The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, June 19, 1903, Image 1

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    X """
BKND, OHEGON, 1TKIDA.Y, JUNlfl 19, 1003.
NO. 14.
.Comprehensive Rtvlew of tho Impert
ant Happenings of the Past Week,
Presented In Condensed Form, Moe
Llktly to Prova Intereatlng to Oaf
Many Reader.
A now tam of plnguo Is reported nt
Jquliiuo, Olillo.
Tlio presidential elections In Banto
Domingo hsvo boon set for Juno !.'(),
Foot nnd mouth dlaoaro prevails
among ahcep Just brought to J.tvuriwol
from lluonoa Ayru.
Tlio Standard Oil Com pony linn been
forced out of Houmaiila by opposition
of tlio government.
Tlio rnnnSca expelled from Franco will
como to Kentucky and endeavor to es
tablish n tuonastry.
Kocrnlnry lllcbcock hni Isuiod regula.
tloiin prohibiting nil molestation of the
wild animals In Yellowstono Park.
Right thousand New York brlcklav
or threaten to trlko for 70 rents an
hour, ns agalnit OS coutf, now prevail,
Andrew Carnegie bai purchawsl from
lbron do Hayot ltd notabln collection
of Kurupean foMla for tho Carnegie
Museum In Chicago.
Kx-Attornoy General W.J. Hotidryek,
of Kentucky, baa been declared n bank
rupt In New York. Ilia liabilities aro
il7(,':ru, And Iiir nihots principally
woro landa of quoetlonablo value.
Major Itn1ert l. Howso, who baa
Imhiii ordered to Manila to lx preaunt
during the Investigation of the rhargr-a
made against him of cruel treatment of
Filipino persons, haa sailed from Porto
Itlco for iew o:k,
Tho laundry workrra' strike at Chi
cflgo la atlll far from settled.
K, Tho unofficial announcementJLsjnada
thai me uouitia naio aeenrou control 01
tho lUltlmore A Ohio railroad.
The worst of the flood la over at St.
Louis, but thousands of jxioplo aro atlll
In n critical condition.
Two highwaymen at Wllkoabarro.
Pa., alter hohllnK up three men, opened
firo on them fatally wounding one man.
A passenger train on the Louisville
A riashvlllo road waa wrocieu ai v;oio
burg, Ky. Klevou eraona wero In
A Madrona park, Beattla atreet car
wna hold up liy two inanked tnun and
about 30, several watches and ether
Jewelry secured.
A copper cylinder baa Juat boon dis
covered In Chicago containing; many
rocorda of tho city dating back previous
to tho great flro.
Tho ChlnoM treamiry building at
Pekln waa entlrrly destroyed by fire.
"Thoro waa 4,000,000 taols In the struct
ruo. No eatlmato of tho loss 1 obtain.
blo at proeont.
Cuba la arranging for a consulato at
Monterey, Mexico.
Franchises In Bouth Africa aro to 1
restricted tc white llritleh eubJoctH,
A Ht. Louis atreet rar accident result
d In ifi pooplo being ahukon up and
Piece by ploee tho $1(00,000 mansion
of John M. Ingyear la being moved
from Marquotto, Mich., to Urookllno,
Doiporato roslatanro against nrroit
by two ulleged rnnrderors on a Chicago
' etroot car throw tho passengera Into a
Tho May atatomont of tlio London
lwrd of trado shows a docrvaio of $7j
1113,000 In Imports and an Increase of
17,175,600 In exports.
Tugging between the ahafta of tlio
wngon from which his horto had been
taken boon u bo ho was boating it, Alfon
no do I.ucla, an Italian jKHldlor, fell
dend In n street in llrooklyn.
Onorgo D. Wldenor, n wealthy Phlln
lolphln min, loft n largo numbor of
valuable diamonds In u I.ondou hotol
in tho hnsto of pucklng, and did not
discover hla loss until Now York cus
tom olllolalH exnmlned his bnggngo.
