The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, June 12, 1903, Image 6

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Timber Act June j. i!.;
V.8. Mnd Office, The Dalle, Oregon,
Mav o. i.
Nolle la hereby given lh.t In compliance with
the provision ofthe Act or Congr or June 3,
I54, entitled, "An net for the saleof Umber land
In the states of CnllfornU, Oregon, Nevada, and
Washington Territory," a extended to all'thr
public la ml atalc by Act of August 4, 192, the
rtillnwtntr-ttAmcd rtcrson have on October 4. twit.
filed In thin office their sworn statements, to-wlt.
Jen K. Rasmussen,
of ifi Howard t. Spokane, county of Spokane,
state of Washington: sworn statement No 1173,
for the purchase of the ne qr ace 11, t to t, r ij e,
June Larson,
fit West Third Ave, Spokane, qiunly of Spo
kstne, slate of Washington: nworn statement No
1174, for the purchase of the swqr sec a, tp 10 ,
r U e, w m.
Andre 1. RuimiMtn,
of 33 Second st, Spokane, county of Spokane,
stateof Washington: sworn statement No 1173.
far the purchase of the a lif mr qr and lot J and
4, sec a. tp n a, r t 3 e. w m.
That they will offer proof to show that the land
sought l more valuable for Ita timber or tnne
titan for agricultural putpose. and to establish
their claims to said land before the Register and
Receiver at The Italic, Oregon, on I'nday, the
tHIidayofJuly. iw)
They name a nrltneaaca: Andrea l Rasmusen,
Arne lierkeland. Olc It Anderson, Jane Larson,
Jen K RasHiusen. all of Spokane, Wash
Any and all person claiming adversely the
above-described land arc requested to file their
claim lu this office on or before the said i;th
day of July, 1003
mylj-jyt? MICIIAKL T. NOLAN. Iteglster.
Timber Land, Act June 3, lSjJ.
U. 8. Land Office, The Dalles, Oregon,
May 9, 190J.
Notice U hereby given that In compllanre with
the provisions ofthe Act of Congtrs of June s.
19;$. entitled, "An act for the sale of timber laud
In the state of California, Oregon. Nevada, and
Washington Territory," a extended to all the
public land states by Act of August 4. 191, ,nc
following-named person have on Sept so, 1902,
filed in this office their sworn statements, to-wlt
Julius II. Toleften.
of Seattle, county of King, state of Washington;
sworn statement No 1111, for the purchase of the
nw qr sec 23, tp to s. r 1 j e. w m.
Maccle K. Tolefsen.
of Seattle, countr of Kins?, state of Washington
sworn statement No nit, for the purchase of the
tw qr sec 13, tp jo s, r 13 e, w in.
Charles K Lewis,
of Seattle, county of Kinr. state of Waahlm ton
Sworn statement No mj, for the purchase of the
aw qr sec 14, tp a, r 13 e, w m.
Krnest II Morton,
of Seattle, county of King, slate of Washington;
sworn statement No 1114. for the purchase of the
ne qr sec 34, tp so s, r 13 e. w ra.
George Ford,
of Seattle, county of King, state of Washington;
sworn statement No uij, for the purchase of the
qr sec 14, tp s. r I 3 e, w m.
Julius Singer,
of mm Cherry st, Seattle, county of King, state oi
Washington; sworn statement No mi, far the
purchase of the uw qr sec 14, tp ao a, r l(, w m.
Thomas D. Johnson,
of Pendleton, county of Umatilla, stateof Oregon;
sworn statement No 1117, for the purchase of the
w qr tecs, tp 10 s, r Ij e, w m.
John II Rowland,
of 127 Hast Mke Ave, Seattle, county of King,
stateof Washington, sworn statement No ma.
for the purchase of the nw qr sec J, tp s, r 13
e, wm.
That they will offer proof to show that the land
ought is more valuable for it timber or stone
than for agricultural purpose, and to establish
their claims to said land before the Register and
Receiver at The Dalles, Oregon, on Monday, the
aolhdayof July, 1903.
They name as witnesses- Charles K Lewis,
Julius niuger. Julius II Tolefsen, Krnest It Mor
ton, George ford, all of Seattle, Wash.
Any and all person claiming adversely the
above-described (and are requested to file their
claim In thl office on or before the said jolh
'day of July, 1903.
mij-ji7 MICIIAKL T. NOLAN, Register.
Timber Land, Act June 3, 187,
U. S. Land Office, The Dalles. Oregon,
Mav o. toot.
Notice 1 hereby given that In compliant with
the provisions ofthe Act of Congress of June 1
lSr3, entitled, "An act for the sale of limber lands
In the states of California, Oregon, Nevada, and
Washington Territory," a extended to all the
public land state by Act of August 4, itgi, the
fottowlng.naincd persona have on Sept 30, 19M.
filed In this office their sworn statements, to-wlt
Iermelia A Barnes,
of Irineville, county of Crook, state of Oregon,
sworn statement No 1119, for the purchase of the
hf sw qr and sw qr se qr sec 13. and nw qr ne qr
aec 24, tp 17 , r to e, w in.
Levi D. Wlest.
of Bend, county of Crook, state of Oregon; sworn
statement No 1130, for the purchase of the c hf
seqraec33, and whfswqr see 34, tp IS s, r 11 c,
w ra.
That they will offer proof to show that the land
sought 1 more valuable for It timber or stone
than for agricultural purpose, and to establish
their claims to said land before J. M Lawrence,
U. 8, Commissioner, at Deschutes, Oregon, on
I'riday, the 17th day of July, 1991.
They name as witnesses: William J. Watklns,
Aaron I Watklns, Martha Morris and John W
name, of ITiucrillc. Oregon; and A M Drake,
C J Cottor. J I West and Ovid Riley, of Iicnd, Or
egon. Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above-described lands arc requested to file their
claims In this office on or before the said 17th day
nfjuljr, 1903.
mij.j!7 MICHAI'.L T. NOLAN. Register.
