the 11 hf
swqraml w hfseiirsec in tli4i m e, win.
and wilt offer proof tu show that llie land nought
is mote valuable for lis Umber or stone than for
agtlcuinirnl purposes, ami to establish his claim
to said laud before J J Smith I'omity Clerk, nt
I'rlucvltte. OreROU, on KU)' the 31 day of July,
ton3 lie names as wltiiessn J A IHnlmiH.
Samuel Well ami Chas Uuilietg of Slslets, Ote
gon. and Silas Hodges, of I'llucville. Oregon
Auv and all tietartns rUiinlnir adversely the
dIkivc descrilieil lauds arc iriuestel to (lie their
claims In this olllce on or ll!xe said l day of
July, ioa3.
l-JM MICItAKUT. NOlVN. Keglslrr.
Timber Laud, Act June 3, t'7
V ft. land Office. The Dalles. OrejiMi
Anill 2A. luU.
Aptll 1J. Iy4
Notice Is herttty clveu thst Incompliance wllh
the provision orthe Act of Congress of June 3,
1 Sri. entitled. "An net far ihr ante of timber lauds
in the states of California, Oregon, Nevada, and
Washington Territory," as cilcndcd to alt the
public laud states by act or August 4, 1H91,
Itdmund R. White,
or Davidson, county of polk, state of Minnesota,
has on May 10, 1902, filed lit this office his
sworn statement No jSo, for the purchase or the
se 11 nw qr and lot 3, 4 and s sec 6, tp it a, r 11
e , w. m . and will oner proof to show that the
land sought Is more valuable for Its timber nr
stone than for agricultural purposes, and to es
tablish his claim tn said land before the Reg
ister and Receiver of this office at The Italics,
Oregon, on Friday, the loth day of July, lyoj
He names as wltuestses: J II Hsner uT Ilend.
Orrgon. Chas. Stater, lloyd N Sproat and Rich
ard It Cameron, all of Hood River. Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming advetsely the
above described lands arc reiurstest to Ale their
claims 111 this office 011 or before the said nth
day or July, ivat
ai-jio MICHAHL T. NUIAN, Register
Timber Land, Act June 3, IV.
Notice for Publication.
V. S. Land Office, The Dalle. Orrgon,
Mav 11. rati
Notice Is hereby given thst In eomplMiicc with
the provisions orthe Aft or Congress or June 3,
iT. emitted, "An act for the sale of timber la wis
In the states of California, Oin Nevada and
Washington TertHoiy," at eslru.ll la all the
public land states by Act of s,iaust 4. . the
lottuwlng-uauied persona h. Hied tn IHtsoHwe
their sworn statements. te-w,i
Oeorge Festlawr
of Culver, county f Ctswk, sute of Oregon;
swucn statement No layJ, filed rt 7, & foe the
purchase ofthe shfseqr and t hi sw qr see 3.
tp 17 s, r I r, w m.
Guslare Zemke,
of Culrer, county of Crook, slate of Oregon;
sworn statement No 1204, filet) ittt 7. low. far the
purchase of the sw qr I, tp i?s. r ise. w tn.
George II. Kllllngbeek.
of Culver, county of Crook, state of Oregon,
swum statement No 1294, filed Oct 7 IVM, for the
purchase or the nwqr sec 10, tp 17 s, r l e, w m
Fred L. Kllllngtwek
of Culver, county ot Crook, state of Oregon,
sworn statement No 1293, filed Oct 7 1902. for the
purchase of the ne qr sec is, tp 17 s. r n e, w m
Frank 31 Uetan
of Culver, county or Crook, slsle of Oregon,
sworn statement No tryft, filed 'Kt 7. ly. fir the
purchase of theseqr sec is, tpi?s. r 1 e. win.
Lucy Kllltnghcck
of Culver, county of Crook, state of regon
sworn statement No 1297, filed Oct 7. lu'( for the
purchase of the nw qr sec ij, tp 17, a. I" 10 e, w tn.
of Culver, countv of Clunk, state of Oregon,
sworn statement No irt, filed Oct 7, lJ, for the
purchase or the w hf ne qr and ne qr ne qr sec 14
and swqr seqr sec 11, tp its, r 10 e, w in.