All Mormona bnvo boon ordered to
leavo Oornmny.
Socialists throaton to tnako trouble If
tho cm visits Itouio.
Cloudburst In Arizona Coals Thirty Lives
and Heavy Property Less.
Clifton, Arlx., Juno 13. Seven por
tions woro drowned In flood m cauand
by a cloudburst yoatnrday. Thoy In
clude Jnnu-n Nash, MJhh Gay Mldlln
and Alvlnn Horto, bosldra aevurnl Mot
Icnria. It la roportod two bod lea woro
aeon pniMlnj? Holomonvlllo In tho flllft
11 Ivor. Tho oxnrt number of drowned
In not known, but tho totnl la plncod nt
30. Twolvo liodlaa bavo been rc-ovor-ed.
Ono poraou roporta acolng 12 In tho
wntor, nil of whom woro lost. A Mntl
rnn woninn Inst five children. At Mor
oncl tho water waa 20 feet deep, but
tho rnnyon U much wider, nnd com
paratively amnll property loaaca nnd
probably no falalltlea roaultnd. Tlio
llnby OniiKO Hallroad pon tho canyon
to Motcnir wna frightfully washed, and
on this road occurred tho narrowest or
capo from n big death Hat
A train carrying CO passengers met
tho flood, which waa neon In tlmo for
tho train to bo atoppod, allowing tho
pnasongora to aook tho hillside Tho
water overturned tho train and doubl
ed It up llko n horseshoe. Tho flood
Inatcd for nn hour. Tho Arlxonn Cop
per Company nt Clifton U a heavy los
er, nnd the Morencl Southwestern
trestle at, Morencl la tho biggest loser
It will tnko two weeks to repair the
Metcnlf Hnllroad nnd will provide
work for many striker. It la believed
Ibis occupation will divert the atten
tion nf the strikers, nnd the flood ca
lamity may Imvn n strong Influonco In
Mottling tho strike.
Tho bfxtlnn of many dend are bellnv
ol to bo hurled under tho tailings from
tho Arlionn Copper Company's mill.
!nd It mny bo weeks before all tho
missing can bo accounted for.
Colorado Desires flovcrnment to Control
the Water Supply.
Washington, Jlinn 13. Tho Interior
Department has been confronted with
n proposition from tho Statn of Colo
rado which It would like to accept, but
It la believed the Secretary haa no nn-
Ihorlly to act. Colorado owns COO.000
nrrcs of timber land, which It offer
to convey to the Government In ex-
chnnco for nn eaual area of vacant
public ngrloultdral lands. Colorado
wnnla tho novornment to tnko the tim
ber Innda for tho purpose of convort
Ing them Into a forest reserve, not bo-
causo tho timber la valuable, hut bo
causo wator Is becoming scarcer and
rnoro vnlunblo In Colorado every year,
and It la ngresd that tho Gnvernmont
ran belter protect tho water aupplv
than could tho stato acting for lUelf.
There la no law under which audi nn
exchnngo could be mnde. but r.nder n
nerlnl act of Congresa n almllnr ex
rhnngo wna made In Wyoming sovaral
yeara arfo.
8oeretnry Illtchcnek. Land Commis
sioner Chief I-)rostcr Pin
(hot nnd other officials arn nil Impress
od with tho proposition nnd will
strongly endorso cither n .bill nutbor-
Irlng tho exchnngo In Colorado or In
nil nrld or aoml-nrld states. Tho poli
cy Is generally favorable as It la
thought that Much exchanges would
provo bonotlctn! to settlera In com
munlltca where Irrigation Is practical
or likely to bo engaged In. Tho ques
tion will ho brought boforo Congress
next session.
ShlpbullJInr Company Ordered to Olve
Ha SIJo of the Case.