Timber I.nd, Act June 3, 1S7S.
U. . Land Office, The Dalies, Oregon,
May 11, 19113.
Notice is hereby given that In compliance with
the nrovislons ofthe Act of CouKrrs of June 1.
)M, eutitled, "An tut for the sale of timber land
in the state of California, Oregon, Nevada, and
Washington Territory," a extended to all the
Jmbllc land states by Act of August 4, i"9, the
ollowlng-named persons have filed In this office
their sworn statements, to-wlt.
Charles A Stanburrough
of Bend, county of Crook, stateof Oregon; sworn
statement No tut. filed Oct it. iu. fur the our-
chase ofthe u,4nwj and nw," nejf sec J and
swg ihji sec 24, ip 17 s, r 11 e, vr m.
Olire A. West
of Bend, county of Crook, state of Oregon; sworn
statement No 13S1, filed Oct 14, 1901, for the pur
chase ofthe sej see at, tp 19 , r 10 e, w m.
Henry P. Schneider
ofSpooner, county of Washburn, state of Wis
consin; sworn statement No 1393, filed Oct 20,
ia, for the purchase ofthe sw) sec 36, tp lis,
r 10 e, w ra.
John I. West
of Bend, county of Crook, state of Oregon: sworn
statement No 1413, filed Oct 11, igot, for the pur
chase ofthe cH ncK, ud ui actf sec 24, tp 17 s,
r lie, wm.
Maxem Lel'age
of Bend, county of Crook, state of Oregon: sworn
statement No 1442, filed Oct 31, 1901, for the pur.
chase ofthe sw neX.scJt' uwjf and, lots 2 and j
aec 6, tp 17 a, r 10 e, w ra,
That they will offer proof to show that the land
sought Is more valuable for it timber or stone
than for agricultural purpose, and to establish
their claims to said land before J, M. Lawrence,
V K. Commissioner, at Deschutes, Oregon, on
Saturday, the 1st day of August, 193.
They name as witnesses: Plorcnce W Drake,
Ovid Kiley, John I West, Prank Glass, Prank
West, T O Harshmau. Kean West, George Clen
denning, Glenn Marsh, Richard King, O J Gray,
C A btanburrough, Charles J Cottor, Ora I'oln
dexter, John Mitchell, lame Alexander, lidward
Whitney, John Bloas, all of Bend, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above-described lands are requested to file their
claims in this office ou or before the said 1st day
of August, 1903.
ui2?j)i MICHAUL T. NOLAN, Register,
Timber Land, Act June 3, )8-.
U. 8. Land Office. The Italics, Oregon,
Mayo, 19113.
Notice Is hereby given that In compliance with
ItlM im,l.l.,, rt Ilia At .,r IVt1.,aw ,l lt,(. .
isjs, entitled, "An act fur the sale of timber laud
in we state or California, Oregon, No-nun, ami
Washington Terrltorj-," a extended to all the
public land state by act of August 4, l9. the
followlnc-tiatncd pemoinhaveon Sept 17, 190a,
filed In this office their sworn statements, to-wlt
Kami Smith,
of Rock Creek, county of Baker, state of Oregon,
sworn statement No dm, fur the purchase otitic
sw qr sec 4, tp 19 , r t e, w m.
Joseph It. Claypoot,
of Sister, county of Crook, slate or Oregon,
sworn statement No i,t. for the pmchasc of the
se qr see 1, tp 19 a, r t e, w in
That they wilt offer proof to show that the land
ought Is more valuable fur It timber or stone
than for agricultural purHes, and to establish,
their claims to said land define W A. Hell, V H.
Commissioner, at I'tluevllte, Oregon, ou Satur
day, the iSthdayof July, 1901.
They name as witnesses, rerry Polndexttr. of
Irtuevllle, Oregon, Orn IMIndcxter, of Iteitd, Or
egon. Kami Smith, of Rock Creek, Oregon, ami
Joseph 11 Clayuol and I.uteu Alllnghaiu, of Sis
ters, Oregon.
Anv and all ftrrnon elalmlii adversely the
atwve-descrilied land are requested to file their
claims In this office on or before thesald ith day
of July, 1903.
Timber Land, Act June 3, 1 W.
U. . Iind OtHce, The Italic, Oregon,
Mav u. loutt.
May 9, lodd.
Notice Is hereby given that In compliance with
the provisions ofthe Act of Congress of June 3,
lS?1. entitled. "An art for the safeof timber lamia
In the state of California, Oregon, Nevada, and
Washington Territory," a extended to all the
public land date by Act of August 4, 191 the
following-named persons have bled In till office
their sworn statements, to-wlt:
Charles II. Adanu,
of The Dalle, county of Wasco, state of Oregon,
sworn statement No ttt, filed Sept 19, 1901. for
the purchase of the n hfse qr and u hfawqrsec
9, tp ita, r toe, wm.
Jerome N. Lauer.
of The Dalles, county of Wasco, state of Oregon,
sworn statement No lit, filed Sept so, 1901, for
the purchase ofthe 11 lit seur and u lit sw ur sec
e, tpus, r toe, wm.
Charles K. Twlncham,
of The Italics, county of Wasco, state of Oregon,
sworn statement No t4. filed Sept ), 19U. fur
the purchase of the n hf se qr seqr, se qr sec 7,
and sw qr sw qr sec, tp it , r 19 e, w in.
Johu Scott Sullivan,
of 3o Ilelmont st, lirtUml, county of Multno
mah, stateof Oregon, sworn statement No jt,
filed May 14, 190J. for the purchase of the ne qr
sec 9, tp 11 s, r w e, w m.