Delia L It vis,
of Culver, county of Crook state or Orrgon,
aworn statement No 1299, filed Oct 7, IV". for the
purchase of the its qr sec 14, lp 17 s. r M e, w m.
K than na it twmer.
of Culrer, county of Crook sute ol Oregon;
sworn statement No 130a. filed Oct , ifH. for the
purchase or the w hf sc qr, ne qr se qr, and se qr
ne qr sec 14, tp 17 , r t e. w m.
Henry M DvU,
of Culver, county of Crook stale of Oregon,
sworn statement No 1302, AM Oct 7, . far the
urehasc of the ne qr sec u. tp 1; , r 10 r, w in.
of Cutver. county of Crank, ststr of Orrgon.
sworn statement No ij. filed Oct 7, XfM. far tlw
purchase or the sc qr sw qr, n hf sw qr a nd uw qr
se qr sec 20, tp 17 . r la e, w m. .
Wilhelm Corner,
of Culrer, county of Clock, state of Oregon;
sworn statement No 1411, film Oct 2l,l')J, for the
purchase of the awqr neqr and w lirseqr sec I,
and nwqr ueqr sec 12, tp 17 s, r loe, w 111,
Anue V. Oomer,
of Cutter, county or Crook stale or Oregon;
sworn statement No 1412. filed Oct 21,1902, for the
purchsseof thechf sw qraud nw qr sw qr sec
14, tp 17 s, nor, w m
That they will otler proof In show Hint the land
sought I more valuable for lis timber or stone
than for auricutlural txiroosra. and to establish
their claims to said land before J, M, Lawrence,
U S Commissioner, at Deschutes, Oregon, on
Frldsy, the 34th day or July. 1903.
They name as witnesses Henry M Davis.
Samuel A Davis, Frank M Lowland, Austin W
Culti, WlllUm r, Kllllngbeek George II Killing
beck, all or Culver, Otrgon
Any and all peasons claiming adversely the
above-described lands are requested to file their
claims In Oils office 011 or before the said Mtllday
of July, 1903
IH22-JI4 MICHAIil T NOLAN, Register.
Timber Mnd, Act June J, i7.
U. H. Mud Office, The Dalle, Oregon,
April n, 'y
Notice l hereby if i veil that In mmnllitier with
the provisions ofthe Act of Congress of Julie 3,
1878, entitled "All act for the sale of timber
lands In the states of California, Orrgon, Nevada
and Washington Territory," as extended tu all
the public laud states by Act of August 4. 1803,
the following uamed persons hate "ltd ill this
office their sworn statements, to-witl
John J. McGnlgan.
of The Dalles, county of Wasco, stale of Oregon;
sworn statement No jHo, filed April 34, l, for
the purchase of the neqr sec;, tp 13 s, r 10 e,
John IIIom,
of The Dalles, county of Wasco, state of Oregon;
sworn statement No 344, filed April 7, I9 for
the purchase ofthe neqr sec 17, tp 13 , r toe,
w III. .
Peter McGulgau,
of The Dalles, county of Wasco, state or Oregon;
sworn statement No 340, filed April 5, I9 for
the purchase or the swqr sec 17, tp 13 , r to e,
That they will offer proof to show that the
land sought I more valuable for It timber or
stone than for agricultural purposes, and to es
tablish their claims to said laud before the Reg
ister and Receiver at The Dallra, Oregon, 011
Friday, the loth day of July, 1903.
They name a witnesses Michael Connor,
John IJloss, Frederick W Smith, 1'ctcr McGul
gin and John McGulgau, of 'rhc Dalle, Oregon,
aud Jaiuc II. Lane, of 3!luurapoli, Minn.
Auy and all tiersons rislmlnt, adversely the
Labove described laud arc requested to file their
claims In this office 011 or before held loth day
01 ruiy, 1903,
Hi. MICHAHL T. NOLAN, Register.
