The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, June 19, 1903, Image 4

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Br f-e fter. If. A. lrr.
Sir, wo would see Jesus. John, xll..
Tlio cast civtuo to the cradle of
Christ, tbo west en me to his cross. The
Magi and tho Greeks represent that en
llghteued religious Instinct which. dis
satisfied with that which ennuot feed
Uie soul, U able to rise above previous
educatlou aud prejudice and seek the
gratification of Its deepest needs and
Us highest aspirations wherever that
gratification may be found.
These who thus came to Christ stood
for that large number of Greek., so
frequently alluded to, who; perceiving
the vanity of popular rellglou, turned
to something more satisfying, nnd
found In the synagogue tervlce of tho
Jews something which nppealed to Jho
cravings of that Instinct for God which
all men possess. Attaching tbemelvis
more or less to Judaism without sub
nilttlng to the religious rites necessary
to give them full standing they camn
to Jerusalem to worship the God In
whom they had como to believe. Hero
they put themselves In communication
with one of the disciples of Jesus and
request an Interview with the man
who has created so great a stir In the
Itopular mind.
Their action may well be regarded
by us as suggesting tho cry of an
enlightened religious instinct for the
personal Christ.
Mcru curiosity may prompt such a
Now, as then. Jesus Christ Is tho
problem of the ages. He Is a person
ality that must be explained; a force
that must be accounted for. This mau,
whom millions love and no one hates,
thrusts himself before us In such a
way that life Is entirely changed for
us after wo meet him. "By whnt au
thority doest thou these things" Is a
question we must have answered for
the sake of our own peaco of mind.
"What shall I do with Jesus?" Is tho
inquiry of n soul who is confronted by
this perplexing personality, this mas
terful man. The ago of Inquiry In
which we live rinds Its curiosity baf
fled by this teacher, whose character
defies human analysis, whose truth
transcends human philosophies, nnd
whose Influence Is more living, more
personal, more powerful In. each huc
ceedlng age. Eager to wot what God
would bare us to do and be, we turn
from alf clfe to Jesus. In the hope that
at last we can find an authority upon
which we cau rest.
Appreciation may lead us to him. Be
yond mere curiosity a soul has come to
kuow euough of Jesus to make him
feel that life offers nothing better than
the study of this character and life.
Moral beauties disclose themselves In
such a way as to charm ua. We are
fascinated by, his graclousnces, sub
dued by his tenderness, moved by bis
love. We cease to wonder why It Is
that those who reject him vie with
those who accept him In laying their
tribute of admiration at his feet, and
can understand bow It Is that even an
lnndol can find the life of Jesus bis
highest theme and greatest satisfac
tion. The motives which draw us to Jesus
may be even deeper than those. There
may bs a strong personal desire on our
part for Jesus because he has wooed
and wou us. We bold him not at ami's
length; we look not at him In the spirit
of Inquiring criticism; we treat him not
as something outside of ourselves, but
as dearer to us than all the world; we
desire to take blm Into our lives, to
reign there king of love and life.
In any and erery case that which
this religious Instinct cries for Is a per
sonality. When the church, by those
ruder methods which It once used, tried
to convert the world to Christianity, It
brought Into Its fold a mass of bar
barous and unsplrltual votaries, which
left Its Impress upon church life for a
thousand years. If tho church Chris
tianized paganism, paganism In turn
paganized Christianity. As a result,
the personality of Christ was largely
lost. It Is tho glory of the present
time that the church Is swinging back
more and more to the personal Christ.
As tho din of religious strife subsides
there Is presented In now beauty and
power this one perfect penonallty. He,
and he alone, meets tho wants and
answers tho cry of the present day
man. It Is an ago of Individualism.