Kstella M. Spear,
of Shaniko, county of Wasco, stale of Orrgou.
sworn statement No ur?. filed Sept so, tyM, for
the purchase of the swqrneqr, n hfaeqrandsc
qrscqr sec 13, tp 19 s, r 11 e, w m.
That they wilt offer proof to shew that the land
ought Is more valuable for its limber or stone
than for agricultural purpose, and to csUMttfc
their claim to said laud before the Register and
Receiver at The Dalle. Oregon, on Wednesday,
the Jl day of July. 194
Tltey name as witnesses J 8 Sullivan, ol Port
land, Oregon. Udward Graham, of Sisters, Ore
gon. Charles R Twlnehaiu, Jerome Lauer ami
Charles II Adams, of The Dalle. Oregon, and
Henry A Spear, Don Res, Albert K Hammond
and raullnc Hammond, of bhanlko, Oregon.
Any and all persous dalmlng adversely the
above-described lands are requested to file their
claims In this office on or before the said lid day
of July. 1903.
nyij-jyi7 MICIIAKL T. NOLAN. Register.
Timber Land, Act 'June 3, 1S7.
U. 8. Land Office, The Jtalle. Oregon,
May 9, lyjj
Notice is hereby given that In compliance with
the provisions ofthe Act of Congress of June
lie Act of Conxres of June 1.
IB78, entitled. "An act for the sale of timber land
In the stale of California, Oregon, Nevada, and
Washington Territory," as extended lo all the
public land state by Act of August 4, l9- the
oiiowing-namea person nave on (Kroner 3. 19W.
filed In ihts office their (worn statements, to-wlt
Charles A Mottern.
of Rockford. county of Spokane, state of Wash
ington, sworn statement, 710 im, lor tne pur
chase of the se qr sec J, Ip iSs, r lie, wra.
Louis C. Kopplng,
of Rockford, county of Spokane, state of Wash
ington; sworn statement No iji, for the pur
chase ofthe acqr sec 33, tp Its, r ue. wm.
Willis m II Bottoms,
of Rockford. county pf Spokane, state of Wash
ington: sworn statement No ii, for the pur
chase of the sw qr sec 33, tp is, r it e, w in.
That they will offer-proof to show tint the la ml
sought Is more valuable for ita timber or stone
than for agricultural purpose, and ta establish
their claim to said land before the Register ami
Receiver at The Dalle, Oregon, on Saturday,
the itthday of July, 1903.
They name as wimease: John fitddl, of The
Dalles, Oregon; Thome Dahl, W II Bottoms,
Louis C Kopplng, Chaa A Mottern, of Rockford,
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above-described lands are requested lo file their
claims in this office on or before the said 18th
day of July, 1903.
niijji? jiikUAiu, 1. .TUM.-i, Kcgisicr-
Desert Land, Pinal Proof.
U. 8. Land Office, The Dalles, Oregon,
April 77, mo
Notice Is hereby siren that William H. Pry-
rear, of Sisters, Oregon, has filed notice of in
tention to make proof on his deaert:land dalm
No 83. for the WU hWU and WM NWJf sec ta,
IP is . rue, W M, before J J Smith. County
Clerk, at Prlneville. Oreuon. on Friday, the lit 11
day of June. 1903
He name the following witnesses to prove the
complete Irrigation and reclamation of said land.
Msrceuu l mom, jsmes 11 iiouson, rratm
si iiousou ana wiuiain i" Ainota, 01 Bisters, wr-
mft-jii MICIIAKL T. NOLAN..Hcgistcr.
Tlratier Land, Act June 3, 1878.
Notice for Publication.
V. H. Land Office, The Dalles, Oregon.
Mav ii. inai.
Notice I hereby given thai In compliance with
the provisions oflhe'Act of Congress of June 3,
1878, entitled, "An actior the aaleot timber land
in the state of California, Oregon, Nevada, and
Washington Territory," as extended lo all the
J mime una state ny Act 01 August 4, iwji, me
ollowing-named persons have on Oct 4, !''.
filed lu this office theltjsworn statements, to-wlt
Thomas J Swift,
of Wamlc, county of Wasco, stale of Oregoif
worn statement No 1178, for the purchase ofthe
hf sw qr, ae qr nw qr and lot 3 aec 3, Ip s, r 13
e, Win.
Liole Allen,
of Wamlc, county of Wasco, state of Oregon;
sworn statement No J277. for the purchase ofthe
hfucqraudlol land 2 aec 3, tp ao a, r 13 e,
Andrew C Rothrock,
of Grass Valley, county of Sherman, state of Ore
gon; iworn statement No 1276, for the purchase
of these qr sec 3, Ip 20 a, r 13 c, wm.
That they will offer proof lo show that the land
sought is more valuable fur ita limber or stone
than for agricultural purposes, and to establish
Iheir claim to said land before the. Register and
Receiver at The Italics, Oregon, 011 Saturday,
the 23th day of July, 1903.
They name as witnesses. Little Allen, Doug
las Allen, Thomas J KwifL of Wamlc, Oregon,
Andrew C Rothrock of Grass Valley, Oregon,
and I, V, Alliiighain, of Warm Springs, Oregon.
Anv and all Dcrsons clalmlnir adversely the
above-describtd land are reutiested to file their
claims in this office on or before the said 23th
usy 01 July, 1903
wngu w
ICIIAP.L T. NOLAN, Register,
Timber Land. Acl June 3, tj8.
United HtateLMut tomce, The Dalle, OreRon,
' April M. I9UJ.