Timber Mud, Act Jtitic i, li
II. H. Lnud Office, The Dalles, Oregon,
Aptll tl, 19113.
Notice Is heieljy given Hint In cvuiplisiirc ttllli
Die pruttskms oAhe Act nf Congress or Jim 3,
lttttL entitled "An net for Hie sale of llmbtr
lands In the smifsrCnllroriilii, Oregon, Nrvad
mid Wrisliliigtuu Tetrttnry," as vxtludtd to all
the tiubtlc laliti sbiles hy Art of August 4, i8-
the lullonltiif iiKtiittl persons have 1111 Miirch 3D,
19W. filed In llils ollke Ihelr swot 11 statements,
Frank 1' Itusev,
of 'ItAtniliigtnii, rsuiiity of whitman, lisle nf
Wnsliliiglon: swum stalemeiil Nit W. for the
purchase ofthe ne qr sec 14, tp 13 , r le r, tv 111
hot Walters,
of I'ninilnuloh, eoulily of whlliiinii, slate nf
Washington, sworn statemetit No (. for tlnr
piiiehase ofthe s qr sec 14, tp 13 s, r 10 e, te 111
William H Mel'arlauil,
of I'nrmliigliMi, comity of Whllmnu, slalr nf
Washington, sworn stalcmsnl No , for the
purtliase ofthe seqr sec 13, tp 13 s, r ise, w in.
11,. a. I I, SI.aILa
of Fatnilngtoti, csmnty or Whitman, stale f
vnsningiiiu, sworn siairiueut i tts. iur 111c
imrehsseuf the seqr sre 11, ip 13s, r we, w in
Inure Kiiowlr.
of Pruiulngton, ttiiinly or Whllman, stale r
Washlnutotl sworn slattmeut No 13a, for Hie
purchase M the aw qr sec 13, Ip 13 , r 10 e, w 111.
That Ihev will offer nrnof In almw thatthelaud
stHight Is mure valuable for Its' limber or stone
than for agricultural iirius, and lu
tntir claim tu Mitt mini iisiorc Hie Ktglstee aini
Receiver at Die Dalle, Otegou, tin Sulmday,
the nlh day or July, iaj
They name as witnesses: Alt Wolfe, nf Pa
louse City, Wash, Thomas Tweet, of The Dalles,
Oiegmi, ll.l It tl Wslkel, lltin-v Kn.iwlrs, Win
S McFuilaml. Jostpli ft Wwltcis, Sot WatlOS and
I' I' llusey of I'srwIngliHi, Wash
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above ileaeritied lands are ttqutsird to file their
claims In this uffire on or Ik fore lint said Mill day
uf July, 193
ai-lta MICHAHL T NOIN. Register.
Timber land, Act June 3, 1878.
Notice for Publication.
V H. Land Office, The Itsllra, Oregon,
'lay tl. lyoj
Notice I hrteliy given thst In compliance with
i Provisions ofthe Act of Conntss of June A.
1H7S, cutltleil. "An act for the W of llmUr lands
In the states of California. Oreeuu. Nevada and
Washington Territory." as extruded Io all the
public land stale by Act of August 4, 1891, the
itHiowing-iianini persons have 011 Oct 6, rvu.
hied In this office their swoin statements, lo-wlti
Augustus H Powrrs,
of 9 First Ave, Spokane, twunty of Hmkane,
state of Washingtmi, swsKrf slalement So 1H4.
for the ef Hie e hf sw qr and e hf nw qi
sec 13, tp 17 s, r toe, w m.
Jahit llaageitson,
of Gem, rssHHly of oeMXhattf. stale of Idalm,
swstrn stalement No IfM. for the tir(hse
oriliauw qr see l p 17 s. r Kse, w m
Gvsrfg W Stevens,
af 99 First Ave, SVane, csMiHly af MpaVan.
stale af WaahlnjtsM, swswn statsmetit S 147.
for I be Htrchse of the se qr sec ff, tp 17 s, r ra c,
w in.