The needs of man aro paramount. As
tho monarch has gone down, man has
gone up. Humanity wants a Christ
who deals with ludlvldual men, and
who addresses himself to Individual
wants. In tho moment of sorrow wo
feol for tho hand of the comforter; in
the hour of louollucsn we seek our
companion; In the day of trouble wo
wnut the eounel of our friend. There
la no im In nil hlMory who satieties
us so fully ns Jesus of N'nxnroth, who.
ns "Man of Sorrows" and "Friend of
Sinners," touches human hearts to
cure, to comfort, to cleanse.
Systematic theology Is as necessary
as the boucs of n man, but those bones
must be covered with warm flesh If
we are to have n friend. Delight In
the study of Christina anatomy must
nut rob us of our Uvlug friend, tho
matchless Son of Man, Tho wenry,
the sad, tho forsaken aro crying to
day, as never before. "Sir. we would
sets Jesus.
Br Her. Joan Mtrrltt.
I am pleased when worklngmen re
fuse to patronize tho Carueglo li
braries. The great steel magnate has
ouly helped those who had no need of
his help. He tins been quite as shrewd
aud canny In posing as a philanthrop
ist an he was In coining the sweat of
other men's brown Into the colossal
fortune he now claims as his very
No able-bodied man, not even a
preacher, can accept n charity without
being debauched in doing so. Capital
ists tuny practice cannibalism among
themselves without greatly Imperiling
the republic, but the very moment tho
masses loso their healthy pride and
self-respect everything will be lost.
The poor man's choking at tho offer
of charity and request for honest em
ployment Instend Is the strongest proof
that he Is still n man.
Do not bo deluded Into tho Idea that
tho fashlounblo avenues nnd IkiiiIc
varda where brown stono fronts and
marble palacea prcdomluato nrc tho
only or tho most hopeful fields for
evangelism. Down on tho Insignificant
streets where the middle classes live,
down In tho so-called slums where
haggard faces peer out of the wlnAow
aud nakedness runs and bides, thcro
they wait with longing hearts for tho
sweet gospel of him who, like them
selves, had not where to lay his head.
The tolling, struggling, often sorrow
Ing massea are not agnostic or atheis
tic or anarchistic Tho millions must
not bo condemned for the shortcomings
of the few In the ranks of labor. The
almost numberless masses havo too
much head and heart and Immortality
and Inherent nobility of soul for such
arrant nonsense and folly nn that.
The bigot who said In his heart,
"There Is no God," was a rich fool,
and he said If In his heart because. In
the absenco of brains, tfiat was hU
ouly resort.
My young friends, carry the gospel
to the poor. Do not neglect or bo un
charitable to or burning shame for
get tho poor. The poor yo havo with
you always. Win them to Christ. They
stand on the doorstep, In the yard,
at the gate, looking up and down tho
long nnd dreary streets and alley ways,
looking for you and wondering why
you do not come with the messngu of
salvation, Alas, so mo of them are
coming to think It Is becauso you aro
too selfish nnd haughty and heartless
and becauso you so much prefer the
rich. V
By Ktr. Ckarlts W. Tlniley,
No nation Is more loyal to the Sab
bath than our own. Our foundations
wero laid In deep reverence for the
holy day. Tho Pilgrims, In 1020, half
starved, shivered In the cold, rather
than begin their work on the Sabbath.
From that day to this there has been
"American Sabbath." The necessity
for the day Is written deep In man's
physical constitution. Like a clock,
we run down. The sleep of tho night
Is not enough. Tho seventh day Is re
quired to "knit up" the raveled steeve
of care." The manual toller needs It.
The holy day Is the north star of his
deliverance from Sunday slavery. The
homo needs It. Tho highest typo of
home life demands Sabbath observ
ance. It Is no accident that the world
map of safe popular freedom Is mndo
up on tho Sabbath keeping nations.
Tho Sabbath is tho Gibraltar of law
and order. It Is simply patriotism to
keep It. . .
It Ih being attacked by Insidious foes,
Sunday malls aro wholly unnecessary.
They compel the labor of thousands of
men who are entitled to their Sabbath,
The Sunday newspaper attacks It. It
displaces what Is vastly more of vnluo
than that which It gives. It projects
tho secular spirit Into tho Sabbath. So
with Sunday amusements of all sorts.