Tronton. N. J.. Juno 13. -Judge. Kirk
nntrlck. of tlm United Htntes Circuit
Court, nt his chnmbors In Nownrk. to
day mado an ordor rotumablo In Tron
ton noxt Monday for causo to show
why n receiver ahould not bo anpolntod
for tho United Stntoa Shipbuilding
Comiinny. Tho annllentlan waa mado
by Holnnd R. Conklln. who chnrgca
that tho comnany la Inoolvent. nnd nlso
nllogoa frnud In connection with the
Incorporation and management.
Tho company wna nrirnnlxod about
n yenr nco. with nn authorized capital
of 120.000.000 and with n provision for
a bond Issuo of 1(1.000.000. Of this.
$9,000,000 wna to bo underwritten by
a trust compnny. Tho applicants for
a recolvor nro holders of soma of thoso
bonds. It la charged by Conltlln and
hla co-suitors that tho proportion no
nulrod woro worth nothing llko $3,000,
000; Hint tho contrncta on hnnd woro
only $14,000,000; Hint tho working cap
Itnl wnn lens than $3,000,000. nnd Hint
tho cnrnlng enpnrly wna only $1,000.
000, no amount tnflumclont to pny tho
company's fixed chnrgca.
Rochester Hns $80,onn Fire.
Hoehotor. N Y. ,1'nno IS Tlimngo
ostlmntod nt $000 000 to $800 000 wnn
caused by flro horo todny. Tho hlnxo
Htnrtod In tho Pancost building, which
with tho brick Prosbytorlnn church ltd
Joining was dostroyod, nnd nn onttra
row of houses In FltzIIugh Btroct, nnd
imvoral butldlngd In Stato and Alloh.
Btroots, woro bndly dnmngod. No loss
of llfo la roportod, '
Queen Drags Is Also Klllcd-Mlnlsters
Suffer the Fate of Thofr Sovereign
Royal Palace Surrounded l)y a Strong
Force and an llntrance Forced In the
llarly Morning.
Cologne, Juno 1 1 Afprlvato tclo
gram from Ilulgrla, Servla, stntorf
that tho army last night proclaimed
1'etor Karageorgcvlch to bo King of
Borvfn. Tho troops Immediately sur
rounded tho Konank, and forced their
way Into tlio royal palace, whoro thoy
assassinated King Alexander and
Queen Draga. It Is rumored that all
of King Alexander's Ministers were
also murdered. This In atntcd to bavo
occurred between tho hours of 12 and
1 o'clock this morning.
Iluda Pest, Juno 11 X dispatch
from Somlln, Hungary, six miles from.
Ilolgrado, confirms tho statoment from
Cologno of tho nasaaslnntlon of King
Aloxandor and Quoon Draga.
Ixindon, Juno 11 Dlspatchos re
ceived horo confirming the assassina
tion of King Alexander nnd Queen
Drngn of Servla, adds that thrco min
isters of tho King, togo'thcr with sov
oral aldo-do-camps nnd Queen Draga'd
brothor woro nlso murdered.
draff Brothers Must Answer for Their
Dealings WKh Machen.
Washington, Juno 11. Tho federal
grnnd Jury has found true bills against
tho Groff brother In connection with
tho alleged offering of bribes to A.
Wl Mnchen, ox-8uperlnlcndcnt of Free
Delivery of tho I'oatoWco Department
TMa action was Uk",, Ulearned, on
tho samo day that Mr. Mnchen was In
dicted. Tho delay In presenting tho
Indlctmonta hna been duo to tho fact
that thoy could not bo prepared for
presentation boforo todny,
Tho Groff brother will bo tried un
der section C4G1 of tho rovlsed statutos
which tnnkes It an ofTcnso to promise
monoy to nny Gpvornmcnt officer with
a vlow to Influencing his action or de
cision on any question or matter which
may bo pending beforo him. Dy bring
ing In tho Indictments todny tho heap
Ing boforo tho United States Commis
sioner, which wna set for tomorrow,
will bo abandoned.