Atne IterVttairil.
af 411 Seenn.1 Ave, sHMkane. (sxlHty af Sj-ikane.
state af WasMuglafl. ssrotn statrMrM No IssV
for the purchase ofthe Ms 3 and 4. sec j, Ip ass,
r Me, w tu.
Ole It. Andrrsmt,
of 4tl Seesmd Ave, ttuUin. cssunly of Spokane,
state of Washtngtan statement N IsW,
for the pttretMse af the n hf sw qr sec 34, Ipi7.
r e. w m.
That they will nffcr proof to bIhiw that the laud
sought Is more valuable for Its timber ue ststne
than for agricultural purpuses. and la establish
their claim to sat.1 IsimI UMr the Register and
Receiver ai The Dalles. Oregon, on fMiurilsy, the
251 h ttay of July, sM
They name as witnesses Henry W Reed of
Ilend, iiregon, Gesirge II Taylor, Augustus H
I -oter, Grssfge W SleVens. Ame llerktbiiMl, Ole
II Anderson, rrwHUion wrttallcy. ThonnaM llau
sun, lirnest C IHusary, of Sukane, Wash, and
luhn HaaLnson. of Geui. Idaho
Any and all iieisaiis rlslinlug sdwrsely the
above-dcscrllwd lands at requested tn file their
Claims In this office ou or before I be said 23th day
01 juiy. I93
11124-I14 MICHAHL T NOLAN, Register.
Timber Land, Act June 3, i?8.
U. S tind Office. The Italic. Oregon,
May 9. tvi
Notice t hereby given that In eumpUanrc with
the previsions oil he Art of Conctess of Inn 1.
174, enllllcsl "An act for the salcof limber lands
In the slates 01 California. Orrgon, Nevada, and
Washington Territory." a eatcndrsl to all the
rwWle land SUM by Act of August 4. tn. the
fattowing-iHimed persons have filed In Uses offiesr
their sworn statements, to-wlt:
ChsrtesW Sherman,
of73MariWMi Mtlg. Portland. esMnty of Jlult
iiomsh. stste uf Oregon, sworn statement No 1231.
filed ltd 1. i. for the tmrchasc ofthe e hf nw
qr see 3, ip s s, r 13c, and shf swqr sec 33. Ip V)
Knlwrt W. Wilson,
or 183 It "th st, Porttand, csiuuly or Multnomah,
stale uf Oregon; sworn statement No 113a, filed
Oct 1, VfH. lor the purchsse orthe nw qr sec 33,
Ip 19 , r 13 c, w m.
George U. Hrhuch,
of Portland, counlyof Multnomah, atale of Ore
gon, aworn statement No 1231, filed Oct 1, fH,
forthe purchase of then hf swqr and ahfnwqr
sec 33, ip 19 , r 13 e, w 111.
lidwln Caswell,
of cV)l Marshall st, PurlUnd. county of Mulliin
mah, state of Oregon, aworn stalsinent No 1319,
filed Oct 7, I9'. for the purchase ofthe sc or sec
PllliW.. T IJC. W ,11.
That they will nfftr proof tit show that the land
sought Is more valuable for lis limber or stout
than for agricultural purposes, and to establish
their claims to said land before the Register awl
Heceiteral The Dulles, Oregon, on Thutsday,
the 33d day of July, lyj
They name as witnesses- lidwln Csswcll.Robl
W Wilson, Amos Lrnilshaw. George V rkliuch, C
Whliernun, 1'C Whlttcii.all cfl-ortlaud, Ore
gon. Any and atl tiersons claiming adversely the
above-described (amis are requested to file Ihelr
claims In this oRUa oil or hslura Hie said 33d day
of July, 1993
mifll7 3HCHAHL T. NOLAN. Register,
Timber Mm), Act June 3, 1878.
Notice for Publication.
U. S. land Office, The Dalles, Oregon,
Msy 1 j, 191X).