It Is not best observed nn a day of
umuHoment. Sunday excursion and
Sunday baseball will demoralize any
town. It ought to be permanently en
joined as a violation of an express
Hopo Is so sweet, with I fa golden
wings that, at his last sigh, man etlll
Implores It Do la Peiia.
lUpentlnit Nino nnd Cannon lUvs
Failed to Work n Cure.
If sumo of tho learned scientists
who nru dexotlng their talents to tho
study of germs would turn their nt
tentlou to South America and tho Isl
ands of the Caribbean thoy might havo
discoveries which would prove n bless,
lug to mankind In that disturbed quar
ter of tho world. Why should tho
South American aud the West Indian
lake to riot and revolution tin naturally
as n duck docs to water, asks the Hub
Unions Hun? Is It because they aro
of a tlercer and mora turbulent dtuposl.
tlou than the Inhabitants of other parts
of thin htiulifihere, or Is It. becauso
they are the victims of sinister bacilli,
germs of rampant and Irreslsllbl
stranuoslty? Not long ago an American savant
announced tlint In certain parts of the
United States there Is a bacillus which
ninkes Its way Into the bodies of Its
unfortunate victims and produces nn
Invincible ntendou to physical aud
mental activity. If there Is a germ of
Inertia, why shouldn't there bo n
bacillus of pernicious activity nnd mis
directed Htrcmuxlty as well? It Is not
fair to tho South American brethren
to assume that they nra totally de
praved; that they engage In throat
cutting aud other bloody diversions
from pure lore of doing evil. In somo
degree, at least, they have been under
tho Influence of American ami F.uro
pcan civilization for a great many
years. To some extent they have In
troduced tho forms of civilization Into
their governments and social Institu
tions. Yet, drsplto their contact with
citizens of the moit enlightened nations
and their commercial and diplomatic
relations with Kuropo nnd tho United
States, they have scarcely moro re
spect for law and order than tho
human race displayed In tho days of
prlmltlvo man.
If there nre bacilli In the western
hemisphere Indigenous to the tropical
rcgloiiH which Inelto a people against
Its will nnd natural dlxpoiltlon to com
mit deeds of violence aud murder sav
ants ought to 1 able to II ml a remedy. '
Tho antidote commonly uitil In rases
of pernicious atrenuonlty has not prov '
oil a success, llcpcatlng rifles, bay'
oneta and cannon havo failed to workj
a cure. When the South American
has Introduced the germ of revolu-j
tlon nnd riot Into his body nothing
will deter blm from stirring up trouble j
not even the fear that ho will bo
shot or bayoneted to death. When ho j
Is under tho luiluenco of tbo bacillus'
of strenuonlty and tlint seems to b
a chronic condition with him he I
llko tho Malay fanatic who runs'
amuck, killing right and left. The
scientist who discovers the remedy for
this would bo one of tho greatest tri
umphs of this century If tho ever-war ,
ring Inhabitants of the I.ntln-Amerlcun
republics ami of Haiti were Inoculated
with the Imclltl of slothfulncs and re
duced to a slate of Innocuous lunetlvj
Ity. The Implements of wnr liavo'
failed fo produce the desired result.
Now let science take a hand aud If
ImmsIIiIo transform the turbulent folk
of the tropics Into peaceful nnd law
alibiing citizens of tbe new world.
Whnt IMuoatlon Tenches.
Tim frnnf tltln. In nil mlllitnl Itftrt Kilt
" .- .. - ... ....... .., .. -
n noieu proicmuir in mo tiencou, is io
make our nervoussystem our ally In
steud of our t-nomy. It Is to fund nnd
capitalize our acquisitions nnd llvo nt
ease upon the Interest of the fund.