Notice Is licttliy given that hi xiupllaiire wllh
tuv MnisHiiisoi uie Act 01 v-uugrrss ui juiir 3
ifcfS, entitled, "All act for Ihcanleof tlmbrr laiul
the Acl ofColiur of June .1
. "An art lliesnletif IlllllM-r lillldl
In thetlateaofColilotiila. Oregon, Nevada, and
Washington Trrrllrv ns pslrtldnl III nil the
public laud slate by iu of August 4, 191,
Jaonh N Uniting
of HUtera, csiuiity ofChHik, tate ufOrrgnii, l
on May 19, lyin,
led in this otlire hi sworn
siaicineni o
.1 v
the purchase 01 tne 11 in
m ,. In ij s. r in e. m- 111.
v or and vr hf se qr so i, tp 14 s
and will offer proof to show that liie land sought
Is more valuable fhr lis lnnlwr or stone than Tbr
agtleultiiral piitiMMe. and to establish hi claim
11 mini Minvi iwitire 1 J jsitnui, luumy (.tern, ni
lllnrville, Oregoif, on I'rstUy. the jdilay uf July,
tutll He liaillr as wlliirsse lite A OtnHalu.
Sriiutirt Weil and Cha viulberg, of Sister, Die
goti, and Hlla Hodge iifCrlnrville, Oirgoii
Anv and all tr,n ilniililliL ailveftelv the
above described Units air tniursTrtl In file ihvlr
claims In this office on or txlbre said l itay of
juiy, ivj
Tlmlier Land Act June 3. 17-
U. S. Land Office. The Italics. Oregon,
Anril sa. loai
April .. 1903
icomivlwnce w
Notice Is hereby given that IncomulUnee with
ttie inuvlstoH Bflhe Act of Cuugttss of Jmiw
Coiifftass of luirt 1.
17. eiitlllnl, "AusKfur the lule uf tllulier laihls
in thestatosiifCallfWal. Oregon. Nevaita, and
Washington Territory, a extended to all (lie
public land state by act of August 4, 1S91,
HdmundK White,
of Davidson, county efPolk, slate of MluiiesoU,
ha on May 19. 19M, ftleil In this office hi
sworn statement Njo for the purchase of the
se iir nw qr and lot 1, 4 and 3. sec 6. Ip i s. r 11
e.w ni . and will oner proof to show that the
laud sought ts mure valuable for Its timber or
stone than for agrlcultuiat purpose, and to es
tablish his claim lo sakl land before the Reg
ister and Receiver of this office at The 1 Miles,
Orrgtta. on I'riday. the ith day of July, lu
He nmrwnnres J II Haner nfltend,
fl,.MkH !-!, 111.,.. I......I S U.... a... I UI.I-.
t Cameron, all of Hood River, Oregon
.1711111 an iersMii cwiHiing auveissiy wie
aUivc descrlld laud xie requested to file Ihetr
claim lu thl office on or before; the Mid ttli
day of July, hmi,
ai-jM MICIIAHI. T NOLAN. Rrglstrr.
Timber Land Art June 3. 1S7.
Notice for Publication.
V. 8. Land Office. The Dalle. Oregon,
May 11, M3
Notice I hetrhy given that In (sHnpttamw with
the previsions rthe Act of Congress of June J.
ij, entitled. "An act for the sateof timber latstit
In the slates ere HRxnM. Oregon, NevsHta and
Washington Territory." a c-Hlt lo all Ike
public land stale by Act of A i,H.t 4, irV, tbe
follow I tig-named jrsms h tiled lu this orftee
their sworn statements, lo-w ..
tSeorge I'eulner,
of Culver, county sH Crook, state of Orrgtm,
sworn statement Ny it. Hied Oet J. Sy. fr the
urclMseof the hfse qr and s hi swqr secj.
tp 17 a, r so e, win.
Guslave 7emke.
of Culver, eminly of Creak, state of Oregon;
sworn statement No itsxi. filed Oct 7, vjut. fW the
purchase ofthe sw qr sec 1, tp 17 a, r we.'w m.
George II Kdllngbeek,
of Culver, county of Crek. stale of Oregon,
sworn statement No 194, filed Oet 7, lyH, for Ihe
purchase of the nwqrsev i. tp 17 s, r ie, w m.
Pred L. Kitllngbcck.
of Culver, county ol Crook, slate of Oregon;
sworn statement No ! filel Oct 7. 9t, for the'
purchase of Ihe neqr sec 10. tp 17 s, r i r. w m
Prank M IjkrrUnd.
of Culver, county of Crmik, slate of Oregon,
Iworn statement No lA filed Oct 7, y, Ivr the
puicnnsc 01 ui? m- r see io, ip 17 s, r t c, w ni.
I.uev Klillnirhrtk-
of Culver, county of Crouk, state M Oregon;
aworn statement Nil iMf). filed (Kt 7, Ifloi. fur the
purchase ofthe nwr we 13, Ip 17 s, r to e, w 111.
Kittle Luveland,
sworn statement No ity, filed Oct 7, r?l, for tit
purchase of Ihe w hf ne qr and ne qr ne qr sec 14
and aw qrscqr sec 11, Ip 17 a, r toe. w in
Delta I. Davis,
of Culver, county of Crook, slate of Oregon,
aworn statement No 119, filed Oet 7. syx, for Ihe
purchase of the n sir set 14, Ip I? a. r w e, w m.
Kalharlna It. f&mrr.
of Culver, reunty of Crook, state ol Oregon;
sworn statement No tju, filed on 7, toat, far the
Iiurchaw of the w hfse qr, ne qr se qr, and se qr
neqrsec 14, tp 17 s. r w, w m
Henry M. Davis,
of Culver, csmnly of Crook, stale of Oreatm.
sworn statement No 130s, filed Oct 7. K. fW Ihe
purchase of the ne qr assr 15, Ip 17 a, r s , w m
Prnta Cut p.
of Culver, county of Crook, state of Oregon,
sworn staleaseHt No 133, filed Oct 7. iyt, for Ihe
purchase of Iba se qrsveqr, n hf swqr ami uwqr
sc qr ac 3A, Ip 17 a. r in e, w in
WIIIhIui Goinrr.
of Culver, county of Crook, stale of Oregon,
sworn statement No 1411, filed Oct JI.I-yM. for the
purchase ofthe sw qr ue qr and w hi seqr sec 1,
and nw qr ne qr sec 17, Ip 17 4, r i e. w in.