Tho grnnd Jury will at onco tnko up
the caiio of James N Tynor, ox-Aoslst-ant
Postmaster-General for tl;o Post
office Department, who wna dismissed
from offlco as a result of tho rifling
of tho safo In bis offlco. Although tho
opening of the safo was not dono by
Mr. Tynor. personally, It was said that
ho waa connected with the act In such
n way as to compel tho letting of tho
en so beforo tho grand Jury for Its ac
tion. At 2:30 P. M. aoparato Indictments
against tho Groff brothers woro return
ed. Tho bond of Samuel A. Groff was In
creased from $K.000 to $10,000. and thnt
of Dlllor II. Groff waa not changed
from $10,000. Tloth furnished tho re
quired bond forjhelr appoarnnco nlthe
fall term of court
Alleged Government Embezzler Is Ar
ralgned and Released on nail.
Washington. Juno 12. James A.
Watson, tho clork In tho Auditor's of
flco of tho District governmont. who
was nrrcstod yesterday for alleged om
hezzlemont of lnrco sums, appeared In
tho Pollco Court today, ploadod guilty,
nnd waived a preliminary hearing.
Hall wnB fixed at $30,000.
Wntson was unnblo to vecuro the
ninouut of bonds fltod by tho Follco
Court for his nppenrnnco boforo tho
grand Jury, nnd was tnkon to Jail. Ac
cording to tho nuthorltloa moBt of tho
monoy WatRon 1b alleged to bavo om
bozzlod was spent In stock specula
tion. Ills book aro In a doplarable
condition. Tho exact oxtcnt of Wnt
son's dofnlcntlona will not bo known
for somo tlmo, but tho best ostlmato
now la $07,500,
(Ircnt Itnnks May Merge.
Now York, Juno 12. Announcement
wna-inado todny thnt negotiations look
ing toward tho morgor of tho National
Hank of Commorco with tho Wostorn
National Dank hns boeji resumed.
John O. Hondrlx president of tho Na
tional Hank of Comnlorco, said today
that hla bank would lucroaso Its cap
ital to $25,000,000.
Coal Operators Admit That the Price of
Fuel Is to He Raised.
Now York, Juno 11. Tho Interstate
Commcrca Commission returned to
Now York todny to contlnuo the Inves
tigation Into tho complaint of W. It.
Hearst that tho coal-carrying railroads
bavo violated and aro violating the
nntl-pooling section of tho Sherman
anti-trust law. Tho commission post
poned tho hearing until tho United
States Circuit Court had passed on
tho right of tho coal road presidents to
refuso to answer questions as to con
tracts between tho coal companies and
tho railroads.
Robert M. Ollphant, ox-prcsldcnt of
tho Delaware & Hudson, ono of tho re
spondent railroads, wad tho first wit
ness. Ho corroborated tho statements
of tho other coal men, who have testi
fied that the price of coal to the public
Is to bo raised 10 cents a ton a month
until a maximum Increase of CO cents
a ton Is reached. Ho was not prepar
ed to ay that tho Increased cost of
production would not exceed 30 cents.
"Wo could KCt a higher prlco If we
OBkcd for It," ho ndded. It was out of
deference to the needs of tho public.
tho witness said, that tho price of coal
was kept at $C Just after tho strike.
when tho Independent operators were
getting $8 to $10.
Adclbcrt Moot, of counsel for the
Erlo nystom, protested that tho com
mission has no Jurisdiction In any mat
ter that concerns tho prlco of coal.
Tho commission decided It could con
sider tho prices realized for tho pro
duct to arrlvo nt the reasonableness
or tho unronsonablcnoda of tho freight
Judgo Campbell, tho legal represen
tative of tho Reading oystem, declared
his clients ready to conccdo thnt the
price of coal Is about $S per ton, and
that tho prlco will Increase until $5.S0
Id reached.