For this wo must make automatic aud
habitual, as early as itosstble, as many
useful actions an wo can, nnd guard
iigalust tho growing Into tho ways that
aro likely to bo disadvantageous to
us, fts wo should guard against tho
plague. The more of tho details of our
dally life wo can hand over to tho ef
fortless custody of automatonlsm, tho
moro tho higher powcra of mind will
bo set free for their own proper work.
There Is no more miserable human be
Ing than ono In whom nothing Is ha
bltual but Indecision, and for whom
tho drinking of every cup, the t lino, of
rising and going to bed overy day, aud
the beginning of erery bit of work, aro
subjects of express volitional delibera
tion. Full half tho tlmo of such a mnu
goes to the deciding, or regretting, of
matters which ought to bo so Ingrained
In him oh practically not to exist for
his consciousness at all. If there bo
mich dally duties yet not Ingrained In
nny one of my renders, let blm begin
this very hour to set tho matter right,
Itnlto the J'ropcr Thins;.
"Gladys." said Chumloy to his man
nish sister, "I'vo done so much for you
you should wrlto mo a testimonial."
"A testimonial?"
"Yes; ycju might say: 'Dear brother,
once I was it timid, 'dollcato girl, but
since using your collars, shlrta and tlon
I Jtavo boeomo a new woman." Phila
delphia Press,
Itesontliix till Insult.
"This, I suppose," said Hio visitor,
"Ih tho gun your great-grandfather car
rlcd through tho revolution?"
"Most nsHiiredly not," haughtily re
plied Cndlelgh Itlch. "That was hla
gun, but his man carried It for him, of
courso." Philadelphia Press.
A ten-cent argument often ciidn In a
110 quarrel.
Unglnccr Hammond Will do Alund With
Preliminary Work.
Tho Btnto Hoard of Portage Hallway
CommlsslunorH held n conference with
A. K. Hammond, tho engineer rocently
nlnnto.l In mnkn n lirollllllllUry MirVOJ
of tho niuto of tho portage road be
tween Tho Dalies ntm i;eiiio. wr.
Hammond was directed to proceed at
onco with tho survey, ond ho will do
to as soon as ho can orgnnlto rt sur
voyltiK party.
Ilia work will be to einmlno the
ground nnd run preliminary lines
Hiuiro Mm mmi will iirolinhlv ho con
structed. He will makn plats and
charts showing nil tno lopogrnpmcni
conditions. Ho ozpocta to bo rendy to
n.nnrt in Hie, board In nbout 30 days,
and until that Unto no further action
enn bo taken by tho board.
Krccljt ol Columbia County.
Tho reports In tho County Clerk's of
Hco show tlint tho receipts for May
vero larger than at any tlmn In tho
history of Columbia county. Thn total
amount received was I5G2.08. appor
tioned as follows: Recording deeds
nnd other Instruments, $272.76; court
tecs, 228; redemptions, 101.33,
Mich School Contract Let.
Thn CuRcnn school board has let the
contract to Welsh & Mauor, of,
for tho construction of tho now High
School building. Tho contract price
Id 124,250.
Rich I'lnd In Southern Oregon.
J, A. Whitman and J. I). Hard are
now In control of what promises In bo
tho biggest placer mining proposition
In Southern Oregon. Tho property Is
located on Stovo'n Fork of Steamboat
I.nko. and comprUos somo 880 acres
of mining ground, nonrly nil of which
prospects rich from "grass roots to
bedrock " 8omo of tho prospects ob
tained aro so big that it la hard to be
llovo thoy were taken from Just n fow
tana of dirt. Tho property was pur
chased from Messrs. Shenrer, howls.
Armstrong & Scott, nnd the now own
era havo already been offered an ad
vance of two nnd a half times tho pur
chase price. Tho water supply Is
tanOsls Will lis Short.