Notice I hereby given that lu compliance with
the provision ofthe Act of Congress of June ,
1878, entitled, "An act for the sale of timber lainls
In the stste of California, Oregon, Nevada, ami
Washington Territory," as ealrmlcd to all the
public laud slates by Act of August 4, 1892. the
followliiB'iiameal H-ron have 011 Oct 17, t'n,
diet) lu this office their sworn statements, to-wit:
Austin W. Culp
of Culver, countv of Crook, state of Oregon;
aworn statement No 13A9, for the purchase ofthe
sK sec 4, tp 17 . r 10 e, w in
William n. Kllllngbeek
of Culver, county of Crook, stale of Orrconi
worn statement No 1370, for the purchase ofthe
iiclf secv, Ip 17. r loe, w in
KjiiiiicIA Davis
of Culver, county uf Crook, stale of Oregon;
sworn statement No 1371, for the purchase ofthe
sejijueif and ej self sec I and litf ncX sec 13,
tplTs, r loe, win.
That they will offer proof to show that the laud
sought I more valuable for it timber or stone
Hun for agricultural purpose, and to establish
Ihelr claim tosuld laud before J. M. Lawrence,
U S. Commissioner, at lechutts, Oregon, on
Friday, the 34th day of July, loot,
They name a witnesses, William O Kllllng
beek, Henry M Davl. Samuel A Davis, Frank
M Lovctauu, Austin W Culp, all or Culver, Ote
gou. Any and all person claiming adversely the
above-described land are requested to file their
claim In this office oil or before the said 21th
day of July, iv3.
aiitiiAiu, j, nui.A.T, Mcgisicr.
Timber t.niul. Art June 3, 11)78
M. H. Laud OlDft, Thf Datlcs. Oisgmi,
Aurll 11. loit.
Nollre Is licrcliy given Dial lit timiplifUtir wild
the prnvlstot
isM. en titles
ivisiotism me aii ei vuiigifsss m 1
lUKIKss tif Juilt 3,
ill "lie ttQIIIIbfr
, Ortoaii, Nevtols
rnllfJMI in Ail
tililitsi "An art pir tut
hiiiiu In the stales nfCallfotnln
nmt WaihlliBtoii Trrrltutv," as
thelnibflelniidsUltaliy Atl of Atiftim 4. IM,
the flUiwltig-nili.l issins liavc fllsil III I fit
office their sworn slatettmits, tu-wlli
Charts W Thorntliirll.
nf l.ewlttun.eouuly of Kti Patea. state rf Wnliiii
stvVli statement No s, fllttl Aiflt la, lust, for
trie piirvmtst 01 ute hi iw qr ate 3a n
lldw Fif
nwqr see , tp is a, r 11 a, w tn
Cliltstliie I, Thatnlliwaltc, '
of Itwlsluu, mtuitr of N Ferre, slitt of htsliO)
awisru slstrulrnl Nit an, Iliad April it. Hut, ffir
the iurvhse of the sw qr 1
rs s.ti is g, r 11 e.
w in.
That I hey will offer proof lu sliw Owl Urn
land is niote vslnshle for II tlirtU r or
stout than for agrltMliarsI Mtitsssa. ami to e
taUlsh Ihelr ctaMis to wtd UjhI beeMe I lis Keg
later sil Hrcelwr at The I Miles, Olegwi, oil
I'lhlay. July 10, ivj ,
Thty tMtm as Mllsstssesi WUIkstH rttaals hd
James II llsner uf llessit, OlasiatH Util t Irani,
af Die iMllaa. Oieirtm. ami CTiiutliie I. Tltaeu.
IhwalteamKlMrtesi w tlrriilliwfl. f l,w!
ton. Idaho
Any ami all pets.ins csalmlii
aiming adeatsalr tlm
Timaslrd l ma Ihelr
-4fwe the sak) Mil
alMvtilescilbssI undsare r
elalms III this rtltwe IHI or
iMy ofjHly, HKU.
TimUr Land, Art June 3, ifS.
D H. Uts! onWe, Th Danes, Oregon.
