The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, June 19, 1903, Image 5

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Mrs. P. Vrlj5l1t, of Ochvcirt,
Iowa, is another one of the
million women who have been
restored to health by Lydin E.
Pinkham's Vegetable Compound.
A Youiijr Now York I.utly Toll
of u Wumlorful Ctiroi -
" My Iraubla was with the orarles t
I am tall, mul the doctor said I prow
too faat far my atrriiith. I suite red
dreadfully from lulliimmntlon ami
doctored continually, but got no liolp.
I auffored from terrible dratri(luif sen
aatluns with tlio moat awful pains loir
clipvit In the aide ami pal in In tho back,
nud tlio mot ut;onmnir hradachea.
No ouo know what I endured. Often
I war lck to the atomnah, mid every
little wlillo I would Ikj too nlok to go
to work, for three or four dya I I work
In a InrK atoro, nnd I auppoM aland
1 111; on my fret nil day made mo wore.
"At th autrtfenlloii of ii friend of
my mother I berrau to Uke I.ytllii
K. I'lttklinit.'s Vtwtnbln Com-
iioitiul, Bin) It l simply wonderful.
fellilx'tU'r after tlio Oral two or thrro
doaeai It aeeinod na though a weight
waa Ukrn otf my ahonhlora I Icon
tinned Ita uae until now 1 ran truth
fully say I am entirely cured. Youni?
irlrW who aro alwaya paying doctor a
bills without rrttlnif any help an I did,
ought to take your medicine. It
eoat o much Iran, anil It la sure to
euro them. Youm truly, Aiiki.aiiik
I'fUHL. 174 Hi. Ann'a A., New York
City." $toeo fffiii if nWii f t Utui
ffimni ltilt4H ! eW-r.
Uuurtlon .S'ramer T. J. Totter (Joe Into
Service June 27.
TIiomi who aro planning their vara
tlon thli year will bo interested In
knowing that tlio popular excursion
neamer, T. J Potter imeon of river
lioaU goes Into service Juno 117, and
that l.o will leavo Portland, during
tlio amion, etery day from TnuKlay un
til Saturday Inclusive. To too tho
beauties of tlio plcturei-quo ami mlithty
Columbia from tho decks of tho Totter
la a treat uovwr to bo forgotten. For
lccd and gracu nothing In river or
lako aorvlcti In tho entlro Weal equal
this ilde-whceled beauty. 1'lvo hours
from I'ortland and on from A.torls,
through tho fstnous fifthlng waters of
tho Columbia, pant icores of salmon
traps and nuts and as many whlto
winged flih boats, lauds tho pasengera
at Ilwaco, whtra cloie connection is
inmlo for Ih-ocIi polnta with trains of
tho liwaro Hallway & Navigation Com
pany, whoac cars stand on the wharf
awaiting the iteamer. Tlio beach Is -'7
miles long, two hundred yards wldo at
low tido, and ao hard that carriage
wheels acarrely leavo a mark. It la an
ideal placo for drivlnR, riding, wheel
ing or walking, and the surf bathing is
uniuirpoirablo. The excellent hotels
and boarding houfcei provide good itc
oommodatlotis at prices ranging from
one dollar to three dollar per day.
Tho round trip rate from Portland to
Astoria la fx.oOs to Ocean Heaoh
point, H.OO, good until October loth.
On Fatttrdara, during July and Aug
tint, round trip ticket srusold to beach
points at 12.60, good for return pasaago
leaving tho beach tho following Hunday
The Oregon Itailroad A Navigation
Compuny tin just lued a new sum
inur book, (Ireo for tho Hiking) which
tell nil about tho delightful retort of
tho valloy of tho Columbia river. Till
can bo obtained from any ngont of tho
Oregon llnllroad & Navigation Com.
puny or by writing A. L. Craig, gen
oral pasaenger agent, I'ortland, Oregon,
Wanted Their Money' Worth.
Until McKnory Stuart, tho Kouthorn
atithorjuu, wn tnken suddenly III when
giving a roadiiig In u church in Now
Haven, Conn., nud was obliged to stop
nnd return to iier homo In In Now York.
Tho church refuted to pay hor.
In the Imperative.
Wlillo tho boy of n classroom woro
having u grammar lesson, tho teacher
"John glvo me a paaslvo verb,"
"Whoal" answered John.
"Now mnko it notlvo," said tho
"Hack up," replied John,
aaWWBWHESllB u--Ui.Jly tiffin? 2Mi iaetkmXSKK
llclter for n Wo nun Tlmn Niche , Drcaa
or Intellect.