Mr. Moot, nttornoy for Mr. Ollphant.
argued that, as thoy handled no coal
but from Its own mines, neither the
commission nor Congress had any au
thority to investigate Its prices. Tbo
commission overruled tho objection.
Mr. Shorn read from tho record the
contract between J. J. Jermyn and the
Susquehanna Coal Company, mado on
November 1, 1900. Dy that contract
tho Jcrraynn agreed to Bell the entire
producU'ot their mines to tho Btyujuo
bannn & Wcatem Coal Company at
certain prices, ranging from 50 per
cent of tho tldo water prlco realized
for pen coal to 0C per cent realized for
atovo and chestnut coal. Tho commie
son adjourned until tomorrow.
France Will PunUh Rebels for Attacking
Oovcrnor General.
IlcnIOunlf, Algeria, Juno 11. Tho
French artillery oponod a preliminary
flro at C:30 o'clock this morning on
Flgulg, tho stronghold of tho rebellious
Zcnngamn trlbeamon, who recently at
tacked and tried to ambush Governor
Gonornl Jonnart and hla escort, of
whom 13 woro seriously Injured. The
actual bombardment began nt 7:30
o'clock and lasted until 11 A. M.. when
a great destruction of - houses had
been wrought Tbo mosque was des
troyed and it la bcltovrd a great num.
her of natives wero killed.
At 9:30 A. M. tho French troops oc
cupied Julcvo Hill and another emin
ence, both strategic positions, by a sur
prise movemont. From these hills ex
cellent work wna dono. tho mellnlto
sholtn making a big breach In the ram
partd ami destroying a multttudo of
houses. Finally tho flro waa concon
tarted on tho roosquo, which was much
vonorated and tho edifice was blown
to ploccd. At 11 o'clock tho Froneh
mins woro withdrawn to Ennan-Ed-Dnr,
whoro Genera! O'Connor wns
awaiting offors of submission when
this dlapatch left. Throughout the en
gagement thoro wna no loss of llfo on
tho French aldo. Tho French artillery
fired COO sheila at tbo town. At 3:30
this afternoon nn envoy from tho
Amoor of Flgulg arrived at this placo.
It Is possible If tho Flgulg tribesmen
do not como to torrad, other villages In
tho oasis will ba bombarded. The ex
pedition will rest tomorrow.
Tho bulk of tho population of Flgu
lg Is expected to bo friendly to the
French, na neighboring tribes are as
sisting In tho operations of tho puni
tive oxpodltlon.
Franco has formally notified the pow
ers thnt sho had no Intontlon of taking
Moroccan torrltory, nnd will only pun
ish the Araj tribes who attacked Gon
ornl Jounart.
Explosion On New Monitor,
Nowport News. Vn., Juno 11. "While
tho now monitor Novndn wna nt target
practleo off the Capos this afternoon
nn explosion of ono of tho big guns
toro up tho turret. Intllottng consldor
ablo damago. Tho monitor roturnod
to Old Point Comfort nnd tho Navy
Department wna notlflod. Orders ara
oxpoctod directing the monitor to sail
at onco to ono of tho navy yards for
They Favor m Ship Canal-Submerge
Dam U Meld to De Impracticable
Work Will Now He Held Vp Until
1904 Major Umgfltt Ordered to
Make Sutvtyt.
Washington, Juno 10. Tbo Doard of
Army Engineers that roccntly visited
tho obstructions In the Columbia Wror
between Tho Dalles and Celllo, has de
cided to abandon tho Ilnrto plan for
opening of tho rlvo rat that point,
nnd In lieu thereof will prepare plans
and estimates for a contiuou ship ca
nal from tho foot of tho dalles raplda
to tho head of Celilo Falls. Tho Harts
plan, as haa been heretofore explained,
contemplated tho construction of a sub
merged dam In the Columbia, with a
view to draining out Fivo Mllo Itapids.
Tho river was then to bo opened
around othor obstructions by means of
two or thrco short canals.