Notice I hereby given llial In eniiilwiifc wild
the pnivlsfoiis ofthe Alt of Cutigress of June ,
llfS, tiilitlrsl, "An at for the MletilUinbarlaiisTs
In the stales of Califntnls, O1egs.11, Nevada, and
WaslilnglotiTeiltloiy," as esleiMcsl lit all the
public land stales by Act of August I, I8JI, III .
fotluMlnir.uaiitrd itsoii have 00 IM 4, 19"',
tiled III tills elllat their sworn slalciuiiits, IichIii
Thomas I Swlfl.
of Waiulc, csHinty of Wsmw, stale of Urtfii
sworn statement No 117, fiir the MirJnc nf the
c hf aw qr, se qr 11 w qr aud lul j sea 3, Ip , r 13
c, w III.
llisl Allen,
of Wsmk, tvHiHtv of M sc. slalc stf Uiegou
swnrti staletuetit Ku im, for the nlMssrihe
s hf neqr and lots 1 and isecA, Ip mi, 1 u e,
w III.
Andrew C RollirMk,
of Grass Valley, eswnty of Sherman, staletjf Ott
gnm sworn sUtement N ir, for the ithsse
ef the seqr see 3, Ip M. r ijr, w m.
That they will offer wwf l show tlsat Ike V nd
SHtight is msMr saltMbM fur Its limber ae ossjiic
than for sgitewliHisI purposes, asxl Its aHatallslt
their ftalns to said land (wfore Ihr htwMeeaMt
ReeaHver st The Dslle. Orrsssa, nil tsHawsssy,
the asjh day uf July ismj
They imisK a wills Uaale Alarn. laMg
las Allen, rtemno J Hwlfl, ut Waasat. iWsassei;
Amlraw C Hatlsrwrk af rifsMS Vaietfi Offjelli,
and I. It AMtwgtMMi. of Wsrw Stwlmja, OftHi
Ahv and all nassons sialaslisa silseeaals- Use
atwwsMlr-HtliiedUwss are imaeelest hs nit ItrtW
aUlmsin tins em atl vr UKe the aM sfllh
ini-J4 " y' iTfcilAIH. T MOWN, KssaVter.
Ttmher Laisd. Art Jaste 3, ra.
t' H Ijsnd OBHe. The IssHas, Itsgoq,
Mar 11, .
Nailer Is ketebv oiean Ihel Io umiidUma ttlth
the tlslous af lit Art tn VsMjrfase sif sane t,
i7, rntitlesl, "Ansrt for trMMfess'Uilrlis4s
lu Ine slate of CalHssml, Oreaan. NrvaaVs, a (id
Washlrtaton Tettrtssry," a sTH4st Ih att the
iHtMlc UihI Males by Art or August 4, Msge. llie
fairawlHK-iMiaajl wvsons have oh Os4 1. taa,flHsl
In thUolske their swssrn slaleweHts, Issssti
AlAesI Ijnsm.
of ritiSoHlh ItsrsMhlh Ave. 3UiiftpnlK tsmuly
or HenuetstH, sist of Mlnnasa; sworn Ha,
merit no , inr 111c patcnast 01 in
Ip N s, r U a. W in. ,-
Call 31 It Carlson,
of 419 Slsth st sunth. 3llHiieamlis, fibunly of
Hennepin, state of Mlnnesotsi o(n sultnifnl
No 1239, for the purchase ofthe iicjf sec 14, IP a
. r 13 c, w in
Alfred Olson
of JIJ IBewnlh Ave sHulb, Mlnnra(sHs, eminty
ofllenuessiH, stale of MlnuasHlai swam stale
ineiit No i4 lor Hit wretsasc ofthe s)f st tj.
Ipsa, r 13a, vr m.
John II. Hytxrr
or 3411 Clileaao Ave, MlnnrswU, (wtiuty of Hoi.,
iieplrt, slat f Mlnnemta: sworn statement No
1141. for the puieliate of tht nwK c 14, lis 2 ,
r 13 e, w m.