Anne lfcGomer, ,
of Culver, county of Crook, state of Oregon,
sworn statement No 1411, filed Oet Ji.lVW.fvr the
imrchascoflhcchfswqraiidnw qr t qr sec
14, tp 17, r toe. wm. ,
That they wilt offer proof lo allow that Iheland
sought ss more valuable for Ita limber or alone
than for agricultural purposes, and to MtaMUh
their stalms lo sasd land before J. M. Uwrtasr,
V S. Commissiooer, at DeschHIea, Oregon, oh
l'ri4ay, Ihe 4th day of July, lytl.
They 11s ma ss witmsases: llenry M IMtls,
Samuel A Davis. Prank M Lnveland. Austin V
Cutp, WillUw G Klllingbcek, George II Kflllng-
U4VK, an 01 quiver, itregon. v
Any and all tasona atalmlnr adrrrsslv the
above-described landa are requested In Ale their
claims In this office on or before Ihe said 24th day
of July, 191(3
intt-jM MICIIAKL T. NOLAN, Register.
Timber Land. Ad June 3, lr.
U. H. !,and Office, The Dalles, Oregon,
April u, K13.
Notice is hereliy given Dial In cumpllancc with
the provision ofthe Act of Congress of June 3,
171, entitle.! "Aii art for the sale of Umber
lauds lu the states of California, Oregon, Nevada
and Washington Territory," as extended lo all
Ihe public land stale by Act uf August 4, 1H92.
the following named persons have Filed III thl
office their sworn statements, to-wlt,
John J. McGulgau,
of The Dalles, county of Wasco, state of Oregon;
aworn atateiiieul No jdo, filed April 4, I'vj, for
the purchase ofthe ue nr see 29, ip it s, r is c,
w ni.
lohn Illoss. '
of The Dalle, county of Wasco, stale of Oregon;
sworn statement No 144, filed April 7, iij, for
the purchase ofthe ue qr sec 17, il 13 r 10 c,
wra. '
Peter McGulgau,
of The Daltea, county of Wasco, state of Oregon;
sworu statement No 240, filed April 3, 1901, for
the purchase of Ihe swqr ec 17, tp 13 r toe,
vr ra.
That thev will offer nroof lo show that the
laud sought Is more valuable for it Umber or
stone than for agriiullural purposes, and to es
tablish their claims to said laud before the Reg
ister and Receiver at The Dalles, Oregon, uu
I'riday, the 10th day of July, 1903.
Thev name as witnesses. Michael Connor,
JohnHost, Prrderlck W Smith, 1'ctcr McGul
gau and John McGulgau, of The Dalles, Oregon,
and James II Lane, of Minneapolis, Minn.
Any ami all persons claiming adversely the
above described tamls ori- reciuested to file their
claims lu this office on or before thesald 10th day
of July, 1903
l-jio MICIIAKL 1. NOLAN, Register.
Timber Land, Acl June 3, lljN,
U. H, Und Office, The Italic, Oregmi,
A pill i. 19.13.
Notice Is htieby given that In vnmpllin.e wllh
Ihe provision nf ihe Act iifCniigre of Junr 3.
itsft. entitled "An ml fur the sale uf llmbir
lntiillu thestnleaiifCnllliiriila, lliegiiu, Nevtula
and Washington Territory," as rxtrndnl to all
the public laud state by Acl uf August 4, ilt-tf,
Ihe following named prison have 011 Match .,
ivo,,flll In thl utile? their smirn ttntcmcnlt,
Prank P. Ilusov.
of lrntmliigliMt, county ill Whllinati, stale uf
wnsiiiiigtnn. swutit smieniciil No , lor the
purehiiseofllie ueirev 14, tp 13 a, r 18 c, w 111
Mill Wallsta.
of PatinlMgtiiii, county of Whllman, state of
Washington, sworn sfalsiiisnl Nil l, flir Ihe
pinclwiK of the qr sec 14, tp 13 , r 10 e, w 111
William H. McPntlaud,
of Pnriiilnglou, county of Whitman, tate of
Washington, swot 11 statement Nu , fftr the
piiietisse ui tne se qr nee 13, tp 13 s, r t e, w in,
Krnest II Walker.
of Pariiilugtun. county uf Whitman, stale uf
wnstitngtim. sworn statement No Ml, liw tlte
Hir(lMsuf the seqr sec 11, tp 13 , r Me, w 111
IllHoe Kliuwles.
uf I'aiinlniilini, ruuiity uf Whitman, stole uf
WHsniHgluM. suorii slaletiitnt Nit ajst, for the
imichase ofthe sw qr aec ij. Ip 13 s, r la e, v in.
That Ihey will offer proof lu shuw dial Iheland
might I mote valuable for II tluil-er or tune
than fur agik-uliuml HiriMs, and to establish
their claim to sakl laud liefttre the Register ami
Receiver at The Dalle, Oregon, on Tintimluy,
Hit nth day of July, 1943
They nninr a utliis.' Alt Wtdfe, uf !
Ihc City. Wash, Tliimia Tweat. of The Italic,
Ormrrni. and l II Walker, liruee KiiowIm. Wm
Orrgmi, and It Ii Walker, lirtiee Kuuwlea,
It Md'atUitd, Joseph H Wallets, Sol Waltei ami
wim wallet a,
mluiton. Wash
i' r imsey 01 rot
Any and all
and all iietsuu (salmliig adversely Ihe
described lands ate inpiesleil lu file Iheir
1 lu this office on ur before ihe said nth day
of July, leaj
ai-jio MICIIAHI, T. NOLAN, Register
Timber Mud, Act June 3, irs
Notice for Publication.