Did you over notlco Hint, when any
nil) tliiicrlho n pretty Klrl, ho Knornl
y Ik'kIiin by nylnif Klin luta a beautiful
t ol wlillo tenth?
Well, thnt Ih natural, hocatiso n flno
H t of teeth Ih tho moot rniimilciio'iii
I'liarnutorlstio n( tho faro. A wlnnlnjr.
vmlln, adorned by uvon, brlllliint tooth,
nrrlutf n woman farthor than rleluw,
dross or Intellect.
And, on tho contrary, think n mom
out o( tlio shock you net when you mm
a womnn, or a man, with it yellow re
voltinu tot oi tenth, or groat holei in
tho mouth whuro Kood tooth ought to be,
Dr. W. A. Wlao, the famoui dentlit
of tho Failing building, I'ortland, Ore
Kon, nald to tho reporters y outer day
that It wn boyond hie comprehension
why any one in the Northwest now
should muled tho tsoth for a day long
or. Tho bl) ccet of dental work In tho
pait has Ikoii rodticod. Tho oxpoiiMi
now, at inch Unco and modern rjulp
hm ofllro km WIo Urotlior', li ex
tromoly modernto no morn formldnble
tlmn Kettlii) ropalra mado loanynrtlilo
of reitulnr wear In tho hotieohold. And
tho pain hue Ihioii banUhod. Tlioro la
no pain. For your own comfort, go and
have your teeth put In order. For your
I ooki' aku, don't ni'Klvct your teeth
any Icnicor. If your teeth aro worn
out, liavu a now it lltteds or, If a few
of tlio old oner, aro icon, bave thorn re
iilaced, and blrt to enjoy life nvaln.
Your frlendi will like you better, and
you will like youiiulf better. Do It
l)y Way of a l.enon.
"Oneof our cara ran over another
manlatttili'ht" annotinrod thoiuixi.ln
tcudont of tho triet railway line,
"Well," replied tho preeidont'after
bwIiIIv tho people will learn that tho
only nafo placo li aboard the car and
that o rent la a taiall price to pay fur
Tor Infant and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Dears the
Healthfully Occupied.
When Wen ley waa aliout three yetra
old, a friend who had not icen him lor
eorne t lino Breeto-J him with:
"Well, Wrrley, what bao you boen
dolin I caw you tail?"
"ISreu Biowln," waa tho rather un
uxpectetl amwer.
Too Much Urallim lor the Manager.
j "Ho you hod to cloio tho show?"
I "Yes," anawered tho manager with
, tho plaid re.t.
"What wa tho trouble?"
j "Toa much craxo for realism. Thoro
wa n counteifeltlng rceno, and tho act
ors said they couldn't go through with
I It tinier tho cou.d teo whftt monoy
1 looked like once In awhile."
Little Liver Pills.
Mutt Heur Igrmtur f
it Pac-Slailta Wrapper
Y7 snaU ai.4 ?
1,... , ciKjiiiiNU mumiiLMMv". t
jo,iujiuiaaMiWimu " ' '"'
HS la tlmn. Bold bf droenlm. ISf
l'atliit in DentUt'a Clur Often Act
Uueerly lluiler It.
"Ait I entered tlio di'iitlntVi ofllct',"
unld n woninii tho other day, "1 wtw
a umii xltllii In it clmlr rucklui; vlo
lently mill with n wild look of iiilmsry
written on every feature. Next him
fiit it demure looking trained nil rut'.
After n few iiilniito, dtirliijr. which wo
nil three vitt nnd oltled oueli other,
tho duntlal entered, ilroaaed for out
iloora, mid ho beckoned the mnii. Tho
uiifortumitu wrctoh rwiioutleil und
then wo knew. Tho doctor never
dntw teeth hlniHi'lf, hut tiikea atich
iintloiitji n. hnvo need of thnt ccntlo
urt'to it brother dentlat, who In hla
turn miikea n apcclnlty of drawing
Nhvnya ndmliiUterliiR ku for It.
Tho iiumo turned to mo witu n
amlle. "I wonder wlint be will do
whim ho cornea out of It?' alio aald.
iiiennliiK tho niineatlietle.
"'Why, wlmt do you intviiir i nKru.
"'Don't vou kuowV alio nnawered.
My piitleiit nhvnya ny or do aonlo-
tliliiK silly either when tiny tnuo it or
when they como out of It.'
"I wan IntercHted at once nnu oeccco
her to tell mo aoitio luatnnce.