Joein I hxkman,
of p8o IDeswnlh Ave.susslh. MInnestMHs.aswiily
w llarrrpr, stale or Mlnnisata, swawaj stele
men I No 114. for the tturchssc at the sf( sec 14,
Ip 2a s, r ij r. w mi
Andrew N Itaade,
of Cuudo, rsMiily of Towner, stale of North Da
kola; sworn statrmcHi No 143, for the puicewise
tiftheswsS sec 14, tpM, r 13 r. w nt.
That they will affsr ttreor HTshow that the Valid
sought Is wore valusl4e for lis limber or steue
titan for agrttullural tmriXMs, and to
their ctalnis to sskl land Urate the Rigtslrr and
Receiver at the Dslle. Oregon, on if ids y, the
illliiuy ofjuty, iej
They iiameaswllumses: I I. lleaUmsn..
Olwn, John II Rjlwrx. Cat! M It Carton, At
Mrsou, A N lUadt, all
n oiiiniir"ns.
MlnliraiKHIs. 3lluu
Any and all isstsoim cUlinlH sdvetsefr I lie
alwvc-desMlbed Uuds ate rs.iuvsTe.1 lu file Ihelr
etsluis In lilts office on or llht h saldUl day
of July, tosj.
m3-JM .MICHAIIL T. NOLAN, Register.
Timber Land, Ad June 3, ts8
U. 8. Land Offiac. The IMIIh. Ortgon,
, . '"' 98U'
Notice Is heieliy given lltat In twiipllsiif wllh
Hie provlslouf orthe Act of Cstngrrws ef Jqiic 3,
187a, eutllUd, "An art for the salt'of IIhiW taiids
lu lh atale of CaJIfornra, Oregon, Nevaiis. and
Washington TerrHory." n axtcudsd (a all tlif
tiublk tand slates by Act of Amm1 4, 1., Hie
Mfowlng-Hamtd irsuus have filed lu Hits edit
their sworn steteweiits, lo-wll, .
Thomas MtCoy
ut Hast Grand Forks, connly of I Ik, state of
Mluiitsol, sworn slalejiKiit Nu 1317, filed Oft 1,
lam, for Hi purtbaseuf Hie self e7, 111 rag, Ml
e, w III.
!...& ff II-mI..,.
u. . .. J"1"" J' .Sil,S.
of The Dalles, county or Waseu. stale of Oregon!
sworn statement Ho iuo, hlnTltet 1, 194), fW The
purciwsc ui nw cm uw( aim lou 1 and sec ll,
ip 19 s, r ije, w m.
of Hasl Oranil Forks, omiiily of Polk, stale ef
Minnesota; swum statement Nu Hai, flJ Sept
6, I'h, for the purchase of dig swj sv 8, tp g
at a vr
llssl.a. t fy-.
. . . ii ji citwr
of Hast Grand Fori, counly of Polk, stale of
Mluiirots; sworn slnlemerit No 1344, (Mail Oct I,
'-"I " aiiv ruit,lf4a V UV I1VU C 10. Ill Q .
r 11 uini " '
, ., . .. J"".IM " sttrlfth
of Hast Grand Forks, csninty ol polk, stale ol
"sllltflataUllsst astaxi'ss s,l.ttiiai,l 8Vt.. ... At a s.. .
iwj. for the purcha ofthe tjf wjl miU lot j
YllMf I !. ssill nff.. ........ 1 .1 ... a a
ought UimjrcvftliMliff fur tu tlmUr umtutie
lliflr rliiltiiM lit stnlfl lnst ITs.- II.- it.f.-
Kecehcr ot The lilies, Oregon, on Monday, the
37th day or July, iuoj "
They name as witnesses; Jerry Hnrlght. Thorn.
"",'. Kiclwrtl HurlKhtThoiu.sMiCoy,
Fork, MI1111; Idlward Hpafford and T Spaf-
Dallei: Oro.,1.1" B,,, J,",, J "m,Ck' of T,,
Any and all person claiming adversely Hit
above-described Isnd are icqursted to file Ihelr
or""'!" " r Uf"'e ,,,e " 7 wy
U131-J34 ' MICHAHL T. NOLAN. Ueirlster.