I' 8. Mud Office. The Italic, Oirgou.
May II. ryaj.
Notice I hereby given that I if nmipllaticc wllh
Ihe pio.tii ofthe Act of Conrtess of June 3,
17, enlllleil, 'An act for the saleof timber Uihs
In Ihe slates of California, llirgon, Nevada and
Washington Territory." as extended lu alt Ihe
puliM UM sa by Art of August 4. i, Ihe
(AlVoMliig -MHsrtl petwn have ou ttat , tos,
filesl lu this ulfitr their swum slaleniclils, lwlt.
Awtftsstus H 1S.WP.S.
ofotsjPlrtt Ave. npokane. county of Sjwkai
for the i-urvltaseof thee hf twq
set ii, Ip 17 s. r I r, w ni
Mate 01 nastiiHgtoti, tworn sMicmeiil ts it
r an.le hfnw
tahtl llsswaitSAUt
ofVm. cooHly of HMiihoiie. state of IrUbot
swvrii sMiTo-tit no irvi, ror tne inmitasc
of the nw qr see at, tpl7s. r toe, w m.
George Wjilesrnt,
ofoasPltst Av. Skaue, ewiiiiy of Spokane,
sialeof Was4tlHg4Hi. swoih statement A Irvf,
for Ihe Hirchase of the seqr sec if , Ipls, r we,
w m.
Arne lief kctaiol,
of 411 Second Ave, SK)kaue, swunly of Spohamr,
stale of Washington, sworti statfvtient Wo ta
rorlhepstietMscuf Ihe Ms 3 and 4, sec 3, Ip its,
rtoe, wm
Ole K Andrisun,
of 411 SeeofMl Av. Spokane, fstunly of Spokane,
state of Washington, aworn statement No is,
for Ihe iMtrtlMs ofthe 11 hfswqrM vs. H117S,
r M e. w m
That they will offer nroof to show lhal tha Urut
sought Is toote vnloaU for Us timber or stone
than for agricultural purposes, and lo establish
their citlm to said larnl before Ihe Ktgl.lsr and at The Italre. Oregon, on Saturday. Ihe
T-hev nam aswilnessss Henry W Uee.1 ut
IWiul. Oregon. George II TayWr. Augustus K.1
l-otsets. iieura W Stevens, Arne Uetkefaud. iHe
K An.lers.Hi, Thornton Whealley, Thonsahl IUh-
M.v. s. .. . ui i-intKaiic, ..HSfl, KIH.
John llssirtlisaii. nf Gem. Idaho
Any and all petson claiming advetscly Ihe
alissvtMlescrill laivla are requested to file; their
cUiiiis In mis office tin or before the sakl 13th thy
of July. ly3
intsjrt MICIIAKL T. NOIJtN. Register.
Timber Mml. At June 3, tf.
Notice for Publication.
V 8. Mud Office. The iMlle. Oregon
"f " ys3
.olke hi hereby glren that In vomplians wllh
; provtstons oTihc Att of Cengr of Jhiic 3,
i, eitillUd. "All act lor Ihe safeof tlmUr Uwfs
imRr V ItTTW.,'
IHe pr
tJ. e
la Ihe state of CslikKHl. Oregon, Xesrot. aod
WasolngUMi TrflUy," a eal4l to all the
Kbit laod HUlt by Act of Awgost 4, tlu. the
lowloit-isaHstsI iefo have oil Oct 3. ton.Ated
irn vfisr iseir sworn statemeois. to-wlt.
Richard Itmlghl,
of Itasl nrarsd Pork, county f Ivlk. stale of
Minnesota, sworn sUtewtHI No IM. for the
Hirchasofthciie)( sec , Ip hjs, r 13 c, win
Jeremiah Untight,
ofltast Grand Pork, county of Polk, slate of, sworn statement .o 1147, far Ihe
purcliase of Ihe swjf see t, Ip a, r 13 e, w m.
Thomas Untight,
of Hast Gra ml Polks, cvuutyel lotk, stale of
Mlnriwota; aworn stslemtiit No 1144, for the
purchase ofthe ue)( see 7, tp 19 s, r 13 c, w in.
Maitlu KtilmeM,
of Grand Porka, county of Grand Putks, stateof
North Dakota, aworn statement No i,, fertile
purchase nf Ihe ifcj setf, se swj and lot 7 sec 6,
Ip W s, r 13 e. w 111.
Prank ftmllh.
of Thompson, county of Grand Porks, slate of
North Dakota, sworn statement No not, for the
purchase ofthe nwy s 11, ip 19 a, rue, w 111.
Louisa McCallum.
of ifa.t Grand Porks, couuly of I'elk, sUle of
Minnesota, sworn statement So ur, furthciHir.
chase of Ihe nf sec 11, Ip m s, r la e, w 111.
lidwiriT Hpniroril,
of Thonisoii, county of Grand Pork, sialeof
North Dakota, sworn statement No 1131, for Ihe
purcliase of the sw )( sec 9, Ip a a, r 13 e, w 111.
Richard G Sacked,
of Thompson, county of Grand Porks, stateof
North Dakota, sworn statement No issx for the
purchase ofthe nw)( sec 9, tp so s, r I3.e, w in
John A Ramstad,
uf Grand Poiks, county of Grand ltiiks, state of
North Dakota, swum statement No 1133, fur Ihe
puictiaseof Ihe twlf awlf. self ! siid nail
wW sec M, ami ne) sctf sec 9, Ip ) a, X 13 e,
w in.