"Wliv. let mo aee.' nold alio. To
bcKln with, women nhvnya yield to
tho Influence of it" ntiiieathelic more
enally tlinn men do, powdbly becnuav
they nro.iiot no itroiiK-wiiieii. Any
wnv. ifnmili IllnliO DelKT IIIIIieillH.
They nro lean trouble nnd ao nfrnld
of pain or oven or tlentn.
"Mn nlmoat every cnao I nnve nnu
the women rather welcouio chloroform,
Rlthoiiffh nlmoabnll of them fljclit ether,
nud I don't blnmo them. After tho
Unit whiff n woman will nlmonl lurarl
nbly mnko lovo to the doctor, ciiIIIiik
him nil tho aweet thliiBa alio ever knew
nnd demandlni: hla nffectlon In re
turn. Then alio quleta down and tho
opcrntlon bejlii. When roinliiK out of
It If ho la n particularly aweet nnd re
llneil womnn alio will uno tho moat
vlllnluoua laiicunKO and carry on kcii
i.miir In n mniiiier calculated to ahock
n new iiui-ho itlmost out of her aeiuoa.
" 'Now, on tho other hand. alio con
tinued, 'tho woman who ordinarily
tuea IllllltiiPKntu (nnd there nro ijulto
a few) will babblo of childhood's dnya,
niiKcU' facca nnd peaceful Breen Holds.
Thla acvina atrniiKe, but It In never
theleaa true. Of courae. wo aeldom
tell them what they have been aaylnw
or doing. It wouldn't do ' uho
broko off. 'Ah. hero conien tho dentist
nud hla patient. 8e how wild ho looks.
You Juat nail the ooctor witni uu uiu.
8eo If It waan't funny.'
The doctor came In. uahcred hla
patient Into tho operatlm; room, apoko
n few words to the nurse and followed
his patient.
"'I ciime for something to relievo
my patient, she said to me In explana
tion. '8ho had n violent toothache.'
Tho doctor returned with n aninll
package, which he handed to the nurse.
lie then spoke to me, saying mm m
would bo ready In it few minutes.
When 1 turned I found tho nurse had
"Usually I nm not In n hurry to net
Into n dentist's chair, nut. ikjihk a
woman ami o curious one tit that, was
nmlotts to hear what that mini hml
said or done when under the lutluetic
of the anaesthetic.
"Did you notice that man7" nsked
tho dentist ns lie carefully tilled my
mouth with cotton. I tried to look as
Intelligent as my gaplne mouth would
let me. 'lie has Jut taken cas to have
n nervo klllctl nnd taken out, continued
tho doctor. 'When he wn returitltiK to
consciousness he pulled n great roll or
bills out of his pocket nnd- Insisted
upon throwing tlietu all over the place,
giving them to everybody he met In the
imiia nnd nctlne generally ns a mil
lionaire phllanthniplst gone mad. After
ho had intleted down n llttlo he told
mo confidentially that he oxperieiicttl
tho finest Jag he had ever had In hla
life. And the funny part of that re
mark Is that neither I nor anybody
else that knows the limn tuts ever
known or beard of hla Inking u drop
of liquor. In fact, ho luta always ns
sorted that It wn strictly ngnlust hla
principles to touch liquor In iiny form.
This Is surely n funny business.'
"And shnklug his Ijend mournfully,"
continued tho woman, occordlng to the
Now York Times, "tho doctor proceed
ed to mnko tilings lively for me."
Cannot Kaonpo. '
"Do you think the person who com
mitted the crime will bo punished?"
"ISmnatlilcnlly. yos." said tho pollco
"Hut you haven't discovered him
"No. Hut we'll keep saying wo sua
pect somebody and thereby keep him
suiTerlug tho terrors of u guilty con
scloiico," Washington star.
Appropriately Named.
Kumer "Geo vuIb What sort of a
cigar la ttflnr
niwoe "Oh! I boucht it for a nick
el. I don't Just recall thu brand, but
I think It wits immeu urter somo uutu
Fuincr "All I No wonder It wou't
draw." Philadelphia- Press.
A man who la noaily tJO years old, Is
Blck, and says he can't Imagine what
Is tho trouble. We jtan tell him; he
was born too. long ago.
II T )... utr-A vnttr Hair Vlonr
for five years end em nrcatly
plcsied with it. It certainly re
stores the original color to cray
B hair. Itkecpsmyhalraoft." Mrs.
Aycr's Hair Vigor has
been restoring color to
gray hair for fifty years,
ana it never falls to do
this work, cither.
You can rely upon It
for stopping your hair
from falling, for keeping
your scalp clean, ana for
making your hair grow.
ll.WeHIW. Alienable.