The effect of tho recent hot wavo Is
unquestionably very dlsastoroua to nit
growing crops In lino county, with
the posalbto exception of hops. Farm
ers havo been complaining for two
wcoka past about InnufTlclont rain for
tho grain crops, and this hot spell,
coming nt this tlmo, will havo tho ef
fect of cutting short tho crop very ma
terially. There has been Insufficient
moisture for nutrition of growing
grains, and now thn heat comes and
forcea maturation without nny possl
blllty of growth. Wheat will undoubt
edly bo cut short 26 per cent, nnd oats
CO per cent already, nnd the dnrnago
will bo oven greater unless this npoll
of heat In followed by a noaklng rain
Will Cheapen Tramportstlon,
Tho preliminary survey of tho elec
tric rosd from llaker City to tho John
Day country Is about finished. Tho
routo as laid nut, commenres nt How
en's ranch not far from HakcrCltv. and
extends along Ilurnt Itlvcr to tbo di
vide, nnd thoncn Into tho John Day
Valloy. I'ralrlo City, no doubt, will bo
tho destination for the present. I( Is
considered by many that a far cheaper
routo could have been selected, had
tho survoy boon by way of Auburn
through tho Sumpter Valley over to
Ilurnt River. Serernl miles of road
building could bo saved ns well as the
road being laid out on nn easier grade.
flood for Marlon Crops.
Tlint crops havo not sufforod by rea
son of tho recent hot weather Is doclar
td by farmers, fruitgrowers and hop
growers In Marlon county. Hops nnd
fruit, except strawberries, will bo Im
proved by tho hent of tho last few
days. Whllo tho ground In dry In the
hill country, and rain would bo bono
flclal, tho hot weather will do no dam
ago unless It should contlnuo several
Shipping Cattle Prom Pcndlstoa,
Fourteen carloads of cattle will bo
shipped from Pendleton this month.
Fred Phillips will ship nine cnrlonds
to Carstcns nros., of Seattle. Ho will
alto ship flvo carloads to IConowlck.
Tho ntock brought f 4.35 for good beef;
itomo or the best brought a llttlo bettor,
but not .much. A month ago tho price
wan K76 and scarce at that. Now
(hero la plenty of cuttle to bo lwl nt
To Resume Optratlon.
Operations at tho Gold Hug Grizzly
group of claims In thn Ibox district,
Knstorn Oregon, will bo resumed In
about ton days. Tho machinery la be
ing overhauled and tho pumps nnd
hoists put In shapo for work. Tho
rhaft hna filled up with wator which
will bo pumped out immediately, and
sinking of tho shnft will commenco as
toon as It Is free from wator,
Survey Uxcltes Curiosity.
A Southern Pacific survoy party Is
operating botweon Mllwnuklo nnd
Gladstone Park, Dlllgont Inquiry falln
to (IIbcIobo tho purpoHO of tho nurvoy.
It war, loranod from n mombor of thn
pnrty that a routo la being catubllfdiod
from Mllwnuklo, via Glndstono Park
nnd tho Chntnuqua grounds to Oregon
City. 4
j- tnr -n-i.t i p .
Indian War ClHlmsnts Can Now (let
Thilr Alony,
Secretary nf Htato Dunbar linn re
colved 08 voctiera for rlalms of Indian
War veterans nnd will begin Issuing
warranta In payment of tho same thin
week. It In hellurod tlint 800 olslmn
will bo (lied with tho Adjutant-General,
and that 7C0 of these will bo allowed.
In nmounts nvornglng about f ICO each.
If thta ctpectntlon ahull ho fulfilled,
tho tntnl claims allowed will amount ii
IH2,r.OO. Tho total appropriation Ik
$100,000, no that a deficiency nf ItS.SOO
Is probable.
Under ndvlco of the Attnrnny-Gen-rrnl
Secretary of Htato Dunbar will
Ihsiio warrant for clnlmti In tho order
In which tho vooherr, como to hli ottlco.
nnd no In tho order the claims nro flic)
with tho Adjutant (lenornl. All claims
will bo paid In full nn long as the
money lasts, nnd when thn appropria
tion Is nxhnuatfld tho Secretary of
Stntn will Issue certificates of allow,
ante, which nro recognized an legal
ovldenro of a valid claim against tho
state. These certificates will not draw
Interest nnd must await nn appropria
tion by somo subsequent I.eglslnturs
beforo thoy can bo paid,
Coming Uveitis.