That they will offer proof to show thai Ihe laud
sought Is more valuable for Us limber or stone
than for agricultural purposes, and lu establish
their claims to said laud before Ihe Register ami
Receiver at The Dalle, Oregon, on Tuesday, the
asthday of July, p13.
They name as witnesses Thorns McCoy,
I'cltrJ McCoy. Jtrry Itnrlghl, Richard Kiirlght,
Thomas Knrlght, of Itust Grand Porks, Miiim
James J Merrick, ol The Dalles, Or, Martin Kid
mess, of Grand Porks, North Dak. John A Ram
stad. Kdwlil T Mnalfiird. C II lirlsbln uietur.t n
Sasketl, Prank Smith, of Thompson, N Dak.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
iwivc-dcscribcd lands are requested lo file their
claims In this office oil or before Ihe said aflliday
of July, 1903. '
iuji-JM MICIIAKL T. NOLAN, Register.
Desert Mud, Plual Proof,
U. 8. Mnd Office, The Dalles, Oregon,
April 27, 1903.
Notice I hereby given that William N. Cobb,
of Sisters, Oregon, has filed notice of Intention
to make proof 011 his desert-land claim No bo, for
IheNKK sec 31, Ip 14, r II c, W M, before J J
Smith, County Clerk, at 1'rliicville, Oregon, on
Prlday, Ihe ulluluy of June, 1903.
He names Die following witnesses to prove the
complete Irrigation and reclamation of said landi
Henry Catlln, 1 II Spark, John Taylor and 31
M Thomas, all of Sisters, Oregon,
lus-jia MICIIAKL T. NOLAN, Register.
Timber Laud, Acl June 3, 1A7A
V H. Land Office) Tha Italic, Orrgnn,
April i, 19-y,
Notice I hrrrliy given thai In tsiuipllanae wllh
Ihe provision unite Act of emigres of June 3,
, eiilllli-il "An net Ibr Ihe sale nriluiliifr
lands lu the states uf California, Oregon, Ntvniln
and Washington Ten (lory," a rxtsiulril In all
the public hind stnte by Alt uf Ailuust 4, ifsii.
the following nninwl peisons have ntril In Ihl
ulllre Ihclr swotn atntemriit, In wit.
Charles W Thuruthwalle,
ries w Tiiiiruiiiwalle,
unity r Net I'cica, slide r liUhtti
lit Nu , fllrif Aplll if. iw. fur
rihee hf tie qr see 311 and vv hf
ui .rwisiiiii, tsHimy
swillll strtlrmrnt I
Ihr purchase of I
liwqrscc , ll IN a, r It c, w III
Christine I. Thurnlhwalle, .
of LcwIbIhu. tsninly of Net l-enr, slate uf Malim
aworn atatemrMl Nu sy, (lie. I Apill an. ioi, Air
Ihepitiehaseiif Ihesw qr e art, Ip i s, r 11 e.
That Ihey will oiler proof 1 11 sliow tlisl the
landsiHighl Is iitorv valuablr for It limber w
sluiie Hutu Tar agilenlliital ihiiihm, oshI to
laldlsh Uielr rlalm lo Mttt laud befotss Ift Reg.
Kter ami Receiver at The
Dalles, Oiogoii, oil
Itlttay, July io, IV4I
uey nam' a wiutesse!
WilllaM Waal and
Jaw II llaiier. itrileii.,OrtgHi Us? M Omul,
of The Itallea, tlieonii. ami ChiWlM I. TUtwn
Ihwalleawl ClMlhs W rhotiilHwalic, of Lewis.
lull. Idaho.
Any and all iwisii tUlitilug ailienely Ihe
Bl;ve drsetilwsl laud ate iMiiesfrsI to file Uielr
etalins In this hHWc un or ImisMc Ihe saM Mill
ssr ui juiy. iwu
.-) IV
CII.Mil, T. NOLAN, Heglslrr
letl LlM. Iliml Proof.
V. H. Laud Offler, The I tails-.. Oiegon,
holies-1 hstebv uImu Hist liutuli z.,ts
of Sisters. Otvguii.has fltrsl notire of
tumskr inooliiu her 1lfs.1t.Und claim NH94,
fcr Ihe SltH, Hta bW!( and NKM HWW see 1. ami
MiW Slfll t, Ip 14 s, r II e, Y M, lwfwe J J
Smith. OnmlyCteik, at prliitvllle. Oiegon, oil
1', Ihe iMIiuay ofjuur, lUsi
nue us in es in iiMlMtsiug mm
lo prove
I uf .,ui
theeomplcte titlgatloii and teotaiHailou
larnl. tt'lll Wuttweiler and Alexander thorn.
son. of I'rliirvllls. Or . WPPiyvar, Htnry Car
llu. All Alllnghaiu aud I'IKlik H.Ufll. all ol
Sisters, Oiegofi
ins-Jit MICIIAHI, T. NOUN. Register.
Land (Hike at The Dalles. Oregmi,
Nolle U iMirov given that live sJowlHg
named sotltef ha filee, notte of hU IhiVmIshii u
make final prtuf lu spwit of hi dalm, ami
tlHluU prsMfwIU 1 made IeOfe J M Us,
lesHX. V A CommlsslsHwr, at Itesetmtot, Ofgoi,
ou Priday, Jxoe 11. Mag, rlt.
OVID W H. RILKV, of lieod. itvon,
II II No 0171, fW Ihe KM NWX- "UK stt'if,
ami Lot 1. sec is. in it s. 1 11 r WM
He name 1
tne HMsowiHif HHHn w prove his
tstwlln lions n
..,.. .A ,.
lietsf HiHi and esiHtvattsMi of
John I West, RMH West, John Whh ami
Jam lletirtasM, all of tHn, OlstoI.
mVjit MICIIAKL T. NtlUN, Kot-HUr
Tirol! Mod. Art Jon 3. H7
Notice for Publication.