Tlio engineers, on their recent trJc
to Oregon, visited tho scene of the pro
posed improvement, and, after study
ing tho nntural conditions and eur
roundlnga, concluded, by unanimous
voto. that tho dam proposition wad al
together Impracticable. In tho first
place, whllo Captain Harts proposed
constructing Jhls dam at a point where
the river is but 200 feet wldo. ho sup
podod Its dopt wns only 40 or 50 feet,
and so based tho calculation. Major
Langfltt determined, nfter careful
SOUndlneS. thnt thn rinntt. . -
p60 feet, and tho velocity of the current
' ereai mm u would be practically
Impossible to place In position the ma
terial for tho dam. The members of
tho board concluded that a stream of
sufficient volumo and great enough
current to cut a gorgo 200 feet wldo,
and of nearly the samo depth through
solid rock, could not bo dammed arti
ficially for anything short of an unwar
ranted sum, nnd they entertain grave
aoubta whether a dam could ever bo
successfully built there at any cost
When thoy found that tho keystone
of Harts' plaacoIitot bVconsidered.
and determined that evenRmo"dlflca-" "
tlon of tho Harts plan on a practical
basis, could not bo carried out for tho
amount thnt hod been authorized for
this improvement, tho board determin
ed to prepare rough plans and esti
mates for tho construction of a con
tinuous canal, extending nround nil the
obstructions between The Dalles and
In nccordanco with this determina
tion, tho board requested authority for
the making of necessary survcyd for
such a canal, and authority has been
granted, tho work to be carried out un
der direction of Major Langfltt At
this tlmo tho board will ventuto no
rough cstlmnto of the cost of a con
tluous canal, although an catimato
mndo by an old board placed tbo figure
at $10,000,000. whereas tho Harts pro
ject was estimated to codt approxi
mately $4,000,000. It Is by no means
assuorod that tho now cslmates will
bo as high as tho former figure, as
tbo board, boforo reporting, will have
a comprehensive survey upon which to
baso Its estimates, and a fairly accu
rate catimato of the cost of the Im
provement la expected.
Th.Q !i0rd .has not "Ported to tho
Chief of Engineers, and probably will
not do bo until It has completed the
estimate for n enntlmtmia ..n.l mi.,.
delay means thnt no work will bo done
tooKing to mo opening of tbo river
Curlnn thu.nresen uuenn Qi,,.i.i v,
War Department npprov.0 tho board's
u,mlt. iu luvur oi a continuous canal,
and this will unquedtlonably bo done,
SlnCO thore lin nlwnva Imnn .ln,,t.t
to tho thorough practicability of tho
Harts plan, no work can bo undertaken
Until Concress hnn )... .......
Pro IOC L Tho last rlvnr unit hnrhnv. kill
authorized tho work, provided it could
uo none wunin mo estimate on tho
Harts project, but not otherwise.
OTcr Two Hundred Towns Have Suffered
From High Water.
Kansas City, Mo., Juno 10. Kansas
hna suffered as n result of tho recent
Hoods mora than nnv nfhnr atntn xt
oxnet figures of tho loss sustalnod can,
of course, bo given, but tho dnmngo
dono In tho principal cltled and towns
Is estimated ns follows:
North Topokn, $500,000: Lawrence
$250,000; Snllna, $200,Q00: Manhattan!
$150,000; Junction City. $100,000; Solo-
lnnn. XKO.Onn.- Alillnnn torn nnA. T 1..1.
borg, $100,000; Hutchinson. $100,000;
Minneapolis, fiuu.uuu; ismporln. $C5.
000; Florence. $50,000; Lincoln Center.
$50,000; Atchison, $100,000; Argentine.
$2,000,000; Kansas City, Kan., and
suburbs, $8,000,000. Nearly 200 small-
or towns woro anccieci ny mo flood,
Tho lowest estlmnfn thnt run )
made of tho loss to crops is $5,000,000.