Western Oregon division Or)ton
Rlato Teachers' Asioolatlon, Portland,
Juno 24-29.
Street carnival, Ashland, Juno 15.20.
Pioneers' reunion, Hrownsvlllo. June
School election In all Oregon dls.
Irlctn, Juno IS.
Cniivontl'in of tho Sunday schools of
Lane county, June 10-11.
Street cnrnlval, ltoaohufg, Juno 22,
Christian enrnp mooting, Turner,
Juno 10.
Street cnrnlval, Salem, Juno 29 to
July 4.
Matamnn leave Kugeno to ollmb thn
Thren Sisters, Juno 0, returning In
ten days,
tutting Ready to Optrata,
Tho Sumpter Lumber Company has
succeeded in floating all thn sawing
nn Cracker Creek to tho mill nlto Just
south of town. Thn total amount put
In was over 1,000.000 feet. Tho frame
for tho now mill will soon bo up, and
aa soon ns tho loxn nt the old Plant
nre consumed tho big mill will bo ready
iu vv upcraicii.
Work on th HnUUy.HUhorn.
Machinery and supplies am arriving
almost dally for tho Ualsloy-I'lkhorn
mine In tho llaker district. 'A largv
forco of men hna been engaged to
work on thin property thin season, nnd
frntn now on tbo plan In to rurh thn
work of development as fast nn point,
Work On Sumpter Wster Plsnt.
Work nn thn flumntnp wnlnr wnrka
will noon bo commenced. Tho plant
Will lin finO ttrir nnwAP nnl tint? .if
"... ... www HI'I,. 'V-VI, ,,111, UHII ,,
this will bo used In tho olcctrlc plant
io ugui tno city.
Oregon Cnttlo to Nor'H Dskotn.
M. K. Parsons, of Salt Lako. Is ship
ping C000 hoad of I-'astorn Oregon cnt
tin from Ontario stockyards thin wock
to North Dakota. This rnoann nbout
1125,000 distributed among cattlemen.
Land Patents at Oregon City.
During May thoro woto S4 timber
land filings nnd f2 homitend filings In
tho land office at Oregon City.
WiioatWalta Walla. 70fl73c: val
ley, 76c.
Ilarloy Feod, $-0.00 por ton: brow
ing. (21.
Flour Host grades, $3.05 4.30;
graham 13.48(33.85,
MIllitufTs llran, 123 per tont mid
dlings, 127; shorts, 123 chop, 118.
Oata No. 1 white, 11.10 Q 1.15;
gray, II 05 por cental.
Hay Timothy, 120321: clover,.
nominal; cheat, 116010 por ton.
Potatoes Meat Durpanki. 60fl00c-
per sack; ordinary, 35QI6o percental,
Krowora' prices; Merced sweets, $3
3,60 por cental.
Poultry Chickens, mixed, I1012o;
young, lHQMej hens, 12a; turkeys,
llvo, in(317o; drorsod, 200220; durki,
17.0037.60 por dozon; room, tO.003
Clieono Full cream, twins, 16HJ
lOci Young America, 1615Mo fact
ory prhoB, lOlc leas.
Mutter Fancy creamery, 2022)Jo
per pound; extras, 21o; dairy, 20O
22 Mo; store, Klc318.
Fugs QKQl7Mv por dozon.
Hops Oliolio, 182-a per pound.
Wool Valloy, 12Q17o;Kaetorn Or
egon, fl14r; mohair, 3537jo,
Jleef OrofH, cowh, MJ-fQIo, por
pound; stcori,; dronmnl, 8vo,
Mutton GrosH,
tl routed. 707 J4o.
Lambs Qroos,
dro.oBd, ?$o.
(3,60 por
pound r
pound c
4o por
1 " 1 -
Hogg Grns, 00Jo
drossod, 7Q8f,