I'. 8
Mud link, The ItattVs. lfton.
Slay 11. iys,
NolH Is hereby ilsen that In ismoIuus ,ih
Ihr provfsiufts of the Act of Congr U June 3.
17. eulllrrsl, -An t for Ihe safeof limker lands
In the stales of California, Oregon. Nevada, ami
Washington lettllory." a rtUodnl to all Ihe
pHWIe l)M Mate by Act uf August 4. 104. the
"?""!'! I'n have on ihl 1. iy..fiUd
'" ,"" 'm9K ,Hnr "" imts. lo-wl
Alfrrsl lfsu
of 2713 South IflrsTtith Ave, MiniHMpolis, eouiily
of HruntiHH. stair of MiimrsoU: swsmii state
ment No , for Ihe purshsscof lh swlf sea 13,
Ip m s, r 13 e, w in.
van si. iw wailson.
st srtMth. MIiihmioU. eounty of
Call M. 1C Carlson,
01419 sisili st
No 139. for ihe puichss ofthe nf sea 14, ip to
naietii .viiunesoiai sworn statement
iji n fHt
Alfred Olson
of 01 1 lUcvruth Ave smith, MtMneaiioUs, county
.llluriclu, stale uf Mlnnswiia, aworn slate,
rneol No its, for tin puifhat of the set J sec 13,
Ip to, r 13, w m.
John II Htberg
ufatji CMfage Ave, MluntsspotT, csMnty of lien
nepiiblateof MliiHcaota, sworn staeWnt No
141. for lh hhvm of the liwU sec w, p M s,
r 13 , w m '
JohH L Itaakmais.
of ts lOevwtS Are, sooOt. MlHNeatMSlls.eowMly
of HvHMrpsu. stale of MlnimoU. sworn stale
oeut Xoisia. rbrthuitiMsoflh sU sac 14,
Ipaaa, r 13 e, w m
Amlrew N. ttaade,
of Cando, otMHly of Towner, stale of North Da
kota, sworn statement No 1143, for lb potcnase
oTlhcswK sc 14, Iims, r 13 e, w w.
Thai Ihey will orTtr ixuHfte show lltat I lie la 11. 1
sought Is more valuaUe wr IU I. other or atone
Ihau fbr agricultural Hiri, ami lo estaWl.h
lhtrtalm.talilaidb,fuiellic Ragtf and
RtMlver at Tlic Italic. Oregon, ou I'rHtay, Ihe
t4lb day of July, 194.
They name as witnesses, J I, Itackman. Alfie.1
IJtson. John II Ryherir. Call M II CrVsoi, Alfred
Larson, A N luaiie, aB ofMlHiirits. MIiiii.
Any and all persons eUlinlug odversaty Ihe
aive-urtiisiiuiarlisHN4l lo nie Ihvlr
cUlma lu this pffic nn or lftrr lh sakl ttllubiy
01 July, 1944
Timber Mml, Act June 3, tsVrtl.
Notice for Publication.
U. 8. Mnd Ofrlre, The ltall, Oregon,
srii. 1. 1.. .-I.- ..t. .,.-. ... 7 ..V 'V
reby given that In romtrllaiic with
1 orthe Att of Congress of June 3,
Anact for the sale of umber lauds
Ihe provision
i7. eiiiiuesi
their sworn siitennnts. limn,
YI,U,M Stffl.,.,
of Kast Grand Porks, County It l-olk, stale of
' 7 .T' """! swis-i'ieni no 1137, nirsi tct 1,
9"t, fur Hi purchase of tha seM sec T. In 10 s. r 1 .
c, wm. ...--.
James J llerrltk
of The Dalits, county of Wascw, state of Oregon;
sworn siairiucni no It), filed 0l 1. iwj. for ihe
putcna o. the cH nw; and lot 1 ami a see il.
Ip 19 s, r 13 e, w m.
. .. . Albert Coon
or Katt Grand Potka, county of polk, slate of
Mluiieauln, awuru latemeul No nsi, filed held
6. 1901. fur the purchase ofthe twjf sec g, p g ,,
t .. ... . 1'HtrJ. McCoy
of Katt Grand Pork, county of Polk, state of
Miuuesoia aworn statement No 144, filed Oct 1.
P)t, lor the purchase of UieiicM sec J, In 19
r lie, w m. " '
,,., . , Janiea II. Knrlght
tf Katt Grand Purkt, eminly of lolk, title of, tworu stalciueut No im, filed Oct I,
190. for Ihe purchase of Ihe cj, swif und lota 3
and 4 c 7, ip 19 s, r 13 e. w m, J
'.'f.' ' '"i "luable for Its lluila-r or stone
..Ttel"?,."cl, Y'WJ'Jty 'tnrlght.Thom.
liiii.' Ji1'1, "'tl'"l..Hiirlght, Thomas McCoy,
ifrlr.l,n.0,,-j?!,,ci .,J,,''l"h, uf ""raii.J
l'orks, Mini,, lUward Siurord and K T Spaf-
T'el'rtluu,vJ;,f!,'N,V''Wi J"1'" i'. rim
Dl".:!rVmhl'e'U',m"J "m,Ckt of T"
Any and all persons claiming adversely Ihe
;I'vh c.crlbt-d lauds are requested to file their
Sf July. l?joj " " f bcfore,,le"l'l 'VtltdVy
U'tt-JM ' MICHAKI, T. NOLAN, Register,
"i"i lanioriiia, (ireeuu. NevaOa. siul
V aahiiigtuii Terrllory," as extended lo all the
public land slats by Act of August 4, im, the
liillowluc-iiaitiesl iMrs,ius luv. ilu.i i 11. ,1 ...