II rirar tlriiSRl.t rwiiivot yon,
send o one dolUr and we -will expre
you a bottle. lie ears and elra the name
or roarDrarftteipreMoniefl. Addreu,
i C AYRK CO. Ijwall,aas.
A Ferocious Equator.
A email boy wa asked by Uio teacher
what tho equator was,
ilo thought a moment and replied:
"The equator is an Imaginary lion
running around the earth."
CITC rcnatawor Outm no fit w twTToottM
!! ttut till '! ni.oriir. hll'0'-lNee
Xxtonr. f-olff VKKKJ.eOlrUIUU..ollrl.
Elrui kkim oa inu
b. 1a.R.ll.Xuea.LU.Miartti!
Hones of Human Skeleton.
The human skeleton, exclusive
Of I
tooth, consists of 208 bones.
I'lro'S Cure f a remedr forcouKh, colds
nnu consumption, iryiu
I'rlco 23 cents,
Poor Hubby. I
Iluaband Wheio do you want to go
on a vacation? ,
Wife Ob, anywhere that's expens
ive or reitiei.- Life. I
Tbe Kl an. Knot Kitchen Kind" li the triule
tntrkon itoviewblob rtiabla jou to cook In
coialortln at-oot kitcoen.
Will Not Write Hemtnlscen:es.
Senator Kryo onco refused to write
his reminiscences for a nmjrailno, de
claring himrelf oppoeed to tho telling
by public men of "tales out of school."
r ThoU.tamUbloTMuoci
I St Jacobs Oil
S mi j It the lore cure foe
1 StJ-raiTi;!.
f and
Bruises I
2 Price. SSc. and OOc
R )
rANir&WKWH mux
cvvz."vn'i a
First and Stark Sis. 319 Market Street 13. So. Los Angeles St
nuensoH MAOiimatr ao,
(HurceMore to John i'oole)
Toot ol Mwrftofi Slreel, I'ortlend, Oretm
With ui (or Paw Mill ant Hhlnjle Mill Ms
ehlnerr. Wlnl Mill and Jlam I'umrx. Y.c
i'ttMa feparatnrv, regular rrlea tw, now 'M.
Hl'flns wsffone $W. Jluesv (hafie im
I Overene million dollar in penlon (retired
lir ill forniir cll-iiliiJtiflnctlio lx rear Ul C'rr!reriiie')nl(ilexirlenei. Vit
w.nal ami prurnjit Untlll to all olltn en
united tou if your atturner Hal been 0.M
I rrt tuti run anMitnt u toaetlnrourclalBe.
t J'cn fixed br law ant conllnaoiit upefl tiit&'n.
I Tebfr A Wliltnwi Co., -w Warder Wtlf..
1 nMningion.jj u.
tverywnac wriie now.
AatmeWii, MOO up.
k BAWILi Ucytku t20 ui ajwuiu
Bend for catiloifuee.
Portland, Oregoa
Sttie Ticnu Seattle
Lazy Liver
I hav lieu troble4 ajreal deal
rltb torpid llrar wbleU produce con',lp-
Iloa. I loumi UASwHt.'ia u vo an jou nuia
forlbem. and Mtcored nueb relict tbe Bret trial.
tha. rMiM.h..1 .nnfh...iinnl. .nil -ju.itn.
' pleulr cured. I eball onir bo u (lad to c-
ommend Caneareia wbeneter tha opportonltr
U tin-untfd. " J. A. SM tTU
; txa Sueqnebaia Ave., PblUdelpbla. Pa.
i pi,.nf PaUuhia. ifumt. Tuu Qeod. nt
Good, Merer Sicken. Weaken or Qrlpe-Kc. He. too.
Aiioe eeiuisYiB A-rf eiii
MlHUf .J e.T. CklM HalnAIwIlrt. tW
Ufl Tfl RflP Bold arx1irnrmniectbr alt ttrac-
nwiv -mnv ci.ii la juki.t)uw .
hlco'.d la Corjla?
Somtthlne Conforiii'e atd Dcnblc ? '
X Are at the bead of their claie for
Z Comfoit EiiyRJilor X
2 Arytirince Dnritlllty J
Ak (or our llluilratrd iiamphlete. f
Mailed Ireo. J
X 200-206 nrt St., PORTLAND. OR. 2
Alto Spokane, UoUe. 4
"pTnIu No 24-190).
HEN wtltlnr to iMleertlaera 1mu
taeniioa tbla paper.
Thought Us Dead?
We're Very Much Alive.
S. B. Headache and Liver Cure Still Do
ing Ita Oreat Work. S. D. Cough Syrup.
Everybody Takes It. Everybody Likes It.